The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 26, 1887, Image 3

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    r rial THF ST A ft F.
iTRK'3 w"
i,ma time ago thero was on wltil.i
j jn Ne jop wi"" WH"
wonJerful electrical man I "
l)at "wonder " now rHys thai ho wa
Yd ifcretiy connected wilh a battery
Arranged a to defeat discovery 1
&nj "freaks of nature" are oul.
(k, of clever deceptive skill.
Biliop, lle mind-reader, fry-called
, linwn to be only a shrewd student
human nature, wlmse reading ol
Wbt was not phenomenal.
Even so intelligent a man as Robert
Owen was lor many years full
pioaded that certain alleged spiritual
inifeftations were genuine, but, in
Katie Kinn race, he eventually
pnd that he had been remorselessly
When to natural credulity isaddeds
jnewbat easily-Bred imaginations,
cctres becomes f acU, and clever trick
That man," remarked a prominent
I yaician the other day to our reiwler,
jliinks he is sii k. He is a ' hypo.'
fe comes here regularly three times a
jjek for treatment. There id ataouMy
tying the matter with him, but of course
Lr time he comes I fix hiui up
jmething." -iAnd
he pays for it T
? Yes, $3.00 a visit But what I give
ta has no remedial power whatever.
hve to cater to his imaginary ills.
In is one of my best friends, and I dare
lot disappoint his fearn."
! An even more striking ease of pro-
neional delusion is related by W. H.
ii'inton, business manager of the King
ion (N. Y.) Freeman:
Iu 1883, Mr. It. it., of New York,
a relative of a lite vice-president ol
ie United States) was aerioucly ill of
1 Tery fatal disorder. The best physi
cians attended him, but until the last
ine was tried, he constantly grew
torse. This doctor gave him some
pedicine in a two-ounce bottle. Im
proving, be got another bottle, paying
$2 for each. He was getting relief after
Using several of these mysterious small
1 One day he laid one on his desk in
bis New York ollice. In the same of
pee a friend was using a remedy put
up in a large bottle. By pure acci
dent it was found out tnat these two
bottles contained exactly the suae
mwheine, the two-ounce vial coaling
the-doctor's patient 2. while his trieiid
fpaid bat f 1.25 for a bottle holding over
sixteen "ounce of Warner's safe cure.
;The doctor's m-rvires were stopped at
ionce, the man cmitiinwd treating him
Vlf with what his do tor secretly pre
Ascribed Warner's bhio cure, whish
finally rebtored hiru to health from an
f attack of what his doctors culled bright's
If the leading phvsicians in the land
through fear of Ih e code, will secretly
prescribe Warner's safe cure in all cases
of kidney, liver and general disorder,
do they not thereby confess their own
inability to cure it, and, by the strong
est sort of endorsement, commend that
nrenaratiou to the iiublic T
V hear it warmly spoken of in
every direction, and we have no doubt
whatever, that it is, all things conqu
ered, the very bet article of the kind
ever known.
tfae Methods Rraplojred la the Msuufact-
n or Corks for Uottlot.
The density of cork vnriei wilh Its
quality and aire. Thin corks are
... . .1 .i
usually Heavier man muse ui mo
volume that liavo crown more rapmiy,
and. in corks of the sanio class, the
density Increases with tho age, M.
Biisson ffives 0 240 us an averajo max
imum, and the ordinary density of a
ten-venr-old covk may bo taken at 0. 2.
With extreme lijrhtnoss are associated
other valuablo qualities; that of being
a poor conductor of heat aim sounuj
impermeability to liquids; imperfect
combustibility, and non-liability to de
cay, by reason of which it is suscepti
ble of very numerous applications in
Industry. The most important use of
the substance is for bottlo-corks. Ih
bark which is intended to bo used in
this form is kept in a damp collar,
When tnkon to the shop, it is cut by
the first workman into strips, the
width of which corresponds with the
length of the futura cork. A second
workman cuts these strips into
squares suited in 6izo to its
dianietr-r. Tlia sauares. strung, aro
Dlunsred into boilinir water to make
them swell out They are then stored
in a eool place, and kept constantly
moist by sprinkling, .till they pass into
the hands of the cork-maker, na ap
plies thorn i l succession, giving them
a rjtary motion, to the edge ol
wido-bladcd knife, drawing them at
the same time slowly along its length,
and by skillful manipulation trans
forms the square into a round cork.
This is tho method usually practiced
in France. Workmen in olhor coun
tries handle the knife in different man
ners. It is essential, to obtain a good
and solid cork, to lake care that its
axis, as it is cut from the bark, be
parallel with the axis of the tree on
which the bark grew; but the broad,
flat corks have to bo cut perpendicu
lar to th9 axis of the tree. O ily the
finest corks are nov made by hand.
