The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 10, 1887, Image 7

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v" BeUl1 ','rk Mke 1VI.
IPC H" " "
L ye,, Mho baa given up his jduce
il retired," enid one of the tluor
jlkerB of a wll-known retail store on
Clel street to a Call reporter yt'ricr
fv ultcrnoon, when inquiry whs nuule
the fortunAte'attache of the esUh
imient who had made, a big winning
.. lie Louisiana State Lottery Com
ny'i drawing of last month. For
Le is fid t De filo indeed in her
Lice of favorites, anil as'ever, she tle-
all systematic rules of selection
Ln the casta ahout her kindly eyes
the search lor the object of her
frames F. Micklin, the young gen
tm referred to alove, was conceded
!be ti,0 luckiest man in San Fran
to on tl.o 13th day of last month.
Una the day following the monthly
twing of The Louisiana State Lot
f Company, and ho found himself
F,.cya..r of a couikiu numbered
Pi in mm -
c.i 7 entitling him to one-tenth of
icklin, scare ly realizing the truth
the giu ,lll,,i4''
i....i,Iip of the Mornina Cull of
L (lav, in which tho winning num
f ' .wi.wl frnin V.iur fl..
! . i.m.f ilia own counsel, and as
L 'as opportunity offered hastened
Ln to Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Bank,
Lre he presenieu ma coupon ior
intificatiou anu cimixwuii. iuu
Lis of hi V"'IC amounting to
8,"0 were hamieil to nun as soon
an answer was received from the
..... .mtlinrities in New Oileans,
ft he went on his way rejoicing.
ilr. Maeklin says unit, ne una rare
v iikced li's cYpitul, and proposed
interest. He haa moved
L i.iu former reyidenco at 72ri
h street, and rented an elegant
le of rooms near Powell Hnd Ellis
ets, and having resigned his popi
h proposes to thoroughly enjoy his
,d fortune. For some time his
ner fellow-enijiloyees were icredu
8 concerning his sudden legacy, and
united in secret satisfaction at their
ivalual amusement, until finally
truth leaked out. Maeklin lias
tglit tickets off and on for some
0 past, but never iuvcu'ed more
n a dollar or two in each month.
1 happy experience (has infused a
nt spirit for wealth among all the
iil clerks in the city, and each fol
iate possessor of a ticket or coupon
iiouuly looks forward to the day of
next drawing with tho dream and
es of speedily becoming a Cra'sus.
, there was more than one heavy
ner among the San Francisco
rons of the lottery. It is learned
i two coupons of ticket 15,322,
ch drew the third capital prize of
,000 in The Louisiana State Lottery
month were presented by two
unate residents of this city to the
.ink of the Anglo Californian Bank
I collection. The money was
mptly paid the winners by
bank as soon as tho for
pity of communicating with the
Orleans authorities was complied
i, the proceeds of each ticket being
Kfl fl.isliior Lilienthal. of tho
lo-Califoruian Bank, told the re
oter yesterday that the prizes had
in paid, and that it is the desire ot
4 winners that their names be not
tde public Son Franjjsco (Cal.)
r, Aug. 2.
-A Nebraska City bachelor declares
I the girls there are so anxious to get
ried that a man "so homely that the
etioti of his face will dent a new
s pan" can get a dozen offers in a
without askin;. Chicago Herald.
-On one unlucky day three years
J. C. Russell, of Memphis, drew
,000 in a lottery. Since then he has
e down hill very fast, and has just
led his career by an attack on his
t, during which ho was struck on
head by a rescuing party and re
ed a fatal blow. Washington Star.
7 rod, f lb
r!or grade
Bfornia roll
Uo pickled
item, Jul! cream
fcon, do
wiKD Knurrs
le,Qru, ska andbxs...
ficots, new crop
tea, unpacled. new . . .
H machine dried
fi cherries
lplumS Oregon..!...
r. Cal., in bj andbxs..
Prunes, French
J.Dn prunes
"ud Pat. Roller, tfbbl
. do do
1 1 Lily p bbl
f "try brand
Hi, VMle, KUOO'IU...
? Walla Walla
15 20
14 (3 10
18 O 2J
7 ffi
8 4
1U &
4 75
4 75
4 75
4 25 4 35
3 00
1 10 OH is
1 02J 1 05
I 10
20 01 (625 00
4H (4 f 0
48 liO Ml
1 00 09 1 10
22 fjO (2.23 00
Z4 10 C35 00
18 00 rr-18 00
87 10 28 00
32 00 33 0C
i oo'
4 00 500
1 N)
4 00
v'j, wnole, s cu
J (rroui d, if ton
fS choice millinn (C bush
1 wfd.pood tochoice,old
K 9 ton
" tun . .
f.r ton, baled
& ton
rk meal p ton
?hh FRurrs-
J 'es, OreKon, fbox
lf, Ongon, Vdrm...
?"an, California, 9bx..
loo V7...
fide oranirea,ybox...
f -OTer 161U. ft
3 00 G) i 60
, 1 00 & 1 25
6wi 7J
one-third off.
