r 1 ilj l-PI TP IT1 MfP CITY ESTABLISHED FDR THE DISSE1MTI0S OF 0ES0CB1TIC PRINCIPLES, AND TO EARN M HONEST LIVING BV THE SWEAT OP (ll'R BROW. EUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 3, 1887. 20. NO, 2. I U OAMl'liKLf., 1M,()ii the East side "f Willamette Hween Seventh and Eighth Streets. ...jjsoi'suiwcuir'i'ioN. iaiui ... l.'-T) til i.iutll ;KS OH ADVKHTIIN'G. 'advertisers will be charged at the fob h,re tliree .... ..v. ,iare,x mourns &tnnticei.in'ioc'iumn, 20 .nU ? i An,.K iiwfrtioll. Vtisin ' bills will be rendered quarterly. . . K ....i. U.K. iiv I.KMVKUY. EU C. M. COLLIKR. ' YEU & COLLIER Sorneys nd Counsellors at Law,- EUtiEXE CITV, OREGON. icTR'E IN ATX THE COURTS OF this State. Will give social attention t tinns wul probate matters. I, K- -Over Ilendriek & Eakiu'a bunk. CEO. B DORRIS, oriicij and Counsellor- at-Law, IIL PRACTICE IN THE COURTS of tlw Second d mucin, unun ireme Court of till State. . . .. ... . ...dlai'timiM ulltl ftial aueiiuoii u11"-" ..,... - t in probate sh'burne & Woodcgck lttopiicys-at-Lawf ON'!: CITY, - - - OREGON i'lCE-At the Court House. jy8iu3 IHIIIKI8. 8. W. CONDON. NDON & DORRIS, lEXE CITY, - - - ORKGON I U K-Over Robinson & Church s hardware CEO. fcl. MILLER, .amy and Cesnsallor-at-Law, and EXE CITY, - ORKGO.V. p ire formerly occupied by Thompson & J. E. FENTON, lttorney-at-Luw. EXE CITY OREGON. lecial attention given to Real Estate I'rac fuul Abstracts ot title. ncE-Over Gran.'fl Store. W.IIA1UUS,M.D. 'Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE Villein's Drug Store. Lsideuce on Fifth street, where Dr Slielton Lerly residcil pit. JOSEPH P. GILL, VX BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or res i'lence when nit professionally engaged. 'iilonce on Eighth street, opposite Presby 'D Church. jTj. ltonTji., EUGENE CITV, OREGON. ariTX PRACTICE IN ALT- THE I I I ' t. ..f H,., i..t. . . ..in i,o iii hiiu ..tone. f Wial attention gWen to real estate, col TIM. and iirnlmtH iiiAtters. Villectinjf all kinds of claims against the "tfd States (iovernnient. 'ce in Walton's brick nxuns 7 and 8. B. P. DORRIS, SURANCE AND REAL ESTATE ACENT. HAVE SOME VERY UESIRARLE r'anin, Improved and Unimproved Town 'Irfy for sale, on easy terms. i-v aiii.unti.ee . ompauies i I'tii. - the Oldest ud most Reliable, and in ua r ; T .....woitt nr. I "r. Bin, eg. IIAHI.K a.ljunmicu b ...v.. - STAxn Second to None I 4 Wire of your patronsL'' is solicited. uu-auiini over wio uraiiKo R l.? THlllKIS. J. DAVIS, Merchant Tailor. IAS OPENED A SilOP ON NINTH Street opposite the Star Ilakerv, where '"Prepared to do 11 kinds of work i.fferfd 1 t"s line. A lare stock of Fine (.'loth on hand fr "t'.Ditr, t M,t 1fnm Jiieof our sw,-inltirs is il cnttiii(f and Mnj of L,llr1i n,,aU ftirimi aiwl ..l..r,, . .N... i,r..n,r,tlv. Sat- w . .t- B , 'p1"8 frunrantenl. feoe, IS'ot. C, 18!. I! MOST SI ! HATiJ OF THE VERY LATEST STYLES Suits Mudo to Order, No TROUBLE to J. W. CHERRY, FOR THE JUSTLY CKI.EIiRATEH SOLD AN3 SILVt'i SHIBiS- - tV ... . ., ., t HtOTHtm UI oiu r'.ii.niie ,i.iuh n-t-a fi.-K nud can sell you anything that you want to eat jS r wear, rffl Uicapcr Than NEW GOODS. A l'LSE ASSORT JIGNT OF iBEllUTIFUL ' DRESS C00D8I From the Cheapest to the Best at prices according to quality. A LAllCiK BM! S and; From the Cheapest to the be suited either as to Our assortment is Complete, from the lowed Price a f to the Finest; can suit you if you Hive us a cull. OUU STOCK IS CiTFrcNli, Xcw ami S(j lisli.K Ijok us ov.-r; if wn do not cave you ni.m.-y, we will nmU Home one tu to vnil lox. -A FULL LINE OF ED OF ! 01 51 MG STOCK OF . Brownsville AND GOODS. See our remarkably complete and elegant new stock at the ,.i-LOWKST FRICESjS . F'its Guaranted. SHOW Goods. Walton's Rrick. ,. 1 1 . ,., ........ u,,m " la 1 Ihc Cheapest. STOCK OF Best. All parties can Price or Quality. GROCERIES. F. 15. DUNN. ki i Fumisbitif igents for Eugtn- City, n I Jl'Sl'EY Ci:i.EI'.KATi:i bmd mm Not a California Bear. Anybody can catch a cold thin kind of weuther. The trouble is o let c,o, like tho man who caught tl.e K nr. We ndvii.' our readers to piuchae of unv drncist n botlle of SAXTA AHIK, the California hinc of Con siiinpti"ii, AkiIiu.h. Lri'iirbitis, Cioi.ln and Cr uip Cinvs, am) kei p it h indy. 