'I ! I I t j ( . ' i ' t i-u ; 1 .' 'I I j I ' . i j. M i .' Jit 1 1 !: (! 9 hi In I -OF- Groceries, ; Vj Crockery, ! ) Wood and Willow Ware, j i Jltiirivcsto unit all ') j GOLDSMITH'S Tin: (JUori.tL, ' llring your produce to Goldsmith's ami Kt money fur it. ' GRAIN BROS. dealers -IX- !,;!orks, y Unlili,. mid Jewelry, Musical Instruments, Toys, Notions, etc Storage! Storage I Fiii-iiinm uru hereby niitillcil tlmt .S. II.I'BtlEvMK.VW WAREHOUSE Adjoining tin U. it C. II. Depot is now open fur the Stoniiie of Hops, Oats, Wool & JJarley. SHILOH'S CIMUC will immediately n li.-vu Croup, Whooping Cough and 1 ti-iin-li it in. WANTED. W()OI U I DES AND FURS AT GOLDSMITH'S. INSURANCE. TE HAVU F.EKN APPOINTED y T agent for tho lintiintiu'e I 'tuiitutiiii'H for merly held liy Mr Chas Lnucr, and are pre pared tn insure your Houso. Earn. Wheat. Wool, Etc.. Etc- against loss liy tiro, mill can give ymi choice of some of the PifcsT CoMIWNIK ON Till CoAST, rcmlv noil illiug (a pity losses promptly. XV e imk for tlm liberal patronage extended tu Mr Lnner. 11km. nn km Ji Kakin. Something Now. . Ml!. G HOUGH WILCOX Willi .1. A. WINTEIi, will make plmtograpl Ic enlarge. Incuts liy the new Tcrmanont Eromido- process, finely finished in India Ink and water C olor. J. L. PAGE, -IKAI.KK IN I TAVING A LARGE AND COM PI.KTE II stock of Staple nml Kimcv iroii'ri, l"Vlit in the U'.st i!:.-.:ki'U Cnn offer th pnlilie K tti'r pri--M than any I'tliiT hmiM IN KUGMN'I', riiKhu of nil kind, tukfti at tt'.nikrt prli-d. NOT1CK H)ll IMPLICATION"" Lxu Orru K at U.wkai'i:i, Oh , ( A nil. lit. IKST. i YTU'K Is IIKIIKIIV tllVKN THAT i.1 t!i f.illowiii n.oif.l wttli-r In. r.l.l tit of hit intrntion to umkt fiiml pnmf in .up Imit of In. ilnim, ainl tlmt .iiil piiv.. will nii Iwf.ire llip .linle iir t irk C,mity Court of Lull Co., Or., t Kiik'rii 'itv, ' lr, mi 'J'i-.l v. S;)i ith. 1,ns7, u. ,1,,1,'n' ter, H-uin-tf.l Knlrv No 41.M, for (,r ,o. 5, ti nnd t, S. XV. i .f X. W. J iihI . : l ( S. XV. I .Svc. i. Te. is S, 1 10 XVm. XX, M. II u.mri th follim iiu ilnmi'( to pro hi. cohtiiiiiiiin rri I.'ikk np.'n, Hii.t rnltn nt l.n of, Mti'l Uml, rir: XX'illtr.l l'j!nKr, l,i, M.ine, Sr., A. V. Hutl.'lph, f Klomnc. ln Co., Or. , .X, I.mi.Iik, of Sratoa, Ijine ttu., (r. t'u. XV". Juhxstom, llcitUtrr. rfA '-7 LP kT..iHU k x it' ir- - -u k i Dr. Gill's Catarrh Cure. 1 piirclm-i"l ii 1'X of "CiU'M Catarrh Curi?," Unihnif my iH'phe. C. A. MrMiihon, in ncl of inh in" li' in. I let liim liUye tl'O tiox. Jl now n l for tlire lii'ire ImiXik, myinif it in tlw heHt tiling Unit wan ever trif "1 y him ud hhifiiemk '. A. MtMAHAX. Sprinli'M, Ori-'oii, i-Vh. "t, IHKl. Ciin ho ohtaiiiril st the ilni'.'Kixtii; if nut tliere of tho pn)irintor, J. I'. (UI.L&f'O. NOTICK I '01 1 iriilJOATJON. IAMI I 'U K T. AT l!o.'KII"l.i;, Oll., Ant'. "1th, lHH7. f VOTICK IS IIKKKKV CIX K.V THAT Xl th"' fol!owiii;' niiii:i-il M-Mli-r hu (ili'd in tic-' of hiri iiit l:ti'ii to milk" tiinil ti of in ip pint of lilt irlaiin nil I that . ;iil prm f will lie iii.hIh In -forif th" .linUu or Ch rk of the n un'.y cimrt (if I. nii' Co. , dr., nt V,wrw I 'it t'n o i. on SntnnluV, (MolT Hth, 1NS7, u: Dinh'l I Mini Man, llmin-t'aii Kntry, No. 3'w t. f ir ti, k j of n !. a W I of N H . 