10 (S 1 00
2? 21
'"Ke,r n,
! 'flower, y doi
l uu
100 1 25
1 25
90 1 OJ
nw, r bush ....
Ih. Comnl.t. .d , , ., iw.,,,,,,. ,
tli KollcrJikHtlnt Craw.
"Is thcra any market for roller
skates? was asked of Mr. Jerrv Ray
mond, who. with his Uruihev, w'as the
pioneer of the business.
"Xonetospenk of." was the replv;
"the bottom hn A11,.B dean out of it.'"
"Has the demand entirely censed?"
'Traetienlly. yes. We continue to
Fend a few Hiimll orders to Canada, the
West nnd to Australia; with these ex
ceptions the trade is as dead as au K"vi
liau niiiinmy." c"
"Has there been much change in the
price of skates?"
"You'll lmtgh. probably, when I tell
you that the skate we sold two or three
years ago for anil $o" a pair can now
be purchased for '.." and fl.,10. nnd
vet at these latter figures we ran make
a fair profit. ' Of course, our material
doesn't cost as much as it did then, and
in relation to this matter I want to tell
you something that is ciiite interesting,
and which very few people outside the
business kmw any thing about. When
we began tho manufacture of skates
boxwood, out of which the wheels were
made, was worth about fciO a ton. In
making tho rollers wo experimented
with almost every thinr that su"-
gested itself, but could discover nothing
that served the purpose so well as the
material mentioned. Of courso an
enormous demand for it immediately
sprang up. and the nriee nNo took n
jump. Tho dealers seemed conscious
of the fact that we could not get along
without it, and in les than no time
they had sent the, price from tj'W to
CUD a ton, and this was the figure-tncy
held it at until the demand slackened".
But this wasn't all. The wood com
panies who us't hixvtod utmost ex
clusively in their business, were brought
up with a sudden turn when they found
the article had increased so enormously
in price. They couldn't afford to pur
chase it nt such a value, and bad to
substitute nn inferior wood until it be
came cheaper. We completely drained
the market, and nt one time it looked
as if we would be compelled to use
some kind of a substitute, hut such an
emergency never nros, from the fact
that just about this time the roller
skating business became thoroughly
"Are many of the jobbers stocked up
with skates?"
"Yes, a great many of them. I know
of a number of firms who have from
1.000 to 5,00.) pairs, with no immediate
prospect of ever getting rid of them."
"On the whole, there was not a great
deal of money made on the rinks, was
"It always pains mo to think of that
matter. Look here, at these photo
graphs. There is ono that shows tin
interior of my Brooklyn rink, which
was the finest in the world. It cost
just $83,000 to provide the subject for
that little picture. All of those beauti
ful decorations were swept away as
suddenly as if they had been picked up
by a cyclone and ground into splinters.
I am not alone in this disastrous ex
perience; there were hundreds of other.-
wlio wero served almost as badly as 1
w as." .V. J". Mail and Express.
The Amount ot Food Itrqnlred Daily by
Kull-Grown lSobln.
When Shakespearo made Cassius ask
what kind of foodCa'sar fed on to make
him "grow so great," lie was writing
poetry and not comparative physiology.
One might almost say that "the smaller
the creature, the more it eats" (i. e. in
proportion of quantity to size); anil
surely, big-feeding never develops a
chicken into an ostrich. In tho economy
of nature there is more food for the
birds, nnd they are wisely endowed with
the voracity and the digestion to dispose
of it. As" old Thomas Tusser says:
"God sendeth and giveth bolh mouth
and the meat."
Dr. Wood tells that if a man could
eat as much in proportion to si.e as an
insectivorous bird, he would consume a
whole round of beef for his dinner.
The robin, for instance, is a most vo
racious insect-eater. It tins been cal
culated that to keep a robin up to its
normal weight, an amount of animal
food is required daily equal to an earth
worm fourteen feet in length. Taking
a man of average weight and measur
ing bulk for bulk with the robin, he
tried to calculate how much food he
would' consume in twenty-four hours, if
he ate as much in proportion as the
bird. Assuming a bologna sausage to
bo nine inches in circumference, which
would be about in proportion to the
man as the earth worm is to the robin,
he finds that the man would have to
eat sixty-seven feet of such sausages in
every twenty-four hours.
Has such a thought as this ever -occurred
to the boys who go about over
the country shooting all the robins and
other insectivorous birds they call find?
Every robin or other small bird killed
is a great pain to the insect world, and
a great loss to the farmer, while to the
boy who killed it the carcass is scarcely
worth picking up from the ground.
Youth's Companion.
No Escape for the Baron.
At last Biron Von Adelsheim had
proposed to the daughter of a wealthy
plebeian family. Laura's parents were
discussing the situation.
To-morrow they will exchange
rinV' said Laura's mother; "on Tues
day we will have a grand family dinner
ami reunion; on Wednesday we will
n-ive a ball; on Thursday "
-Ain't you overdoing it?" queried
Laura's father.
-Overdoing it! Of conr-e not. you
old f.M.l: d- n t vou know if we give the
Baron a chance to reg .in bis ens.. h,
biv back out?"-i'i'i' LUivtcr.
