The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 17, 1887, Image 5

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it it if.k u i:noxs.
r'ol (J''1 dentistry go t.. )r X J Taylor,
(jnuw bou,;ht "n'l aold t GoliLmith's.
imrknVJ mowers and liiudtirs at Pritcliett ,t
The highest cusli price will lie nii fur wheat
(. pa Dunn.
KMity ore ""18 '"r Impure f
i jf (,'ulriian.
1'li.itograph finished neatly uuil artisc
;,4ly at Winter's.
liuu line of i 1 U plushes in all shade!,
lM grades t F B Dunn'.
,, . I fn.lil I ntlid uverv duv In him uuuL
it Jerry Horn's barber shop.
You can purchase Waltham watches at
0 Watt' 'rum $10 ami upwards.
If yiu want hardware at reasonable prices
, at the store f l'rit:hett 4. Forkner.
i;,htiuith puys fur beaver ti $:) 30 per
Mink and coon, 15 to f0 cts.
r'iflu r and utter, $2 to $(!.
Local Market Report.
EL'UENE, Sept. 1
liarley -40 cts per bushel.
Kn'k'it-'-'O 'tx per do.
lilTTKIl 2iVi"rW cts per lb.
I,AHI)-10 cU jwr lb.
Ftol B-lst grade, tM;2.,!3.ti0.
Bacon Sides 10f 12c; moulder 7 to 8 cts;
IlllS, l'-'J rts.
W'iiol-24 cts.
Pot it W? 7" cts per bush.
fheese-12 (. 1") cts.
Tie Oregouinn correspondent at the State
fair, nuler date of Sept lltli nays:
The mditary coutost was continued to-day
iiv Company ft Second regiment, from Eu
lene. The company, like the Salem com-
1UV, IB newiy urnum nun ninoo ui in
tree nart of new material. All thincs cou
riered, the work was well douo. The officers
bf Company C are: M. O. llntterlield, cap
Jain; 8. C. Sladden, first lieteuuut; C J
loward, second lieutennut, and T. J. Ham-
(Iton, quartermaster. The drill siiuad was
, mpohed of the following men:
SV It Patterson, F F Patterson,
fc Wilcox, J F Porter,
I O'Brien, M Bailey, Jr.,
J Taylor, F K Hepburn,
WW Martin, F Anderson,
J! Simpson, II Martin,
1' McCcCoruack, H S Johnson,
' Curry, G Swift,
J'. Stewart, E Iluuson,
T. Lockwood, J Haines,
III Perrin, S Hill,
It H Vote, A. Simmons,
I' Chambers.
The result of the drill will, of course,
fiat be announced till all the companies have
Brilled. The Corvullis company is oxpectccl
Jure to-morrow.
A careworn man Hlowly weuded his way
omeward, pondering over the problem of
listence, and wondering how he should sup-
ly his many needs. SsiiUeleuly tuere appear-
il floating in the air above nun and lust out
f his reach a vision of J.'y a "Pointing
land." Shocked and startled, he lustiuet-
vely passed his hand over his eyes and tried
o thrust the phantom from him. Again and
gain, but all without avail, be tried to nil
himself of its presence, but the "Pointing
Hand" ry hung ever just beyond his reach
fund nothing would induce the vision to de
part. It lingered through the long evening
hours, and when at last his eyes closed iu
alamber, lie dreamed only of jV the "Point
ing Hand." Through the still watches of the
night it was ever present, ami when his eyes
IVpeued in the morning it was only to behold
mce again the threatening, commanding
. phnutoiu of the ever-present" I'ointiug I land"
il f that hung like a menace aud o bidding
fuhove biai, always pointing in one direction.
lie lollowed it, aud found peace and rest, it
was Season pointing the way to bargains now
beiu offered by II. S. Simou.iJ
For Sale.
01,0 i,, ,.i.... ,i 1 .,.,..,.. ...., nt 1,,,1 i '
wuu Ultllilivvi null BUfeUlJ' Vl
mile froiu, Eugene City, Or., nicely located
iur residences, in lots irom o acres io uue
hundred acres to suit purchasers. The
Inml is tliA vprv Imiit nimlitv nil iii cultiva
tion ; fire minutes walk from the city. Terms
ery reasonable; oue-half down, balance on
Also 310 acres of land 5 miles north of Eu
geue City, Or., ou county road. Convenient
to school aud railroad, in quantity to suit
purchasers, from 80 to ICO ocres. Plenty ol
water aud timber; the land is first-class and
in good cultivation. Address
or A. C. Huown, Agent.
Eugene City, Oregon.
Money to I-oan by Balfour, Gutherie k
Co. on improved real estate on reasonable
terms. Apply to E. J. McClauahau agent
for Laue county.
Brownsville Clothino. I have just re
vived a large and complete line of the cele
brated Brownsville Woolen Mill clothing
which I propose to sell at prices that will
defy competition. Remember my store is lo
cated in the Hoffman House Block. Call
id examine this line of goods.
