mm CITY G ill U li M rili i i in ESTABLISHED FOR THE DISSEMINATION DP DE10CR.ITIC PRINCIPLES, AND TO EARN IN 1IQNEST LIVING Bt THE SWEAT OF MR BROW. EUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 21, 1887. OL. 20. NO, 5. tfit'-t Guard. jHf (fugcnc " i" L CAMl'I'.liLL, i,ibll1 riojiiii tor. i.. : 1 . ..t ...... f .(In if r.:iai "i"" i.twe,MiSevei,iiian.lK Ti:i;MSoi''HL;iisciarri;jN'. Willamette lith Street. Mil'"'" ilm it. i " 82 W OUK 0X1. OH AUVKU'llHlNG At I. .1 ...I. iimerlcd US follows! ill miIh' mire, ten lines " '", - : .e.pient insertion 1. rc-iuired fcilvMice. i.1.r..eil t the fol true ii.iiu j.) (K) . yow. - u i: fur pucn in'""""' . . , line ... ... - ,11i.,rM,l mmrterlv. 1 lr.rtl.-llu I'"" 1 - f1'.', j u PHI) k'Oil UN HKT.1VKUY. II Jul) wr in". L, BILIEU, Attorney and Counsellor at Law,- P vrr.EXK CITY. OREGOX. li' VCTK'KS IX ALLTHE C0UKT8 OF S this Suite. Will give special attention .Uection and probata matter. .. 1 1. t. i.v.i i.ui.l- SK(.1(:E--Over iieuuric . - ......... CEO. B. DORRIS, . . r . I I (ffomey m uounseuur-at-Law, -ILL PRACTICE IX THE CDURTS of the Second Judicial District and iu Huureine Court 01 imsi. i. .; .1 ,.tt..ntiim iriven to cullectli . i ll attention item in urouare ashburne & Woodcock, iEXBCiTY, - - - oimio SkFIOE At the Court House. iy8m3 ami A. lniHHls. H, W. CONDON. bNDON & DORRIS, Utoriicjs-at-Law, UEXECITY. - r " 011W.uj men-Over lluliiusoii Jt Chinch's hardware I OUR 1HG STOCK -OF- Brownsville harm lor bale. 1 1 fur sale 2-D acres of laud know li as ; 111" Gillil.m f :irm : '.'j acres good limber mull tli'a r wll prairie. All nu.lci fence; good house 11 i.l hum; good oivhu.l and other in.j:rnvi nn'iiU. T.u ll.iv Iiiik 1111 iiliiuiilnUi'c n( jji nut spiiiij.' win r nii'l hit iinti'il mil fmiilh mill'' (mill ttii' Hi 11 -Miit 1 1 i 1 1 hi limil hni. si', one nt tin' lu xt m'liiNil districts in i!u' comity. Fm fwiher pmlicu iiih ui'i'ly to T. (!. Hknui ick". -AX I) ht s Furnishing GOODS. See imr renmrkulily complete anil cleuiint )n w Htuck at the tJ-LOWKST PRICES nATfcJ OF THE VERY LATEST STYLES Suits Made to Order, Tits Guaranteed. No TROUBLE to SHOW Goods. J. W. CIIEKUY, Walton's Brick. GEO. MILLER, lorn; and Ccuasallor-at-Law, and I Real Estate Agent. S;K.Kcrrv, - oukiiox. ijllh'P formerly occupied hy Tliomwn & in. J. E. FEN TON, AttoriM'y fUEXKl'irV social utt.'uti.iu iriv ;ul AlMti'itrb ot litle. BiflCE-Over (Jraugo Stole. -at-Law. OKECION. 11 to Ileal Ktate l'rac V.. 5: r ! Co:- lluvin ; ju rf. etc l iirmtii;i tuciitii ilh pur tics in 1'iiitl.iiul, 1 iiiii uliie iiuw to I'u.i I pin clmseis 'nr l.nul-, inure lutilily tluili heri 'iifme. If )..ii hitve land (ur mIo, im proved or uiiinipioved, you cuiitu't do Kt ter tll.lll to t'lltrUKl your lillsillei- with 111. Tcruirt;.iKiiiiilil;. Your piitrniiiii;ebolicilcd. li. F. iiu:i.n. Calitoriiia Cat-R Cure. 'I'lie only nii..iiiutecd cuiti for Cidnrrh, cold in the held, liny fever, rose cold, c.itiirihnl deiifiieiin and Mire cyc. lic-tnte the wnw u( tiistc mid unpleasant liirath, nnultin:: ftoiu catarrh. Fjikv and plciisaut to ut Follow directioiiu mid' a cme is iiiiaiiled, ly all ilruuijistH. Send for I'ire'.ilai to AH1KTINK MF.MCAL COMPANY, Oioville, fill. Six nioiiths' treatment for $1.1 1; m ii! hy until f 1.10. For sale hy all ilrii(;i4iMs. Delays are Dangerous. You my, well, 'li only i flight cold, hnik nut, it 111:1V lend touu nilhiucitinu nt tlie I1111111; ol nutiieroiH ir cellh of tlivi l.uio; tlnn if 1 lieiiliioiiia. Or to