A good workman can turn out i" the
method described, about one thousand
corks a day. Popular Scienct Month-
' ,,,
ine mating ot glass is said to have
been taught the Egyptians by Ilernies.
P'iny credits its discovery to Syria. It
was in use among the Romans in the
time of Tiberius, and excavations at
rorapeii show that windows were
formed of it prior to A. D. 70. It is
said to have been introduced into Eng
land by Bonedict Biseop, Abbot of
WaTmouih. in A. D. 676.
rh Kiperlenee and
Methnda r (1 .. .
'' Uulter-.vialier.
My experience in butu.r-makln U
lt of twenty-tive years. HUd wIrm. 1
nfonn the reader that ,Uy buUor for
ht length of time has always com
nunded at lean two cents a pound
ro than that usually R.ut to the
narkets. It may not appear egotistical
n me to speak of my success. I bavo
-rind keeping milk in cellar and
pring-houses; the former I did not like
"cause of the liability of milk and
'"Iter to take on the odors of theii
Mirroundings, and It is next to impo.
iblo to prevent au accumulation ol
various unsavory articles In a cellar
not entirely devoted to dairy purposes.
A spring-house I found almost equally
objectionable, owing to the irregularity
of temperature, which causes the place
to become almost useless in the middle
of the warm days, thus rendering the
cream ditlicult to churn and the butter
often without flavor. For all uui-ooses
of milk Retting I have a room excavated
about four feet below the surface of th
ground; it Is nine by twelve feet, and
tne walls are built of square timbers
nine Inches through and six feet above
the ground; the roof is of planks, two
thicknesses. On two sides of the bot
tom I have a ditch ten Inches wide and
a covered drain to carry off the water
with which the floors and drain are
covered every morning. I always let
tho milk stand about twenty minutes
before straining, and then put it into
common one-irallon Darin? stone
crocks. What is milked one d.-iv is all
skimmed the evening of the next and
the cream thrown together, a teaspoon
tut iI salt being added to each gallon
of cream. Next iiiorninir it is churned.
ueiore sunrise II possible. 1 use no
thermometer, as I can tell bv the ni-
pearance and taste of the cream if it is
too cold or too warm. If too cold. I
add warm (not hot) water and let
stand a half hour; if too warm, be verv
sure and add eiuniirli cold water before
nununsr h commenced, il I have
trouble in getting tho butter to come ol
to gather it after it lias come, 1 throw
into the churn an ounce or so of salted
butter and the trouble is quickly reme
1 wash the butter with only one
water, handle carefully with a wooden
ladle, give one ounce of salt to one and
a-half pound of butter, make into one-
pound squares or. pw-ainlds, have some
white cloths dipped rn strong salt and
water (with':) veCfitffe sugar added),
and dried; wrap eliWi pound separately
and lay them in a ki-jj or jar, and set in
a cool place until wanted for market.
I have never had occasion to use any
of the various butter colors. 1 believe
butter carefully handled, will keep bet
ter and be more delicious to the taste
without the addition of articles that 1
have known to be deleterious. If my
butter is not colored enough when it
comes from the churn, I set it away for
twelve or twenty-four hours, then han
dle it as if just chiii-ned, and it is all
riijlit in color. Living in a grass re
gion, we seldom feed our cows during
summer and early fall; when tho grass
begins to fail we feed them a little corn
in the ear, with occasionally a feed of
sheaf oats, and give salt once a week; in
slimmer we give salt once every two
days. Our cows are natives, mostly.
I liutl the grades give larger quantities
of milk, but it does not average any
more butter to the cow than the natives.
If I make one and a-half pound a day
from each cow, it is doing pretty well
I tiii nk. and that is what 1 average the
year round, (some of my cows come
in in January, but most of them in
May and June. 1 dry off ubout a
month, before coming in, so thero is
not much time lost. I have had no
experience with creameries, but judg
ing from the butter that is here called
'creamery," I inn not favorably im
pressed with them, it has (to me) an
insipid taste, as though too much milk
was somehow retained in it; and real
Iv, for a moderate-sized dairy. I think
a creamery entirely superfluous. I
write (I think) from the stand-point of
a majority of American housewives.
Many of us are limited lu means and
limited in help, and we all know that
butter which is faultless is rarely to be
found; but when tried and found per
fect it is a source of no mean income,
and 1 advise all farmers' wives to try
and make a perfect article. Leave
creameries and butter colors alone. If
vou manage your milk properly, your
butt-r will be better than if made in a
creamery, and if the color is sometimes
not so golden as you might wish, if the
quality is all right it will never fail to
amply remunerate you for nil your
work. Aunt Miveix, in l.ural Sew
m o.
