The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 27, 1887, Image 2

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vnu.M.i.t.a' ..j .i . -
; Wit unknown thresholds on each hand.
ThA riarknaaa iljMin. .. r '
, ----- -- iaa givpet-a
1. t fr, afraid to hope;
I Trt this one thing I learn to know
u' Eh day more surely m I go,
I ' J0 door Pd. ways am mado,'
I Iturdeos are lifted orarelaid l
I 17 ome area lew uiisami and still I
lufaUiomd purpose lo fuUllL -'Nutu
I will i
QTfllffnM A ... .1 -
.. suu biodo i wan;
i- "fCI ,0 biM-v. f'n too loto:
Toe heavy burdens in tha load.
And too few helpers on the road '
Aad Joy la wrak and .-rlef is stronr,
And yrars Md days to ton, to lon;
Yet this oue thing I learn to know
Each day mora aural as I go,
loot I am glad the good and ill
i Uy changplras law are ordered slIIL
"Hut as I will." .
Xot aa I will!" tb sound grows two
Each time my llpa the worils rrncot:
V.J. I lll M .1 . .
- ""i. uk tutrtcnrwi reels
Mora safe than light when tills thought steal.
Uka ahl.tu, ...I . i . . .
, . , "iivu mj cviia ana Ulcus
All unmtt and all lonellne,
-Not aa I will," because Die One
Before us on tha road, and stm
"or us must all his lore fulflll
"Not aa wa will."
, , -Helen Ilunt Jackson.
1M Powerful Weapon In the ILnrts of
Eren under the most favorable conditions.
1, lT.":,ne1 f" rbnnge It range niter each
lira. becrniM it ! i,tI.,. i ,
', . , r !" uj in, weight or tue
ured rsrtj-LIn it i. . .. .
, ., , - 'urse, evident
la the linnri. n a .Miir..i - '
inif 7. "mni cool aim in
, . . - " ernge suwior, CKpcelul
IT b in from the rural districts, is awkward
pUl, and excitable. One lot ln" Mo
Work on Ihn " l"
win. rcgartllea, of range, or breaks tl lereP;
n4lf. Mb likely, it should pro, dlfllcult to
rastrun Lis anlni, i.. ..i , ...
uTmieT "uu 1110 ,lk9 ml,5bt
M boarer n,.r bar. followed the various
Ulstaat Uvo been mo-lo with the maga
noeinin in tiu k.n.i.
,. . . oare been pub-
1-W,inarareelyfall0f i0rpri that the
. r- v . vumn (, u lo be ox
parted that continual handling will brini a
tWd amount of precUlon ; but in toesodar,
oiit the cost nf . J
apon and to learn whether or it !Z
treliedunnnintim ... """"
. , " - ""Kiie gun. j(ow, this
wpa Is to the general staff of the German
rar the target ami undnr it, and to on
nOUad 1 their r,""? ,",",?00"
back even with f , .Um ,,v flrJ
.... wirauui American,' ,
Hot Slovenly la Their Dress Nor NeglJ.
vussnsm crop Hi ge
TllUM u.... A. I.. ....
uea prevalent opinion that
H fl I'M r V fkAtlinn aiu 1 . 1. . At - ill .
netrHL'ent in thnlr hmiu.lru..,i..f. i..n. .i
w . wwj,,,, jjum iumo
, - imu.wju, ut'f-cvtTr. aim
Um exii mi nation nf fl- .n i-
WIS ass sat TV ll tfUilO
enough for once. Jane Austin and ber sinter
aiy neat in their dress, but
rather unl.HMlful r ti.. n.
- imiiutiwjif M,(A
coming. It is said that they took to tho cos
tume of middle life before their looks or
V Astra RaliilM,! U T ....
- . 1 "wiiiio uiiiiue wu iona
nf s-lrwaaa .! i i . .
1 uinsPdi xquwiMfiy. i HllU a
delicito, graceful fl not kre
Jik ninny Kngljub women, (ho wore ber
own erav huir ntwl ntwr ..n,
- " r.v.j viunillllft ni
and wMinotav ftiwfc -in-i.f 1...
wi ut um laur,
Alnrv TjirtiU j a . ...
a....U tuV uvulou ww or tue d
uirn. UUL MJIH lllil lifir ska u uIiL i .
. . . vuaiiKU Ullicu wilU IUO
"uvvi , bUO nuet uxi no liiuiirerw
net to tbii delightful iubjtct She wrote
to a friend.' "I do dearly love worked urns-
- , mim umjk gnat cieligbt In certain
ilk wnt her by a friend in China. Her
usua drew waa of block tuiT or ilk, and
... r,. vw vivua.uiH- ujero was a novo col-
itnvl mir m,lU - I I r m . .
7 T . rciin.i 01 gnow wmte mu-
.... y.,, . oer oosom," and a cap, then
in fablon, with deuj frilled border and a
bow on. top. At William Ilazlitt's ivedding
.. .. uiuicuiij in uecuiing whether
her lirtilMii.i.i. a 1 , , ...
-. .uualu , um suuum oe a "siirlcired
. uw "uiimn bloom color" silk.
, , a11 oer dalntinoaa, she often dlpiied lier
delicAtii mMta i.t l- . ... . . ..
snuff tv.-r
When Charlotte Brotite went to London.
ou,riej was published, rbe
u flrHtnrttuwt u. -. 1 1.1. " .