'lis pica - lliL' to (lie 1..-.U- mi. I di atli to the hihui- com. pliiirH. Sold nt $ l.Oil s lottleorafor!f2.r0. CALU'OliXIA CAT R Cl'KE pves iimncdi atcreliif. The Catarrhal virus is soon .lis- placid by its Ju-nliitu and Pellet rat inn nature. Give it a trial. Six month treatment J1.U0, scut by mail $1,10. Having perfected arraii. incuts with par ties in P.iii'and, I am nblu now to 11 ml pur ih si -s J,n ;mN, uiore readily thau lieu :lfu.o, if you have laud for Sah, im ir.ived or unimproved, you cannot do let ter than to entrust vonr business with us. Terms reasonable. Your piiiroiimje solicited. II. F. Doi:i;is. California Cat-R-Cura. Tho only guaranteed euro for catarrh, cold in the head, hay fever, rose cold, catarrhal deufiicss and sore eves. Restorn tho sense of taste and unpleasant breath, resulting from catarrh. Easy aud pleasant to use. Follow directions and a euro is warranted, bv all dniUu'ista. Send for circular lo AlUE'iTXE MEDICAL COMPANY, Oroville, Oil. Six mouths' treatment for $110: sunt by mail $1,111. For sale by all druists. . - Delays are Dangerous. You say, well, 'tis only a slight cold, look out, it may lead to an iurlaiiiatiuii et the liniiiK ini of numerous air cells of the Lilies this is Pii.'tiinoiiia. Or to sp.vmo.lic emiti actions of the fibres of the air passages, which is Asthma; or the inrlamatioii ol the lining membrane, of the throat and tula's which pnss tliruiili the Enid's, which in the first stae is called I Iron chitis, and may lead to consumption. Santa Abie is delicious in Haver, certain and perfect in its result. A few doses will relieve, a thor oii.'h treatment cure tha above named diseases. Every Is.ttle wa. ranted by all iliiik'i:ists. The Appetite May bo incroaacd, tho Digestive organs Htrongthouod, and tho bowels regulated, by taking Ayor's Pills. Thuso Pills oro purely vcgutablo ia tlieir coiiiiiosition. They contain neither calomel nor any other dangerous drug, and may bo taken with perfect safety by persons of all ages. I was a great nufforor from Dyspepsia and Constipation. I had no uppclito, and was constantly ofllictcd with llead acbo and Dizziness. I consulted our family doctor, who presenile.! for mc, at varioiis times, without affording more than temporary relief. I iinally com- menccd taking Aycr's Pills. Ia u short timo my digustiou arid ajipetito IMPROVED my bowels wnro regulated, and, by the time I finished two boxes of these Pills my tendency to headaches had disap peared, and I bocainc strong and well. barius M. Logan, Wilmiugtou, Del. I was troubled, for over a year, with Iss of Appetite, and General I Nihility. I commenced taking Ayor's Pills, and, beforo finishing half a box of this medi ciuo,iny appetite and strength were re stored. C. O. Clark, Danbury, Conn. Ayor's Pills aro the best medicine known to mo for regulating tho bowels, and for nlldisoases caused by adisordcrod Stomach and Liver. I suffered for over three, years with Headache, Indigestion, and Constipation.' I had noappetito.aud was weak aud nervous most of the timo. BY USING three boxes of Aycr's Pills, and at tho samo timo dieting myself, I was com pletely cured. My digestive organs oro now in good order, and I am iu perfect health. P. Lockwood, Topeka, Kalis. Ayor's Tills have benefited me wonder fully. For months I suffered from Indi gestion ond Headache, was restless at night, and had a bad taste in my mouth every morning. After taking ono Imix of Ayor's Pills, all those troubles dis appeared, my food digested well, and my sleep was refreshing. Henry C. Hemmeuway, Rockport, Mass. I was cured of tho Piles by the use of Aynr's Pills. They not only relieved ma of that painful disorder, but givo inn in creased vigor, and restored my health. John Lazarus, St. John, N. li tt Ayer's Pills, Prepared by Dr. J. C Ayer fc Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Druggists tod Dealers lo Medicine. JSAUKKH iiVa WOitKM MS DARKER. Expert Gun' Smith' Stock of Guns and Am munition on hand. i:k.i:k - - okiooy lYiGii'EY TO LOAN -ox- Farm and City Property ior a term of years at Lowest Rates. Apply to SHERVCOD BURR NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. VOTICE M HEREI1Y GIVEN THAT 1.1 McCornack & Collier, bwikseller and sUtioneni, is this ilay diswilwi by uiutual cousent, Joel McCornack p-tinn. The busi ngs, will be continued by Geo. ('oilier, whi will collert all claims due the firm and 1U charge all claims aitiiasl the same. Si-ued, .lor.L .b '"HN.v n, CiY.D. Col.l.lKIS. Eu,'ene, A:i'. 