nnifi? ; H 'i J JUL - M i .LI . M Q CITY G ARB. ESTABLISHED FOR THE DISSEMX.1TI0S OPDEWRATIC PRINCIPLES, AXD TO EARN i nOXEST LIVING BY THE SWEAT OF OCR BROW. ,)L. 20. EUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1887. NO, 3. t3b.l kb.il .If. 1. I, CAMTI5ELL, Publisher unci Proprietor. (li'l'I('K -Oh the East side nf Willamette i ,Wt. letwecii Seventh and Eighth Streets. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Vr annum Six Months 'Hire j months .... S2 50 .... L2.1 .... .75 OtKO.Nl.X KATHW OH AUVKUTISINO. Advertisement inserted as follows: One square, ten line, or less one insertion $3: esch subsequent insertion 91. Ca.t required in advance. Time advertiser will be charged at tho fol lowing rates: One square three months ?' W One square ix mouth 8 00 One square one year........... 1- Transient notices in local colimin, 20 ci nts per line tor each insertion. Advertising LilU will lie rendered quarterly. All job work must be paid von ox delivehy. L. BILIEU, -Attorney and Counsellor at Law,- eugexk city, oiiegox. practices ix all the courts of L this State. Will give special attention to cnlleetions and probate matters. ()KHieK--Over Homlrick 4 Eakin's bank. " ceoTbTdorris Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, nLh PRACTICE IX THE CDUKT3 y of the Second Judicial District and in lis Supreme Court of this State. Special attention given to collections nnd Diatters in probate Washburne & Woodcock Attorncys-at-LaWi aUUEMB CITY, - - - OUKciON OFFICE At the Court House. jySm3 liKO. A. llOHKIS. H. W. CONDON. CONDON & DORMS, Attorneys-at-Lau , EUGENE CITY, - - - OREGON Okfick Over Robinson li Church's hardware tore. f CEO. M. MILLER, Mtorny and Ccunssllor-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent. KUGEXE CITY, - OKKGOX. Glllce formerly occupied by Thompson & Bean. J. E. FENTON, Attorncy-at-Law. EUGENE CITY OREGON. Special attention given to Real Estate 1'rac ...i a ... ..f 'I'iti.. Omt'E Over5range Store. T.W.IUltllIS,M.D. Physician and Surgeon, OFFICE Wilkin's Drug Store. Residence on Fifth street, where Dr Shelton ormerly resided. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL, CI AX BE FOUXD AT HIS OFFICE or res idence when not professionally engaged. Residence on Eighth street, opposite Fresby rian Church. Tj. WALTON Jr., ATTORN KY-AT-LAW, KUGEXE CITY. OREGON. 7ILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE 11 CourU of the State. ' Special attention given to real estate, col ecting, and probate matter. , Collecting all kinds of claims against the United States Government Office in Walton's brick-rooms 7 and 8. B. F. DORRIS, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. I HAVE SOME VERY DESIRABLE Farms, Improved and Unimproved I own proerty for sale, on easy terms. Property Sented and Eents Collected, The Insurance Companies I represent are anrnng the Oldest aud most Reliable, ami in the Prompt andEqUTAK.E adjustment of their lueses Stasd Second to None. . share of your patronage is solicited. Mffice up stairs, over the Grange Store. B. F. DOERLi. J, DAVIS, Merchant Tailor. HAS OPENED A SHOP ON NINTH Street opposite the Star Bakery, whet he it prepared to .In all kimls of work offered in hi line. , A Urge stock of Fine Cloths on band for customer to select fmm. . One of our eialtie i the cutting and akimrnf LadL a Cloaks. Keiring and cleaning done promptly- t facthm guarantor.!. Kugeoe, Not. ti, ISNl. tf i s I DISPOSED on OUR RIG STOCK -OF- Brownsville !S!nr;Boys Clothing AXD- k: Furnishin GOODS. See our remarkably rompletu and ihxuiit new stock at the w; '" fLOWK8T PBICESJM IhVm OF THE VERY LATEST STYLES Suits Made to Order, Eits Guanmtcd. No TROUBLE to SHOW Goods. J. W. CHERRY, Walton's Brick. W i m ftvrmi m IJokBiBL. Sole Agents for Eugcns City, FOR THE JUSTLY CELEBRATED ftt GOLD AND SILVEI. SHIRTS - Q Id 07 Wu are still at the old reliable "Grange Store," k-A and can sell you anything tlnvt you want to eat or wear, i""3 Cheaper Than the Cheapest. NEW GOODS. