The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 05, 1887, Image 5

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f,M g'd dentistry t" l" ')r J Tuyliir.
fcnuw mod Ismght and mid at GohUiuith's.
fcicky. mower 'iiilr at Pritchett X
a k nets.
fh highest cash price will be paid fur wheat
v U Dunn.
ii -Uty acres (if lino land fur ule. Inquire of
Jl Coleman.
feimtiuiraplu tinuhed neatly and artisc
lily ut Winter'
ii,,e line of silk plushe in all shades
grades at F B Dunn'i.
g.itand cold laths every day In the week
t.rry iiorn u"i.
,,u can purohase Waltham watclui at
Vatts rom flu ami upwards.
J Va want hardware at reasonable prices
it the "tore uf Pritchett & Fnrkner.
, .I.Imiii itla pays tor beaver $2 to ?3 50 per
link and conn, 1.) to .() cU.
fuller and otter, J?. to
jr lers tor Spencer Butt fruit tress may
j, ft at the Grant,'!) store; also Mr. Brown,
tightb street will have them for sale.
L. year old bartlett pear trees will be $12
mfrid, siiiuller ones $8. Other trees
. OnvaLB Puelps, Prop.
I. Taylor' 7 Oaks Compound, purely veg
fl. .,.ntii'elv cures rheumatism, nenraliia.
t" i. t - i . i.- - . .
h.ielie, Wiw nennaine, cramp cone, cuniera
mi. Complaint peculiar to female, Dvs-
' it A. ll: (I.!M. 7-
C'M'i or voiiKii, JIM-)., v inns auu ie
pains around the lie art, erysipelas,
;,ie. Geoiiue Taylor.
... i i a. n .1 .i I... . .
il l iiy usourn a o, hi uimk, toiene.
Coburg Items.
November 1, 1S87.
Snis scarce.
feather beautiful.
Fred Wilson of Mohawk has located
large amount of full grain in being sowed
jp vuiuity.
4. John Puhuer is building a fiuo resi
le on his property.
Is. Coehvau of Brownsville has started a
lry in this city.
t new supply of logs for the Coburg
will arrive in about ten days.
j. Diunniek of Marion county will speak
fohibitiou at the city hall to-iiilit.
m J, C. Goodule is liuiv inj his drnij
I to corner of Willamette and Mill
i Samuel Skinuer and wile of Mohawk
id at the residence of ll, II. Skinner
$. John Wilson ha moved Lis house to
tillage, having bought a lot of Mr. Isaac
Jiool is progressing nicely under th8
sgeuientofMr Gill as piiiicipai and
ll.ncy Murcb assistant.
rfectly Reliable and Responsible.
'U.ei.TcnrrTm Hi-minn Sent "7. !Sji7
i r having received of L. I). Lake, agent
I State InRuraue Co., ot bulem, Ure-
Twelve hundred and niuety-three and
I dollars, which was a full and satisfao-
bavnient of any loss by fire which oc-
JSept 1st, 1837, under policy Ko.
We will say that in consideration of
-..linns tnuMi-.l nor loss that T consider
its Insurance Company of Salem, Ore-
Perfectly responsible and reliable.
(signed; maby a. bmitii,
HniAM Smith.
For Sale.
I hundred and seventy acres of laud, V,
. ruui'Eugene City, Or., nicely located
i Jtidences, in lots from 5 acres to one
Irtd acres to suit purchasers. Thu
is the very host quality, all in cultiva
; five minutes walk from the city. Terms
icasonable; one-half down, balauce ou
h 310 acres of land 5 miles north of Eu
pity, Or., on county road. Convenient
Soul and railroad, iu quantity to suit
Sasers, from 80 to Kit) acres. " Plenty of
t and timber; the land is first-class and
cultivation. Address
or.A. C. ISnowN, Agent.
tine City, Orcgou.
Local Market Report.
Kuoknk, Oct. 28, 1887.
!k -3.V.
rtey AV(i 40 cts psr bushel.
9 eU ier iloz.
T'ER-2.Vff :I0 ct per lb.
l-10 ets perlh.
?'K-lt rade, ?l;2.l, M.fiO.
'N-Sides lOftj 1 12e; siui.ililers 7 to 8 ets;
4 12 ct.
fl-24 ets.
Bt.ies-oOfo (JO cts per hush.
r-i-.'4 wi ir cts.
-Wi 12 ets.
Iical Goons. Besides having a full
I jewelry Mr. J. O. Watts has just re
I from the East a large invoice of spec
i socles, eye shades aud other optical
He also carries a complete stocK oi
I tnmtiiiiiL's. Give him a call at his
i" Ham & Paine's building.
al TELEOBrH. Office hours on Sun-
Ptu 8fl0 to 10:(l0 a. ui., nud from 4:00
P p. in. Week days.all business hours.