H. S. Simon.
To Cbeditors. AH those owing the late
nu of Withrow & Gerhard are hereby noti
fied that the Bnnie must be settled at once, or
the accounts will be placed in the hands of
an attorney for collection.
S. C. Withrow,
Lio. Gkrhard.
Optical Goods. Besides having a full
line of jewelry Mr. J. O. Watts has just re
ceived from the East a large invoice of spec
tacles, gnsgles, eye shades and other optical
Roods. He also carries a complete stock of
violin trimmings. Give him a call at his
s'ore in Horn & Paine's building.
Removed. The New York Auction Store
has removed to Ninth Street opposite Stir
W. Sanders, proprietor.
Stbaikd. From the farm of C. C. Sim
p'ns, about the 23th of August, 1HH7, a
"ght browu mare, fonr years old, sixteen
hands high. I will pay five dollars for her
uery si gau larni. S. C HEnfro.
Lot tor Sale. A fiue building lot for
Jala in a growing portion of town OJxl'lO
'" Will be sold cheap for cah. Inquire
of Mr. A. C. Woodcock for particulars
Wanted. Agents to handle an article that I
at almost every house. Big pay. j
Address X. D. Jones, Salem, Oregon.
Fo StLE. A lot of nico show-cases, as
8d as new, at
E. R. Luce Ei tV. j
Important Auction Sale
Of valuable farming propert.v.cattle,hors-s,
wagons, farming iui.l, uients, household fur
mture and other articles b. longing to the
:"",fG.!pa..ick,Pl,s, miKs
southeast of Lu-ene. lhmUi! received m
strtictious from Mr. Lyman Uilpatri. k, who
is leaving on account f Kikuess, I shall s. II
at public auction t tin highest bidder, on
the premises, at 1 1 :3o oVIwk. on the morn
mg of
80 acres of as flno'fanuing land as iher.- are
in I'regou. It is located at the foot of Pleas
ant Hill, tyt miles from Gosheu station and
0 miles Irom Cresswrll station. It fronts on
the public road. It is in a fine and tliieklv
populated neighborhood, where a IMiwnthV
school is taught annually. There are ulso
near at hand, a church and two good stoics.
1 he land is all under fence, and the soil im
mensely rich ami deep. There is a fine or
chard on the place, u large number of the
trees being laden with various kiudt of fruit.
The laud it all cool ric h bottom. Dr. Shar
pies' fruit farm adjoins it. On the land there
is a good dwelling house, wood shed, smoke
house, hennery, two large barns one new,
costing The buildings are insured for
1J00. Fifty acres of the ianj is under cul
tivation; the balance A 1, covered with tim
ber and brush. The present owner has lived
on the premises for five years, and has thor
oughly improved it Tin re is also on the
premises, in the barns, considerable grain,
and 3" tons of hay. ( )n the place are never
failing streams of water running through the
proiierty, which can be conveyed to any part
of the hind. The place is a regular paradise.
The other property otiered for sale is as fol
lows: 10 head of horned cattle, 1 span line
horses, 2 colts, farming wagon, harness.hogs,
new liHuviniv tnnliiii.) 1hm,..1i..I.i ft.-.
.. n .....x, u. '..-.. .....I, lill.illliir
and many farming implements.
terms oi sale: tor laiul. ouo-third down,
balance in ,1 or 4 years, with interest at 8 per
cent, per annum, or four per cent, off for
Cash. For cattle. lmrR. linnlimt.ntc furni
ture, etc., cash.
J. Goi.hstonk, Auctioneer.
X. B. For further particulars apply to the
auctioneer, Eugene City, or Mr. L. Gilpat
riek, who resides on the premises, and who
will be pleased to show intending purchasers
all around the 1)r,llli4.. imrl i,ie tli.m, nil
. . I is"" "1 '
the information they desire.
Goshen Items.
Sept. 13, 1887.
Hop pickiug is progressing finely.
Mr. Levi Berkshire went ou a bnsiuess visit
t ) Coyote Tuesday.
Mr. Jas. Stewart is engaged in building
himself a residence.
The Chinese uagagod in ballasting the
railroad are camped iu the village.
Mrs. Wheeler oud Mrs. Ustick paid friends
at this place a visit Wednesday.
Revs. H. C. Wallace aud Richardson each
delivered a sermon at ths place Sunday,
Miss Alicia McClnre has been engaged to
teach the Union school just south of Cress
well. A negro bootblack with both legs off at the
knees passed through the village on his stubs
The conduct of the gay young people who
diil the neighborhood in the way of a hack
ride Sunday evening wus certainly commend
able (?)
Mr. Lane Matlock and Miss Nettie Stew
art were married Sunday , Sept. 11, 1887, at
the residence of the bride's parents. Rev. II.