ki:ii-iiiihIic emit met 11 hi nl the lilirex of tlm itir liaxMiueit. ul.lch m Axtlimit; or the iiilhnnntion of the liniiiK iiieinhrane of the throat and tiihi s w ha'h pam thmuli the 1,111.1:11. which iu the first Ui: l called I Iron- hitiH. and liiav leml to coiisiiiiiiitinii. rutt Ahin is delicious in flavin, certain an ' pel feet in it icmilt. A few iloes will relieve, a thor- iniijl) treatment cure me n'mve liaiiien oiai-es. Every buttle warranted hy nil drul'l. Don't Believe It When told that F. M. Wilkin. th. druijisf, is not selliiiij "Wisdom's lloliertine" fur the complexion, the most chgant nnd only really hiirmlesM preparatlou ol us Kinu 'U me world, and u'viB I'cautiful picture card with e cry bottle. ' V. HARMS, M.D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE Vilkin's Drug Store. triileni on Fifth street, where lr Mielton iiierly resided. IDIL JOSEPH P. GILL, AX ISE FUUXD AT HISOFFIOE or xf ulence when not professionally eiii'aKt'd. sidence on Eighth street, opposite Treshy li Church. jTj, waltonTjp., Jattorn ey-at-law, ECC.EXE CITY, OUEGOX. .VlLL l'RACTICK IX ALL THE 1' t'oiirtsof the State. Iiieeiid attention yiven to real estate, col ?:lli!. nnd liniliatrt matters. 'Ileetin all kinds of claims a'iiist the States (invernment. ce in Walton's brick rooms 7 and 8. Solo Agents for Eugcn City, FOR THE .ICST1.Y CKLEl'ltATF.l) SOLD AMD SILVER SHIBTS.- jfl HI Wt are still at the old reliable "liranne Store, and can sell you iinytliinj,' that ymi want to eat or wear, Cheaper Tliari tlie Cheapest. Makins Cuiluhi out of Blood. Philadelphia lliillctiu. The country is h niuiii to lit ilio waste. Making biittuns of blood is ill this direction. There is a lari fnctoiv in Fiidi;eport, near Chicago, rniphnine; ulmnt 01m hundred men, buys and 'iris, in which w isle iiniiinil blood is coiivi rled into buttons. The s.iiiio llnu h is urn flier laie faetuiy In where. A mall ciiiiiiil IIirMh was die lint lo introduce the luwiiiess in this eouiitiy soiiih years ago. He lost fllS.tKHI the lirtl-uiiiolith's, but ctuck I ) it, and uow he is iiiimeusely wealthy. There are 11 number of similar faetorie 111 F.i.tln.d. From s.iwo to in.ootl unllou of bl iod me used ill the liridenort factory eM-ry iLiy. N'olhinn but fresh beef I loud is usi d. Considerable of the blood eVaioratcsduriii( the proei ss of ilryiii, but what remains is pure uloanirii. Some of it is IilIiI in color and some dark, iKvurdinu to the chemical treatment iveli it. These thill hhwets of di li d blood urn then bioken up, mid are ri . 1 ly to lie worked into various sIihiics ami sies. Ijirye ipialititii s of the blood sheets are t'.seil by cloth iiiaiiufiicturers for setting Hie Color in calico yoods. Not only are but tons made fium blood in this way, but tolls of canine,, breastpins, belt clasiiH, combs and trinkets are made iiunually tin ro from blood It is n queer, odoriferous business, but 11 paving one, Cosl of Can. Notice. I have this day disposed of my entire in terest iu the stock of furniture and uudi rtiik inK goods in Eugene City to J. K. Ream, who will continue the business at the old stand, and collect nil bills due me for furniture nnd undertaking i-noils, and pay all outstanding obligitions. M. S. W.W.1.IS. August!!!!, ISS7. For Sale. l.V) lots in all parts ot Eugene Citv with and w ithout Ii'iukcs. prices to miiu ' . tin, M. MlLLElt. NEW GOODS. A FINK ASSORTMENT OF TvE; B. P. DORRIS, SURANGE AND REAL ESTATE ACEHT. HAVE SOME VERY DES1RAM.E Farnis, f niiroved and I'liiniproved Town lrty for Kale, on easy terms. 