1 S K I'of N XV I, tii'ii li, 'J'p L'!i .S, it .; V,'i..,t, W M. 1I iiaiiifH tlm follow in;,' witnt i" K to prove his coiitiinmnK rHiihne upon, nvl i ultivatlon of, H.iid Innil, viz: .lohn Tail, ..'olni V. I'or tnr, I!. ,li km, Jr., it Cri wwell, Lane Co., Itr.J' J- .Mi l'ii-i' , "1 I'iene City, l.rine Co., Or. ( ins. W. .r.,n:;.s,i..v, Iti't'lNtur. NOTICK I'OH J'Ci; LI CATION, I.AXIl llH'i" I! A1 JIliHKIIt '11(1, "II., Am. 15, W7. i VTOTICB IS IIKI!KI5V (JIVK'.V THAT Xi thii follotviii' iniimil H'tth r has tiled lu ti' of liin iiiti'titiini to inaliii Innil pn;of in Hiip pnrt of hin claim, and that x.iiil proof will he in in 1 1) hnfiiro tho . iido or Clink of the County Court of Limn Co., dr., lit Kugciie City, Or.,nn Hntiirday, UitohiT 1st, 1HS7, viz: L. 1). Ath eiton, llonii'htnail Kntry No. 3WW for the N. K. 1, Hec. IK, Tp. 17 S.. II 8 XVi'st, XV. M. lie iiimiHii the followini,' wituenseM to prove hi continuous riMiil'-n -n up"n, mid ciiltiviition of, miid land, viz: .lumen (llfutt, Eugene ( ity, I. niie Oi., ur., iohiii iiimiiiui, ,)oiia I'ylo, rk'r Hollo, of iJVailwoil, Lano County, Oregon. ClIAM. r. .Ioiin.stdN, Kegister. NOTICE OFDISS9LUTI0N. NOTICK IS HEItKllV CIVKN THAT MoConwick & Collier, hookw.'lli:rii anil tationern, 1h thin day dinnilvcd liy miitiial cmiHent, Joel McCorimck rctiiinn. The Iniii- iii-m will hu dintiiiiied hy (ivo. t oilier, who will collect nil claim due the firm and (lis- cliai'j,'K nil claims nvaiiiKt the Name. Signed, lul l, .ill.'! (JIISAIK, (iKII. Col.l.lKll. Ihl'etie, All'. L'.'l, 1KS7, Tliun!:fiil for past liberal patronage I most r i.iclfiil!y ini ito a continuance of the tc'ine, and shall at nil tiioiM strive to merit a share of public put i'iiiia;ju. Ilcspi'ctfiillv, (iKIi. ClU.I.IKH. NOTICE VOll ri'LLIOATIOX I.AMlOH'K K AT IbiSI IU IKI, Oil., ( Allf. 1HK7. I vroTicr. is iiKiiKitv civj'x that i.1 the follnwiiii; iiauii'il settler hint filed nnticn of his intention to make liiml proof in Hiippnrt of his claim, uml that said proof will he in i lo lieloro the ( Ur!; of the County Court, of Liine Cnunty, dr., at Kuene City, dr., on Saturday, Sept L' I, IKS", vi.: II. N. Carter, Vre eniptioti 1. S. No. MJO for the S i of N XV j. N I) of S XV J, and Lt.t I, Sec. JO, Tii 111 S, 11 1 Kast XV. M. 1 le nanies Hie following witno.isi'8 to nrove Ins c mtinu'iiH residence upon, and cnltiva- tioiij.'f said land.vi: V. I) Cain, K XX' Michael, I .1 rdaki'lv. M 1. 1. '".us, ull of Lowell. Lane Co.. dr. ClUS. XX', JilMNMION, ltt'uister. v. f. F.vT-rniKiiN. W, II. I'AITI IISHN. f, l hkm 1 k, Contractors, Plastering,, Stone and Brick Work. - .u.