The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 12, 1887, Image 6

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A Long mill 1'crilnua JEiila for Mr and
Victor; Against "nut of llotlle
Aralw A Life Laid Dowu for a fellow
While acting a newspaper correspondent
in Algeria, wivk Hnbeit Dune, I had one ex-ierieni-o,
nt lenst, that ha always seemed to
me worth telling. I hud been down to the
cout, to the town of Algiui, after six
months' cnmpuignl'ig at the front against the
Aratx, and was to join the Ninth brigade of
Chasseur of Africa, under Col. Latex-lit-, at
a town In the Interior culled Martirano, on
the. ISlh of September. But having a' good
deal of corresiiondcnc., Ixitu private- and of
business nature, to get i ff, it wan tlio morn
dig of the U'Dlh when my fuctotum, Fubrino,
ami myself i-cxlo into Murtirnno, only to And
for once tlmt u brigade of French troops had
Ktarted on the date set, und, as I learned,
from mini) friendly Aralis who camo in, were
eilcaniMil nt the Seven Stone pool, a djiot
Hixty-foui' milm (fiom the town. These
friendly Aralm also informed mo tlmt the
brigade or Col. Ijis-elles was pretty thorough
ly cut oir from tlio main body by roving
parties of hostile, all, bun ever, acting on
one .Ian nnd under the direction of one
lender. Here wns the deuce to pay -a pros
iectof aiiioii, of seeing service und gather
ing neWH Hint no oilier London paper would
get, win too good to throw away, do Fnbrino
and myself held a con vermilion und, much
aguiiiHt hiK advice and inclination, no de
cided to risk it. Fuliriiio homo little, durk
skinned, i-light Franco-Arab, of oft tried
coinage, great coolness, niid devoted to me.
I knew that I could trust him In any event,
uml telling him to make the horse ready,
proceiiled to overhaul my revolvers and re
load them rurcfu'ly, for there win every pro.
liability of my needing t,eni before tlio night
ride wus over.
At 5 p. in. Fubrino reorted everything
ready, ami a little U-fore H no rodeout south
ward toward tlio desert. We were both
mounted on Arab Iioixcn. mine bcliicr full
bred, and it bud lawn given me by one of the
irienoiy ainu elilcr. in whose tentM I had
once KM'iit three mouths. Fubrino' win
linlf breed Arub, and a iileudid cner. W
had agreed to push straight through, stopping
iui nu huh, iinii paying uiieutloii tonii AiviIm,
lie they friendly or hostile. Fubrino ensured
me tlmt our horse could, do the sixty mile
oy morning, and though 1 rather doubted it,
it was our only chance, mid I was determined
to work (Hal only eli-in,- for all it was woi-ih
Mile after mile passed in silew-e, wive the
muitleii sound or our horses' feet, in the tain
It .vuu .. l....l:t. ..i..i.. i . .
.v ... BiMiii(;iit iiikiii.iiui. mere wag no
moon, and there could not luive lieen a belter
nigni ror an cxt edition of this kind. Once
in pumlug soum luumrisk there wus a hull iu
Arabic, but e only bent lower on the necks
or our horses and sped on, ami after we had
......... .1.- .11.. .
b-m.o iiiiii mo iiiMiiuce or iiierealM)iitn we
bulled nt a water hole, recoiiuoitering cure,
fully, In fore ilnally riding up to it, for feur
f ling ourselves In the midst of 1111 Aer.
vldette I had hud an uneasy feeling for the
lust few mile and now Unit the hoof beuts
were Milled 1 could distinctly hear the Hound
or Horsemen at some iltstanco behind us.
Fubrino heard it, too, ami told mo lie hud
heurd it for some time. There huh nothing
foritbutto.pre.-Hon. Tightening the girths
we Hwinig ourselves into the middle, loosened
our pistols so that they might be easily druwn,
gathered up the reins, mid the horses Htnrted
nw;k und neck with a rush.
Wo hud not (;one n mile from the pool
when a Hash on our right foivwurmd us of
I he bullet thai iiiiuicdiutely whit-zed over our
heads. Following Faliriiui'a lead 1 shied oil
toward the left, nnd I he Alula ut mice broke
cover uml ciuiro on in pursuit. Looking over
my shoulder I could see the two llcetest
mounted us they tore on in our renr. Fubrino
and I piillid our horse down a little, and,
turning in our suddles, took as ilclilteruto aini
as wus Kisjble in . umvrtuin light und at
thessTd We wore going, and guve them a
volley from our heavy cavalry pistols we
curried in oir holslcrs.
Onof the white burnouses, that indicated,
their whereabouts. .liMip-ieaivd, the other
wavered u nionieni or two uml then pulled
down to wait for bis conirudcs. Drawing
long luvalhs of n lit f, we tnrntil forward
again only to tlnil the stnrlit plain abend or
ns ilotii'd wiili moving llguivs. 1 know 1
gave a gasp, and I h. aid Fubrino itiutu-r
"Kucru hliul" with a vigor (hut only a
Fivuchniuii en n attain.