'ort? Senterl ani Hents Collected, I he IiiMiranee Coinpanien I represent are J " the Oldest am) inisit keliable, and in I Prompt and EuriTAnvE adiustment of their f Stand Second to None. v fire of your patmna is noliciteil. 'ftice up stairs, over the Grange Store. B. F. DORRIS. J. DAYIS, Merchant Tailor. fAS OPENED A SHOP OX XIXTH t- Street opposite the Star. r.akerv, wheie 1, t,v 1 . . ..... , i. .a X I , . e'ireii 10 un all kiuiu 01 wnra uiicim " line. brst Ukc of Fine Cloth, on hand for 1 'CT 10 t,ett from- , .' uf mir sf ialti, U the cnttinif and !nir nil. 1; t o BEAUTIFUL DRESS C00DSSU- From the Cheapest to the Best at prices according to quality. A LAUCJK STOCK OF and For Toilet Use. Aycr'8 Ilulr Vigor keeps tho luiir 80ft and pliant, Imparts to It tho bistro and fri'shiH'ss of youth, cause it to grow luxuriantly, eradicates Dandruff, cures all scalp diseases, nnd la' tho most cleun ly of all hair preparations. AVFR'Q nair vKor utw Blvcn "10 t I un O pcrfi'ct sutiafiictlon. I wil, nearly bald for six yearn, during which time. I used many linlr preparations, but without Hticci'sa. Imlueu, what littlo hair I had was growing thliinor, until I tried Ayer'a Huir Vigor. 1 usod two bottles of tho Vigor, and my bend Is now well covered with a new growth of bair. Judsoa 11. Chapel, Pcubody, Mass. LI A ID that htu become weak, gray, rinin and faded, mny have uw lifo and color restored to ft by the uso of Avcr's Hair Vigor. My hair was thin, faded, and tlry, nnd fell out in large (inantities. Aycr'a Huir Vigor Btoppod tho fulling, nnd restored my huir to Its original color. As a dressing for tho hair, this preparation has no enual. Mary X. Hammond, Stillwater, Minn. VIPDR y",n Bn(1 lpaiitv, In the I luUlly nppearanco of the hair, may bo preserved for an indefinite period by tho uso of Ayer's Hair Vigor. A dis caso of tho scalp caused my hair to bo coino harsh and tlry, and to full out freely. Nothing I tried seemed to do mo any good until I commenced using Ayer's Flair Vigor. Three bottles of this preparation restored my hair to a healthy condition, and It is now soft and pliant. My scalp Is cured, and it is also free from dandruff. Mrs. E. li. A liist-chiss standard eight -wheel American locomotive, with automatic train and drive brakes, is worth $7lXHI. A modern sleeper, with iil-inch steel-tired wheels, worth about flO.IMMI. A parlor ear, with 4 '2 inch, steel tiled wheels and steel nxlen, toilet room, up holstered chairs, is worth about f.'iMOO. A lu st class coach, w ith toilet room, patent car wanner, 1'J iilch steel-tired wheels, steel axlci is worth about $:'i(H. A second class coach, with :lS-incli steel-tired wheels and axles, is worth alKitit M'Jtkl. A postal eur of modem design, with 4'J-inch ttccl-tircd wheels Slid axles, is worth about $;llHH. A oO-foot bag gage car, of modern design, with same run ning gear, is worth about $JiKK). Astandiird ;l t - foot box and stock ear, with swing-motion trucks and cast w heels and iron axles, is worth about i 100. A coal-ear, with same trucks, is worth about $3u0. Cnliooses are worth from $ SOU to f UKIO, according to the build. He Wnntrd Both. Chambers' Journal. General Skohclcli', according to the story, was working one evening iu his tent near tho I hmtibe, or near a pond, w hen a lurkish boom dropped lit the threshold of his tent. The general had just time to see tho sentry outside stoop down and throw the shell into the