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Not a Catiiornia Bear. Ainliody can cat. b a culd thin kind of wenlbrr. The troiibltt is to li t !;o, like the man who caiibt the In-ur. Wo advise our re.id, ix to pnrchiiMMif auv deny ji-it n lioltlc of SVXTA ABIE, the California King of Con sumption, Asthma, Bii'iii'hitis Cou. hs and Croup Ciin s, und l.ei p it h.mdy. "l is idcaf- llig to Hi" tti mid il nth to tl.e idmvu com plaii'ls. Sold at Jl.tHi a bottle or :i for CALIFORNIA CAT R-tTUF niv.s immedi. ate n li; f. The t'alarrhal virus is soon dis placed by its htiiling and pem tmliiii; nutiire. tiive it n trial. Si months treatment -M.IKI, sent by mail f 1,10. Having perfected ariaiiLji 'incuts with par ties iu Portland, I .1111 able now to timl pur- haw rs 'or lauds kioio readiiv than heretofoic. If yon bine laud for s.ilo, im proved or unimproved, yn-t cuiiiiot do bet ter than to entrust vour business wiili us. Terms reasonable. Your patri;iai.'t' solicited. H. F. Doni.is. California Cat-R-Cure. The only irilaianteed cure for ontarrli, cold in the bead, hay fever, rose cold, catarrhal deafness and sole eyes, Restoro tlitl sense of taste and unpleasant breath, resulting from catarrh. Easy and pleasant to use. Follow ilireclions aud a euro ia warranted, bv nil ilruggistH. Send for eiiculai to ABIE'i'lNE MEDICAL COMPANY, Oroville, Cal. Six months' treatment for Sl.t'l); sunt by mail $1.10. For sale by nil druggists. IBEAUTIFUL ? DRESS GOODS!!'- From the Cheapest to the Best at prices according to quality. A LARGE STOCK OF BOJf S and MM$ From the Cheapest to the Best. All parties can be suited either as to Price or Quality. Delays arc Dangerous. You say, well, 'tis only a slight cold, look out, it mav lead to an iiillamatiou of the lining lug of numerous air cells of the Lungs this i. I'ueuinoiiia. Or to KiuiMiiiHlic contractions of the tibres of the air passages, which is Asthma; or the iulliimalinii of the lining membrane of the throat nnd tubes which puM through the Lungs, which in the first stage is called Bron- hitis, and may leail to cniiiumptien. .Santa Abie is delicious in thivor, crtain ami perfect in its losuit, A few doses u ill relieve, a thor- oiuh treatment cure the a'ove uaiiicd diseases. hvery Isittle wamuiteil liy all driigKlsta, SCROFULA Humors, Erysipelas, Canker, and Catarrh, Can be cured by purifying the blood with Our assortment is Complete, from the lowest Price up to the Finest; can suit you if you give us a call. oun stock is ifT Frwlie iicw anl Sty Look us over; if wn do h"t navi: yoa money, we will mak koiho ohh i-Iso II to you low. r-A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES. - F. B. DUNN. Idonot bellevo thnt Ayur's Sursaparilla has an equal as a euro for Scrofulous Hu mors. It is pleasant to take, gives strenglli to the. body, ami pro duces a more perma nent result than any medicine. I ever used. E. lluliica, fcortu Lindiilu, Ohio, I have tisod Ayer's Sarsnparilla, in my family, for Scrofula, and know, if it la taken faithfully it wilt thoroughly eradicate, this tcrribl disease. W.K. Fowler, M.D., Grecnvillo, Teun. For forty yours I have suffered with Krysipelaa. I have, tried various remedies for my complaint, but found no relief until I commenced UHing Ayer's Sarsaparilla. After tnkini? ten but tics of this medicine I am completely cured. .M. v. Ameslmry, Uockport, Me. I liavo giifferoil, for ' years, from Catarrh, which was bo severe that it destroyed my appetite nnd wcuk ened my ay s to in. After trylnff other remedies, without ro lief, I begun to tnko Ayer's Sarsnpnrilla, nnd, in a few months, was cured. Susan L. ;ook, W.i Albany St., Boston, Muss. