The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 29, 1887, Image 5

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. ... I . V I 'I ... I
j f,l ileiillsiry go " i)ir.
f . . i luni 'lit and ut OoMoiiithV
fck.iVJ nmwef binder Pritchett &
highest v" ' ' r
.)! l)unn.
ility acre "' ""I""8
i,tographs liuished neatly ami nrtino
$v at Winter'.
'Jine line f pluslica in all shnlei
Wades t F 11 lHl""V
ft ni, cold 1 tl' ev,"ry day iu the week
i,,'y Horn' barber simp.
Li dm purchase W'althaiii watches at
AVatts 'nun $10 ami upward.
Ku '"' hardware at reasonable" price
t the "tore Iftt;htjtfc & Korkner.
f . -.i . ... ... I. ......... ... ! r.n .....
lilsinltM PJB l"' l,c"D' V- " v "w irr
and coon, 15 to 50 et.
, ... 31.'
klirr an" ouer, m cu.
f.k'i 'l,r Spencer Butte fruit tress niay
ft at the Grange Mtore; also Mr. Brown,
j.'tath street will have them for wile.
year old imrueii pear trees win ue
hiilriil, smaller otie8 $8. Other trees
1 fW'.'TT T I? Vlll'TTi 1W.
vi... ...... . itrbtO a i,.r,
Taylor's 7 Oak Compound, purely vei-
i. imsitively cures riieumalisin, neiiraliria,
iolie, iek headache, crump colic, cholera
in Complaint peculiar to females, Dvs
,, ' .i. in...... fun ....a i.
t C'H'l Or UOUl.ll, llltm, v 111, in itllll ic-
J pains around the he art, erysqielas,
f ,jt. Gkoiiiik Taylur.
Kansas City District Items.
Oct. 25, 1H87.
km scarce.
Jr. Pinkty Henderson was up heie last
i surveying.
r. T. Reese will soon leave for his old
ie iu Kansas.
, rs. Suiolo and children who have bet n
, t. sick are improving.
I r. George Page lias left lis for Yv T.,
re ho will speud the winter.
, r. O'Neil was subpoenaed for a juror for
! next term of court, which meets iu No-
ilie r.
i iss Ola Babb, who teaches in Kausasville
frict, weut o Engeuo last Saturday to visit
fids'and relatives.
f r. O'Xeil, road supervisor, had the men
teams out at work last week putting the
ids in good order.
Jr. John Key.ier while cutting brush Inst
!k, cut his knee with the brush hook. It
liressed by the doctor, and is getting
ijig nicely.,
fhe High Banks school is taught by Mr.
I Bond; Cedar Flatts by Miss Culef, and
I. No. 00 by Miss Ola Bubb. All nave a
'attendance and are giving good sutisfac-
Sissrs. Itimer, Seevur and Correather's
Iw.iwbu nr nearlv comiileted. Mr. Ed-
L,.n linn Hniulipd his house, and it is re-
rted that Mr. John Keizer will soon build
Me residence.
Jlr. Jim Seever, late of Kansas, who pur
ged the Vanduyne place last fall, went
fk and brought his own family and three
fo r families out to our beautiful valley,
jy will all settle among us.
firs. Will Cummins and daughter Grace,
jcioldendale, and Mr. ltobert Gordon, of
i Francisco, who have been visiting rein-
s and friends here lor several weeks, ion
I their respective homes last week.
. 1 '7
For Sale.
One hnmlred and seventy acres of land, '
mile from Eugeuo City, Or., nicely located
4 residences, iu lots from 5 acres to one
1 iflidred acres to suit purchasers. Thu
! ad is the very best quality, all in cultiva
i jb; five minutes walk from the city. Terms
fy reasonable; one-half down, balance on
. e.
jUso 310 acres of land 5 miles north of En
ie City, Or., on couuty road. Convenient
ijschool and railroad, in quantity to suit
Orehasers. from 80 to KiO acres. Fdeuty of
tor and timber; the l..nd is first-class and
goou cultivation. Aiuiress
11. 11CM1HI1KY,
or A. C. ISbown, Agent.
Eugene City, Oregon.
Local Market Report.
Kl'OENE. Oct. 28, las'.
f 1'arlev -40 cts ner bushel.
jKiriM . cts ner Unz.
jlilTTER -2iVn30 cts per lb.
il.AUii 10 cts per lb. '
KLoni-lst (jra.1", !4; 2.', 3.00.
1!acon Sides 10fc 12c; sno.ililers 7 to 8 cts;
ins, l'.'J cts.
(Viml-4 cts.
I'ntttnes nOCo'tiO cts per bush.
'heese-K'H (1 15 cts.
H'p-10r,12J cts.
Optical Goons. -llesidps having a full
fan of jewelry Mr. J. O. Watts has just re
vived from the East a large invoice of spec
ies, comdes, eve shades ami other optical
ipoils. lie also carries a complete stock of
Jolin trimmings. Give him a call nt hi
l"re in Horn & Paiue's building.