Landlord "How many in your
family?" House Hunter "My wife,
daughter and myself." Landlord
How old is your "daughter? 1 am not
asking for idle curiosity." House
Hunter "Shu is seventeen." Land-ard-"Seveuteeu.
eh? Well, you can
have the house and I will keep it in re
pair. l!ut mind this: You look out for
tho gate hinges yourself. "-Omaha
"Never fear, my dear," remarked
the wife of an impecunious husband:
"never fear. I still love you." "I know
hat" he replied; "but that doesn t
help matters lunch." "I'll trust you
Uwavs." she exclaimed Yes. mv
lear." he exclaimed with a sigh which
came from his heart.'"that is very line,
tut unfortunately you are not the
Detective "Confess and you will
4ve your life," Pri.ner--But iny
confession would hang all three of us.
mmr It 1 a f 1 1. t I Villi
Detective " ell. wim ui i"-"
ill always have the con-iuum;
si Of
i'l iiice K-iiliiiiuiU, whom Die nil J
guided Bulgarians chose for their lead-
er, wears a bracelet on eithor arm ami '
parts his hair in the middle.
Jenny Llnd Goldschmldt lives In
an attractivo suburb of Lomlou, and,
though she it sixty-six years old. sh
feels young and is inteusely interested
in every musical event.
Duke Charles Theodore, of Ba
varia, the physician brother of tho Em
press of Austria, during a recent staj
at Moran, made no less than two hun
dred and twenty successful operatioui
ai the eye ir.lirmary of that town.
With Trr advance of emigration Into the
far Weit, a new demand It oreated for HosU t
ter'i Stomach Bitters. Newly pcoulud regions
are frequently less salubiiuus than older sot-
tied localities, on account ot the miasma hich
rises from recently cleared laud, pirUcularly
aloiiK the banks of rivers that are sutOcct to
trvn u. The agricultural or mining emigrant
soon learns, when he does not already know.
mai i no uuwra anuru ine only sure i.roiwllim
against Inalaila, ami llui-e disorders of the
slsmacb, liver slid bowels, to which climate
ci angvs, exi osui-e, and unaccustomed or un
healthy water or diet subject lam. Cous
uuei.Uy. he places an ettima'e upon this gn at
nuusenuiu oecinc ana iirovenuve couiiuensu-
ra e wilh its Intrinsic merits and is careful lo
keel On haiid a roUnullvn and liniiiuilxr nt
health so implicitly lo be relied upou iu Ume of
The d I vo very l hut thousand of school
chl dr- n In Vienna are Htarvtug has caused
a seusaun.
Of Thk Youth's Companion, which we
have publia-ed. Includes i lie adinimbe
Double Holiday Numbers for Thank- Rivinp;
and Christmas, with colored covers ad
fnll-paue iiicturea. I went v Danes each.
These, with the oilier week v issues to Jan
uary I, 18-8, w ih be sent free to all new
subscrib rs who send $ 1.7 for a year's sub
script on to January 18u. Thk Com
panion has been gresllyen arged, Is finely
II u-itraled. and no ol her weekly llt-rary
paper gives so mucn tor so low a price.
The prettiest girl In Chicago weighs ?00
pound- and lias a hair 11 1. bhe is woitn
That yew cannot afford to neglect that ra
Uirlif J 'ou t you Inow l hat It may lead
to ronsumptiou. to liiHanlty. to rlmtht
1) n't vou know that it run be easily rurei I
Pou'tyou know that while ihe thou-and
and rue uoslrums you have tried have ut
terly failed that lr. Sag's Catarrh Rem
edy is a crtaln cure) It ha stood 'he test
of tears, and there are hundred ( f th-u-sands
of grateful men ami women lu all
parts of the cnttntr who tan testily to its
elllcacy. All dru g'sts.
Ind'ana ha surd Kentucky for posses
sion of Green River Inland.
It is the litt'e things of life, the worries
of to-day and to-morrow, that make the
crow's-feet around our eyes. So the little
I pains of an hour or a minute break down
the constitution. I ook after the little ills.
Ukandkkth's Piu s cure dyspepsia, or In
digestion, headache, pain in the shoulders,
coughs tightness iif the (best diz'lnenx,
sour fttom ch had taste in the mnulh, bil
ious attacks, palpitation of the heart, in
(lamination of the luiiirs. Pain in the re
glon of the kidney-, and a hull 'red o her
pauilul syniptoms are nieuuHprmgoi uy--pepsla.
