MC SUMMARY. of the Principal Events Sow itnttiog Public Interest fraer w wrecked in the Ray pi. Twenty two passengers r tied. AGRICULTURAL Devoted to the Interest of Firm en and Stockmen. !., .Meeate was on hand for Ltion of the National lie-form fnouncedto be held at Syra w York. luted t"ftt 1,16 Emperor of L announced his intention of fa his throne, owing to hit gins impaired. 1 B. Sutton, who shot and Jtxander Martin near Liver- g year g(, lai been aon be hanged December 9. lusac, a carpenter, while re Window in the Becond story of n San Franciaco, lost his foot t.H to the sidewalk. He lived hours. jstriftii steamer Hapeburg eol ith and sank the Bavarian In Lake Constance, Austria. Lingers were drowned, the Liber being unknown. plo of Montana will send a petition to tne uovernoroi jf tlie paruuii ui uuucrv mnlined in the Idaho peni- for burglary, of which they nt Secretary Maynard has de- t naurier children, sent to intry to be provided for by eocities in-this country and jd to homes in the West, cau- ! lowed to land, miters of the O'Connor family mother and two tout were kl at New York of having hid assaulted a young English Limed Mary E. Harwood, and ju by Judge Cowing to state ir sixteen years each. n capitalists are seriously con- Mhe project of building a large In Los Angeles to manufacture it of time pieces, from the (watch to the largest church ok. It is projmsed to build Je requiring 1000 men, mostly foramen jcial from Ponchatoula, La., l a negro drowned his wife be n refused to live with him any j While she was drowning her tame upon tho scene and fired jbuckshot into his sister's mur iho sank with the body of his Li the bottom of the Amite I COAST CULLINGS. OREGON NEW6. Devoted Principally -to Washington! Everything of General Interest in a Territory and California. Condensed Form. fid burst occurred just above of Chihuahua. Mexico, and a me sweeping dowu on the fundating iU streets and alleys felling the stroam that ran i the town to frightful propor- Jarrying away a magnificent 4)0 feet loig that spanned the l and cutting tne city in twain Ird Moore and wife, while niov- IChicago, accidently knocked mp, tiring tho buildinp, aud ere suffocated in the (lames. was extinguished promptly fire department. Moore's body and on top of the iloor, where i (been literally roasted alive in 'jpit. Mrs. Moore was still alive found, but died shorly after- pport of Land Commissioner mows that since March 4, .824,481 acres have been re the public domain. Sales, (aim selections ior me iimjiu tflmg June 30, 1887, embrace 100 acres, and of Indian lands acres, making a total of 25, 'aeros, an increase for the year 3,73.1,474 acres, and an increase i"24 compared with the fiscal (iroke out in the Northern Ohio ssylum at Cleveland, during dance given the more tract 'jthe patients. While they were jg themselves a cry of "fire" ird, and flames and smoke sud imrst into the dancing hall, a fearful panic among the 350 j. As soon as the first excite d abated, the attendants made igeous dash and moved t;ie un ites who had been overcome. Mies of six women who were led were recovered, and three ft re found in an injured condi- ipatch from Nogales, A. T., says : Iimpts to get further news of the lion caused by the storm on the h coasts have been futile. The tion here is that tho cities of kn and San Bias have been par lit not wholly destroyed by a Jne and tidal wave. It is said shore of the bay at Guaymas, iico, is crowded by people await ing from the swept-away cities Jiooner. On the gulf the storm al wave were the most severe ve ever been known. Many of ho have wealth are rushing to ne of disaster for the purpose of aid. "cial from North Judson, Ind., Another Chatsworth railroad occurred on the Chicago & At Jlailway, sixty miles east of Chi pear Rout's station. Seventeen fcrs were killed and burned up