The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 12, 1887, Image 5

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od deutistry go ' Ir N .1 Taylor.
,e(i bought and ld t Cddfiuith V
1 VJ m '' ami l'ntchett&
diest eh price I" I'"1 f"r wheat
fc! v acre of fine 1&t"1 f,,r ,a'"'
Iii'iiiiin of i
Li-raplu fioiliel
neatly and artio
at Winter's.
ne line '" I''11'" B" shinies
Ij.le. at- F B Dun.iY
1 m l cold 1 ntln every dr-y in tlie week
J'y Horn' bber
i ,n Wchase YValthain watches at
. ... i ...I..
atta roin ?i " up'".
. . i ... . ..,..,.. i.l.. ... :.....
,,11 Wttlll IIHIUW'" v (ii.vw
1 the store of I'ritehett S tnrfciii-r.
$Wmith paye fr benvej 52 to $3 50 --r
L .ml LIN"!, ! W-
... .
,.r and otter, 5-' m en.
Irs fur SihiT Wire mm tress runy
at the (iinnge stoic; tuso iur. u-own,
lith aiivet v. ill have tlleiu fur sale.
i vi ,ir otJ bartlett pear irft-t will be $12
ilt'll, bllllll - i'"' " ' v-i.i. . iiirii,
Oiivim-E, Prop.
..,l.'07 t liil-u f 'n,m a, mil. iiniidi
(ixMitirely cures rlietimi tiam, rein
L. nick headache, cramp colic, c!
eadache, cramp colic, clinlera 1
i, c'liinpiniatt peculiar ti feme'ei.. Dys
i 'cold or coiikIi, HiveH, Chills ."'id fe
'twins around the lie art,, e.y 'lelis,
jjlL! Gkoiiuk 'IV ('V.
tly Osburn t Co,, Ft -i
Cottage Grovs Hei"s
hl'lMi .'!H SPKCIA1.1 It '"I ' ,
C . -(It;. )Vfc, .if. !l. :l i .
. . . I ... I 1..
$. l.l.J: :U'i "e fi ."ouii lifj imi'i, uie
i n'' ii", i he -i'b of No'.eml -.-r.
t'o'i"), who vi- .lei.r iuiiii
e.i iatier t of U st reck
T 0 n',jri i'Uu fi uv!y
ividdii)': wr .e in ins
if t'lis we'i.
n lt an nful lnt Su!t itfiu ntiil
,ai!ied enoi"-u to mi '.f t'je i, .oiritl in
conditio ) to cu.tivetii at d tiie r;ras,fl io
i' thc tenpo-nt re Leep n n ilu ns it
F ai'k Celhciri tm i teve-aldeys rjs
. frno"? Cie bil Tteai cf i .in phce
ei. . YV Catln;-ii.e 1 1 e viuw..
' g F aa'Cs r. .nol 'i;fi.
jidi.r. A fea'ie n: w '!!Pv He
k pa t of ta da,'.
Hs'o Boicn o: G.aut's pass ia t s'l'rjg
tuit'iei, M.a. K. Ii. Un. o.i nt 'i' ia;.
vi;e c.mse i 'a prok e 9 to d i il
'is 'unve '.veil 'm iki.' j (t n
, io s';eep a.'d 2".it't '!i '"lis- ' ii
Soencer Butte items
i nee'liboiooo
i.svo.y iju etui pve
O.jbui'ii has los soini ii
Jvotea nre kil'mo; ft sood mnrr s.,ep
ood nvirr s
S I the Put o.
ool is Bfliiitiu alonji nicely oncr i:u
anient of ien Furriliutou.
v-i really too bad that the mum-le s sou
,ft.i walk back i0 totvii inter vu.!l.i-K n;,
bii'wne after caurca .' itn our h.- co
n tlm "'her :viDd.iy i'i::ht
Pit' ' 'trr
.ist of LettP'S
ifuiaining me lied for it
JneCily, Ore-tin, Not. 11, lt-V-i',
('has llillto 1, (
i'e in
if. V
A i. ,'e.s lll'll
A'Oer. fjiiw-'ld. '.'
Irs F h Wett'eViiind, A ' . '
oiij!, 1 p. -let'Oi -, "Ms
a'd. Ca-'v Mhlev, Mrs a
J ldi' e, Fteder'eli
Arsons cul'iug fur li e aliove will p'eese
i'ifidvei'lisen, rit'-ug f-. ce
j I. Yv
Osiiis, P. M.
erfectlv Ratable one! f3SOr
HiiUPSlT'; , 'Jt-tcc. . '"i" -
v," ; . t-T
. jl. L' H"e t
Sn 1i"J
line;' tb'eeeiid
Afte' hav-'ui; rwe t"t o'
e Stale nsura: :e Co
T? eire andisi. and
HC del .ira, 'jch aa a full and sat'sfac-
payment ff mi- loa' t lr-i whi'n oc
ei' Sept ist, '.c87, nude. U; J
P. A e tit' R i that ill niius'.leratii .'S f
Iracb jns .oard our ioss, that ' m idir
(j State its'.n"iice Oonnian, of Salem. 1 re
purfuct r respona olo mi 1 .iub,e.
(si-fiieJ; .'.i'n ',
h-m i S"".fa.
Foi Sale
Oue bundled and '.n-?i.
Be from E' gane Oi'y, Ot.
residences, mi Io i .jr
mdred at ea in si it "
ad is the tei oest r cu.
.on; five nii-.'i' i'sw ii!; frou
ry r "aaoi'ph e one half i;
led J
' e-
Also 310 acres o' Ul d 5 i'" If " ' '
die City, Oi., ct county ccao. Co'i.e"; ;t
school and railroad, iii quant t to wi
arehas-ra. from iiU to lfjij a.ies. l'ii'i;' '
Iter and timber; :bt laud ia 6c .'lass end
i good cultivation. Address
I N. Hdmphrey,
I or A. C Hkoh.V, -ei.i.
Xujene City, Oregon.
Optical Goom. - ftesides Im .'ii": a
of jewelry Mr . O. YVi-.tW ha
aved from the East a l:p;ze in "' si
Kles, googleSi eV3 ahaii-" an ." otl'.e"
otie. He also oarries u .oc.pi ,e tv'.
iidin trimmiii'ja i.t c nm a ""' nt
t in Horn i. F.tiue s 1 uih'i- f
I l'osl'At, rui.COBtl'H. OlV'.'P '.I 'lf - .i s
f.v from Hit. I to lliMtl a. m , .'.' ' '
('j?jO p. ui. Week dt.vs.ali ' i.-.n- e ' '
';. V. ''.' . - P
j Lot fok Rale. A Cue bni'1.:
.e in a growing poition cf ':
"t. Will be si'ild cLmii forci.s'j
Mr. A. V. weoifoclj lor pari-cu
- lot
ii: '
I ScHoro, tio-Fs.. -r,t"i'.'- b'iy t. sp. "
"oksof Mr. Gror;.' '. il!-r. io ... " .
f 'n ick & Collier. IF' bs ;be !; . ,e-; -
sells at low p.ices.