Uueor two pills every night is
Scrofula. Ilronchllls. and General Debility, will
try Nrott'a Kuiulslon nf Cod Uver Oil wilh
llviuiiilioaidiltva. , In-v will Unci Immediate re
lief and perminate benelit. The JiUdlcul I'ro
festion universally declare it s remedy of the
irts-utuut vuln., niul vnrv lialMtfthln. ltcsd ! M 1
have u-ed Scott's Kninlsion In several cases of
Scrofula and Dchilile in children. Hasult
most g atifjlng. -My lltllo puil' iits (uke It with
pleasure. W. A. 11ULHKKT, ai. f.. Baiisourj,
Sunday scho- Is were founded in Fngjand
about the year lino, ny a pnuicr ui umu
center nuined John Kuikis
Thowho once take Dr. Flcrce's 'Tle-s
ant I'urcative Pellets" will never consent
to use a- y othercntharllc. They sie pleas
rt mi d in their opera' Inn.
Smaller than ordinary puis aim inciosen in
class vials: virtues unimpaired uyurug
No-th Carolina hss 18,(X0,'0Oacre cov
ered by forests.
riease inform your resuers uii ,
itive remedy for the above nrined iHmuum). lly
iu limelv uw thousands of h"P' hs esses have
b-cn permancniiy cunu. i enn
end t wo bodies of my remedy ki.kk lo any f
your reader ho have coiiiimptln if they will
send me their Kxpn-ss end K O. addree.
T. A. 8 LOCUM, M. C. 1st I'carl St, Now org
Camellliie Impruvea and tmr?n Ihe eiiniilelloa.
plow to Cure
witfj the
1 Remedies.
I -...l. ..Inn, (I aliases 01 me .Kill.m oiu,
and blood with loss of hair, fioin Infancy to
old age. are rured by theCuTicuKA HKMKi.iKa.
ulu , ' 1,1,1.1.1 ncniW.
CUT1UIKA HKSOl.vs.1 1, mo r-
cleanses Uie blood and perspiration of disease,
sustaining element. nd thu remove the
Ui(Juci-RA. the great fikin Cure, Inst"
allays itching inllsmnintion, clearslheskln
and V-sdp o "crust, scale and sores, and re
stores the Hair. tuantifl..
VbTlt'l'KA uuin.. ---------.
Is Indisoeiniable lu in suni
g Skin i IM-aars, ou
Upix dand oily skin.
humors, skin blemisl e, c
Cvticl'ha ltlcMKPiK are
Hold evervwhere. Price,
a.u o. . ffautl.VRV II.
til great .aiu
(Tuticuka, SOe.:
Preisirud by the
PirTTKKlJKl'O AND L"tMK At (..lhUm,
-Send for "How to Cure Hkln Irtsras
(TIVITKIJ with the lovellmiaejioacj
UH baUied wlUiCUTlc-UKA Mkuk;atkii tiuAf.
Yoawlllaara CATARRH
aso wiu. cua
By I'stlnt
A prtkk It tfrpM nio met UU iivi H"
Vrcr 6 e-. t druMl
i drurriM. ,
be wis.), rerli
, 1-1 lll-TnIHl
ii, CnaaiWMa, St , 1
IK, II 1 I IW..Wi
The (Tswlesk sffsr yet In oat advertlslnf columns
Srill be luund a vsry liberal offer si aleaafa. X 11.
Bright lo.,U Ileal K.UU Agents W U Ksutiy
strwt, Han r raintKU. Thtv Deol Ires and uooontU.
timsllv; onsl4 KiiUi in tlis beautiful town-site ot
Lake Vltw, Tulass Count v, to ersry mm that
calls or sends their name by Mtr lo thair office,
they semi slung wtlta the Deed a Map of the
towiHtite with number ot lut marked thereon.
DoUbUeas theyesgiect eachwrwa will return and
buy mors lots, but thai Is nothing: obligatory la
tills respect. Of ourae, the purchawr pars h ths
deed, but ths lasd is a free and unincumbered (lit
given unoundlUunally; this offer Is being taken
advantage ol hr qui Hire, la In tne Immediate vicinity
of the town-ehe, as they have great faith in the
future Chicago ui the Ouhlen West, and eipect ere
I nig to realise hands-fnclr on the investment,
Thie desiring ole should Due dels but lake
advantage of Uus offer at ouce.
Wakele 'eSquIrr 1 and UopherKxtenul
nator Try i . and proe ihe nest U the
cheapest, Wakelee &. Ca, S iu Francis o.
M llrow sv'm llrnn-liliilTro-!tf"
are simple and convenient for lirou hlal
Ailecilous and lough.
Beat, easiest to uo and cheapest. FWe
Romedy fur Catarrh, lly druggUts. tOc
If afflicted with Sore Kves. use Dr. Issse
Tuompsou's Kye Wstor. Druggieta sell lb ibc
A nun who tried to b'arkinsll Mr
Mackay ha been sent to pri on for two
All sufferers with such chronic ailments
liver disease, dysepia. blooil dUeasea,
cough, enusiiiintion tscnf ula nf the lungn),
and kindred di eases should know Ilia'
T. Piert ' tiob'en M'dical Discovery
's their best friend in such deep atlliction.
it come to soothe, alleviate and cure.
