The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 26, 1887, Image 4

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Pointing to 1888.
A hidebound pnrtiiwn paper, the Denier
RepublicHO, but discovered that tbe Presi
dent of tbe United Statet is on of the
shrewdest politician that tver tat in tbe
Presidential cbair, allowing (bnt ldeaa arc
veiling 1UIU IUV SMlllls VI ivnjJuuiHmi irwiwit,
Tha nrnnnuforftna trnah nVinnt a ( !lflvellllll
"machine" In only equalled by tbe nonsent
-i ... ii i -i... i I..- -.i -
AUOUl Andrew ifsvasou Having luriucu n
"rinct." Tbere ii ft whole dime in this
twan't aong ia tbe Republican, of unbound
ed melancholy and dtspair:
Tbe peculiarly effective manner in which
tbe cembined National, Slate, County and
Citr Democratic political machine wound
out large majority for the Democratic
ticket in New York ou Tueiday, Nor. 8tb,
shunld leave no doubt in any aane miud that
1 M.i It. - l I. ll
rreaiuem VieTt innu is mmier oi me suns
tion and can oomtuuud a renomination.
He will do it: and the National Democmt
io Convention, with full confidence in the
machine and Mr. Cleveland'" luck, will obey
him gladly. lie ia a hundredfold more for
midable aa a candidate to-day than at any
UUJV VlllVV U1H ViruilUU.
Hi statesmanship it open to qneation, bnt
Ik... ..M I,. .... ...!..!.. ... kl. ..!
tuvtc vnu vuij uo uiid iriuuiuu an Hi uin .juni"
itist at a politician. Though far inferior to
Jackson in strength of character and per
sonality, be it yet tht shrewdest politician
that hat occupied the presidential chair tince
f I J Ti: 1 . i 1. . ir. ti
um uiuaorj lurusu 11 over iu van uuren.
ire at tbe old State bank ring, and he knows
now to nse n, me recent eiecuon in new
York it proof enouch of thit.
What are tbt party manager! eoinR to do
about it? How art they going to beat him?
Tboaaandt of Republicani are asking these
questions ana me leauert nare rery nine
lima laff irt ihiwh lliam In
It Blaine the man to lead the party to vlc-
toryr imki ween we wouia nare conuueniiy
mid yet. To-day we confeaa that we don't
Whistling in a Graveyard.
But we are defeated in New York, and ian't
manne pivotal, decisive State? True, but
bow defeated? By coddling the George
morement and counting on that diveraion,
instead of discountenancing it aud sinking
out atcongly for atroigbt Republicanism:
by falling between two aloolt on the liquor
question, ineieau oi taking acourageoua and
pronounced position on the right aide; by
trying to make a doal iu New York city
which failed to oatch manr Democratic rotea
on the local ticket, and only bad tbe effect
o( drawing out a full Democratic rote for tbe
uemocratio Mate ticket.
Dating hit editorial at tbret a. m. Weduet
day Henry Watterson, of the Louisville
Courier Journal, gave vent lo hit election
joy In thit manner:
Let the boyt in tbe treuchu rejoice;
Tbe pivotal pointa of tbe political situation
have gone against the Republicans borao,
foot and dragoona, and the Democratic
goose swings away ut) iu the air.
New York ttauds by tht administration
witn a wet sheet and a flowing tea and a
wind that follows fast. Th I.,,. .....
put ou New York and the president bnt fair-
7 ! iiurruu lor Cleveland I
We mourn for Pulitzer. Wt despair of
Ilalatead. But God's people are to have
their tovon, yea their eight years of plenty,
and the will of Uod be the law of (be land.
And the Star Hpanglod banner
Ciuuamon teed and sandy bottom
Shouting the battle cry of freedom.
