CITY G mo. ESTABLISHED FOR THE DISSEMAT103 OF BEMCRATIC PRINCIPLES, i TO EARN M HONEST LIVING BY THE SWEAT OP OCR BROW. zra-m i -s.-i EUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY. AUGUST 27, 1887. NO, 1. 20. 'E:KuihHl,lKS.htn Street.. Ill IS! S iaoi. ih.... ;lth"-. .. 82 SO 1.25 .75 OUR ONLY. OF ADVKimSlNQ. ,nrtion $L CVu required horti wiU ' chRr,e,, ftt t'"B fo1' rte: ,lU .' ?ii Ofl three months - )Q itn ,ix mouths ,200 'fiicesln local" cluum, 20 cents Wish , ... M'M, "" nZredUre.l ..uarterly fm"tb.FAIPWm.lHVIiM. ,YEl'. C. M. COLLIER. YEU & COLLIER tomeysnd Counsellors at Law,- vvr.V.SR CITY, OREGON. fvCTIC'EIXALLTHE TJRTSOF rtfU stU.. Will K!-v - i-t.euti.ra IjtillH Mill lnlM ,-.-Over Hendrick 4 Lakin bank CEO. B. D9RRIS, omcv and Counsellor- at-Law, ... tnium? TV THE COURTS 11,1, rn"'" ' .n i ,,1 in of the Second .iuuil-iui - ,,-me Court of this State. jTtteutiou given t,. collection and in in nrobate shburne As Woodcock itorncys-at-Saw, vr... of TV - - - OREGON TC E At the Court 1 1 otwe. i y8m3 noKiiw. 8. V. COWHlN. )NDON & DORRIS iitorncys-ai-jiw :FVE CITY. - - - OKKGOX Lick -Over Itnliiuwm & Church's hardware Irny ani Ccuns-Uor-at-Law, and i Real Estate Agent SKXECITY, - OREGON, IT Ice formerly occupied by Thompsons J. E. FENTGN, ittorncy-at-Law. 1EXE CITY OREGON edalatteution given to Real Estate Tmc and Abstracts of litle. iifici Over Grange Store. OUR IUG STOCK OF Brownsville hing --AXD- GOODS. See our remarkably complete and elegant I Dew stocK at me tiTLOWKST FBIOS3 HATii OF THE VERY LATEST STYLES Suits Made to Order, Fits Guaranted, No TROUBLE to SHOW Goods. J. W. CHERRY, Walton's Brick. -SOLD." - Our stow liuiMing no!d, nwl us vn slmll have to movn into in the ni'ir futurp, wi luvn (lnUTmiiiPcl to close out our entire stock RE GARDLESS OF COST. We have in Htock the finest selection of ;;oodn HUitaiile for llolidiiy pres ....... . t... .,.. ,i ;., iu n;in film iu "n iuuiiii in im vnj. Diamonds, Gold watches, Gold chains, Silver JFlated ware, Jewelry, Notions and Novelties, OTTTrT?!"C3r fH-OODS. Albums Scrap Books Autograph Albums, . . . .si r i Christmas ana new Tears arus, And an endless variety of nice goods-Call and see. No Trouble to Show Goods. CRAIN BROS. A Common Cold In often the beginning of utIous affco-, tions of the Throat, Uronchlul Tubes, and Lung. Therefore, the. iispsrtanco of early and offoctive treatment cannot be owrestlinatod. Ayer' Cherry roc- toral may alwava be relied upon for tho , speedy cure of a Cold or Conh. T.AHt. .Tnmmrv T wjia AttAi'kiHl wltll.A severe Otild, which, by ncglrct and fro. onent exiHisures. became worne, llnally nettling on ir.y lungs. A terrible cough soon followed, aA'comnanii'd by pain in the chest, from which I sullered lutenso- ly. After tfing various remedies, wiin oe o'tai"(-ug n-liof, I commenced taking A (H cuerry i-eeiorui, uuu was SDeedily Cured. I am satisfied that tlds remedy saved my life. Juo. Webster, l'awtucket, It. 1. T Artntraptntl A aftvent mill. WlllCa suddenly developed into rueunionia, nratntiniv iltllliT.irnll find nlMttuiltH symptoms. My physiclnn ordered tha use of Ayer'a Cherry 1'octornl. Hi structlous were louoweu, ana ino result was a rapid ami permanent cure. II. E. Stimpson, Rogers l'rairle, Tex. Tuta mm T anfTumil frmn A snvero Cold, which settled on my Lungs. I con sulted various physicians, and took tho n,..U.iln.ia , 1 1 1 riiiri lut.l lint. VW.VA1 UKUIIjIUV. HIUJ J-H.n i.w.i, ....... only temporary relief. A friend induced me UJ vry Aver a vnerry i ii iorui. aiht taking two bottles of this medicine I was cured. Since then I have given tho l'oe toral to my children, and consider it The Best Remedy for Colds, Coughs, and nil Throat and Lung diseases, ever used in my family. Hubert v anuorpooi, lueuuvmu, in. Some timo ago I tixk a slight Cold, which, being neglected, grew worse, and settled on my Lungs. 1 had a hacking cougn, ana was very wean, i iiwo knew me best consiucreu my mo w imj in great dangor. I continued to suffer until I commenced using Ayer's Cherry I'ectoral. Less than one bottle of this valuable medicine curou me, anu i feel that I owe the preservation of my life to its curative powers. Mr. Auu Lockwood, Akron, New York. Pimm, Pitirnl is cnnslilored. here, the oue great, remedy for all diseases oi tuo tnront ana inngs, vnu i uium in demand than any other medicine of its class. J. F.Hoberts, Magnolia, Ark. It Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Avert Co., Lowell, Mass. 8oldbyallDrngifUU. Trice (1 ; .li bottles, Ik Yaquina Correspondence. Yquixa, Or.. Aumist 22, 1887. 