Ion't forpcl that you ran alwavs
punhaxe tvpe, tr, sen and maU'rial from
l'almer & Hey. l'urllaud, lower Uian from
any other hou-e. '
Secretary llavard and Miss Stphle Mar
kie wilt be married early iu the winter.
Trt Okhvra f'r hreakta
Jo1 T-.Ot.
X desire lu e one out to moke room fur new
a oek. Order quick and get a bargain :
S No. 61 Montana Italian! It I lies 15 100
cal.. Double trigger, octagon barrel, IX
lo lulus 118 00
S No. 1) Hporttng Dullard, round barrel.
iiMU cel., au men, u ins uw
8 Sharp's llllle "(lid ItellahletVlOOcsl.,
octagon, double (rigger, 11 to IS lbs SI 60
S SpilnglMd Army KltUw. ii-70cl 8 (X)
Write for further particulars.
93 First street. Yi rtland, 0 egon.
One Agent ttlereliant nnle wm'wl m vrv town ful
(FitK MO.
FHW To Mkuliiants Oni.v : One
llilains' ' l'erfectiou" K ectro Magnetic
Mattery. Address at ouce, U. v. Ia.n-
811.1, & f'o. ' lil'-sgo.
The Oregon National Bank,
ok roim.Ai.
IRuoeeaMira tn MetroiwllUui 8avinii Dank. I
CAPITAL PAlli IN. $100,000
TraiiMu'ta a Uunersl Hantii uiuinna
Ar4n1N'l'Kki.iit mihtHui tit eliMlk.
HKI.LS KXOIIANOKi-u Sau Krauclaoo snd New York.
MAkh.l OoLLHI'loNH vn IsTurahle tnn.
PlIUllt. VIee-rnMluaua,
II. r 8HKRMAN Caahier.
1iW PflA ladles Vai'td to use our
.'UU.LlJU 'Muirnvllo llalruius.'' 1 hey
ltellova N. rvuua lleaiiaeho and the discomfort
often CHUsed by all olhor hairpins, Hauiple
llos iwr. i .....
Aililren. o. K. L t'O., V ineianu. iew jersry
San Francisco,
7 HtnrU MU TortlaKl. Or.
and children, xtilo B. Stevens & Co.,
Washinifton, Cleveland, Detroit, ChicsK".
mnnlf ink 1 1 1-330 a week and eipei
WIIKK Piml. Vaiu.bie ""'III suil iinnluulaia
wins rM
P.O. V1UKKKV, AuKUtts, Ma.
otLr rLfii instrument.
Plays Claailcat, Haen-d, Ilanoe and sll ixvnilir mmlo
ftirn-ctlv. I'rli Sl5 to M5.
( Jl tst, Hnn I ruurtaco, furcatulouiie,
iv -lie an
issued Kept, and March,
each rear. f 314 !',
(ji, ill Incur., wun Tr
3 DOO UlustraUous
whole Picture (iallrrr.
ilXli& 'Wholesale I'rlvei
direct to eon-untrrs on all Roods foi
prrsona.1 or famllr " how 10
Trder, and alee ematt eost of eeeiy.
thing ru u, eat, we ar o.
bare fun with. These 151 VAt-' ABLK
IMMIUft eontalB Inforrnattois
from th markets of h world. W
dress uiwn receipt of lOcts. to defray
.ipenJof m.lllna. It u. heal fro.
you. lUspectfutlr,
montcomerward A CO.
W sfc lasWiksak Aeessav. f.'biriuHe. lu.
rl 0 IpiUmand M I
v-tiVH. ILLANli.-L Four Billllon acres.
suitable for dances. Lemons, Olives, Pineapple,
liiiianss, HtrawUrrits and early . gutakle. Fist
ssloonl.siircre.lit l.iStoii.00perre.
Aduross M. SOLOMON, " N. W. Af
J4 . t lark. Sl ( hlraio. Ills.
riile art.T t B..a...rai
a-ail. afM.1 fvr Ut. tw. f
Sruaa,.ala f la. raar.ll.
orn... T... ...... a.u. atrtaai
.rsi.rCTsi. nr rmvt
ibraaSISa parU Blart reaiart
istai I balUif artina. p.a
waMat Ul.vl.h SlMtrl. Sail.
Mimwl leear. ail lis. fr-ai la laa. lllafMlaaOS
r .In. I.'. fKfef Nil la
na ca.. m
eMrtraAas.L ( n.a.i tnrii kit
ar- Kisriwi ymw-:w
VThi i mj c I 4" ant m-M aelr lo
fneal.naaod tu-s I..-, tlx. r-t-i ' "J"..
radial cora.;Hi"aM" r". M IU
KPy in FAl.LINO nii:aMk..alikai..dr. I
warrant Mr rm1f la rm IIm w eafc J"
MM. bar. faiU-l B L - !"
car.. hi4 at woe l a i ad is Ynm llllle
U- hOUT, . .'.. U3 aearl at. hew 1 orla.