I G. F. Chaw, Supt.
roa Sai.k. A fiuo building lot tor
ai!rowin.j nnrtion of town U.txlliO
Will be sold cheap tor cash. Inquire
A P U'...i i. r. ...!....!,.
foot. Books. Purents hnv vour school
"i -Mr. tieorge Collier, formerly mc- ;
k & Collier. He has the largest stock j
at low prices.
M Miller will furnish iuf irniation
1 farm rights for the combined wire !
ket fence during or.r nlw-n -e j
' J. T. Swkkt .V Co.
8ilic. A lot of nice, as I
' new, at j
E. R. .v r.n & Co'. I
Sale. Firu quality Oregon whits ;
tor seJ, Also choice winter apple. '
T. W. Shixtos. !
alp. l.V) iou in all parti t Kiwens '
'h aud h n. Prh-cs to suit.
Geo M. Mili ih. j
tEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by
J rril.le c muh. Shiloh'i Cnreis the reme-
hacking cou(i !
5' cared bySliiloh's Cure. We u'irantee
"f for Ida 40x!fi0 feet business proper-
o lilmn .t, a i: .u .1...
i . j n,iv;-i( ,,u Dunn mr iu ,
p J le his money within two years.
I . . r . 1
Judges and Clerks.
The following nion..i .. ,
l'LEASANT hill.
JllilL.ea.l i f... L I. ll. .
r:i..l,n "!'. "in Kelsay, Stn
!.. ... .. . ".''AW.
l ltik-Hirim Wiugard, F Uavia.
, , COtOTE.
'UiiL'ei-,l Jl Doak. .I..l n vj: ,. i
UerkH-Doak umwalt, Chai Hadley.
Julkes-lW Kuli, l,evi Tulimm, J F
Clerka-tieo Hale, G U Chamberlain.
. - " ' " ui.nee, Pilous
nil uei r .1 ,L i.'i. i.g,.! t
Ierk-J Juan, A D Uhklon.
iiazi K nm.i..
JinLw T II MiiCUna. 1 1 t ,..ll i..i.
,, . ' uvneu, I. will.
t- lerks -Dave Willielm Jan Walker.
LoNO Tom.
luiL'es W A Smith. .Tnlm V.n
Clerks J W Mah.m, J A Piliiey,
.ludces .1 T Kiik. W H Hoirnrm. I;i1..u
uiiuri u
- . , j
Chrki-U M Mulholland, W M Pimey.
.ludutH-J I'! ltii'hanlHoti. Mr It
Cletks-Frauk Kirk, S V Harjsile.
Juiliies John Kisnenuer. A I) '.h-Un.l TV
n r.
I leiki Chas KissenBer, Chas McFarl.iud.
JUiL-es -i, I' Wil hams. A L lloiiev. W 1!
Clerks-H S Ward, II C Morgan.
Mllllll.E FOHK.
T.. I . . T 1 . In , l . .. i.n
.iiiiii;e ,101111 i.iiiKtiv. iiiaa v nte. 1 innnu
Clerks -11 B Kelsay, Owen Osliurn.
Judges-Sidney .Scott, J M StalTonl, C Cole,
(Terks-U It Baxter, K V Hay field.
CAMP creek.
Jud 'cs - A Miner, Jus Campbell. T M Mar-
Cleik-S C Brauton, M, Hillogas.
Iuili;ei John Sims, l'eter Kuney, A S
1 jwers.
Judges -V G 1 urKerMin, 1) M Kisdon, A
J Johllsou.
Clerks -J W Cherry, H C Humphrey.
Judges J A Steven, M L Wilinot, Jno.
Clerks - A Wheeler. W It Walker.
Judt'ts J W Manterson, J II Shortiidge K
W Whipple.
Clerks --Frank Wooley, O F Knox.
.Tudges P C Noland, Win Tiffany, John
Clerks C MeKinney, Marion Bobinette.
J. lilacs - K 15 Cochran, B.F Wilkes, B K
Ch rks Win L5 Shaw, Ed-ar McClure.
Judges J C Yates, Allen Bond, A J Zulu
wait. Clerks J M Kitchen, A 2 Jenning.
Judges Daniel Malmie, Mr Palmer, A P.
Clerks John Bmcnian, Joha Hairer.
Wlt.l) CAT.
Judges- It G Fowler, J L Atkinson, V
Clerks -Wm F Cornelius, A E Whiteaki r.
JuiL'ea Josenh Wistnian, W Farris, Thus
Ch'iks -Minsor Wells, A P Anthony.
Goshen Items.
Nov. 3, 1887.
Mr. Win. Gainey has rented his farm to
Mr. Dim Holdridge.
A J Keeney returned from a week's visit
with relatives in Linn county Tuesday.
Mrs. Willits has returned from her visit to
California. Her daughter returned with her.
A number of gentlemen of Goshen attend
ed the Brodie sale last week and purchased
Mr. and Mrs. I. Barclay, of Pleasant Hill,
visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Benuelt, of this
place, last week.
The hop growers of this section have a
down cast appearance, owing to the fact of
there being no sale for their hops.