1 ,i ,V 7 " iwaing way, njinost
childlike in stature, in a deep mourning drees
T r 7 . . "uwui neawiew Wa a
OinMntAeUi. I 1 ...
t , ur area, ana tho coierings
of her hands and feet were always extremely
dnlntv Kha tul ...1... . J.
.1 , 7 . ""urai, apparel ana
thought a pink lined bonnet too gny for her
WllilA kllA liil Ml .. ... -
---" vuj ut-uuiiiuistikior rale
weet colors- at Are shilling as be ba.1 not
111 i . ""um, uut more a black
Ilk at three shilling a yard. Emily Jironte
Was dream! ,i,.t n
cut lank skirts and leg o1 mutton sleeves,
lHcb tho liked and wore nbethor in or out
fir rsluliti.n IT t If . .
- ...... v. uiaiimuau is ae&crihd
as nlalnlv ilrrauvt
Of nwirmi Vli,.'- .1.1 , .. .
..J-.T . u "'"l"r" w Know utllo,
ave that her gowns were plain and that ovw
ber abundant hsir.stUl untouched bygrav
Z 7 . or mU81" with tappets
of rich point of alenciennea, fastened under
ber chin. H'hon ri... t-..
. Uv.AO Dunn was vet a
Voum? r rl !. . 1. . . -
1. . "v... a uoy s DIOUSO and
l .ij ui, inr a nmhin n u .
, "" ' ucr rougu country,
and later, In Paris, see continued to go about
7. " weatuora, ulacea
and timcft-Home Journal.
is made TO RUN 6M00TH
1Um rratnt Condition of the nindoe
Widow Not n.retofore Correctly ltepro-
v.i.niis or tue Uotber-riety and
me Dutu-Cie or OIL
f )na rf mw .. ... . .
...7 .apers lately contained a
hort article from The Louden Standard, en
titled "Hindoo Child Marriage." It described'
as ntfitiliU t. 11-, . 0 - .. ... .
.' "ioiong State or tho Iluidoo
W.lmr whi I... 1
ueen more tiian a
.u, yea nominal husband nav
Inor dil wh.i, -. ...,,. . ..
. 7 "uie gin. A Bengali
of Cnlcntt, n .,..1 . , b .
wiltl,v n, 1 """"'"J grauuaie, anu
.1 7.1 , u' wieiy, on i-eading it sayi
tuat tuistrontrlv r.t . 1 .
to a condition many yeoit paste.) by; that
the II lulnn a,l.l u . ' '
berharslmrt nr l,.. ... '
.,w n-uuiiy, in coarse
and often Kpinlid gnnnents, her Inrtiucti
-. ,0 inanition by constant fusts, a
silent, sliiinnivl uiiir .n,i , ., .
of 1,., 1,1.1 ..i:1 . :. ' ..j . "w
7 " J ,,aJUi loroinaen all Unite of
, , .,Q ..juimuiion, but it Is intensi
lied, exaggerated, of even ber condition fifty
years ago. '
She fast frequently, at stated dais. She
vut iUnnake)l jjttlo tllJTer-
euce, as the present mode In Bengal dresses
everv lndv nf i-,.....i i ... ...
""iv-muie inim inn in to, cx
Cent that nn hn .. i.... .
l'hs German Ntateaman as ai Drinker,
a uipioiuiiiio neeassity.
An interesting uook on HlMiinrck has re-
contiy been puutKlied here. 1 he chapter de
voted to his fiMtsof Anlinir an. I iliHiikliif ll
o -q
AKliAPldllv tor.lB'lr a
At one period of bis life the great German
statecmau uever restrained himself as to the
quantity of bis boverages, and bis youthful
exploits with rich, heavy wines lilt Burgundy
woro the timi vcl of the country side. Once
bo felt a little out of order internally and
limifivl frtf tars. An-m a,t - t 2..
any relief, lie had mada an engagement to
visit tlm officers of the Biadonburg' culraa-
Belli. Tli lfcfmanf hnA -l...f
-a ",w hu jua vuiiiv sii
rVsMKMJtifin ii as ham .1 .(..),!.. a al..
Durry Is the Word When the Iloonds
Degln to IlayA Hard Itlde to the
muii-A Hlug laclug His Foes-The
U.atU Stroke.
11-. l. - . . a n . . . ...
ti om mi ma mp pi. roriocit hill, and
louthward and westivnnl V, -m
. .. . ..w ,UII1ILF
Llll. I.M
nun wi mu 1..IT.L, avurreu uy ilia deep
coombes nnd ravinit, at Uie bottom of which
iuoiiuui; luui.ninuu ui waivr, in which
r" new aniiKing cup. am the snimon nuu trout ;nuHo many a whirl and
guirt he was to empty it first md then start wWy. Tho grand old trees on the sloping
vu,m ujo utuio. A. UCIU v. .... rg vwuim-. iwk BO quiet aild
alxtut a bottle fulL itatclytbat it leenn as if we bad left the
Iianiii.1- 4. 1 t . .... I I.-I.I. I ,1 .... .. ..
, uiun n long ureniii, araineu it w uiumeu worm niuigctner, riortbvrard a
IA lfULt. .W.n .n.l ..... t I ,. .1 . U...I I...U..I ... ... '
wiuuum iuuv ixiuw u, 1110 Atlantic oceau
'"I'vv.uiuie inim in wiiito, ex
cept that onthaedfTA i. . 7,.
there is nnrr, - l" . ' V " 7"'" rw8" - '"" AI-
u.uU(Su uiieu witu very dry champagne, the
prince Dolinherl It. nr n iti,.,f .iii.. ...i i.
i 7 " l"6 nor two wrappings
there is a narrow bne, gold, pink, crimson,
etC. till, W.lnRr.. w.1.- I.-.- ... .. .. '
... ..naiueillgoiliy(ll!llg)lLsIlCd
by the absence of that outer lino or thread of
color. She becomes interested niaMie children
around her In the bouse. She u oftou a
ravorite, nnd sho bos a buoy nnd useful placo
in tbo Hindoo fnmily.
