The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 17, 1887, Image 3

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    OHTfcA1 . PBOIrt' HAKKKT,
S5SV n. f-
iferlor grade
Mled.. -
jliforuU roll ...
do P''klBd
Ewro.W' cream. ...... .
hricoU, new crop
niaclilue dried
Itted cherriw.
tted plums, Oregon .....
U,CaJ., In bun and bx..
iVrunw, Freuch
Jl.'gon prunes
Jrtfaud rat. Roller, bbl 8
Vm do do
ife LUy V bbl
iiintry brand 4
yrValla'iValla 1
Trlev. whole, IC ell
ft 7' btoumI, ton 20
. choice milling iCbunh
, 'feed.swwd icholce.old
re, r 100 tl j 1
ran. Jon "
v f ton, baled 17
(op. ton 27
iSkemwillf'ton M
jple, Oregon, J? box
errieu, Orwm, (r(lrm...
motns California, Vbx.. 4
, I'
keriile oranKe.fbox...
L Anci'lf do 1,0
fcichea, t? box
yr.ovfrlfl tea. ptb
j;.tit(l. over 1 5 n.a
12 i
18 u
15 f4 )
14 0 10 .
18 SO
7 8
7 0 8
8 fes lu
10 (S 121
4 75
4 75
4 75
25 4 35
3 00
10 (8 1 15
00 1 02
I 10
01 025 00
40 (4 4'.'J
48 (i 50
00 1 10
0') (623 00
10 (ii25 01 .
00 (a 18 00
10 ujiM 00
00 (ft 33 OC
1 25
00 5 00
1 50
13 14
third off.
10 (9 1 00
iirrain hide ohe
Jbbatfe, l'1
irrot-s I? aulc
lullllower, dor
atatocs, nw, V bubh ....
istOreoon, Spring clip..
Alley Oregon. do
2 i
1 00
1 25
90 1 Oi
1R Ot
-It is stated that out of tho 27,000
militant) f tho Suiunim Isluiiil.i.
; DO urn church members, ami 3,000
(Miitliihitos for membership. Thero
i 200 tutive pastors.
-Ono of tho earliest collections
'foreign missions to tho heatlien
s made at Nottingham, Enjj., when
3, or $m. was contributeil. Last
ir the Protestant ciiurclies of Europe
il America j;.-ive for thid oliject no
. 0 than fl 1,000.000. A; Y. Witness.
-Boston scliool-board oflicials have
tod notices in all the school build
;i of that city forbidding the chew-
:uf tobacco by the pu)i s. They
! ie' even posted the notico in the
! is' high-'cliool biiilding.much to the
liquation of the young women.
-The church of England official
ir-bMik contains tlieso statistics:
iiimunieunts, 1.1S1.915; Sumlay scholars, 1.7G7,O0!i; baptisms
ant, 450.791; ml tilt, IS.'J.'W; ineum
its.. 13.80S; revenues, j,0i3.9:l.".
iri-li building, restorations, cml.nv-
i nt, parsonages, etc., 1,1
HanapolisJonrn (.
-By the will of the late Oliver
' vt, of Stamford, Conn., Wesleyan
i diversity receives Jl'o.OOO to increase
the peiiiianciit eiidowiucnt funds. This
i iip!!i's a long series of gifts,
vooiinting to nearly SlOO.ODd. vhidi
'if. Hoyt lias made to the University.
Tim total income of Oxford I'ni-
fsitv last year was (i4.2!9, against
. 42.107 in lW. A balance of 1.)4
' been carried forward, as against
3 last vear. The University's in-
ine roin its estates decreases, but
increase of fees anil dues more than
kes tlie loss good. Farm, Field ami
$16,000 IN GOLD
What a XcwH 'orreNondent Urttt
for an lnveitttnifiit of 91.
Vs mentioned brh lly in our issue of
it week's Sews, W. S. Locke, some
ie past our correspondent at Mc-
Sllan, held a one-tenth ticket in Tlie
Auisiana State Lottery that drew the
l'ital prize i $150,000. A reporter of
f Aw visited Mr. Iocke on Satur
y last and gleaned the following
Mr. Loekfi bun invested in ibis
Jtery for the last four months, buying
ne tenth ticket eaeh time, spending
ail lour dollars. It was his lnten-
' to try his luck for one year at
yst Bnd see what the result would be.
Ji 1 uesday, l'.lth ult., a rumor reached
" that a ticket at McMillan had
n $15,000, but Mr. Locke would
lrdly credit the news until a printed
;t containing the number of the
J'w winners was put into his hands.