Jakt Sharp'a lobbyistjtelden, was olected
to Congreta from a New York district. He
ia a ltopublicau, so it Jukt Sharp, so art
teveu of the boodle Aldtrmea. The man
Vh prosecuted the boodlert suooesafully
wat elected Judge as a straight Demoorut
and hit first assistant succeeded him as a
Democrat also. The Repnblicau Suite Sen
ator who investigated the Broadway railroad
ateal, was a candidate iu the last Republican
Bute Convention, aud got a big minority,
Uoodler Fiuck was a delegate there and was
time "indorsed." Herr Most bolougs to the
Progressive La'jor Party, aud progresses to
labor with bis jaw. lie is a fuol and a liar,
who kuowt at much about New York noli
tiet as be does about tbe climate of Jupiter,
that wrote otherwise.
- i
The offiolal majority of Cook, Democrat,
orer Fred Grant, Republican, candidates for
Secretary of State of New York, it 17,652.
ery good. The George vote in the State it
72,000, just 4,000 more than it was ia tbt
pity alone last year. The Prohibition vote
it 41,000, a gain of 5,000 over last year. The
guin iu the Democratio majority it 6,718
orer tbe rote of 1885 and 11,000 over last
year, and 10,700 over 1884. These are rery
healthy figures from a Democratio stand
point. Iu an interview in a New York paper in
referenot to tht chances of a republican can
didate for president in 1888, Editor Medill.o.'
tbt Chicago Tribune, eayt that "the prospect
from my present stuudoiiit is not particular
ly uaueriiig lor any republican candidal,
iraukit need net be iu a hurry to flud a pur
chaser for her Red Top cottage, furuiturt aud
thiugn not yet awhile."
Eight U 8. Inspector in tht 'San Fraa
oiaoo Custom House sold 15,000 Chineat re
turn tertiflcatea, receiving for them, it it es
timated, $1,500,000. They are all Repub
lican!, aud the frauds were perpetrated prior
to March 4, IhSi Thee geutl.nien have
been iudicted. It it one of tht deplorable
luttancet of "ope uiug tht bookt."
Blaiut it growing fat, aud hence it taking
tht massage treatment in p,,ris. Tht rotert
gart hit party iu New York tbt massaue
trentmeut Norember 8th. Mr. BUiue is
to be tht leader of a leau party uext year aud
ia reducing himself to tie weight of his
The Democratic candidate for rro.iident
In 1888 ia sure of ISO iu the elect ra' college
out ol tht 201 uecensury to a choice. At
these flgnree do not include Indiana with
i '."l9' 'nntwut 6, California
?' ?y l . ,w """'I'-uire 4, there teeu,.
tut little doubt of tht result.
Some brayer it braying alwut the c.utrso
tt'ui ol th ourrency. He do-sn t kuow tht
rtirrrue b-twe-n india mbbtr aud a bar of
lead. Thecarreno.' has, niontht.
xpauded nraily i8 tHW.iKO.
J. . BUI it called ou J. Gould in Parit1 lat
aud hail a confab nth him tour hours
long. Jtj it a Blaine niau frm way back
and M to Jamet just betoi U.t
rriid tt election.
4Tde Old Roman."
Allen G. Tburnian in the last cumpalgn
aocireK,ia a targe meeting at Kenton, uuio.
Tut following it a report of hit speech tui it
appeared in an exchange:
The ex-Senator hat been confined to hit
rnmn f,ir a mnvitli with rli.nniut ium l,
' " na.M . u"..ll.i...nill UUt Mil,
bt could not resist tbe call of the Democracy
to once mote, belore crossing the dark river,
speak for tbe cause he loved to well. Hit
reference to hit old age and to hit lust effort
ior uis party was paiunuo. ine euinuaiasm
of tbe audience aud especiully that of the
Tlinrman Club of Columbus, an organizatiou
of voiincr nifcn. SAvinrul tn niuLA a law ,nt.
of him and be delivered a rrrund speech iu
spite of bis infirmities. He spoke of the
uupatriotio action of the Republican party
I., ,,,...1 t ..,!.. .1.. i.
,.. . fiiu w itvviiuuaiiniu Willi liai'l leeilll.
Hh rutltrruA in tim T..,nnnfl fit i.WV ......