C. Wallace officiating.
The sneaks who without iuvitation entered
a certain gentleman's melon patch in the vi
cinity recently should remember that prison
cells are ever awaiting jmch characters as
Mr. M m. Bennett had tho misfortune of
striking the handle of a hatchet against some
part of a bam one day last week which caused
the blade of the tool to gash his forehead
quite severly.
Mr. Bert Mathews while driviug ou tho
public road one day last week accidentally
broke a leg of a pony belonging to Mr. Miller
of Lost valley. The aniniul was standing in
the road mid was struck by the wagon.
A Funny Incident.
A few days ago a Eugene lady saw her boy,
a bright little fellow of five, lying on his
stomach on the floor, with a slato before him
and a pencil in.hniid, looking terribly wise
ami screwing his mouth around into all im
aginable shapes.
"Why, Johnny, what are yon doing," asked
his mother.
"Oh, I am going to write one of those start
ling items for S.II. Friendly that come out
in the Gcauii," said the boy, "he lias a splen
did stock of goods, everything in season and
sells so cheap, always taking the lead, that I
want everybody to know about it "
Johnny will make a great aud wisu man
some day.
List of Letters
l'eniainiug uncalled for at the postofljee in
Eugene City, Oregon, riept. m, ins .
Batte. Mr
McMillan. Andv
Cardwell, Geo.
Morgan, Mr. E.
Montrose, Harry
Sullaven, I) O
Jones, Mrs. Julia A
Knan. M II
Landphier, James
Williams, J B
Persons'calliii!' for the above will please
say advertised, giving date.
F. W. Osbirn, P. M.
Another Boom Heard Fiiom. Says the
Pigweed Banner: "The fore end of a mighty
big real estate boom seems to have struck
this town. Old man Dagget sold a corner
lot yesterdav for forty-two dollars, live of it
cash down, ' Dud Dillon is putting up a new
henhouse and a new back gate. Sam Shock
ley has traded his plaei on the avenue for
Zach Hill's team of black mules. Zed
Greenongh is painting his fence, and the
widow Peevev is putting fly screen all over
her house. Capt. Taylor sold a lot on -B
street yesterday for a hundred dollars to a
company going into the chicken industry.
Keep the ball a rolling.
Second Monkt The committee on mili
tary drill at the State Fair gave the first
prize to the Si.loiu Comply and the second
to the Eugene Company. The first premi
um amounted tn SWO and the second to
$130. The bovs here say that they intend
drilling right along and hope to I able by
next year to compete with any company in
the State.
Cathimc Cni-BCH. Next Sunday, Sept.
lSth.will I held the divine office, consisting
:.. i,. IriMki mid twn urinous: one in Erc-
! h-li ii ml one in German, lit 10 a. m. an 1 i p.
' in., and continue thus until another notice is
iveu by the pnest.
Rev. F. S. Br.rg, pastor.
! Mabrikd. Sept. 7lh. 18S7, by Ret. C. H.
i Wallace. Mr. Jani'-s M. Shaub and Mim
j Carrie L. S ott. S"pt ra'r 1th. Mr. W. L.
Matl -cK and Min Emily A Stewart.
WliEiT Sacks.-S. II. Fiien lly by Thurf
,l,v's freight Ira n rec ivH dir-c-t liT.WKl
liVut eavks. ( ill and we him if y-n need
sat k.
Circus Monday.
Colds prevalent.
Ditchbm u's rr sUiurant.
Moore, the woodsawyer.
Jewish New Year Mouday.
Are you going to tho circus?
County Fair begins, next Wednesday.
Read the new advertisements iu this issue.
H you want a good meal go t Ditchburu's.
Hop cheeks printed at the Gcakii office
DitcLbiirn'K restaurant is doing a good
Meals cooked tJ older at Ditehlmni's on
shoit notice.
Mr. D. T est is having an addition to his
dwelling erected.
If .von are hungry give Jack ft eill at the
Red Flout Restaurant.
Many of our citizens attended the Stale
Fair at S;,hiii thjs week.
The iiunie of Wallowa Citv. Oregon, has
beenchang d to Euti rprise 'city.
Mr Gen K Craw has the sole anenev for all
brand of the celebrated Tansil Punch Cigarv.
00 head of good stock aud mutton sheep
for sale. Inquire of Db.Siiki.tos.
Orders left for woo Isawing at MeCorimck
& Collier's will be promptly filled by Moore.
A lieiision has been granted bv the V. S.
Government to S. M. Johusou it this place.
Those prepared to board students, please
send imuies to Prof. Straub as sdou as pos
sible. Look out for petty thieving Monday. Ev
ery circus has a full quota of camp-foUowing
Patterson .t Miller willbegiu work on th, li
ne butcher shop immediately after the
Co mty Fair.
The Red Front Restaurant is Ihe best place
in Eugene for a 25ct meal, aud you can get
it at all hours.
Si me party ou the Lower Siuslaw, this
week sent us some tall oats. They measured
7! 't feet iu height.
Moore saws your wood twice in two for
fifty cents per cord, Leave orders at
McCornack k Collier's.