water. Skobcletl' approached the soldier and said: "Do yon know that yon have saved uiy life? "I have done my best, general. was the reply. "Very well. Which would you lather have, tho St. (loorge's Cross or 100 rubles?" The sentinel hesitated a mo ment and then said: "What is the value of the St. (ieoige's Cross, my general?" "What hi you 11111111,' The ciiiss itself is of no value; it may be worth live rubles, piuhaps, but it is an honor to possess it. "Well, my general, said the soldier, "if it is like that, give mu !)") rubles mid the Cross of St. (ieorge! Foss, Milwaukee, Wis. Ayer's Hair Vigo' Bold ly DniggUt and Tcrfumera. f SHOES From the Cheapest to the Best. All parties can be suited 'either as to Price or Quality. Our assortment is Complete, from the lowest Price up to the Finest'; can suit ijou if you give us a call. , Wiring and cleaoin; done promptly, ctiin iruarxnUs-d. r.3ifm. VA- iuu.. Kt- OUP. STOCK IS tSfFrc.!, rtcw and Stflish.JB Look us over; if we tin not save you money, we will make soiiit one fels sell to you lo. -r-A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES." - R R DUNN. Teiifrct Safety, prompt action, and wonderful curative properties, easily place Ayer'B Pills at the head of the llstl of popular remedies for Blck and Nerv ous Headaches, Constipation, and all ail ments originating In a disordered Liver. I have been a great sufferer front ncadache, and Ayer's Cathartic Pilln are tho only medicine that has ever tfven me relief. One dose of these Fills will quickly move my bowels, and freo my head from pain. William L. Pago, Richmond, Va. ' Ayer's Pills, Ptenuod bv Dr. J. O. A ver & Co., towal Buld by all Dealer. In UvUlcLne. FiHtrn Fiiiimiis Invrnlmih. Dayton Democrat. The fifteen great American inventions of world-wide adoption are: The cotton-gin, the plaiiiiig-niachine.tlui grass-mower and reaper the rotary printing presH.mivigation by steam, the hot-air engine, the sewing machine, the iudin rubber industry, the machine manufac ture of horse shoes, the sand blast for curv ing, the gauge lathe, tho grain elevator, arti ficial ice-making on a large scale, tho tdoetrio ni.iL'iu't mid its practical application, tliu tel ephone. Ill Father' Pruym Might Do. Ronton (ilolie, Tom, a chit of four summers, was anxious for a baby brother llm father, a minister, had taught him that it was his duty to pray (or what he wanted, doing to his father with a verv sober face, he said: "Papa, ilo you suppose if I juayed to God right along flint hu would semi me a baby brother?" "PeibiniH so." said liana, "but why do ... , . ... vnii ask .' 'Oh. because," replied he, "I have In en nraviiiL' i.rl'aud on this L'ood while, and It don't si mi to do any good!" Make No Mistake. Hv ilisiiellitiB the symptoms so often mis. luken fur cniisiimtition. SANTA A 151 K has liroiiidil L'ladliess to maun a household. Iiy its prompt use for breaking up the cold that too olten develop 11110 111111 mini uiiwuw, thousands call be saved from an untimely el-live. Mill lual.e lio IDNtllldi Iiy keeping a bottle of this pleasant remedy in your house. CALIFORNIA CAT-IM LRE is eiiially ef feetive ill eradicating all tluces of Nasal Ca i,.ii li lloth ol lln se wonderful California remedies nre sold and warranted by nil drug gists. 