-di ii:ai run in Tacoma and San Juan Lime, American and English Cement, New York and California Plaster, Plstcring Hair, Fin Brick, Ut Mablo Dust, Etc., Etc. aiuu:i:ss; F. F Patterson & Co, i:i'(;i:ni:citv, di;i:ijox. A NASAL 1N.IKCTOK fiee with each hot t'o of Shiloh's Catarrh lieuieily. I'rico .:it) ct. SUMMONS. In the l iiiMiit nit of tho utatc of Dillon fur the county of Lane. Alexander Lamb, plaintilf, vs. Lucy It Siitheilin, (leoimi M.uipin, Thomas Matipin, Maryaiet Matney, Sarah Ik-men, Nancy Adams, Mary liiclmrdsoii, Miranda XViijiht, lliirriet liii'liaidMin, Clark Kicharil son, Martinet Hay, Mary liny, Thurston Uicle ardson, Henjamiii Ki.-hanlson, Henry Itichanl on, Jesse liichaidson, I'ciry Wallace Uich nnlsoii and Ccnrue KichanU n, delVmlants. To Lucy H Siitheilin, (ieorte .laiiiiu,Thnm as Alaupiii, Margaret Matney, Sarah llowen, Nancy Adams, Mary liii-hardson, Miranda Wright, llarni t lliclianUoii, Clark liiehanl- in, Margaret Kay, Mary llay.Tliurston Kich riht.ni, I'lcnjauiin liichurdsnn, Henry liiihanl- .K'sse Lnliaiilson.lVrry Wallace Jiichanl ou and Cieur,;e llii barilsou, the above named defendants. In the name of the tati tf (he in. Veil ami each of Jim are hereby numiiinueil an I ic.Uir, d to appear in the nliove named court and answer the complaint of said plain tilf in the alsne rntitlnl suit, now on tile in the I'lt'ue of the clerk of sai l court, bv the first day of the next regular term of said court after the publication of lids suunnntu for ix weeks to il: The ri'iiular Xuveinlwr term of .aid court to be lHim and held on the first M.ni lUv, the ("th dav of Novmils-r, 1S7, in the court Innise nt Lu jeiie City, Lane county. Or ejon. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to npiiear and answer said coimil.iiiit a huein n-ipdred, th plaintilT will apply to the court tor tne react tie nmmlctl themn to wit: Kir a decree partitioning and ilividiii); lie tivei n tlie I'Uintill and tlm defendants accord iuit to tin ii respective interest therein the fl lowinn ibsoiilied real luoi eitv to it- t'Liim X i, ,V-', lieitK I' nts of Sen one and twelve it Vmni-liip 1, outh of raiu-e ti went, and ibm-rib ed a f"lli vi?: Coiiimenruiij on the aection line at n point 7.X chains rotth cf the touth j west corner uf ,Se. 1'.' in said t m n-hip and ; rnce,li eoiv noi lli on Kii.t .ectii'ii line 7'.I.7U chain , theni e east Kit. l.'i rhtiim, thence south I on .aid toaiishin line 7'.'..KI .-hain., thence et ."' el ain. to the place of l,'iunini;, coiitsin ini; t",.l-.i.t.t acres, ell in Lane county, ttreii. an.i lor me i "U and il:sniirseineuts i in tiii'iiini'us is puijtK!ie,i in ine r.uceoe t Itv (.1 Aim hy onlrf of 11, .i. Ii. S. l'.ii Judj- of .iid cu rt, v, hi, h orl. r Ma. made at oiimnlieia in Lcctie City and l.er date Sep teinU'r "ml, lvr. Jol!N l'.rKNKTT, AtUuni-y for l'laiutift. s.rt Kakin, Jn., Cashier. I Of Eugene. raid up Cash Capital $50,000 Eugene City - - Oregon. Si,:ht (hafts on NKXV YOUK, SAN WAN CISCO and 1'OUTLANI), dllKlidX. All collpcliniM ciili ii'ded to u.