Not n Chinese crew o( hop pickers en
gaged in Lane comity. This speaks well for
our industrious citizens.
Lambert & Henderson are tho sols agents
for the celebrated Superior stoves. Take
your wife ami look at them.
On accomit of holidays, my store will be
jlosed on Mouday, Sept. ID, and Wednesday.
Sept. 2. G. Bkttman.
Prof. T. F. Campbell spoke to a larno au
dience at Rhiuehart's theater last Thur day
evening ou prohibition.
One of the most excitiugj-aeea at the Coun
ty Fair will be the trottin match between
Dr. Harris' and Geo, Gill's horses.
The Medford Transcript says that Hon.
Hurry B. Miller, of Grants Puss, formerly of
this county, has Congressional aspirations.
Mr. Frank Guthrie acted as oneof the con
luctors on the State Fair train at Salem this
week. Mr. Feruell filled his place ou the
Eugene local.
Persons desirous of really fine operations
in dentistry are invited to call ou Henderson,
dentist, who gives special attention to the
finest gold fillings.
Owing to the County Fair and other at
tractions iu Eugene uext week, McClung
& Johnson will not run theirjpeddliug wagon
until week after next.
Hon. L. B. Ison has measurably recovered
from the effects of the shock occasioned by
being struck with apoplexy at Joseph re
cently, nccording to an exchange.
After nil the State Board of Immigration
is going to be continued for a time. The
Portland Board of Trade intend running it
six months longer nt the cost of $125 per
Moore's Hair Invigorator may 1m found
on sale at the following places: Oslnirn ft
Co's drug store, Wilkin's drug store, Horn's
barber shop. Call and Jet one. No lady s
toilet complete without it. Sample free.
Having established connection with Cali
fornia agents I am now prepared to give my
patrons the bene lit of the very best inodiuni
for st Uiug real estate ever offered there.
Gnu. M. Miller.
By the latest methods in use by Eastern
dentists high in the profession, Henderson is
enabled to produce equally as desirable re
sults in fine goltl fillings. Office same place,
Hayes' block.
- In this issue of the Guard will be found
the ndvertiseinent of Messrs. Ruse Bros,cigar
manufacturers, at Corvollis. They make an
excellent cigar ami our dealers should order
a sample lot.
No need to tell the people of this city that
the apple crop is short this year. A dollar
ami a half a box at the nearest grocers makes
this fact potent tif not appalling. Portland
Daily Telegram.
Take Ayer's Pills and be cured. Misery is
a mild word to dt scribe tho sufferings of
l)dy and mind, caused by habitual constipa
tion. A moderate use of Ayer's Pills will
invariably regulate the bowels.
Starr k Vaudeiiburg have received direct
from tho manufacturers iu St. Louis th larg
est lino of pressed goods ever received in the
town. Give them a call aud take a look at
these goods. They also have a car load of
the latest style and best make of stoves.
Matlock has just received froqj NAr York
the most completo line of Winter dry goods,
boots and shoes mid clothing ever brought
to the county seat of Lane county. He will
sell them ot the lowest possible prices, as he
bought them for cash.
Orders for Spencer Butte fruit tress may
be left at the Grange store; also Mr. Brown,
on Eighth street will lave them for sale.
Three year old bartl-tt pear trees will be $ 12
h hundred, smaller ones $8. Other trees
cheap. Ocville Phelps, Prop.
Before deciding what you will buy for your
Full dresses, jackets, wraps and ulsters, five
Bkttmav a call and see his remarkable exhi
bition in those lines in endless varietyof new
and stylish patterns, all bought at low prices
for cash, aud will be sold on margins only to
make living profits.
As school opens up soon, we would advise
all parents who have boy to go to school
that liettnian has the lurget line of boy and
young mens school suits, which he will ne!l
from i I a suit up. Y'ou will mis it if yon buy
before lookinc over hi stock, as he has the
i largest iu the city; also hats and caps from
I 23c up.
The government agent is at the Siletz res
. ervation f r the purpose of allotting lands iu
j severalty to the Indians. There are fewer
I Indians than have Wo represented, an 1
j many will refuse lands, preferring their freir
i d' iu. So, it is probable, there will lie an
immense lot of good hind thrown open for
' settleiii'Sjt there before long,
i California has just celebrated the auniver
iiry of bcr admission into the Union, sys
a Portland piper, with ber itsnsud
, pomp and sp'.r-L lor. The constitution of
Oregon was adopted on the 17th d iT of ! p
teuib -r, IH'i. It is suggested that the U:h
of Ft bru iry Lext U celt-brute, that being the
ihe anuive-nury of our admission ft a sov. r-
eign state.
Beautiful weather.
"I'nile Tom's Cabin."
Pul lie school r smiles studies one week
from Monday,
Al. Houck is iu San Francisco. wor',: for
ISaucroIt A- Co.
A. R.Wilbur's Consolidated Shows wil1
appear here iu October. ,
Quite a number of our citizens attended
the State Fair this week.