"Kince telegraphed the iiumter 01 the Ne Orloans National
"K, and received in reolv that if he
t'J that number he was entitled to
nionev. The ticket, was immedi-
ly 1.1
"k of Marquette for collection, and
"fs than a week $15,000 in gold,
nus the exehaiiL'fi. whm id. iced to his
Ht. Mr. I .nckn him heen in the
c r'". 01 u. u tst, merciiaiu 01
I Millan, for a number of years, at
' ,ld"g to the raihoad oflice at the
"e time. He says that he lias
; I Tr sent money for tickets otherwise
'4n bi a plain envelope addressed to
' A- Dauphin, New Orleans, La., and
" always received his ticket
r "triptly. That the scheme is run on
ie Kpiare is without doubt. Our cor
''ndent and family will visit their
home in Canada for a few weeks,
''ere they have not been for eiyht
. after which they will probably
"'te on the line of tho new Minne
''s railro:ul, and go into the gen
r Uerehaiulihe busineM.
The ni:iny friends of Mr. Locke re
"einhi8 g d fortune, and, while
'' I'wa a good corn si undent,.
tl"ri, s aiike with tlie rest. St ubtrry
fh ) Xeus, August 4.
' V ' "' "'inond
n.rur. ii,. .v.tlon Mnm
llila Convvntiun.
"y'e call this an 'bm of nroirreM n 1
& nr''l'onstitu'iKK
:!. 1 1 7","c, consiant y by
........ 1L.Ire 0, a,,altn LI
tliuunlit lie wim ttu . T ... V,,.. fl.e
sir, ..;" rrovenouH. lltt f,.t
la sil v Ti 1 ,,,ou"t-' '"ronnl. bisbodv,
iuwas ' WWv.
.,,l,,u i '",, r "l;in eommon,
Z Il ""J mm ''y tiry.l. but he fult
' ;lv eu nii'i vigorous. And
vet lio suddetdy died!
11 is a Huaine to our
ikvihicu civilization."
. l'r. llainuiond then
intUnced a nuinU'r of
pernoiis well known to
him who ha ! died in
great aony, althounh
they hail exoerienced
pain, ami continued :
"W IV is it
.ii : ; nine,
children are to-day stimted, and ap
parently blighted fr life? lie-cause those
eanyanii inevitable oiMimc, i. .,Me
scarlatina, etc., have so weakem 1 w
tain organs that nature cannot do la r
work, and tho child languishes, perhaps
dies. Lor.k at the list of women wbo.lie
m childbirth, and why is it? ."-imply
liecause their niaternal organs have
been so weakened by tho nioxt terrible
of all diseases that they cannot withstand
tho fearful sudden strain that is Lrought
to bear uin them. How manv women
em-ape monthly agonies? And yet
nature never intended that pain ot incon
venience should attend the operation of
her natural laws. The solemn and
terrible fact is that men and women dra.'
alonu, die, and are buried, and their
friends and the doctors say heart disease,
apoplexy, pneumonia, congestion, con
vulsions, when the cause lav far back of
these things and was Bright's disease, of
tllll killlll'VB Tl.nt nun tl,n i, I
cause ; these are tlie outward nianifes-
unions, r.very disease must have a root,
just as certainly asevery plant. Kidney
disease is the great root from which most
modern diseases, no matter wha their
eifio may be, actually spring.
"I!ut because the kidnevs are so im
portant, so delicate, and so powerful,
they require the greatest care in treat
ment. Ever since the day when lr.
Hiight discovered the connection be
tween morbid outward symptoms and
internal decay, physicians, scientists,
and chemists have sought for a pure
and powerful relief. It has been a
dithcult, often a fruit- r
less search. Manv 1
l:., 1. Jl
tcuiqu.l'B Jliy iiuvv ire- 11
fore tho public, but so M
far as I have been able, il
to learn bv chemical"
analysis and actual
test, only one possesses
absolute merit and
power. I have seen a"
number of cases, mid
learned from unques
tionable sources 0 f
many others, where tl eTHT I'lsv chii.u.
preparation Hunt's
Uemedv has been almost remarkable in
its results. One case in particular was
that of a prominent banker residing in
New York, whose family physicians,
assisted by the best counsel that city
could produce, declared bis case to U
litK'li-ss, and w ho was afterward re
'lorcd to perfect health by the means I
have named. 1 have not hesitated to use
it freely among my patients, and from
tlie results 1 have secured, 1 shall con
tinue to do so."