!Geo M Miller v'ill fu (..--! i..i"i.a.
nd sell farm richts for tb c imb.ii.d t.l
Jnd picket fence during onr itbs-nce
JA'. ftvi ET .V I "
Fob Salk. A
Jd as new. at
lot of lino siioti-ca.-'. i,
E. F.. Lc ki t k Cu'-
Fob SiLt Fiut onidiir Orea,.i. shite
wlwat for seJ. ANu thu'ii-p winter 1 le-
T. VV. Shklios.
Circuit Court.
Tile -,'.lla; XuVel.lber uTIllnfia
COUVUH.l in Ku ..' M.l .:..'.
tint court
'r i- mi.; ;;,:
ocu .n,t1,,,.vlI,l,1,,I,,,l,Mlt!rl s.;; ..,
TU. r,Vui,. .,.,r: ,f ,lmu rr.
pr.-sHit. iLe'o.M,,,, -rami jllrM ,
?!' ,, V s"1"1 ""iwft l, f oriiu.iu, V. ji, 'M
. "i'V1, T. 11. McUmi. y. A.
O .Vlll. J. It. Y,!t. Hllli w. s. Cli.i-umu.
" i'"'im-u uie
to oerve uui-ing the term: J
j S. Churchill fin, I J. (i, Sti v
u ir' aj.iniiut-a the fo! . liMr.
J. ". Tbcrulou, J.
V..IW. .t,
iiie fKllnwriu.. vncccilinys r. ;
(-scnr lv.ii,st (iu.u Wail it nr,,t 1 to citizen
iLtp. . . ,
S'ateol Oiem, vs Aurou Liou; obta'u
.ug money by Use pietcucw. Imlioiiucut
-J. CoUMUIKtl.
otnte of Oiinu vs Aiuiiu Lurc'u; oryi-iv.
I :.l No o. Cotttiuaeil.
S'utu i f Urcoii vh K iiU Mown r ; a jV.
taking to kcrp tl.e jmicc. HisiuinM-il.
j ,j
.m.h i i Virgil v i.ucy . rirkin.s; un-
uuili" to Kt't-p tlm ;irm. lilnliilse. .
' .Y Cbcrry, administrator f fKt.ue of V
I Dudley, dectnw 1, va Wui Skelton, n nl;
foreclosure of ui.nt;ig. Ik'fuuit and decree
for '!!! ', "U.! i'o n.K.iiey f"e.
i.y;n.ui iljmiikk vs f M Hui,iillou kl nl:
cont'.ruiaiio'.i of nlieri:!' mile, fc'.a.d cubftiiin-d.
K IJ Hayes s A.4i r lie.1", to recover
UKUiey. OtsiuiKSvd at j.!iiititil'"s cent,
: Nelson ,inn. s .s l. i'eujifuni et ciu
uiuiatkui of sheii IT'S s.;ie. . .e coi.f'.iuud.
Aiexauder iiinli va i ucy H. Sutii iliii el
al; B'llt '"r riir"11 V- u ,n"t' 1'H'i'i
rruiiK i.iic is vs alUllli as et ;t;: miu
for partition. J'e vee.
E Y Wliijtjile ,v Uros. va A C iTu 1' ct m;
foieclosnre of niort)n;j. Defati! and (iecie. .
F, V 'h:pi le A rin-i vb S V On roiiite i
a!: to lecoter moi.ey. Coin.unei o' ssr.ii'-.
V II W oixl . va ju alomon to recover
Tionev. Jnd-'iuriit for f : " !.' ; f:'.in!t'..
ue;- fee mi l intetest.
ncter Wvcoff v W S lii'-tr ?t ui. ;o ie-i
cover nioue '. ( .mt.nep,i fo -s. v . .
llCthveotsA Y I aite:soi.. ' i r
money. tV'I.ed imi, di-uii-sed.
: anniu .."Cutviiod va V. M Mi'ks; 'ore
c' .uro. Dissmisseii nt plainti.!" eots.
)t I'r.'ss v,' Vovey, Humphrey Co vk 1 U J'.irk-.f-t
cinicv Hie i 6 )n, ct a'.; f ..ecluiuro cf mo ti!! ". I'-cvee
of forej.osu.e.
13e: jlxim, l'uv.ier A. Co. va li S n; to
ecover money. tUsruiHsed.
J L 'l'jouia.. vs A A AKotd '"fee o'
r.-e of iimrti-'. Settled i ud diani'.ssei..
Jere aiuel1 vs J li T.udt .wood ef a . ' -t
older on Mu'i rT to make deed. Oviie"-a to
make deed.
St.-t '0f t)ie,;on v:i O.-cvr r.rews'.?r; ru
derl.ik ng tc keep tlie peace. l).aij.isse,l.
J E fl. lt vs N it I d or; to leco.ev uinnev.
i'" V Wiii.ipie & llros s iii.cindu llaii: to
rif.o.ev u.oi'.y
Cera) e
efiii'.lt lud 'udjiiu'i'
;.ui-i tt Co. vs H. Siii o-i
Ur..i.-ii.'l at r.K'-'V
.Uro vs. i ncimi:
t-r inoni", . C"'. ii v
t ;t 0 i'it ei ; -1 '
X tt fit a', o :
i. noT.iU'j a' or. s
?i ove ,i o" pi-vsoi...
A a;
i cost
, Hal.
i: .
, 'cr iniuiieuou
' F. . '"i
1 e' a .it '.' i
raT:c ' r. '
3)00.'."- t
l Oh- I . -. '
, meiiet . S. t
jess Sc
' O'.it .' ;
fci'tv i e.
Illtlel to
. v" rot 'ii j
fc'. ' .lb-ell'
s f M
ran i, ; .'t-ntic t.ii' i
UiO'lcL' ii, bit '
1 1'
s.on P
't.iier '
'or i'ivi rce
fc'iitii of
Sf 'liltllll'S
p;ent -o ;
i ..n't a d deer 't.
re,', l. . tr. ' Vvnu;
iiors tti-'ai'iit ' ,'ei:se.
h' l iih
ii i' ct-
f-l uUd
'"l it '.tuiilv; tiDed
Stats a Cie
srir tumjs U .
uir..l 'I.
i- Jll vs l I. Hut', u .
nrs "':ilioat 'ii eus.
t'i. miss'd
d ng
. '.ict-
' eu ;i-a s ' t ' e-';;
I ci'iii t au i le'i'NO..