Not t veil n dog fight this week to brc ik
the monotony that ruh s.
Work is progressing nici ly mi the M isi tiic
Temple aud the WiUou brick.
The circus will arrive here to-iu rinw.S'iu
day, about ihk-.ii, from Ashland
It isgt in rally prophi sitd tint hop picl.ii g
will lake a rst"mt Monday.
Mr. .1. G. Day has couipiet"! hop picking.
He has a little over a two-Shir 1 crop,
The circus Ihrotwh Ki:: re en 101 to
to Southern Oivg. n last Thursday night.
Mr. John SulliMin ha, bet u award-d a
fite scholarship i.i the State Fniursi'y from
Wallowa cot irv.
Material Mi. C. Marx' new bnVk isK
iliL! Iila.sed on the gioillid. The i vcav.-.iiuli
is ab nit co'.npl. ttd.
The contractor for putting in the I'.l ctrie
I o's plant h-ro has arrived. Hi ' pol-
now tieing placed i.i pouion.
Messrs. Earn r and Sterling Hill have
pirn luisi d J. O. Uhini halt's s'.tiie, anil
tike charge on Monthly licit.
Man iiu' licenses were issued sii.c. our last
issue to W. L. Matlock and Emily A. Slew
alt, C. W. r.cihniiv i. ml E. L. Powell.
We understand that X. L. Roiicy has pur
chased the Opeiu Rink properly mar Day A
Heiidei son's shop, for th; sum of JJliiHI.
Mr. John Heiny returned from tho Bo
hemia mining tlirii t lust Wednesday. He
brought some line specimens of qna'tz with
A largo number of stalls huve already In cu
engaged by parties having horses, cattle and
sheep to exhibit at tho Comity Fair next
Several students who intend entering the
State Fuiversity have already arrived from a
distance, ultliough the sessions do not com
mence until October old.
Articles of incorporation of the new bank
were filial County Clerk's office last Thurs
day. Capital stocV, $lW,on. The new bank
will be called the Bunk of Oregon.
Prof. T. F. Campbell speaks to-day and
to morrow on prohibition nt CottageGiove.
He spoke at Junction Thursday afternoon,
und at Fleasaut Hill and Cresswcll Friday.
The regular ineeeting of the W. C. T. U,
has beeu postponed until Wcdilisday, Sept.
28, at two p. in. Members are especially
urged to be present as businass of import- ,
auce will be transacted on that day,
Geo. Mclsoli wont out to Riscbnrg last
Saturdai to place the shoes ou Bingo for the
race. It is highly complimentary to Mr.
Melsou's skill as a mechanic ami iron
worker that he was sent for at such a dis
tance. Last Friday at Centeiville, Joe Nol luimtlie
was shot by Itnuv Robinson. The
former was intoxicated ami it is Ihouclit jn:
tilied Kobiuson iu shootim; him. Robinson
was a former resident i f llarrisbuig, where
he has several relatives residing. Norman
die was severely wjiindod, but it is thought
he will recover.
Undo Tom's Cabin Open Co, avo practic
ing nightly and promise the people tho finest
music ami entertainment cu r remit red iu
the city. This opera is eutircly different
from the drama usually played. Mr. Her
bert Johnson as I'nclu Tom is great. His
solos can not help but plcaso t very one.
Don't f iil to hear thorn. Admission otic; re
scived Seats Too, at Express office. Sept. 22
and 21, at Rhiueharts thealir.
Every growing and ambitious town is com
posed of three elements. Those who work
patriotically, vigorously mid iulelligei.tly for
its advancement; tho.-o who are in a statu of
apathy or indilTcienci, and who take a
curious delight in discouraging the effort of
others by ridicule, by a persistent denial that
any progress can or has been accomplished,
ami boasting of every other town but their
own. The last class are called croakers, but
they really are something woive, for their op
position does not arise irom despondency,
but from the uneuviablo spirit which will
neither act itself nor sutler othcis to net.
Tho State Fair.
From a letter from Mr. Geo. Belshaw
written at Salem Wednesday wo take tho fol
lowing notes regarding the State Fair:
Dear Sin: 1 drop you u lino in haste to
let von kuow how the Fair is progressing; so
fur it is not a success on aerount of so little
accommodations Irom the Society. A great
deal of crumbling is heard everywhere;
for demanding at the gates; aintlier
having to pay entry fees for lirsf, second and
third premiums aud only entitled to gno if it
is gained, and if no com pi tition it in reduced;
ami many other selfish motives of Ihe socie
ty. Altogether, it is injuring tho society.
So fur tho attcmlanew is the sandiest I have
ever seen it. A number are talking of com
ing to the Limn County Fair towards which
there seems to be a geuend good feeling.