A St, John county (Fla.) farmer heard
1. ! - . . J I . I . J 1 . 1 1 .
us iwo-yrar-oi'i cauKUier nri' on in
the yard and ran cut to Hi d tha little irlrl I
prostrate on the ftround wht'e a rooster I
stood on her breiat crowing triumphantly.
The enrsged (owl hat pliked one ot the
child' tyv out and had scratched her face
horribly with hi claws.
There li a certain clan of reinellca for con
ciliation absolutely uaekna. Theae are boluaea
and potioiu niade In ip-eat part of rHKloihyllin,
aloes, rhubarb, gamboge, and other worth
ies iiiKnilii-nts. The damage they do to tli
atomai-hs of thoee who uao tnem la Incalcula
ble. They evacuate the bowel, it is true, but
always do w violently and pnifiuelv, and be
aiilea wipe the bowel, ilicir eltWl is to
wi'akcu ixilh ttiriii nnd tliu etomacli. ltctlcr
far to use the agreeable ami military aperient,
lionte:t,.rssitoiiiiu-li Hitters, the lavative eltin-t
of which U never irei-sled by ln, or accom
panied b a convulsive, violent action oc tho
bowels. i)n the ciiiiu-ury, It Invigorates tho
otvani. the stomach anil the entire A
a ineuna of curing and preventing nialariiil
fevers, no medicine enn comiwre with it, and it
remedies nervous debility, rheumatism, kidney
and bladder inactivity, and other luuiKanio
"Ah panon, I vM I c uld carry my
gold wltn me," mid a dying nmn lb h's
unKtor. "It might melt, wa the consol
ing auswer.
There would b fewer cloudsandbrlirhter
sunshine in tunny households if every
dispirited Hiill'erintr woman realized what
a txHmDr.l'ierce'n Favorite t'rescription''
is for all weaknesses and maladies to
which her sex laliatile. No la ty whouives
this wonderful remedy a triil will lie (Us
aprointed by tho result. It not only acta
promptly upon all functional d-r tiKo
meat , but oy its rare nervine and tonic
properties strengthens and repairs the
wnoie leuiliilnu syaiem. rrlce reduced to
one dollar, liy dm gists.
The annual product of the "liver mt-e
of South AintrUa Is estimated to te 1
22Fu)riiuSt.,Ii.izaiiktu,N.J Mnr.V7,'s4
I. h ve In-en us'ng Al.i.ctx'K's Poitors
Plasteiis fjr the last five years. Somo
two years ago, after h ivtng lieen slek for ;
upwards of six months with maluris, 1 1
fo'ind myself with an enlarge spleen, oys
peptic, and constantly troubled with a'
headache, and my kid eyadid not act very j
well either. Having spent most of niv :
mony for medicine and medkal advice I
thought, to save expense, I would use
Ali.coi k s Pouoi's Planters, two on the
sum1! of my back, one on the spleen or
ague rake, and one nn the pit of the
noniich, just under the breaat-none. I
continued using the pasters ab mt thirty
aays, cha 'ging them every week. At the
r ml of that lime I was i enertly we 1, and
have remained so tver since.
Gkoiic.k Dixon.
The "Old Retiahle" Jobber 10x'5, which
we recently purchased from Palmer & Hey,
Po tland, Or., Is one of the most perfect
machines in the exe utinn of its work we
have seen on the market. For ease ot
operation it discounts the lightest running
sewing machine, and for rapidity h -a no
equal : in all it is an ideal Jobber, and It ia
a handsome recommendation pf the firm
of Palmer & Hoy.- Pterrnt Co. Miner, Col
title, U T.,Aug. IX. AW.
When you go ti Po t'and. If you reed
anythlmr in tue drug line call on John A
Child & Co., corner lilorrison and Second
streets, as they keep the best of every
thing and their prices are reasonable. Or
send In your orlers by nial , as they make
a apeclalty of sending goods by mail and
John A. Ciiu.n & Co.. Drutrglsts.
Cor. Morrison & Vd Sts.. Portland, Or.
The '.Oregon Kiudergartcn Training
School, for Ihe purpose of instructing
teachers In the Kindetgirteu Method,
will resume SEPTEMBER 5th, at 240
Washington street, Portland, Or. A few
Musical A8iBUnt8 will be given free
scholarships. Address
Mns. C Pu.NLAP, Principal.
The successor to the Hawaiian throne
after Kalakaua Is his niece, daughter f
his sl.ter Likelike. The child is now 12
rears old. 1
Is a paradice for the Invalid, and the
"Fountain of Youth" was once though'.
i ho i.i.i in nnn of Ira forest Blades. It is
now the haven ef many con umpti v- s. who
And l enerlt in her gen al warmth and fra
grant flowers. The consumptive invalid
need not ne- essarlly go so far from noma
and friends to get rjnei. ''' '
aststagesof tneaiseaBe nr. iu .nt
i Aiodlnal Dimnverv" will res tor 3
to perfect health. For al! chronic throat,
i i i .i i I :.nuaa Ir Im mnitl fh.
proncmai anu uww -
liable soecillc. By druggists.