The doctor- explained how men and
women should live in order to meet this
terrible malady, ami instanced several
additional cures w hich had followed the
use of .the remedy before referred to. In
concluding he said :
"If men and women could only be
aroused to a realization of their actual
danger; to a sense of what is before
them unless they take prompt and
proper action, and then by a correct
course of life and tho use of just the right,
means sock to prolong their lives, most
of tlie present suffering and untimely
deaths might and would bo avoided."
Bed-Spring Fire Escapes.
Rod-springs have been utilized to
form a lire-escape, which consists of
r.nir els of soi-iiiL's seven feet lonir and
just wide enough w hen laid together to
sit in a bed frame. Each set is attached
to tho adjoining ono by a clamp, which
unites iron appendages fastened to the
end of the springs. These appendages
add to the length of the arrangement
no as to make it about thirty feet long
when lunging out of the window. One
side of each set of springs is fitted with
rungs made of wrought iron, tlie only
part of the contrivance nof steel.
These rungs, which are on the outside
when the springs depend from the
window, and about fifteen inches apart,
form a pretty strong ladder, which may
be made use of for descent. Lolon
tiudacl. ct
Lady Dtiilcnu is paying tho ex
penses of several persons studying in
America for mission work in India.
A constable near Cedartown, Oa.,
mad.i a levy recently, which read as
follows: "I hav this day levvied on one
Rlack cow. this piece Hawing l!in
sowed On by me with a Needle &
The Prince do lieira. firt-born of
the Crown Trincc of Portugal, will
struggle through life under the name
of Louis Philippe Charhs Marie Fer
dinand Victor, with the additional ti
tles of Duke and Count of Ban-idles.
iter Ocean.
M. Phillippoteaux. the French
painter, has been engaged for six
years to paint huge pictures for cych
ramie exhibition in tho chief cities of
Europe. The first will represent Ni
agara Falls, and will bo shown in Lou
don next fall.
-Allen O. Thurnian lias the best a
sorfmeiit of chickens in the neighbor
hood, and takes good care of them;
huu with all bis wealth, he keeps no
horses. Mrs. Thunnan is afraid to
ride, and lo-r husband does not can
to. tiusfon (JloU.
r.loroui K-iitrlra Who Ar ronaldtrately
1'rovlUsd with Chain.
ThoHaylians are an Intensely vain
leojile. and tin thing they most pride
hemselves 011 Is their army. Nothing
ivill convince them as a unitary powe'r
:hey are not vastly superior to' any na
tion, either In tho Old or New World.
bven those who have lived in European
.puais are miuictea to tins extremely
idieiilous "balderdash;" but when
ho real facts are presented, the state
ituairs disclosed, u simply sublimo
its absurdity. The Hav'thm
must present to European beholders a
spectacle of grotesqueness, the equal
)f which it would bo dillicult to lind
viywhcrc, either in fact or lid ion.
Imagine a battalion on parade con
sisting of thirteen privates, ten
dliccrs and six drummers!
the rest of the men as
tho author quaintly puts it think
ing it unnecessary ' to present them
selves except on pay day. Tho staff
idliccrs aro clad in 'the most gorgeous
uniforms procurable, while the men
aro habited in a motley array of tat
ters. Some have coats wanting one
arm, the collar or the tail; the head
gear may consist ,.f a dilapidated
shake, a straw hat, wideawake or in
many eases merely a handkerchief lied
around the head. Tho officers hold
their swords in either hand as suits
them, and tho men inarch past in ad
mirable confusion, each one cnri-vinir
his musket in the position he finds most
convenient. J ho populace look ou
with admiring looks and gravely ask if
liner troops can anywhere be found.
The Ilaytian black, however, tliorotp-li-
ly' detests military service, and con
sequently the sentries, lest they should
be over-fatigued, are considerably pro
vided with clirais! Chambers' Journal.
Gaining on the City.
"Perhaps you'd like to know what
time it is," remarked a pedestrian who
stopped before a gangof street.-cleaners
the other day.
"Well, no, soir," replied one of the
old men as he slowly and solemnly re
moved the pipe from his mouth.
"Uut-yoii used to want to know."
"Thai's so, soir,"
"And what's the matter now?"
"Well, soir, the matter is this. How
long does it take for 0110 of us to foiud
out the time o' day from you?"
"About ten seconds.
"Exactly, soir. Now, how long will
it take me to lay down me hoe, put up
me pipe, get out me watch and look at
the toiine for meself?"
"From four to live minutes."
"Certainly it w ill, and that's where
we gain 011 the city, and why we all
carry watches." bdroit Free I'ress.