A Mnlnnl Tln.1.... J . . . .
, Jollleu loe conversation
barely by snyhtg, "They haV9 Uberty ns
.... v i..-uui.mii. uieoneu ent
condition nf . .. .
" "Uliieii. oo long, how.
ever, as tho son's mother lives tin widow is
subserviimf w...,. . ... . .
- ' uome, living with
the renu, Daughter, thus leave theh- own
Parents aa bvn n. i... i . . . .
Ii 7 7 u eiioogu te take
Uie ra tion of wives, the matrimonfcj vow.
and obligation, i,. i. , , ....
hood u uuiuo iiiclilld-
ThO oMprIi tn.ifl.A I.. .1. . I ,
... ., , ulo uousenoiu con
tinue. to be the highest social n.onan h in the
liouse-the despotic dictator, to whom all the
lain i Iv 4?c.iivnittini.nii . .
m-v ajBtwiUOIUOUSaoI-
This Bengali gentleman, 83 yenwold nnd
the fitlipi nf ..1..1.1 ..
I...,. . lu""'iiii me prompt
big, of a happy experience gave a glowing
.bjr uiio i uie iiiniioo social system. The
Hindoo talr, having been selected byudult
ludcment. mfn n..n...i.. . ' m,u"
. . q... uv.uauiuiiiti as playmates,
crow Into fn..,..i. ..i ... mules,
- . " . ;, f" '" iovc, and be-
eoma, as they were predestined, consorts. It
h a com in w hich tho couiwi of true love
run. smooth, and be consider, it a m" t
mniltic cnliwr Ho .. .
lifnnfin i mo was HK home
ro of Hindoo women has little or nothing i.
tel octuul or xu..!. i.... ... . .."""at"'
. . . '"vt inas it 18 vcrv
nrll 111 t iAnfT.l r. . "K'J
1,.7. nom enny morn hit
.s...u... uitjw n long breath, drained It to
the last drop, and put tbe cup back on the
table. The mess was astonished, as they bod
not expected such a feat from a civilian, but
it was one he had learned at Gottlnguu. The
most surprising part of tbe story is that the
vmm.,w. HMNriia ma. ne never reic ueuer
" "o iiijiiiu
Again, when hunting with Frederick Wil
liam IV, Jie emptied at a tinglo draught one
of the fantastically carred cups dating from
tho refim nf u'nu t i.
g- ss.MWlLa-i tVllIIUUI Lv ill If US
IllAdfl Of flfflirV 1,,... .1 . ,.L i ....
i , , , " " UU'J "W lllbUlUIlVU iUUl
tllO llrilllfPP rriiiM ... i.i. t ...
. .Wi.u ,1UV iiau uu inn wiuamy
nn ifjt ninnttt n.wi :n . i ... .
otai iiuui-upmon. ueBpuiea.
Ifc I IP M ntkniif tk . a i ...i. a
11)011 P 11 I ml with
At it- .
0-.. fron, .
Pleaaa .... . '"bJwi. V
difference beVw. ft?
of the sheet, U1,
J J- Tbo dimireno. 1
".mre. or coumtV
house, in iu,iim n iu
the borouph T t.
Prlvilegea,wi1iclf? kjut
comprise Ti,... rtdN:
Pool, .for lnn7r.b(itl i
government, and th. i
to parliament. ftIa-'
14 ...
exnanse of wliifn vw.
pelled to hold it;
When ha railed for another the party
-a...v.v. cj, uub iuo Kiiiir said:
WW,.. i aa
'Uj unua onougu,"
Nor was thi done out of mere bracemdocio.
V rtnn T?I....i I. I .a . . .
.. -... lum in iwgan to icaru tho diplomatic
iw www Ua. Auaniio oceau
rolls iU waters un tha Rrfuil i
-4" . -..MSIIII.-i, UIIU
dushw its spray on the shingly beach
shadowed by tho trees and brushwood which
nnnu niilln .In..... . t . . . . .
iw.i.v u,t..v uu ij iu Liia naur i Atirnk ii... I -
I M n-i . ..i.-... . M. TbanhW i.. . .
! .um.-. u .nun i, aim tne pea ngof ),. , ''7" ulwnuci,.
Arthur', horn. Bomelbing's afoot Is it a ,7, W7 fa tLftt0
tfnrt . l.lMm i. , . " I Into Iiai-ta. nml .v. ""si.
m,urx- m i. .' "V 01 I printer. T in n,,,. '
k" un Toiiaer .lone. I ti.i .. . .' '"uowriii
lis a hind, thoiitrli. with n tnftor i,-i . i
lieels." The bound ii whlppeU off, and again
wo wait "That', a whimper, surely, below
i uurii, ironi icur or
five bounds, backed tip by note, from a horn.
All eyes are eagerly watching the edge, of
tho wood, to see what breuks out Crash I
'By Jove! there ho is. and a Ml..n.ii,i r..iu.
