IiiW"" " V' ' ' iiiilin , llTY AND COUNTY. mriKF MEvriovs. f-,,, g.sid dentistry go to Dr X J Taylor. riW seed hoiiiilit and sold at Goldsmith's. jjuck.'VJ iii iwum aud binders at Pritchett 4 irkners. The hi,'liwt cash price will h paid for wheat jt B Duun. Eighty acre of fin land for sale. Inqitir of J I Coleman. phtograph finished neatly anil artioo y at Winter'. Hue lino eillt plushea in all shades i grades t F B Dunn's. flotand cold laths every day lu the week Jerry Horn'i barber shop. You can purchase Waltliain watches at J Watts' 'roin $10 ami upwards. If you want hardware at reasonable prices g at the store of Pritchett k Forkiier. goldsmith pays for beaver $2 to $3 50 per liiid. ilink and conn, 15 to 50 cts. Fisher and otter, $2 to $(1. Orders for Spencor Butts fruit tress may left at the Grange store; also Mr. Brown, Eighth street will have them for sale, iree year old bartlett pear trees will be (12 jimdred, smaller ones $8. Other trees up. Orvillr Puklw, Prop. Or. Taylor's 7 Oaks Compound, purely veg ile, positively cures rheumatism, neuralgia ithacne, sick headache, cramp colic, cholera ifbiu, Complaints peculiar to females, l)y,. via, cold or cough, Hives, Chills and fe- pains around the he art, erysipelas, Mute. Geokuk Taylor, 4,ld by Oaburn k Co, druggists, Eugene. Election of Commissioners. ft may be a matter of information to manv tders to know that at the June election It year the two county commissioners tn elected will bold their offices two and (our rs respectively. This will accord with i provisions of an amended law that was Kted at the fourteenth regular session of ,7, which rends as follows: '.'There shall be elected at a gauernl ele 1 by the qunlifled electors of each county this State, a county treasurer, county as tor, and county surveyor, who shall hold lr offices for the term of two years, and til their successors are elected and qnali 1; and be it further provided, that there elected, at the first general election occur- after the passage of this Act, two coun Commissioners; one of such county com juionors shall bold his office for two ysars the other for four years, and said two aruissioners elected at such first recurring jeral election shall draw lots for the short long term; aud thereafter at each gen- election one county commissioner shall sleeted who shall hold his office for the m of four years aud until his successor is tted and qualified." Smithfield Items. I Nov. 21bt, 87. feather cool and fromy. Vmers busy plowing for spring. iome mean varmints are killing all of ury's chickens. kr school is getting along finely with I MeFadden as, teacher. We will be a grand exhibition at the ool house Deo. 2d. torn, to the wife of Mr. A. Lamb, Nov. J, a boy. Therefor Aleck is stepping i over the burnt logs, lr. and Mrs. J. Gross of Elmira were vis ig at the rssidenoe of his sisters, Mrs. L' . linker Saturday and Sunday, toward and Edward Ilett have returned m Siuslaw on a two weeks hunt where weut to kill a great many elk, but they w back empty banded. L. Baker who it will be remembered i the misfortune to get his leg so badly with an ax about three weeks ago we :orry to say is mending very slow. . j Cabbage Head. I Dexter Items. H": Nov. 10, 1887. feather cold and foggy. Im. Williams pays your city a -visit to- Irs. John Gniley arrived home yesterday m a visit to her fathers. ur school is progressing finely under the nngement of Hortense Parker. fas Parvin has been appointed Postmaster (his place in place of Mrs. Handsaker, ;lgned. The flour mill of the Parker Bros, is in i rate repair, and is turning out first-grade tr with Bert and Al. Parker as millers. I Lost Creek. I Local Market Report. Eugene, Nov. 2(5, 1887. VHRAT-GSc. ATS 35o. Harley-&"(40 cts per buslieL '''!'l-3lVn 1 nt no. A,., ' l)TTER-30cU per lb. Urd-10 cts per lb. floUR-lst grad. $4; 2d, M.G0. lUcoN-Sides 10(o 12c; snoulders 7 to 8 cts; '"". 