1 a package, :i for il. Al. Notico. Important Auction Sale Uf valuable firming propertv, cattle, horses, wagons, funning implements, household fur niture and other articles belonging to tho farm of L. Gilpatiick, Pleasant 11 ill. 7 miles southeast f Eugene. Having received in structions from Mr. Lyman Gilpatrick, who is leaving ou account of sickuess, I shall sell at public auction to tho highest bidder, OU the premises, at ll:lhi o'clock, on tho morn ing of m:siv, SKITKMIIKU 'Ji, 1SS7, SO acres of as flnti farming land as there are in Oregon. It is located at the foot of Pleas ant Hill, 'i)'t miles from Goshen station and H miles from Cresswell station. It fronts on the public road. It is in a II up, and thickly populated neighborhood, w here a D-mouths' school is taught iiunually. There are also near at hand, a church and two good stores, Tho land is all under fence, and tho soil iiii meusely rich and deep. There is a fine or chard 011 the place, a large number of the trees Wing ladeu with various kinds of fruit. The land is all cool rich bottom. Dr. Shar pie.' fruit farm adjoins it. On the laud there is a goon uweiung nouse, wooil sneii, HinoKe house, hennery, two large barns 0110 new, costing f ;UKI. The buildings are insured for f PJtHI. lifty acres of the laud is under cul tivation; the balance A 1, covered with tim ber and brush. The present owner has lived on tho premises for five years, and has thor oughly improved it. There is also ou the premises, in tho barns, considerable grain, and 35 tons of hay, Ou the place are never falling streams of water running through the property, which can be couveyed to any part of lue land. The place is 11 regular paradise. The other property otiered for sale is as fol lows: 10 head of horued cattle, 1 span tine horses, 2 colts, farming wagon, harness, hogs, uew mowing machine, household furniture and many farming implements. lerms ol sale: r or land, one-third down, balance In 3 or 4 years, with interest at 8 per cent, per annum, or tour per cent, on lor cash. For cattle, horses, luiplcmeuts, furni ture, etc., cash. J. Gomjhtonk, Auctioneer. X. II. For further particulars apply to the auctioneer, Engelio City, or Mr. L. Gilpat rick, who resides on the premises, and who will bo pleased to show intending purchasers all around the premises, and give them nil tlio Information tliey ilesiro. A Female Sum Jours, Kansas City Journal. Mrs. Richardson, a member of the Salva tion Army, who is a trille too old to pass for a Salvation lassie, entertained a big crowd ou the public square yesterday afternoon. In the courso of a tweiity-miuutes' exhortation, he said tho following among other things: "A saloon-keeper is the devil advance agent." '1 haven t Hot any use (or tbese knul 01 people that keep tueir t unanimity lua tismi box six days In tho week and take it out on the seventh." "There isn't a church 111 this city that bus got the suirit of God iu it. They will guar antee you a seat in heaven for $.") a year." 'lou cun t get Cliristiamty into a tool any more thuu yon enn get bologna sausage from a rattlesnake." "Do you think that man with a chew .rif tobacco in his inonih and a bottle of whisky in his pocket is a fit temple for the spirit of God?" "1 would try to get into heaven just to keen out of the company there is iu hull, if for no other reason." "The Halvntion Army is tho pcoplos church. You don't have to wear a silk dress there to get religion." "Jav Oou lit will nave to tune ma orimsiomi straight, just the same as the poorest criminal." Bullooiu In High Aliunde I union Bpeetator. Tho recent iitlempt made by some French a roniiuts to reach a great height above the earth has not been productive of nuy