.... . . -,'-.-.. at.-.,,,,
too. W int. a lton.ll n.. l ... . '
, 7 """i uJi ""'1 rny,
und threo 'pon top." Tis a glorious sight to
- ...... um, ui. miners ami go at a lone
Swlnr-inrr nll.,.. m..--m l... !...-. . .. bf
B"-"i' anm uia ueainer nun disap
pear over the crtt of the ojipeihite bill.
HlirrV I. tllA Irml . ..
--j "snitii your c rlhs.
cet into the sbiMIa nn.l i- , .'
i T T i "I Juur minu
fori hard ride now, for tho .tug bos gone
StmiPllt fni Ilia Minn. ...1 ...1.1 .. b :
trade it wn. considered Indispensable that an- fo hard ride now, for tho .tug bos cona
plicanta should have itronj; beads, other tralght for the moor, and sobbing sides and
wise they might bo easily overcome with wine reddened-rowels will U ll their usual tale era
ond diplomatic secrets wormed out of them we set him up to bay; perhaps ii, "IVaL.ra!
In moments of obfustication; concesblon. ."t" . "
... . uuiusucaiion: conceSBlon.
llllfrlif. Iia .....l
, .u.vcu iroui mein, ana tueir sig
natures obtained to documouts they would
lint. fHwrvniTn t . . . .
----to"" in mvir iiiunienii or sobriory.
Those were tho days of two and throe bottle
men, and woo to tho budding Mettornich or
wuna Mwv uu:u uig owni
w.. a via uttu
The narhar'a I .
am 'vwii ovoTieew
a eotUmr. aH ,kI.T." - ro.m "
custom'tha. fl"niT.v"o7T,r;t 'who
wit the romndy, wh ch. of couna i. - .ui 1
lvllowbv7., "7!.wm. ?P. "P tto
One Outflt far Tl.iv.. n.i.i..
We have Just heard a story of three very
Ineeniima vmn. i . . V
n 'V ',c ",al u out or the
ordinarv. .,.. i...:.. ..
-,. j"u..6 are ail about
the lAIIIO ami ..! ml ii
ome time. Thoy were all ambition" to "ha ?h nro busy ln wpervisio,, of
.weU wedding, and rtunnlng eutfltMiS fhei ZZT P-
pai. were not long enough for both and to i n . 9 COmrt ttnd the to0 of alL
poues. the latter even f a m.rial p xzte JK" ""d tho Utl". tw
.f.'!:! Bleep. E Kd'arnSl
" pui meir heoiU together and hit fn.t. nf7... i . " ,m,jr et 05 Te,
upon a plan. To avoid any unpleWS Uk'1 sl,e 18 "hloir ; has
among their mutual friends Tbwffi SilT '"h? "a11 h"M" kin.
comnanloii. i,i. i, i. .i lne.v"i""e cellcnt health. Tho usual, .
would have the Ung up outfit by poolL ti Z 7u Ver lbo KraLtlyo
their money.. ' 0jr P0011"' 1 18 "houldei-s. Any other Krt of waihing of
aa I, who waj to be married first, was to bath ' ,CCm to co",idcr
Vnaa Ik. T
a ma inuur iunn
A friend who bus been in most csuntrioe of
lhA a-npl.1 .lMlnM. At... .. .
iuu you can get nothing
uiV, L vulmuu Ul lu umieu Btateg,
W by," ho cs:laiinod once, "I couldn't got a
deeont pieco of pie from Liverpool to Yoko-
.77, . . o-buton American could have "own that coombe tho chase tafc .,.
widthat Inspltoof alLour fii. alaiir tin, Imftn...
Imitations. i spite of fashion's w tho bowldem' and anion theTrol
uur borses mint walk It. At last we reach
lue turtcra ni-a l.l..,l . , . ..
ii 7 '"11 un, nun Artimr
rides fast buck for the ick, which he qulcklv
brings up and lay. on tbo track. Junta mlri.
lite the f.u..i.... ii . . .
. un, men irom old Chill-
lenirera Ihmnt. i,am .
strues the hue; bli comrades take up the
note, nnil fnp a r... ...t .. .... 1 "
.1 . . u""u"! 'o una resound
tothadeen l.nvl,, u t. .i . .
niVStin awnf 1 l..w . : 1 1 ...
". , " '"'J "'i"uiy ecuie down to
their Ionir atrnn ttrr i .. . , .
. , " o t uuu tuo nunc ua.
rairlv liecim
V0 am ill n rrnn.1 .uulll - . .
H inwitiun, so r nr. an.l TarI
the exhilarating effcH t of a moorlm d golb,
as the heather glides under our horses' fal
IJnnm t int. Mr..i ... . . . .
.. vwiiiuo mo ennse takoa us
ail? t ill hnlln,,, !,. "!,
ceded cause of equlnw
L Tlic custom of senjin.
errandscrlsu, . ovpft
rhotan say it M de;
taat nmo,r the HinC
.imilar custom. Other,
celebration of Chrtt', Z
tll(J e011IIOct.ini ."t:
Sc.ptc.nbcr). ainl th0 fa
(or apparent track of tlv.Ir '1
wuth of tho equator
tatthesodate U Cfc
for tho MipiKwItiou it la, "
stratod. ""tit
- - ., w ue married Bret, was to
make a lmrcnln i,k k. j . '. " lo
- o--- " ub urmmaKer to mab
tny alteration, desired In tbo trousseau ter
tllA WeillHlirr Wnm I .. ..