-i will icceiye at eiition. We innkt this depai tiiicnt a specialty l)e;si.its re -i.-ived inibjci t to check. Loan made on .'ipproied security, nod a (,'encntl bankiix' businoUK ih ne on reaiMiiiablti terniH. A. ;. IIOY'HY, II. (' IICMnil.'LY lenient. 'aaiiiu-. iiovhy. ii;:,iphui;y it co EUOKN CITY, Olt. (it-ucia banking transa' teil. Deposits rcceiv-d on current u. count . ml on peeial certificate Drafts drawn on I'OWLAXD, SAX KIIAXCLSCO AND N LXV YOKK. I'.i'ls of Exchange sold on the Cities of Europe, l eans made. Colicctliiua ouall accessible points aspecialty a. H si P m errs 03 & 0 2 S3 L 'J. V R -S 2 o (t w p 5' 35 rilYSICIANS, " rlNlSTEKS, VOL" A LISTS, 1TLL1C i.L Speakers and the l'rofeesions jjenerallv recoinmeiid SAXTA A HI L as the best of ail inedicinea for diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lunu-i. r, il. ui liiiin See that our trade mark, SAXl'A A I HE, i on every bottle. Satisfaction yiiarantceil or money refunded. S' A i " ,1 s.tll ' 4( itf L,' a' Make no MMakc. Hy ilispellinj; the ayinptoins so often mistaken for consumption. SANTA A 111 K has brought Kindness to many a household and by promptly breaking up the'Couh and Cold that t :o often develops into that fatal disease will yet save thousands from an untimely irav. You make no mistake by keeping a Ih ttle of this pleasant remedy always in the house. California (UAKANTt'ED A POSITIVE ITLK for Cutarrh, Cold in the Head. Hay Kever, Lose Cold, Catarrhal Deafness and Sore Lyes. Kestnies the sense of taste and smell; removes bad taste and unpleasant breath, re ulliiii; from Catarrh. Easy and pleasant to use. Follow direction and a cure is Warranted by all (Ironists. Send fur circular to ALllv riNK MKDICALCO., Ormillc, Cal. Ask for SANTA AU1 K AND CAT- K Cl lll'., For aale by all dru'ist'i, Jl'MIH). JUMltO. . The original Abictine Ointment is only put tip in lante tu ounce tin Imxcs, and is an ab solute cure for old sores, bums, wounds, chap ped hands, and all skin eruptions. Will posi tively cure all kinds of piles. Ask for the Original Abictine Ointment. For ale by all drowsts. Snell, Heitslm A Wnodard, Wholesale Ats, rortbind, ( rei;on. SURVEYING. IJNES r.STAULlSHED. LANDS J lucxj'irctl and divided. Cradea and drains levelled, b'at.n reasonable. Call at office of Itilveu and Collier or I'ave word at McCoi tnack Collier's bookMom, CU AS t OM.U.i:, I .iinty surveyor. Brick! Brick! Brick! BiT ycAi.ni hi:kk r,' rr oa-mii v ,s hand. XVill e.e u.' brick f. r all kinds of f arm produce. Ixitn m. r.