. . v .u M ...I..4U tlllil, ICIiriiU,
and appealed to tho people to stund by-the
v.uiinii,uiiuu. fV4LTl'UCO III lUe 1 Teal
dent was aa follows, and wa orualml will.
tumultuous applause.
1 want to sneuk of a man I know Grover
Cleveland. 1 have liveil tlmniuli n mul
many Presidential terms. I have known
several rresnieuit personally. 1 nave read
lha liiut. rt oil u,ln.;.,.,w.,.;....,. 1 .....
...w m.du. v. mil u i ,uiiiin,i ai lulls. A
upon my honor as a man bound to tell you
iub uuiu, as isiiuiuiiy at ever uiau tola ,tne
truth, that a more honest, braver, truer
man never filled the President chair. I say
M IS ftn linni'Kf IllHln m.ti ,f t,,ra oli,u
than the people generally tbiuk. liu has the
supreme lucuity common tense. II be la
not a level-hfeudi'd. ImnAut man T nm itn
judge of men. He growt in the popular
isvor tvery uay, ma wnen tne lour years of
bis administration are at an end the Donl
will any: "You have done well. You may
take your teal for another four years." In
conclusion, Judge Thurmau said: "I came
in this beautiful weathor to tnlk with you,
and am feeling better than I hare for a year.
Tbt best medicine-1 can find is attending a
Democratio mooting. I have beeu confined
to rnv room alinout a mniiMi rtnt ua T .am a
up here I felt better every mile. Probably
this is the luxt speech I shall ever make. I
don't' know, I may be waudring around on
tbe banks of Styx talking Democraty. I'm
sure I shall never talk anything elae. At my
parting words, I beseech you to stand bv tbe
principles laid down by Jefferson, undor
Wblch tbis Government Iiam tipnnmn nna nt
tht greatest, best anl mot lovable on the
tnce oi ine eartn. ue tUankluI for such a
government, and when you sift it down you
will find that every principle thut has con
tributed. to your happiness is a principle of
the Democratio party.
Reliuinus eirluaitium nnt Mn al,nn
Miss Burr, a Christian Indy in New York,
left !)0,000 to the Jewish "Orphan Asvlum.
It was bnt
hardly a Chi iiitian charity in tho country
that ba not beeu helped by Hebrews.
. We Uiav sninetiiiin rniiii nn rtm..l
from the speech of (inv. Hill i,l K'ur viri
on the temperance question in that State!
It it an arsenal of facts proving the duplicity
null in flLuerv i iiih icnmiii i,.i,n u..u
tl - w HVj'HuukllJ, a 1 1 ' o
is Jacksou (deiu.) 08,038 ami Brooks i'iep.)
80,041 Democratio mnioritr. 19 !!)' In
18S4 the vote was. ClnvlHii,1 '.ifi n:e lit;0
85.C30. Cleveland's niaioritv. U.h'J.
t BT I
Gun f Millrp will tnmi.l, Int... :
aud sell fiirm riuhtti fur tlm AtmkinA,l
and picket feuco during our absence.
j. r. w:Kr t o.
s T!ir JVr,ern Cui'" Tel, graph Company
fctBdl-d la.t yew 47.aiJ4.5JU .W-r. Thai
w?,x) MU" ","! ,or r 0J,uU,luo '
The offii ui Uil of the members of tht next
House of Kr,e,ntatirni.hoa that it will
For Salk Tlnrtv.fir r1,,Mr. will l. .
Parker shot gnn.twelve bore; also five dozen
uiiiiiii Hueiis oosi $ m. Xunuire at this
otiice. i
10 KEWARn. Strnvsil frnm tlio
Jotin Maxwell, near Irving, Nov. Kltb, 1887,
uno oars uay norae, aooilt, tu nanus high,
dim brand of "J N" on rk-ht hi l. llHVV BHrl.
die marks. The horse formerly runged west
ui uiiiiouoii. iue nmier wi be uanl II I v
returuiug the horse.