. .. no tnrcewereto
BO toirethnr tn it .ui..i. .. -
marrUI Tii ' 71 riuo AO. 1 Was
, -vvwrmony over, the trousseau
Oil ha. a m flu..... a.
lfiK. , , pur6 m lU0 oriental toilet.
Mother, are fond of oiling their babies com
Phtely from the little bead to tho lime e
.nd then wo.hln .i..... - u loe
... ..M huciu uu, woen tho Rl-in
tome, out very clean ,d Tte IteS"
ban from a British widow nnd motl.erTbo
ba. been here from childhood. She Z tt
mo that a bath can be given without ,Wer
of addmir to a Im.l w.i,i i... n. - . ' ger
w 4 tnu ua tnok It tn I .1 . , . "ju. oiio also tells
tha dressmaker tn, .i..7.i. 7 " " "t a bath can be
ttikuni was dona an.l n.. " "'"j oven lemovo
Sain th. brilliant outfit ffiS 1" ornuToa
marriage altar, and a third bride w h! being the oil of the country. Oil for tho
nvy of the few guest, present KSfi
Bonreous hr .lnlrfw..i "OI Iue water. The water riria. i,.,..ji...... .'
causa alia ka.1 .. n " w" un heated or thonriit l,..ti ...., ,. .r
cause she bad the first wear. Koa 2 a, d a
Daran ihanii... k-i. - ..
. MK1, n. a was wil inirtn
pavaa much a. v o i "'mug to
dd not have the
she bv mutual r.nanf .l- ... "
, tuai oress.
Chinese lU.tanri.nt la New Tork.
There am a.Ml rvt
thl. .it. .1 r vu,m,w rostaurants In
JK"J! ."I- "'"-ting
i- vuinrao worm here. Concern- is,-ti..V . " luo onenta toilet
Ing one of thm wt. . .. tm the freqneut refanmn. ......... .. .
SWlT --.-15
. t! t . '. . l hv . J. ' ' K.".M" " " ".lH 10 the place the sunnU l . . . " "r"' 1 Wy
BBawrin Main I. I . 0A. ... "J .. nuiril Drifrt1aVl aa .lli.a. a
- , .uuugm ucatea head, if a soft
Oil isuonre.1 nntvitk . .,ou
.. , , "u"' iuucsa or coIo-niA
or plain water, the alp actually drink? .
P, is the nf uu 16
. wuia wuiiirj,
1 he northern nose often turn, upward at
the use of coconnut oiHbat is not fi-eT Th
m tho commou people i. ll aZtJ
at way. I truth then are aeufw0I
th. f,T.ut ntmM9 to ij
the blblo. as of Anmn tl. . ".,u
v-tiva.-,, iu DjJiH) ot lOSUlOh l
fmwn nn.l uviLitD. ......
. y,lllt jieusuiitne na
tional tlesrt,and comes as naturally after
the midday meal as tho Frenchman', cheeso
after bis ovening diner. This i. true of the
cityosweUof the rural district It is not
tho former only who eats pie, nor is its do
mlninn nntin.t.l n r-.. . . . r , " ,-,u" "ginnd ana her
belt of colonies, reaching from the Hudson to
tlin Ynllntvat.,.. T:. . .
.OVV...C may not cavo great
voguo in tho brown .tone district of Now
nrlr plti- l.i,t f i
j u. i eigne supremo in tho
cheajier restaurants and lunch rooms, where
tbO Treat Amnrixnii imU.ii.. -i . .
Iluuln tuu, cierkS.
wlosmcn, artisans and tho like-go for theh?
dinners. Tlim. I. . . .., .. . .
ii umu in new Koik Who
goes about among tho printing offices with a
big tin lK.x,fullof little shelves. He J3 n
- i . V , , " , ' ona almnst two-tUirds
of bis stock in .,.,v . i . ..
. ui iue, una me
rest mainly of sandwiches.
JfLTT. .?7f 'u?c.h room. which
hli . . "ot ,OD3 counter, on
hl?h Ktnnl. an. w . J. n . , . .
?7 v "-" noiuing but sand
wiches, doughnuts, milk, pie, ton and coffee,
lho uniform nt-l.-a ..... i. . .
yuum lor sand
wiches and p.o isflvecenta; od there are
mora llion nrhn i .
, : . . lueir mncn on two
pieces of p,e and a glass of milk than of those
who take two sandwiches. There are two
kinds Of til, oorr l ...a.,
,.r oi ineso places
tho ordinary, which U about eight inches in
diametei , and of which a "piece" is half a pie
and thn " inma ...l.ii i..- , , .
o-r , up lnto ,lx or eiKh' Pieces.
The profit on this latter wrt must be prettj
SrM?rwi, !"? atfont Piece,- and!
klni'lt I In thick as the oniinarv
KUllL it is marie nf nn Ktf..
MV vnvi uiawruu, anu
cannot cost over twenty-flvo cents. . The
mailer one. cost tho restaurants about six
cents, and, retailing at ten, the profit j, uot
knife and fork, and or the to whl
take, the sinm-lno-
eortomer lonlm I., n.. . l K!r and
la m.ii.1 i ,a ""ilk. but hair
tody u burl But ih.Tl 7 " "7i w.m n
for thl. lltUo fc.heme, Tr.K l":
U wa. tha ninas i 1 j" ago
Ii .. an- . V "aa to be b ack.
mm utaZaTr; "? ,ron" could
a u.uuo-Lieiuocrat.
Measencer Boy. . n..--
oald alady friendt Vby don't von a.. Of tha mn..i:. " J
rrrr. " to M7husT2d
not care to. m tn i7. .r . ror 1 wou' J
tarWnmenta,, l ....r'.T.1 w vw"
. i aivuio.