M5 5
If 7
;- j-Ja
rr.Tl. hmp ffti lniMla Mild-or Hb . tuau. n
U.M aillla 1 tSB atini- lllst dlftUrrV 4 thk stHH) tAfl
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never vsrtes.
A marvel cf purity,
strength and w
whcloeomenest, 11 ore eeonnutlrsl than
Uieuixllnary klnila.and cannot be sold In euiuetl
that with the multitude of low toat, short weight,
slum, or phomihst powder. So'd only In esiuv
Posiiia Co., 10 Wall KUvet, X. V.
Oru Vo OurocL
Ask Your Druggist For It I
Believed la Vive Minute.
CureUuaranteed If Tsaea la Tlato.
Cure Warrsalad.
Cured ui Tame toSU Monlus,
Diphtheria, ('ran, HearaU
sla. Uenilarhc, tore
Brisuat Cv sin.
Invaluable Remedy!
rsten ted April, lISi
ftice of Trtment. flOO; (Smoke II 11,
Dubullator, for lutumal tie, ll.Ou)
CS2 Markot 61, San Francisco, CaL
SjerHixm of Hurtful Zmltatlons,
la auceeaiful eperatloB tlnce iMo, pslrenlied Iroie
all aeciiona of the Norihwetl, endorsed by
buiioeai men snd laading educators.
r i.. r.u ih. Coait. Il rffers piivats er (laa
In.ltucliun, d.iy and ihtoushoot the year, In
Ar IhmetlC VVrllinit. -Ollpilioeni.e, wa-a w.,
iihi.rili.iiil 1 vua.wiiline. Uutlneit alio
l..rn,. ..M all l unimou Sclionl llraiKhcS Stuieiill
ol all sgea and both na sdmitterl ..any linn.
Catalogue free. Aruiftio.. .ed 'naco, rropileloia.
Given Away,
We are authorised lo lre eaeb atipllcant free snd
uiiauiKlltliMialiv. one hit aflUMu Uie boaulliul tiiwu.
a teot Lake V u w, Tulara t'.iiutty, siillnuit t.i par ha
tlie deed and nu.ary a leva Uia mm ul two dullara: mas
ut lusnalte aliusliig lli.luoatiun of lots Brut with
each fl(HiU,iurcliver to liavs Uie nrirllige of bti)lnc
llii'sdjolnlns hit lor flO,orooniar lots lus I73-.
wit mi reoa-iiilof 1'o.tal Unler, or we will n-nd tli'in
In KiurMal). O U. TllletwrtMttoet.ryiuta ilil.
rua. (
ulna i
hare -iIuiiUki this niethml of excllins
tbo aiming I hloatfo of the OnMt-n went.
au lulvraal lu
II. lluioiir at'o .il Kearny at, Hun Vrano'ioo.
O I LIU nn H
Usbler, Koeuieh I'lanos: Hur
del OrKiuis. band Instrument Largest sioca
of Bhoet W iismi aud llooka. "'W1'81'
KastM-n prions.
ens IVwt atrnA'. ftv" ..
The OrlBlnnl and niy wnuino,
p.S-uMlalaan lUllaM..,.f w.Hhlea l"al"aa,
1, u LAD 19. A.k J..f ltraattel M
l liWhilJaEalliiir,oUk
ld-hr.lrt Esallah' , ". J
klASaa PAPER, t hlrheet- t'hrmlral t e
i.m i. 1 la a. nir 1'WUiiui.i. '". iw .--
B.M by Itvww1ts i ereeywhei A '".kea
Ice's t.siiaa 1 easy rej ai 1'uls. um.
l..lora...r. tinaiaa br J. I' AII.S.M. I'anl. M.aa.
I'iwi's IU niedy for Cntnrrh Is the
I Boat, Koaiosi, to Use, M'1 l'huiMiU
Bold by (Imgulats or sent by mnll.
K, T. lliuetuna, warreu, it
1 1 tit. nkm ise I" I
llm mi.. Wl lU.ll ll4 Of
it-... ..i... ...I h. .'s
a. saiv.ial aaualaa.
fik T.e
Ik. iavirt uf
.na ani v.a.a
Tho Van Honciscar
Towns, liddls sea sad
A, riiiiu, u awrid saal
ul all who snffat wllk
M Si
.Mi nhilltv Mnama
i.'TVv turrhae, Hawiln! Lms.
a -E-rr, oas s;-A ias si
.'Knar7. SIM atu IHaaaaM.