The pavilion is not morn than two-thirds
full; hogs and chickens almost u failure; cat
tle aud horses are very good ami many of
them; black m.ilies sml Hereford's are well
represented and aro good; the heavy Clyde
draft horses are better than ever, tho sheep
are also good. However, tho people are not
numerous eiioueh yet to look lit them, and
j that is what is wanted at a Fair, to make
! it successful."
"You cau say to Ihe peoplo that Laiio
County is again victorious having beat all
counties with best exhibit of grain and
grasses. I have taken first premium on
every i ntry made whit h amounts to nearly
$.'oo. Mr. M. Wilkins took premium ou
grasses, JIM). Clackamas ami Mariou
counties compete-d against me for best coun
ty exhibit of grsin with only about 20 entries
of wheat when I hail 1 10. 1 hey mm Doastetl
a L'reat deal how they were gome to beat
t Lane this time but thevwerenowhi-re. Why,
! the world. cannot do it. much less the other
j eotii.ties of Oregon.
! Resp'v,
Gf.obik Bkliiuw.
City Transfers.
Hatlie R. McDonuJd to E. R. Ljn key, 2:;ft.
ami brick building on Will uuettestieet; con.
sidt-ratinii, $:J52.
Hattie R. MeDoUiild to W. C. Brown, lot
in Ellsworth's addition; con. $175.
llatt- R. McDonald to U. Ellsworth, land
iu Eugene; con. fl.
Faik Week D in't U'd to hear tho tine
opera of I'ucle Tom's Cabin. Lhinshart's
theater, Thursday and Friday evening,Sept.
22 and 23. This opt ra is entirely new and
differ nt from tbn drama, introducing the
finest uiii-ie ev. r rem'i n I in this city.
Teuty-five tif -i le'iii c t:qi;iiy. Gond
colore chorus of ;5 t e j:,ir. ii;oiii 5 Ic;
reserved sea's 7 :
tie al the Expre-.s
Et Ai i ui 'H Boatd. In another column,
Assess r IIuKiiinu -ivs notit-eo: tiiemeetu g
oi the B"urd of Equilizalion. All interest, d
patties should read it.
Senator Coleman was iu town last Mon-
, day.
1 Mr. J. B. Chambers has gone East on ft
( Visit.
Prof. Enpel of Junction -was in town
Mr. Geo. M. Miller is confined to his room
with sickness.
Mr. L. H izli ton, of Cottage Grove, was iu
Eilg' tie this Week.
Prof. Condon mid family have returned
(n in Yiiquiua l'av.
Mr. Chus. Lauer and f unilv visited Port
land this week.
Attorney Bilyeii pai l Junction profess
ional i.-it Thursday.
Key. I. D. Driver was iu town several daji
dmirg I'au past week.
l!e Fuirehild and family removed to Far
es! Grot last Tiles. lay,
Mr. B. F. Dorris has gone 1 1 tho Blue
l'.iw r mines cu a brit f trip.
I i'i . i a -pel .-inarpies leu lor 1 hllHilcipiua
la ;t e ln. s.lKy morning.
Mr. A. S. Miller of Portland, was in towu
a c -tuple of day this week.
Mr. T. J. Gill of Lake creek has has bteii
visiting in town this wei k.
M:-. J B. Harris left for Napa City, Col.,
last Thursday to spend a few weeks.
.In he Bean is in Coos county holding Cir
cuit. Coiut. He went via Flonuce.
Councilman Ed While started for home in
Priin ille, last Monday via Portland.
Mr. W. 11. Williams, the Portland archi
tect, was iu Eugene over last Sunday.
Il.'pr cseutalivn O. K. Hale gave this office
a pleasant visit last Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. Geo. Hayes, of Vancouver City, II.
C, is visiting r datives ami frieuds iu this
Mr. Marcellus Y'oung has gone to Port
land to attend the Hi.-hop Scott Grammar
Mr. Cha. Hayes and family left for Brine
ille last Monthly, w here theywill hereafter
Prof. F. A. Huffer, lute of Jacksonville,
has anivt d here, where h intends residing
in the future,
We are phased to see Mr. Aarou Gold
smith about our streets again after a sickness
of a couple of weeks.
Hon. Hiram Smith of Harrishurg, who
once ran for Congress, was iu Eugene on
business 1 ist Wednesday.
Mr. C. S. Williams, of Conpeville, W. T.,
has been visiting iu Eugene this week. His
many friends were glad to greet him.
Mr. Laue Matlock and wife have re
moved to Lena, Oregon. Wo- wish them
unbounded success in their new home.
The wife and daughter of Dr. D. K Charles
huve arrived at Cottage Grove from Indiana,
und will make that place their permanent
Mr. 1. G. Iloss and Mr. Miller of Lake
vit spent a couple of days in towu this
week. Mr. Boss is now agent for tho Mili
tary Road Company.
Mr. Aiken, with his slablo of horses ar
rived here Thursday from Coos Bay,, The
horses will enter the speed contests at the
Fair. .The horso "Sammy Tilden" is in his
Stables, ,
Mr. P. J. McPheisou left, for the Lower
Siuslaw country last Thursday morning,
w here he went to assess that portion of the
county, having beun appointed a deputy by
Assessor ilulliuatl.
