TIE EUGENE CITY GUARD. SATURDAY NOVEMBEB 19. 1887. An Inquirer nnVn wby it in that New York goec democratic on the goneral ticket and the kgislutUM remaini republican? ItinbecauBe the republioaui of that Htate have penit-tently violated its constitution for raauy yeare by refusing to reilintrict it for nit-iubem of the legislature. It is a gerrymander most pro ' nouuoed and pernicious. If population wore considered the legislature would change with the general ticket, but it doea not, lieeausr the republican violate the luw by retaining an apportionment made many years ago, Bh. cause of thin New York bus had a democratic United Hiatea smator only one aince ahe elected John A. Dix in 1818. We bear a great deal about suppressing votes in the south, but here is a case in which the leading state in the Union is throttled and denied its natural representation in the KeuVrnl senate. Bevmore was twice governor of New York, Titilen, Lucius Robinson, Cleveland and Hill, all democrats, have all been elected to that great office and some of them by enormous majorities, and yet so eftVctivo is this gerry mander that the legislature remains republi can. If the Federal senate change we hope it will bring the matter to a test by refusing their seats to the New York senators, on the ground that they are elected in violation of the constitution of their state. 8. V. Alta. A local paper claims that the Republican defeat in New York is owing to the solid sppport given the Democratic ticket by the liquor dealers. This is astoniabiug news wheu it is known that in the Republican city of Piiffalo, which is one of the principal cit ies of New York, the Republicans had sa loon keepers for candidates for the oflices of Mayor, Treasurer and Assessor, and for annul we know, they were all elected. With those facts staring tueiu iu the face, is it to be woudered at that sincere Republican Pro hibitionists should reject the hypocritical professions of the Republican party being a temperance party? Fred Cook's life is in sharp contrast with Fred Grant's career. Cook, who is the Dem ocratic secretary of stute for New York, landed a Castle Garden from a German steamer, ignorant of the language, friendless aud almost penniless. He went to work at once, employing himself for some time as a butcher aud then a shoemaker, afterwards becoming a railroad brakeman and conduc tor. He is now the head of one of the larg est fire insurance companies in this country. They voted for the man in New York, aud Fred Cook was elected. The. name that op posed him was beaten consequeatly. Capt. John Wise, a Republican, was the conductor who hud cliurKO of the presidential train from Indianapolis to St. Louis. "It knocked rue out," no said, "when I saw Dan Lamnnt step off the train and purchase nine tickets to St. Louis. Cleveland fooled the bills all the way through. I have hauled many a one of the statesmen aud ofllce-holil-rs, but that is the first I ever saw who paid his own way." J. C. Stevens, who is prominently con nected the agricultural interests of the Buckeye State and who has been a life-long Republican, speaks in the highest terms of President Cleveland, and says that if his administration continues to be as satisfactory as it has been up to the present time, no power on earth can prevent his re-election, Mr. Andrew Carnegie says: "I um n staunch Republican, but I would be a very dishonest man if 1 did not say that Mr". Cleveland's administration has been highly creditable. The American abroad has no cuuso to blush, ami I for one will shed no tears if Mr. Cleveland is re-elected." Mr Carnegie, is a Republican of national prominence, The Des Moines Register, Iowa's leading Republican paper, apologized to the Iowa Republicans for Beuator Allison's acceptance of appointments to speak in New York, tto the n gloct of Iowa, by saying hat New Yum was "the pivotal state," thai is to sav, the state iu which this year's re sult determines next year's Presidency. Mr. Timothy Hopkins, of the Southern Tacitio Railroad, says the 0. Si