A. it b now, If I wish to go to a party or
to the opera, and n. ,
. , "- "uuwiii i tiud inr
Wft',ln,t- 1 u"'
, !v 1 "tle fiJIotr. ar an w,,n
-dBwitleinwdy. TheyaVnw,
to, I their tiot-f 1?."?, "f! ' to n,y
by.algnwhlch offT . ..iT". .!
lighted riohe.;?. . ""U lU "" ftnd
w-Forty.two o,U,- was the unexpected
"HOW, that I" I.. .-.-. ..
kee,r. V , ' l7 "Mril
. . ,uu ajIKAii nnlv
cental" '
Wa. tho a int.h. anl.oi .L 7 .
S:r' "veral doors
kiU-hen ailT, tul .r..1--. Th
- iiAtui, ao tuat on.
can see evervtlili. -,i..7i .... .', . uu' ont
i , . " -"""""t iu me nen. and
W-u.i.u . u ""nu uarue d and
Pioahv SJ K B.lnm IK. u.-lt. y u
"V The'riH
ii " "'-unaier box. l'oasihlv
tho SUIID A llan.l -. ,. .. 1 IOly
tui. 7 o un mo oriental
people have rmlved their faculty of bend n
backward frcm this umveil usiof oik 7,5
5 so,tV.c:PlrrUS ?rt ,U DiiiUoi SahJ
.t' : 'l1''' fus -irlke. the
ki " i" "-ve countcrmirt of snnio.
anxiiHi i;r--!L",fr. I,u,".i
Off hand we an v a .L.V. i.. .. ... lU
. ' in liionern rivili.
a"?.10'.10 " cradle hS'l"
-Mellcan man eatee more than a.lnanwn lV L 'T1 10 "tl' ' "of
""-'"''thep LJrA talhrU'. BritSl
. ... vuu.ujo news.
M. BoulBuU.. Domon.trotlo,,..
ho Who an ,t,Al... . .... it v.a
wur. i.M.;i.:t kTI,:"..1"6 r i. Mkrtant.v - !" ,nflu-
vera TrMr. 'ra .100 K "f the of the. Mi.,,, - . "T' ' ? ""V8,H!
I . . T- a pitcher of Chin I..- i. : ...7. .rr K 'W replenish.
V la a a... . . . 141a. 1L HI in 1 1 1 Ufa a,lul..
, and next to tho rice Uinrhi.iv.). ' " hl OI-vKf"- "o also
., , " ue rcniemltered !
those who keen i.)...,t. (.. "nuprea oy
Wblskv la a mvu.. I.',-". v- V"e
isthomi uV"'"""1 ,0. ,b0-'
ewYo.kTrib,iri"UUl,n '"
' ' Tlrl la .- .
AtthUamso- It i, Ju, v' " '7"''
the use if hJa,. ? , to U Vwy '""derate
fruit Uanl. dr. u' or """"J
itou.towi.Jui b7foii:,'tr.? .r.
a excellent i. l uas
when it U rL'f. buUyb. hwna I
rbU to TT;" w' 'tis not
aJJi.. ' 01 ItUernld of
Trial br i v-
A. , - VTAUIt
few li.HV. . -n tl... .
trw brf, iia?i. aZ: ."t1 .c," w
wme ma. .Li u' .
U 1141)11 f lnrUs.-l J . '
.uch c. to Z:. .k' r"f,!7,u,'-y fa
ii.. . ",,,Dr me suit pav
wnchrwLho ;",",,"r i""''
and querU-d: 7 M up ,U Wurt
lay the iurv tar
'Yes." ivtiliA.l ti,. ,...i
. , vvui K
lXlk a h.wr l...) .!...
It on thick! I ilivtn.i i .... r'cr Pin,
c-vi..,u i7 ' 7 1 u ,nlr w 'PM roller
&3r D0,-''-.umnler
... ' nvm iue UefendMifa
'V?- TUt UiUff called everyth g to
order, and ilia ).,.-. mi .... ' ' .'
.or lees. c Aram i v.w i . .
.. ,.,v..f 4J.JKMi.
ii . rcniemlteml In
l-iose who keep plant, in ., ",!?.?
kUad UxJroonattat in dark eTn7 . 7.
have exaetiv m-a .. . " . . k ,css P1"" bo-
that went tn ,,mv.T " , "7 Ussingault
It lornw a rich and highly K i 7 ,V"kr
to;- nil kliide f ... n. ". ."c.fil1 ll. "uro
that In some t, o 8 2 k J
this purpose idh. fnr F. du,,K f
-l" ". pound.
Kecrnlta r... n. .
The latwit lions" of r.,.;.
chief, with li."7Wni"W
have le la, , "1" v"- They
aw .avail Mjej A mC&n fXSlCt l.
kv. aiirt. n"kUowth;, .r'T-..1?? ofato
"-. i via mm i ttriiiii ..ill. i .uui ur i a kw .i. .. .
r c-W evhing-to SK,iSr?.te aaa
-k o thTTCS gZ
Zi 7 ,t"1e,, wr ivory
Ihcj lk L..luih.-LorHiw TrGtlT
Not Lout , rollcam...
',u-A niA , nj.., .
iy. and .here-, five ctV(l,X,a,,Uts.
Auuly-Hue,, Miss y. KnTl j
. . i.u ou th. foo,w Y7k
Tha 11.. 1 . .i ..
llavilll! ltevn lai.vla - . . . ..