There seems to be considerable attraction
at this place tor "Billie" Taylor, a coufec
tiouery man of Eugene. Can it be that he is
contemplating furnishing our populous (?)
village with a candy manufacturing estub
lishment? A debating society hns been organized in
this district by the young people. Following
are the officers: B F Keeney, president; J M
Berkshire, vice president; T P Keeney, sec
retary; A L Stewart, treasurer; L Parker,
critic and Wm Bennett seargent-at-arnis.
Thrnksgiving Proclamation.
Stub or Orehon, Executive Dept., I
Salem, Nov. 1, 187. f
In obedictice to honorable usago I do here
by appoint the fourth Thursday of the pres
ent month to be observed by the people of
Oregou as a day of Thanksgiving to Almigh
ty God the great ruler of nations for the
manifold blessings he has bestowed upon this
commonwealth. The same courtesy that
prompts us to expressions of gratitude to a
friend for favors received should impel us all
to give public thanks to God for His number
less mercies.
Witness ray hand and the seal of the state
of Oregon hereunto studied at Salem, Ore
cm this 1st dav of November, A. D., 17.
Bv the Governor:
Geo W. McBniPE, Secretary of State.
List of Letters
Remaining uncalled for at the postoffice iu
Eocene Citv. Oregon, Nov. i.
lwlimntn. It. nrv
Carr. Mr E S
o,imeriin, John
i,(vis, A C
Hutching. Maggie
Ke:m - !y. Ivigene
Maupiu. Mrs Ada
Rulige, Mrs S F
Tuinel, John
WiNon, F.ilwiu, 2
Cnrnn. Mrs Maria
Doni, Miss iloa
Johnson. .Wnffgie
Kelly, Wm R
Potter, B, 2
Stitnfield. C W
Wells Mi-sMaiT
Williams. Mrs Martha
Persons calling tor the alsjve will please j
siV Mdvrtiil. giving Hate.
f. W. OsBLKS, P. M.
! Teopie from the conntry ibonld not fail to
i c ,n ou the pholographers'on !'th street, op
i ' pk.n.hiri', !',-hU. Thold firm on
' wTl'laiut-t'e treet In irg placed in other handi.
' Mr C. L. W-Ltcr will I phased to meet old
i Irir',j nt the tent, and will insure the Iwst
qnalitv'of work iu all branches of photogra-
'phv. Rememwr tue place ami iuo uru-uc
i ,.f wirk i nti mainiaiuea ut ui
Clltuc - - - .
r, i at
EUciiou Monday.
School books at Collier.
. Two or three book agents in town thi
Mr. Chamberlain has started another
livi ry wagon here.
Over lix pupils are now enrolled in
E igeiie public school.
It is eipeetid that the vote next Tue:
Will be considerably short.
Prohibition or auti-prohibition ii the.iues.
tiuu most discussed these days.
School books of all kinds at George Col
lier's. Price them; buy them.
The Willamette river here is eighteen
inches Ir.wer than evr before known.
The hull givn last Saturday night by the
military company was lilierally atteuded.
Mr IJe.i K Craw has the sole asoncy for all
brand.1 of the celebrated Tansil Punch Cigars.
CO head of good stock aud mutteu shep
tor sale. Inquire of Du.
Try some of thst coraline, always to be
ouii.i ni Louie & Howard's. A tine dish for
A meeting of the LaneCouuty Fruit Grow
ers Association is called to meet in this city
Xovcinbtir 12th.
The Alexander Brodie farm on Pleasant
Hill bionght 417i'0. Mr. Jos. Goldstoue
was th auctioneer.
The 1,") cent barber shop is now locator in
thi- lower story of the building occupied by
Wilcox' photograph gallery.
Something new: A tine breakfast di-h.
Seif-riiiing buckwheat at Cottle ,V Howard's.
The finest thing out. Try it.
The Ilendiicks-llowe party that was hunt-1
ing in the liowe river conutry last week kilhd i
s venteen deer and one bear. j
Lambert .t Henderson, are the sole agents j
for the celebrated Superior stoves. Take '
your wife and look at tliem. I
Conipatiy C, O. N. G., has received forty I
new gnus. The old ones lately in use w iill
be sent to one of the Coos Bay companies. I
1 here are a good many places in town to
buy tea, but the best place, is at Cottle V
llnu-itril s ulii-.i vim Imv I. .a (i-.ini Oil '
, j '' .
It is stated that in a week or two that two
engines will bo attached to the California
express truiu, the train bring too heavy for
one engine. .
Persons desirous of really fiae operations I
in dentistry are invited to call ouHendersor,
leiitist, wlio oive pppi.ii attention to
huest gohl tilllligs.
Cotinly court Monday; conimissioners
court Wednesday. It is likely that the last
named court wiil adjourn until after the
term of circuit court.
Don't von thiuk for a lnonieiit" we are
tooling you, but come right into Coltle A
Howard's where vou can get first-class goods
at the lowest possible price.