Silver mines of Europe yield annually
t ir t vmAu.. f. .iMbmlpd anerlaliHt
in nervous diseases ai d ruptures, will c-jll
upon his many c rrespoudenls in the Wil-
lametie vaney iu ion
Best, easiest to use and cheapest. Pljo'a
Remedy for Catarrh. By druggist. M)c
i or
V . . ... ,,. i i ,.i.ii.;r..n Km) Infanta
and curm tortiirin. dihlliiiiniikj. itelimtt.
ami pimply ( of the nkin. xe P a"a
blnod, with' loai of hair, from Infani v mold ae,
Ihet'CTi'TKA IlicMKl.lFsareinfallilile.
C'L'TIcehA, thetrreat Kkis I I KK, and ClTI
ci'HA rOAP. an eaquiatta tkin Heaiitifier, lre
rared frotn it., and I t tii vha W
S.,lt"vT. the. new hlcai i'nritl.-r. internally,
invariably aucceed when all other remediea
and the beat phyfirians fail. , .
"Vti"i'K ItKMKi.ii. s areabanlutely pnrend
tha only Infallible skin bea.itilien and blood
puriflera. free fii.m n.iaonoiis tntfreditai.
rJold everywhere. PrinMIUTlf XBA.iUc. oP.
1c KKMi i.vknt. 1. l'renared by the t'oTTiut
DkV'O N0 CltKNTICAt. CO.. H..HTO!. Mahk.
'l-"d forJlHow U Cure Skin Jniwawsa. and Scalp prenerven ana otouu
L I... -.. f.l-1, & XlL-lllfAl s n Bt.AP
1111. I' i'h." "
Core all Diseasea oriffinatiii? from a
disordered itato of the BLOOD or
LIVES. Bheumatism, Henralia,
Boils, Blotches, Pimples, Scrofula,
Tumon, Kalt Bhenm ad Kercnrial
Pains readUy yield to its purifying
properties. It leaves the Biwd pure,
the Liver and Kidneys healthy and the
Complexion bright and clear.
J. R. GATES tL CO., Proprietor
417 Sansome 8U &au rnaociaco.
The export of allver from the United
fMie aiuce- IMS na amounted to
It outrival all-Dr. Sage'a Catarrh
Jay Gould ha been ailed for tire million
dollars. v
A Cough, 'oll or Sr Tbroal
ghouM not lie neirlectori. "lirotm'a llron
chial Troritfa' are a simple remedy and
give Immediate relief. Xutdonlg in bojcts.
To Threolicrai I have a few of the
celt'biBted Weainghouse Thresher yet,
and for the purpose of c'oslng out will sell
them ou next yen's term at bottom
tlgurra. Also, a fow seemd-hsud in.v
( hires of other make. Write for bargain
Z. T. WltiiiUT. foot ot Morrison Street,
Portland. V egon.
The only to-k of type, pressea and
printing material will be fouud at Palmer
Si ltey'a 1'orilaud house.
Krery nin aint wnniihti younii or ol.l, on ihlo Cxwt,
that i aitl'.rusl with at.jdiw. no imttbt wht, tint
llit'ir family liyftictnii tltx-a undrrxtuDil, nr ntitnol
inm, Mlioultl wnte a full d.-scriptlaii tit thvlr tniul'li Ui
l)r. rir.U-u, or iifton die iiani aihI vimt him. lie It ero
tiiIih! will evt-iy liutniinmit o( iunt-ry. ainl ill U-H
n.illcilitMi Ut In liiul Inr unMit-y. l'oi:tulCAtioi:i trm
llinet oliaon. lvcn; rtn.ii,.io ch.irK.. All crn-p-uidctiit'
Irtct Ij iutl.Li'ntliil. Kuclttfe itAnip. Ail
W. H. roiIIX.N, M. II ; Ditifta, i, V wid li, Fira Nik
ttunal itauk, IVirUut-l, on-tfuu.
Rupture Pormanently Cured.
K'i iurv-rj. Wnrk evtry tUy. t'unsi mmrunU-Mt.
Add- lira. FoKOKN t U TilKR, uIIIom , aud tl
Fil atiuual liAitk, l'ui tiud. orvguu.
llur ou , wbilo freighu are low and
stock large. You can saco money If you
purchaee your goods frem I'ai.muh&Hky.
Try Gervka for breakfast.
V 'I- VV vir "1V V,V -(.--,-
r-AT mil
1X I Potitiva Cure
'r tOMMlotrtoitrcKlipfipi.lIUs.
ItwlUoarentiro!,T thewmrt form of IVmalo Coai.
Vlatnla, a'l Orensn troubles, IniitiruaaUoa and Ut
oerr.Uon, Falling and IMn placements, and tho oomo
qucr t Spuial wo vki:o, ud Is particularly aiLtpicd
to tho Change, of LI l.
It will dissolve and expel tumnrn from the Utjna ia
aneu-lysticeotevclr uiimu ThotmnncytoorJist r
oob hnmois Uicro ia otockod vorj r.aiedilr by Us utn.