wreck, and from twenty to thirty sore or less injured. A heavy meat train telescoped the even commodation train and the New express. The accommodation, me baggage car, two coaches 1 ne sleeper, had stopped at a 1 tank for water, about one mile f Kout's, and a freicht train ?ng crashed into the sleeper, tel- pg and burning up the entire h train, as above sUted. The I responsibility appears to rest on Th IrUh 1'ataU. There are many theoriis about the best way to get the greatest yield. One lrsoi says he has adopted the follow ing plan : Furrow tho land four or five inches deep aud three feet apart. Cut each potato lengthwise into four parts, and drop the pieces from fifteen toeighteen nii-iitm ujiiiri in me row. i tug method, he finds, gives more merchantable jh tatoes and less small ones than when more seed is used. The yield is also nearly double that obtained by plant ing in hills three feet apart each way. vnoiner good authority says : "The crown eyes of the potato are the only ones which yield vigorous plants ; the prouuee oi tho other eyes is feeblo and uuremunerative. If, therefore, pota toes are cut for seed they should not bo cut lengthwise, by which tho crown is divided and eyes of all kinds intro duced into the seed, but they should be cut across, the half containing the crown eyes planted, and the other half used for food." Some like for this crop a deep, sandv loam, which of course is good, but the strong, dark lands of tho West do not produce a first-class potato, although the yield is often large. Low, wet lands are not suitable unless drained. It is found that the high, sandy soil will give good crops, but if not rich in potash they must be made so with proper fertilizers. Ashes and salt have been very successfully used with this crop. Potatoes planted in summer for home use may be mulched with great benefit. Covering the surface of the grouud near the roots enables tho sou to retain its moisture much longer than if not covered, it checks the evaporation and also condenses the moisture of the air so that it passes under the material used for mulching, thus keeping a re serve stock of moisture for the roots to appropriate as needed. Mulching is not only nature's restorer, but its pro tector also. When the potatoes are out of the ground the best way to keep them is to raise a bed nearly a foot above the level of the ground ; put the potatoes on this bed, eover with dirt, and then build a potato-bin over them to koep off the rain. This is far preferable to the northern cellar, where the potatoes and other vegetables he and rot, gener ating a deadly atmosphore that per vades the house and is breathed into the system of all the inmates, and de veloping, is known by the namej of typhoid, bilious and malarial levers Good vegetable land is usually a me dium betwoen the high and the low pine lands. Potatoes take a largo por cent, of potash from the land and re turn but little to it ; for this reason the food supply must be kept up or the land will be impoverished. The tops contain considerable fertilizing matter and should be gathered for the oom iiont hoan. It will be seen by the above that this crop does well on different soils and is therefore, not a difficult one to grow, If, therefore, you plant anything, try the Irish potato for home use, it nom ine more. Burnt lands are good, and with plenty of potash and moisture ap plied, they will most likely make you a satisfactory crop. Cheap Food for Hoe. The four great foods for hogs are wtv Mover, milk and bran. With those foods hoes can be raised oconom ically and at a good profit, even if cholera c!ocb come occasionally. Corn is the cheapest and best food for fat tening, and it is tho cheapest to form the bulk of the winter r.ition for grow' ine stock. Men go Uo far, however, wIiaii tliev uso it alone as a growing ration. It needs