23, U-7. ! I T.wnkftil for -at lilwral patrona.-e I lnft r p' tfully invits a continuance of the lame. I and .lull at ail time .'.rive to merit a .hare f I piblic patronatje. Ree'.-tf'illy, i i'.K'K C.II.I.IF.B. The UIiIcnI luhubiinnt. The nowspapern have U'cu having ilito a controversy over tho question as to who is the ohhst white settler in Oregon. Wo had always supposed that Mr. Allan, of the old Hun of Allan, Mckiulay ,V Co., antedated all olb.rs, but they have found it out that Jean Ha tisto Garni, r, now residing on tho Sins. law river in Lane comity, is the. man. Mr. (.iirnier was boin iu at a place on the St.Lavrcnc river about nine miles from Montreal. In he was one of a party of sixty-four daring young voyageura who left Canada for the Pacific Northwest, having eic,ht bark Canoes. Thev were out on the plains all that winter and so reduced by hun ker s to be obliged to cat tho pailbche from their moccasins, In August of the year following they arrived at the Willamette Falls, having lost twenty -two of their num ber by death. Mr. Gamier was in the em ploy of the Hu.Imiu Hay company twctity four years, eight of which he resided al Fort I'liipijua, which was about live miles below the, present town of Gardiuer. Tho old man is still strong aud hearty and has never seen a railroad track nor s traiu of cars; aud the Pioneers should not (ail to pay his ex penses to this city to this city to aiteud their next annual reunion. His sou Johu is an intelligent half-breed rIkiuI forty-eight or fifty years of ago, and wholly without fear, as the following iucidcut will show, The coastwise travel bvtweeu Coos Lay and the l'uipitia is usually made on hors. back or by stage to a place called Barrett's Lauding, about three miles from Empire City, across the bay, where they take the Hleamer for Empire or Marshlield ns best suits them. John Gamier reached there just ten minutes loo late for the boat aud could find no skill with which to cross. Ho went to llarrett'. house only to find it locked tight. About an hour later, ho walked into tho oflico of tho Coos Lay News aud asked us for the loan of an old pair of trowsers to wear while his own were drying. Ho had swam his horse across the bay that dark uud stormy night because ho had promised a man to pay him money ho owed him, on that very day. How many iu. it are thero in our midst whose punctuality ever would have troubled them to such an extent? Wo were fairly dumb founded at the exploit and asked him: "John, wasn't it a fearfully dangerous un dertaking?" "No, the tide was ebbing and that was iu my favor. Aud tho wind down stream made the bay very smooth no sea at all." "Hut 1 should havo thought you would have been afraid of sharks catching you by the Kg and dragging you out of the saddle," said tho writer." "No danger of that," said Gamier, "at this season tho sharks never come into the bay. The creeks aro all too high, and Ihere is too much fresh water iu the bav for that." Of all the Iliillalo Dills and' Texas Jacks that have gone to ustoiiish I.on.luii with their exploits about the "Wild tVesi" there is not one of them that we would sooner trust ou a dangerous errand, requiring an equal mixture of courage and caution, than that saiuo good-natured and pleasant-faced John Gamier. Wo hopo to meet him 'and his father, too, nt the next reunion of the Oregon pioneers, lhe society should ad vance tho old mail's expenses from Siuslaw to Portland and back, al least, --Mercury. Notice. There is ono vacant free scholarship in the State University for Lano county, for which examination of applicants will bo tnade ou Monday. Uctolicr bill, 1ST. those wishing to apply will please send in