' da Hani tl Jjha '! Mr
.' and ";fel pq
eim. t.a I.-' , Co vs S
; suit Ii '
-v tiioou.
-e iiicnet s,t tt ed
' .) nekton s M tletbei
. ver m.niPV. Set'iefl.
Joou.i' "5 : P ustei et a.;
-se tovcVair'o ' ct; outi
' .1" 1
. p. 9 ' v :e,. '
monef jv 'c'se
mid fonr.d g,:. t
for ee jt-.TCo.
i- .a .Ti i l.t 11, oI'-.U .H'lg
i- . eteuses Xrie;' ct ;..')
Uo-.dny -N'ov, i
lb Set
.'la e - v ,i. : .-
Hi' :.y ..: .-ny t-i .'
'ai-"Je.. -' ' -' -
ji'.'.tl . Ma: '. i.i a
Tilattie i Cat', r vs
er inoney. S.'f'ed.
J O I iiine'. i :i W
Dods. n am. i
.illl C it'll " U it
ed tv c.t...e;iatup. , ,
V E i'oodt , to eci v- ; .',
I'IMi.o s t
in iuey. Se;td
3 F Wilkes is ito ..
rover money. etlitd.
F 3 Diiiiu vs W U :i .ir-tg nie y; to nc
it onev. Settl d. .
i oiiisa iMsa vs oirs De s-i; iuit Io;
tcree. Si'tt'id
usau Vi; : . ts .1 . '' .) tg' -a'' -."
reco ve r n . o '. v . S e I '. ed .
Tane .uin.y vs. I C Mo i n: 'pc -nii.8"il.
aim c. uiity vs J ( lo..-n in -i t-,
i; p -enfold vs Mrs 1 4 l(-"'''r.i. "
(."rnrcP. f' fault; let.'ired.
1 ,i r
SI is Wbatiiim ti Mary vt'' a- .
ir voire. 1 .fault; refe.'rctt.
i ' V. W'k a a vs Mrs G Wurrer. 'it.
oiv ri'-e. Fefaait; rrf led.
State of Oie;;on vs G D Cuimberlniu; ns
Mint Tith a dai :i'rou weapon. No' a r u
;-t.neof i.'Pgou vs J LampPeii .mu ".
rinry. Xot a true bill.
' Stn'pof Oi'i 'ionvs L S Moriu: pern' ..:
Nr.tatiuebi'.b ,
S f ti of Cieo.i vs Silas Keldro: ii... ..
ui-p. tor lb.' .-I'ltne f ri,w. i'leai. gudly 'o
simii.csai'-.-t Fineti ioO.
W iveni.t'.v ts ilaliuitl; h Sherv.i'j.i a ) 1
0 Mai ';!("; to 'eeover nrjiiey.,
fita re off vs F- Con '"-I '- J
1-ir nt '. v !..ilV. Coon -ilea,. :;i.'v.
M 'li.iaf s, t ors-ntenre. I! gby - I e -ii -
charge.'., a-it :'e rsLe is not .' mn.-ibv
US f.
i.Kl'ilSTiC riIOTOGI!i'lll
in, I. f i If C Ut.'
) . 1
II, it il Mi
, '111
i .e.'s
!i a"
fl "
IK i
at 'I,.'
i if can
,-, a 1 i ie.: t.
r a? j... .'' i -!''.,
t III. i I.l
; .
ml- 01
t VC hi t.-
ill I i a '
C.s . ..! -' '
,-v .-: ii i.y .-
Cm' r ..a A
HI ai l It .'.
b.' vrh.'h I'.ii'p
n'e.s .1 i "l I"'
la.inj i' , r -"
many curves
the P.inLei in-
i.- :.v-
I l. ICiH S
I t'
a 'i i- k v ' . ' -: .
on t)i,i...i..i i 'L.- -v.
,: woi b-'wc i '
nf.1 be fills'.'' .1
; OV,!y. OTfir. , )
.f the worr a-e i, ft
toi'.dr, mi" 6 "
n l ,et st rk in o'lo-i 'wrtt of Cnlif 'r:i
Iu , ,V days only one uin!i gang ' f gra ins
.e l. ft 10 M-I'i- If I.ieor, u
tlu't " u Uj iv0,aK9-"
: l-n.g
School bo .ku at Collier'.
Court mil1 hist auothur week.
Cotnnii u r Hitii il Monday veuiiiK.
The Sl.,:t. ,ii Irtf hi do.ib' thftl ( '.
School Ikk of all kinds at G.rc,i Col" i
lier's. Pricw'lu-in; buy them. '
l!";uhir seri. i will bo resumed at tl.
Tri sbj-.eriaii church to-nioirow.
'i he many tiiloii iu Kn;en this wce'
o"'.',v'y fimire our 1 'its.
A Viye i!it.ii e of jirass sn-,ls(roiu('ti i .0
w is V. ir. d bv Sladilen & Sou llil wee.
ill ( r" V I'raw hat the ole r. en cv : of tlio celebrated Tamil I'uuciiC jn
i!J l.e , of (joo 1 B'ock and inutmu h,i
jforstile, Iinuireof Pit. SufliW.
i e,vr too late o nieii.l. Di gin nt oik'k .
e i.'v:.i's Pearling Mishin cuinpi Uiid. '.t
I i Imu'IU'd.
. (iio, Slidely iiad the misiotmn to
! b
.11: "lie of the laice I lata Llass iu t
Man bui'.,lin...
ii, ,, . , , , , , , , ,
.Iai'i e nea '.o have beeu bauotd ait.afnv-1
nejvset.y. The Rovemor .eiused 10 I
comm.!!.. .Iw '
. , ... , . , I
". itv or uiiv I liiiiameu arecair.pcd o: 'he
dei. t lt iini.i.. Th-v .,.,, ...,l i ., I
tuk tailiwl track'. " " ,
..itiuliert A He de.son Rre "he h il ti' a
'oe the cetebultd Simeiior hlovei. j.i'-e wife mid look at Hum.