. i ti . "ui oethonihl
Malthew. .a - .it.
ut .utiK .... a.r
Won,-laa, .A 7," TL"rh" l VU
pronouncing dJ,L ZH. !
Tho Swindling Clerk.
"Smoker, complain," remarked a Broad
way cigar dealer, "thatlhere nro few places
In the ty where they can got even I fan?
edgar for ten cents unless they are known a,
regular customer. Of course, there are
-i-w urinous ueaior. who won't hesi-
Em 0,t P00'" on Corner
whom they ncve expect to see ngain A
man wuh a valise in bis baud, or bctravin
other indiratinn. r i...'. f lJclrayina
if t.i T i "'liuuouii to leave (he
c ty, is looked upon as a capital victim by
I soonest dealers. In many cases th,il..'
himsolf fa lint tfl l.lan, IT. .1 .
upon hi, ck kVrmd L ".r Ut e.n,ire,y.
I.itit a. I... i ,.t i.. ... . "-u" ni
that tho owner Z L"". " ..C'erk know
idci of th : r, ncc""
.. . uiuaen stocs in th.
case, and that thero is little chance ,0 knock
down very much In the day', receipts. The
only safe way for bi.a to steal fa to ehl 1
fivo Cent pi?nr fni-a... . 3nl
. u wn i-cnt one. Them I.
no fenr of h t....i ' i,lrro II
. 7 V s oecouso tho aver
afreainnkAp iIhH i . er-
cigar tho better It li,. . .vuu,Iriue
business Offers in tnng 'r
Colony of rialanders.
The colony of Finlanders In Ockitat
county, U ashington territory, are a mt f7
ta, chuaofpeople, Bnomy" be"
aoou cam a comiiutn,. ...j .. ' lu"
.,i. ; uuu were aro several
of them now "well fixed" whn . 7.1
-r ried on the ,S wlthoutXC
TbO COmilllina nim-.ll. .. ""Jll"ng.
extent A 1 , . T"" oa large
re verv Indn.irL " . TT "rra lorb"a- They
in which thai .Z ,ere aaw,
aalmonthey wiH be rndatf. rU" f
ndtish L. tbecannorie.
are in the t iZiJ "r., rae they
fuel, which tl,. 8 Posta and
and make sale of themTThe '
util-rM)iMftVn;vp:".,,!rv,ce ever' sab.
- at wjat-i (
Ho Knew Who Dldu't.
'Do rnii..i
Vohnnyr w b7drdwTS
bead Of his era n,.t . i..." S..ll.e d,t,r
evening and Ird Ite luZ brSS 8u':'h'y
in at .,t;"i.jr.'l'l'l J-l".nv,asho Uk
njwaj-." " " aut taUor,
tho brow ami nl.,.,- . , "rr
.i iiorsenicn vanish
over tho oniosite side. We follow herd in
their ,v1:e nnJ goo,, m . the .
and Udow us running fst and close to lbo
line. Artlmrl,, l.t .
,, , al lvb "ii is close un with
them, ns a so nro nl-.,,t i,..i,.., 1 ua
f portsinen. -Two hours, .d I10t 0
I hew! flnr lmi. i i ... . . '
...UIU u.-iiining to feel I in
.tmin, nd we H.ould not at fll oldest to
draw rvfii l,..t ii,. . . io
. , ,. IUO tu,1Hnt neast ahead is
towdng ,,. ;ittlul h0,ea(ls M
beautiful wood nn.l .in.i t.. b luo
tiio old water milu A
tho side of old Duiikerry, tho bighJTn
bkak-AUiI in the west Hero tho hound. , ;.r,'r.;... .iro !-
. u.n. mis mo une ngain.
nd and .how. the way toward tbo
fojnous valley whe.-e tbo Doone, boSTheir
robber stronhnl.l r .. .. lBe,r
i , -- " " mn riders uow.
a. We kll mil- fr.n,.i ... 1, . '
R;m i. .i J 1 nnu stretch out for
wKt hi,l! -old ridigr
bean ti f itl irn Tin i b ' P"10"" or seeming
beautiful galloping groUlld Uelln,
enceof boes. infn i,i..i. i i. , ""Ires-
rido, Lives 'a 1 ' " r " " nSHWll to
-iu.ui iiuwiuie.
lint Tha l,..,..i. . .
Mow w I i l..i I... , '
,. , -. ueuti now seek II" thn
.tii.,1 . .1..' i u ue sinl:s the hill
r h i : -? vp-. tnow
fnr .1,., j V u,u u'hl his course,
for when deer srek to attain a hilltop bv
goillir strn Mitnn 'ti. - ""lloP oy
. w r "J' IJB .1 V.II-B . (Vlt . II... 1
otlmtwoinnvlvi i.i, : .'. ",lV-
iiobto linitau 'r. Th-t
i. . , . B'eneu py heariu th
bajingof tho hound, beneath, down by ho
stream, bevond that i.i.i. i...,. ' . . ' ,uo
p ad c,.tr;;,L X j
iretunclocn !.. L ... .s .los!' u.Mwe
bo flghl' i g ' to tto lai. ' " ct,m,e1!"' s
Others, mere H browamta
Arthur is In nn , .
addle with thoUit J rfTr8?111 f tb0
M. Beta no tl. J "l of
Hwdeer. with 1,, ... , ,l',u r?Jk "ben
canine ;o.,,iU 7""1' ' 14 kiZ ha
deep into 1,:,!" "U!ltf"S knlf.