12J cts. W00IJ24 cts. Potatoes-oO cts per bush. Tieese-12i(5jlScts. Hops 5(a bets. 1 Perfectly Reliable and Responsible. Harbibbcro, Oregon, Sept. 27, 1837. Wter having received of E. D. Lake, agent the State Insurance Co., of Salem, Ore- Twelve hundred and ninety-three and 100 dollars, which was a full and satisfao i payment of any loss by fire which oc ted Sept 1st, 1887, under policy No. We will say that in considerations of sir actions toward our loss, that I consider State Insurance Company of Salem, Ore 's, perfectly responsible and reliable. I (signed) Mart A. E. Smith, I Hiram Smith. For Sale. One hundred and seventy acres of land, Y, k- from EugenH City, Or., nicely located " resident , in lots from 5 acres to one Bdred acres to Biiit purchasers. The Jd is the very best quality, all in cnltiva n ; five minutes walk from the city. Terms iy reasonable; one-hulf down, balance on if. 4Ko 3lo aorcs of laud 5 miles north of Eu- City. Or , on county road. Convenient hixil and railroad, in quantity to suit -uhers from 80 to loO acres. " Pleuty of t r aud timber; the lnnd is first-class and t'iod cultivation. Address I N. HCMPHIIET, or A. C. Browk, Agsnt. pi0'eue City, Oregon. It Less TbaM Cost. Mr. J. D. Matlock in purchawd at batikrupt a! tb lsrr Ivo.u.u, iiuiirrwear, Oula, ev.'.. lor VJ own-d by Mr. H. 8. Simon, will offer Mine for sale the next fw days at W cost. Give him a call and price the is. He meaus business. 1 s it Commissioners' Court. ,1t.!U..e'le.Ci,y.-21. 1887. eiitIn.l,..vi7 i .i.:. 103- rre. and l), , s ""u"rDel-omi"""iouers Green ti 7'ii "nff bUn' C1k Ware. ... .oUwmK proceeding were had: -""h nerneol elec' election allowances umereu. Iu the nmii.r ,.f . .. .1. i . , . .. S ontirn UCCefc,,ul PW'cant. 'where! Karshin ft0 " J'l,oiu,ed ,0 tl" scuoiarsb p lhere were 37 applicauU. ch,c, n .' tbepcactio' l'leasaaturpre ciuct until next general election. . Ordered that T. J. Naeley be appointed IZTtf ,h;P-l. Archie ItiEuon toasuble of Spencer precinct until next election. In the matter of the petition of Alex. Nail ana others for county road ; Samuel Cox.Geo. tarter and W. E. Lv and C. M. Collier survevor. ,i n,..i l'Jth, 1887. ' ' In be matter of the application of Wm. Klachley et al for county road; B. Po-t, Ed Kcnfro aud Beth Simniona aiuv,ito,i ,.u lI!v7C' M' Collier urTeyur. to meet Nov. 28, In the matter of Jos. Perkins et al for county road; declared a pnblio highway as surveyed and viewed. In the matter of the road from the mouth of WildCat creek; declared a public high way as viewed and surveyed. At this time it is ordered by the court that a tax levy be and is h.'rtby made for the year 18H7, upon all the aesed aud assess able property in Lane county, Or., as fol- For school purposes... For State For County MILLS. 4 5 2-10 8,3-10 Total And a poll tax of SI. 17" At this time it is ordered that the comity borrow $ 10,125 to meet outstanding warrants. Adjourned. Additional Cases. After we went to press Inst week the fol lowing additional cases were decided iu the Circuit Court aud the court was adjourned until Wednesday Dec. 14th, 1887: J N Boyd vs J W Harpole; appeal. Judg ment for deff. for $33 and costs. It V Howard & Co v 0 D Chamberlain; injunction. Dismissed at plffs costs. Wm Cummins, vs A Montgomery et al; foreclosure of mortgage. Default and decree of foreclosure. Louia Uylatid vs Benj Hyland, divorce. Granted. Funny Smith vs John Smith; suit for di vorce. Dismifsed on motion of plaintiff. Mr G. Butterfield vs county court of Lane county; petition for writ of mandamus. Dis missed. Bertha S. Burgsfrom vs Isaao Burgstrom, divorce. Grauted. Mary E Pyle vs J F Pyle, divorce. Graut ed. Mae Ware vs W A Ware, divorce; granted. Scarlet Fever. A daughter of O. P. HofT, of Irvine, aced 5 years, died Thursday of scarlet fever. Other cases are reported in that vicinity. List of Letters Kt'tniiiniug nncalled for at the postofflce in Eugene City, Oregon, Nov. 25, 1887: Alexauder.Will A McCeany.W F Carry, Mm J W McMabon.O A Carroll, Albert Neis, Phil Jones, Victor ' Tufller,Chas Johnson, W D Persons calling for the above will please say advertised, giving date. t . W. Osbcrk, F. M. $5000 Regard. For a better or more pleasant remedy for the cure of consumption, bronchial troub les, cough, croup and whooping cough the SANTA ABIE the California king of con sumption. Every bottle warranted. If yon would be cured of that disgusting disease, catarrh, nee CALIFORNIA CAT-lt CUKE. $1 a jar, by mnil $1.10. Santa Abie and CAT-lt CUKE are sold and warranted by all druggist. Card of Thanks. We take pleasure in thankiug Misses F. Adair, May Test, Emma Test, Kose Midg lev and Ada Pane. Mesxrs. L. G. Adair, II. R. Clurk, U. Johnson, L. E. Woodworth, W. G. Nash, Mark Bailey, Jr., and all others who kindly assisted us iu our concert, for their much appreciated services, and the gen eral public for their patronage. The Band Hots. Stockholders Meeting. The aunual meeting of the stockholders of the Lane County Agricultural Socicty'will be held at the court house, Saturday, Decem ber 3, 1887, for the purpose of electing direc