The young Indies o' iAu..y.. W, . C. T. A-
will give a "Crazy Tea" and entertainment
Saturday, Nov. f, 1887, at Rhinehart's hall.
All are cordially invited.
The I'ncle Tom's Cabin Opera Co. com
posed of the musical amateurs of this place
will reproduce the opera ou Friday next for
the benefit of the new .baptist church.
When von want a good smoke don't forget
to call nt ( iittlo A; Howard s for your cigars
The El Caballo, a special brand, is without
doubt tho best 10 cent cigar in Eugene. Try
100 volumes of nistory, Biography, Trav
els, Thrilling Adventures, beautitul'y bonnd
in cloth and cola for sale at Collier s book
store at 3;1 1 i percent, discount from the pub
lishers' list. Go and see them.
Moore's Hair Invigorator may be found
on sale at tho following places: Ostium A
Co's drug store, Wilkin's drug store, Horn's
barber shop. Call and get ono. No lady's
toilet complete without it. Sample free.
Having established connection with Cali
fornia agents I am now prepared to give my
patrons tho benefit of the very best medium
for selling real estate ever offered there.
WEO. .11. JIII.LEIt.
Bv the latest methods in use by Eastern
dentists high in the profession, Henderson is
enabled to produce equally as desirable re-
sulls in fine gold tilliugs. Office same place,
Hayes' block.
Bookbuvers will do well to consult cata
logues and post themselves ou prices at their
own homo bookstores, before blindly snap
ping up tho remarkable! !) bargains of wild
cat hook vendois.
We acknowledge the receipt of the first
number of The Northwest Horticulurist,
published at Tacoma, W. T. It is a (rood
paper and deserving of a liberal support
from the people of tho northwest.
Some one told somebody that something
told them that he said that someone thought
that he knew that Cottle & Howard sold gro
ceries cheaper thau any house in town. If
you don't believe what he said, come and be
Nearly the full amount of the $300,000 cap
ital stock of the New Albany Farmers aud
Merchants Insurance Co. hiiBbeen subscribed
and the same is now being paid up. The
company will soon be thoroughly organized
and ready tor business. Albany Herald.
Starr & Yundenburg have received direct
from the manufacturers in St. Louis thi larg
ist line of pressed goods ever received in the
town. Give them a call and take a look at
ihose goods. T hey also have a car load of
the latest style and best make of stove.
Before deciding what you will buy for your
Fall dresses, jackets, wraps and ulsters, give
Bkttmas a call and Bee his remarkable exhi
bition in those lines in endless variety of new
and stylish patterns, all bought at low prices
for cash, aud will be sold on margins only to
make living profits.
The Emerson miustrelsjave a performance
at Rhiin-h irt's Theatre last Saturday. The
company wi.s one af merit. Howevor, the
people would not risk attending on account
of Emerson bilking them a few years ago,
when he received a liberal dose of stale eggs.
They served Lim right.
A tramp was arrested last Tuesday and
Wlno.1 in i ail. The marshal was much sur-
, , , . , I. i ,
prised the next morning when he calhd to ;
notice that ha was broke out with a well di- j
DlieU tar Ml l...nnin, uo I.J un.-. w..j. .-
ed a doctor who is attending the man. He
claims to be a sailor, and says he hails from
The many friends of "Company C" will
be glad to hear that n dramatic eMcrtninniriit
by home talent is soeu to be put on at
Rhinehait's Ihente for 'the hem fit of the
company. The pi.iy chimeii is th "Ticket-of-leave-niaii."
Rehearsal begin this week
and an early dale will be fixed tor its pro
duction. The militia company is justly pop
ular with our citizen, and is deserving of
ftuerous and subsUmial patronage.
Ths Albany Herald says: "The last h'ard
f'om the Empire Seed Company swindlers,
their leader Hogan was in Portland trying to
all the noUs of Linn county farmers, while :
Beaty and some of the other scrubs were op-
eratmg in Benton county, baling received
and negotiated at Corvaliis a thorn-and or two
dollar. M. Fuller, of Harrisliurg, ha re-
covered bis note of $1"), the kh irpers having
simply delivered it op tor fear of y rnonel
Circuit court Monday.
Wet or dry, Tuesday. Which.'
Work is well under way on the new Bap.
tist chnrch.
The brick work on Mayor Dunn's building
is completed.
Eugene Hook and Ladder Co. meets next
Monday evening.
Ditcliburn has sold his restaurant. Sever
al creditors mourn therefore.
It is rumored that a Mr. Gaiiisou u'ill
start another grocery stors iu Eugene.
A large invoice of grass seeds from Chicago
was received by Sladdeii Jfc Sim this week.
Siven or eight families arrived hro this
week from Kansas and will locate in this
Don't you doubt it ! ! ! You can buy more
goods for less money at Cottle ,V Howard's
than anywhere else in Eugene.