KraDtkn.-a na
Hair Vallli
ratas, a weimw
ThnaO, t'leera. (
of Manure. Kktnar
BUMae Tresklei
Weak Beak. Borstal rrtoe. Ooaorrfcae. Olea eane-sra-vroDt
relM and awe. fn. life.
Bilieieo I It i:iadetUIIJ
O10i4-la I TUlhlli HI.
rt1i 1 1 r meri Kl!
nit; mm
. w en a hats I
f . JTOaaraalMS aM V Uw
14 eaanSulaun.
l,lTMCl'ittlr1 Oil jmuiu th ltiMifj MsU
V0te.n..ttM'L.,Ji.Ji'r.l fc
V V Ohio. Ji Hdi.l, ft.
is a-sssji,, i
I X - X 4
Will ieeiirs tlie beat fa da at the lowet market
value, Ws effwr at preseu tl
Kins Uol'er Ym- stilt any one (t 00
Fancy BrsnJs R JIer Flour to to t Si
llreakfaat Mush, 11 kinds, all 100
WhIUor Yellow Cm Ileal, fur table ttae; 50
rounds for 1 t
Buokaheat Flour, re,a.ed f -f use; f-0 pounds
for t M
roUbva, beit kind.; keep all whiter. ..It 00 to I 10
Potatoes, good taUe terhllta; (ar Kt)
pounds Toe U, H
Butler, flurat xra.!e 1 1 r t-Me u e; -er roll i
Butter, fair quality f .rUMe uh; ier MB.60e to SJ
We have many giiod bj.a In cli.J.-e Krl. l Krult,
Canned Ooali, llaii:s, lU--)ti, Lar-I, Crockery, liar I
ware, Dry 0l, Wll Pl.-er, VioKlonani, Iirup.
and slrtlMuas. Kwnt'd.iif at LoweH Powihle
Price. Ws aim t un the same as
Uioug-h they wete I Ktkius- on. Kni for hUllutss
s (uxle, whtther you uonie us or nvL
117 t lay Nlrrel.taan Fianrlnre, 4'al.
rTtr T
o as Day, Rami. hi worth tl.M, HlKf.
nee not umlerthe hunefrat. Write Raaw.
STSs'sSArsT Ksislloinssl'o., Holly, Hleh.
Tho Best are the Cheapest.
Themarkot lest the prnvnt time
flmslvd with poor owl oil burner
uatareuearatany prioe.
llaa for five years the tvpnlstmn a
THE HK.-T tn illumlnsting ixisrer
ami snfety. Tli burner can be
fitted to auy Intnp,
A. KlilUF? A (XI
47 Beoond btreet, tku Kranoiaro, Ca
Post SL, 8. r., CaL
HborUiand, Trpe-wTllln, IVnnianalilA Book keepimi
and TJiviaplijf all iuf t.A
Mnebmeal sod Mltiins Vn-
let. Niirvaylns A rent'
teeiurs, Diawluj sua Aawy
ih BANlltcrr hl lLIUXlt.
723 Market St., San Francisco, CaL
lanieiid fur circular
A VANDKB NA1LLKN, rreaklent.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers la
Cuns and Sporting Coods.
J..'" ajaMsw n. i, r.&jr
alanufaeUima' Airnls for
K C. Smith's. Colt's, ltemlnu'tun, Obnf (InrjB
ltliiea, l'arkers.nd MauhstUn UUUl Ullllui
Winchester, Marlln. llallard, Colt's Diflps
latfliUliUtf Maaaaiu ttlllUo.
foil's and Bmllh ft Wrason' RCYOlYCFS.
Mend for CsUkstue No. L
IAS 107 Merand Ht. Portlastd. Or.
sstxen anises:
IU.arS4aAT.aiinkaN-ralla.WT M Slate St. HaJrShOe
i l MI H Al.l. HIJIOHS,
h.... I'.Mn.l.ll
Imm a ooinliliill llioieu, it ...-,
....... - ...,n aini.-ritru ni.
tho worst Mrro
i mm i
(.lund.. .-..d ... 'r'''V.7r." LtiS
iirirn In-lit lan, w.ui'. ,....,...
lll-ns.i. or tilt. Ni".'1 ni.i'.i"t lo' tu-utis
on Krr..riih..i Arf.a'tl'.iM. irra
''III'. III.OOO IH Till-. .
Tim '.iiKlilv . h-,.n' it by tiHliis- lr. '''
(; 11 1 "it-it l.dl'il lUt-iy.-rv.iind pl
rtl.e.ilo.i, u fair ah In, ImiojiiiiI splr.