tors for the ensuing year, and voting upon the proposition of increasing the capital stock. J. B. Campbell, 8ecy. City Transfers. M. I. Underwood to C. A. Merian, lot in Skianer's addition to Eugene; consider ation, ffi5. Mary J. Wheeler to E S. Beck, one lot in Mulligan's addition; con, $1000. The Next Stati Fair. The State Board of Agriculture met at Salem lust Tuesday. It was decided to do away with season tick ets and charge 50 cents a day for men and 25 cents for women, a coupon ticket to be issued esch day and Bold for not less th'in $2.50. Premiums of $100 for best, and $25 second best Oregon manufactured woolen goods, and $100 for best and $25 for second best display of minerals, will be offered, as other new premiums. Shocld Be Sustained. Mr. E. Bangs will, on December 1st, commence th run ning of a regular passenger cab. It will carry passengers about the city and to and from the depot at reasonable rates. Mr. Al. Wilson will be in charge of the same. Or ders can be left at Collier's book store. En gene is lorpe enough to sustain such an en terprise, and we we satisfied thut the gentle men iu charge will make a snot-ess of it. Dkath or Da. Cairwoon. Dr. J. II. Chit wood, who hn been Iving very ill at hi home in A.hhmd for b. vend weiks, breathed his last Thursday afternoon, Nov. 10. 188(. H. i was oik. of the prominent resident . of Ashland aud Southern Oregon, and news of I, ;- Awth mi h rw.ivr1 with sorrow by a uruii... - " ' 1 wide cin l ol friends and acquaintances. 11 ! was a resident of Lane county in pioneer I dsys. j KntDaoRTFX. Miss Earns, who tuttnds! tO opn AJtltl'Tg-irieu iu 1 un nriun.. - th.' Pn shvterian Churoh, has been some what delayed by tk non.arrival of some kinderssrteu msteri.il which she bad to send to Boston for. This will explain the ranse rJLlh.e (Ulay to patrons and .friend M the school. Foe Sle A lot of nice show-c-?, as gi od as new, , , b E. B. Lccmt k Co . Brevities. Christmas uext. School books at Collier's. Congress meets nsxt Monday. Did you eat turkey Thursday. Buy the Hoosier Drill of J. W. Bristow. The Band will give a mask ball in the near future. ,.,Tl'e.bt'li, roUing cultivators are sold by J. W. Bristow. Matlock is giving bargains in clothing, hats, etc. An addition will too a be built to the En- gone loumlry. Goo. F. Craw has been appointed a uotary public by Governor Pennoyer. School books of all kinds at George Col lier's. Price them; buy them. Matlock is offeriug the Simou stock of goods at way down prices. Butchers here are paving from bOio1', cts per pound for dressed hogs. ' Get your Christmas cards at the book store opposite the Hoffman House. The Chrismsn will case will be argued in the Supreme Court next Tuesday, The poultry won't roost so high now, tha1 Thsnksgiviug is a thing of the past. The grocery stores will clos at 7 P. M. hereafter, Saturday evenings excepted. Dou't forget that J. W. Bristow sells thn best chilled aud steel plows in Eugene. We understand that the work of graveling Willamette street will commeuce shortly. J. W. Bristow sells farm implements cheaper than any one. Call aud see him. Mr Geo F Craw has the sole agency for all brand, of the celebrated Tansil Punch Cigars. The Post Office book store is the place to get your holiday goods. Go see them. They are are fine. The concert given by the Firemeu' Band last Saturday sveuiug was largely attended and enjoyed by all. Lambert & Heudcrson are the sols agents for the celebrated Superior stoves. Take your wife aud look at them. If you want a suit of olothes at less than cost, give Matlock a call. He has purchased the Simon stock at baukrupt sale. Mr. Charles Nelson has purchased the Key West cigar store, formerly owned by Frank Blair. We wish him success. The State Temperance Alliance met iu Port hind this week. There were a number of delegates present from Lano county. Mr. Chas. Johnson is now janitor at the State University. Mr. Nelson and wife oc cupy tho house vacated by Mr. Johnson. The following marriage licenses were is sued this week: E.A.Watson and B. U. Bayliss, John M. Smigley and C, S. Burg. The sheet and pillow case party at Rhine' hart's Hall lust Thursday evening was nu merously attended. All enjoyed a merry time. The Willamette Presbytery of th C. P. Church convened in this city yesterday, Quite a number c f delegates are iu attend ance. The union services at the Presbyterian Church, and the services at St. Mary's Epis copal Church, on Thanksgiving day, were largely attended. Persns