Optical (limiw 1!..ti,l,. i,,vi,,n . ..n
Hue of jewelry Mr. J. O. Watts has jutt re
ceived from the East a large invoice of spec
tacles. IZOL'cleS. eve HllH(l,.u mul nthur nlio.,l
goods. He also carries a oomplete ttock of
violin trimmings. Give him a call at hit
store iu Horn & Paint's buildiug.
Postal Tki cum mi nm.. K .,-., c..
" ..., U 1.1. V 111 1 1, 1 i. vu ll 11 -
day from 8i)l) tn Hi nt) ,,, . rrln, .i.nn
to OK) p. m. Week days.ail business hours.
G. F. Chaw, Supt.
Lot ron Sai.i. A
Shit 1U A LTOwinu iwirtinn nf t.un (i'Ulttil
O- - O - - -. va w n a VUAH'U
IM. ill b hoKI choHi (orcAnh. Inquire
of Mr. A. C. Woodcock lor purtieulars.
ficiJOOI. ItnnffM. Purtuitu Vtnv wmiw tJi,i.,l
books of Mr. George Collier, formerly Mc
Coninck & Collier. He has the laruest stock
and sells at low prices.
Notice to Teachers.
of mnkiug au exuuiiuutiou of nil persona who
Diov oiler thtiniHttlvAA u iu.A'ut.t. ...,.t
" - n"iiv5ivii aw tinvu"
era in the public schools of this county, the
county superintendent thereof, and assistant
examiners, will hold tbe regular quarterly
pnblio examination at the court house in En
gene City on Wednesday, November 30tb,
1887, beginning at the hour of noon.
A. W. PiTmuios, Co. Snpt,
Dated this 17th day of November, 1887.
Firemen's Election.
Notice is hereby given that the annual
election of tht Eugeue City Fire Department
for a Chief Engineer and First Aasistaut will
t ke place on Monday, December 5th, 18s7.
Poll will be open from 1 to 6 p. ui.
L. Biltku, President.
November 18, 1887.
We doa't kuow anything about booms in
Oregon. Read the following from a San
Franciaeo paper al'nut Monrovia in Southern
California: "A rear ago latt May when
Monrovia was laid out, acre property wat
worth 250. Now it ia worth $ 4,000. Town
lots that fourteen month sue were worth
1150 now tWure at tn otin n,l iWwk1 nn 1,.
choice streets. There art two banks io
Mouruvia, aud two churches are now being
bllilt. one COStina $7,000. tbe nther ol,nl
$8,000 Two school building are also un
der way, oae of which will cost 15,000. J.
M. Studebakar anil Dem Riii,l..l,r,l,.f
South Bond, Indiana, wagon manufacturers,
and J. I Case, the owner of Jay Eye See,
are building winter residences 17,6000 each.
E. F. Hpence, the banker, ia building a
B1Z.U1 J noma t(li-r. unrl Ii R l..,nmrf
caaiuer oi tn tirunite Uauk, is building a
resilience worth JflO.'OO. Monrovia bus
1200 people, and is growing fust."
Joaimiii Milli.r Kab tiAwmi Ia
....rt..:i..i . l:. j i.. ft,.... , ,
red his ancer bv mm rvinu T.iidini S XTi.Por.
mack, the actor. Mrs. McCormack and her
father now correspond regularly. She is a
tull slender woman and resembles her father
in Rnnearunne. Pitin vm inu fuvAeita
and the only one to whom be gave the ad
vantage oi an education. Slit and her bus
tmml hllVA lint nrmmurail nn I Via b,.,.a a...1
' " - ' ' .. . U U DIUKD. HUH
are now in St. Lotiia, out of engagements.
Fvnort Hltn
. Smith Stock of Guns and Am
munition on nana.
F.IGE.NE - -
The cnugresaioual library at Washington
111 cever I 111 (Hill aminta fet. mnu limn
two and one-half acres. Mr. Smitbme.vtr,
to whom the library has been entrusted, has
carried on elaborate Msta nf tlia rpiutina
nn.l nl iha rn . . I. i , . I. .' , ..111 .tnnil
, " . v. . ii " -i'n vu ffuiLU Ik mill nuiuu.