Ni . T'liiiel M.e' 'iij at o if Cm: a 'vi
of 1 ime co.llltv. died at Lnkev:etv, l.,
cenlly; s;;e,i, 40 ycers. j
A ebon f lot of orchi'rd ',rass, bl,i b.mss, i
tiuu tnv, . .ver, a'.fulfa, lawn und r
S' t i'i.s for ..ale by Si.lddeu, Jt oon.
vi ' y iarj;i. g;ot htti uded llm Muikey
audi i-i !i.t Snt inbiv and (tveivtinnc btnwl.t
joo i pn vs,
I; piiys to adv H. e.
I . i "ii 1, ..") fonii l me
Ii' ". !fi.. '.i-i' t of J'tilcbe'l, '
; iris nv n seiite;wed to t:, pea
H" - i e.ivs.
ai's de i o''io(t"ii y rife o;tnl;iin .
in f i si r a e ;av i d te i on I'eu. eisi u, i
de ' i .. tvlo ; 'ves oeciid f.'ii'oi :j 'ne
t H'i f,0-'. til 'u t.
Mi. " hi'.i. i un , i:aa : wd to hi i ?w pm"
iil'i 'ei tls :i Hutyes-vra pmti. n of town
M . James an 1 tvil' -ccupy til rcsidenec j
tin i"t u tiy .m
1 . '.v in
C: B'g.
e ese've
!r of ,b-
W ate
I,. I
i t c.mi c Ct usi me si'.'Vl tie et'iiipii: v i
. . .. . ...... i . -i.i. i
I'oiisiuer.uiM n.iii iva i. 3
ton a i iiiiius il to jh em "ei..
. e beei te. til. iiV iu fa oi cf IVe's Feiir- '
r washing t .'iii!:otind is Ihrf u'illions .if I
.I' -avt-:' Si !( ' --araial san-s 'fi dilv
reiisinj in ' '.intiuns.
! !d mill- s
ilif vo'.iinies i f History, U'ogrni by, ' iv
' : dint A dtelituroa, ben itlf :1 . oo'ind
c.oth and ;oli. f.u side at i o' ri boo1 -
, l i at ;t: ' , per elit. disejimt fn n ibu pub i
.'.h-'is' !:st do and see them.
'Mode's i ..' lnt!,ora'-or tun v '.h- ' n
ni- e i , 'ie til'ov ill;; phecs; 0' "irn
I'.' s !. "; . ", " ilkin'i Irug s o o. il'ini s
'i I ' o; i und jvi ni". J"'- a va
I mi " l -it O'lt t. ""HlinH '-('.
h ',; i Chom iiu't'on .fib ('.'
'o i ... i i. i m . I" 1 ij).. ei' P ',''?
; ua '--ft't r" 6"! X ilte' ;i,t
lO a' , j iP eslemciP e i.'tn'e.
f'KO. . . Mil .!.
lioii. .'. ajinil uas at last Wp 'eie.-s-i.
fi o.ia -esr. u .iiiib't ' for the loss of H'l, '
s olep "C ' b in as custodial' of :h'i fell"
' v'l. e n- r- 'e tv b ii to fian i ;fci.c"
'. i 1 O"
e e
.'. n
it) 'ise o ' in
ssii ,i I"' 'M e '
' as i'"'ii l'ti
re 1 e
- U 'i- i
a ,.s: 'ii ) ti
:!e F .e ii '
t -t t -'
ietli d.-a
j N . 1 St i.
i cl'tl le Tli a e
i a da'icb
' nnc"'-'-.
: do e.l to
consult .ta
allll pi'.-
LiitusDlvi's on pn 'e i at in-1
ovu hi nie " 'kslore. before 1'iiiiiliy soKt
pi'lg up the ie-arka'.let!) bcrgnins of wi'd
cat bi
ak veil.
. so
'' i '
.al.i'J H
K , -
. . . tllfll
,S O 'l'(
"!' .
'. '" Ml'.! '
s i'd w 'Urgi t.v
e.lici ,
i act
! 'T
'ori-i't the in
i'6 Use a' A y(,
11,11. aiiti-a i
a i aiin rtie 1'
iT'i'iial e m e fi-.i'dit msdicire
Stm - Si cvilenbii g lint ? wi ( i i' -vf
li'om the ip ivif.ic' em ' ' Ft. " C ' -est
line of p s. d; odse' e .n-ei' ed in I'ae
town. (3 '.vet in "nil .(! N'-e a .ook r
;iie ;a ,oo(!s. t bey lr ve a car lo..u of
the '. Ut bly e t ti best un'ko of hto'.pi.
v ,. ,Mn , ii'ieii'".. '.i . ..a'l .
1 , ; ... . ; ,.i;. . J ui I. ;-; r. rti, - ii . a oi ).
', . .ti,: ,.. n . I'tipti' i'" ai. ' -i. v -ui i
1 ... 'a' Jin-' v-rs '. ta,)., '
'.-. ., re , p.-rf et'.t date ' ) 'ai . mill a
ib l ,-ii';- : '.'j1' e b'oo' p'.ii' '. j
a- ml ie " l :ic i.' ei n e. w
!) ' ' al -Hi.'H", . - I'- -I o a -
n .g. .'' V 1 i'l. ' s ( 'tl; i-i -''
; "!! '. I .1 o ss. . il , d ; j," 'n 1 1
i n ti-nt I", e. I'.if-i.i' a y ,w ou 1 1.
d w;l c. f- . rU .
1 .v
C'1- -
'.'vie's i' 3 an' bc-'omo a stim nrd
pr .jiiiin'ior. f r aundry use. t ' thi
rr,k de'ion'.fl fabiio wiibo'it in un and wi'h
out the ted s .idmaiy washing. :
I., 1- el lil 'li'li'lli-. i'l- i ll'l ae is i.t-rr
p . '.': 1 0. t
I" i'l1
teloie (in1
. . or.- ';,
; n e
1-V1, Vl t
'. .: t yn.i
.i ', '.'.ir ' i
i s,-e !.is
a :n nn! r
a aft' hi; yi '
I '' 'e;s, (S''fe
, !( ible ulii
, t.iV.c'vo. new
! e
'.ii i t t' se ,:
. !. ' "h'.I II .t.V
:, sh. end t..
,. .e i.ti i piol
. , e '.' ;!'t i.ef.
.,.,"'. 1. '"
H. 0,! lajiig'H i'i ' '-V pri-e..
ie sjld on W'ir0-ius only to
, Cr.ra-,-r-
C' r, h till '.." ' ''
n Ci't mi 1'. i t 'lie '.
iilii il-ii ;a':on is iii'j
SB bl'i.ll. M (if Itll 111
. b-, '.ran-ii'.'t' il.
iioi.-.i :i, stat"d ' i- :k.
-i .'or p
II C"l'l.