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is superior to any blood purillor that I ever tried. I have taken It for Scrofula, Canker, and Sult Klieuin, and received much bcnellt from it. It is gixid, also, for a wcuk stomach. Millie June Peirce, S. Bradford, Mass. tt Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mum. rrloe tl tlx bottles, 3. HARK Kit ( IL WOKKM! MS BARKER. Expert Gun Smith Stock ot Guns and Am munition on hand. KIC.K.VL - - - oki:ox, Litcrnry Lifr. The Imld .1 iuit novelist stretched and yawned, Aim Kl: "1 liai'D ilont a L-ood nnrlits work: I he nwy morning has imt yet dawned, A lut I ve huished my tale of the Deacons Pirk;' lie has murdered Ids ajed uncle In bed. And taken a iloxni lus of g"l.l, And a rich man's daughter and merrily lied To sea to IsM-oine a pirate bold. In ehaoter I he has cut the ears Off seventeen desiierate mutineers; Ik' ha hanued from the yard arm about a sistte. And iisected a mall lot more: It ' has rescued tleven Circassian iriils. And killed three trailers in Indian nenrls; He lias esusml a number of shockiui wrecks; And painted Vermillion a lot of decks; Anil four times h has escaped from jail Bv r.irving the keepers in ph 4 tine; And the ultimate chapter would turn yon pale, For the deaths must average two per 'inn. Aril I think I have cot this tliini? down tine. And business ia bad if thisboi.k can fail," And his wife stole into the room just then, As a wail was heard from the room in the rear- And she said: "Will von wipe vourirorr nen. And tske a sh11 at the baby, dear. - Puck. Businm K Business X. Y. Sun. "I want to place a column ud. in your paper, Rind lie to the editor, "culling at- leiition to my special brand of "Old Raveu" whisky, "All right, sir," responded the editor briskly. "I will bs at your service iu a mo menl.1' Then he went to the speaking-tube and whispered to the foreman: "Kill tliat editorial 011 'The Curs of Uuui'" ' Slavery in Rra.il promises soon to be a thing of the past. The parliament of the empire is now considering a bill providing tor the final stages of emancipation and it will pass. It declares all slaves registered under the act of 1871 to lie free. Rut they must servo their musters two years more, be ing paid, however, and being e.irod for. Moreover they can redeem themselves for about $2011 each. Slaves fiO years old or more need not thus servo their masters, and if one of a married oouple happens in some way to free himself the other also be comes free. The registered number of slaves now iu the ctnpite is about 1,200,000. Mr. Monocul, who has passed years in Nic aragua either as representative of the United States government in surveying a canal route or as the promoter of the short cut through the Isthmus, was interviewed in New York rtceiitly, and was as coulideut as ever of the feasibility ot the Nicaragua route. Of the I'uuama canal be remarked that since the be ginning of the work in 1HH1 it bad advanced about 15 per cent, us to quantity, but not ns to quality. This slow progress was due both to natural obstacles and to bad management. Should the Panama canal ever bo completed, the obligations of 1) Lesseps' company would be, he held, iu the neighborhood of $W,. 000,000. The New Hop Market. Nmv Yobk, S. pt. (!. The Commercial lln. b tin represents eoncernin;; ilu bop crop that the English crop, according to tho U'st ad vices, will be light, so far as tine quality is concerned. (Quotations iu this market are ss follows: l'acilie coast crop of lSSli, tast, 14 (11 common, 1 .'(' RI; crop of lhS.", good to prime, ti to 10c; (lermaiia of lttSti, best are quoted at 1 b" I V', und common to good at Uii Rlc; New York state crop of 18H5, seed lings, 'JO to ."e; crop of IShti, common to good, l'J(n 1.1c; chui (if l(js,"i, best, 8(51 lOo", medium, 0(11 7e. 'Hie Uneidu I'nion of 8ep- tei.dier il represent that for several Jays bop pickers by tin wagonhiad have been moving southward, while very much larger number have Is cii pouring into the valley by hop trains of the Ontario ,v Western. Mauy uf the grow, ran ill not allow pickers to div in to tin ir lu st hops before next iteek, a the vim s continue to look bright ami healthy. and the hops are improving each day iu qual ity, ah yet mere is 110 iicpruilation from vermin n ported. The oidv complaint is concerning a light sprinkling of red rust, ausing little damage further than to slightly injure the looks of the sample. No contract are being made of late for above 20c or lea llianl.su. 1 here is very little doing iu the market at