The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 17, 1887, Image 6

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I. L. CAMPBELL, i I'roprletar.
Ad Epitome of lite Principal Erects Now
Attracting Puttie Interest
The Ameer of Afghanistan is re-
A nine-font coal vein ha been ported to bo dying,
truck near tlio surface at Greeley, I krd Donevailediod in County Cork,
CoL Ireland, of hydrophobia.
Prof. Hoyden, of tho Geological A. H. Morris, a well-known theatrical
Survey, advances t!io theory that the mHn 0( y. Louis, suicided.
world is preparing to enter upon an- Tllla n,.,tl- woro ,ilU,no,i :n
other Klaohd period, which will set I" Lllko Superior by the capsizing of a
about 2K87.
An extensive deposit of pure os-
phalttim has been discovered near Ihis-
tle Station, In Utah. It is worth f 10 a
Devoted to the Interest of Farmer.
and Stockmen.
The Kabbiibish tribo defeated the
Dervishes in the Cagari country, kill
ing 1300.
Two men worn tilled nn.l seventeen
pcoplo injured by a railroad collision thinking that until then all iliat is
near Wheeling, W. Va. necessary is to give tliem barely enough
A woman was killed, a boy fatally P, 81"? wnen tney are im-
' - I ii.ltii-i t i 1 . . .v. U'.fl, .ill ln mrn
r suture for II Off s.
He is a wise farmer who provides
plenty of pasture for his hogs in sum'
nier. Tho hog is entitled to grass in
summer as much so as the cow, and
will prolit by it equally as well. In his
wild or natural state he lives di-ring
the entire year upon such food as he
can pick up grass in summer anu
mast, roots and grubs in winter. But
in his domesticated state his choice of
food it more limited on account of the
less range allowed him, and, therefore,
needs something more. Many fanners
pay very little attention to wliat food
their hogs get until fattening time,
mad.. distinctly audible when the injured and a dozen people hurt by the uu i nuin win, uii um emu
niaini iiiMuiK uy aummo wiiui mi, j . . , . J. Jv,.i,i,ii,ii. ,r they will eat. The tendency of a corn
.aratiis Is bright near it fallof anelevariiiaNewyo.kbu.ldjng J
..,:..B !.. .r.t.,.-n T.l. ITvanb 1 - . . ....
system, and therefore very suitablo in
ton; tho cxpnnso of mining is
forty cm.Uohlen Utile.
In Germany tho microphone U now
osetj for tracing leaks in water-pipes,
the slightest trickling of the water bo.
The government "f India now mam- Iwo brothers, John and frank
tains 131 weather observatories. From INewcr, were shot and instantly killed wmf,,r or for ,i10 rln.,i Drt.nnriition of
.I .1 .1. . .1 t. il li. A ....i.l.ii iIiiHinn HU...I.I, .,,.., I . ' . .
xnese a special siuuyoi mo uiiiiieiice 01 "'M""" uu"s 'i""'"1 the animals for market; but voting,
forests on climate has been made, and raiiroau graders over a Keg 01 Deer. Kmwjne hoes need a more bulky as
tho results confirm the theory that rain- Henry Vilhird is again a power in well us a more cooling and loosening
- fall is niost abundant over wooded dis- Wall street. Ho is credited with pur- diet in summer, not onlv tho better to
tricw. cnasing ?u.uwi,uuu oi is. r. ana u. it nreeerve tier hea th, but to d stend
It is not necessary to have different A N. stock. It is rumored that ho will their stomachs and build up bone and
metals to obtain a current of electricity, secure control of those corporations. muscle to enablo them to digest more
Iron in nitrio acid and iron in sulphuric At Paris an oculist named I'adrona food and carry more weight of flesh
acid, the two fluids being separated by murdered his wifo and two children, than when confined exclusively to
a porous parlilion, will give a current, He idiot Madamo Padrona six times in corn
ono plate wasting u way, while the other the face, undent tho throats of his Of all tho cultivated grasses there is,