Postal TelF-orai-h.---Office hours on Sun-
Jav from HiiO to 10:00 a. m., and from 4:00
C:K) p. in. Week days.all business hours.
(j. t . LHAW, nupi.
Lor fou Suit A fine buildinu lot for
file in a growing portion of town "JUili'O
l 't. Will be sold cheap for cash. Inquire
p( Mr. A. C. Woodcock for particulars.
C. T !... i-nni1 s.linnl
I fi HOOL UOOKS. l ureuiJi uiij
pioks of Mr. George Collier, formerly Me
f omaek & Collier. He has the largest stock
nd sells at low juices.
fl-i m f.n.. r.imwli infonuutiou
v. .n it I LI 1 1 I 1.IH i' -
sell faVni riehts for the combined wire
nd picket fence during our absrn. e.
Fok Salk. A lot of nice show-rases, as
pwd an U( w, at , ,
K. K. Lr EKY a -o.
ron Sale. Firt finality Oregon white
T.heat fr seed. Also choice winter apples.
T. W. Siielton.
Fob Sale. 1.V) lta in all part t Ku-fene
r"y with and without lc u-efc Pri t '"
(JriiM, Mll.l.KH.
SI EEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by
that terrible cmeh.' Shih'h'n CnreU the r-no-ty
f r you.
quickly cured byShilh' Cure. We gurnt
I offer for iale Mil) feet bnMiies proper
ty on Willam tte stie-t', on which the buyer
can double his moLey withiu two yars.
Gio. M. MnxiB.
From Mabel
r Oct. 21, ISsT. !
Ei)jT)B(fCAnD:-As We have been tram-,
leit.'d from Lmn to Lane oomitv, our busi-'
.' conr',e U Ht E"8' ue Citviu.tead I
of Albany hereafter, and I thought we ought j
to get acquainted with our new relations, I !
coneludi d to drop you a few lines. I
Mabel precinct is the ntmai u..itl....,..i.t ,. I
the Mohawk, and uutil last spring was a part
of Linn (O uity, but as we were so much fur
ther from Albany than Eugene Citv, there
was a petition sent to the legislature asking
for a charge in the county line.
The country here is jus't begmniupto settle
up, aud there is room for many morn families,
(jood land, goo,l water and good timber in
abuudance. The conntrv is iiiiiirovinc n
fst, perhaps, as any nortion ot the county. '
e have just cominoni ed building a new j
"i ii.'ui nouse m our iiisirict, a-i;iti, 14 tett
Mr. Van Meter buried one of his children
a wselt ago last Saturday, aud 011 Monday
Mrs. Sinclair was buried.
:masa Smith is runniiiL' a Iol-lmiil'
camp hero for Mr. Goodaleof Coburg.
There is a saw mill iu this precinct belong
ing to A. J. Workman, and Crawford A" Ful
ler had one here but they took the most of
the machinery to their mill near the mouth
of the Mohawk. More some other time.
Jury List.
The following named gentlemen have beeu
drawn to serve as jurymen during the term
of circuit court commencing Mnndav,
ember 7. IS": ,
M L Wihnot
J M Morss
S G Lockwood
Peter Hunev
M J Hilligas
P F Davis
James Hotlhian
W S Chrisinan
A D liurton
It P Caldwell
W Wells
J C Wallace .
J H Yates
W II Small
T II McClano
Isaac Cook
M A O'Neill
A It liuttolph
J It Hill
It B Ilayos
J G Grav
E It Lnckey
T J Dinitou
W It Dillard
W L Campbell
Frank Skinner
UF liristow
Hiram Smith
Isaac Zumwalt
C Hager
J C Watkins
Public Auction.
On account of ill health, and intending to
leave for Mexico, I will offer all my persotial
property for sale, at my farm, 8 miles north
west of Eugeue, on Saturday, November fith,
18S7, at 10 o'clock, a. 111. the property is as
follows: 2 title brood maresall with foal; 1
3-year-old Sir Walter stallion, broke to har
ness; 2 Sir Walter Alleys: 2 Whip tilleys; I
horse colt, sired by Dr. Harris' Pellfounder
horse; some three-year-old short horn cows
and yearling heifers; 3 half-breed calves; 1
yearling bull; 17 head of tine berkshirehogs;
70 head of tine sheep; 1 good Ilain wagon;
1 good buggy; 3 setts harness; several hives
of bees, besides farming tools, household
goods and kitchen furniture too numerous to
mention. Also a lot of seed w heat and oats.
Terms: On sums of $10 and over, 1 yar's
time with approved note, nt 8 per cent, in
terest On sums under fit), cash.
1!. G. Ml'LKEY.
Lost hi Teeth in a Well.
Itoseburg Iteview: Prof. M. E. Jndkins
unfortunately laid his teeth on the curbing
of Mr. John Farqnar 'b well, and in a fit of
mental alteration came up in town, and lo
his teeth wre not where the teeth ought to
grow. He then returned to the well and
found that they had gone to the bottom.