Then the d,.th , lUD. Head
Lssonnile., " " ,. r. a" thomort"
loo. ond the sf.r.m.i-. " . suri11 bal-
sid know that mx rtTr: the lm-
tho death arob. 2.'0jUSt 100 lato to aee
The deer is nniiii . .
Points aro count '.v l"0 ua.nlc "J li
lsthei.rm.,,...r.. r.u.'a,zo a"""'-ed. Uo
Orlcln of the I.
Please be so Had M te
question: When OohtmiaJL
Borne sny thoy came fr. '
from thn Pl. k
. .. ...uruniun ana tartiv
uie. Some Biblical rkJt
that they descemlcd fromik
IsrneL One w ho has ben,, !r
ay. that tradition, as
thatthev rat,.. .
ai-e an offshoot from the ifZT
iu tho case of tho NavnJoeittitl
M clonrlv IHV.I-..I n,. ..... .
abnacn'!. Tl, ci....i..7
, . u uuinuune nv v
come the present Shoshone ik ., ..
America so recently thatHe
emigration is cleaj-Iy proved r
camo llio Cheyeunes and fob
Next, tho Sioux, expelled tain,
British America that S.UOOnilJm
Then tho Chlppewai and Civs,,
out tbo Sioux. All these point i).
bascan busin us tbe place of fieri
Miamis, who were our aleri-i
In northern Iowa, and tbe Sbi
once lived in Florida, can bet
bore, of Lake Erie. Race,
are of a different origia
Governor rivaian.i.
- - - ...: i
What, uram r... I ... ... I
vovnranr nf V. v ... ' 1
.... m .ui ar i
Tho voto stood: Cleveland Dw
Folircr (Iti-n l "jo.m . .
Oevclaud'. plurality over Foljan
A Half Tn,ii w...
A subscriber ha. sent usaropyi l
u.uuiuuees urirniuted to Meal Doi i
askinir if 'nn 1 rtnw ..... . .i
,c, wruiruxa
have been referred to their iUccnJ
who say. (hat be did not wriiit
odds that bo did write metliia;ss
omihtr. It wn, veora m- ik.
been in a measure forgotten. Mr. Don
quite anxious that it shall not barni
Uhlttlor Live,
Are Ralph 'Waldo Emerson. Job an
and William Cullcn Eryont all livinj!
Emerson and Bryant ore dtad. Kli
living, I'seflll I'nlnta V... ..J ftU.
Tho use of the finger bowl -creases.
A brldo furnishes household liuna
it marked with her own initials.
Violet inks have vanished from ftbhi'-
nwuilg U0SKS,
Rapged edge paper is relegated to mi
and tailoi-s' announcements.
Wedding invitation, are enjriTol,
out and paid for by tho bride's parcna
ro rive, , tlZ 'the.two fore hoofs)
have ridden tho chaso fai w ,, Who
Cd to finish. r$ZL IT lhroS. from
euces of tho ,iv 1.1. ' experi-
.mnutes' daTtaCSKl' S"7
ig -in The Argonaut. 'lucl-
Inn n
TVber art, ,1,7,7
certain. It i... i 1 , ,lslle is not so
origth,ex!iaustKfu '
island sound ., .1 . ei.of Lomr
can bemadoefFJnT"' but wleri
ti"ig tbe a,rm!rV;.,.wfa-
other well knowVV:.:1'' '' and
ot t cert. p.01 water flrf,
nutdoat U'nn.1'. u.. r"n' aro beinff
?'Hi the matter wiU 'diXi, dirfction.
in a few Venn, . . be determined
there is or T . " certain that
rtillcioJ propa.atin- T for the
1 he ocean is very 1 , urer
bave a treat l' .a"'i l its fUh
and multiply ni"W,UC', tofa"
j.0 JaXeguiaie
I fl I. WUTnied not te colli. luSx r
aJJ tide of Mercury or any isj""
nance, but is purely vegetable.
It will Core sji Disease, earnd
by Derangement of th. Liter,
Kidney, and Stomach.
If your Llrer is aut of order, then r
whole lysiem la 4etaneel The N"
impure the breath efterurre : yoa Ww
headache, fed languid, displntnl t
aiuoo, laka al once Simmons
III V nil "tatary life, M '
,1 Ull) Kidney AffeeUon. and lake Simmoaa Um frf
ourc lo relina
If you bar eaten anyihlni lrd i
OilfMlioo, or Irel heavy after wa-
' nf "'K1". a dbai awl J
nl feel relieved and sleep pleasantly.
If yen art a miserable suBeret w
' f.?,?l,t,Bu". ly.peial mJ
Itlllonaness, seek relief al 00c
Simmoot Lirer RegTilatar. It dea
rouire cominual doting, and COM W
mile. It will cur you.
If yon waka up la th morning wkl
Bluer, bad laiit in your moutb.
Rl h 17V Simmoni Um RejuhW. '
I H K h the BiliouSteaach.f
the Breath, and deanxa it
2."""!- "'Wren aften seed me fc
Tonie to arert acpraachinf
"!Tm? JLlr ReruUtor wiUhnbe-r7 Cofc.
Ce. SlClt Klnm.A , I .' 1 rtM.nKfl.1.
the Comolaiau inadant 10 Childhood.
At any time yon fed yonr lyitea
cleaning, toning, regulating wiinoot
DUnHna .31..... .i..... luav
eating, uica
n' a i i
- PKICE, B1.00.