thickened. Nnlionnl View. two-year-old boy and three-year-old none, probably, ( if we may except
Uno of the two component stars girl. lucerne), that will produce as much
whicli make up tliiMloiiiile star knownas Charles Cousins, a young man, was food and of a kind more relished by
number fourteen in the constellation of found in the cellar of a dcHcrtcd shanty hogs as clover, Uut as clover does not
Orion, moves completely around tho in Ban Francisco in a dying condition, come forward very early in the spring,
He had crawled in there and remained and is more or less liable to sailer
for a week without food or water. He from drought, it is better to supplement
died f hortly after removal to tho bos- it by having a permanent lot or two of
pital from starvation. ' grass that is less subject to tin so draw-
A. Vend. a. miner near Tres hacks, t or this purpose there is notll
N. M.. shot und killed three i.f biJ ing to equal lucerne in ltn capacity to
kels, has invented a ventilating window- partners and was himself killed bv the lin( ry weather, which makes it es-
pane which admits fish air while pre- fourth, (his brother,) after a desperate P"enHly adapted to our more southern
venting a draught. Each square metro struggle for tho possession of the gun. tatfs, where clover cannot bo so suc
f glass contains 5.0(K) hides, which are Tho trouhlo erew out of an attempt to ctssfully grown. Tho next best thing
of conical shape, widening toward tho swindlo Mead out of his property. to 11 8 wehard grass, ss it starts very
insido. Tho new device has already An rndno on the rasl l.r.,.,1- hl the Tri"8. hears continuous
been adopted bv many of the German vill,, .,. w-nt .1..,,.!, il,n P,.uv..r St -tamls drouth well and grows
loHpitals.-;a,,W Weekly. creek bridge, Pueblo, Colo., killing f"1.1"10 .,"? u'e " USM lrom 1,01 ln'
1 10 Ane ol .Vi'Cl nil is hps a sum. I:iunneer Kluiw mul Iwn nl iru nun M 6 .
" -1 1 1 n - ..... ......... . . .
niary of tlio statistics collected by tho beingatrmp. Heverul were wounded.
American Iron and Steel Association in Tho accident was duo to a largo rock
the nail trade. These statistics show falling from the side of the canyon,
That exclusive of railroad spikes and crushing through t lie bridge,
Everything of General Interest In a
Condensed Form.
Devoted Principally to Washington
Territory and California.
pain In wlncli It travels once in one
hundred and ninety years. This fact
has recently been ascertained by Mr. J.
JJ. Gore, an Irish astronomer. A. .
A i.crman engineer, named Men-
It is highly necessary, too, that a
pasture for such animals should con
tain running water to supply them
with fresh water at nil times. If not.
: .1.,. ..i.i i.- i i i. ..
. I . . , i .. , ..... .... . ' eiiuuui ue iiuiiioiit:u iiuiu u iiun u ur
nnrHeMhiiA nulls rmr I. .r 1 tip.nliii.tiiiii ..f I, .M n.,, ii:....1.Mnn.i ... ...
. ....... .......... ...... ... J.1U.IIII4.1 IMIUU, IUVIIIIV UIIH-UHIKCU hi. 1 ii. Irni,,, .......u 1.....I,,,.. ... .1...
.. ..:i 1 ..... ..!! j ,UU1. I i i. !.:....'. i 5. .. v t.Vu(jua vi i.iiivo nuinS vt lliv
, . : w" Keeper in uio in- auno. And a8 j10B nre B0 liable to
o,iuo,yu hegs in iw pouiuis eacu, sano asyiuni on wurus island, JNew .niiv.-.f,,.,,, i,Q ; ,i, c, si...r
Jork, has petitioned tho Supreme ,...! .imi,i iim.r i..i,i .Q
n, r..ii i.... i i '"I-"'-- ."-j
VUIU V IUI HIU ILlUiiru n IV llllllllILT Ul I flll-iiiulmil M-ill. uli.xli. ...l.i.ll.i.M rn.
r , . iuuuom. mm ruikiu, n iiriilli;! IIUIII
lUltHMltH (IH HHMO. lie Ut'clillTS that Of aru.lii.rt. Imu. a l.I.-l-i.f ,.f l..,o1w
tho 17.i0 inmates no loss than .(X) are lH(ced, it is cruel to confine hogs to a
perfectly sane, and that 1000 others ,m,sturo in wllich there i8 n0 ,luld
aro jierfectly harmless lunatics. either natural or artificial, mul tbero.