' I '
1 1-
,ns un i
tiol "f
,,.; rd .
t,r Uh
, Price .i'l ct... .1.
hi i l.ot'.ie-
. found trie p t -M
rii'i'.k. I t
r i i tl... . ' r
f.ui . ..- ii '
iciijil-M i".
Rt his re-i l -
, (, tiisiiiitn ii yUe.
i T id', il
FKh, i a'i., '' 'Ie . . 0
i. -k: '-: Iir.
'.;."i;,, T.
...a, .! .I... ".!"" .tii'' ; ' ii.pi'
ilj f .r at. 'a! " ' -on
' i ) r.-s-')i he can oef-mp 1
ip -utii siri -1, iLe old 'i. i
He exuncs wel' recom-
.. h-t.
H tt
en to ; i
o' I i:nois lies cooinnited
,! A i.t ' b,-. s Sc awa'i b:i F el-
e ii"nt .'or :fe le'iised
l' I.' I'-ltr-'i-.i" "uv-ts. ,i si is.
t .. , rai Eo;el, :,o were p obaolr j
fc.; l'..-t riay I.i in ha Lead oj.t, j., . - i
Tit :o -"' fiyoiu-ite Uimb; he was , .,; 1 1
, only 23 years old. ' Ineii M u. l y.
Tim hoi ! Ii.iy been crowdi d t.iis v eek.
fi .-'ir.
we 'her.
b .n. e c.
"i. :
WO Wen' -l
OHit a. Wilt a b in "I si
. nut w .
I!) se I 'ii
vc . ei
it :i
U ' I II
t r.
: i m
pr v
WnS taiietl
pu!y S li :"
t.i u.e us- i . ,. .
JillUCH I, it i ::. ,
M.irrij., ,,-e-.; i .
J Si..rk a .- e .
and A In ii i...i 'i,
a . v. :. i'
e!e 1 in ,t, ol ,
H'. V, M .j e, Wfl:
11 - -i. ii and i'untty,
tjk: vrd
,lo!in ltol.t
IJ'JKe I'l'd '
ti.M ilr.
er bvh'.iel
' liieir id !
WUi'lu hWHI Lem, R'
sotttu Litint in Yi.'toria, i . 0.
,. . , ,
lf J"''1 f 1 1 n l' ," ,' '
ot,!.Js ''.II. H . -t
t -x t in
tliC SllllOii ..I vl h .' lots. le.
,, . ,
Tin- cr. st 1'oM. ." J.ett.a :ito ( us!o
npp .s i.eii) ii 'i.t I id i.y
ett . S u. .
a a 1 rsi ' ass .-.:.. '.
i 1 A- al.rer 'unto
(. l l'oleii !) 11.
io I il I ii
or i ii;v C-, i-i'oieii ly il. -ii.uis s
ami tti.l wottt lilt" ' sdooi u 'e
SlIOill' .
Mr. S. Yars"i t ier
ooe'li d ..
s'lon iu the Titus bioc'.. He
'line' a
loritlc 'V
:ii... .-.i ii,. it.. i iirf I'.iuls ' at
-?i:l made for till.
I to' h no.' ;,.t i' .1 ' . 01.111 Lie 1-,ikco
.I'cli. ii mi ouii! b ! ,mi last Moiuiay v
, i ..I ii'ieiiii. uce. S-boo) ho;;u tt'".
:e P a. l.i " 'I p. 11'.
, i ;ii . ii i' i'"'.iiii..i " il'. be fon.V' t io
... , :. . !. ti': ,- '. pv.s'c i,- c :
'r t ii'- s hia'y r . i,.'i, i n h !, a u '
"10 'ite t-at'sli:.'! on.
Cloaks ail'' jaci" ' VJ1 e linn ills niU' 1 b
.'. 1. I.n.'ie.. ool ul !ii; s'.. ". Yi't lak
on p.ic s lower i" n; t' ' i west.
C. I' a. . .
1 lordcil, who if..-'d I''
w-irtVc i ' e.'V
I on .Mr. L. llo.tea some
', v. led vrHt'irdiiT t'f obti
" iiiice, win coll
:!..' n on '" Mii i-r
t-rMti ii'ies.
'ie w'il do leuie' ctd to
. .
:eniiiitiary Moutlay.
f os in l.iii.e qiiiiu'ilics, a si i.e i '.t ami
. o i.ilete itssonuiriit, cl"iin inn; tu-sli lio'.i
. in ptibiishi'rs, nmch cheaper lliitn Hi' so
culi'il ai'.-'tifli pn." s, to be i" c ",v.'i' nett
,t e-l- b tvll kuott n denier in i'.ne ie.
:,i' e y uir money and look out for 'he i.
u i ''luslilnii nu's i-o dot has !eci. t'i:.
.1 i in ,'u tlioli li '.id I.olijj'Join pieiill, Is
din' !( tl e past two weekH. I'e i.nii '.ii t l
,.v -vl' cli'ckelis while in t' him Ihiii'. mi l
a' bll'iie is tbieiltcMi'd tv.lhst v-r.t!
j.ii'.in consi-iiuili i. lii.b-i'.i'
n cost V IllOtl.
W'vidv fi ) p .-iii'li at Ilu
I !:
i i.
K ill (i
l m'sV ut I I o'l b
S 'uceillr; Wl'l ' tl I"
;, . . Ii:;? jl. i o i loo
! . c. lici'i',
I a'; p.-i
a. HI.
I tie . - ii
obs' i . in,,
U'M 'if Ml i
,'-ses Al.
. ,i ! ',:y ie r . ' 'till .'ell.
i aiiur;. ice 'i'..; ne aui atlu
1 VI' ed.
iu iiHitis o' tiio t.ei.iie niv
, .'. f I t'' ''U.i'bev'lilld I'l
" 'd.'-.Mt), '') . I ' la. nt 'i
r t'ae i.nip n a, o. ti'i''sai'
IV !". -'. A'.' 'li.'li-.s of
con's ly i.ivit.ti Io a.ii'iu
a, of I'l,- COUllll'.lt"
.'. S.
:"th, iiv .
UitKi n, Sce'y .
e-'t-T. m,! t ft.,.0 III.) r.