JlJIaud "lUl atieiistU.sill li.islublu.liKU
whhh Is Hcrotiilu tl lto "'" J"1"
e, UK und I'.ir- d I his l..k. l. lJ.
f, .n- the Inst snw-s i.r Ih- .lli'.-.- My rt " ,, d
l-'min Its timrvi-hine puw-r m.r llns n 1 1 .niy
n7u I dim-, when met flliw th Im mo
thoiiirlit si-rli.nslv i.f .oliliilt It hi "
L . Hilloit I nn," hi.l ohm'h.nni I ml
in" to iu. Im. Ilniil- .l r..r I. ill.-lnr- vihli h.
f ,,, lis w h-rftil .......l-lnei!"" r loi.or
' ri".' '.K.V.'.v.'il 11 f l '.!! '. JT. ' mi. i ' ii .il hm "o J 'm!""!?
tlt ! u"i"i wul . V.i .t i ii l i a n-mnlv f,
i-onHiiini.(lii, but fr ull
ihroulo iU
enscs ot nm
Uver, BSood, r.r,d Lungs.
If fix-) dull, (lrrnvsv, i.-t.llltiit-i, nave
e-ilhiw nihil- nf skin, or ' ll.iwiih-l.imni M-oW
on limu or Inst), lrv.ii. ul h. ii'Iik h; ')
.! .-,.1 ,.!.. In i:iiml i. Inti-riiiil hi nt or
;..,..,! 'As n n-iniily fur nil sneli r.-M-
. d ...iltf tmrr HI LlllfHI Rl llilrtll mv
lr. l'lnat-i-' lioldeil
ItliUUiil M
rovi-ry is inisiirpHwsii. ,
For Wt-iik l.uiius, Kiltllnat ol
Itli.o.l, Miorltiess ( Ilrt-nlh, lron.
Ihllis.'A.nlinin, Kt-viro lonithM, niul
kln.hi-d iill.i l Inns, it is an ritli l-nt "-
Hni.n it lnii'iiois-rs, ut fi.Ul, tr ot
bunk ii" (.'oiiinininllon. Ad'tn.,
Worltl's lpPiiory Mt-dlral Ao.
,1 kt ofTi-red by the proprietor
I ti.r a hiso of catiirru wlih-h
.' tiny cajniwt cure. If you
i buvo a discharge fn.m the
noav (ifT.-naive or othi-rwum, puruui paw y.
r.dL tn-. or h-nrlnir. -w.-slt -.-. dull pain
m rUiiri ln hmd. yo.i hnvo ratarrh. 1 Cot.
inds of cius- u rmlniit- In w.iiaiiiu thin.
?r'..-'.T'ATtHH.l IUM.:i.y i"i'i"?Z.
enf l-olorrh, "Cold In Ihe ll-d,'
SVwrrba He.dnrl.. fa) rent.
PUO PL 15'! I) I S PL A H A V
Acme Electric Belt Agency
Fourth 8C, bet Morrison and YamhUl.
l-orlland. Uregno.
All rHaesaae saeoMrully Instod. Oirnole snd Kit
rows TnsiO'M a isallf hliumiw. Nra!ia.
Onwral and Narvoua Is-1, Illy, Waakmae and
L,l MeiihiHxt auemufully umUhI with the aid of U.e
CsLSsaarsu Atus Ki.s.Teii- Hslt ami otbae ah-cuie
aiHillawaai. Haiual lnawiaaa lakMi liy lia oaaa at Duial
naasiaUe raws A nsuprlant I'liyaitiaa and i
Iruilas la attendance daily Uauilnr (aUlriiU nUl ikiese
rule omtit-wai aa aceurate sa poaiibU. t'uciasneoile
ulletled. Tarus euuti; asaa.
- '--aufcri-T'1" " '" ""'el
It I il. hi short, nil chiisimI liy pail
fvlinr niul Inv Igiirnl Hg imdii-lin'. rtal
tehUHB I'leirs) niphlly honl under is
td?.i inn' f" rHisVinllr Ims It. inaiilf.-sf.-d
I-. -..rl.ii ' .-tier, tow Ha.h,
lloila, t)urhuii f'", horo l.) e,
Ir.!i.: ,-i hli'k Knlarafal
elill a, iilh-rimtinir wnu inn n
und uliH.liiy fuivlasllliKS, h e. niilitr li.1il ,
. .t-d (..inn..-. -... sr.- sin!-;. ''.IJ ? !'
Iiullgt-ntloii, v.f sln, mid 'I i lil
i il.iV. or Illfitant-s.n. III liiiiny
i s is-.
nnn r Be-rlal Itloe-asxi, rilea,
uUU Hrr. Htalaa, aad Hrelal
I lewrs. treated asieeraarsilly, wltheat
e of knife-, wllhla past two jeara.
Vlalta arvrral latrrler Isass. Hrmi
far clrestlara. J. II. v-tlklwatoa.M. lie k a at balldlac. fartlaad.Or.
p '. I'. N M-& r. N. U. No. tax
yTivefy hi "s ."