" Hoys, I will bo tho next man killed fore the most neccssarv. in the ab-
on this road, said Trackman James sence of the former, that the latter be
I'eiuney ot the hant:i n e road tlio other supplied by making them temporary
kegs of 100
against G,G!)i;.H15 kegs in 1SH.'., 7,.r)8l,373
kegs In 1W1, and 7.7U-'.7:J7 kegs in
1883. Tho production of 188(1 was tho
largest tho country has ever attained
A local optician avers that "tho
education of tho eye Is necessary even
toseir-support." Jliat is, we suppose,
it is alilo to say, "I-(eye)-bi ovso for
Cooing and Hilling.
To-rtny, iSi clrl, the mnn you lnvi,
Culls vnu In. liinl. his (lurk, Inn dnvn;
Hut when your hulinel hill lix'll h.-uh,
Hu ll uliiiuU, "O, w liut u pelloun!"
"ion are an insolent puppv, sir.
n,i , , ... . . . . '
Jiiero s oniy iiuo tiling linn keeps mo
from giving you mi adeipiate thrash
ing." "Ah, indeed! And what is
that?" "My cowardice, sir." Vu7-
tktphta Call.
"Pardon mo, sir," ho said politely,
'hut It strikes nio somewhat odd that
o well-dressed a man its you are should
war such a shocking pair ot shoes.
Aro you doing it on a wager?" "No,
air," was the reply, "1 am a shoo-
inaker."-.Y. )'. Sim.
it keeps tho pupil under tho huh until M".)' when tivo tramps wero nningled. shelter of some kind, of which there
ins prtuicuoii was reiuiztu. just no- uro none more cheaply or conveniently
foro nightfall tho following day ho was mado than of Doles covered with straw
caught between tracks on a trestle by until trees are planted to take their
iwu inuns, anil in aiunipiing to es- place,
capo fell head foremost on tho rail. Hut while clover or oilier grass is the
Ho was decapitated instantly, while main dependence for hoes in summer
ins nouy was inrown upon tlio other there is imot u-r cron not sol c entlv
1 1. 1 A .... ' i l l . ...
wai K ami lorn inio snrcus. appicriuted v ho L'cnern iv of f irm.
At iiuuiron, ielt., two railroad ers. and that is mimi.kins. Thev m
i i . . .. . . .
Krauers, nauieii exilian ami iiogers. crv easi v raisci . am hoi's nnt nn v
attempted to forco an cntrancenilo thrive on them wonderfully, but they
the house ot ..Irs. holts, the wife of a can be fed them from the 1st. .f O. t.v
oariieroi inai place. Mrs. Kotts warned until late in tho winter, provided
iiieiu louesisi, aim ma needing per there is a cellar or other suitablo place
warning she picked up a pistol lying in which to slow them nwnv.
on tho center table and shot the foro- It is uonerallv huhikikpiI tln-t. H,.H,.
most one in the groin. The ball, which needs largo quantities of water for its
was 4 1-calibre, passed through and succes-ful crowth. 'Pins is .mi Bn fif
' hit tho other mini in the same place, course, heavier and more frequent
- 'rii.. ......I,, i .. .i..i , .. : 1
...v nU.,o ,,wUuvni iiTOjimiii. crops can no secured when there is
At the Mercer eniinlv fnii-nl IVIin.n. Iilentv of Wnter fur irri r.itir.n i:,,t
"l er h' V Dm it v had a foino wake. I ton. Mo., ltmiilull lll:,l-iij,in 1...H. even without, tlml. niil t lwrt ita til-nit
jt.i..'. i... hi.... I...,.,. ... . . . ---" .
.uu nr, mn, iiiiiin inyr "1IH It II Prcetl 1 111 lail. 111111 11 11 hil oil.l hupoiiu WHICH Will Wit lstillll I roll,, it am l ,
W ho did that. Mrs O'lloolihnn." "It hanging to a trapeze bar. In the heavier crops than alfalfa." On the . bv
worn proud day for ye.." "Yis. Hut ascent the balloon shot im siiil,l,.i,K. and arid nl ains of Kunsns it. ran l.ncnl
it'll always bo one of tho regrets av mv giving Hlakesko a severe wrench, mul at least three times each senson with-
loifo that Diiiny couldn't havo lived to ho was unablo to pull himself cm the t)llt UL'K irrigated, and this is the gen-
iu iwouuMiavo ilono his heart "r. out managed to hold himself up erai experience where irrigation is not
guixi, sn ii woiim. .wrcnant Jriiivlt i: J a 1W,P no hail drawn around his practiced
l. rlut a ri.,. i 1: 1 I . .