A choice lot of orchard crass, blue Brass.
timothy, clover, alfalfa, lawn and red top
seeds for sale by Sladden Jfc Son.
The U. S. supremo court has decreed unan
imously that the seven anarchists, convicted
at Chicago of murder, must hang.
The ladies aid society of the Christian
church will meet at the' resldeuce ot Mrs.
Geo. Gill next Thursday moruing, Xov. lllh.
Tin? military company gave a drill ou Will
ametto street last Wednesday evening. The
boys urn becoming quits p'roflcieut iu the
manual of arms.
Mr. Win. Kyle has been appointed post
uissfe at Florence, Lane county, vice
O W Hurd. We congratulate Mr. Kyle, lie
will mako au excellent Nasby.
Rev. B. S. McI-afTerty, formerly of Eugene,
now of Tacoma, fell forty feet through a de
fective sidewalk at that place the other night
aud sustained injuries which it is feared will
prove fatal.
There will be no preaching at the First
Presbyterian church next Sabbath owing to
continued illness of the pastor, Suuday
school at l'.':')!! aud young people's prayer
meeting at S:;l0 as usual.
Hundreds of persons who have used Aver'i
Hair vigor atie-t its value, as a stimulant
nn.I tonic i.r tm.v,.i,t;,irr i.,i n,i.;i, i,..i.i
ness, cleansing the scalp, and restoring the
.t...i .i . t , i .
voiuuuii coior to ana biiiv liatr.
The (icahp received a pleasant call this
week from Col. J. A. Straight and Hon. J.
M. McCollum, late of Oneida, Idaho. The
geiitlemou intend locating in Eugene, aud
n.;il ()aii nnen & law nml rul fiutnfu ii(T..,a
n,, von suffer from io,li,.,.ri,, nr u ,.r
aoiHiti'ie'r Are you troubled with liver, or
kidney lOiiiplitiiil? Take Ayer s Sarsapa
rillu.. This preparation purities and
the liod, thus restoring health and strength
to the digestive and assimilative organs. Try
Report of school in Dist. No. 11, Mohawk,
for month eudiug Oct. 2!), 1H87: No. en
rolled, y; averago daily attendance, 2.".(!5;
average daily abseuce, i. Those neither
absent or tardy were: Alice Root, Lena
Boot. Laura Stafford. Pearl Stafford, at'd
Sidney Evans. Those worthy of special
mention for good deportment: Clara Hous
ton, UH; Addie Davis, On: Lena Root, !I7;
l.cua Mallonl, m; Ueneva Station!. M
Clara Stafford, !)!; Pearl Stafford, All; Ralph
Hainniitt, 1011; Charles Spores,' Silas
lamall, ili; Mary Crawford, D7; Priscilla
Wilson, . (ieueral deportment good.
G. 0. Osni'iix, Teacher.
Monday morning says the Yaquina Post,
as Air. nainuei iianiisaKor was ruuuiug a
loaded truck down the short inclino nt the
O. P. depot, his feet slipped from under
him. owing to the fact that the inclino wus
slippery Irom thslieavv frost of the previous
uiKui.iuo esenpnig iruca sirucKUUll Willi lear
ful force in the small of the back, paralyzing
him fr a time, aud it's tho greatest wonder
it didn't kill him outright. Immediate help
w as extended, and ho was taken home. He
is able to get about a little, but suffers a
great deal of pain.
The last act of the tragedy in Clackamas
conn ty has been given to tho world. When
the body of a woinsn was found about two
weeks ago in the river above Oregon Citv,
strapped in blankets and weighed down with
bags of sand, it was not thought all tho o r
ciiuistiinces would soon be known. The ar
rest of the woman's husband under the name
of Jo Davis at Marysville, California, created
something of a sensation. On Saturday he
commitcd suicide. Ho left a letter saying
the woman had died a natural death, that
they loved each other and ho could not live
without her.
The Electric Light.
Eugene has taken another progressive
step. Tho electric light is here making the
night beautiful. The dyuamo arrived in Eu
gene Friday afternoon, Oct. iiHtli, aud was at
once placed in position, connected with the
system of wires and the light turned on. So
excellent was the work doue, that through
ten miles of wires tuere was not a single
defective point, nud only ono lamp refused
to send forth the electric rays auil that owing
to the faulty construction of the lamp. This
speaks volumes for Mr. E. E. . Goff, con
tractor, of Portland, and Mr Chun Holt, of
St. Louis, mi expert electrician, and shows
that they understand thi jr business. The
light is powerful and brilliant, and surpasses
expectation. The age of kerosene lamps in
Eugene is past. Oilier times, other lights.
Jlr. Win. Mooro is the electrician in charge.
Books at Auction.
And privnto sale of threo thoiuaud vol
lines of standard, rare aud miscellaneous
works. Fine family Bibles, Albums and
Juveniles. An opportunity of a life time to
secure the finest class of bonks at bargains.
Auction sale at 7 o'clock p. in. nt Titus'
block. Private sale af auction prices during
the day.