Present, all oneration belmr con tinued with the utmost caution. Ji Slury or Niiiurul bin. Two hundred years ago iu Chiua thora was just mich a cra.o about natural gua a we nave iu this country to-day. Ga wells were sunk with us much vim nnd vigor ns the celestials were capable of, but owing to a gas expiation that killed several millions of people slid tore up and destroyed a large district of country, leaving a large iiiiaim sea, Knowu oil me maps as laKO too Chang, the boring of any more gas wells was then and there piohibiLnl by law. It seems according to the Chinese history, many large and heavy pressure wells were struck, und iu some districts wells were sunk close to each other. Cms was lighted, as soou as struck, as is done iu this country. It is stated that one well villi its unusual pres sure, by induction or buck draught pulled ilowu into the earth the burning gas of a small well, resulting iu a dreadful explosion of a large district, destroying tho inhabitant thereof, 'I lie same catastrophe is imminent in this country unless the laws shall restrict further developments iu boring so many wills. Should a similar explosion occur there will be such an upheaval us will dwarf the most terrible earthquake ever kr.owu. 1 he country along the gas licit from loledo through Ohio, Indiana and Koutuchy will be ripped llli to a depth of 1,200 to l,l00 feet ami Happed over like n pancake, leaving a chsam through which the water of Lake l'.ne will come howling down, filling the Ohio and Mississippi valleys und blotting them out forever. Cincinnati Commercial Gazelle. Wkhdino Norton AuxmiiAnoN. A young lady was married last month and a newspa per account of tho event was bended: "Join ed in July. "Attached in August," hat been the fate of those who married this month. Likewiso, some will be "Spliced ill September," "Orallge-flnworod ill October," "Nuptialized iu November," and 'Doubled in December." Portland Telegram. Lehman Blum, of Pendleton, having re signed ss a member of the stale board of ug riculture, Governor Peiinoyor appointed iu bis stead J. 11. Keeny, of the same place. Notict. There is one vacant free scholarship in the State University for Lane county, for which examination ol applicants will bu made on Monday, October 0th, 1S7. Thoso wishing to apply will please send 111 their names. A. W. Patikiihon, School Superintendent. August 20, 1H87. MONEY TO LOAN ON Farm and City Property ror a term of years at lowest Rates. A-to SHERWOOD BURR. NOTICE OFDISSOLUTION. VOTK'K IS IIERKRV GIVK.V THAT l McCornaek A Collier, bis.kmiler. and stationers, is this day ilin,nvvl bv iimtiisl cousent. Joel McCornsck retiiinii. The bind nfs will he roiitintierl bv Geo. Ci'liier, who will collect all claim, due the t rio 'i l dis charge all claim, again! the same. lii.ued, .loll. .Met i:na k, til.o. CiiI.MtH. Kilgene, Aug. 2.1, Jvi". Tbankful for pat !ils-rl icirnna.-e I most n p 'df'illy invito a t-'iitin'i lin e n( the same, 1 ml sli.ill at ail times strive to merit a share of pnlilic patronage. Renwctfiilly, Glo. I'oLLIlU, harm lor balo. 1 1 are for sale 220 acres of land know 11 ns the Oilflhin farm; 25 ucrcs good timber anil the remainder all prairie. Ail under funco; good bouse aud barn; good orchard and other improvements. The pluco has an abundance of good spring water and is sit tinted one. fourth mile from the 1 Icasatit II ill school house, one of the best school district in the county. F01 further particii urs apply to 1, 0. iiknuuick. Notice. I have this day disposed of my entire in terest in the stock of furniture and undertak jug goods iu F.ugeue City to J. U. Ream, who will continue the business at tue old stand, and collect all bills due 111 e for furniture and undertaking goods, urn pay all outstanding obligation. M. a. Wai.lis. Augusta), 1887. Don't Believe It When tohl that F. M. Wilkin, tlu druggist, is not si lling "Wisdom's Rolicrtiiio" for the complexion, the most elegant ami only really barmlei preparation of its kind in the world, snd giving a beautiful picture card with every bottlu. . - . An