' .it ni'uub nine ri nis in I' iv,inra n v,,
.. i...u ii...;.:...: i.i ... . . ..:
.....i iiiiWK um iuai mi am- nety ol lood to prosper. They require
tudo of 2000 feet, the balloon began a mixture of green food with grain, as
the descent; but tho poor fellow's much
rei gui gave out, and when within much solid food, where there is not
... "'"'"'"'I'i'Rrip relaxed, proper exercise, tends to fallen. When
aim ne iiu to ino earth lighting on his hens take on fat they usually fall oil
icii, nm lingua oeing iiroken and
driven into his body.
Captain Rockwell, of the United
Stales coast and geodetic survey, has
made a special report upon 'Cnpes
l-ookout and Mcares. on the On 'L'on
A Illtle liny was receully taken to
thn barber's shop to have his hair cut
lorlho lirst time. As the barber cut
mnd clipped tho little fellow seemed to
ha considerably alarmed, for ho sud
denly said hi anxious tones, "You'll
leave inougli to grow, won't you,
"What a perfect lady that Mrs.
Cohwlgger is!" remarked the grocer.
She comes in here und leaves ft big
order every day und never asks thu
rrieo of tiny thing." "No wonder she
never troubles herself about the price,"
returned Mix. Pugwasli. "And why
not?" asked tho grocer, slightly puz-
airu. siio so ruhr "No." wai other select, d point.
wesapii'iii reply, "but she never intends out he reports a very
ii. n.iii,,., ;.. i .. ... . . i ..... ... ..i !. i . . .
i' nikw i i i t ui r nun in W'l-ii i n.ii iiiu in i ii ii.i:h iiim irniini nr iuiioi,.i,a
n,,...i... w i .. ...... ' " , . .r" r-""""'.
"in vou ever l ins CUPO is a nit hi r rein.iil- .1.1.. ...-. Par re ftl a i t hat. he in k!i n.,l .1,.,.,.
laying. Yarded fowls do not need the
samo hearty food as birds at liberiv
Light, nutritious and easily digested
food is required by fowls in confine
ment. .ever allow them to make
.- II m
wnoie corn a staple diet, t resh incut
oasi as to ineir relative importance two or three times a week is necessary
..... ..(, ..,., ,.,.. vongrcss at its lor owls in confinement, and in sum-
iii.-i, Pi-sum mime mi appropriation tor nmr pi..- ,.1 .1..,.. .1 : i
, 1: , , i . ; I .-v ....... , mil., mvy iu uvih 11 1'U.
a liuhl hnimi nl P.iii.1 I....H. ., . ... f - -
" v v ..iviin.-i, vir si'iiic ol H'SICI IiHXI
At Cape Look-
good harbor of A farmer in Greenhorn, Md., think-
Vou ever!
riplo are talking of growing il:lx flir niofttory of basaltic rock iutlinii 1m 1.11
V.,..1' I 1,,,.,!,.. f... . . . . .1. .. ... . "
v., ,,,,,,,, ,u;ui --n's i iio:ieeil
that. It is sjrid to have more hcutin.f
)Kwer than coal." "Why, iv,,,,,,, m
think, It Is n gmnl plan a splendid
plan. There won't be any trouble v, iih
vhininrjs ll.eii." "Troulilevvitli chiin.
ds?" "Xo. You know how beauti
fully a flaxseed poultice draws."
Omahn U'vrltt.
It is singular, tlio queer nppivci
atioiiof drainatie situations that somr
IHmplo have. Hero are a couple of in
cidents connected with the performance
uf "Unnie.) und Juliet" by tho Mather
company inthiscilya few week ago
Two ladies pushing out after tho phiy
ialeiiiled, were discussing tliemeiit's
of tho acting, and so forth, when one
ll" aid. "1 think it would have
been better to have let Vm married.