Then, without words, we, bore awny to the
right, where the horsemen not U-ing'soeluse
together, (hero mrunsi the better chance to
ew aie. We could see tlrni n inging their
IniMvsnnd the sclniiler blades Hashed in the
Hturlight, as forcing our horxci to their u;
most we thundered down on the enemy.
Revolver in hand, we reserved our fire
until certain of our nim. 1 discharged my
first barrel as a dusky mnundrel'i aciiniter
eircled over my hend, mid lired two or three
times more, driving In make every bullet
count. Huddenly I felt a searing sensation on
my left, shoulder, and then, using my spurs
for the. Iiit time ami wilding tlieni home,
now w ith a will, 1 sprang clearof ttmconlllou
The pain of my wound bud turned me sick
and taint for n time. When I came to I wus
alone on the desert. Fubrino nor the. Arabs
wei-o anywhere t.i U s,en. A few houin
after davbii uk 1 rode into our outosts, hav
ing ridden lllty eight miles on the one horse
kiueo sundown the night Iwfoiv. The out
kmI party wero wirpriseil to aee me, und plmv
ing ii won a litter cm ried me to headquarters,
where the Mirgcon bound up my wound,
which he pronounced uiiiiful but not (lunger
ous, and Col. LiiNvlltn guve inn a hearty
welcome, nnd, what I was biidly in need or,
aoinelhing to eat middriiik. Fiibrino 1 never
heanl of mote, but have no doubt tlmt msjlnn
mestrtii k with n lance he desierntely ckxcil
with our cm luuwiind sucritU'ed hiiiMdf that I
might esvn..v Fubrino had l-n an awful
lilackguiiid in his life, but what man can do
more, jimmI or Ud, than lay down his life for
his fellow niant Dulfulo News.
Will Htlek to Itallroa.l Tlr
"And any, young man," ho mntinueit, "ii
yon ever go U-aveling, like me avoid steam
hli. 1 went us a stowaway one time, and
I'll tell jou what hupened. After thr
duys out at sea 1 was discovered. The cajs
tain said to me: 'Young man, you'll have t
go to woi k.' He set uw to scraping oif pin
for nine days. At the end of that lime we
reached port, and Instead of being allowwi to
land I was laml In irons and kept there un
til we left, when I was liberated and set tt
work again all the way U New York, wheit
they allowed me to go, I never went to sea
tgaiit IUilruad aitt gvxl enough for me."
fc'ait Flam um I'lnvuicle,
Bow tlia Auk and hltka Indians Adjust
Their Tribal blfTereMees.
On Sunday lust Qve canoes of Hltka Indiani
an ived at the Auk village, just above town.
It wni the occasion of no little excitement
among the Auks, for the Hilkuns, as i usual
uimiii Hiieh visits, miuie a demand of l'X
biankcU as a remuneration fur Injuries
member of their tribe had received two year;
ago while engaged in a cut ami klnsh with an
Auk Indian, in which the Nitltnn got decid
edly the worst of tlio battle. The Auks re
fused to accede to the demand, tlio result of
which was a general go-us-ynu picnse, In
which knlv.s took a prominent part us set
tlers of the dispute. During tlio melee ono of
the Auks received a severe cul oil Hie hand
u in which he set up a bowl demanding pay
from the Kitknus for the wound bo hud ro-
eeived at their bunds. It now ls?iug a stand-
off, In that memliers of both tribei had re
ceived injuries one from the other, peace was
declared, providing the Auks would tender to
their visitors a grand potlatcu (feast and
dance). The Auks, who are a weaker tribe
than the bilkuiis, consenu-d, ami accordingly
on Wednesday evening lust lau bull was
opened. About oiu-o a year theSilknnscome
over and run a bluff on their wenker neigh
bors, dm ing which they mnle love to their
most buxom squaws and gorge, themselves
until the lurdors of their hosts are woll ni;
Ujion the evenin; of tho unneo tbo whites
of Juneau wero informed of the occasion and
requested to-come as sneetntors. The kind
Isiys, for the novelty of the tiling, determined
to svrenudo tho sous of the forest and open up
their ball in ft stylo tlmt J1Y. Lo had never
seen tho like of lieforc. Accordingly tho
band and whito sxctntors formed tho line
of march at tho outskirts of the village
and, to the tune of "Prisoner's llojio"
and ".uarclnng 1 urnugh Oeorgio, mnrcue.l
up through tiie village, coming to a halt in
front of Chief Cow-ee's residence. Although
Iho odor of dried sn'mnii nnd seal grease
somewhat choked the player, tney managed
to finish l!io strain. The old chief gave thorn
n warm r.cicomo find extended to tho band
the great honor of leading forth the duncem,
who were already costumed and ready. The
band again fc-ined the line of iiinrch, with
tho war chief, Cow Kleck, in front or, drum
major, end n'oout twetit.y-llvo Indian dancers,
hideously painted and dressed in costumes in
imitation or the bear, fox, eagle, swun, goose
and other cnimols, inteit:pered throughout
w ith bits of bright coloring, bringing up the
Tho procession came to a stop in front of
tho hall, a snake cabin some J by 40 feet.