With a downcast look he came to Brother
Haynes, to whom the distressed never come
in vain, who weut with him. Brother Jnd
kins disrobed himself aud into the moss cov
ered bucket he stepped, and
To the bottom of the well the parson let him
"The water is cold," he faintly cried,
And the parson ho laughed he almost died.
Hut 11s good luck would have it, the extracted
dentals were found.
People from tho country should not fail to
call 011 the photographers on !Uh street, op
posite Bhinehart's Theatre. The old firm on
Willamette street being placed'in other hands,
Mr. C. L. Winter will be pleased to meet old
friends, at the tent, and will insure the best
quality of work in all branches of photogra
phy, 'licnieniber the place aud the artistic
grade of work always maintained by the
above artists.
Perfectly Reliable and Responsible.
HAnmsnuRii, Oregon, Sept. 27, 1887.
After having received of E. D. Lake, agent
of the State Insurance Co.. of Salem, Ore
gon, Twelve hundred and ninety-three aud
30-100 dollars, which was a full and satisfac
tory pavment of any loss by fire which oc
curred "Sept 1st, 18S7, under policy No.
2N(J(l. Wo will sav that in considerations of
their actions toward our loss, that I consider
the State Insurance Company of Salem, Ore
gon, perfectly responsible and reliable.
(signed) Mary A. E. Smith,
Hiram Smith.
City Transfers.
Tt II McDonald to J M Bushnell, Vt
in Ellsworth's addition; con, $200.
Sidney Potter to Aloah Potter, lot in
Packard' addition; con, $200.
II K McDonald to Sarah Bushnell; lot m
Ellsworth's addition; con, f 300.
Paruyzed. We are informed that Mr.
las. McCabe, an old pioneer and former
sheriff of this county, is nowlying bed-ridden
at Farmington, W. T., completely paralyzed.
He has been in a precarious condition for
nearlv a year, and no hope is eutertained of
his ultimate recovery. He has many friends
in Lane county who are sorry to learn ft bis
Injunction Graxiko. On application of
' creditors bv attorney Woodcock, Judge Bean j
gnm ed an" injunction restraining the ""!
frnin .-lli!i.' the stock of goods formerly be-
lolling to II. S. Simon, as published to t,.Ke .
,,ace)et. r,lav. i he mailer 111 u
-t.-rlav. 1 lie inauer-iuu- ....,
to le settled in the circuit court.
,1,.. .. tr. n ,)., n,ir exp-ct that tli" 1'ortlalil excursion, .m m-One-third
of the state of O eg... .. nr P , (- ,,,, wiU ,P ,). ,ot
msnrv-y.d. IhismaK.slhe Alta tl. 1 It ti e kin 1 tin y have ever
at it wiU U well in the next nation ,1 .dut- P J1 '1 ,,; ;,;',", m sn
rms to cuple with tUt resolution abou ; 'r ,Kir,,s ,
.,rnw t,i roiinle with that resolution
r.s. nin ' the l nblic domain for the lione-t
s. ttUr. iiiioth-r promising to survey it for
the honest settler, so he can fiml his home.
Lost. At tb Court House rack last night
one new raw bide roe with bras bond-hi.
The finder will be liberally rewarded by h nv
in ' the s.ime at th. oflice.
G. W. Gins...
Pols t Monmouth, Oregon. Inst
wo k, to the wife of Prof. T. F. CauipUIl,
' I'.okN.-In this city. Oct 21, 187,
,wife of attotmy C. M. Collier, a ton.
Ditchbuiu's restaunint.
Scliol bonks ot Collier's.
Spare rilii in the market.
See new tiiml proof noticM iu thii issue.
I( you want a goiul meal go to Ditchburu'.
City election at Junction City November :
Ditehbiiru'a rct.uiMlil
d.'il'i)! A good
Read the circuit couit docket in litiolln r
0l 1 1111 II.
Meals conked to older at Ditchburu' oil
short notice.
The Eugene hosiery and yarn factory is
BK'"n operation.
If you are hungry give Jack ft ca'l at
1 rotit It -tauranl
A few hops were sold in Eugene this week
at 10 cents per pound. i
School books of all kinds at George Col-j
lier's. Price them; buy them, j
The passenger travel on the Siuslaw stage
is said to be large aud increasing. j
The hi ny iron lintels for Mayor Dunn s,
building have been placed in position. !
Day A- Heudersou huve thu contract for
the furnishings of the new bank building.
Mr Geo V Craw lias the ole agency for all j
hrauda of the celebrated Tamil Punch Cigars, j
A maul strikint; tester held forth this wek .
on the comer ol Willatni tteandNinthstri els !
ii') head of good stock aud tuuttnn sheep '
for side. Inquire of D11. Siiklton. j
The lecture of Mrs. Litthrop at the M.. E. 1
church l ist Wednesday evening was well at- .
tended. :
The south bound train last Tuesday even
ing was nearly two hours late, caused by a
"hot box."