desirous of really fine operations in dentistry are invited te call on Heudersou, dentist, who gives special attention to the finest gold fillings. A flurry of suow fell Thursday morning something out of the regular order of things at this time of yar. However it melted off in an hour or two. 100 volumes of History, Biography, Trav els, Thrilling Adventures, beautiful'v bound in cloth aud gold for sale at Collier book store at 3:); j per cent, discount from the pub lishers' list. Go aud see them. Having established connection with Cali fornia agents I am now prepared to give my patrons the benefit of the very best medium for selling real estate ever offered there. Geo. M. Miller. By the latest methods in use by Eastern dentists high in the profession, Henderson is enabled to produce equally as desirable re sults in fine gold fillings. Office same place, Hayes' block. Messrs. E. R. Luckey k Co. will move their drug store to their new room iu the Titus block iu a day or two. Mr, J. S. Luckey will move his jewelry etor to the same place. Starr & Vandeuburg are having a two Btorv wooden workshop erected in the rear of their present store. They intend to use the entire brick building for their store room, as soon as the present improvements are completed. Bookbuyers will do well to consult cata logues and post themselves on prices at their own home bookstores, before blindly snap pingupthe remarkableU) bargains ot wild cat book venders. Vitality and color are restored to weak and gray hair, by the use of Ayer' Hair Vigor. Thiough its cleansing and healing qualities it prevents the accumulation of dandruff and cures all scalp diseases. Starr & Vandeuburg have received direct from the manufacturers in St. Louis th larg est line of pressed goods ever received in the town. Give them call and take a look at these goods. Thy also have a car load of the latest style aud best make of etove. The next dime social of St. Mary's Episco pal Guild will be held in the parish room on Friday evening, Dec, 2d. Th programme will ciisist of vocal and instrumental music, readings, declamations and games. All are kindly invited. A singl bottle of Ayer's Sarsaparilla will establish the merits of this medicine as a blood purifier. Many thousands of people ar yearly cured of chronic diseases by th faithful use of th remedy. It is unequalled for the cure of scrofula. Try Davis, the tailor, for reduced prices. He cannot be undersold, nor surpassed in workmanship or style. Hi pantaloons are especially fine. Try a pair. He has just received a large stock of nw good direct from first hands. Call and select a pattern. Before deciding what you will buy for your Fall dresses, jackets, wrap and ulsters, aive Bkttmah a call and see his remarkable exhi bition in those liues in eudlrss variety of new and stylish patterns, all bought at low prices for cas'b, and will be sold on m irgin only to make living profits. Walttr Sutton, editor of the Gold Beach Gazette, pnblished in Curry county shot and killed Thomas Cunningham, the hus band of his niece, day or two ago. Cun ningham fired one 'diot at his wife and pointed his pistol at Mitton, who fired and killed hi: in4mtly. The conm-r jury I brought in a verdict of justifiable homicide. I It is stateJ that family trouble was the cause ! of the shocking affair. . ! The Prohibitionists met in Portland last j Wednesday in mas convention. It was re solved to li ld a State convention next Spring to make nominations. J. H. Amos was : elected del- gat to th National Prohibition ; Convention, which nU in Chicago Nov. j 30, It was resolved to put Prof. Miller in the neid as irtnrr and organiier of clubs. A new paper will probably be started j in Porthmd to advocate th new party') views. The sum of t-'O.O'O wa subscribed 1 fr said purpose. A number of our store closed on Thanks giving afternoon. The Western Uuiou will build a new tola grsah line between Portland aud San Fran cisco iu the Spring. The Euije n Military Co. rovo a dies pa rade last Thursday afternoon. It was highly appreciated by our people. The surfacing gang on the O. & C. R. R. is now at Mr. Smith' place, about one aud one-half miles south of town. Geo. Bauerline and Geo. Maddox, who fought a duel on the street of Corvalli about six months ago, have been discharged, the graud jury finding "not a true bill." The militia boys are making preparation for a big dance for Friday, Deo. 9th. They expect several of the boys from th compa nies down th valley and will try aud