the muscle and bone- forming material of some food as bran ;ib- i nnnnlnment it. Clover is the chean and practicle food with which to form the bulk of the ration fnr Mioats and hogs during summer, if n,U the addition of corn when summer fattening is desired, and must bo supplemented by milk, bran and nnrn fiir thn best erowtli of sows with vounz pics. Milk is eminently the wnimff Til y fond, but it id valuable in Lilimr with AnV other ration. o other food stimulates the growth of pigs like sweet skim-milk, and no other food aids the hog more in producing fat from a ration consisting mainly of Knm Rran is merelv a supplemental food in most cases and serves to balance the food ration when feeding corn or iw aiArMiv mod. whether feeding VHIU sj v..- t . a r.iinnitirt nmnlal growing or a maiunt miwuu's """-' still There are 117 office! and men at the Boice, Idaho, barracks. It. E. BybeeV fine horse Mark Twain, valued at $5,000, died at Spokane Falls. Montana mines paid 13,152,673 in dividends for the first nine months of the present year. , An underground river was struck in the Original Butte mine, Montana, at a depth of 150 feet. Ex-Senator D. J. Creiiihton, con- i.- .1,1 i..f..:.:.. chums to have found uvUU,, ...mwu8 w.vw. Tcju o( harJ COiij m. anwvicn, a despondent glove finisher, suicided by shooting himself through the body with a revolver at San Francisco. Grace, the three-year old daughter of Samuel E. Holden, fell fourteen feet Baker City has 3100 population. The Odd Fellows of Salem have in stituted an encampment at Dallas. The postotllco nt Mount Pleasant, Linn county, has been discontinued. An effort is being made to organize a tire company at Bums, Grant county. James lviley has boen apiniintod postmaster at Coburg, and John B. Scott at Moro. Jaoob Johnson, of Clackamas station, ou his farm a The general fund of the Slate is ex hauated, and the eulom banks are cashing warrants. Tho corn crop in Jackson county is considered of an excellent qualitv, and lt'l'L I .... - - ' throueh a akvlieht at Nana. CL. uml 10 c4.ieu, died from her injuries. A. new postotliee has been established . at wesnawin, i uianiooK county, wun l. l. n ...... - .. . - mill, at Ghmhraok. NVv.. waa d.'slmv.! "irM" 1 1 113 1uiimut. . ' ... . ni. - t i i. . . . i . l bv fire. JiOcs SJU.0OO. nartiallv in- nuvnier in i ucunanuw, n siuo uo- sured. Tho eompany will rebuild at K1"00 01 tlie. Kwlmon, for ladies, has once. 1X011 organizeu at jacKsonvino, The first church built at Itolvn. W. Shed Glenn accidently shot and T.. Dantint in denomination, waa killed himself at tho military road recontly dodical!, aud tho Catholics WP ale, Malheur county, and Presbyterians are now making John Eggers killed a California lion ready to build. in the mountains near Callahan's mill, Axel Peterson, a respected young I'oughw county, that weighed about man, 30 years of age, committed sui- iw pounus, cido at Valleio, Cal., by cuttiug his It is estimated that fully 500,000 throat and the arteries iu his left wrist, buuhols of wheat is stored in Pendlo' The cause is unknown. ton warehouses waiting for an im J. C.Simon.of San Francisco, jumped provementof the market, or feu from the steamer 1 ledmont cuward l erry, a sailor belonging to when near Goat Island. A boat was the ship Merom, jumped into the river put out, but the man sank aud the at Astoria to show bystanders how he body was not recovered. could swim, and was drowned, The Presbyterian sy.iod of the Co- A Building and Loan Association lumbia. consisting of all the Presby- has been organized at La Grande. The terian ministers and ruling elders of capital stock is IflW.OUO, divided into each church in Oregon, Idaho, v ash- OUO nhares of a par value of If JOt) each. mgtonand Alatka, met at lacoma, The Secretary of the Treasury has W. T. appointed Frank Carlson assistant A seaman