PinsEvu.i.e JcsTli E. A cattleman entered
the office of a Prinevillo lawyer and engaged
Lim to prosecute a certain John Spruhl for
cattle stealing. Iu a short time the cattle
man n turned and asked him whether he had
jip-t as lieve take the other side of the case
and di fend John Spruhl. ,-Ccrtainly," re
plied the surprised lawyer; "it doesn't make
any dill reiiee to me." Later in the day the
lnuer nu t Spruhl and asked for informa
tion in raril to his case. "Stole cattle.
lion in riipi
( . j.
" .
mil they are going to Lave me
up li r it cry well, 1 am r.aily to
! go up, '"it it 11 haods on the creek stole cattle
and Ned Biptle, who began suit against nie, i
: s!o!e more than anyhoIy elee. vtenre going
1 to t;:e p- n togi ther. That's why Ned got yon
i to d' fend me." The court di'.n:ised the
' r .
N'ilI''K. Notice in hereby gi v.-M that the
I ..ui- County Fruit Growers Assixialiou will
ei.iiv.-ne at joe Land's bull ou the IMi of
N.i-.einoer at 1 o'clock p. m. All parlies iu
trn s;ed in the culture of fruit in Oregon are
cordially inviled to attend. By order of the
c-iimuittee. (J. W. Weims,
H. V. Kehs,
J. P. Cnr.surn.
Schiol Rec:,kt. The flUiwinj wa trim
ri port of w hool in District No. ftn, for the
m-'iitti endirg (M. 'ii, Im": No. enrolled,
t": The fulli win pupil were not aleiil
during the month: Molh Ree, Lizzie
m-. Flora Edmnnun, Walter Kdruuen'on,
Iw-itie Sever, Johnnie Seever, Eddie R-es,
Edlie O'Neil. Ola Bab, Teaci er.
j Personal.
; Mr J M Shelly is in (owu.
Mr. J. L. Page paid the metropolis a visit
I iasi n enuesiiay.
i Mr. O. Beckwith Las relumed from ths
upper McKeuzie.
Mr. Reese has gone East to bring bit (am
ny out uere.
Mr. J. R. Campbell wint to Florence yes-
icriiay on luiMiiesi.
Mrs. II. J. Day has gone to ludcpcudenc
ou n visii ui relatives.
Mr. tieo. Teal of Portland, paid Eugens
menus a visit tins week.
Mr. John Whiter is in towu. Ho will
soon remove to Brownsvile.
Mr. Frank Buekman returned h Spokane
ran s, ii. i., it jloinlav.
Mr. Louis Salomon, of Junction, sprnt
several nays in towu this week.
Mr. Wesley Shsnnou is visiting relatives
and friends in Marion county.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fri..ell of McKeuzie
Bridge were iu town this week.
District Attorney Hamilton, of Roseburg,
is expected to arrive fnre to-ilny.
Mr. W. W. Cochran wont to Eastern Ore-
gou the flint of the week ou business.
Mr. J. B. Harris and wife returned (rom
visit to Xapa City, Oil., last Monday.
Mr. N. P. Chrisumn, of Cottage Grove,
paid Eugene a short visit last Tuesday.
Mr. N. G. Pilzer, of Irving, returned from
a visit to Laslein Oregon Inst Monday.
M r. II. Weider has gons to Southern Ore
gon where tie will remain for some time.
Mr. Horace Buttttlield and wife, of Port
land, visited iu Eugt'ue over last Suuday.
Mr. R. M. Donovan, a well kuown Port
laud drummer, visited Eugutie hist Wednes
day .
Messrs. Paine, Sears and Seavey left on l
huut to Pino Opening last Thursday morn
ing. Miss Ada Singleton, of Kosehurg, has bceu
visiting in ILl, city at the resilience of I'r
Mr. Wm Laird and family have removed
to Garfield, W, T. We wish them success in
their new home.
Mr. II. 0. Perkins returned from Prine-
villi last Thursday, Ho reports business
lively iu that section.
Mr. Johu O'Brieu, of Omro, gave this
office a pleiisaut call yesterday. He is an old
San ! ruiicisco typo ,
Mr. W, W. Withers has moved to Harney
City, ('rant county. May prosperity bo his
in his new home is our with.
Marriage licenses bavt been issued as to)
lows this week: Win . Kluglow and Katy
null; J.uilwig Miller and Anna Kluglow,
Mr. E. R. Luckey has been confined to his
room witu sickness during the past ten dsys.
We are pleased to learn that be is improving
Mr. N. II. Allen, who intends putting . in
electric lights at Albauy, was here last
Wednesday examining the Eugene plant. He
was greatly pleased with the same.
Attorneys Bilyeu and Washhiirnt were x
pected to arrive from Priueville last evening
It is said that they bought a consignment of
Jack raliDUs at 10 per head, while in the
sage brush town. Dogs at Wj per head
were too high for them.