niake all welcome. The flei t river steamer Telephone, said to be the fastest boat of its kind iu th world, burned to the water's edge at Astoria Suuday evening, jm,t before laudiug. About 150 possMiger8 wer on board and only oue per son was injured. Loss, $15,000; iusurauce, $30,1 UK). Suit has been commsuced in Tolk county for the dissolution of the co partnership firm of Kiatz, Waahburu A Co., proprietors of the flouring mill at Dixie, in that county. Mr. John Muuch is the plaintiff. He allege violations of the partnership' agreenieut, aud asks for an accounting, sale of the prop erty, and division of the assets. The firm property is estimatd at the value of J70.000. aud the debt at $21,000, Tilmon Ford and Mr. Kaiser are attorney for plaiatiff. Sa-' lent Yidetto. The Wheat Swindlers. Sheriff Sloan arrived here last Monday morning with. Michael Hogan, the $15 per bushel whoat seller. H retained as his law yers C. D. Latourette, of Oregou City, and Washburne Jt Woodcock, of tui city. Th fanners employed to prosecute the case, Messrs. Ij. isuyeu aud J. JS. teuton, Judg Walton, Deputy Prosecutins Attorney, beim- abseut in Corvalli. The prisoner was r- raigued Tuesday before JudL'e Kinsev and plead not guilty to the oomp'laiut, which charged him with gross fraud. Jadge Kin sey set the trial for Friday at 10 A. M and at the time of going to press it was progress ing slowly, every point being hotly contested by the attorneys. Baty, the partner in the swiudle, is safely in Victoria, spending bis portion of the ill- got teu gains. If thoie is not a law whereby such rogues can be punished, oue should be uuctud at once. However, the chauoes suem quit favorablo that Hogan will at hi meats at balsin during (lie next year or two. Ou last Tuesday Hoeau commenced auit against Mr. J. C. Yates, who signed the complaiut against hitu for the sum of $5,000 damages to his tharacter. This is the rich st joke in th play. The idea that the char aoter of Hogan could be damaged iu auy sum! W will pay the judgment against Yutes for the sum of 50 ctu. Now w are compelled to chronicle a mat ter that is a painful task. Mr. W. A. Baker ou of our best citizens, say that he was approached and purchased " $300 worth of wnsat; ttiat Jlr. ltert Lake, au iusurauce agent of Eugsne advised him to purchase, saying it was a good speculation aud that if it bud not ueeu (or Mr. Lakes repre sentations he would not have beeu swindled, If Lak was knowing to the swindle he was worse than Hogau st al. If Lake wants to make any sxplauation of the matter we offer nim the use of eur columns. Certainly, an explanation should be coming. The Orecon City Enterprise of this week has the following to say of Hogan aud Baty, the wheat swindlers: "It appears that one Houan is at the head of the concern, He cam from Michigan aud is said to be the same par'y that ran the liobciuian oats swindle in the Western Mutes a few years agd. He first tried to interest C. D. Latourette in his scheme, but failing. succeeded in securing the co-operation of A. 8. Baty Bud a Portland party. Ex-Uov. Woods was selected as President nt a salary of $50 per mouth, having been told that th position was merely an honorary one. Hogan was arrested in Sau Francisco. Baty is evidently in Victoria yet, as he wrote hi wife to disiios of all their things here and meet him there. The household goods were sold Saturday evening and she left the first of the week. Win. Barlow of Barlow Station was made their shipping agent. From him they are said to have purchase 8J bushels, from Mr. Smith of Molalla a considerable quantity at $1, and from another party quite a supply; enough in all to enable them to olear up about $ih,H'u. Upon the arrest in Albany Gov, Wood seviss to have lost no time in sending in his resignation, rightly judging thut lie was among a slippery crowd. Hogan is the same fellow who a few years Biuce visited these parts selling bills of goods to farmers. Goods worth $15 he would get $150 for taking in payment the farmer's note. All together bis career steins to have been not without an occasional ripple of ex citement. Give the grangers of Lima coun ty but au oportuuity to pronounce Verdict 011 bis'case, and they will not remain out long. It is to be hoped that they may have the chance. W S. Johnny. About a year ago Warm Spriag Johnny waa tried at Euguna ou the charge of at tempting to rob the Lau County Treasurer's office, aud was convicted aud sentenced to three years' imprisonment in the State