One of our brilliant college youths
was heard complaining lately in the
presence of the family about how dilli
iiult he found it to behave when in
society with as much ease and graceful
ness as he could wish. "Why," he
said at last, with a look of the utmost
self-humiliation on his face, "if you'll
believe me. I get so at times that I do
not know what to do w ith my hands."
Then the youngest member of the fam
ily, who eared little for society and
less for his elders, brought down tlie
house by remarking heartlessly, "Why
don't you wash them?" Unrier'
A lauv in I'ortsinoutli nas a pair of
rubber shoes which she wore when a
child, twenty-live years ago, and which
each of her three children have since
worn. The shoes are still in good con
dition and no doubt will bo good for
tho owner's grandchildren. Boston
Tho ninro rnniillv air Ih brought Into con-
ta'-t with cider, the faster the lut'er will
l,..'..,.,..r..,l iiilnvineirar. Draw out a little
cider daily and return it to tho barrel in a
sn'iall stream, if cidei is to be turned U)
Tkr la ci.rlilln class of rclllC1 ll'S for (OU-
Dtipution absolutely useless. Tl.esc are Ix.lusen
and potions made in Krval rart of hiIui1ij llln.
uloi-8. rhiihaib, kuiiuK, ""-r woml-
Iuhm Ii.kitJ it-ills. The ilanmiju they do to the
stomachs of those who use them In lii.lcuw-
blc. They eviicuiite thu bowels, il is true, hut
alwajsdo so violently ami j.mftHt-ly, and be
si.luH Kripe the Iwwels. Their elteet is to
weaken both tin n. anil the stomach, lletter
far to use the aum-able and mlulary aperient.
Hosteller's Stomach lliileis. tin: luvulive etlect
of hich is never preceded by pain, or accom
panied bv a convulsive, violent action ol -llie
bowels. On the contrary, it inviKi.iales those
orifaiiH, the slon.Hch and ll.eenlire a) stem. A
a means of curin and preventing malarial
fevers, no medicine can compare! II. and II
lemeilies nervous debility, rlic.imatiKm.'Kiiliic.v
and bladder inactivity, and oilier iiiuiKainc
Whv Is 4 cent sugar like a man who
never hum-inters? lieciuse it is clear Krit,
and nothing else.
Consun.p'ion, thu greatest ( urse of the
age. the (U-strojiT OI nio'imuuis ui
brightest and best, is coi.out reci. 1
,imer nruiHbie. ur. j ienes -"":"
.Medical Di-cove y" is a ceriaia r-H.edy
lorthis terrible disease, if taken in time.
i M-rofuunm fliseuse -oiimiiiiiuu n a
minions iitlecllon of the hints - can lie
cured by il Its etli ctt in di-eoten ol the
il ... bii.l Inner- nn litt e Wfn than mi
raculous. All druggists hae it.
There is very -ittle fc if bathing in
fontttitation leads to a multitude of
physical troubles. It Is generally the re-
uult rf carelessness or inri.llereiice to uie
ininUttt rule of health, tugtne McKay,
cf lirantford, C nt.. writes:
I had for several ye r len a nuffeifr
. 1. I....I ..Inn trrejkt ItlflnT
d nen-nt rem die, so-, e of which did nie
pood for a tune out only lorainne,
my trouue ruiie wu a nt .w r' - '
UUJ inf 11 1 11" a menu, w.h.iu --
niif.TH s I 11-l.s hsd lnt-titte.J. to try them
h 1 i fit for a week.
1 (till
nu -fs ....
oneevery li ght for alK.ui mj weelt
lhat fillie I Have Ilol rin-i.
Vh e, t lllu ty whatever a (In.)
hmove' regular J even day. J be-
leve lir.i 1, " " - "rr ---
nrr. It tint for UfiHii.o'i.i.j
ai.d 111 ai-l'eC!i j;KAMBfclU
I'ilis ire lariutrior toatij oiijer.
Tht editor would draw the atteation of
Dl reailrr to t"e excellent advantage of
fered by the I'acinV I'idverslty (Koreat
Grove) to those seeking a thnreiiKh aid
reraityeourneof htudv. The l'acillc U 1
ve aity oflVni this In all it bran, hea, em
bracing Academy, Colle e, Muic, Art
reuinaiiRh'pBnd rhyaical t ulture. Those
contemplating taking such a rourne will
do well 10 notice ti.e ad e tikemext of
L'nlventlty lu this paper, and aend for
cataleguo to J. F. till, J'realUeiit. t
r ureal Urove. Dr.