C, H. R. will bo oomploled by November iiuth, ami that he expects the California excursion, vtill leave Sau Francisco, about December 1st. The citizens of Eugenp should at once com mence arrangements for a proper reception here. The Republican Legislature of New York was equally false to the temneranco people and the liquor dealers. Its history on this question is unparallelled for fatuous duplio icity and hypocrisy. Both kides did tboii best to vote that party out. Oregon voted on a constitutional amend ment to change liar election from November to June. It waa beaten by less than l.lHHJ votes, It was submitted at the wroiitf time, Oregou oannot forego the pleasure of tiring the first gnu iu 1HN8.-8. F. Aim. The election in New York last Tuesday settled beyond doubt the fact that the Dem ocrats will carry the State sue year hence iu tht Presidential contest. Welcome. Grover Cleveland is indeed a lucky and James G. Blaine may be said to dead cock in the pit. N. Y. World. man; bo a New The country tnav rest aamiruil timt York State Is ever sure for the Democracy. Albany, (N. Y.) Argus. As (oes New York iu 1W, so the country wrtl go in 18S8.-New York Tribune, Octo ber Jl, 1887. Anarchists Spies, Tarson, Engel and Fish er left this world last week via tho gallows. Hon. W. A. J. Sparks, Commissioner of tho General Land OH'iop, has resigned. Official Returns. The following is the official vote of the counties so far as heard from. There are 28 counties iu the state: Pniliibit'ii Sali Yes N'.i Y CUeksmiu . Nt l'j.ty i;o CUtm.p 4tM Hill '.NCi Clmntila .. IStt 8.VI 43 Pu-ihUi.... '.K l(Ki7 US Jackson..,, W3 1IW "411 Joeephiue. . 184 .Wi 4.1 Lane lt23 V.tlO H2 Linn Wis j.-.j Marina ...lw o;Ui '.kcj Morruft..., 4!7 Ml M Multti.ias. ,1!M.", f.iai .ii7 Wahliit;tti CM ttlH il Yamhill... .110 1077 l:U rle Khvti"ti N" Y. K75 M 1013 y.v.i tiL'.i ,-,i j : w KM 4H.1 l;7 1470 "tV, UN si) ! 4S0 1W t'CHI 1.S70 it i nw sti.'i s.!s vim "M 4(4 3-" C4 5.V.I 2.V8 li-M .r wia '.'MO 7S usy - j - " iMro:niies are as follows: Against prohibitum, 7,!;U; i;iui a .Ury amendment, VJ. '. 'S; ixM rfou ameudmcut, "i,0U. I r.. t i - ... .... ... "-r or uie owou i t business nrmw-v y on iltnnx tte tret, on wuich the buyer can double his uiouey aitbiu two vrara. " V "KO. SI. Miu.sk.' THE SIl'SLlW fOCXTRT. Stm-a, Or., Nov. 2, l'J87. Ed. West Sidic Having just arrived from an extended trip on the Siuslaw river aud vicinity, and thinking that a brief description of the country would be of interest to the many readers of the West Hidu, we will en deavor to give it to the people as near what it is as is possible under the circumstances. Tho Siuslaw river heads ncur Draiu station, Douglas county, in tho Calapooia mountains aud runs in a northwesterly direction, emp tying into the ocean about fivu miles blow F.orenco. The bay extends- several miles abos Florence, anil is navigable for small s earners fo the head of tide water. While Urge ocean steamers have no trouble in reaching Florence, as tho water is sufficient ly deep to admit most any sea-going vessel, the bay is exceedingly well harbored fiom any storms, as it is inland fur enough, and in such a location us to be one of the most secure bays from storms that w have met with on the Pacific co ist. The average depth of water at Florence is 2.1 to 27 feet at the entrance of the bay. Florence is u small town at present; then there are Ihreo large salmon cunnei ies fitted with sufficient ma chinery for that industry. Two general mer chandise stores, a saloon and dwellings. The U. S. mail has been changed from once a week to twice a week. A four horse stage has been put on the route which bus changed ihe time to nineteen hours from Eugene to Florence. The stage meets the mail steamer at tho head of navigation, from which passen gers and mail are transported to Florence, the north fork of the Siuslaw is considerably longer than the main river or any of its trib utaries. The mouth of the north fork is sev eral miles above Florence, nnd is nangable for small steamers some six or