peni tentiary. There Was a gensral belief, shared by the Democrat, at th time, thut Johnny was not guilty. Th msmbers of th O. A. K. of Eugene have come to this conclusion, from a letter received from Chief of Polic Parrish of Portland, and will petition the Governor for the pardon of Johnny. Mr, Parrish recently learned that a man just sent to th Moatana penitentiary confessed to having been th on whe attempted to rob the Treasurer's oflic and the matter will b investigated. Johnny' attorney, Hon. L. II. Moutany, of thi city, is doing what he can to learn th truth of the matter. It looks very much a if Johnny had been wrongfully imprisoned, and there i certainly enough iu the proof to eutitle him to a par don. A petition would be generally sigued in Albany. Albany Democrat. The Allmny Herald has also made a simi lar statement. It is evidently the work of the attorneys of Johnny. Tb U. A. R. Post of this city has not petitioned for his pardon, nor have agreed to. The confession is thin. Undoubtedly there w. re two parties in th robbrry, for Messrs. Witter and Clark, night watchmen, saw then running away, and from the evidence adduced at the trial it was cer tsinly proven that Johnny was one of them. The jury that tried him was only out a few minutes, at conclusive waa the testimony, although Im was di-fended by thrte able at t rr.c ys, Mr. M iutauye being on of th number. One thing is rertaia, aud that is that whenever notice of pardon is givn, a Urg'i rem mstr.ince will b filed, lieiides, wbtn he mas here a inre nnnibrr (if petty larc iio s prevailed, which oeoswt when he was locked up. Three year is short enough for bun, considering the enormity of hi criuit. Wastkd. Ah and maple wood for forui tare work, by Day k Henderson. Personal. Mr. S. II. Friendly went to Portland last Thursday . Mr. J. II. Rhiufhart ha returned from Pomroy, W. T. Mr. Wm. Barlow, of Barlow station, was in Eugeue yterday. Mrs. C. D. Osbnrn ha been visiting in Eugene this week. ' Judgo Bean has beta holding circuit court at Corvallis this wek. Mr. W. H Parrv, of Salem, attended the party her Thursday night. Mr. II. C. Humphrey returned from a trip to Teeome last Suuday, Miss Annie B. Wright left here this week for her old home in Euglaud. Hon. James Steel, of Portland, spent sev rul day in Eugene this week. Judge Walton went to Corvalli last Mou" day to attend court at that place. Hon. L. Bilyeu ha been in atteidanc upon eourt at Corvallis this week. Mr. Jas. Cheuoweth. of Oakland, paid Eugene a visit last Thursday afUrnoon. Mr. D. 8. K. Buick, of the Roseburg Plain dealer, wa lu town Wednesday afternoon. Mis Maggie McClung was expected to ar rive home from Boston by last night's traiu. Mr. C. D. Latourette, an Oregon City at torney, speut several days iu Eugu thi week. Commissioners Green and Day were in town stveral days this wek in atteudano upon eourt. Messrs. II. 0. rrkiu and T. J. Smith started to Lukeview last Suuday evening, on land matter. Mr. M. Wilkins, of Cohurg, attended a meeting of the Stat Board of Agriculture at SaUiu thi wk. Mr. Samuel Nelsou and wife returned from a visit to their ol i home in Iowa last Wed nesday afternoon. Judge Bean spent Thanksgiving at horn. He returned to Corvalli yesterday morning, where be haa a large docket to dispose of. Mr. Frank Blair and family left for their old bom iu Miunesota last Weduesday morning, where they will permanently reside. Mr. Geo, Riuehart, who has been visiting in Lane county during the patt two weeks, left for his bouie at Condon, Gilliam county, yetiday morning. The appoiutment of Mr. Haiti E. Bris tow as teacher at the United States Iudiun training school at Cbemawa has been con firmed. Her many friends will be pleased to learn of her good fortune. Miss Alice Morgan 1 quite low with heart disease and her death 1 momentarily ex pected. Her father i beyond hope with th du ad disease, consumption. The family have the sympathy of all in their (aid affile tiou. Mr. Bullard, th nightwatchman at the depot, was given a fine dinner, last Wednes day afternoon, by bis mother, in honor of his attaining the ag of 21. A uumber of his frieuds were iuvited to partake of the ex cellent repast. Miss Nellie Watkins left this morning for Eugene, wher sh will meet her cousin, Miss l'arious, and take the train for Califor nia to morrow. Miss Watkins will b absent uutil after the holidais. Wednesday's Port laud Tslrgrain. A letter from Dr, J. C. Whiteaker, dated at San Beruardino county, Cel., Nov. 20th, brings