named Patrick Denihu, lighthouse keeper of the station at Cape empleyed on the steamer Wellington, Arago, Oregon, vice Thomas Browu, dropied a bucket into the water at removal. San Francisco, and. on hauling it up, i ue proposed new ranroaa line irom discovered a human skull iu the Forest Grove to Astoria will tap what bottom. is admitted to be the finest Ixxiy of fir a u nt wpirhinir twentv-two "d cedar timber in the Northwest, " "bb- " --a o i . . i and one-half ounces, value! at S.jOO. sajs an excuange. the largest ever found in Idaho, was V m. Dillon, who murdered Charles nicked un bv Georiro Liles out of his Mancietit in a Portland saloon, has placer claim at Atlanta, Altura been found guilty of murder in the ftli,ntv. second degree anu somencou to tiio W. W.Mow. a 9vear-old boy. was penitentiary ior me. drowned while bathing at the Pacifio Mrs. Henry Warner, of Kollogg, Mail dock, Sau Francisco, lie was Douglas county, had the thumb ot the taken out, but all attempts to resusoi- left hand torn off by a horse she was tate him failed. He died after being leading with a rope around her hand, removed to his home. suddenly jumping to one iido. A cougar caught and killed Duff Hugo Fredorick, a hand at Allon Greene's fine pointer dog on balmon Perkins' sawmill, Onoatta, was caught river, and the varmint only released by a belt and carried over the flywhwl its hold when the canine's ownor shoved aud crushed to death. He was 55 the muzzle of his gun into his hido yoars of age, and loaves a wife and and blow him to pieces. seven children David James, a miner, was killod in There are sixty-one persons in Jack- the Kennedy mine at Jackson, Cal. son county receiving pensions, and the Ho was descending the shaft to com- iunount Paid to them for the quarter menco work, and getting out at tho ending Juno 3, 1887, was $1,911. Total 100-foot lovel, ho thoughtlessly steppou y,Aii m the state for the samo quarter wrong, and leu zuu ieet. was JfrJ.o'JS Zj. Alexander Abernathy was Killed out- PITH AND POINT. Vow nmdo in storms aro forgot ten i.i culms. Never neglect your life; It l. the seed of tho fntmv; it Is the hope of tho world. Ir. Jon'itl IWktr. It is difficult for a drinking man to hold his brualh; It is genemlTy too strolls for li i m. Texu Sihnqi. -There is talk of inakiiij' a new cable pool. What's tho nuttier with the Atlantic O.-oan? I'hiUnLlphM In-(jitinr. A Dakota female seminary has just ordered another ton of spruce i;iim and formed a society to boycott young men who use tobacco. A medical journal advises a lump of tee on the head in caso of fever. A lump on ilin head has been known to cure base-ball fever. I have no more pleasure in hear ing a man attempting wit, ami failing, than In seeing a man try to leap over a ditch, and tumbling into it. Johntoik "No, Algernon, I ean not marry vou. 1 ana will not allow it. tiy not?" ''Because, ho says you are an ueior." "Your father is much kinder than tho press." Washington Critic. Sho "Hero conies Masher; why is he so cool to you now?" lie 'Be cause ho tried to cut mo out with the girl I've since nianiel.'' Sho "But why nro.yoii so savage with him?" He "Bi cause ho didn't succeed." Life Every man who succeeds, Inclines to tako all tho credit to his own abil ity, shrewdness, industry; but when ho fails, ho lays tho hlanio wholly upon other, upon circumstances, upon fate. How inconsistent we all are In this in at tor! Golden Rule. Purchaser ' Tleuso glvo mo ono quart of whisky for mechanical pur poses." Druggist "What kind of mechanical purposes?" Purchaser "For soaking roots." Druggist (aft-r giving' him tho liquor) "What kind of roots?" Purchaser (skipping) "Tho roots of the tongue." Vhiemjo Tribum I like children I like them, and I respect them. Pretty much all the honest . truth-telling there is in the world I dono by them. Do you know they