seven miles. South slough puts into the bay opposite the mouth of the north fork. This is navigable lour miles, tho bay at thia point being of gieater width than at any otlu r point, and the depth of water at this point to receive large steamers. The resources of this coun try are simply immense, but the salmon can ning is tho only industry that has developed itself. The lumbering facilities are enor mous, one of tho finest bodies of timber on the Pacific slope being located on the Siuslaw liver and its tributaries, and as to dairying it is second on the coast, us it h is been ' but briefly tested. The range on the hills is of such a nature as to be of the best qualities of cattle feed, producing a sumptuous supply of milk and butter. The climuto is mild in winter, having but little snow and cold weather; and again iu summer tho wcathor is very cool, from tho fact tho timbered mountains render it nice and pleasant. Tho soil in this section is of a rich color,and pro duces nn immense yield of everything that is planted. Th land on this river will, on an average, attain to tho width of one-fourth of a mile, on either sido of the stream. What I allude to when I say bottom land, is bottom laud aud not hills. The bottoms share a growth of chittim wood, alder, mable and hazel. Some of this is easy to clear. A man that is not afraid to work can clear a half aero per day. This is not calculated to bo a farm ing couutry. that is small grain any more than to raiso hay. We noticed timothy hay that grew on the bottom at one of the farms that nttained tho height of six feet and made four tons to the acre. Fine vegetables grow on these lands, hardy vegetables growing up as late us Christmas. Don't think, kind reader, for once that this land is all taken, and that there is no chance for uny ono else, for there are thousands of acres of thii land open to settlement, and waiting for tho wea ry homo-seeker. Most all tho accessible land from tho head of navigation up twenty miles has licen located. But the largest bodies of land and tho most of the large bottoms lay up the river. Tho county surveyor finished surveying a now ibid from this point to the uioulh of Wild Cat up to the upper settlement on tlie Siuslaw river. A party of men numbering twenty are busily engaged cutting out tho new road preparatory to moving their families iu thiswinter. This part of Lane county has been very dormant heretofore, but the tide has turned and a boom is tho consequence. Not only a boom, but home seekers can get hold of a'home in a mild climate, and in n prosperous country, where famine is unknown in the annals 'of this state. The distance from Eugene City to thu head of navigation is about fifty-six miles; to Florence from Eugene seventy six milos; faro from F,igeue to Florenoe, jl. This seaport is ouo of tho moht inviting sea side resorts on the coast. Fine drives on the sand beach from Florence to Uinpqua; fine fishing facilities, bathing, boating, clam dig ging, etc. The hills and mountains abound iu deer, bear, elk, congar-anything and everything to enjoy the pleasure 'seeker, and many happy homes for the homeless. Lake creek, a stream as large as the Siuslaw, is being bridged, L. N. Honey having the con tract for the same. Theeonntv appropriated f DSOO to build it. It is to be a Howe tauss bridge. Lake creek bears a strong resem blence to the Siuslaw in every particular. Good lands and reliable locations for homes. Men are working the road at every opportu nity, aside from tho regular road work. Con sequently the roads are getting to bo first class for tli nionntaius. The settlers take great interest in the road to keep it in g0od condition. Good substantial bridge are put ill wherever Heeded. Schools iu th several districts, and are carried on with good suc cess, the number of pupils being rather lim ,ited, additions being made often. A great many are investing iu property iu Florence. Very recently some have built on their prop erty, but tho scarcity of lumber stopped the building, as the small saw mill could not fill the demand for lumb.r. We understand that a large saw mill is to be built next sum mer on tht bay with a capacity of 50,tHH) ft l,er l,Iy- IUmui.kr, Wantkd. Ash and maplo wood for furni ture work, by Day & Henderson. Local Market Report. El'OENK, Nov. 18, 1SS7. UltAT -00c HATH-S.V. Barley - 3.i? 40 cts per bushel. Kirgi 30 cts wr dor. BiiTTKii-3J ct wr lb. I. Attn-Ul rts kt IK Floi r- 1st urad.'