ITpon tho floor inside, packed as close a sar
dine in n box, sat men, women nnd children.
Two rows of squaws occupy tho front, who
in jerfect tune and with jmwerful exercise of
their lungs King a chorus to tlia chant of the
dancers. At a given signal from the chief,
who acts as floor manager, the music strikes
up j then there follows a II iiirisli of swan
wings, ami me dancers commence singing
nnd dancing. The excitement gradually in
creases until they fairly howl, some barking
like dogs, some growling like bears. They
grin ami gnash their teeth, nnd contort their
liodieN in all shnpea that their joints nnd
muscular development will admit of. Sweat
logins to ooze from every poro in their
Isslies. One strives to outdo tho other, for ho
is considered the liest dancer who can how 1
the loudest, grin the fiercest nnd contort the
most. After the first set is finished a bucket
of water is passed around, from which each
dancer takes an enormous pull, all drinking
out of the bucket; and after about a minute's
rest the Kuuie performance ubove descrilied
is gone through with. Alaska Freo Press.
yueer Kuvina; Process,
For several mouths Petr Horndyke, a
well known gold 'miner of the Kun Junn
country, bus been coming to Durnngo on
weekly visits, buying nil the beef bides he
could find. As betook the hides mountain
ward, many wondered to whut purpose they
were Is'ing put, A reporter met Mr. Horn-
dyke and bluntly nsked him what he was do
ing with so liui'iy hides.
" ell, now that I huve proven mv theory
correct, I have no objection to telling your
readers of my doings.
"You see, all gold hunters know that much
gold known as 'float' is washed away contin
uously. To catch this by nnv means has
already proven iniihissilile, although tried bv
many dilTeifliit methisls from the trail of
sluices and running streams. Last spring I
luckily thought of a method which U rapidly
making me n rich num."
How do you do it;' was iinnatientlv
' by, with hides. It is the simplest thing
you ever saw. i he Animus river tributaries
come from the best pild bearing sect ons in
the country. This being tho case, much flue
or flower gold must puss down the stream.
Up above I urrnnged my plans by seU'tini; a
point where the river ruts directly to ihe
bank: here I placed a hide on stakes, allowing
the water to skim over it; tho hair being
placed upstream, of course it caught up all
the."llout" of nil kinds. After leavimr the
hide in this position Tor a week I took it out
tml examined it thoroughly, but could dis
cover no trace or gold. Being determined to
give my experiment a thorough test, I cut up
wtcnu piii-es oiiu uurneii i Hem m mi old pun.
In puiiuluir the ashes I was ren-Hi-il.l n iti.
ver $1 in gold. Kince that time I have de
voted my time to getting every hide I could
buy, und now have llfty iu place at various
(Miints. On my clean ups, w hich I make on
fnch hide at the end of two weeks, I realize
from fiKi to C'JO in pure gold, which I secure
by reiorting the ashes or Ihe hides." Duran-o
(Colo.) Herald.
Taper from Crushed Hauiboo.
It almost seems as though good serviceabk
wier can be made from very kind of Tege
talde lllwr. Craw and woods of all sorts,
ami even wat, have been brought into rvqtd
itiou, while one of the luteal Introductions
ci iisbeil bamboo, which Una been used n
ei J suuafaotory results. Frank LeaiieV
I)elro)lng Fo( Fishes.
The Indignation of fishermen over thedo-
I'ructioii of food fishes by the "menhudon
niratef," us they nro called, is not without
ustiiicslion. J-.vervthina is Rh that come.
Into the meuhndeii uets. Three of these
menhaden steamers scooed up 70,000 fish in
.mo day last week. ' All were sent to the rae-
ries to be grouud into fertiiixers. The creat
majority of the fish taken are menhaden, but
nousanus ot rooil tlshes are cantured alomr
wit h them. In one day last week 110.000 onunils
)f blue ash were taken and sent to the fertil-
iing establishments.
It is shameful to iwnnit the destruction of
!ood llhes in this way. Not many years ago
food tUbes were plent if ul on this coast. Now
'.hey are becoming scurce. Shell lists have
eu destroyeil by sludze acid and other re.
'use of oil factories and similarestahlishnieiitit,
while the wliohvsale destruction of menhaden
iml oilier lish for fertilizing purises is de
opulatiiig the sea coast tUheries. New York
The Old Anti-Slavery Sorletj.
In a letter lead by lien. Carrington at the
olored veteran' ivuuiou at Boston, John O
IVhittier said: "I am alurt the last of the
)ld anti-flavery company. Of thesixt v-three
Jgnei-s of the original declaration of the
merican Anti-slavery society in 1S3,
Robert Purvis, of Philadelphia, and myself
done are left." Chicago Times.