The lied Front llestaurant is the best place
in Eugene for a 2oct nienl, and you can get
it at all hours.
Jlr. . O. Garrison will complete his con
tract on tli Marx building by Nov. 1st, the
time agreed upon. 1
A meetiug of the Lane County Fruit Grow- ;
ers Association is called to meet in this city
November 12th. i
Lambert & Henderson are the sola agent 1
for the celebrated Superior stoves. Take j
your wife mid look at them. I
On account of the increased overland travel 1
over the O. A" C. It. B. two Pullmau sleepers j
are now run daily on the California express I
train. !
Mr. Horatio Selfridge, of this city, has 1
been granted nu iucrease of pension, and
Mr. James A. Sawyer has beeu granted a ,
pension. j
The Alvin Joslin Company played to a 1
good house Inst Wednesday eveuingat Rhine-1
hart's Theatre. The music furnished was
Jidm Feldewerd, 'formerly of this county,
has been indicted by ft Crook county grand j
jury for the crime of assault with a danger- I
ous weapon. 1
Persons desirous of really fine operations
in dentistry arc invited to call on Henderson, j
dentist, who uivus special attention to the ,
finest gold fillings.
The platform nround the Eugene railroad
depot has been lowered considerably. We
learn that another step will be placed on the
passenger coaches.
Moore's Hair Invigorator may be found
on sale at the following places: Osbiim 4
Co's drug store, Wilkin' drug store, Horn's
barber shop. Call and get one. No lady g
toilet complete without it. Sample free.
Having established connection with Cali
fornia agents 1 am now prepared to give my
patrons the benefit ol the very best medium
for selling real estate ever offered there.
Geo. M. Miller.
The followiug marriage licenses have been
issued since our last report: E. L. Skogg and
W. Olsen; Geo. Woods aud M. J. Jordan; I.
Morris and Ellen Nelson; J. A. Bowers and
L. J. Bans
By the latest methods in use by Eastern
dentists high in the profession, Henderson is
enabled to produce equally as desirable re
sults in line gold fillings. Office same place,
Hayes' block.
Mr. Lee Kelly, of Livingston, Montana
Tcr., who atti mled the State University hero
two 1 r three ytars, is now in San Francisco
attending the medical department of the
University of California.
A fine constitution may be ruined by sim
ple neglect. Many bodily ills result from
habitual constipation. There is no medicine
equal to Ajer's Pills for restoring the system
to natural and healthy action.
Owing to the illness of the pastor there
will be no preaching iu tho Presbyterian
church next Sabbath, Oct. 30lh. Sabbath
school will meet as usual at V2 :'). Christian
endeavor prnycr meeting at 5:30 p. m.
The experience of years furnishes the most
convincing evidence that thousands of lives
are Rimuallv saved bv the use of Ayer'sCher
rv Pectoral.' It speedily cures all affections
of the throat, bronchia! tubes ami lungs.
The ladies of St. Mary's Episcopal church
will give a ten cent social on Friday evening,
Nov. 1th, iu the parish room adjoiniug the
church. A programme of select music will
be furnished on that occasion. Allure very
cordially invited.
Starr & Vftudenburg have received direct
from the manufacturer in St. Louis th larg
est line of pressed goods ever received in tho
town. Give them a call and take a look nt
these goods. They also have a car load of
tho latest style and best make of stovcf .
Before decidiug what you will buy for your
Fall dresses, jackets, wraps and ulsters, give
Bettman a call and see his remarkable exhi
bition in those lines in endless variety of new
and stylish patterns, nil bought at low prices
for cash, and will be sold on margins only to
make living profits.
A team belonging to a Mr. Simpson took a
lively spin tip Willamette street last Tuesday
afternoon. The itrivpr was thrown out near
Peters' store and luckily escaped injury.
The team also came to a halt near the samn
place, breaking nothing.
Chronic catarrh usually indicates a scrofu
la. . .......litioii .,f iha uvutein. and should be
tr(.ntl., ,.uri)jc ulcer and eruptions,
tnr,,L,, the blood. This disense has been
CIlre,j, in hnndred ( case by the use of
Ay ., 'a Saiuaparill. I'ricn $1. Six bottles,
, . . fr Klln franc s. , te,
Atelicram from San Francisco,
.,-,,1" .H: Sontln rn Pacific official
Portland excursion, on
i':kcii. r.acrauielllO nun n;lll 'IO-mt ,"m.i.-
trade ill probably accuiiipiiny the xcui
i ,n " When the exeiirsiou come the eili-z-ns
of Eugene should prepare and give the
party a "way up" reception.
Ai.o'her hotrible tragedy has Isen brought
to liuht. The body ol a young pirl g--i
aliont K years was' found iu the W illamette
river at Evan's landing, eight mile above
D-e','on City on the 21st. The body wns
(ir.-ssed and wrapped in a blanket bound ilh
o .-. A rape w over her head and on
.,h. of her head w discolored as if by a
;i.w fr.jtn a club. The affair is a horrible
to the m'tery, and is being investigated by the authorities.