play tho part lit tho house hold which tho king's jester, who very often had a mighty long head under his cap and bells, used to play for a monarch. O. 11'. Holmes. "Where did you get all thnso but tons?" asked a lady of a little boy w ho had a thousand or more on a string. "Why." was the reply, "don't you know pa is n minister? "lea, re turned the lady, "but what has that to lo wiih It?" "Every thing," said tho hov. "because ho has the sortlnsr of tho collection basket." The Epoch. O nahaMan (in Pari) "Do you mean to say you do not admho Anior ican women?" French m an "They are rather protty to look at, but I do not liko their voices." "What Is tlio matter with them? ' "Their voices nro harsh." "O, well, you probably heard some of them talkliiff to each other hunt soino other woman." Omaha World. "Tho money wasted In wnrso than useless flic-works In our elly, writes the astute editor, "would novo bun- reds of tho poor and needy from starvation. Will people never learn tho judicious uso of money? Here," 0, C. B R. TIM8 TABLE. Mull Train xorlh. V II A u. Mall train wulh. iiH r. M. orncK hours, epoehecity posTumci. Omuiral HrliTdr). from 1 A. M. to 7 r. M. Money Orlr, fram 7 a. M. lo 4 e. M. H'KiitT, from 7 A. u. tu!i v. M. Mailt fur north clow at 0 U a. m. .Mailt fur Homo eloar at I:!)!1. M. Mailt for Kraukliu i1um at 7 a. M. Mamiaf u1 Tliunular. Mailt for .MaM close at 7 a. m. Monday and Tliiirnilav. Mails for OartwrluM eloe 7 A. M. Monday. DR. L F. JONES, Physician and Surgeon. MI.L ATTKSt) TO ritOKKtWlOXAI, I lull day or nlKM. OrKM-u-ftislalni In llayt" hrlek: ortmm M fnuuil ai tC It. I.IU'kojr & I I (IroK tiara. OdlM hours: S lo !'. M 1 lo 1 1". U., S to I'. M. DR. J. C. GRAY, All. OTKICK OVKIt OHANUR STORK, work narruiittul. IjtiiKliliiir tfiw ahiiliiUtered for polnfoai a. trai'lion of Uflh. Marple, the convicted murderer of Corker, having beon resentenced to death by Judge Boise, the warrant of execution has Ix'eu caused by him to read November 11, upon which date Marplo will suffer the full puualty of the law At tho annual meeting of the Ash Pnitivatino' beets should be i . v. , n -- done, as they will continue w until the frost snau appear. are rensneu vy uhk'-----" winter, and plenty ot tnem snou.u uc stored away. Carrots should also re ceive attention. Give the late cabbages a good culti vation or hoeing as often as it can be conveniently done. There is no crop that reponds so quickly to cultivation at the cabbage, and where the land hii been well manured it is a PJS crop, ritiht while sharpening a tool on an emerv wheel at 8an Francisco. The whee was revolving at such a rapiu rate that it split in twain, aud one half crushed the skull of the operator. crowd of Indians from Shasta county were employed to pick grapes on the Vine ranch in Tehama county, hami Stock Protective Association, the a . . I ' Cal. For some cause niostot them followinir officers were elected for the contracted a kind of cholera, and since current year : President, Philander their return thirteen ot tnem nave Powell; vice-president, t. U. Kings- died, bury ; secretary and treasurer, D. (i The shin Occidental, with coal from Spencer, Cardiff to Acapulco, has arrived at A bilverton paper sayi that sweet Port Townsend, W. T. On March 16, potatoes exhibited at the Butto fair Captain Williams was murdered by a made such a good showing in size and .0min named .lohnaon. Johnson was flavor that the farmers who have a lf in aharim of the Amsriean consul sandy bottom soil feel that they can bo at Valparaiso. profitably raked in this state, and next The wife of Manuel Gomez, living X' 'e,rf , P'O"'1'" uu nor P..Ulnma. f!a .. left her four "lrKo yiciu oi cau-hv... ru. months-old babo in a cradle, attended Tho diseaso called blackleg, so fatal by its little brother, and went into the to cattle, lias mado its appearance near yard for some purpose. The little boy Baker City, and several head have died i;rhj1 a rnnilln and net tiro to the from its eftects. Mr. h. li. Maker lost cradle and baby. The mothor rushed six head, Mr. John Pay ton several, and to iU assistance, but the child was so so on wun otnor cauio owners, a no badlv burned that it died. disease attacks principally the young The heirs of Thos. H. BIythe, the iat eiwu, too u.u co.