Oen. Sherman's son is ofteo seen on Lake
Jeorge Iu an Indian canoe appropriately
umed Tecuuueu. The young man m a
nrmtwr of Uie class of tiS at Yale.
"bath's" View of International Copy
rlsht Advice te Young WrlteiWTlie
Noted Journalist's IlcglnulugTlie Set
tlement at Gapland The Newspaper.
"A man can survive his mistakes, but not
bis idleness. I indulge the full fai h that my
novels, or rather historical romances, will bt
my self-respect ami jwitlul sulmlstence after
it is forgotten, except Incidentally that I
wrote thirty years for newpuier."
You believe, then, in American literature?"
"If I did not I would bellove the land
doomed. I believe we shall be a corrupt
country, to a large extent, as long as we have
dishonest publishers and politicians who do
not know what international copyright
means. A country which protect a for
eigner's gun and not an American book is the
last of the Barbary powers. 1 wondor thut
President Cleveland does not feel, from his
sistcr'a exKrience with a review publisher,
that the pirates of thut trade ought to have
the government destroy them. Stealing a
book to read it never mado a man noble.
Our ople must learn to read with honest
hands, and to estimate a book enough to wish
to present it in a library, as they cannot do
with tho cheap unbound folio books. A few
nights ago all Washington society and gov
ernment went to sue a play that raised 1,000
for chanty, made a manager rich and kept
employed many actors for a year. It has
paid tho English author from America
U.J.000. yet it is thought that literature i not
a useful art."
wr.iTixa A KOVCU
"How long did it take you to write 'Katv
or uutociiu t
"Two years to write It, twenty year to
get i no materia. ' l'o Jacob they seemed but
a uny.-"
"How long have you been with The Cincin
nati Lnqtiirer nowf
"Lluveu years this Hay. That rnner hns a
lilx-ml and modest publisher, who is not
grudging his writers' sco)e und influence. It
1 this privilege I have enjoyed which nettle!
tho small fry of writer in my distant baili
wick who R'lcgnto themselves to tho back
ground and bark I here. My sincero advice
to young writer is to pay no attention to the
gossip or the shop; not to talk salaries over,
lino me lower range of actor; not to herfl
tflth unworthy fellow craftsmen, but seek
society from other nvoeutious if it is less dis
turbing to the mind.
"At the beginning I eave mv confidence
wo rreeiy, wus mode sonsitivo by new carry
ing menus, and wasted time shooting rival
lidblte. fto Ingenuity can now get to my
mind any offensive paragraph. While they
are proofs of one's vitality, they should no
more De read by the subject of them than a
Hack-guard should be allowed to urate in vonr
house. My mail is read over bv one vehn
nows me well, and what will do me no enrol
b thrown out and I never see it I burdlv
enter three times a year any uewspajierofilce.
Twenty-seven years ago I aspired to be a
special or absent correspondent. It was like
lulling an anchor up alone, but it came alow.
ly. I next felt the correSxmding desire for
location to have my toob and books and en
vironment ready, so as not to waste mv time
and tissues and become common at summer
resorts nnd S-) on. This desire, nlso. is ne.elr
fulfilled. I consider that I am iust
work now."
"Did you not spend your earnings forsome
yea rsl"
"For twenty year I spent all the monev in
neeing that I did not sjicud for books. For
six or seven years only I have paid somo at
tention to accuimilatinif. As I am but 4(1
years old I ought now to be good for fourteeu
ears ot realization."
"What family lmvo youf"
"I have toocbildren and
Thty ore strewn along from four week ola
up to twenty years. Nolxxly loses time."
They rcimrt that you have imt un onlte a
settlement at Copland C'
"I have a stone library there with two bed
rooms over it; a stone and brick Dutch villa
of cvi:t gables, nine rooms and a Washing
ton Irving liorch nnd n stone rii nine lnHo-A .ii
'our rooms. These united buililintrs urn 1.
feet long. Thoro are also a stable and tenant
house of eighty-five feet and a lattice house.
Inch, with two log houses, make three crond
studio for artist friends, all with the cold
north light Then I have two summer houses,
a windmill, two small stables, an ice house,
chicken house and Dutch oven. It is like the
boy' rendering of how the leoiwrd could
chunge hi pot: 'If he don't like this spot,
iro euii go una no uown in yon one.' I have
planted 200 apple tines, fkJO grape vines and
iw miscellaneous trees, and have niuo acres
cultivation and five of woods, and lmv
built a.000 feet of stone wall If the Sixth
niy corps celebrate the twenty-fifth anni.
versary of the battle of Cranipton's Gap they
n-ill II... I 1... I i..- - J
ISO'' " "ulo'o"uigveryuiuerent from
"To what quality do you attribute vonr
getting on 1"
"I suppose to activity of mind and cnrlotltv
about the world I have written for myself
quite as much a for the information of
Do you regret not havinc founded aome
It might hove saved me much labor in the.
present, but could hardly have got mo as
much Independence. The tendency of a mer
cantile interest in a newspaper is to take one's
gressivenew away. Besides, the weicbt of
property resposibility would draw down any
free winged spirit like a kite trying to carry
a fish. 1 took from Shakespeare my concep
tion of my business, where Ariel says:
i iu bo correspondent to command,
And do your spriting gently."