The 13 eent barber shop is a thing of the
Wm. W. Dougherty, of Slissoiiri, ha been
apiHiiuted agent of Warm Spring Indian Hel
ena! on.
The famous f 13 per bushel seed w heat has
anived. Our farmer pronounce it a very
common article.
Mr. H. S. Ilutterfleld, formerly a resident
of Eugene, wa married iu Portland last
Wednesday M Miss Viva Newniau.
In the next circuit court for Lane county
there will lw seventeen divorce cases, mid
Htill people will marry just the si.uie.
The amount received for the yiar 1S87 by
the receiver and register of the liosi burg
hud office were $2713; for 1SS0, $178.
Major Hcndcrshott, the drummer boy, w ill
Hive entertainment here Dee. loth and lOlh
for the K in fit of the Ladies Ui lief Corp.
Mr. S. Warshaui r, fomierly a taih r here
but now of Portland, was in Eugeii Thurs
day, lie i talking of locating here again.
Gov. Pciinoyer has appointed Wm. Gallo
way, of Yamhill couuty, member of the state
board of agriculture, vice J. L. Halh tt, re
signed, j
Preaching in the Christian church S.itur- j
day eveiiinu' and Sunday at 11 a. 111. and 7 p.
m., by S. W. P. Bichardson, state Suuday
school evangelist. I
The young ladies of the Y. W. C. T. U. '
will give a "Crazy Tea" and entertainment J
Saturday, Nov. 5, 1K87, nt Bhinehart's hall. ;
All are cordially invited.
To day Ji rry Bronauuh made application
to the county court for the appointment to a
scholarship to the collegiate department of
the University of Oregon. Superintendent
of Public Instruction 0. H. Gove, and J. W.
Johnson, president of tho University of Ore
gon, were denigrated to examine the appli
cant. Wednesday's Portland Telegram.
Attorney Phillips.of Junction, wa in Eu
gene last Tuesday.
Auditor Fox, of the O. C. K. B. tpent
last Sunday iu Eugene.
Judge Walton attended the Linn county
circuit court this week.
Hon. 11. A. Miller, of Jacksonville, paid
Eugeue a visit last Tuesday.
Mr. Geo. Jones, of Prineville visited iu
Eugene several day ibis week.
.Mr. Bodoin, publisher of the Klamath
Stcr, was in town last Saturday.
Mr. Joe. Webber, Jr., of Portland, paid
Eugene a brief business visit this week,
Mr. George Gibson left for his home in
rook county last Wednesday morning.
Messrs. J. M. Hctidi icks and Ed. Howe
have la-en to Kowo river this week on a hunt.
Mr. Geo. M Miller left for Florence last
Thursday where he will spend a week or two.
Billy Bice, of the O. P. B. It., was in Eu
geue 11 couple of days during thu past week.
Mr. Luther Bowlnnd, a Portland typo, and
formerly of this ollice has been in town this
Mr. Al. Goodiiiau, of Independence, was
visiling relatives and friends in Eugene
Rev. C. M. Hill attended tho stato conven
tion of Baptists at Oregon City, the first of
the week.
Hon. J. J. Daly, a prominent lawyer of
Polk county, spent several days in Eugene
this week.
Attorneys Eilyeu and Washburne havo uol
returned from Priuevillo yet. They are ex
pected to arrive daily.
Mr. John W. Doak hns -returned from
Eastern Oregon and will spend a few months
visiting at Cottage Grove.
A letter from Dr. J. C. Whiteaker, dated
at l'.dgewood, Cab, Tuesday, brings the good
news that he is already feeling better.
Mr. Frank Buukmau, of Eastern Washing
ton Territory. is visiting relatives and friends
in Eugene. IU look as natural as ever.
Mr. J. I). Schaiff, one of tho best drum
mers iu Oregon, paid our city n visit thin
week. He always does a largo business in
Wo learn that Dr. II. F. McCornack, late
of Dayton, W. T., will locate here perma
nently for Ihe practice of his profession. He
has already rented the G. U.Chrisman dwell
ing house on Sixth street.
Mohawk Gleanings.
Jack Frost Sunday night.
Miss Sallie McGhco is now at her home on
Mr. Workman from above hi re has been
working on Mohawk.
Crawford & Fuller's, saw mill has about
finished for this season,
The cheerful face ol Marion Davis is again
seen iu the lovely Mohawk.
Mr. Yarnall killed his hogs last Monday.
Fine weather for butchering.
Miss Spores from Coburg has been visiting
friends and relatives 011 Mohawk.
Miss Belle Hatumitt has been visising at
his home on Mohawk for a few days.
The Eugene tpoilsmeii can be heard ap any Sunday in our quiet neighborhood-
J. N. B. Ful'er goes to Upper Mohawk
soon to superintend the cutting of logs for
Geo. Spore was out rather late Sunday
night not getting home until far into Mon
day. Mr Warren and family from Blue rivor
have moved to this ueighlsirhood to spend
tho winter.