HrrmoTPil t.ilntlK-xl, ft'itulcror, tli"rTli!l c:-OTln
f.T rtntulla'tt an. I r..;cri v .u.:n.i ii tl.o tiui.u h.
It aav Hl'witiiis, It- Nt 1 rii(l. n, tit n-
cml Iv-Mi:y,h!.. ; li.MiL'... iV.rtf-.. n Q.-ii ii,l1;-i,.!i.n,
1'hut IfcLn- nf li-...! ir.T Ocwi-. t' -'n.-'t'irtlfl nnd
hickm-l.p, HiilvrjTji it.n:mm-nOjr e:insll.y lt-M. Jt
atMtt-i:-ti n:i-l mij.-r aln rfUniK'snv-. UiLoruuigr
a itUllio luw mst tUa 1 i.a.ot.i'Mivtn.
P-r tho (rm of Kidney O-mrla'ataof tth"WT Iti'a
Cuupoiud u iuuui-;a it l il e L Ilia botUca lor (j.
So lamtly rhoflldTs7wTihoU l:iM ff. riXXIlAira
UYKH 111.11. Thy r-ire oon-tlTull. n, l.aii.uimoud
tornli'.ltj- ot the Uv.t. i" eenu a tiuz a; n-1 dniirMa.
ittt. 'e. , i't'j .rj.Mt!. 'a". ji'e. .
Wbolnale and Retail Di-alrra In
Cutis and Sporting Coods.
tuiA ia.iaib
Manufacturer)' AgenU for
L. C. Smith's, f'olt'. ItetnliiKton, CVinf flnnn
lthiea. Parker's and Manliattan uliUl UUlloi
Wlnches'tr, Martin. Hnllard, Colt's Dj
Liirlituinir Slauaxino III
Colfi and Smith & Wesson R6Y0lYBrS.
Send for CalalotfU Nn. t.
103 A 167 Herond Ht.. I'ortlaod. Or.
math T"iim:
Rirenlda A ., Spokane t'alla,W.T. 04 SUt St., Balm. Or
In siicceisful operation since i86, patronlttd Irom
all aeciioni of tha Northwest, endorsed by
biuineu men and leading educators.
of iu cli on tha Coait, It c fieri private cr tla)
instruction, e.iy and evening throughout tha year, in
Arithmetic, Writing, Correspondence, Book-keeping
Banking, Shorthand.Type-wrlling Buslnesi and UkI
Forms and all Common School Branches. Students
of all agei and both seaea admitted at any lima.
Catalogue free. Armstrong and Wetco, Proprietor).
Cnottatt, Purest and Koit Delicious
goTFur sale at all leading places 't
L. K. G. SMITH (.V?:
ks n. U. Willi I III JWALI. WAI.t, w
j SpoaaNS Fald,W, T.
Sole Agent
I Ahtiihia, or.
I Probably Dr. laaae Thompaon'i U
Tlila artHela a ean.fully prepared physician') pre
eorlntlim, and lis Wo In ei.nataiit use f.T nearly a
wiitury, and Buttrttliatamlllil tl.e inanx utlwr pn-ara-Hon
that hate hern tiitr.aluonl li.u. tl.e unukci, the
anient till) artlrle l e li.tniitlj IntTt-asinf If tlu'tll
rcU..ns are Mhwrtl It will nrter fail. We pnrtlca
lailj Inrlte the attention of physicians ! lt merits
John L. ITiompioDanjiJi ( o ,TlttY. N. .
Ban Francteco,
7 Mtark t. I'ortlasd. Op.
Opons October O,
Closes October 22. '87.
Bpai-IAL Uatu on all Transportatliio Uem.
Tacoma, Waahlngton Terrltiiry.
A Boarding ani la M.UOol for GlrU
ond Thurwlay in H-.U!tiilxT. J'liplla are
taken at all attea and at any time. It ia im
portant, however, to enter ea'ly In the term.
Kor calaloK'te an I irll iilara addreaa tlie
PrlacipaL Al IU. LLAI L Kb II. W KUA
Tacoma, aah. I er.
!f;S UnalirWDictonarj.
i dictignart, ,
Gazetteer of the world,
.f i,,ni 1 itl.-, an-l a
of u.-iirly I"."" N..U-.1 l-cpwua,
rvmUinaSiW mora W..rdan! nearly at" mora
Illaiua ions tluta any older AmTi'Wi lic-tionary.
Ci C MEBrnAaUCoTTFub'ra.Bpringfleld, Masa.
AbsoSjitcIy Pur
Thlirwn-lor nver vnrlpa, A man-el ef rnrlty,
ltreni:!h r.d !e U', Xloro ort'inHiiind than
t'wori.'rarr Kim!. end eriTiot l aeld in eoinjwll.
tii'uauhtlio nniltkuda of luvr le t, alinrk weiitht,
lum, Of hwrlits iKjwdcra. I)'d only In tu
Iwvali lUa rovi'M t.H Wall hlivct,. V.