-s h j i ,o f.w..i n..,n,. erany. jl, v. iUULIlcj tiiuu nt 1110 iiv7iiio un Matney flat, near Arlington. The cause of liu death was the result of an accident which befell him whilo he was hanling wood a few days before lie died. His horses had balked on grade, and in getting them started lie fell undnr thn tiruke-lilock under the The bodies of Mrs. Peavy anil her wa,,0n. as it was movine. T 1. innn niAnflia r)tilil 1 i ' i TUT Wllllin I L ,;u,nunsm(.t'ma.i,m T,!l,n. The Douglas County Fruit Growers' were discovered at their home mur- Association me at uie t-uun ....! i.m.f. i Koseburg, and a permanent organua- vr atrni?clo evidentlv took iilace. Bs ,lu" "BO ; c.i.-vV..e ,""- The free use of insect powder in the stables will greatly lesson the annoy ance to stock from flies, but the stalls and doors should be kept clean. Duet- ne the legs of horses wun carooiaw lime will aia from insects, in preventing i mixture of marl, wood ashes and rich earth makes an excellent manure for voung trees. No animal manure fhould be used unless it be completely decomposed. Grass is the natural food for the pig, which should bave pl.aiy cf groen food of sods kii. selves into a company called the BIythe Company, for the purpose of avoiding delays and other complications arising from the death oi any ot tho iiiytno heirs. The capital stock is two and a hair million dollara. divided into a hundred thousand shares of $25. the mother's hands were cut to the bone in crabbing the assassin's knife. The husband was away from home. The bodies had been murdered five days before discovered. Indians are suspected to nave been the perpe trators. ine nameu omcers: u. w. juuuio president; H. Adams, vice-president Wm. U. Winston, secretary; J. r inner treasurer; W. V. Johnson, A. J. Bel lows and F. Ward, directors, Mr. Ramsey, who was digging a well at Moro, Wasco county, met with Edward A. Stevenson, Governor of serious accident which will probably T.kho. has submitted his annual report cost him his life. He had to use pow- to the Secretary of the Interior, and der in digging the well. He says that trives the following statistics: Popu- the fuse he used in the Mast was very lation, UTuO, an increase of 04,000 hard, ami that he broke the same as nvpr iSiW: aeseasea valuation oi taa- iiibm;u ju iuiuoi, able property, f 20,441,PJ2, aa increase the Mast did not explode, mat tne ouir ,A S (M)0.0(si over Liat vear: number side end of the fuse had been lit, instead of cattle,412,3G3; sheep,C0218; hogs, of the blast end, he went to the well Mill! horw s. 132.422. The loss of to hsjk down, as ne um so tne oiast stock last winter will not exceed 2J exploded, and a piece of rock about per cent The production of gold, the sue oi a nens egg, sirucn mm just silver and lead during the year ended at the base of the nose. The rock was September 30 is estimated by the assay buried its full depth, forcing the left office as follow: Gold, Z, eye out oi us aoeaat, anu uur.iiuj ui. ailver, 1,63,160 ; load, f 2,1,0W. I ball. GEO. W. KINSEY, Justiceof the Peace. UtCAhRSTATK FOU SAI.K-TOWM IjOT9 and (anna. t'ollocllona urumuila aa. k-mltsl to. It KMimcNCK -Corner Kl.renth and lllx Sa Kinfaiie City, Ort'ifou. D. T. PRITCHARD, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, ltopnlrlnif of Wnlohra and Cloeka riiHMitcil itli piiiiuiualUy and at a rvatoiiatile roat. Wlllaiarlte Htrret. Kucrne Vlty, r. F. M. WILKINS. DETJQS, MEDICINES, Braahrs, I'alnta, Ulaaa, Otla, I, TOILET ARTICLES, Eto. Phy.lolana' PrMorlptlona Crxcpoundad. SPORTSMAN'SEMPORIUM C. 31. 