'ad tvii
II .'
li ' 'imi'in ;.' ii. li.'.i; our ! c ili't i i
', Ibiir ury other 'ii'-uen "e.
a 1 t t. .vell'ig t ' san 1 -a -
r ;'i i . hi ' "i pi lie nit'! lYit'l'sl
c i
' I
i- ', i- ' of (in :;-ai's .iiipji-
1 i.'s) o' ii'diico t" liavel owi-
: ni.i, Tiie sevi'ini b.aucli
;'l. '. e vtil:'.'0 ol tue ct. r. ilt'll i'. i.
ii iil eoiiipai.ies, they wil' ncc aii'y t. -
es..". to the in. sjs '..i.'.t wi.i ran. u
(."".'ill! t'.ei- i ies kilii.i,; tv-- i
. ', ,t(ine I n , : : i'! i 1 1 i.' ,o' te.'
1 a I)
li', . f'.. .
to a re,-
V t
1 1 l.
, . , t t'ir residence of I
' nt j'leat, Saiem, Mr
-lit da rditarof I'r if. J. ''
ti u rity, Or., in the Hath
i'-, r.i.n.u.i i.I tue uvcee i
in.ti ' t'i.y '.ids niorii'ir.;
il f-arti -p-.i ''.ill be U"h'. l.i
at b-i-i-1
;l).:'i: a. io. Hi"
i) in! d. "! 'i'v U
1 i
t.. .- -
e t
tb -
if ii
Itl. ''Vug'.,'
uls u' tl. e
.i'y - yi
i n.; e re
1 1 1
V t
' ie '
I. ut'.
in I !
t'lir, '
Mm. Wi
., loving
In., the
'. . t' oap
nr., ' dill
all i.', 'if
M i i:lilc;
-ii I. 1 1 a n .ini''
'V 1 i-,',.a.
i.ei:, ' l'
1 1 - iy.
K. n"y.
Ir w "itii.
Ciias ',:',
' "i.l
; Ait-
i lo i Halii. t I', o
f Jllli 'tl i' ; ,i
, .(. .v.iit. ii. Ji
iia, .;. '.'.. 1--fit
Ul ;..:, A. C. iVo
. trull,"
"P ',i;vu' .
oi ('. ' M.
li-'-l-i :il-'
. 1-ls.l II. f.
'. M.'Colliiiii
1 1 milliliter, ;
-.' ?i!aii. ! ii tk 'I"'' f rt 1 1 1 11 '' fiin
,1 riii iini. 'nt'l "( !'-l:l-. i' ' ru- toe ,
mi . ; -t .Ir ( In has '.' ir Iti' c tab- j
f n to n' r nit'
! 'l .1' -pe-'l
' k
t! la'
;, -.S !i : -'.
:ifii e t.,
i. ; in ; v:
ie .
j T
far- '
; g .., ' c f ,
i -
op. rs
' Lane County.
r.lection day, last Tmisday, u diwj;ree
; aiiln oi e; it la uint; nearly all day ste.idily
Y'je v. t was neaily lliou'miurt. At Frid.t
At Friday
1 tU previiicls in Iheoouiity llHil lell
materially change tin) rinjorily titeti below
clirti.K. t!i rinjorily u'iyii below,
t lh iirohllntiou ameintiuent. H
iblu to proeiue the full voto in
wis mii.oiMliut to proc
e ifh pnciuci. On ilia other two amend
ments WC COll'd Uilt li'lli ll U'llj uitus. How
evir, tka Hiiu-ii bn-o' on aalaii -s will Dot re
ceive over li'H ailii'ii.i'i "e oies in the county,
t-!i!ii the chaii. iut; ul ei cUon Miiieiulninii'.
t ihti ate.l by I NI u "h O innjority.
llelow will be foil 1 1 a t.iule id luajolltiea
on Ihti piolnbitioii ii'iii'o.'.iu- tit, by prt-cinO: ,
North Kus'ene
; South I'li.n .
.Juu'iiou ....
ClcKsAeil ....
i.'ntl ige (iruve
SprnnttlelJ ..
Camp Citvk .
Spencer ... .
rieananl Hill
Ri. hardsou . ,
l . tor j
Mid lie Foik ,
. it' len.ia ..
. nl. I reek . ,
l it. luttvk . . . .
' i.' si Valley,
'. .'iirf Tom..
I ake ''reek
' Wi'.d Cat ...
Ibi-ei Dell..
. Mai el
'J 'lllli ....
Ma oi'i'.y ii;; ii ist the piohibiti v. amend
un ut, - 8.
N- v etk y vt ill be a''.e to pte the full
vein ti'i fiich i ni -d.'. V seaiiva' -e,, by Ihti
f.'iiuty v i :k.
f.'njor I ' n er.'.oit in Del'-oit.
i1! , M' -i
llemlernlt !, i, C.IU o- '
Yimiot and uih Mir, i''
tr ut c m " . I'oii-o ia' '.v
ii' es of ,1'e ti. A It. an:
place. A hivi'e Hiiu mo
. 'X-N'a'-r n. ' .
r;-' of the t!,.ppn
peared at 'he L)e-
' li,, nn 'nr tint alls
i t . ii. . . cf thin
in 'iini'e
ui" er 'e t the bad ibaa cn tins oc'-Aaici. Ilia
peil niua icj with t'ut d.n.ii ami ati ' a u
, ' siiii('lv ti'OUueifr1, Vh" Mnj"i' a'.'tn '.d be
: ';n -'t. .1 ny a eiDWiie.i nou .e at t rare Forks
o nioi otv evcinn es l.e ;;o.- (',. ie '. the
1 'ie " it of I be lo'l cf Ooi,)s. -Snciii' to
j '-rind Folks Dailv I ciali . The .niiioi
wi1 appear a K ieee CH V IVcemb"!' i.ith
auJ luYt.
t'.i Tnnsfers.
W 't' (Is'i.i.ii ly ii' "i A. Co!t'; two lota in
j 0 .biii 'i s adillt.rin,
atii $ UP,
A' I awti a' lo Mill V lite
:en. .'at 'a Cli.'la-
t-'iu's addition, com,
i tsr "1'" ' Avci's Hon 'iMi; :. !u
' sup of ll"i''at loos. a0.ii;ist ('poi';;h Weaver,
f itok"' ui;;, lulininislraliir of Ilu1 esiate of
il 'iia .Vi avi'V of Kos 'luirg tvasoii trial bs-
.'.ir i .ni'.;;:i 'li.tily iinl it joiy JMi.ndsv, in '.Vr j
'. . l e "ourt, nt Fo tliuui. "lie ,'ii-s
a one f K in foe, leen o' (hn K.-ine lialu ni
ii is ra cat "f l.e deuilc.uioiii of 'helato W. I
'. ''iv-'ns, o' 'ou;; (oii i'e. '.'r. Owens'
, - .leied i.ito nn H;,i-et iiu-nl ivith Meclit t(r"a.,
, if 'iiita;,o, io slili woo". I'l tue'ii, and ill or-1
"r to obtain adv.. aces 'rum them gave laeiu I
in ni'1't ill Ilie hum el ;'i',,t)d , which nasi
1 M.pi-'it hy Map Weaver al d three otbi in as
lanieliis I In v cluii.i tbat t.iu nmouiit
woo! sen! tc liie.n did not amount to ns niiicli
a the iii't' iiiin... by S'l,47.i.'.IO, nnd they.