-Mdem-e at " bs liutte, to ii ih W, -t of r.nwene. Trick delivered iniiiieiliati-lv on re,-ipt i f order. jom. ituiiiruiti). " A. V. l'etirv Ak-rut, Eayrne, T. 0, IlENDKIPKH, I'rusident. Ilia Bank If W'JWIMBI?I aBI?f?5 :jter-MiiM " - aaww HwuiiiMnuM ajaJ amnuaav jua -t 4 wmmms r J. S. LUCKfcT, KtG . f- Clocks, Wacnes, Chains, Jewelry, Etc. Ui'jiiiiriiig I'loiiiptly lixecutcd. tTAII Worh Warranted. jifa J.il. LUCKKY, e.l.woilh .!o' Brick Willamette street. The BUYBII8' GUIDE ta.ucd Sept. and March, i each year. im 31 page. r q POO Uiaairuuna m whole Plctnra Oallery. :iVKS Wholesale Prlcca rfireel to conumrr, on all Jj -r.nal or family w. TelU how to irder, anil jflvta "ct coat ot eTT thing you uae, eat, have fun with. Theao INVALUABLE HOOKS contain Information Knea from the market, of nhe world. W. will maU a copy to any ad- dreaa upon receipt of 10 eta. to defray expen. of iiialllnK. Let iu hear fxoxn you, Ktapectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 847 & 888 Wabaah ATenue, Chicago, lib OVERLAID TO CALIFORNIA VIA ()rt'(;i! & ( aliiornia K. Ii. Hmi Connection mi MT. SHASTA R0UTE.1 Close connection made at Ashland with etages of the California, Orciron ami mano Staire Cmniiany. Only 20 Miles of stuffing;! Time between Eugene and San Francisco, ;t3 hours. CALIFOIl.NIA KXPIIKSH TI1AINS DA I IT. South I I North TOO P M Leave Portland Arrive 10:40 A H O.r.-. i, I I Vi,;,.i,i l.imVA I 4-4:"l A M 8:30 A M i Arrive Ashland Leave 5:10 p M A-SSKNCEK TltAINrt DAILY (KXCEIT SUN DAY.) 8.IMI a in Leave 2. -10 pin' Arrive I'ortlanit Eugene ArriveH.sl5 p m Leave 9.00 a in PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS, Daily betwoen I'ortland and Ashland. The OtCR 11 Ferry makca connection with nil the regular trains on the East Side Division from foot of F Street. XX'est Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND COEVALLIS- MAIL TKMN DAILY (EXCEPT BL'NDAY.) LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 7:.'10am I Corvallis. .12:25 p ra Corvallis l:H0p in PnrtlntuL. (1:15 p m EXPRESS THAIS DAILY (EXCEPT HI'NDAY.) LEAVE ARRIVE, Portland 4:5(1 p iu I McM'nvil)e.8:n0 p in McMitiuville...,r):l5 a in Portland. . ..9:00 a in At Albany and I'orvalliK connect with trains of Oregon Pacific For full information i PKirdini! rates, maps, etc., call on Company's aent. K KOEHLUn, E. P ItOdEKS, Manager, U. F. and Pass Ayt. FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Comphiint, you have a )riuted guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitulizer. It never fails to cure. C.F.HYD COMBINATIOM WIRE ANu PICKET FENCE, Improved Combination. Patented May 'il, 1883. No. 277,877. Wir- and Ficko Farm Fenco and Machi e fcr its Mauftcture. The Cheapest and Most Perfect Fence in Use. Pig Tight, Horse High, Cattle Strong; STEEL & WOOD INTERWOVEN. We use from six to eight wires interwoven solidly, with from forty to fmty five light wooden slats to the rod, thus producing a fence that will I'.old all btock, from the smallest pig to the largest beast. It is the most durable fence made, as the slats are in a vertical position, clear of the ground. There are no barbs to cut or maun stock or tear the wool from your sheep, Its as visible to the eye as a board fence and ten times as strong. It will stand a side pressure of from 12,000 to l.'