Absolute Cure. The ORIGINAL ARILTINE OINTMENT it onlv Dtit np in large two oun" tm boxes und is an absolute cure for old sores, burns wounds, chapped bauds, and all skin erup tions. Will positively cure all kinds uf piles, Ask forth ORIGINAL AI1IET1NK OINT MENT. Sold by all druggist at 25 cent per box by mail M cent. What Is It? That product that beautifully soft com plexion and leave 110 trace of it applica tion or injurious effecU? The answer, Wis ilom's ltotiertine accomplish!' all Ibis, slid is prououueed by ladie of taste and retlne- rueut to lie the most delightful toilet article ever produced, warranted nannies auu matchless. F. M. Wilkius, agent, Eugene City. Eugene llr llltl llm Best. In the iipring of 1N77 a young man, the son of n quite prominent New York divine, arrived iu Fargo, Dukotu. I so hail 12,000, which bis father bad giveti lam with which to start west, and grow up with the country. rour weeks after his arrival lie telegraphed homo for money enough to buy a return ticket. It was promptly sent and a few days nftcr the young man walked into hi father a house 111 New xork, lluding hi pa ternal relative iu hi study, preparing a ser mon. The old gentleman regarded liiiil auxioflsly over hi spectacle, and seeing that he appeared to be in good liimllk, said, somewhat seven ly: ".My son, 1 fear that you urn not iiiuko good use of your opportunities in the Wost." "1 did tlie liest 1 could, miller. "Were yon robbed or anything of that kind?" "Oh, no." "Then I must say cmphuticullly that you have have been an uii'.iilhlul steward. If I had been in your place I could have done better with that $2000 than you did." "I am positive that you eouldn t have,' replied the young man, (irmly. "I held a royal sentience, the best hand I ever heard of in the game, und put ull my money ou it, but when it came to the sliow-down a Dig fat man across the tablo bad live sees and a revolver and took tho sit. I never played poker iu Dakota before aud didn't know anything about that, so I don't see how I could have doue any Ixdtur." Dakota Hell, Puyin; (u Vitw Hie Full!. "I docluro," said u gentleman who bad just returned from a trip through the south, "it's an outrage; that's just what it is." "What's an outrage?" said a man with a bad limp, who bad just come up. "Why, this thing of fencing 111 the battle fluids and making a man pull out bi pocket bonk before he can look at them. I eveu had to pay a quarter to view the battlefield of Lookout Mountain, a piece 01 scenery mat ought to bo national property." "I that what they chargo now?" "Yes." "They've reduced the price, then, since I wus there." "You don't say so? What did it cost you?" "Why, sir it cost me us good a leg as any man ever stood npon, ond I've had to stump along on cork the best I could ever since. A quarter! utuph! you got ofT cheap." It is commonly supposed that the ouly persons who are eager for war are officers who are anxious to win fame or a higher rank. That women should ever derive au advan tage from war and the preparation for war does not readily occur to tho imagination. Yet there is a lirm in lierliu that employ 200 girl who would be thrown out of em ployment if war preparation should cease. They manufacture little bundles of uutisep tic dressing materiul, with which all (.iernuiu soldier are to he supplied in future so that they muy be able to dress their own wounds in the absence of a surgeon. Fifteen thous and of these packages are mado every day. As the work calls for the greatest cleuuliness the girls are alldiessed iu while linen cloaks and are forbidden to bring victuals or any thing else into the room where they work.- Tho Epoch. One of District Attorney McGitiu's friends asked hi in lint was tha most striking thing La witnt'Vtd while aiming Victorians? lie answered t'uaf tho fuet that a 1'nited Statet ... 1 -ii ..1. !. . I l.ll FoRSALf.-l.-I..Uinall parts ot Eugene iweniy uoiiur 111 was wou r, u,,n City with snd without hmrs. Price to amt , tamUiail scrip, ineir o 1 1 luunej, wan uia Gu. M. Miu.ru. jcouuted two per cent. Welcome.