Tbrt play wouldn't end so gloomy."
fclill another mnnau roui:n k,.,i t:,;,i j,
ta.. "a pity M.ak.peare didn't ave
noie two I.tniiltc! ivrtiiiciled.
as suoa a gxJ
ciiauce." HurtjvrJ
from the general direction of the cmiJi
line for one and a hull' miles t ) west
southwest. The height of ibis pro
montory is l.'iO feet at the hvward
face, which is onlv four or five hn.i.
dred yaids broad. It is covered with
pruco and hemlock, and is tr..n.
Torsely cut by deep ami very rough de
pressions. The water close under the
point of this cape is apparently very
deep, as there was no sign of breakers
in a largo northwest swell. 'When
very violent winds were blowing from
till. .'lVtllU..,..l .1...- .1
..... .in ini rc wiissmooin water
to the leeward of the cuh. The
southern face of the cape is very steep
niui rocky, ami is nearly a straight
line. Small steamers running from
Astoria to Nrstueea river make use of
this anchorage its a refuge under stress
of weather. The captain states that as
(.'ape Is kout projects outside the line
of C.i e Mcares, und is ne.uly half way
between Hie tiist-el.iss sea ct ast light
houses on ok rock and Ysqiiins
heads it Ins an iinpoilant advantage
for laro coast steauu'is.
to t.allnnore, and ordered a lew barrels
f ixtr.i fine Northern xitato.s for
seed, w hue barreling his own tubers
he lost his spi-ctades. When he re
ceived Ins Northern sped potatoes In
loiuid ins missing spectacles in one of
the ti.irreis. Such things destroy con
i.',..,,. ii.. i . . i. .,
.! inr jiuna iiihl niOIL 1 heir
feathers early, ns they will begin to
iay nciore winter, it requires about
three mouths for hens t molt.
Ooals for milk are carefuliv bred in
l.ngland, a registry Usk recording
...cir iieoigr.-es, unu oniy meritorious
females used for brooding.
Kittitas county, V. T., expects to
have a surplusage of about 000 tons
of hay for export this year.
It is now found by the round-ups
that oO per cent, of ull the cattle in
Montana die.) winter.
On heavy n a drsing of KX)
pounds of gyj sum cr acre rarely fails
to biing giod clover. " I
A grain elevator is to be built at La
Watermelons are sold by the gallon
in Eugene. ,
Tho Baker county fair begins Tucg
day, Octoler 11.
The next fireman's tournament wil,
be held in Portland.
A new flouring mill and a hotel are
to be erected in Burns.
Tho hum of the threshing machine
is heard throughout the Ochoco valley,
Work on a new Baptist church
building will soon begin in Hillsboro,
Nineveh Ford, living on tho Milton
road, lost forty acres ot wheat by tire
A postal car has been put on the
route between Poincroy und Venule
John' A. Wungman has been ap
pointed Postmaster at Dallas, Polk
county. .
bolomon b. Lndicoit lias been ap
pointed Postmaster at Angoru, Coos
A parsonage for tho Methodist Epis.
copal minister is beinir erected at
A coroner's jury in Albany recently
brought in a verdict of "accident by
unavoidable death.
Contracts for construction and ma.
terial of tho new wing to the asylum
have been let at fcalem.
Edward Croft, of the real estate firm
of Croft it Davis, Portland, was thrown
from his cart and killed.
smith & iiowens saw mm, near
Fossil, was destroyed by tire, together
with uOO.OOO feet of lumber.
Wm. Caldwell was shot and in
stantly killed by Thomas Lemon, in
Ladd s Canyon, Union county.
The La Grande Chinamen refuse to
pay the wushhoiise license imposed
upon the business by the authorities.
Mrs. Rachel Lilly, the old lady who
jumped from sn 0. It. & N. train near
I he Dalles, died m the Astoria hos
pital. Curtis Perry, aged 10, nephew of
County Clerk C. J. Trenchant, of Clat
sop, was drowned near Astoria while
Fire broke out in a livery stable at
Lexington, destroying a number of
busiiifss Raises and residences. In
surance light. f
Horse dealers are still buying ani
mals and shipping East. Oregon
horses still command a high price in
Eastern markets.
A brick mason named Michael Car
lin fell into the basement of an 'un
finished building at Portland and sus
tained fatal injuries.
There are' about 700 feet of the em
bankment of tho levee finished and
about oOO feet of tlio riprapping, says
the Pendleton Tribune.