. ; 21, $3,110. R.u-oN-.Sidcal(X12o;ino.il.lni 7 to 8 cts; hams, 12 J i-u. Wtsil 24 C. Pot'Uoea-.Octs I'er b sh. 1 'lletHi 12 A in. 1.1 I'U. Hop 8, 10 els. -- Dronkfimnt. or Liqnor, HaM, oin b On (4 k aluiiaisttriii Lit. II a: net' Qjlln gpeciflo. It can t tm in n cup of oiff, .,r tea wild nut the knowlilcr of the wrwtii lakinx ir, p. footing a amly and luritiaiirut rim-, liil,rr th paitvnt U a ueslrralo drink. r an jiV..I c wiwk. TlemnT,' f ilninv !lllVl. ).. msd t'ltil""!!- lien who li.ne til;,.i I), liol.leu SKcitio in tl,r r ouVe ili,mt t!.ir knuwledi;. and belUt lliey oeit itriakiiu i f their own free will. lurmtal uTrot n-xulu from its aduiiiiitrati,.ii. Cans uusrsnti ed. neim I-r cimilarsiel fell pnrticid.irx, Addi in conrutenoo Imi lus iric I'o. ISo St., Cincinnati, Hl.io. ' Keynote to Health. Health is wealth. Wealth means indren deiice. The keynote is Dr Bosaiikn's Cough and Lung Syrup, the best Cough Syrup in the world Cures Coughs, Colds, Pains in the Chest, Bronchitis and Primary Consumption. One dose gives relief in every cas. Take no other. Price f cents anil 81. Samples free. Sold by Oslmrn .1 Co. NOTICE i'Olt PUBLICATION. LAX!) mCK AT RoSKIIt'KO, On., I Nov l.V 1H87. f NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAI the following-named settler has tiled no tice of his intention to make tisal proof in sup port of Ills claim, and that said lao.'f will be mode Wore the Clerk of tht county court of Lane county, Or., at Ktune('il.v,Ur., on Doc. 2li, 18S7. viz: Knliert F. Cooper, pr emption D. S. No. 41111, fr the S E 1-4 of S E 1-4 and Ms 1, 2 and 3, see. 20 and lot 4 Sec. 21, Tin 17 S R'J W. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon aud cultivation nf said land viz: Zalmen Young, Christian Berger, Howard Pope and Sylvester Bishop, all of Deadwood, Lane ooiirty, Oreg ui. ('HAS. V. JollNSTO.V, Register. H. F. McCornack, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. EUUKXE CITY, OREGON Miss 23. B. Wright, Pupil of 8IGNOR FIETRO RE, of the Conservatoire de Milan, is ready to give les sons in vocal and instrumental music every afternoon and evening. Classes for singing, French, and Kensington Art work are held on Saturday afternoon. Apply at the Parish school room buck of the Episcopal church. NOTICE TOJJREDITORS. 1TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1.1 tho county court of Lane county, Orei-on, has duly appointed the undersigned adminis trator of lie estate of Thomas C. Spain, de ceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to raid administrator at the luw office of Con don 4 Dorris in Eugene City, Lane Conntv, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. C El ). A. I)Oi;l!IS,Adiuiiii"tiator. Dated N. v. 12th, 1887 NOTICE FOR PlUJLICATION. Land Ckfice at Rosr.iiruo, On., 1 Nov. 3, 18S7. VTOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT i.1 ihe following named settler has tiled tintie of bin llltlilltiiltl iimL. K.m.I ,,-.. ,.f in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made define the Judge or Clerk of the Comity iniirtot l.am-11 o., Or., at Eugene City, Or. oil Wednesday, December Mth, 1887. viz: Anan ias J Mori is, Homestead Entry No 3U.VJ for the Lots A ami (i, N 12 of S W 1-4 and S E MoKV W 1-4. Sec. 5, Tp 18 S, R 11 West, He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ami cultivation ofsai.l land, viz: Amos Haring, of Flor ence, Or., James Taylor, of Eugene City, Or., JeHerson Harney, Cornelius Scott, of Flor ence, Or. Chas. W. Johnston, Register. IMKKKIt UVX WOltKM N1S BARKER. Expert Gun-omith-Stock ot Guns and Am munition on hand. :ii;i:.m: - - okm.o.y MONEY TO LOAN ON Farm and City Property For a term of years at Lowest Raies. Apply to DR. SPINNEY, No. 11 Kearney Sthket. Trent all lirouic it ml Special Y0UXG31EX ArilMAY HE SUFFERING FROM ? 