A man out In Kentucky ha Jus' f"und
a heavy pot of mid. It la likely that he
lifted it with three jacks.
"The Prat thing we do. let'a ll'l all the
lawjem." Thia i rather a blood-thirsty
propoaition, which we modify y uttering
to cure thN worthy class of m-on'e. Moat
of them sutler tin common with all other'
of sedentary habits! from the injurious
etl'ceta of dsep-la, imligOKtlon, pilea
Ions of appetite, and n'her aiiiiirnts mused
by a constipated habit of the IhjiIv. lr.
l'ierce'a I'leasant 1'iircative lVIVla"
eradi. ate all these disorders . promptly
reiuovieg tne ruiie twcreoi, anil linlucj a
rare deuree of cnifort and health.
A Itiiasian has lent 'or over a vear in
the Walton (Knglau Workhouse.
To Tlircklici-kt I nave a few of the
celebrated Wea iughoime Threahera yet,
and for ihe purKxe of c'oslng out wlll'aell
them ou nexi ytM-'a terms at bottom
hVur.'H. Also, a few aec iid-haud ma-
i hires nf other make. W rile for bartfaina,
Z. T. Wkiuiit. foot cf .Morrison Street,
forUand U egon.
Krvrr nun aiulwouisii vouiib of uM. on thUCtMui.
t)il it rtlictt with m y no matittr ltt, tht
tlu'ir UiiulT t'livtctii Jikmi lint uinUntUnii. nr rniumt
cure, fthttiiU) untv mil dt-ttcritiii of tluir trouldo to
llr Konlru, or tcettm lw tiiu mini vitlt huu. lit- ! pnt
vlilf! IUi ertry inatruiutiit of imrtft-ty, anl the Ut
iiiiMU'inrf to i) hml tor uiottry. ( oiivtuutioim frvt.
Ilitiit'ttt opiinoiiH gltt-n ; ivniKiiiiililf charifi. Ail otirv-
HiiKlt'lHf it net i) cvhlMt'lltlial h.ncUwf MlAlttp AldnM
A K KdKhr N. M 1 : nthotL H. V itd 1'2. Fust N
Uoiuil Hank, PoiiUml. OrtKou.
Rupture Pormanently Cured.
No lunrt'tT Wnrk ctitt iUv (Him unuitM
Athln-M Vn. rtl(IK.N k W1, oIUum A, V ud 12,
Kim Ntu-uJ limit k. IVrllftud. tirvttou.
.Vo (hium In 1'iao'a Cure for Consump
tion. Cures v. here olhrr remedies fail. lice.
s i.iian.npiiri pinaiciau sajviuerca
money in his rouglu-rs!
A 'I1II -.1 I ... . . '..
Too well known to need lengthy adver-
tiseinenta Dr t'age'a Catarrh Kemedy.
There la no use crying over spilled milk.
It may he three prta water.
1li'ii-!iilin.'3mhlcn rhaiigea of the
weather rause Kronchial irouliles.
liruwn'n hrtmrhial Troeheit" will give
relief. Sold only in boxen. Trice eta.
TktCkkmka for hreaktaat.'
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never Juries. A man e! of r"r"Vi
streic'.fi and vl.ok'iionicncm. Jloru oi ommiicul than
tl.o ordinary kind!., and ennnot ho suld in oniupi-ll
tlon with tho 11.1111110110 of low tot, short weight,
slum, or phnenhato K)ilors, So'd only In tuua.
JtuYAI. Baklvu 1'owukii Co., loO Wult hliuet, N. Y.
Mrs. M. A. Dauphin, of Philadelphia, la
well known to the ladies of that city from
the great good alio has done by means of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
She writes Mrs. rinkham of a recent In
teresting case. " A young married lady
came to me auHV.rlng with a severe caaeof
ProlapHiia and UI eration. Sho coin
ineneed takinit the Compound, and in two
months was fully rrstorrri. In proof of
this she soon found herself in an interest
ing condition. Influenced by foolish
friends she at tcmntcu to evade ihe respon
sibilities of maturity. After-ten or twelve
navs she came to me again and she was in
deed in a most alarming state and suf
fered terribly. I gave hen table-ipiii.ful
of the compound every hour for eight
hours until she fell asleep, she awoke
much relieved and evidently better. Mie
continued taking the Compound, and in
due aeasoii she became the mother of a
lln healthy boy. Hut for the timely use
oi the medicine, she lailieveaherlife would
have la-en lost."