A new saw mill, capable of cutting
25,000 feet per day, is being erected
near MeliannL to supply Ihe lino of
tho Oregon Pacific east of Albany.
The remains ot an unknown man
were found in tho river at Albany. A
woodchopper disappeared fiom Cor
vallis some weeks ago, and it, is sup
posed the remains aro his.
A workman named Wilson on the
O. it C. railroad, near iSlayton, was
struck by a piece of stump blown up
up by giant powder, und injured in
such a manner that he died in a few
Several days ago a rattlesnake with
seven rattles and a button, and about
three feet long, was killed nt tho Odd
fellows cemetery near Salem. These
dangerous reptiles seem to bo multi
plying in Oregon of late.
C. W. Meek was fatally injured in
the Hallowa saw mill by a pieco of
timber winch caught in the edger and
was thrown with terriblo force airainst
his head, driving a splinter into his
brain and fracturing his skull.
Three boys, J. Habbagc, It. Prael
and Curtis Perry, went duck hunting
near Astoi in. At the niotP h of a creek
the boat upset. Curtis Perry was
seized with a lit and trin! to'irot. to
hore, hut was almost immediately
Grangeviih , Idaho, is now a money
order ofhee
The elevation of Boise city is 1750
feet above sea level.
Snow is ten feet deep in places on
the Granite creek trail, Idaho.
During July 0.063,200 pounds of
green fruit were shipped East from
bocrumento, Lai
A Swede namod A. Olsen fell be
tween two scows iu Sua Pedro harbor.
and was drowned
The body of the boy, Albert Stevens,
who was drowned in the river near
Spokane Falls, has been recovered
Joseph M. Wilson,1 colored hostler,
was shot by his employer, John II
Penman, at Han Francisco, und died,
Chas. Lcaniun fatally stabbed Wm
Scott at Lakeview, CmI., because ho de
dined to sine "Tim Finiiigan'a
Tlio Granite Mountain mine in Mon
tana yields about IfO.OOO per week
and its infll capacity is about to be
Valentino llebard, while bathing ot
Wilmington, Cab, suddenly disap
poured under the water und was
An old man named Henderson, liv
ing near Medical lake, W. T., com
mittcd suicide by taking a dose of
During a heavy rain and thunder
storm ut Wilcox, Arizona, Frederick
Nealy, a laborer, was struck by light
uing and instantly killed.
Adolph Wise, Daniel A. Worth and
Harry Ludluin, of San' Francisco,
went out on the bnv in a small boat,
which was capsized near Hunter's
point, and ull three of the men were
The Northern Pacifio will build a
lino from B ionian to Butte, Montana,
at once. This will shorten the line
100 miles between these places and
will become the mam line,
Alexander McCabe, who was for
many years in charge of E. J. Bald
win's reul estato and buildings in San
I'rancisco, was fouud dead m his bed
ut tli'J Baldwin Hotel.
The Ellensburg Electric Light, Gas
and .telephone Company has been or
ganized WHliJi capital stock of io,-
000. The incorporators ure Col. A. N.
Hamilton, A. S. Gross and G. P
Joui men attacked and robbed Mrs
E. M. Munroo and a lady companion
at Seattle, lho robliers then ran
away, and when pursued by the ladies
they drew revolvers and fired at them,
tortunately doing no harm.
- Colonel Balm and wifo of Santa
Monica, Cal., have been offered, it is
said, !fo,000,000 for tho celebrated La
guna riinche, comprising several thou
sand acres. Tlio Santa Fe liailroad
Company wants the property.
A redwood plunk sixteen foot in
length, live feet live inches wide and
four inches thick has been cut at John
Vance's mill, Humboldt buy, Cal.,
which is to be shipped to Kansas city
to bo displayed at the exposition
mmtiit'on miner, oi isonner, flion-
The postollice nt Willamette slough
was discontinued bv order of the Po?t
oll ice Department some time since
hut stops aro being taken to re-establish
tho ollice under the name of Hoi
brook, that king the name of tlio rail-
roaii station.
Col. H. B. Compson, of Huntington,
has been appointed principal teacher
of the school on the Klamath agency,
ami j. u . nrandenbury principal
teacher at the Yainax school at the
sam agency, by the Commissioner of
Indian Affairs.
John Strode, a wealthy cattleman of
Owyhee county, I. T., and lib foreman.