Mr. W. 11. Delano and fumilv returned
from California lust Wednesday morning.
He feels somewhat belter since his return
and is now able to ride about in a buguy, but
is considerably woise than when he left
A Card.
Okitck Hi:ow nmvu.i.k Woolen Mills, I
Portland, Or., Aug. 2J, 'H7. f
Editor Euot NK City Gi'Aiin Iknr .Sir.1
In your paper of the 20lh is an article from
one II. S. Simon, of your city, stating that
h has leccived a large ami complete line of
the cchbmted Brownsville Woolen Mills
clothing. I hereby state (hut this II. S. Si
mon has not a full line of our clothing; he
has only two patterns out of 7H1, and that in
boys clothiiig.and that is all he has and there
is no assurance of him having any of our
gootls. We have given the exclusive sale of
tho Brownsville Weioleii Mills goods to J. W
Cherry for Eugene City. His place of busi
Hess is the only store where our celebrated
ootids can be found. I'.y purchasing woolen
goods from J. W. CiiEiinv you can rely on
getiing the wnitiiie Brownsvillo Woolen Mills
coo. Is, w hich arc superior to any Imported
I take this opportunity of tendering to the
people of hugeiie City ami vicinity our
thanks for Ihe liberal support given our
goods. We shall continue in the future as
we have in the past lo manufacture good
honest goods, very Respectfully,
BiiowNsvtLi.K Woolen Mills Co.,
I). Dai.oleisii, Ag't.
Speed Programme For County Fair.
E, R. Luckky, Superintendent, Eugcno City.
W'kdxkspav, Sipt. 21.
Running, 2:o0 p.m. One mile sirfeledasn
three-year-olds or under, 1st, I0; 2d HJ2U.
Thursday, Seit. 22.
Running, 2:1111, p. in. Three-fourth mile
dash, free for all. 1st 'i0; 2d 25.
Running, one half mile, best 2 in 3, 1st
fl "i0; 2d jt;.J.
Friday, Skit. 2:1.
Trotting, 2 ill) p. m. One mile iu single
harness, best :i in f, free for all horses, 1st
.Vi: 2d i23.
Ruuiiing. oiio-half mile, best 2 in 3, 1st
$150; 2nd ?'.
Saturday, Skit. 21.
Trotting, 2:30 p. in.- Ono mile Iu single
harness, best 3 iu 5, free for all, 1st ?1; 0;
2d 1)5.
NoiK. In nil liials of speid, Lot less than
3 to enter and 2 to start, with 15 per ctnt.
entrance fee.
I Around the World In a Chariot of Song.
I We und I'Uiid that Philip Phillips, the
"Singing Pilgiim" is on bis way with the
"Chariot of Kong.' und will halt long enough
to give hi-i new entertainments in our city
The pn speaks iu the highest terms of hit
s tjigs which he illustrates while being sung,
alsei of his "Humiliated 'Round the World."
His pic ture are photographs of the scene
th" y represent, nml are colored by Lon
don artiste and shown by th Royal
Photo Optician, under the mod powerful
lime light.
Hoin. We uiilt rstaud that Mr Peude
griist, a hop buyer, fooiu Kan Fruiicise-o has
pnrchased from Pr-sley Cheshire aud Beadle
X Kpaldin' tneir entire crop oi nops, ins
prb") paid was f.tutttu cents per poood.
PciifiiAsE.i.-"Ir. E. R. Lnekey ho pur-
t bawd from tho Ellsworth estato the brick
building occ.i; inl by E. R. Lnckey k Co.,
druggists, on Willamette street for th Cain
'i.f?j520. t
Dexter Items.
Sept 1.", 1837.
Fiue weather for hop-picking.
Hop-picking progressing nicely iu thia
J. M. Parker and wife mod r.ucene n visit
Mr. Frntlll Atlmia rnlnrnn.l Li P.irllim.l
last Saturday.
Mr. Marcus Krllv nml funiiU- of Crass-
Well, visited friends here last Suuday.
Mr. Farlow and family of Summit. Prut.oi
Co., visited .Mr. Addingion last week.
Wo Were informed that Miss II, n-l, nsA
Parker, of Cloverd ilc. will teach the full
term of school here.
The urist mill at this tduco will lie in run.
ning order soon. We understand .Mr. Bert
Parker will lie the miller.
Mr. Thomas Barbre. who hit been uilinir
for some time is now being treated by Dr.
Thompson of Jasper.
Sincine school at Trout dosed last Sun'
ilav SUMmth u,.,.,l ! . ,,l I,..- I.......
indefinitely postponed.
Mr. Bowman of Bruooville. a neiihew of
Thoa Barbre, arrived last week. Ho ex
pects to remain iu this state.
Mrs. Mary Kennedy of Woodburn, Ore
gon, and Mrs Sarah Guilev, of Pleasant
Hill. Ills., visited at Mr. G. W. Guilev's
last week.