Your I)rniidit hw the Compound, gl per Imttls
Cures all Dueases originating from a
hsordered ttate of the BLOOD or
LIVER. Ehcumatifra, Keuraljia,
Eoils, Blotches, Pimples, Scrofula
Tumors, Salt Ehenra and Mercurial
Fains readily yield to its purifying
properties. It leaves the Blood pure,
the Liver and Kidneys healthy and thf
Complexion bright and clear.
J. R. CATES II CO., Proprietors
417 Banuorae fit, San Pranrio.
Choit Jurrat and Mot Deliciotn
ft For aale at all leallog p U-I
u. .. . w , ;wj.iuu.wr
3UIO nceni. ( Ar..Ki,lr
8a d Franclxco,
QUELL U'l13:'RiOH. Cer.'l Aent.
7 KlarU a,t FarlluSd. Or.
royal war. j n
PrinG umorj,
One bottlt taken according to directions
wilt gint better results than a gallon of
Sarsaparilla, or an of tht so-callod Blood
Purifiers with which the market is glutted.
At Druggists, price $1.00 per bottle.
will be paid for any case of Rheumatism
which Dr. Pardee's Remedy, properly ad
ministered, fails to reliere.
Opons October O,
Closes October 22, '87.
Ri'U'UL lino on ull TmurUtloti
Taeonns WanhliiKlnn Territory.
A lloiirding and Hay Mrhoul for 4lrlH
J ond 'I'hnrtHluy In Seitiinti - I'lipilsHre
tiiken nt all aia and at ny I me. Il l ini
poi lanl, how ever, to enter early .u he term.
tor cHluhiKiie nn.l purtlciihiin mhlrwM the
I'riciial. WUS. l.K.Mt Kb II. W Kl.l.s,
'I'Heuuia, U hbIi. 'I'er.
John .V. Cliihl V Co.,
101 tecmd St..
Crrjr t full line of
Toilet Articles
anil Sundries.
They niukft ctlty
ot BtU'iitlluti W
If jritti netd Mullilim
In their Hun m-ini tin
i-rii IUi Mttit4C( ttV
It will U ntuinl Ij
t mail
In m.ccmful optralion inc SM, palronh-ed Iron,
nil icciiont of ll. Norlliwest, endorud by
jbu.ii.exi men and leading educulort.
nf Hi cl.m on Ihe Cn.isl, It cilteri private or cIjm
initirtictiun,diy and evc.i.i.g tbrouKboi.t Ilia year, in
Arithmetic, Wiitina, Correspondence, book
lanki..)!,Sr.oilhand,Type-wriliii;, lluiineil and lK.d
Form and all Common School lln.ncr.ei, Studcnli
of all ai(ei and both teiei admitted . any lime.
Catalogue free. Armitro.ig and Wcico, Proprlelon.
Invalids' Hotel &nd Surgical Instituto
HUtfT of tlalileea r ierl. lirrd nad Kklll
fill riijralrluua and Hurneuaa.
r.ltientH hi'Klor ill their liounfl. Miiny
triut.i lit homo, tlin.llirll iii reHpiinilenii-, in
KIRVI SJillllly UK if ll'TO ill HIH.III, ( OHIO illlll
B"o u, or Willi ten cents In mIiiiiik lor nur
"Invahdi' OuoJe Book,'1 which iflv.n till pin lie
lilinn. Aihlresdi'H Hihi'Knhaiiv Mkih
Cal Association, tn;t Main tit., Uuitul.i, N. V.
For "wdrn-oiit," " rmwViwn." debllltntefl
r-hiMil tr-iielicrH, inllllnera, aciinwln-aw a. hrinw
kin-fH'ra, mill (.vcrworkisl women ireiii rnlly,
jlr. I'lera-a 1'uvntltn 1'niierlptlon la thn Ix nl
ot nil rcKtnnitlvi-l'inhn. It Ih not a "Ciiro-iill,"
but iiilinlni!ily t ullllN it alnirlenitm nf iiirp.-, a niimt ilciit Hi.'i illc for nil thoae
t'hninlo Voaktii ws ami IHm-iimh h- nllnr In
women. Tim rn-iitnn-nt. of ninny thoi.--im.ln
of a.ieb (wkk, nt. tin- Iiivi.IIiIh' Hotel mill;
leal liistllillo hn ufToHocl it linifii ixMreiiw
iu mlni'lintf rnii.ilii h fur their i-nn-, unii
Er. Picrca's Favcrita Prescription
la thn reanlt of tbla vnt PTperh-nee?. For
Interniil conrxenlloii, liiIlHinniiilloii
mid iileeriuloii. It l n Speelllr. Il
is a Miwei liil if', n well na i.lerlni'. Ionic
mid iicrim-, uii'l lmMtrta vliri.r unit Un nirt1
to tho wleJ- aval. -in. It euro winkn.w r.i
atoiimcli, Inilli'-Mllon,, wink ltck
lii-rvnna pr.wliiitlon, cxhiiiiKllon, rk billty mi.