tU( ir nnmoa. A. . Pattkiison, School Superintendent. August 20, 1K87. harm for bale. 1 1 . -e for sale 220 seres of land know n as the Gilfilan farm; 25 acres good timber and tho remainder all prairie. All under fence; good house aud bam; gooit orchard aim other improvements. .Tho placo has au abundance of good spring water and is sit uated one. fourth uiilo from the fleasaut Hill school house, one of tho best school districts iu tho county, Foi further purlieu- nrs apply to T. u. IIknmiicks. Notice to Teachers. Notice is hereby giveu that for the purpose of milking an examination of persons who may oiler themselves as candidates for teach ers of the schools of this county, the board of examiners will hold s public examination at the court house in Eugene City, Oregon, commencing ou Wednesday at noon, August 31, 1NH7. A. V. Patckiison, County Supt. Dated Aug. 12, 1HH7. Notice. I havo this day disposed of my entire in terest in the stock of furniture and undertak ing goods iu Eugene City to J. R. Roam, who will continue the business at tho old stand, and collect all bills due me for furniture and undertaking goods, and pay all outstanding obligitious. 31. S. VUI.MS. August 20, 1HH7. Don't Believe It When told that F. M. Wilkins. tin drm''ist. is not selliriL! "Wisdom's Robert i no" for the complexion, tho most elegant and only really harmless preparattou oi us sum '.n me world, aud giving a beautiful picture card .I. . ....... wuu every isiiue. An Absolute Cure. The ORIGINAL AlilETIXE OINTMENT. is oulv put up in large two ounce tin boxes, aud is an absolute cure fur old sores, burns wounds, chapped hands, and nil skin erup tions. Will iH.sitively cure all kinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL A11ILTINE OINT MENT. Sold by all diuggists at 2". cents per box by mail JO cents. What Is It? That products that beautifully soft com plexiou and leaves no traces of its applica tion or injurious effects? The answer, Wis .loin's Robertino accomplishes sll this, aud is pronounced by ladies of taste and refine ment to be the most dulightful toilet article ever produced. Warranted harmless and matchless. F. M. Wilkins, agent, Eug-iie City. Fos Halk. - 1.7) lots in all part, ol Eugene 4 ity with and without imiu'ea. Trice lo suit Glo. M. MlLLIS, Pleasant H.ll Items. August III, 1SS7. Mr. IV Shields made Jiinolion a visit last week. Mr. Geo. Crabtreo will leave la a f.w days for Eastern Oregon. Mrs. J. W. Miller, of Portland, has boeu viMliting relatives and friend at this place. We aro picas 'd to stats that Mr. I., Gil Patrick's son, who has beeu quite ill is con v al. scing. Mr. Rerl Perkins returned homo this week from lteuton County, whero hu lai been working for the past 'eight mouths. Mr. Lyman Gilpatrick and family and Miss Dora liliiuie leave next week ou a trip to the sea coast, where they go 1 1 enjoy the Ijontls and r. frching sea br.eco for a few -days. Mr. 0. R. Kelley's team lavauie frightened at a braying donkey ono day last week and took a lively spin from G. II. Haudsaker's toll C. Morgan's a distance of two miles. No great, damage was done. Mr. Thurston Har.glimau, after au abseucs of eleven years iu different parts of tho United States returned lust week to visit friends and relatives ut his old homo. He is tho same old Thurston. From tho Union Signal wo clip tho follow ing: "T. G Giltllhin, of Union, has secured a patent on a safety cur, whatever that may bo." Mr. C.illlllaii formerly resided at this place and was always noted for his genius. We hopo his patent may prove prolUubls to him. Mr. Elbert Parks and Miss Luella Mulkey also of this place, were united in tho un known wonders of matrimonial bliss August JS, 1HS7, at tho residence of of tho bride's parents, Rev. Phillip Mulkey olllciatiiig. May tho lifu they havo entered upon so auspiciously lai prolonged to tlieir diamond wedding and beyond. Last week while Mr. 11. C. Wheeler was adjusting a pulley on tl'io top of some polus which had been raised for the purpose of stacking straw, (no chain, witli wuicu the ioIis w. ro fastened together became loose, letting tho poles full and hurling Mr. Wheel er violently