.OOO pounds. It is woven or manufactured on the p ists. One man and a boy can build from 40 to 00 rods in a day. Farmers can bnild their own fence and use material that would otherwise be lost or used as fuel, and thus aave from $100 to $150 pei mile. "e can refer to thousands of fanners in Kansas, Iow.iend Missouri who are using our fence. XVe feel great pleasure in presenting this fence to the tanners of Lane County, fill ing as it does a want long felt. Peing practi cal farmers we know what we say, Kit tin uml Pi-eoinut :. rt.tlil. Fi r further particulars apply to J. P. SXVEET, Eugene City, Oregon. AGENTS: Junction D, C, Urtce. (Sample fence on Exhibition.) li ving A. T(o.Nl .1 Sos. Farm ami Precinct P.L'hj,H Geo, M. Mil. LEU, ErotNB City. 1). U. LAKIX, General Agent, Eugene. Always Victorious. K'V - J '.''- 'V V.UE Ot u , J iv: Ot, .1 , j Every one s duty 1 not t allow the liver, the stomach ami the kidneys, three gieat organs, to liecnme clogged tr torpid, and in tune expel sb impurities of the blooiL The OltEiioN l'.L(ii) Pi iiinPR, a riurely vegetable coinismnl, is The Remedy to cure all diseases of the kidneys and liver, also tluwe caused by impure IiIihkI, as lliliousness, Conitiiation, Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Eruption of the Skin, Rheumatism, etc. Try it and you will find it always victorious in iu battle with dii.ease. Sold everywhere. $1.00 er bottle. t bottles for $.tK. 19 33 tf FAIR DEALING IS OUR MOTTO. Everyone sUnding in nee. I of building niate iai will do well to call mid see our Coburg itock cf lumber, kept at Midgley k Dysinger'a IC. ..1 II I ' . I ioo'i. i v can piesse an Kinos or customer ?j : i, .'i.iiij nii ,(i.iuii:iav. i ive ns a can neiore j pureli.iiig elsewhere. X. X. MaTUKWs, Agt I Chaib Laker Ivin mile l.n.piietor, ail ; aiimiuts due Laker's Hotel mill be collec'tcil , bv bun, and all claiumagaiust s-ai 1 iustitutiovj .will lie paid br Mr. llak.r. 1 S. Skkfd, ' Cnik. Piii, I i I I i ten n LV L7 I llfllfll I . & Hi n. i i nr. iv i-. t&r n , DEALERS W. DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils Brushes, Etc., Etc. PtcscHjAioi Dcurtmmt in Compel en Hands. Harness HAVING OPENED A NEXV SADDLE AND HALNLSS .-Hop )s ., m opposite Star liakery, I am now prepared to furnish everything in l.t i, , , 'B Tll Competent Are employed, and I will endeavor to urn wiui a can. F0UHBI That tlio CHEAPEST place to Jj, Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and shoes, Etc. FRIENBLY'S'. P. S. Have also just receive! from New York City a large in voice tff LADIES' CLOAKS' DOI MANS, WRAPS and DRESS GOODS. F. K. Ukach, Presidc.it. J. K. Emikkkin', Sec'y. No, 5 Washington Ike Northwestern Fire and Marine , DlUECT01t8. J. McCRAKEN. FRANK M. WAREEX, J. K. ELDEKKIX, F. K. 13EACII, REFERENCES A. V. Peters, J. F. Kolmisoii, .1. II. JIcClnnj. II. C. Iluinphrey, Osburu oi Co. HTEHLINO HII.I., Agent. tir'Mouey to Loan on Approved Real Estate Security .J OnEGONlJACIFUl D nly oi'l'lar k vku 4 ictukksqukU AILP.O.