ClK-lilewnicaa, In f ithcrw. I'livorile I'rev rlp
linn la nld by ilruuirlHla iimlcr our )hiUk
guaiaiiia. Beo wiuicr aro. mil bolllc.
. 011 aiT IMtlTI F
PP.3CE $1.00. vuu 80.00.
Pf-ml IOa-nta In atiunjH f"t Dr. fierWi Inrir'
Trvutlw on llweuma of Women lilt) puircs,
iiiiM-r-eovcp-ill. A.l'lnaa, Wo. I I. 'a 1iihi-kn-inr
JltnicAt, Ahx;iation, m Jluln btrect,
liuUul-i, N. V.
Rl'ion Ifendnrlip,
UiyJnea", t'oiiailpn
tlon. liidl-eitloiit
uiid Ullloua Altai !.,
I.n.rniitlV cir-.l I'V ir.
Irrco'a flriiaanl
nrttnll VHrf. A
arnlau vial, by J innio'is'a.
f .Til inn
-llr7J HKi
Oau Vo Ourodi
Onplmlin Qmnln
Your Druggist For It I
Itollmeil lu KIt Mlutltra,
Oumlluaruntent If Taken InTlnw,
unov TiTiTiM,
Cure W arrantvd.
Ournl lu Tlirr to (tu Moulin,
ltl.lilherla ruiip, rurnU
llln, lieH.lnrlir, iHirr
I hrHl
Hriai.n.r ci am.
Invaluable Remedy!
l-.tcilUil April, m
Price nf Trwttncnt, tW; (Smoko llnll. $3.00;
lK'bollalnr, for nternrtl lw, t'i.tli.)
652 Market SI., San Francisco, Cal.
faffIowors of Hurtful Imitations.
Forest Crovo, Oregon,
O. iia Hi.' rw Ii.kiI fi r Kept III, mill ofl.n rv.-rllnil
lillt,r rilm-i.tlo.ial alHiHH,ii to I lit. youth o( Imtti
m i throukl'ool Ihe I'niltlu Nortltweiit 1-nHluotii.i
r'untti over mihi.iiu f.ilnury. i.n-r volnmr. Ia-i-at.on,
li.allfttiil., lllit IlittueniH', Ctmi
tU.t I IIHlillcl I..I. Ii,t n.iuh .ml n-tiolnrly. hll.INt.ll 'Jft
mil. hi'mi or rril'i.i'l. on ad, attr. two Iml.ti cacti
way dally, for oti.ltut or l.if.itiu!i".. aitil.eM
J V I.I.I. IH, I'M-lJ.lll.
The Orogon National Bank,
'Sur(VM,inito MetMiNtlltau Having llank.l
CAl'lTAl, I'Alli IN. . . sioe.OOO.
'rri...Htotialienfr) llntA'tiii lliuilueaa.
A VOt NT kept .ilijwt torloi k
Mil..-. i:l IIANUK ,.. Nun K.i.nlanialel New York.
M.tKKS I'ul. 1. 1 I'll. N1 ou (Moral'lr l.iiu.
Van ii iM,hiiMi it, (i m i it m.mikik.Jk,
rulilont. V.ev -itvoileul.
Il V KIIKItM AN (a.liiei.