to the ground, a distance of about thirty-three feet. l!y tho full he hud his ankle sprained and sustained slight inter nal injuries. At this timo he is getting along splendidly. threshing is almost ilono in this part of the country. The laigcst yield of giam in this vicinilywiis raised by Mr, Wm. West. 1 ho yield was as follows: I. acres of wheat 10' 1 bushels to the acre; 1H acres of wheat wheat 2lj; per acre; 12 acres of wheat 32 per acre; t2 acres of wheat 23 hu. per uere; u acres of barley yielded 40 hu. per uere with several acres left on the ground. Tho avcr- tgc yield of gram throughout (his part ol tho country is very good considering the un fa v orabh nohs of tho season. Owing to tho llu eveniiess of the graiu hero it varying from one to five tect iu height a mower and. header coiubim d would largely increase the yield this season. Although crops havo fall en lar short of tlio prospouts of early spring, it has been hilly demonstrated by the above crop that tho iiioru that the ground is worked tho better it will produce, and fur thermore that there is more profit iu 50 acres properly cultivated than Iheio is iu 100 put iu in tho "cut aud cave -rough and tuinulcU fashion of too uiuiiy of our farmers. Taken altogether tho future prospects of this part of lliu Webfoot world are uever b. tt. r, aud iu fact since the virgin soil was tlrst tlekh d by the lingers nf civilization, it has never refused to siml.j, though it does not so broadly gviu as does tho foothills laud of some parts of our rich and rapidly growing state. Yet, iu the way or luiuies, pumpkins, coruiiiul "tutiii's, its'productivo capabilities are hard to beat. Ktiiamhr. Kind o' Naliiral. There's something about a lawyer that gives him away all the tho time. You can't mistake a lawyer even for a book agent, lhe ingoniuiis uud unsophisticated cowboy knows hi iu and the haidy minor who may have spent all his lifo underground, will recognize him iv.n in the lower levels. A well kuowu leg of tho law wont up into Modoo county. Ho had with him a patent ludia rtihhcr tied which hu tilled full of Air when lie wu.ited to sleep, mid made it comfortable for In in to lio on. Tins waswitsun entire new (an gled thing to tho cowboys, uud tloy inspected it with groat cuiiosity, ' The lawyer explain ed tho whole process to them how ho in tinted it. and all about it ue nf tho cow boys listened thoughtfully and then he said: "Well, it does seem natural for a lawyer to slhep ou wind." California Ex. A Tourliis.g Smic nt a Funeral. An Account of the funeral of the estimablo wife of Judge Sporter in a Dakota paper winds up with the following touching inci dent: "Just ufter tho funeral lludd Newell happened to mention that ho could run the fastest footrace of anybody in town. The Judgo happened to overhear tho remark, hurriedly dried his tears, ami promptly shoved up $10 that ho couldn't. The course was selected on iloucou street, from Fifth avenue to the brewery, aud tho sorrowing and gii f-stricktu widower cshily beat lludd by about tun yards. Elder Hartshorn acted as starter, and subsequently made soino pretty luiid threats of licking Mayor Price, who claimed that tin ro was foul play." Waving the IliuuJy Shin. Hummer (removing Hy from his presenta tion glass with a burnt cigar splint) Palsied bo tho Harteudcr Rats! Hummer I say, palsied bo tho hau I'artenderCoiiie on"! Hummer Look here, young feller; you never lit, 'ud you don't 'predate the feeliu's of an oiu waihoie. When I read this inoru in' thet the gov'meut bed ordered tho sale of all the ole sutlers' wagons at Fort Laramie, tuars as tig as duiuplini run down my seamed cheeks. I iu thnr in 'Ul.--Puck. "How is tho work progressing iu Dako ta?" asked a Hostoii minister of a good brother st the Haptist anniversary the oth er day. "Well, I am getting along pretty well; but still it is rather discouraging. Tho first weik I went there I had big cougregatious. Ouo day there woro one hundred and tilty dowu on their knees weeping and pray ing. A uinn ritmo in and said there were two detective coming down the mud, and every blessed person got up and skipped." Minneapolis Joiiiual. 1 )