partic ular scientific results, luo balloon in w tile 11 tho ascent was made reached an altitude of over 20,000 feet without the occupants of the ear experiencing any ill etlects, except a ten dency t fuiutness 011 the part of one uf them. When atioiil twelve years ago a simi lar attempt was made, and the height of 25,000 feet was reaclii d, it was with fatal results to three out of the (our teronants. The success of the preseut experiment is ex- o 11 ned bv the a legation Unit tlio ilimcuilies due to the rarefaction of the atmosphere only begins at an altitude of 2:1.000 or 21,000 (eet. This view seems supported by the fact that in the Himalayas ami the Amies unguis 01 about 20,000 feet have been on several oc casions reached without any inconvenience. In such cases, however, the ascent lias al ways been irradual. Tho ill effects exper- euceil ill balloons are one in uiu m-ss of the change. stulde It Wiun'l For lllm- MS .BARKER. Expert Gun Smith Stock ot Guns and Am munition on hand. i:ia:.i: - -- oiti:;ox. MONEY TO LOAN -OX- Farm and City Property For a tTm of yur at Lowest HatcSe Apply to Them is (.lie vacant free scholarship in the State I'niversity for bane e ty, (or wincn ti.iiiiiintioii ol iitinllciiiits will be lii'ido on Monday, October fjth, 1X7. Those wishing to upply will ph ase send in their names. A. VY. l'ATTKItMON, School Superintendent, August 20, 1W7. An Absolute Cure. The ORIGIXAL AlilF.TIXE OINTMENT i. ,,iv mit un in lariio two ounce tin boxes, a ml iu lltl absolute cure for old sores, burns wounds, ( hupped bunds, and sll skin erup. ii..a Will oositivelv cure nil kindsof piles Ask for the ORIGINAL AIULTINE OIST. MENT. Sold by all druggists at 2ceiits per box by limil cents What Is It? That produces thut beautifully soft com plexion and leaves no traci s of its applica tion or injurious llcct? The answer, Wis dom's llolx;rtine accomplishes all this, and is pronounced by ladies of tusle and refine- There were alio lit half a dozen of them and they had been off somewhere in the couu try. They were all piled in a wagon and ss they passed 0110 ol the numerous collages a Inetly woman accuiemany lumcu 1, niin. nilid'kerchief liaise. There Were six hand kerchiefs waving wildly in the breeze in one instant. 'Ity Jove, she's pretty! I wonder who she is. Thut was uieulit for me. "It wasn't. It was meant for in., said everylmdy but a little old man sitting ou the bottom o( the wugou uimicn irom view. "Well," he said, "I'll bet it was uot meant for me." "Why?" "Itecaus that is my wife." And a dead silence fell on the picnic. !rylptUu7or liim. Detroit Free Press. "Excuse me," he said, as he baited a citi zen on the street, "but I have a sure and sjieedy care for that mild form of erysiwi!S iu your face. It is only $1 a bottle." "Erys pe !" howled the other. "I ll warrant a cure in a very few weeks." you old idiot, 3on't you kuow nothing?" shouted the enraged man. "Erysipelas? Why I brought this face on with Whisky. Am I to be insulted after working as I hav for the last twenty years? Go on, sir, or I'll do you serious injury. " SHERYOOD BURR, jc.ty Now for the oldest iHistniaster. This time bi. name is Roswell lleardaley, and he licks """"" " . . 1 v v 11.. ment to be the mot delightful toilet article ; postage .lamp, at on ever produced. Warranted harmless and was elev it. d to the posi Ion of P. M. June matchless. F. M. Wilkius, Hgetit, Migeue 11-0. ami bium b",.., r. . HIS onglUUI coiuuiinsiou , i )ti - 1 -' " , , im. bl