Hon. Chas. Shackleford, of Washington,
D. C, U. 8. swamp laud agent, and IIuu.
Alex Sweck, of Canyon City, state iigeut.were
in Eugene several days this week on official
business. Mr. Sweck attended the university
ncra a iiw yuarsago.
Cottage Grove Items.
Ciimui Gbove. Nov. 'J. 1887.
Miss Martha Medley, of Eugeue, is visiting
tier pareuts in this vicinity.
Mr E 0 Potter, of Eugene, passtd through
our towu one day last week.
Miss Emma Withers, of Springfield, is vis
itiug her sister in this vicinity.
Mr Ed Underwood, of Eastern Oregon, ar
rived at this place last Friday.
Mr Henry Dumewood came up last
and is visiting his pareuts here.
Indications of rain this morning, after three
weeks of the most delightful weather ' ever
Messrs Melvin Dainowood, Nathaniel Mar
tin, Sr., and Lawson Slagls were at Eugene
this week.
Mr Johu Churchill, of Springfield has set
up a spriug uiattresa establishment at this
Mr Joe Garroiilte, her son and daughter,
of Shoestring, was visiting relatives at this
place lately.
Mrs Stephen Withinton and Mr Albert
Leouard visited at Mr Nathaniel Msrtiu'l the
first of this week.
Mrs T O Maxwell and daughter Bise, of
Springfield, was visitiug relatives at thisplaco
the first of this week.
Mr J Harding, of Marion county, a cousin
of Mr Dan Harding and ths Mossrs Whipple,
has been visiting said relatives of late.
Mr Albert Hendricks aud Mr Fraulkin and
sou passed through this place last week on
their way to Calapooin with a lot of horses.
A little daughter of Mr Chance died at this
place Oct. 2:trd, of diphtheria. Mr Chance is
a son of Mr Henry Chance aud lately moved
to this place,
Messrs II C and 8 E Yeutcli aud wives and
Miss Mcda Yeateh visited the family of Josi
sh Callison at Pleasant Hill Saturday and
Sunday, Oct. '22 and 23.
Mr Sam Yeateh left Monday night for
Marshfleld on receiving word that s man bad
been captured, supposed to be the one who
robl-ed ths Chinaman of 1 180, and cut off bis
queue mar this place soiae tints ago.
City Transfers.
Stephen Smeed to Charles Baker, hotel on
Willamette strei t; consideration, (15,500,
C W Nelson to C F Johnson, land in Hen
derson's addition; con, fD.V).
J B Harris to Lyman Gilpatrlck, two lots
in Harris' Addition: con, fHW.
T J Smith to 8 M T itus, interest in lot on
Ninth street; con, t'2'iO.
It F Powers to J II Lamson, lot in Mulli
gan's addition; eon, t'JM.
Additional Cises.
The following additional cases have been
docketed in the circuit court since last week:
State of Oregon vs A Gordon, obtaining
inoeev by false pretenses.
L II iiirli'tt vs W Skelton & Sou; to re
cover money.
Slate of Oregon vs 8 C Brsaton; sssitilt
with ilanjerou weapon.
F G Blair; assignment
Milton Noblss. Thi excellent aotor and
his talentid company will ai pear at Rhine
hart's T'hMtro Wwlncutae, S. ft A 22
Frsncioco paper speaks of the play ai follows:
"A good play is "Love and Law. tb lalHit
dramatic venture of Mdton Nobles, wbe,
with an excellent company of his own, has
b-ti doing it this wek ut the Iwin. to
saliences crowded and appreciative
, throughout." San Francisco News Letter.
Clara Cospon,
. ElllTOlt.
Rhetoricals in the auditorium next Friday.
Mr. Dorscy, an. old student, is expected
back soon.
The Y. W. C. A. met iu Prof. Bailey's
room last Tuesday.
We wish to ask our brother editor who Jack
is, ss we know no one of that name,
We wonder if Thursdays composition class.
1 delinquent in "punctuation and punctu
ality." A new studrut by tho name of "Spring
field" entered the surveying class last
V dui aday nioiliiug.
We notice quite a nuuilier of students
boys playing base ball these warm Satur
days. We only wish v.e gnl might play loo.
The most select class in school now is the
Ancient History one, consisting of Mr. Wag
tier, Genie Johusoii and Mr. McCliiinc.
Genie is said to If the Mle of the class.
The young men and ladies of the Y. W. C.
T. V. will give a "crazy lea" at Rhinehart's
pallors ou Saturday evening, Nov. fills. Ad
littauce only Oti cents. Bring your small
Some of us more fortunate students ought
to take pity ou those who have to stay till
four o'clock, aud meet them half way down
from tho university w ith a good w arm supper.
Will some good sister volunteer?