Of four (rrailm-OOe. a::- sl.ul Jn-r Rallun (or phkhI;
fi.tOirii.ilInn, T.'ki jer Piir-liall ca'ion, for Strictly
l uro; Jl.tO r, ?U "'r lial'-Kallnn, or fsK',
per quart for Smith) tlreen Mountain, whlrli t.nid
at tlio Head of tho 1.11. flood Sjrn, , 111 lrrel,
2V.;ln half.lmrrela of 1(1 k!I.iii, S.V.; lo;, S1.7V
t?.(M, iM, I-'..'", and t'.oik I'amly l'rli, iM tor
five pilloiia Sl le Siisr at bv.; and sti!itly I'ure,
l.V;. Hr iuul. Hour l lower. Coal Ot' l tower,
It you want a t'oiii'let Oiilllt of Kverytliiiif at
WhuleAlo I'riira, wrlla for Kiill Mat rllit now ti
SMITH'S CASH HWltK, 115 Clay Street, Sim Fran,
'Hn Tl''iV'f'
Europiaa KaoMoa Kd
Manhattan Ariiinl'o.
No. I0slile Kuan, Twlal Hairel f 00
No. ftO Tep Siiiip, 'I'wiat llnrrul Si UU
No. 41 To( iStiam '1 Ut llnrrul, extension
rib 21 00
No. A Ton bnup, Tw'ist Barrel, complc'.o
Ktin.... WOO
No. n Tup Snap, Kltuwt TwUt, com-
plele K't . 32 Ot
No. C Tup Muap, Laminated Steel, enm-
lileto Kim ... 32 00
No. I) Top Hiikp, liamuaeua Hteel, ocm-
plulo Rim 03
Every Cun Warrantod.
Hrnt V, O. I. n Herelpt tr I'rlee.
u t uncnlB!,I',M,THT,K,:',
Ky ri'turn mall. Fall Deaerlptloa
llooar'e Mrw Tailor ul' lnj
CaiiUsj. MOOD X ft 00., Cinuiuaau. 0.
'11a UUVKllN' UtIDak a.
iaanrd Heut. and 31nii
. raehyear. MfSH ywh
B'i 114 llicnea.wun th
3 UOO IHuatraMoua
..'1...1. l'lntura. Uallrrri
I.IVK9 U'Uulcastle Pritea
ilrrct to toHumer4 on all ROima 101
neraonal or fkmlly uaa. ella how to
order, ana gle eo,t of "T"
thlnir roa nae, cat, drink, wear, ot
K With! ITe- 1MVAL17A1ILH
1MKIHH tontln tnformatlou Rleanea
from the market of tha world. W
wtUmall opr KIlKtSto any ail
draaa upon rwlpt of 10 eta. to drfraf
ipcnao of m.lllnn. It ua from
you. IUaiMWtnallf,
12' tv rev auas
Nu hot water plies: no heatlnf your For de
aoilplli.u, atliln-as,
Z, T, WEIGHT, Foot Morriion it. Portland. Or,
Also ilealer In Thrr.hln anil Orncral Mwhlnety, Ma
rtne Work, Uunilry, in fart anything f
aant. (leu. Ai-nt fm thu ehlinunn C 1 (ill rutine.
O I EIU (1 n 1 f tlul.ler, Honuiah tHanm: Unr
del Orvans, band inatriiiiienta. lttveat )to k
of Bhwt Jt'ialoand ilonka. Hands ani'alledal
iaU)rn prlcea. M. (IHA i.
inn Vnrt mrm. Oan trrniow
Forest Crove, Oregon,
(iis the new srlionl year H .t. 19, and ol1r eill' nt luiiutl"iiul ailKiilai. to tl.e y.ull. nf -
a. 1 a the I'aHllo Hurllirt l'nluetle
tunila uer fllkl.(XK) Library, i.ter .() erliiuiea. I'h, healtlil.ll. I In., lljl.t Ihllurnee, lt.rl
Uan liKin.i thun.uli ami e'nlrly. Wwilnl fl
uiIk-s t ul 1'!. "'. rallr..a.l, with la-., trains each
way daily. ItvT catal"u or It.frr.iiaili ri. aihirts
J K. I.l.l.lii, 1'reat.lent.
Tho Oregon National Dank,
of ronTi.Axi'.
IHiiewaaora to MetnipnllUn BatinKS Bank I
C'AI'lTAl, I'Alli IN. - - '..
1 rai.aa. li a (L neral Panking Ihulurea.
Af'C.t'N IS kl-li' auhjert tillik.
HI I, I.N KX 'MANtlh on Ha., imlirlw) )n.l f.w York.
MAkfH COl 1.1 'I l"N UO f.l.le en.i)
VA.S li, (i II MAI:KI.F,Ja.,
J.,mi,,.t. VI- I'.e.lOiul..
11 V HHKHMAf Cal.l. r
1 0R'53f
H w I ilptlm and
awl !;,, ol KU.H1HA HOtTl
t-lvu iiiaviu. fc'irt.r ii.illi.tfi a.
j.,,10,4 lmor.a. ol.vee. t-ineartilea. htrawhorrii and eirly V- getnLlca. i'of
(lannl.aiirera.llt. 1.2".to.(X)perae.
Addreea frl, SOLOMON, .oa. N. W. Kt
fU . larU tt hl-au, Ilia.