1 he effects of youthful follies or imlis cretion will do well to avail themselves of this, the greatest boon ever laid at th alter of suf fering humanity. DR. SF1XNEY will guar antee to forfeit 50 for every case of Semiual weakness or private disease of any kind or character which he undertakes anil fails to Miiuti.K ;i:n men. There are many at the ace of thirty to sixty who are troubled with ton frequent evacua tions of the bladder, often accompanied by a slight smaitinir or liiimin sensation, and a weakening of the system iu a way the patient canuot account for. On exaininim; the urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often be found, and sometimes small particles of alh.mien will ai pear, or the color will (,e f R thin, whitish hue, again changing to a dark and torpid an- IhtArnloa Tliu,. u..d I i 1 this difficulty, ignorant of the cause, which ..... in i.eiimi.11 weaKiiess. j)r 8 will guarantee a perfect cure in such cases, and a healthy restoration of the genito-urinary or gans. Office hours -10 to 4 and G to 8. Sundays 10 tl 11 a III. rolisnltnfi.in. frua 'VU i. . , , , . iiiiinugii ex animation and advice, 5. 1)K. MMXXKY A , No 11, Kearney Street, San Vranelnn. WKAIt C. M. COLLIEU, Attorney-at 'Law, -c OFFICE: At Court House, County Sur veyor's room. RJIcNccI WAG0M1M At M.lsou's iilacksmith shop. WugollS and ciinia(;cs repaired u:ul painted oil short notice, on :5r S. WiirslumcT, Merchant Tailor. Til us Mock. I have returned aud opened u shop in En-c-i'iie. Pants made at reduced puces those costing fl.'l iiuulu for $1I. tine lito of patterns carried. Repaii ini' a specialty. Give me a call and look at u 'od-. R. ineinber the place, oppos'.to the Ifoll'mali House. S. W VRSIIAUER. NOI'ICK KOU 1'UIiLIOATION. Land Oitue at RosKimno, On., ) Nov. ad, 1887. I "VJOTK'E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Li the following named settler has filed no tice of his intention to make final proof in sup port of Ins claim, and that still proof will lie made before the judge or clerk of the county court ot Lane Co., Or., at Eugens City, Or., on WediiHsd iy, Deo: 14th, 1887, viz: Amos Haring, Homestead Entry No. 3GH8 for the Lot IU, Sec. 8, Lot 2, N. E. 14 of N. W 14, Sec. 1", Lot 2, See. 18, Tp 18 S, R 11 West, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his cmitiiiiioiis residence upon, and cultivation of, said laud, viz: Ananias.) Morris, Jefferson Harney, Cornelius Scott, of Florence Or., James Taylor, of Eugene City, Or. Ciias. W. Johnston, Roister. NOTICE FOIl PUBLICATION Land Oitick at Roseiiciki, r., 1 Oct. 7. 1887. i 1U-OTICE IS HEREUY GIVFN THAT iA the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tin id proof in support of his claim, ami that said proof will he Hindu before the Clerk of the County Court of Lane County. Or., at Eugene City, Or., on Saturday, Nov. 2li, 1887, viz: 11 N Cartel, pie emption D. S. No. 0320, for the S 12 of N W 14, N E 14 of S W 1-4 and lott Sec. 2(1 T. Ill S It 1 East V M. He mum s the following witnesses to prove his cmtimious residence upon, and cultiva tion of said land viz: E 1) Cain, E W Michael, T J Rlakely and M L Lew is, all of Lowell, Ltiue county, Oregon. Ch vs. W. Johnston, Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. "VfOTlCE IS HERK1SY GIVEN THAT jLl the undersigned has neen duly appointed, by the county couit of Lane County, Oregon, executrix of the last will iiu.l testament, and estate, of Narcissa Small, deceased. Therefore all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present them, with the proper vonoliets therefor, to the undersigned at her residence near Latham, in Lane enmity, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. MARY A. TAYLOR, Executrix of said Estate. Dated Oct. 1, 1887. riirT filf. VOTICE IS HEKEllY GIVEN THAT the undersigned V. S. Chrisman has been duly appointed by the County Court for Lane county, Oregon, administrator of the estate of R. H. II IL'It.lin lle.M!IM,..l A It lku. u.,..U , . : ! .. .... ii'u" iii.inX claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to uie duly verified at the law office of L. Itilyeu in Eugene 1 'ity.Oregon, within riv iiio.iHiB fi-.oii illu .l.,i. .,r - V..V .r,v ... .lln 1IOVHV. Dated Oct. 1st. 1887. W. S. ClllUSMAN, L. 1JILYEU, Atty. Administrator. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at RosEunm. On. ) Oct. 12, 1887. ) "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT J. 1 the followitll- tiiitiieil aetflMP liad flla.l n. ,l... of his intention to make final proof in siip(ort i i ins ciaun, ami mat sani proof will he made before the .ItllL'rt or I'lerll of thn Cmiiilv ( of Lane county, Or., ut Eugene City, Or.. on llmrsday, Nov. 24th, 1887, viz: SI) ilarner homestead entry No 3.'sSG for the S 1-2 cf S W 14, N E 14 of S W 14 and N W 14 of S E 1-1, nec. .', I p. In, S It 1 West W SI. Hrt nnlnen tliA l,illiiuin. niii....... ........ ... ui.nnin v.l IIIVU his continuous residence noon and cultivation of said land viz: Noah liriles, S Sparks, A T Sweet and A L Vaughan, all of Springfield, i.aoe eouniy, uregon. Chas. W. Johnston, Register. HOLMES' BUSINESS COLLEGE Formerly Khortlmiul and Tyiie IVriliiu .tliielimc. PORTLAND - - OREGON- A eoilttlleln lilluineuu iviiiraa nA..n. ...t.l sliorlhand, typewriting, business correspon dence, etc., taught day and evening. Shorthand lessons by mail. Address fcr catalogue. G. HOLMES, Principal. UNDERTAKING iii;iko a specialty both for quality of ,' inl.s ,n I tho litjio-s. (Jounti-y oi'dt'is t-niiciti't". j j),"' suit tho utile, (ounti'v orders t-niicitet!. r1 for cash accompanying orders. ( irdcrs jiroinptiy"! both by mail or telegraph. atifaclioBs iir "..' clion ua, HI K : L' ' J- ... ril At COMI'LETE f- - K link of ;immi Call and see me. J. R.REA11 Corner WilluiimMe nnd Soventli Streets, Euyf-n,. City Or mm t jme im m mm mm tat wwj z: usju-jurnic m nrxur.- wnrji hnj iWit -SOLB." Our Niote luiililing Hold, nnd ns wo s'l.ill Imw i , .,,, j, in tin' in"ir futurt", wo lmvo iVli-rmiiinl to close out our entire If GAHDLESS OF COST. Wo liavp in ntnck i ho linosi aoloctioii of jjooils suihiblo f. ,- outs to Im found in I In City. chains, Silver Plated "Ware, -r i T.-r j d e weiry , jm ouons ana Novelties, ?&m"UE!L GOODS, Alt-iii i-v-i o Coiin "-Jrvrvlo A ntrtrvxnU AIL Christmas and New Years Cards, And nn I'tulli'Wi variety of nioi 'oods Cull mid so" No Trouble to SEsow ZitHuh. CHAIN BROS. fail Snigato mLM? A. V. PETERS tv'Ti " " " " . Fdiir splendid Now Whito" Nickel-plat, Sewing Machines All Complete. I am oirn-iiig tlioso inacliiiics at cost, not liavin' tfic ( i nn or room tndn tlii'in uny loni'r. This is a. lim opporliiiiily tn htut otu1 of thrsc u.i pfj lnr, liiMt furnislii'd, ami v rtuinly tlio most dosimMi' cf nil Siiii'j .Madiinn 1 nlso oli'cr tin following lmi';;nii.s: Forty Ladies' Xcw Market C IcuLs for 1 less than ftf hcentji-five Gents fine Overcoats, this seasons pa chase,) for Si less than Cost. Tlii'so ntp h!1 new, di'sirnlilt! jjoods, and will puy ,'iO per cent, on thfiiiM niotit oven if one lind to lay tliem iivvay until tirxt VintT. I Imvp a nuinl'iT of other ImrsaiiiH to offer nnd to liiili 1 tnlli': on from time to time tfa B. It H U K Has just received direct from Neu; York and Chicago, the largest and best stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS Ever brought to Eugene. THIS IS NO IDLE BOAST. J5ut cull and prkfl them. Rewemlicr tho place: The Tlir Jii-tek, corner lllamette and Liylitli St., Euaen City, Oreoii ASH! FOR X?lBL!ig l; KLKKI'l.KSS Xlt'.IITS. n.l niiwml.1 l,y th.t t. rnl.l( c mikIi. SMU'. rri. tli rvm oy f jt jroii. TlfT HrWIVi-j eni-i'ii . nuicklr cunul l.r Sl-il h . P,.. iv. --- 'iekMA4ilwr N.B. 150 AND v FINE LINEN 1 4 I 1 fV terSSiSsi For Sale by all Kml-Class Dealers. COSTS NO MORE THAN INFERIOR MAKE8 Cut ill All Sizes Of Waist and Insram. Therein Insuring to For Sale by all Principal Dealers on the Pacific Co