Dora Scott wishes us to say that the reason
her father's gate clicks so much evenings is
becsnse her dog "Ginger" has a habit of
opening and shutting it. We wonder if Dora
has not requested "Ginger" to act as foot
man. Those largo oaks on the noith side of the
campus overshadow a very pretty picture
tbiss warm noon hours, tor thero tho boys
gilher iu artistic groups, while black, blue,
green and yellow eyes all may be seen gating
down to a common goal, the lunch basket.
The F.utaxian society has c Heeled quite a
change iu their programme. The usual do
bate is held every two weeks, but the alter
nate week will in the future be devoted to
reading aifd studying some author. Tho one
chosen for present study is Walter Scott, and
the society will read The Lady of the I-ake
next Friday.
It is well lu Rnnniilirr
That economy is a great revenue.
That not everyone who dances is glad.
That it is as natural to die as to be born.
That the road is never long to a frieud's
That we have all forgotten more than we
Thst busy lives liko busy waters, are gen
erally poor.
That the strongest men are often the most
That labor disgraces no man, while man
disgraces lalsir.
That life is too short to be spent io mind
ing other people's business.
That he who buys hath need of a hundred
eyes, and be who sells hath enough of one.
t hat inclination never wants an excuse,
and, if one wou't do, tlioro are a dozen others
ready at band.
That he who takes tho Ct'Ain, has in bis
house tho best county paper published, and
he who does not can he favored likewise by
paying $150 annually.
Maps an Assignment. Mr.FrunkQ. Blair,
the proprietor of the cigar store just south of
Preston s saddlery shop, ma-lean assignment
lust Thursday (or the benefit of his crvdilers,
naming Mr, J, II. Teutsch, as assignee. The
i !i:.f .... i.i,iii ill ........1
liaoiiuie aggregate n.oj.oi, oeiiig umu
principally to San Francisco and Portland
partios. Per invoice, the assetts amount to:
itock nud fixtures, $1117.71; book accounts,
f2l.n0. We learn that Mr. Blair is not like
ly to resume business, as he has an excellent
position ottered biiu In the East, which bo
will prooably accept.
Strayed ob Stolen. From tho stable o(
Dr. Ostium at Brownsville, Or., oa the night
of Oct. 27, 18H7, ou small bay horse 0 years
old, a few white hairs under back band, no
brand, rough shod on fore feet, hind feet
smooth, no corks, Any information leading
to his recovery given to Dr. Ostium at
Brownsville or W. T. Osliurn at Eugene
Citv will bo thankfully received ami all reas
onable charges paid.
Commendatory. Attorneys Washburne
and Bilyeu, the gntleineti who defended
Felu Cnrnn on a charge of liorso stealing,
worked bard for their client. It should be
borne iu mind that those men are compara
tive strangers in our midst and that they
labored against many disadvantages on mat
account. People generally believed Cnrnn
guilty nud his attorneys, wo thiuk, fought a
masterly fight in his behalf, oil things con
sidered. Priueville NWB.
Bormi) Oveb. Sheriff Sloan arrived here
last Thursday from San Friiucisco with Fay
Coon, the party wanted for the larceny of
Btowell's team. He waived on examination
anil was bound over in the sum of f 5U0 to
await tho action o( the grand Jury. Not
having any money or friends to put up the
bonds be is boarding with the county,
talks about the mutter lightly. Higy,
partner, is also iu jail under like bunds.
Sentenced to Five Veass. Folix Curriu
wss sentenced last week by the judge of the
circuit court of Crook county to the state
penitentiary for the term of five years. From
all accounts the convictiou was due to er
treme prejudice. His attorneys, Messrs. Bil
yeu and Washburne, have appealed the case
to the state supreme court.
Vatic Vnliea lu tiernbv (riven til all
whom it ma coacern. not to trust anyone
ou my acooiint as 1 will pay only debts of
my own persouai contracting.
u, o, unukii
Springfield, 0g., Oct. 31, 1M7.
Goods Sold The stock of coods formerly
belonging to Mr. II S. Simon has been pur
chased py Mr. J. U. Matlock, lie got uieiu
at a bargain, and will give His customers me
benefit of the same.
Somethinu New. There will be a crazy
Ssial at Rhinehart's Hall Saturday, eve,
given by the Y W C T U. Come one, come
11. Admisso M Ji'C.
Nw Laid. Messrs. Fsher k Welkins
have 181i lard tor sale in quantities to suit
purchasers. It is guaranteed to ue nrsi-ciat a
ia every particular. y
Fabmils Aitention. Before it is too late
to secure uood fresh grass aeeds come to
Sladdeii -ion (or them.
Wawtsd. Ash and maple wood (or furni-
tar" work, by Day & Henderson.
Notice Is hereby ulven that I will sell at
public auction at the court houK diur in Eu
irene City. In county, (ireirn, on Saturday,
the ,kh day is! Novrmlier. lHnT- at 1 n' on
laid ilav, one four yer old linwn (tallinn, the
property of Kaniuvl Miyhippy. mtiif.v the
sum uf fl80 for feed aud labor thtren"ii.
ELI BANCS. iiw" ...