the information that he is steadily im proving, which will be gladly received by his numerous friends. He intended leaving for Prcsoott, Arizoua Territory, th next day after be wrote. Cottage Qrove Items. TKOMOUR SI-KrlALCORKKSFOffrXNT. Cottaoi Gsova, Nov. 24, 1887. There is to be a masquerade ball here this evening. Mr. Martin, th tombstone man, was in town Wednesday. Thanksgiving day. Suowing at daybreak aud ground frozen. Mis Mary McCarty was visiting at this place the first of last week, A gentleman latsly from Maine ha bought the Cathcart place near bur, Messr. Stouter and Marklsy ar buildincr an addition to their furniture store. Mrs. Schelbrsd and Miss Clara Stoufer wer visiting at Oakland last week. Mr. A. N Olson started on th the 19th to California with a wagon and team. Mr. W. II. Medley is at work with th briilg carpenters ou th O. k 0. Rallioad. Mis Anna Withers, of near Springfield, i visiting at Mr. James Huwley's, of Hawlsy's statioa. Ther will p a sale of the personal prop erty of It. II. Ha.letou, deceased, nsxt Mon day, th 28th. W understand that Royal postofTic will b moved to Mr. Nathaniel Martin', on th Cartwright road. Mr. 8. and Mis Esther Damswood bay returned borne from Corvallis, where they pent th greater part of th Summer. Messrs. T. Hembrick, Joe Damewood, Eu gene Fiunin aud Ed Jones returned the 11th from a loggiug camp, wher they have been at work all Hummer. Mr. Wm. Lynch, who wa at work at Rouse' saw mill, received a dispatch yester day from Eugsne that hi mother wa very sick, inconsequence of which be battened thither. W have been having unusually sold weather for the tim of var in th Willam ette valley. Hod three freezing night. To day tn ground remained Irozen all day In the shade. Lighter freezing occurred Friday aud Saturday uight. Tuesday aud Wdus day wr cold lya; everything wa boary with frost and Ice froz three-fourth of an inch thick, aud mowing thi morning. Veritt. IirBAKGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! AT THI HEW TORE SToBI. I have rented th brick store under the Hoffman House which I will occupy in a few days, where yon can get bargain in dry goods, clothing, boot and shoe, hat and caps, furnishing goods, fancy and other goid. Call and be convinced of th bar guilt you can get. W. SANDERS, New York Store. Married. In thi city, Nov. 22, 1887, by IU T H lllr John f N.i, !.,!... n,l '.r. oline S. Burg. The couple have th best I wish of th Goaid for a long and happy ! matrimonial life. Aecno. On Saturday, Deo. 10, 18l7, at 1 P. M , Geo. W. Kmsey will sell at public auction in thi city, a good wagon, et of harness, and spaa of horse. If you want a bargain, be present. Mi Ki-Nzia Road. From a horseman just in from Eastern Oregua by thi mnt rr learn ther is but three inch of snow, on t.i summit. Clothing for men sad beys, at cost, which beut baukrupt stock, at Butliuan'l. STATE UNIVERSITY Clara Condon, Editor Guard that book well, Emma. Well, Leathe, where i your bat? Rev. George Hill was in Eugene last week. Yes, Clyde, your overcoat is too sweet for any use. "Impersonal appetite govern personal suffshugs." Wll, Thanksgiving i ever, but oh, the poor turkey! Have you all eivn the vowel and oonso nant this week? F.rma Smith has left for Portland to attend th Sisters' school. A littlt loadtr, Miss Brackao, so we can all of us hear yon. Miss Daisy Sbiun ha left school and gone to Portland to spsud the wiuter. Mis Paron. of San Rafael, Cel., visited the University one day this week. "Tie the greatest folly, uot to be jolly; that's what I think. O. Hovey. "Here, Mark, will Uk - that Roseburg paper to Mi. Hamilton. Woudswortb. That' o, Mr. Brattaiu, you art a senior, but pleas act that chair down more quietly Why caunot Prof. Hawthorne's clock stop very day, even if it i so bard on the senior olass? Who is that eloquent Laurean who spoke so ably of "our futur ancestors" last Fri day evening. A joint ruteting of th Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. was held In Prof. Bailey' room last Friday, which was well atteuded. We understand that th lata Mr. Wilbur left $15,000 to the Willamette University. Are tuere not other Mr. N ilbura iu Oregon? From report, the landladies of our corpor ation brsthsrn are having an easy time the past two wek a there haa been very little eaten. We would like to ask our brother editor if he ever weut hunting with a ritla. Oh, well, where iguoranoe it olis, 'ti folly to be wise. We have proved that the amount of power, by