-xD 0UTE ANGUS 005 MILKS SHORTER ! OO HOURS LESS TIM K! Accominoilationa unsurpassed, for comfort and Safety ! Fares and Freights much less than by any other route between all points in XVillamette Valley and San F.ancisco. DAILY PASSEGER TRAIXS lExeeut. Sundaya) Lv Yaquina 7:00 a m, ILv Albany 1:30 p ni, Ar Corvallis 10:38 a ni, Ar Corvallis 2:02 p ui, Ar Albany 11:10 a 111. Ar Yaquina 5:40 p ni. O. and C. trains connect at Albany and Cor vallis. Fares between Corvallis and Albany and San F'rancisco, Rail and Cabin. $14; Rail and Steerage, Sf'.I.OO. C. C. HOGUE, WM. M. HOAC, Acting G. F. & P Agt General Manager. Oregon Development Co. F'irst-class steamship line between. YAtiUIXA AXD SAX FRAXCISCO. ContlAefim, ,1 Ytmiii,, u.llt, l.A ..f ... .......... ..p. nivil .ItlKIB II, the Oregon Pacific Railroad Company. FROM SAS FRANCISCO. Eastern Oregon, Tuesday, August 30 Vl':n i-n ti- 1 , . iniiamcHB auey, i c inesnav, ept. 7 Eastern Oregon, Monday " 12 'Yaouina City, Thu.-eday " 15 XVillatnette Vallev, Monday, 'f fj r.astern ttregon. Saturday, ' 1 Yaipuina City, Wednesdaj-, 2S FROM YAyl lNA. Eastern Oregon, Wednesday, Sept. 7 XX'illau.ette Valley, Wednesday, " 14 FasU'm (h-egon, Sunday, " s Yanuina City, Fiiday, 03 Willamette Valley, Tuesday, 41 27 Eastern Oregon, Saturday, Oct 1 Yaipiina City, Tuesday, " 4 The Company reserves the rtght to chance ailing days. S. B. TOBY, Gen. F. & P. Agt, 30 Montgomery St., S.F. Money to Loan ON Inped Farming Property, I fOU A Sl'MBER ()F YEARS, j B. Goldsmith, ' 114 Kirat Street, Portland, Oregon. Shop Mont Wo rk men givo Katisfaction tc nil wluma t,. FOUIDTp J. McCltAKKX, Vice PresiJ- J. LoYKXi!i:i;(i, Tnns. Street, Portland: Or. . F. K. APiNOLl), C. II. PKESCOr V. LiKiLlIT. FOR EUOENE. F. 11. Din.n, J. D. Matlock, S. II. Fri-ai; 55,555, TO LOAN OX On Improved Farmsans City Property. Apply to J. XV. BltlSTO GEO. F. CRAW, SU-H, POSTOl'THt MCiffar store rvj n Eujjenc City, OregM- OSBURN'ft CI DRUGGISTS & APOTHECAR.'ES' UMi.i.a.l.l u .Mi.j.r.i t ? Eugene Cite, di alers ill DivCGS, CHEMICALS, OILS, GLASS, VARXIS1IES, PA'lFXTM'b Of ui .t every tiud, etc. BranJie'.. Wirss and Liqui of thr vei-v lift r.o.i'ilr f or llai'il il,!'' I j -i j ' r 1 tt W1-: have alwey.s kept nbrea.-t of ""J ,y iu our line, nnn wmioiii. i'i'.i--i": we ere safe ill claimiii-' that e lj " ' . 1 .r,.'..fc! ... I- IHW uiiBl 18'irtmelit HI J'liL i" I" - j Particular att. i.tien is called te e r A PERFl'MERY', TOILET SETS, and , ,..cls CEILILOIIX-1'1- For the year 1887, ' A'e shall 1 able to sell PAINTS. P.KL'SHES, ,,f whiih r.e new h' stock on hand) Than any house in this city, ai"l V"'!,, can rest assured that anything l"'"e'ht j will lie first cla.. As 'tie buy w"T gooils E;it and have,fa,-ilitics that bnsineis hate, we think we are l'r'l''j derell and fulih a Mter Usi".T than uy,me in our !b; in Ijine e;' 'e call ei.'cial attention to '.''ji TIOXS. which will 1 carefully fc-1 hours of the day or night.