Dr. Patterson, County School Superinten
dent, passed up the road one day last week
on his official duties.
There a a spelling school last Friday
night nhicu wound up with a free for all dis
cussion on the temperance question.
Amiesteii in SN I'bancihi.o. l ay Coon,
wanted for the larceny of Stowoll'n team, was
1 anestefl ill tsan i raliclsco ny ine cuiei 01 "
I lice on a dispatch from deputy sheriff Swift,
I lift Saturday. Sheriff Sloan left on Sunday
' night's traiii to bring him here, but 011 arriv
! at Merameiito to procure a requisition, ho
! found that the governor was absent ill South
j em California on a visit, hence he was delay.
! nl tin re. However h ill be back with
I 0 ion iu a few days. Coon claims his innn
! ecus'- mid had the chk to tell u S,in Frim
! fU:ei ri muter Hint he lent 11 drv uoods store
iti I'.ni;ciii). Iligby, his partner, is in jail
awaiting Coon' return, whmi he i-nys hewill
trv ami 1 rove hi innocence. Weund'-r-tand
tl.'.it he hired the tiain from Mr. Siowell.
Bl-i::.xu. Yentcrday fori noon Mr. Win.
Ih-.ii gtr at down in front of the fnrmte in
the planing mill of Midgt ly A D singer to
wntiii, when he opened th - door of the surne,
111.- flame Hushed out into his face. He had
his face aud hands burned cotii b-ribly, lie
si di s losing hi eyebrow and a portion of hi
moustache and huir. Luckily be f ad be
fore b ing tamed rioiily, and is able to I
around .
Wantfii. 300 mm, women ami children
to fed at the new Ked Front U1sl4nrv.1t on
Willamette street Good, wholesome meals
' only 23 eeuta. Meals wttd to oidr at
1 reasonable rate.
Circuit Court Docket. Court convenes in thi city Mon
day, Novenilier 7, 1887. There are ninety
ease on the docket, a follow:
State of Oregon v Aaron Lurch; obtain
ing nioi.oy by false pretences, ludicimcnt
No. 2.
State of Oregon v Aaron Lurch; forgery,
Indictment No 5.
Stato of Oregon vs Kuth Howard; under
taking to keep the peace.
Stale of Oregon Lucy Y, Perkins; un
dertaking to keep the peace
Stato of Oregon v 1 J Duckworth, James
Kent and Moses Malic; appeal.
State of Oregou v S T Gilmore; seduction.
State of Oregou v J Campbell Molin; ob
taining money liy talse pretesenses,
Stato of Oregon va L S Morin; obtaining
money by false pretense.
Stato of Oregon vs G D Clumberlain; na
Mtilt with a dangerous weapon.
Stale of Oregon vs G D Chamberlain; Ire,
State of Oregou vs J Campbell Morin;
State of Oregon t L S Morin; perjury.
J W Cherry, administrator of estate of F
Dudley, deceased, vs Wm Skelton, et al;
foreclosure of mortgage.
E J Amis vs Julia A Bryan, et al; fore
closure of mortgage.
J N Boyd v J W Harpole; nppeal.
Marx A Jorgeuseti v J W Majors; appeal.
(i B Chiisiuaii vs tho State Insurance Co.;
to recover money.
laume l oplm vs S 1 liiliuoro; action lor
Matiio Y. Carter vs W E Moody; to recov
er in moy.
J O Bhinehart v W E Moody, to recover
Sarah A. Wright v Joel A Pitney et al;
suit for partition.
I.ymau (iilpatrick vs l Al 11, minion et 111:
continuation of sheriff' sale. '
R 11 Hayes vs Asher Mmks; to recover
B V Howard & Co vs G D Chamberlain;
U Y Howard and M M Eecloston vs W H
Bubi r; appeal.
J W Horn vw Bessie Horn; suit for di-
Louisa Haiichett vs Jonathan January et
al; foriclosuro of mortgage,
Nelson Jones v B. Benjamin et ux; con
tinuation of sheriff's sale.
Mrs E A Morris vj J E Morris; suit for
Sumo Mulkey v Phillip Mulkey; suit for
J A. Lawrence vH W Cottle unit A Mo
Kinney; action for damages.
Alexander Lamb vs Lucy B. Siitherlin et
al; suit for partition.
Fannie Lockwood v M M Marks; fore
closure. Frank Lucas vs Samuel Lucas et al; suit
for partition.
W C Kennedy vs Hannah S Sherwood and
1) Maikley; to recover money.
Upper Wilauiotte Lumber Manufacturing
Association vs F M Potter et id ; foreclosure
of merchant's lion.
E W Whipple & Bros, vs A C Huff et ux;
foreclosure of mortgage.
E W Whipple A" Bros v S P Gairoutle et
al; to recover money.
W H Wood vs L Salomon; to recover
E V Whipphlo & Bros, va John Sher
wood; confirmation of sheriffs sale.
Peter WycofT vs W S Miller et al; to re
cover money.
B F Wilkes v Norris Humphrey; to re
cover money.