Washington Star Interview.
A Capable African Potentate.
Tippoo Tip, tho nomadic African potentate.
seems to be a man of business quite caable
cf making his way in the world. With a
large band of armed Arabs he meets a well
equipiwd exploring expedition and informs
the leader tlmt be la prepared either to fiirht
or to lie employed. The result is that he is
invariably employed, and dpubt!s int a
goal salary for his services. Henry M. Stoi.
ley acted with his usual sagacity in rhoiiisr
to employ Tipi-oo rather than tight him.
The explorer was wise, also, in honoring
uro inmmj eiiieuain wim titular dignity
and making him governor general of Stanley
Fulls without first putting him through the
ordeal of a comjietitive examination Tippoo
was strongly indorsed by 10,000 armed follow
ers and was appointed without formality or
delay. It is needless to add that he is in a con
dition to indulge freely in offensive partisan
ship without fear of losing his official head.
The powerful help of Governor General Tip
will enable Mr. Stanley to march through the
African wilderness without serious interfer
ence from wild alW hostile tribe. New
York World.
Dr. Macgowan suggests the introduction ot
Chinese straw shoe Into the nurwry for Uie
use of children, on account of their lightness)
and the freedom they allow the feet
m. . o n.i... ii. un "Advice to Bli
Boa on How to Kan Newspaper.
Mt Diau Hon Your first letter written
since you started your paper at New Bolony
was mwived yestenlay. We Mt glad to bear
that you were located ia a business for your-
. . . . . . i . . .1 ... i, I minnv
elf, ami It mane mo iei pn w r.
f (I., miner which vou call The Retina. I
do not know why you call it Tholtetina.
Still The Dolony Retina sound kuiu oi im
aoniM and dldurlic.
Retina, I always supposed, wa kind of a
medical term, and I would bo just fool enough
If I started a pnjier to call it The Sclutica or
The Polypus at Work. It' wonderful how
people run to new name these days, and a
' ... I .l....-In,,
plain man wit n a common k-wiui
ha to go groping along through the world
the best he can. I prwiune that, with your
thorough and florid education, mien a word as
lleliiio don't stump you for a minute, but
with me if diirorent I am a rough, hard
worklneman and always Iwon busy all my
life. One of the neighbor asked mo night
before last why I hadn't Joined tho Knight
of Labor, and I told bun that 1 d always Men
too busy.
It' a fact, too. I've always been to con
stantly employed thut I couldn't belong to n
lulior orgnniiutlon and give it tho attention it
outfit to have.
I like tho tone of your editorial piece, on
the insido of vour poller, which i entitled,
"Sulututory." I like it here it got on to say
as follows:
"We shall strive, in season and out or season,
to advocate the resource and litibhilic of
New Bolony as a health resort und "-mity
seat Our vohu will ever bo heard in clurion
tones, putt ing ita shoulder to tho wheel of
p-ogi-esg and trumping on oppression with
liotli feet
"Wo shall send The Retina to every quarter
of tho glolie, so tlmt New Rolony, with its
weulth cf picturesque vulley, hill and dale,
together wilh Its new court house and health
giving atmosphere, will bo known of where
over the English language is soke.
"It is true that tho editor of this paper has
just emerged from college, and b still young;
but he has hud some exiicricnce In writing
for a poKr, und he know whut the
needs and the wunU of the (icoplo uro. IIo is
uw ure thut the class of readers who will peruse.
Tho Retinu will not bit so rclluod or cultivated,
perhups, as his college readers were; but he
will try to muke himself understood, and we
think we wiil lie successful.
"We shall constantly improve The Retina,
as growing business und patronage maj war
rant, so that in a fow years our reader will
look back on this first copy with ill-concealed
mirth. We are already figuring on a dark
blue job press and a mblicr door mat for the
ofllco, bearing tho legend ''Welcome' in large
gothic extended letters.
"We shall espouse the cause of no party or
faction for the present, preferring to remain
neutral for the time being, hopping on to the
erroneous, ever and anon, however, as cir
cumstance moy arise which will seem to call
on us for a word of reproof, admonition or
encouragement Wo shall not make any
boasts or fill the air with bombast at thb
tinio, but when hydra headed wrong emerge ,
from iu hole the casual observer will see us
knock seventeen distinct varieties of tar out
of said hydra headed wrong, and those who
carefully observe our course whilo conduct
ing The Retina will notice that there are no
flics on it
"Wo have quite a number of our best essays
and orations prepared while we were attend
ing school nnd college, which will uppear
from time to time in these columns. They are
carefully and exhaustively written, and en
tirely cover tho ground. Among those we
may name tho following titles:
"Tho American ludian Hfe Glorious Past and
Opaque Future.