ouii;; ..nt "MUM ie esla e of liana Weaver,'iy, (o i eeover lira niniiillit. I ho defense
ed ' III.'1, the boi'd was n it si' m d by
Mr. ".'niter; Unit ;s lo h.iv tne names of tlie
ser lb a in lie bonds nut forgi d. It is 11 u
b". ' ni l that I i wune ilefolisu will be ni 'iie
l " 1.' ;ald lo otll' r boluis and snliia l'lltes in
wh'cb the names of a number of Uouglasi
oo.inty farmers are atliiclicil. I be suit was
'.e 'ided iu favor of llecht 'iros.
' i.niiiei) '".. .ru I'a.sis .ttvty.- Mr. T.
.. . Iliii'liild tiifil M Sn- peer piei'inct lust Silt
. d v, ro.'i the bursting a oihod Vessel ii.
i a rr'H', a:; "l '':'. years, 10 iiiruihi a id 11
ili.t',. i iie Je ','".i:ed was lior.i i'i Miirainil
c i- lity, '. eiiiie i-.i'o, and at the a;; of S nij-
t to M:h uri, from wh'.-ir o :e emi
flitted to Oi.'joi in IS.iJ. rriivsd in
an" county the Fall of tint ear ft txj has
o' tiuiionsly ,'i'sided in this county, For
aativ vear Ue was a cltl..eli ol Migene, an."
i'3!d ho c'llee of pit? recorder and justice of
'. ' l! e pea' e t con .idei able ienglh of limn. He
r ' .a ..t iit ornr y ae.';7eant nuiltir Ci plain Tluil
Viiil:, j ', 1 p v ill"' Unfile ttivev 'mliun wnr. Sipd e
i t'oliniio leaven iiimiY filelula who rcupectm
Irm .or i.'s gfiioioiia uir' no.dn iiualii ea
' is nuns 'v re buried 'ii t ie J!ul,.pyceiii
t i t, A wii i w ' wife and leu children
in i Iii" :l" itli.
tsii AYi n on 11 From the stabla of
Dr. Ostium at Itrownsville, Or., on the night
of Oct. iii, 1 , oue small bay horse ti years
old, a few white hairs under back band, no
brand, rough shod on fore feet, hind feet
siin.oili, no corks. Any Information leading
to Ins recovery given lo Dr. Ostium ul
l.rowns.ille-or W. T. Osluirn at Eugene
C 'v will bo thankfully received and all reta
il i. hie charges paid.
io "i''. Notice is hereby given to a":
whom it limy coueern, not lo Irust anvonel
0,1 luy account as 1 will pay only debs of
I .-.Wll'l. .Willi I.l HHg .
L. O. Li iii i.
lj. :.. ..i.i.l n n... i, ,uut
j iSJirill,ll,'ltl, ,11,., till.. .11, nnf,
. ..aon ( "bmpakv. Miltioi Mid I.o '!e
'e playid a1 I'd ne l.a.t'a Tbeui.e last
diiesday I'V-ii n ; to 'Ii s'iii,ii."ht a.ri en, e
lieS' itson. This r in. u oi II e bust mil-
pnuies lli"l ervr .as I'd lli ,;i'iie, am wt e
! .. 'iii': of v ',.. o 'a' oiii-'p.
'.' rf'j' 'Jr;i..r. Fay (Vm, thj peraoe
Ii- f,.j!it oat :. 'ini S, ii ,in is o Uir He ier-
c iv of V " w'.'j "cil I "iii.r. ,e : " luy aite.-nooi
i i : a.l.'-1.' !)'; cut m'i' a' ll.p "n e.
J!,- V.'.ll lit VH
Pun, In tb
.1 vt,,, i
city i.l 'ha
sideuce i tfr
v.lj. ii . ti.' , rr- , t i oif u.t anil, iv
l ti.l.'Ii I 'lJiri ItiihIi li.le-, B g. I )
i. ..fitbs. T'li- !ittiti!y ti4ve tiie yun et'iy '1
a,, r oi a v f'iciiils.
! I.Ai.ii. Mossik. Fisher A ttkiua
ba-'c !tf" lard for iii (piantiiies to n it
pe ' lia-i is. It is guan iili i il to be tp-t "lass
D e y
I M mi.- iii t'o' ci v, .o J p8 , . liy
I Her. C. M. I.'i' . M. Fi"iSt,nk, u',
ar il M ti r, Ul. ler!.il', o' l'a.u.
Fa'ivkiis Ajtkvuo;. llefore it is loo )i e
to secure -o'sl fesh ius seeds come .0
SUl leu A Si n for tbe-ii.
Winrn A h nnd niaple wood for furni
tii,.j work, fcy Day & i.idirsvl).
Cloth! ig for men as I lot", at rout, which
beU bezdnrnpt i. ocV, at Lett me a'l.
. ...KlJlTOBi
Tt s Frank is aiitetn um les.
I hope it won't Imppeu auaiu.
rj rrmuj (,! 'I'tn.t is a aetiior c
i ,,, .... . i
I riooso t-aiH.ato, nice., jnc, ii ci
citiuc, inc.
What 1ms become of our pio;xitd mu-
Woodswortli'a rinj; is woiae than the 15
Qiieiy: Why does l!iittt.ii like yellow
We have been bat ing; aome 'i weather the wick.
Mesasis. Dorsey and lat is ( titered acbool
.aM Mondity. chemistry class e.e u:iioiisly awaitipg
that little mouse of Mullet's.
The w n 'ron vi'iccs of (he Sopbuiorea
may bo UearJ this welkin riug.
I he lhetoiio c'iiins has learned th.'t Y'irgi
k llttl liido; uevcr too lale to learu.
"Sucred to the uit ii'.ory of Arthur Yeaay,
a;ed liinetei u yc ira. in pace."
E. M. lirulii in bus discovered a uew place
for o.urying coi.ceali' 1 weapons - u hi bat.
I'.uuiia'a poclvt t is oone. T hin loss tvi'l be
'ci uly felt by nil tlie atudeuts especially tbe
sin vi ) nig,
The co.j-oration of the ao.-ictiea met io
their hall on Friday fur a, shoit busiues
Mr. 0. A. Sharpies baa, we bear, been
ill in l'hiladvlpUia, but was belter at the lat
est news.