John Thurman, have been arrested at
Vale, Mnlhucr county, for the murder
of u sheep herder on tucker creek, a
year ago. The alleged murder was
exposed by one Hans who worked for
Strode at tho time. The cattlemen
wanted to force the sheep off the
Three hoys, named Jenniiurs. Bisbon
and Todd, aged about 10 years, livinw
on Hamilton creek, near Tlm
went out coon hunting, taking a shot
gun with them. In a thick patch of
brush, it being very d irk. Jenninc
concluded to frighten the Todd boy by
telling him a War was near and likely
to attack them. This scared the boy
who called for help. The other boy,
Wm. Bishop, who had the sholenii
.1 .... 1 1 ., . . '
., mi. i 111 ino usrkuess
una, was drowned several miles below
Missoula. It is supposed ho lost his
life in attempting to cross the ford, us
Ins horse was across the river. The
deceased had money mid checks to
the amount of over tflOO on his person
and also a gold watch
The body of a murdered man was
found in the rear of Yesler's mill, ut
Seattle. It was identified us that ol
John Smith, a Scotchman, who had
been employed on tho tii2 Mastic
He had been killed by stabbing, and
had evidently been robbed. There is
no duo to the perpetrators of the
At Spokane Falls, W. T., a meteor
was seen by a number of people to
snoot irom tho heavens directly over-
neua. it struck the cleclric wiren on
the south siiLj of Main street, iu the
very heart of the city, cutting one of
i no wires in two and bur-tm-r into n
.1..... I r- . n.i ,
inoi.-iiiiu ingiiieiiis. i noso who saw
the strango phenomenon say that
when it struck, the ball of fire looked
lo be ten feet in diameter. An effort
lias been mado to find some of the
pieces, but as the street is covered with
mud und water the search has been
At Bed Bluff, Cal.. Mrs. B. IT
Mooncy was fatally shot by herbrother-
in-i.iw, jonn Mooncy. The vounir
limn, who is 17 years of ago, was play
ing with his two-year-old niece, and
while doing so picked nn a rn'sinl
which was lying near, and began tak
ing the cartridges therefrom. Whin
he thought the pistol wis unloaded he
pointed. It toward Mrs. Mooncy, saying
to the little one. " I am going to shoot
mama." Tho little chiid ran toward
her mama, and just as she reached her
a report rang out and Mrs. Mooney
fell. The ball took effect in the back
of her neck, close to the jugular vein
i i '
nnn chus.'u paralysis.
A cutting and shooting affray oc-
mirm.l of T f. ' i T
......v.. uu i,.,yin, ... i.t wnicn re
sulted iu the death of three of the par
ties engaged. Some were shot and
some were cut up so they died in a
few minutes. It started over a game
iicr. mere were six men play
ing, five half-breeds and one white
man, who claimed to he a detective
from Cincinnati. One half-breed got
to cutting up and the others wanied
the detective to arrest him, but h
wou.d not submit to arrest aud the de-
.ce .r siioi nn,,. l ln.,, f
Mienn . .
""LUANErj n.
-Tlio loss to tho Govern,,
smugglers is estimated
annually. ieQMV
Life asks: Wi,.. .
-At Bergen, n Norvv
constructed of papier-n,.;
nUL' Hiod'ite one )mJ',k
The building Is octago j,
-So Bilk.nson
il..l,is9" ..r i . "'"'It
debts? "I hear ,0
s.p,ared things with j0U)
Hut I in a friend of his, y:
Town Topics. )u
-Miss Gushington (flyM ,
the cow)-"Is't sho 1, ,!
low?" M, Callow, (i,,:
pretty but in.pssil,l0 mi
Isaac Tremlway. . ...
somewhat noted gaiiihW ()f s. ,
has been fined tftf in t,. A. 1
for attempting to win the til
young und hamlsomo nmrriJ
-There is blood in the event.L
when lie meets
will shed it freely. How,,,,' '
finest sentences tho other ilrni,"
when he read "when n......i
fill the skv." i..ui,.,.,l , "M
.... - 1J4 "Tll'fl fl
purples all tho sky," a he had,
he picked up a rock mul ,
composing-room, bent on e,J
murder, but his victim had
news and flown. Chiemjo
Dull implies slowness. 1,. .