"Tho Care and Discipline, of Children from an
Unpnrtisnn Standiwint
"The Disagreeable Results of Crime Neces
sity for Exercise Among the ta
iloring CluKses.
"Demosthenes an on Oil Hund Siieoker.
"Dow to Reclaim Giddy PorenU Where ia
"Criticisms on the Present luiKi icit Plnu of
Duty of Wivo What Constitute a Good
Georgo Washington nnd the Misery He En
tailed Upon the Youth of America
by Telling the Tratb and Af
terward Becoming the
Futhor of His
All these essays are well written, and
would be highly ornamental to any first class
magazine in the land, but we are here to cive
satisfaction in our now field, and the best we
have ever written is nono too cood for the
peoplo of Now Bolony. Wo aim to please.
"V itu regard to prohibition, wo sliull be
outspoken at all times. A for oursvlf we
can use prohibition or we can let it alone.
t or tho present wo prefer to touch not. taste
not, handle not tho unclean thing. Wo favor
a high license with low retail price. Thb
gradually bust up the dealer and finally
wles this cuise from tho face of the earth
with the besom of statutory wrath. Besoms
of statutory wrath carefully printed at thb
office on short notice.
"In closing we will state that The Retina
starts out with a liberal patronage and has
come to stay. Wo use this last term with the
permission of the man who mode it.
W o expect cur new navy bluo Jobber in
fow weeks, and little boys iu town w ho wish
to see how a ncwspiijior is mode, and who
would like to contribute a thumb or two out
of their littlo collection, mny come and
monkey w ith tho now press at any time. IVe
will return their thumbs to them at tho end
of tho week."
I like the tone of this piece as a cenerol
thing, though I am orry to hear you allude
to your hlK'ial patronage and by the same
mail cct a reuuest for more funds T .-iii
ond you whnt money I can spare, hoping
that you will soon get on your feet acain.
1 suppose you will lie running for congress
tho next thine, and then vou will tamnt nil
about your old father, and borrow money of
I-eoplo who huven't felt near the interest in
you that I have.
Send the paper for one year and charge
me with ihe sulecriptiou price. You nuiy
also put a piece in vour nnucr atmim
follows: ' " r 8
Owinc to ill health I will oil . m
-m av HIT I VTSJl"
deuce in town at, range 18, west, according
to government survey, one crashed m,iv,rrS
colored cow, need B years. Sim k a
milkster. and is not afrniil of thae.riL.
anything else. She is a cow of undaunted
courage and gives milk frequently. To a man
" u", eur uoain many rorm she
would be a creat boon. She is vnrv fim.-li
attached to her hon e at present, bv mean of
a trace chain, but she will be sold "to any one
ufcivc iu ireai uer rignt. Bhe Is one
fourth shorthorn and three-fourths hyena.
Purchaser need not Im Identified I ,'ii .i,.
throw in a double barrel shotgun which goea
with her. In May she nenei-allv- nm ....
omewhere for a week or two and twin-,..
with a tall, red calf, with lontr.
Her name b Rose, and I wnnlJ ni.f
her to a non resident
i ou may keep this notice in vonr rr.-m
you toll the cow. We ar all pretty well, and
toJ your paper wiU 1 self -sustahiing.
If I had lour or Eve boys all eneaerd In
running newsnajien that had liberal patron
ago I dont believe I'd have money enounh to
pay my poll tax. But I must now rlno, Kr
ying eo-lone, a the feller sars. Your
Ulair.-IiUl .Ny in Chicago New.
Discovery In the BJountslns of Central
Asia What the Dlcger Indiani Have
Accomplished Mine of Wealth la
Common riant.
The report that tome Russian soldier have
discovered among the mountains of central
Asia a new variety of asparagus, the stulksof
which are four or five inches in diameter and
eight or ten f. ft In height, b well calculated
to bring joy to the heart of boarding house
keepers. By devoting a small iwrtion of their
buck yurds to the production of this vegeta
ble they can keep their table supplied with
what b now classed among the somewhat
cwtly luxuries at a merely nominal cost
tiiterprking seedsmen have long been fur
nishing what they coll "giant'1 asparagus, so
that thb name cannot be applied to thb newly
discovered variety. It Is likely that it will
be called "boarding house" uspuragus and
tlmt it will I .-oiuo as common as hash and
"bearding bouso steak."