1IOIIIV, Practical Gunsmith o continual, turning to tho ollloo . . at . a 111. toy, "take tno mgircst nn au inero and go get It full of beor. Hustle ourself, heeaiiso I m dry. : r- ..r: A little girl who abides with her parents iu West Onondaga street was reprimanded the other day for conduct which her mother did not think imeanin Tlio little one, who tonk refuge u the nursery to shed her tears, was hortly afterward overheard Indulging in a soliloquy. "Mamma is real mean, she said, "and I don't like her any more. No, 1 don't. If she didn't live hero, 1" with emphasis on tho first person, singular number "shouldn't nvitw hr t enmn w my House. CUNS, RIFLES. Flailing Tavklo and Material SewiB2 MacHincsanlNceaiesof All Kinds DrSalc Repairing done Ik ths'neateat style an4 warranted. Quni Loaned and Ammunition FornJihsi 8hop on Willamette Stroet, oppoalte FtWPa4 Boot and Shoe Store. A. HUNT, Proprietor. lOCIETIT.S. TWIIflRHJ? JjOlUiK NO. II. A. T. AND A. M Vj Km flrsland third Veluudayi in cacli th. CrUNCKU I1UTTK UlllliK NO. 9, 1. O. O. F. O Maela evury Tuesday evening. WIMAWHALA KNCAMl'MKNT NO. 8. f V Mi-r' mi tba locond and fourth Weduea- daya In eauti monlli. NO. o II fourtu fridaya lu monlli Tnnr.NE i.odk no. s. I j Meota at Mawuilo Hall the locond and o. V. w, M. W. TM.OKARY POST NO. 41,0. A. K. MKETH at Mammlo Mult the rlml and third Fri day! of each month, iiyonler. Commanukk. HOKN KKIKN'DS. MKKT8 d tlilnl Hut unlay evening Maaouio Hall. Uy order of U. G, MKKT8 ulxht hi Odd Kellowa' W. U. T. UUTTE IIDOK NO. .HI7, 1. O. O. T, 1 arery baturuay Hall. T KADINO 8TA!t HANDOFHOl'E. MKKT8 Ij at t heC. I'. ( hurcli every Hunuay alter Doonatl.30. Vleltora made welcome. Eugene City Business Directory BETTMAK. O.-Dry K'da, lothln, ifroiwlea and Kitaeral men-hami lo, xjuUihorI corner, WlllaniHtteand Kitflith atreata fP.AIN' Rltim.-Draluni In tewelrr. watnhea cluckiaiid nominal linitruini-nu, luanieiie atreet, belwwn Hovonth and Kifhth. rillKNULY. 8. H.-Ih-aW In dry mod a. cloth lux and veaeral nircliaiiuw, luameiie stroet, butwran Kiglith and Ninth. Oll.r J. P.-t'liynlclan- and unrn. Wlllam elle tnwt, blwven aevenui aim r-ignm. IIOIlKS.C.-Keppaon hnl1 1" wlnaa, llniiom. clirara and a pool anl iiiiuaru lame, "main elle tn-U Iwtwecn Kixhth and Ninth. HORN, rilAH. M.-Giinmlth. iiflaand ihnt- iruni. hroecli and muzzle loailcni, for Mia. Itcpalrins done in the natt atyle and war- ranUtd. hliop on Minn street. LUCKEY. J. B.-Wachniaker and tflwoler, knriManne slix-k of khk1i In lilt line, n lllam tu mrl, in tiuwurui aru tuirr. McCI.AItEN. JAMES-Cholca wlnea. llnnnra andrlvara, Willanietleetreet, between fclglilh and .Ninth. P(WT OrEirE-A nw atork of aUndard school books J oat raoeired at the poat ottloa. RHINEIIART, J. B.-Ho. slirn andcrriai DlnUr. Work anananied Brnt-claaa 8'wl aold at Wwer rauua Xhuk by aiione to Ktifc-cns, Will hen after ksp s ootnpleU stook at Ladies', Misses' and Children's Sliocs! UlTTOX llOOTM, Slippers, White and Black, Sandals, FINK KID SHOES, MEN'S AND BOVS BOOTS AND SHOES! And in fact everything In the Hoot and Hlioe lintt. to whirh 1 Intend to devote) uiy unuocliil attention. MY COODS ARE MRST-CLASM A nd if uarantwd aa rnprearntml, and wfli Ihi wild for the lowest prices that a food, article vau be afforded. A.. Hunt. Central Market, 5? IT-lMlici-cVWutkina PROPRIETORS. Will keep constantly on hand fall Npaiy at I MUTTON. PORK AND VEAL, Which they will aril at the lowaet market prlooa A fair share of the public patronatre aoUottad TO TIIK rAUMERHt W will pay the htichnst market prio lor fa4 cattle, Loa-s and sheep. Shop on Willamette Street, IUCEKI CITY, OREGON. Usata MtTVrai. at any part of tba dty fre Of cWye. )aaJ4 3'iner of the freight train..