The Gennan parliament house covers 110,000
suunre. iub rovui iiurarv hl .Miiiiun wj.wni
and the library of the British Museum
"Yntl flnv thlt vnn InvA mm ' ui.t tha
charmine votinc ladv to the dude. "I do."
he replied. Then why do you' ask me to
marry you?"
Awav with nnni.i.titiiu. A ATii.liirmn oirl
uas louiul 'iVia lour-leat cloven and isn t
married yet. Au Omaha girl who found out
uvw iu muse pnmpKin pie was married
three mouths. Omaha ''orld.
3E2. 231JGrSS.
Will run a Cab m Eu?ene
from Dec. 1st, carriino nas
senders about the city and to
ana from the depot at
Reasonable Charges.
Lave Orders at
CoIlit'i'V Hook store.
H. F. McCornack, M. D.
Farm and City Property
ror n term or years at
Lowest Rates.
Cloaks aud jackott-100 gurment must be
told. Ladies look at my ttock. Will make
you prioet lower than the lowest
G. BrmuN.
Foil Its NT. Tsro
partly furu ah d,
rooms, or all nmv
at rvaaiMialile ttmir
.M. JUllklUH. IroUt of l iiuilli, mill. Mil, i
, r ...M ,
NwUD.-Mesrs. Fisher WatkinsL
have 1887 lard for sale iu qtuntitiis to suit i
purchasers. It is suaiautt-.d to be flrst-iiut !
iu evrry particular.
No. 11 Kearney Stbeet.
TretUn ull f hrouic and Knecla!
. . ...w wt ;i'iiuiuu lllllirs Mr 1I1U1!
cretion will do well to avnil tliemnelveu of thw.
till 0rtfkt.itt Yuun av.. lui.l n. u t
. " V ' lH Hw l Bill
ftiruiK humnnity. DR. iSPINNEY will guar
antee to forfeit $50 far every cawx of Seminal
... t ,.u v(ov vi any niim iir
character which he unilertiikes anil fails to
'iiiim: a;i:d .mex.
TllPftt RTA til fltV Af tit ti.r 4.. ..'...i-
...j HV VIIU ,,t ti,,, vw w l.WJ
tt'hll nn) ftsillltlu.l witli a.
.... T. wn, t ftjurub vvacuu
tmna of the blailtler, often aecompanietl by a
weakening of the system iu a way the patient
mnrmfc nivmiif i .:..!....
(letXUOtll A riltiV Hilimnf uiill i,.
and sometimes small particles of allr.mien wi
J..1TT..I, r vue iMir win oe 01 a tnin, wliitinb
hue, again channing- to a dark ami torpid ap
pearance. There are many mm who die,
this difficulty, ignorant of the cause, .which
the second stage of seminal weakness. l)r S
will tfllArantifea tfv.. ! .....L
a healthy restoration of the genito-urinary organs.
Othce hours-10 to 4 and 6 to 8. Sundays
10 tO 11 a til. PiUIIII It.lti,.,,. Irm- TK. L ...
animation and advice, M.
IMt. SPl.XXF.Y i CO,
No 11, Kearney Street, San Franc!co.
il the countv court of I.iine coiinfy. Oregon,
has duly appointed the unlerigneil adminis
trator nf he estate of Tlioiims O. Spain, dd-
ceased. All pernou having vlnimi against Kiiid
estate are hereby notified to present the came
Html administrator at tne law "thee of Con-
mi it J)orrin in Emeiie Citv. Lane County,
)reuon. within six months frnm the date of
.his A. DMKIilS.A Imitiistrator.