which physical cans exceeds logical, i qual to two and one-half pound of horse power. Robert Johuson, really i quite an enigma. I he book agent, piano tuner, soap peddlor, or what? Auyway Eugeue saw him again hist week. Prof. Mr. W., give an example of a yl logism. Mr. W, When it is foggy you cau'tseefar. You can't tee very far now; therefor it i foggy. It the studeuts who are batching had made themselves kuown may be they might have found a piece of pumpkin pie, or a turkey's drum stick at their door. We notice Mr. Mjtchell riding a whit horse. Is it that (am on that Mis Hamil ton tried? If it is, look out, Mr. Mitchell, and go to Mis II. for atlvlc. Mr. Arthur St. Clair i now attending th Holmes' Business College in Portland. ' thur i trying all of the schools it seems, ( we hope ha will soon decide on a good 0 What does Camp No. 1 want with th eagle? Is it that patriotio feelings may more thoroughly roused within their breastt or are they going tn cut it for Thauksgiviii dinner? It it generally conceded that th world has reached a crisis iu discovery, but Wuguorl haa added anothor step in finding a newt place to carry not, namely iu a hiatus in Veazie' ooat. Miss Aanle CofTlu, a former student of the University, expect to go East In th Spring to attend a medical collage. Mis Cofliu wa always a bright scholar aud no doubt will houor the profession. At the corporation meeting Friday, Nov. 20th, a committee, consisting of F. M. Mulkey, Julia Hamilton, Dora Scott, L. J. Davis and U. Lock wood wa appointed to remodel the constitution. If Wagner did not tell yon why he did not help to pick up that yourg lady who fell off the embankment by the Baptist church last Sunday evening, then just ask Forward and be will tell you all about it. Too bad! we Eutaxlant are deprived of sit ting on juries; for we might bav ben asked .1.. i.., ...A..i ,1.. .:.! lu uu IU iMt A liunj vvcuiuk at luv luwa iut and of count a we arawomrn and so impo thttie wo should have duoidsd "not guilty" We notice by the Speeour Butte items that the good prom of that vicinity are bemoan ing th fact that our presiding elder' son make luch flying visits out there. Perhaps now, bis visits are long enosgb for Ar folks. Many of our students bav enrollod their name on the clans in Mnemonics that is to b started soon in Eugene by an Eastern gentleman. Dou't get too acute in memory or all of our shortcomings for years past will be ricallsd. Here i a poser for even the seniors. "There are many; ther is on; snd their unity by th oneness of th many enables us to firmly grasp th minvnes of th one in the thresfoldedness of it totality." Try it, Aristotle. During vacation a numbvr of the fun lov ing students took a graud goose bunt, and we, who could not go on accouut of previous engagements waited anxiously for ttieir re turn expecting to liveon "Ganse FUiscb" for wk to com, but when th lust rays of th setting mu wer lingering on th moun tain tops, th poor little fellow cam troop ing back with look which spok louder than words. Th only explanation they would give, wa that Prosident Johnson bad been out th day previous and had shot all of th ducks. At the last session of the Laurean society Mr. 1. M. Wis, on of tbir most worthy members, was tried before a "jury of three, for wilfully and maliciously kicking and thereby Injuring on oaken chair, the prop erty of the Society, and at th tarn time and place, causing on II. A. llrattaia to be come dethroned from said chair aud causing th said II. A. Brattain to receive bodily in juries." Both id were very ably present ed, and th attotnsv for the defens deserv especial credit for th manner in which tbsy conducted th case, bat th jury, after a short dliMHlioo brought in a sealed ver dict of "guilty." Th vrdict was generally approved by th members of th court. WINTER & BROWN, Artitio Photographer, 'of Eugene City, Or., will b in Cottage Grov on Monday, Nov. 28, 1887, and will uak photograph of , thoss wishing work don daring the week, ltemember, on week only. Give them vail. 1 ' Monit Lost. On Friday the 4th of No vember, I lost a shot bag containing money btwen th high bank and John Cogswell' pUc. Al near a 1 remember there shoukl t on ten dollar pieo and two five in gold, and a quantity of ulvr, and potsihly a twen ty dollar gold plec. Th fliider will pless lra a' lw. -.""V"",;-'; USM,U i.H li&lfcu. UUU. John Weaver. MARsrso. In this citv, at Bakor Hotel, Nov. iid, by . W. Kilisey. J. P., E. A. Watson aud B.U. Buy lis, aU ol Lan county.