E P Bedford vs Mrs M J Bodford; suit for
W E Warren vs Mrs G Warren; suit for
Ellis Whattnni vs Mary 1 W hattan; suit tor
J 'sse Sovern, administrator, v 8 M
Yoran; for tho recovery of personal prop
erty. Henry C Shadden vs I N Hembreo; to re
cove, nossession of real estate.
Mabnda Porris vs I N Heiubree jto recovor
nossession of real estate.
Elizabeth Osburn vs Grant Unburn; suit
for divorce.
H C Owen v A W Patterson; to recover
Ilovey, Humphrey A Co va J It Purkor
0.M11 M II I- (nreclosuro of IllortL'acu.
State of Oregon vs II L Dunn; selling
spiiitnous 'liquors without license, Indict
ment No 1. , ,
State of Oregon vs Sila Itcnfro; indict
ment for the crimo of rape,
Mrs C E Pengra vs B J 1'engra; suit for
Eupheiiia Ward vs Johu B Ward; suit for
Bcrnlif im, Bauer & Co. v II S Simon; to
recover money.
I.add Bush v Hull; foreclosure of
Wm Cuiiiming, v A Montgomery et al;
foreclosure of uiortuaci
J P Schooling v John B Hawk; to recover
Louisa Hylaud v Benjamin Hylaud; null
for divorce.
Beniheini, Bauer & Co. v H H Simou;
to recover moiiey.
J L Thomas v A A Alford et al; foreclos
ure of mortgage.
John J Thomas vs.Willimii Milliorn; suit
for partition.
T J Smith v J W Gowdy; suit to quit title.
Louisa Deis vs Louis Deiss; suit for di
vorce. Slate of Oregon v II L Dunn; selling
spirii 11011 liquors without license. Indict
ment No. 2.
Bertha 8 Burgs'rom v Isaac llurgstrom;
suit for divorce.
Susan Judkiu vs W. B. Montgomery; to
recover money.
Mr U. Butterfield vs county oourt of Lane
county; petition for writ of mandamus.
State of Oregou v Oscar Brewster; un
dertaking to keep the peace.
E. W. Whipple & Bro. vs. Luciuda Hall
et al; suit to recover money.
Beruheim, Bauor & Co. vs 8 Simon tt al;
for injunction.
E W Whipple & Bros v Luciuda Hull; to
recover inouey.
Fanny Smith v Johu Smith; suit for di
vorce. J P Schooling v A A Meuk; to recover
Wm Osburn v W W Craig et id; foreclos
ure of mortgage.
Jere Yaruell v J B Underwood et al; for
Older on Sheriff to make deed.
Wm 8 Larson v Emma birnon; suit for
F B Dnnti v W K Montgomery; to recover
! Gerge M Jackson v A M Herbert et us;
I to lecover money.
I John F. Pyle v Johu 8 Whismau; to re
I coer money.
I J E Holt v N G l'ller; to recover money.
Mary E Pyl v J F Pyle; uit for divorce.
Hlato of Oregon v John Beunur; selling
intoxicating liquor without licen.j.
j Mw Ware v W A Ware; uit tor divorce.
J C Gonial" y T J Plaster et al; suit to
foieclone mechanic's lien,
i David Cherry vs N G Pitzer; to recover
I I has. Liuerv X G Pitzer; to recover
i MaSliko At the residence of L.
in Lul'!i Citv. Oi t. 27th. by Rev.
M. C.
Mr A. 1 1 ti I i 11 and Ella M Hay both
1 of Hurrisburg, Linn Co., Oregon.
Cura Condon,
. Editob.
Miss Lltma Holt entered school last Mon
day morning.
Pioneer, the next subject for Tuesday's
class in composition.
The Y. M. C, A. meet in Prof. Bailey's
room every Weduedy at 12 o'clock.
Mr. Robert Johnon i iu town this week,
whether on busines or ph asiiie we do not
Emma Dorri carried out the plan propos
ed by that telegram, and visitnl Portland last
J. W. Wise. 1). 11. Robert and J. R.
Greenfield again show their familiar face
among 11.
We wonder why some of the senior did
not see to it that the young Udie of the class
wero provided with company to the sociable.
A select reception wis tclidcrid a few of
the young ladies by Prof. Johnson the other
morning iu the hall. All report having had
a good time.
The student wero called to tho auditorium
last Tuesday at noon, where the roll wero
called and remark were made by Prof.
Johnsou and Daily.
Mr. FantiiiiL'. the Shakespearean reader,
who it will be remembered, gave a reading
for the societies two year ago, I in town
trying to arrange for i similar b nctlt.
K,ila IiorrU is. we hear, ineetinil with
great success iu her vocation as music teach
er, having two classes, tne 0110 111 rariiiini;
10 u and the other in an adjoining town.
V n.,ii,. tlml a 1,11,'n number of students
from the Willamette university attended the
Mechanics' Fair last week. Vi e suppose tnur.
our loss was their gain, mid they accepted
tho otbr, w refused.