VU4 Aavr.t taleri btt (nil. . ...' i n.. rt wsw
f (aieri win .nn' 1 - "' 3- . - -
1 a -. . I)
Yonr "Taniiil'i I'unrh" 6c clara are getting
lota of frietula. Tn.vrllmr men fay to na erery
day. "Wliy, they ara bettor than imeit like
eiK'ra." nr trade haa mora than doublat
)iue we comnienrrd to aell tl.em.
1. ic A. I Jli 1. 1.1 no, Klliihunr. N. Y.
Addrew". It U.TAatlM. I O-MeaKO
100,000 California Crown Rocnln 100 Varieties
lUe (i.i lii.v) liwi o'"0 Im.i0
All tare t, cr 4 year okI planiav Addjeaa
CAi.ii o.tM.v itoxrc o,
Vcraoa llelchta, Oaklaud, 4'al.
Maple Syrup
srsEascraccssxr ,
$10 to I7S per Sot.
SA1WLES. 97Mi09
(nan. ATilp. Rohrs and a!l Bxldltrr O.xxU
luiwaU and IWUIL f. rT" snW for t'll.u.
M. P H IS. 4U Market SI wet, 1
Ham I'aAKoiuo, Cau
Oau Vo Ovirodi
OarMlc Site
Ia lXt'!
Ask Your DrupIat For It I
ItclLtetl In Kia Mlnnti-a.
hay fTiTvut.
LI A Lb '4
iliroC jjuiutY. II Taken lu Tlina.
Lui WartnuL
Cund In lanw to Sn M.mllia
Dllilillierla. t roni, rnral
kla, lleiiilnrlie, lure
1 tiront
RraiciiiLV Ci ni:t.
Invaluable Remedy!
ratenU'd April, lSSi
rrieo of T-eatmwt, IMii; (Mmoke tlnll. $1.00;
lKikellntor, Inr luternsl U(, t'-H.)
652 Market St., San Francisco, Cal.
fcff-rovaro of Hurtfal loaltatloas.
V it
. (.1 ... J . .O.j
ciui.ti a 1.1. ni inn-xt,
from n en n tllotih, n? I'riiptlon,
10 the worst Krrdfiiln. Sitlt-rliiMim,
" I'ct cr-aoro," acnly or lloiinlt
Skill, hi ah.irt, nil llniw- citiwd I')' had
IiIivkI 1110 inn iiirn d l.y tlila pmvi ilul, pnil
fvlmr. Hint Htviirnnitliiu- innllrlno. i;rrut
l:aliii(l 1 leei-a rnpldly In-iil nnil.'r Ita la1
I'litM liillil. ilii. I'ji''lnl!v Ima It l"l ' '-iti d
la iiitti-n.-v l:iein lnir Ti llrr, lloao lltiali,
IIhIIk, Cnruiiiielox, Nro I yea, Sri ol
nloua Hurra nild Nwt'lH iU Ill
joint Dlocnai', Wlillo 1 1 1 11 at".
.;liro, or I nick M't-k, niut I nlaraeil
t.lltiula. Send tut tvlila ' Milniai f'T n
hii-iru (M':itlw, with ii.loiiil liliilca, oil Skin
I ) im -1: 4. n. or tim Hi'"'' iiiuuiilii for a tteullsn
011 S.'ei.fllldllM AP'. llolia.
"Tin: iii.oo im Tin-, i.iri:.
Tlinnniirlilffliniiai' It I'V iirlnir lr. rie,rre'a
t.olil. n Jtiiidlriil Uix'ov pry, nml Bol
dllM'Mtlou, u Inlr alilti. Ixioj Kin "I'lr.
lia, and tltnl Kn'iiglli.v lll lanaiiililiilit'd,
which ta Srrofiil:! of tfio l,nti), la fir
r-atoil nnd run-d l.j ll.ta I .mtily, II diki-n
Imi' Ihe he-t ft.iifanf the il.aiuev niv riiiilird.
rroin lt nuirvt hnu puivrr un r IM d iilli!
futiil diw-iuu', wlmn that nnvrlnK thla now
li'l.mted rninily to tin' pulilio. Dr. I'lKm ri
tliouirht rerlonali- of nillliiK It Ma "t'(MI
uniillail t'tire," lnt iiU'.mtoi'.i'O Hint
nuine na too limited for n tin illelnc which,
fioin iin wiimh'iliil coiiihliiiili.'n of totiie, or
etn'tli'lh' iiili?i ulti iiiiive, or I.IikmI.i Ii iiiihIiik,
im'i-l.llli.iiH, iTtni'ul, iin.l i.ntiillte pir.r.
Ilea, la iiiiiiinlnl, ti.t ctdv ' r meilv lor
tMiiaiiniplli.n, t it tor Mil Cliroulo Ola
caaea of the
Liver, Blood, and Lungs.