Dated N. v. l'-'th, 1W
, , f .... j ..-0 .v-.o. , Miters Dpoiin,) ,ui
ontAiox. both by mm or telegraph. Satisfacf in.. S y &h
Land C'fice at Eohebimih, Oh,
the fnllowintf nnlnAil aptMpr hAS tiled
notice of his intention to make final nrcof in
support nf his claim, and thut said proof will be
made befoie the Judge or Clerk of the County
Court of LaneiCn., Or., at Eugene City, Or. on
Wednesday, December Hth. 1HN7. vis: Anan
ias J Morris, Entry No 3959 for
the Lots 5 and G, N 1-2 nf S V 1-4 ami S K
1-1 of N V 1-4, Sec. 5, Tp 18 S, R 11 West,
W. il.
He names the following witnesses to. prove
nis cnntinuiius reHi.teuce upon and cultivation
tifsniil lun, I vi7. Atti.iu TTni.,,. r.t Vln.
ence, Or., .James Taylor, of F.ngsne City, Or.,
.jeiiersnn xiarney, uorneliut cott, Ol flor
ence, Or.
Chas. W. J oh nbton, .Register.
Attorney at Law
OFFICE: At Court House, County Sur
veyor a room.
R. McJfccI,
At MhImOU 'il TiljiplrmniilS ahnn VVnnA,.a
nuvu. nukWUB
and carnnges repuived and painted on bbort
2W KeuMontiblft 'l erms.
S. Warsliaucr,
Merchant Tailor.
Titus' lilock.
I have returned and opened a buod iu F.n.
gene. Pants made at reduced prices those
costing $13 made for $10. A fine Hue of
putterus carried. Repairing a specialty. Give
me n call and look at goods. Remember the
liico, opposite the Uoflninn House.
o. v AitollAUER.
Land Office at Rohebiiro, On., )
the rnllowitiff.niiinail utt I..- k Cl.l .
tice of hw lnt&ntinn to make final proof in sim-
ru-ttf rt Vttm I : - - 1.1, . I
y.y ... ma vinuu, anu mat sem proot will be
made befurp tlio in, lc i,r ..1..-L- ,.t ,i,.
court of Lane Co., (Jr., at Eugene City, Or.',
on Wednesday, Dec. llth, 18.S7, viz: Amos
naring, Homestead Entry No. 30(18 for the
Lot 1!), Sec. 8, Lot 2, N. E. 14 of N. W 14
Sec. 17, Lot 2, Sec. 18. Tp 18 S, R 11 West!
. SI.
He names the fnllowinif tviinaaaca .
his continuous residence upon, and cultivation
"f, said land, viz: Ananias J Morris, Jefferson
Harnev. Complins S,.,iti .f 1,'t. .
,1 nines lay lor, of Eugene City, Or.
i-HAS. w. Johnston, R?gister.
Land Office at Rosebitro. Or.,
vvi, i. imi.
ll tllfl ini iiWinir nnma.l Dttl... 11 I
nonce oi ma intention to make final proof
u opori or nis claim, ami that said pro
Will llA tnaAa l.f... i l 1. .1
r "v...... .110 vierK III HID
umnty Court of Lane County. Or., at Eugene
vny,..!., nn oiniiniay, imiv. ii, i(W7,
H N farter. iirA-pinntinn Tl H v.. r.wn
the S 1-2 of N W 1-4. N K 14 of S W 1.4 a
inn oec. M ip. l'J S K I East W M.
Ho names ttiA fullnwinn ulitiou... .
. II ".vi.vaoco ifn'.V
nis continuous residence upon, and cultiva
tinn of said land viz: E D Cain, fi W Michael,
1 J Blakely and M L Lewis, all of Lowell,
Lsne county, Oregon.
cms. W. Johnston, Register,
MMlilMMllMM-. h
t tw,,'i rt kitji ii 1t r 1.-.4-K ti1.-. l.
the time. Countrv nvAm Hl?N
tor cash accompanying orders. Orders
Wla-ra I-
LINE OF fjgwtS V-
LllkUl I MUL -LtTYi I
in mi in - irrj-
t v ntj - ty t..