Will McCornack uv ho form hi friend
ship with a view to a'tnliatiou. We picsiiuio
lift liwtilllil tiiut lii, u iiIims to become a mem
ber of her family; her brother's brother it
may oe.
It i difficult to decide which I the more
distnrlied. Prof. Johnson or the Eiitaxiau
society on Friday afternoons. A class of the
Professor recite during the session 01 mo
society and the inconvenience i felt by both
Tuesday' comnosllloll clas preseliKHI
quite a variety of themes under the subject
of uotea, varying all the way from eloquent
discourse upon both the negative and alllr-
mativo ot tne proiiimiory iiiiieiiuiiicm m
poetical note upon tho expenditure of tho
Tltn tiilfniliie Inrv aocialile last Saturday
evening seemed to be enjoyed by all preseut.
Tho orchestra furnished lively music through
out the evening, adding much to tho enjoy,
meiit of the occasion. Instead of tho usual
brilliant lights, the gas had been turned down
just low enough to give a beautiful effect of
moonlight, causing the young folk to feel as
if they were strolling upon a moonlit terrace.
List of Letters
Remaining uncalled for at the poatofttce In
Eugene City, Oregon, Oct. 28, 1S87:
Altimin, C. W Greeley, E. II.
Baker, It. A. Jlitclieii, uora
Boyle, Hugh N'y. Marshal
no for the abovo will please
say advertised, giving date.
1', ll.Vniiuii.., .'.
CotiKi-r,-The best suggestion of proper
..,.nii,,.,.i,i far ,l,.ieiiiiur simmers ami swill-
,i uiniiii.i '--r.-----o 1 ,
dler who take advantage of tho fanner s anx
iety to realize omo!liuig lor 111 wueav uy
imposing upon him most outrageously , is that
'.'a pair of farmer's alogaa should be worn out
on theiu." It is in vain to appeal to the
courts for redress in such case. The rascal
have manipulated the game within the law,
strictly interpreted, u it usually is, to tho
advantage of scoundrel. They care nothing
whatever for public opprobrium or individual
wrath, so that they escape wilh whole hides;
hence the punishment suggested, sturdily ap
plied, would give him a tictdcd benefit, and
at the amu time relieve if it did not soothe a
righteou indignation on tho part of the far
mer. Portland Telegram,
Cuiibin Convictkp. F. 8. Currin, well
known iu l.ane county, wa convicted at
Prineville last Saturday on the charge of the
larceny of s horao from one J. O. Taylor, on
tho second trial for said offense; tho jury on
tho preoeeding Tuesday on the first trial dis
agreeing, standing 11 for acquittal and 1 for
conviction. Ou the indictment for killing of
a steer belongiug to another party, hu wa
acquitted. The prosecution was represented
by attorneys Ellis, Bennett, Atwater, Nichol
and Barues; tho defense bv attorney Bilyeu,
Washburne, Duncan and John. The attor
ney for the dfune will appeal the case to
the supreme court immediately, and bouds
will lie given for the appeaiunco of Currin.
Currin ha been sworu into tho penitentiary
. 1 . ... in.. 1. u l.u'nim lnivinir done
111 IIISI, HUH HIO ' --r.
their duty, we are led to inquire are thorn
not some wore horse thieves in Crook county ?
tlO Rkwaiui. Strayed or stolen from the
B F. Bond farm, near Irving, one dark bay
horse. 4 years old, weigh 10o0 His, a slight
blemish on the left hip, otherwise unmarked.
The above reward will bo given for informa
tion leading to hU recovery. '
J. S. BakF.ii.
Eugene City, Or.
Bodnd Ovkk.-A. Gordon, tho bogus
check passer, wa bound over In appear bo
fore the gtaiid jury iu the sum of :W0. Be
ing without friend or money, h con lllded
to Ixmrd with the county until November
7th, when he will probably change hi bed
and board to tho State hotel at Salem .
Ei kctiiK! Lkiiits. The wiie aud lamps
of the Electric Light Company are now all
in position, and a day after the dynamo
arrives the woiks will lie in operation.
It was shipped from St. Louis, Mo., October
lllh and may lie expected to arrive any day.
BoitN. In Eugene City, October 211, 1887,
to the wife of Joseph Skelton, a son.
Notice I hereby iiiven that 1 will mil at
public auction at the court house dor iu Lu
Lena City. Lane counlv, Ureli, on Saturday,
th 5th duy of Niivunls-r, 17. at 1 iiVlmk on
aid (lav, one four Jr nlil brown stallion, the
prniierty of Samuel Miylmppy, to MtUfy the
.urn of 1H0 for feed and b',-'V',l',rV,'l'v,;.a
KIM 1Aa(".
An Illustrated
Alogue, containing a full tlchcriplioii of
Fancv Work
and Materials
Used, also of Woolen Yarn and their ua,
with valuable information to ladies.
Set Free 01 Application.
12'J 4 131 Kearny St. Sim Francisco, CaL