I' yoij foot dull, drorr.v. il. hllili'K'd, Inwd
anilow tol r of k,n, 01 ) IhovWi-hioaii
on tutv or laalv, triiiiii'i'l hrn.l.u'he or ihil
Hi'. Itr.d (it to in month, lnl.11 ul Inut or
chllla, nli.Tiii.tinir with ha lliielu a, low apli-ilt
and uliK.n.y fvn l.ixllimi'. In- e-tiliir ii'm tilo,
ami cHiti-d toiiKii", ton nr. aiill' i'im.- fioi.t
IndlHuatioii, livaipl, ntnl TorfM
l.lvor, or " tUllouaiiea"." Iu nun y
enwa only part of tin w tiviiii t okim tro expe.
rleiie.-l. An n nitu'lv for nil ai'ih caea,
Ilr. I'lerer'a (;oltlcil .tleitlciil Ilaw
tovvry ia uiiaiiriM.wd.
I'or WeiiU l.uiiaa, Kpllflii nf
niood, Nliorliicaa ot )lr':illi, Hi'On.
rhllU, Aatliniii. Hcvoro iiO'M nnal
kinilnd iilluutlona, It la un cillrli-iit ii iiutly.
Hoi iv iiv lHH'(i(il!-ia, nt il.OO, or 1X
Doru for $5..
Send t--is c iiia in aiumi i for Pr. Fierce'
hook nn Coiifiiinptliin. A'l.livaa,
Worlit'a lllapenanry nirdlrnl Aaao.
elation, U.I Muni Miti-t, Uchaix), N. V.
f hkiX' n fifffml tiy tho pronrletora
' 1 of Dr.Hiiife arnlnrrh Kriiieiljr
it I'.r a ciiHo of i-atnrrb whliit
If (hey cunnot euro. If yU
noan, otTenalro or otlierwla., pai-tiui naa 01
(ini'll, timtn, or lu-arliier, -wntk rvra, dull Pnlu
Ol nrcieonii m in-uu, yi.u v iinuiu.
ajinii) of euc a torirlmiti In eoiiiniiiiptlon.
Jlr.Mlro al ATllll'l lo.Mri.r niiinMiuirmii,
cn-aof t aliirrii, "t old In Ilia HeHd,
and Ciitorrttnl Mouduclie. ui ouiita.
l'iao'a Iti'innle for Tatnirh I
Duat, ICanieat tu t'ao, and Clniaait,
Bold l.y dmmrMa or annt by maU. 1
. T. llazeUiua, Yi arren, 1'a,
Tli Orlflnnl and Only sJJeuolno. '
ti an) atara KrlUM. l"-wars werthleaa Inlitllnea.
1. li.f n...a la LADIES. Ask jmr lrui,jll M
'4'bk keai.'ari.iiTl-h,,iii1taln o eiair. at ln.k la
fvlamMila na .r inrusalaia ( ty ri'lerw aaJ
UMB FAPER. ( aiekMtrr CkriKli ai C..
HAma "5f,VKBaiaH1iusri'kilifc,lx
lur1) Wuaa" ''"o " al I We. laas aa sum.
TtU IIRT.T or KttpnttnttrU
tiav-c ipramlf fur tint tut of
4riCiPf't.( f ihf -Dia.iiva
ernirisi. Tn C'nit'buiiua (ram
of ti.KC'i HI1TT H-ta-aili
ihroufjnih rum miMl rt aiort
amfOasiailK'l tloMHal ltt
kMlvtrlle4 ta? ear RlllPi frnm
hi..' to to, llUftJf tit ONM
j.cs bl I
l-.riiv, an. I n4 r..a
)". W b.u.Ml saU.U
"""ja-RPiiv turn
Cm. r
C Mians the 4
lt d -it.iii and ouw t''
'..110.1 Ilia lffsiln( kleUV
fit ft tot nr.
Ll ji Cewaiit4 SM m l
7, V tSLMC'Icwa. w
avl atraaalykytka
1.1 1 me u'ni'.ni.
A. 1 liMI ML
Oh US,
p.aJi.. Fa
tc'.t DrWI wa.
i iwa !..
Tho Van Honciscar
TimnK oilddla-et and
oJu. aluyie at RuarrlM laaa
anil all who auT..r with
Nenruua Ixtiilliy, Km
LtrrtiM. H"lpi Lo
VsuaJ 1 Sauay. Ka. Una M
u u V:j , uok of
y. iao ana
Inatuar. k4.niia
r- a"v-.5 l-ilu
I ruutloiu. K.ll Vlllua
t-vL'i'Jzi i Ho 'a'ne, H welllna)
f J I : TUrt, I'ler, kl
1 !: (7.1 t i40t,e ut k.HWiry, kidney)
.-j .lrf ..... li. fraaMff.
WfakKark. B m h.) IMni (e.i.MS-.Laa OU.a, SUW
11 .,,!; rw'iel a'.d ffire Ilia.
Hol aaesea enaall ourl
,,, na i '. wnr. HT.
N. K N. U. No. lli . If. N. U. No. r.L
M I a 1
I r .-. V rr ' A-.J - Ik am. 1 " 'a)-.-i: f 4 a
it '
1 . :jii.-t 'S a
1 1 Y-irV jty r .i..u..., )'tne f.n ta.
!SS,.l;,","Jtl I t.jl..o,a.(ire.i.rlCH.