Thb discovery, if It turns out to bo as re
ported, should servo toHtimuloto explorations
fr r the pnrjiose of finding othe new vegeta
bles vnluubla for food. It b certain that
modern ch ilized nations hove dono compara
tively iitil by way of discovering plants
vi-mub'e lor rood or in domesticating or im
pi-oving these found growing wild. Few of
them la co taken pairs to bring together ull
the fixxl furnishing plants found in different
pari of the world. Ono of the r;cnerab of
Alexander tho Great on his expedition to con
quer tho eust was left at Bugdud us governor,
and in two yeawi' time, it is said, ho h:id
growing iu and about the citv every variety
of ed'blo vegetable, grain und fruit known
in southern Eurojio. IIo also Introduced all
kinds cf European trees, shrulis and vines
that wore valuable either fgV their beauty or
The Euroieuiis ou coming to tliis country
found tho nati ires cultivating maize or Iiuliun
corn, potatoes ana tobacco, and these crop
soon produced most iuiHrUmt changes in
many parte of tho old world. There lire good
reasons for believing that these plants were
very inferior rlirii growing in their wild
state. They wcro improved by long and
careful cultivation by person still iu the sav
age state. The Digger Indians, the lowest in
tho scale of advancement of all the native
trilies, are credited with domesticating and
improving more than twenty plunte. The so
railed superior races, who have driven the
Indians from their homes, have done less
than they did iu iiiiprovin'r native plants.
Tho most promising wild fruits over found In
any country were tho pupuw und persimmon,
wuicu wero uistrumtea over a large liortinu
of 'the territory included in the United Stutes;
still they havo received scarcely ipiy attention
rrom the white settlein. u ru e U proba
bly the most valuable grain produced any-
wnere, nut no attempt has beeu made to in
creaso its cultivation or to cause it to grow
so that all the grain ou a head will mature
and ripen at the same time, as those of wheat,
ryo, oats anil iiariey now do.
1 ho origin of muny of our most valuable
cultivated plants is not known. No one
knows who discovered them, when they were
domesticated or how they lo-vked licforo they
passed uuuer cultivation, i-'ew or them can
longer lie found in u wild stale. As wild
plants it socms likely that Ihey have entirely
disappeared from the surface of ihe turth.
tJomo may bavo undergone sucu changes by
cultivation that they would no; bo recognized
In their wild slate.
It b generally believed thut every plant
was crested for tome useful pu -p?ie; still no
use lias been round tor one plai.t in u hull
dred. Thorn may be mines of w'eaUliiu many
common i Innts found in most parts of this
country tLat aro now regarded as simply
"cumlicrers of the ground." I'rofo&or Deal,
tlio emiiK ut practical, bus defined
weed as "u plant out of place, or for which no
uso has yet been found." He appears to be
hopeful that tho time will come when a use
will bo found for all our native plaote, many
of which are now regarded us positively iu. It is likely thut some of them need
only to be cultivated iu order to develop most
valuable qualities, it is quite likely that
many planus entirely useless j:i one country
.nnv liecome very vuluablo by transporting
uem n another part of the world where the
r;i lum climate are very different
Tho nature of some plants has u'.nwst en
Rt-cly changed by removing them from Enc
I -id to Australia. The common watercress
--I northern Europe planted besido a streum
;'l Australia assumes tho proportions of a
teiy tree. l hat is chiefl v needed for nrri-
lotural prosperity in tho southern states b a
--.iss suited lo tho peculiar rail and clmiuto
of those parts or the country. Possibly it
might be found in somo humblo plant com
mon in New Zealand or Siberia. There is no
more promising lield for enterprise than the
acclimation of foreign phnU'nnd tho im
provement of native ones by careful cultiva
tion. At the present time much more atten
tion is given to nccliuialiug and improving
who. uoweiing plants liian those that promise
to bo valuable for food. Chicago Times.
The Almighty Dollar.
It b no lonirer true that monev will nrtf I.,,,.
a position in New York society. Four years
mem nia u suuoiiy unit insinuating
young woman in the office of a big mercan
tile firm down town who astonUiod every,
body one clay by marrying tho head of the
house. Bhe was tbo daughter of a boarding
house keeper iu Twenty-sixth street. This
year she bus a box ut tlio opera, was ono of
the patronesses of the Charity ball, goesevcrv
w here and is emphatically and undeniably in
the swim. Money. One of tho belles of the
Purtiuivhs' lust linll b the daughter ot a
storekecjier ou Eighth avenue. She married
tho bou of a dry goods millionaire. Money
again. A man who poses as the haughtiest
and most austere of New York society men b
the son or a tailor who made a pot of money
through a deal with the late Tom Scott.
I might go on forever with this category.
In one sense of course it means nothing, for
the sou of a laborer has as inalienable a right
to greatness as the son of an acknowledged
aristocrat in America, but it all shows that
tho former barrier which once existed at the
threshold ct New York society has been
swept away. What society is now may lie
gathered from the simple statement that it is
composed of men whom no one cares to know,
whilu i ho eminent and distinguished men of
the town are all on the outside. Blakely
Where the Money Goes.
The statement i made in a New York city
Wiper Uat one railroad carried 25,000 coun
try boarders to farm house in three counties
In the state, where they staid on an average
light weeks each, and left in the bauds of
tormet.i $1,400,000 If the .taiement b true
lummr boarder ppear to be the best pay
Jig oop a farmer tan raise. Chicago Time.