Ntt hoi water plinw; nn h.tlo your rtMiuia. For ila
amlptlon, addMa,
Z. T. WRIGHT, Fort Uorriion it, Portland, Or.
Alao .i. ul.T In Tlirolilni ami (leii. rl Marhlneiy, Ma
rine Work, Letmtlry .Vai lildery, lu fiet auytlil.iK you
ul. (leu. Aj. iit fur the hlilpnim. (', al (ill
T All! NTH W ASH lltrj
Tha lU VKHS' a ilK la
laanrU Hrpt. anl Blunh,
i each jrar. 31 !;",
3,DOO tlluatratlona
vtUull l-leiure uanrry,
JIVKH WhuleaaU Vrlerl
tllrret to tantnnt oa all kocmU tut
peraonal or family ae. Telia hew to
ortlrr, and nla aa eoat of ery
IIiIiir joa iik, rat, drink, wear, o
hare fun with. Tli.a. IMV AL'AIII.M
ItOtlKa contain luformaUou Rlranetl
from h Diarbrt of lha world. Wa
,wlll mall opr I'KKB to muf ad
dreaa apon rrvrlpt of 10 cl. to drfraw
iiirnao of mallluv. lt oa Ileal from
you. Heapeelfullr,
cV aittl WabaJib Airoan. ( alcaaa, 11U
Yloa. rlntlon anil
KIlNlt It.I.ANH.-l. Kouriullllonaerea. 1 for Omnra, j.onioin, dliv.n, I'lni-appliia,
Itanuiaa, HtniwlN rrie and irly v kc tallica, uf
auloon lonirerollt. VI. 2.1 to f-t.l)Hiran-o,
AJuroai M. SOLOMON, '' N- W. A A
A1 ho. I lurk, at., t'lilrago, Ills.
J I CI n n l I , (Hllr. Itoenlah llanoa; Ibir
dot Oritana, band ln-lnnnenlK. Iniuat atwk
(f fin e.t Muaio auil iiuoka, MHinla mipMlldat
KaeUsrn prluea. M.UKAYl'O
Wfl Vimt almet Ha i Kiwi. iaco.
1 -yJ
You'll Ibiil II Knnil to reiriiliilii
The orvitn nf hoih aim II unit Krmit !
It i he. kn hick llcmlitchc, ami thu Hue
That mi'l liyMpepilea ever know.
In TAIIIIAT H Ht.t.TJ.t.U pnoplo llnil
A re. in ily anil Irent eolnlnlitil.
Tha Orlglnnl nud Only Ceuiiine.
a.f-.n.1 l.ri HrlliM.. n.'waiaof aurihlraalialMikn.
I. .i.pri...'.la t.. LADIES. A.k juur leuinrl.t M
'( lilehi-lr'a r..all"a' '"t 04 u'lx'r.or I11.W 4
(.iwii.i-i w u. lr i.iiikiulnr. I. l,H bv pelura al
NAME PAPER. lilKhMrp( hrinli-rl Co.,
Kol4 bj Ol-ncrt.fa rrrwb.r. Ail 4'klelif
ur. i-ljU." I'eaurujal 1'lllfc toaaawlwi.
TMi UK I T or flneMlor li
iirat! fi.r il eur f
dt'falU" lil"lll fl f I hfl (KiMHfttlr't
or I nt, 1i fmriiiuouB iirrtnt
0r iti.cruii I r i-ituHiii.
ihrouli Hit nrli itimi r-i(
'hftn l' h'IU r ft". Iv n
itifolu4 ibli'lth K'retrlo Ht
iiiUtrtiwl to our an liif from
h"l to I'. Uifr u.onii
y- l'i(j(iurof.
K if cifcultrg lrlrt full la
frnu'tid, ktlilreMM l)li"f r Kl
r!o l.c'l Co,, )' I Wwitibgiiril
f ,. Ot I. -I l- 'Il
i ii ic "J li n jfi-a
.'J UaitaMMl Ml(M4a
Km, itw
OliMtMA tha U r ft
tl.i l..i,jK And fi' -n-
.ItlUHaT III leIH'( aaUaiB
TO 6 l-ATSA 1
J MbMHlrMuin.
. ClnofiiBAUJ
I 111 u l.l-.rft.
SyM hf DrttcritiC,
The Van Monciscar
Toutif, BaltMlr-4ifNl ftn4
old. siiUur iiittrrlrKl mum
vA ll mhn milt' with
' V .'.. . 'j !... Villus (J
VI V---1 "k K''"- "
1 . j 1, , - K.nrrfl., al Ukmd and
. '-w."-a,. jT-K Hvh Hari. Mn4nlln
' ' r:.ur.t..ii4, II. r rVlo,
'. .'; '-1 l M.ii fatsa, H welUi.1
' ' ' .. . ' "n Tuna. I kwri, Kl
, , rw.-u Vnrrory, KMunya
- miy, froai'lM
Weak ''ark ll.mln '-na l.oi..irrli (llw Mtrlo.
..'-lf.m pt rr W a. d nl . (or Ice..
II 'I. ee t aa "It i niifdrnllnlly
.ia - '' '
N. I'. N. L. Nu. IMS U. . N. V. So. (IS.
y""' ' ... . -llfii z
at! I Jkt. wHypo.
li hi
l A But Cimtl. Hymn T.ui.kimhI, TJm li
In lima. Ktil. I hv (Irni'UtN. I.of
a I I 'Jl ra
aM -
1 B I - T