-- -sj ...ui'i".'- -r
Call and see me. J. R. REAK
corner iiiiiinptte nnd bevcntli SSirectH, Eugelie City Qr
Our mora building Hold, and as wo uliall hav.i to move i,,
in the nar futurR, we have (terinin(l to cIohp out our ti.t! , I
GARDLESS OF COST. ,l" ,lotl4
We have in stock the fluent soloctinn nf nuruli unimi.i.. I
enta to lm found in tho Hit v. H
Diamonds, Gold watches, Go'
cnams, onver riatea Ware,
Jewelry, Notions and
Albums Scrap dooks AutoeTanh1 aiu,,.
i . i - u r- "iuui;
Christmas and New Years Cards,
And nn endless variety nf nice goods Cull and se
No Trouble lo Show Goods.
mh Bafzgalas
, '- 7;.'.; A
Four splendid "Now Wliito" Nickel-plat
bowing Machines All Complete.
I aill Offering these lllllillines ftt cost. not. luivin.r t.lin timn nr rnnmlnilh
them unv loiiL'er. 1 i
lar, lieist furnished, nnd certninly th most desirtilile of all Sewins Maciiiim
1 also offer tliP following liai'!:iiiiH:
Forty Ladies' New Market Cloaks fori less than M
lwentll-nVP, flmts Una finpvnnniu (thio QPntnn's rn
chase,) for bl less than Cost,
inese nre nil new, rteKiralile goods, and will niiv 30 ner cent on the if'i
nient even if one had to lay them away until next Winter.
I have a number of other bargains to ofTi.r mul tn which I will callnH
on from time to time
Z7V l A t 1 ti tr N li TI I " MB V
m n i il y u ui
Land Okkick at RosEBtmo, Or.,
. .,, inn
J the followinj nntneil settler has filed no-
hko ui inn intention io nBKe naal prmij in sul-
DOrt nf his rlnini. nn,l tlia. n...l l
mtile he tore the Clerk nf th ,,ni.
court ..f I,ne county, Or.. t Eugene City.Or .
on Dec ?ll. 1SS7 vi. i!..l.- V n
.. . V.' f ' . v ii-iirer. pre-
emotion D. S. Ju..4Ull, fr the S E 1-4 of S E
I A an. I I.... 1 O 1 1 .. . . .
: 1 " ' Bec. zu anil lot 4 Sec.
21, Tp. 17.HR9W. W. M.
He names the tollowiiiK witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
or uanl lunil vi'7. . 7..1.ndn ' n .
: : - '"""t "wis. . nriHiiao
1 eryer .Howard Pope ami Sylve.ter Bishop.
an ui I'rau uine coiirty, tlreir m.
' has. . johnstus, Keifister.
Has just received direct from Neij
x orK ana umcago, tne largest
and best stock of
Ever brousrht to Ensreiie.
nilt'rAll unrl nrli a ll.t,.., P. ,. . I Tl. V'm ThrPS
v., in, xb.Tiuriiii- him llttL'l'; 1 in- "
Brick, corner'Willamette and Eighth St., Eugnif Citv, Oregon.
o pleasant uit of ro tni, f Wi - M , m M
m li .mi conlitiuin thrw ! l fl R F Q H
Ih sienred for one fainilv, ! Ubgjlil Oil
s by cnlliutf ou Mrs. C I
I offer for mlo IDx-.tiU feet business pmper. '
ty ou tie strest, ou whioU the buver
oau double bis ruouey aithin two years.
Quo. M Miiaki.
.KsynoU io liealth. !
Health t. jlsfc. Vltl. mean Ie,.en-'
deuce. 1 he keyimu ; )r B.ankos C.'mjb 1
-..........,..,.,,, u. Imtl ttUa svnip n
wnrhL I'um I'.u,..!.- i'.i i. -1.
-,.i-, i a.nj in
i neat, llwnchiti. and Primary Cn-uni
,V ,,r' m every ca,. nft
Sold by Osl-ora 4 U-j. "
the :
M 150
--ivr-SaUt by" till First-Class
ASK FOR "3a?S:H2
Cut in All Sizes of Waist and lnsm. Thwhu t.,;
s . '"" " "
For Sale by all Principal Dealers on the Pacific Coast