Quite a uuinlier atlendi d the meeting of
the Y. W. C. A. lust Tuesday in l'rof. Hull
ey'a icoiu.
Wo uiiderstnnd that a private box baa been
fitted up for Miss Fmuia Teat at Khiuehait't
Hiss Amiio Crain'a resignation as Secre
laiy waa accepted at the last meeting of the
Wo wonder if Chet Kiln ;s teaching those
poor little innocent chittb eu hotv to piny
tlione rattle bom s.
Miss I'ami'toil aeeuia to nave a peculiar
liking for while horses, lint for some reason
they do not likn her.
We read wilb pit asiire the ir'eiesling let
ter from Duve Collie, iu the IW Ulster. luve
e'tvaya was a good talker.
We miderstand that Miss Annie llobeits,
of Tlio Dalles, is espectetl lo filler the uni
versity about Christum.
So noiry we hud to i;o lo our class tli- oth
er day for K ckinohoise w. a just gettiiig out
bia ha:p aud wae prepari'ig to tlauce,
Quite nitistlO tilsP' was displayed last week
by. some of (he g ris in thing up Mr. Mo-
i (tluiu'a nV (ill llltt sti ir bnaiVKlwr,
Too bad that six pia'i' scitu not have
Iho privilege of esrliaiijucj eid iv witb tjume
i ait htni'.euts of ours wl.n niricir to be so
ansioi to Imi of a aable lire.
Mis Liniia HoK leii Saluiday evening
vitb her faiber and n o lu r for Teniu'Hace,
wi.ela slid expects to Hi in iy miisii'. I.iiimi ie
one of our joiliest ga.s aud w ill be missed by
us all.
Jnde Flynu of A'b.itiy w'n in Ku.ino last
Me. C. 1'io.iiii' t bi'i t!u ud ' j-.n a visit
to San Frame ' ,'0.
Mi'. Luliiec roiv.lart. lei.t' iie 1 v roi.'und
1 blltsti.'y iiioniing.
ltev A 1. rn.kev has 101 e to S;f . Fialu'ia-
of I c ' un a brief visit.
(Nimiuision.'.s (iiei'ii nil. I Day
I lown a e.iuple of davs his week."
e la
,,r 8f1( UM wi( ml(, lUwjill:t 1( ft Sat.
.,, tt ..:, , rIVIHn Klr,..
Al Wilson leliiiind fioin a visit to Kansas
City, Mo., last T.ltHila) etriiing.
We iicliiowliio jp il pliia .iiiil call fiom Mr
A. It. I'liillolph of i'lu.'.'iici, tins week.
Mr. Thou, llii.'niws, of itlem, visitid Eu
geoe f" ends here a co in's of days this week.
Hoi:. 8. 0. Thompson, of Monroe, wae
be 'p several days tins weak iUeii!ii:5 court.
Mr. F, n ik i tnioii,
l,.ve this r.llb-' a p!-.
iu-. ?.n'.il. l,',iel'""J
lu'i ' tr li'ilp Mr. G j i'
i ivpo,
1 ; ,.. Ui "a. Povt-
.'(ill 1 'I't'Ctlillpl.-Ut
a: tb' t placo. ,
M". il. W. Cottle, h-. ro'.ui y of Uiu Slute
Insurance Company, wa.t in Uume two or
'hree days '.hi i week.
fr. C. H. Williams, of C'u.ipeville, V. T
is Tiait'iift Ht the esideuce oi Iter father,
Mavor Dunn, in Ibia cily.
Mr. Jatiies Nolan 1 ip' i ."'d iioui riuut.Ui)
e unity Moiioay. He llnidti d hiiiTeting the
reservation there iiist Hatmd.iy.
Wi. Wi'l Alexander le!l for Sun Francisco
lust MondfiT even'.iij, where be propone
winding at 'lis 1 n ' I i'.'Bt ci:y.
A leer from Dr. J. C. Whitcukor, dated
at llanford, Tii'ars ccnily, Cal., Nov. 8tb,
orings too good news t'jitt b is improving iu
M.i H. G. MiiRpy left for Eyron. Contra
Costa Co., Cel., his't 'i Imrsday ev. niiig. He
-ots to fpiiii;',s1n tie;;;iiiiiiihi od hoping
lo jet lelit f from l'lieiiiiialtMii, We hope be
may be successful. Mr. Jas lliir-ei', Jr.ttccom
inuit)S bill).
Plean&nt Hill Items.
Elec'ion over.
Two behind on problbi
tl. a.
; ' ri'is'.ow le cr icl from Erottusvdle
last Mou'av.
.'11 uiu cnije nt las. slid ;i-o md lather
drv iiven yet to woi k Weil.
Mr. A. J. Miltthers o Ea ene in;. ' t'lis
place a tlying 'bit linking iir l ie '-m
a lairs, et '.
Capt dr. Steve Hi;,' e.a s! .iled to '.he inoun
tains Tiinrhilay for the j iupokp of moring
iia (iimily o ids ' 'it i' ' r"'lt-
Mr. Will Bel i'i' rt..d iioui Asu'.ind
Inst wei-k, paid has i-iw enib. rl.e I on the life
o' a '.inner wl'l m,tu' ;u the Dodsoli
pVe t' is ypii.
). H. 'iris uw, Waller Vi'.iuu'k, Jno. and
lfill V est .ire (linking a. i to'; . in ids lo go to
ll.e Ul tiiltailis h"OD fur the p'l.pose of bunt-
: a few wpiiKS.
Tv ti:.0'- B.
Bonks at Auction.
And prirale s ' e of three .uonti-.i'd rol
i mee of staudaid, MP' and in:s.'iii'aneou
works. Fine ft tii i Iy Uibles, All.ume and
Joreni ee. An opportunity 'f bl time to
necnie the finest t ! iss of b 'ok:i tt bii gaina.
Auction sale at 7 o'clock p. in. et Ti'ue
block. Priritte f ile a! au it'on n ices du.'ng
Fob Hint. Two pi
; ..U snin of ro.-ims.
nartlf furnishe 1
i .'ti ti sun fi I C1-.11C7 tur
room, or all mar U sci ! 'or cue f.,a,ily,
at teasoni'.ble n,;-ir s by c.r.lii g ('!: M.-. U
M. Judkins,.fr nt n. pi iimij., n:h St.
ItoRK. Iu this cily S v, Nor. 6,
mi, to the wife of Mr. W. H. Fcnti n, aetB,