Charity that begin at kctne seldom goat
."ny without Incoming homesick. White
VI Time. "--
Wltorl.1 JMloaTr-"
"rote. plar m " J C
ne exclaimed, with J' .".Hfii
youreallv. ,i.JS
and when dy yr C
know that you everd i.f '
wnelontiou to,lei. uik
'"ir i rung j M 'Mu '
. tat I canned '
days after aid I. And,
taJk Prr u oriK7;L:ei7
u. igin, -because one.
it X7y-i
Hume; he write, .t. rt,W
'iaxpayer'-ond arter
And it te settle a dUV."w
cut the whole couJ'K-
Ole, and sold they 7,
tui m juiy is ti)8 hoij,,-
na told Mm . . "TiM,.
keep through the summer? k
"Idou't seewty y0Ucart,
i'direo," said tho pastor. n L
ns you ore and I .ln,. i.. """
lime." "Ol'.well."
iust Sit down In .l...V Vl
7our eye open ten nii,mt
"'Oil say you stumped Texait
111 ill n I !..!... Ii-.'. luI!S
aui ieiic-esstruek you most foni'
said the missionary, "tl chunk, iV
piece of brick struck me mortfl'1
tue egg stay d by me the loi,-. !
A French scientist .i, ,i..
. , , . Mw IIM A.f
by n slaiple inspection or new,,,,. j
qukk, passionate, sangulns mm 1
1 his gives us a most accurut
character of tho Annri sn tn
strongly colored nose does not tt,
form shudo with' season nri.iim... '.
5e hns nevor been accused of bt J
PVbops it mean that b fcl
"Where have you been all dTPsi
Tret "Down town." feaiw m,
sip nnd tattle, I iwkonP "So,-J
politics: I've been rwlneln. 'n.'
"You don't know anvthiii !,!
tho old man; "you're jiutlikeuJ
mien nuu n ies to uuic politics, jciV
Increasing the deficit, that's whu
I am a lone, unfatliered chick,
Of artificial hateuin-:;
A pilgrim In a desert wild,
By happier mothered chictaretu
From all relationships exiled,
To do my own lune attc
Fair science smiled upon mj Mitt
One raw anil misty mn..
And now the sounds of barotuim
10 lonely me nave little ortk;
I am alone in all the earUV
An orphan witliout borabj
Seek I my mother! 1 would Del
A heartless pemonstor;
A thing brass hided, man deslo
With steamplpe arteries litemia
And pulseless cotton bttin liaei
A patent inculiator,
It wearies me to think, yonico.
Ueath wouli be better, tithe-.
Rbould children e'er be bora toil,
tly fate's most pitiless draw
My little ones, alas, would be
With never a (janiUttlier. -
And when to earth I bid tdien, J
10 seeK a greaier,
I will not do as others do,
Who go to join the anrestnl cm,
For I will Just be gathered to
lly incubator. -BrookljiM
She was lteady for Bio.
It is an error as old as poverty to r
the rich are happy. Ihe other neoc;
instance, Miss Goldlace, the beantifultl
anted daughter of Col. Silverbrick Gtt
the millionaire, was sitting in the tol
room of her father's Nob hill mansionisJ
Mr. Royce'8 "Feud of OakiMdCmP
this was not all. A liveried servsnt ssrl
with an embossed silver tray nd kw
times. Miss Goldlace ignored thenta.
licked the card from the silver. 8M
nvidly, started up, glanced rouudiii-
;led way, ami then begun pullm ft
ike the pilot of a l iver steamboat
Servants trooped in.
"James." she cried to one, "turntW
ure of Andromeda to the walL "J
another, "turn that 'Alone tt Lrfs
"IVilliiim . to a t.hinl. "throwsoffifllmct
- . . ., .1
that statuette of Venus, and pusliil
Slave' behind the curtain. There,
Then she sat down on an oliw vm
and composed her countenance. "8"j
in," she said in her queenly lsn
liverleH t.ieninl. Anil he Camelfl.
It Me Rennett. secretary Of tH
for the Suppression of Vic,wboa
pent the evening. San r rncw "
Tferr .
Is an affection of the Lrvw,
be thoroughly cured by tn
Regulator of the uvw
J. h. mux k CO.,
I was afflMed for veT-dF$
disordered liver, which result.
severe attack of Jaundice, i 0
Rood medical tte"a,?.l!,iHi
Bon ifords, who s"ed ntwlT;
store me te the FJLi
former good health. O?!
faverite prescription ef 7
most renowned phyuciani
-in. v.. k.. n nn nnroose, .
IV jr., uiii- w .
upon I was induce
Silver Kfaa ''""jii
diate benefit fromlts we. W
ment of health.
A. H. " .ft
Rlohmo"4- f
ProesM from Torpid Ur'
purities of the Stomr-
InrarUbrr cuid by (V!y
Let all who roller remenih"
rka b prmntfd by tai s