ficiency of intellect. Sfipi.l is en
negative, and implies hick ..f'
resulting from want of inudle.-t.
implies deficiency in intellect or
ness in character, and U
words, wrjtings, manners. Yl
applied to actions, mul nl
abuse of the intellect tonenlw.
than deficiency. We lihtine anm'
is foolish, have contempt fur &
Who is silly. Jlnfton Journil
Daiiiiury, Conn., nas nn:Pi,
that not only look and sneak .'
exactly alike, but are lieculisrir
tadicd to one another. They oj
be separated a single day wiiu,,:!
ing for each other's society, j
tln.v urn hi. ill iii'ipt'liiil . it
upon one street and tlio otta
different one they can ti ll hym
trieal nflinity whether they u,.
preaching cadi other or gettin"fr
.... . ...
upun. i nen one is sick the ui
more or less similarly affected.-!
Ice in Lake Superior store i
hole iu tho bow of the stciiiiiWtk
mer. She mado thirty-nine imi-
water in eight minutes after tht i
dent, and was iu imminent dnn
sinking, when Second Mate Ctm.
lain saved her from fuiiiuleriii;
daring act. Taking a pair of Uu,;
he had himself lowered over tbt
until he was in the water up to h'w:
then, taking tlu blankets behw
feet, he got them down by theU
the suction drew them in, fillingi
ap so that the pumps kept the stu
free. .V. Y. Suit.
"Hayseed" beer is the I:
beverage sold in the shops in Jl.
It is said to ho a homo made
brewed from hops, molasses and i
ike. Some half-dozen ldnces at X
are selling it, and it is taking thep!
the stronger drinks which
legal talmo imposed by the r.
last Legislature is driving out. h
asserted that ginger is cumin;:1
favor in this section to relieve '
parched throat of the inebriate, an!:
in some places Jamaica ginger i
beer ure combined. I'liiUvklphMt
Tlie induction balance, which
lirst culled to the aid of siiigervdir
tlie illness of President Garft
now readied the stage of a prac'A
instrument. The description of i
latest form is an interesting ew-
given by Dr. Girdncr, who lias uwi
with success. With the indiiotion te
ance to locate tho bullet and the fc
phono probe to obtain its exact i
below the skin, there can no longer
any excuse for thcdeatliof persons i
from a failure to find the missile.
"balance" will, it is likely, soon l:
familiar iu the hands of the surgwuf
the lancet. EhrtrUid World.
nliTeilWmo,,..l,n.,..n.,J. ...... , , , . " . oeu iwo Ot ttl
' " -- narj;. u, fcin inn i oi i;;e detective
...v i. .nu n. t niering inesiileit the s. vered bis head
jcuiiiiigs Loy, Killing hiui alnut in- knives. Ikl
sUntly hurt.
and npa lv
from his bodr icM.
one man escaped un-
Far all Disuses of the
Liver, Eiineys, StcmaA and Sp.8
This purely veePtnble pre
paration, now so celebrated
Kamily Medicine, originated in
the Smith in 1S3S. It
rphHt on the Bowrl and
Kiilni-ys and corrf ct the
action of the Liver, and i, there
fore, the bst prpimratory
nirilli'inp. whatever the : ick-
ness may jirove to be. In
common diseases it will, wn
assisterl by any other medi
cine, effect peedy cure.
An Efflcarlntia llemnly.-" I a"J
mend as an etlicacious rmedv for all dtfeas"
i: .I.. .. . i. turmoils
eKuiaior. Lpris u. i.-.ww,.-
master, f hiladelphia.
No Inst of rime, no Inter.
rtiplion or sloppag
business, while taking
Children complalnlnif of
Colic, Headache, or SicK
Htomach, a tea.poonful or .
ore will give relief.
If taken occasionally by P
tients exposed to MALARIA,
will expel the poison and protect
them from attack.
.... , ,i' . & . nprVIoX.
I have been practicing medicine for ta,,i. t
na nave never been aDie to pui . Rrf
compound that would, like Simmons a
lator, promptly and effectively move tn
action, and at the tame time aid jinntea a j ;n
eing) the digestive and aimilativep,'w"
system. Lil.Hl.STol.M.lJ,Was!n,
J. H. Zeilin & Co., PhitaJe'pli".