Mr. A. N. Miller and family returned last
Saturday from a visit to their children iu
illllen lit Darts of Eastern Oregon. Their son
Jackson, who has been away for two year,
rciiirucu wiin lueiu.
Mrs. S. lenvis to-duv for ber
new home in Yiiquiua City, where her hus
band and two sous am at nn sent. Hr
daughters, Misses Liu II and Etta, w ill leave
us me latter part oi next week.
S. P. R. R. Official.
Senator Belaud Stanford and w ife. Col.
Chas. Crocker and Mr. A. X. Towne, mana
gers and owners o(the Southern Pacific rail
road, passed through Eugene en Mute to
l oNland lust Wednesday alternooll at l:lu
o'clock. They were on a tour of inspection
of the O. : O. R. R. and Willamette Vulley
Uailway, which they now own. Senator
Stanford said the company would encourage
Immigration to Oregon when the road is con
nected, which would lie iu a few nionshs,
when they would take charge of the O. ,t C.
It. U. lie said that only 120 feet of the larco
tunnel remained unfinished, and that in a
tew weeks there would bo only 14 miles of
staging. He also said that all the grading
would be finished in thirty days and that
probably ft conuoctiou would be made within
00 days.
Died. At his home, east of Eugene City,
Oregon, Sept. 13, 1S7, Mr. Garrett Bogart,
Aged 7'J years, H months ami '."J days. He
was bom in Hergiu county, N. J., Deo, 14,
lSllH, Iu 1814 his parenti took him to Ham- .
iltou county, Ohio, where ho resided until
1 8.1.1, wheu he proceeded to La Porte Coun
ty, Michigan, mid there dwelt ono year. Re
moving to llaucock county, Illinois, he re
mained during the month of December
1834, aud in February, 1NJ5, transferred his
simile to the Iowa side of the Mississippi re
siding on claim until lN.VJ. in that year
he started across the plains to Oregon
with 100 head of cattle, three wagon and
one carriage. On the journey his cattle all
died, and through other catastrophies, wheu
he arrived iu this state he had but twn wag
ons. After remaining during that Wiuter
iu Marion county, in the Spring of 1853, he
settled on the claim adjoining that on which
ho did. In 1HJ2 ha married iu Ohio, Miss
Elizabeth Embry, and has seven surviving
children. His remains were buried iu the
Gillespie cemetery lust Wednesday, many
frieuds and neighbors uttending at that time.
He was a good man, upright and honest, and
those who knew him am saddened that lift
has passed away,
OiioANizED, Last Tuesday a new Bank
was organized in this city, by the election of
the following officers: Directors, J. B.
Harris, F. W. Osbiirn, J. 0. Church, F. II.
Dunn und S. M. Yorun; President, J. B.
Harris; Vice Presided, 8. M. Yorun; Sec
retary, F. W. Ostium. The bank has a capi
tal of $100,000, which has all been subscrib
ed. It is understood that the bank will open
for business prior to Jau. 1, 1HSH.
Rediiition in Rate. The Oregon I'acillo
railroad company and the Oregon Develop
ment company have niudo u sweeping re
duction iu passenger fares between' Albany
ami Corvallis and San Francisco, taking
effect September 15. First-class fares have
been placed at $ 10.75 and steerage $0. They
also placed on aide first-class round trip tick
ets at $19.50 each. The above rates are ex
ceedingly low,
Tub RosKiitjiio Horse Rack. "Bingo'
won the 600 yard race at Roscburg last hall
nrduy by. 14 inches, but the backer o
'Nelly Gray" refused to give up their mon"
ey. This action on their part it contemptible
as they lost the money fairly every one of
the four Judge deciding 1b "JlingoV favor.
It is ald over $7,000 was wagered on the
result of the race.
Pendino Amendments. The pending
amendments to the stuto constitution will be
found in the advertising columns of thisissun
of the Guard, published by order of tho
Governor. They are offlciul; read them.
Wanted. Butter, eggs, potatoes, bacon
and all other kinds of produce nt the City
Fo Bale. Dr. L. F. Jones has three largs
flood work horses for sale. Cull on him ami
cam price, etc.
Postal Teleobaph.- Office hours ou Sun
day from HKK) to 10:00 a, in., aud from 4:00
to C :)) p. in. Week days.all business bonra.
O. F. Craw, Stipt.
An Illustrated
Alogui", containing a full description of
Fancy Work
v and Materials
Used, also of Woolen Yarns and their uses,
with valuable information to ladies.
Sent Free on Application.
12!) 4 131 Kearny St. San Francisco, Cat.
Formerly Kliorthmxl on el T)e
MrUiM. Mim'Iiiii.
A complete busiuess course, penmanship,
shorthand, typewriting, business correspon
dence, etc., taught day aud evening.
Shortbaud Iumod by iimil. Address for
catalogue. G. HOLMES.