1Nmw,ii OtTilin! F,,p iIia lutini: ttl llmu . - " - - l lm in Vtilifn,,t llkil whn ftp nftpn stilled with smoke or sweltering with the I thermometer away up in me niueuui ana in the shade loo, i win sny that alter a lew I ..wlr. VitBlilMllOM llrA tltA WA.tlinr 1. IhVaIv! I neither too hot nor too cold. Improvements sr constantly ix iug made ny tue uregon I i -v "P size of their wharf so as to accommodate to bolter adviuitsgs their handsome and com modious steamships which arrive and de part every few days for San Kraaeisco, laden with passengers, also freight the product of your excellent inniueite ana uiuer vaiinvn, and iu return they bring tons upon tons of tho very excellent and luscious fruits, &o., A n., which our southera neiahbor know to well how to Drtng to ieriectton. in lue awect byo and bye, which is to aay a year or two at most when the mad is completed to its eastern termiuns, then this place will boom, and don't you forgt it. A large r.1 i.nt, .r. Atnt,li1VM.l ill tAArinO ftoWD II.'IVV VI MIVM " ......... . ... n - the rocky blofl's aud nlling up or rather masiug new groumi uu wuicu iu uinae uiui improvements. To show how generous the managers of the 0. D. Co. are I will state that besides donating a beautiful plat of . i : i. 1 : - ground, irom wuicu untuu " the liav, also Newport is obtained, they have elected at their own expense a bnildiug 32x (it feet to be used as a non-sectarian place of I worship. The Tost, a nice, clean, wide awake paper is published here by Messrs. Ysu Cleve and Wadswortn. van is Known an over tuis northern coast as oue of the pioneers in the "art preservative.!' 8. Handsaker from Dexter is pleasantly located here in the general merchandise bus. mess and from tha amount of goods be ap pears to soil must be prospering. lAijUinA. h kii Slock -OF- Frank Brothers Implement Co., PORTLAND, OREGON. DEALERS IS .W. HARRIS, M.D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE Villein's Druer Store. lUidence on Fifth street, where Dr Shelton Imerly resided. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL, ftAX BE FOUXD AT II IS OFFICE or res idence when not professionally engaged, leaidence on Eighth street, opposite Presby- utiiurcu. J. J. WALTON, Jr., A.TTORN liY-AT-LAW, EITOEXB CITY, OKEGOX. iril.I. ritAf'TICR IX ALL THE ('cl:d atuuition given t re;d estali, el- (';i!lectiui all. kind. ;if ckiuis againut tlio 'wit States .(.lovemrfieiit. "tiii in Walton's briok-rooms 7 and 8. O. dorrisT ilSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. HAVE SOME VERY DES1H AISLE Karms, Improved and Unimproved Town perty for sale, on eaiy terms. rtj Eented ani Eonts CsllectecL FARfVl AND ill ILL MACHINERY. a - - - Walter A. Woods' Mowers, Reapers and bteel Wheel Twine binders; I nomas ana noyai oeir M.S i i i r . . i i ruAHA Dump KaKes; noages uouDie uruper Headers; Gaar, Scott & Go's Threshers and Horse Powers; Rock Island Walking, Gang and Sulkey Plows. Most Cojtpletk Line of Bucics Carriages aud Spring Wagons on the Tacifie Coast. Having received onr goods 7,r ':.? tl.n Kast. we are oo lie to rive our customers the bene- TMF D Write for dialogue aud Frank Brothers Implement Co. Portland, Or., Or J. M. IIENDKICKS, Agent, Eugene City, Or. Groceries, Crockery, Wood and Willow Ware, At prices to suit all -AT- GOLDSMITH'S TIIK UHOl'Klt. Uriua your produce to Goldsmith's and I get money for it. BAG O N'B The New Frrnrh Rifle. It was the tremendous but previously on t great scale untested power of the needle gun that gave to the Prussians the decisive battle of Sadowa. Have the French really a weapon that is destined to repent that memorable experience? If what we read is true, such a thing is likely, the publicity given to me manor luruisuiug, however, some ground for scepticism. The weapon is the Lelel rifle. It is light, has great range and wonderful penetrating power. Its weight is less than that of any uinn.Urd rifles: it kills at two thousand vards. i i.. . I...H... .I........W A;nl,, In,,!, aim It seuus mine, iuii'mu ah vu. .mvu brick wall at five hundred. It is clear that the French government be lieves in this weapon. It is making them steadily at the ruts of three or four thousand a week, and 11 is also niaKing a special pow. der for thera which is needful for their effi ciency, and of which the French war office has the secret and the monopoly. All this sounds formidable. But the Oer- muv anniA fonniililble thiUDS in reserve also, and that is not rendered less likely by the fact that we hear very little talk about them. Woman'. Courage- the ordinary woman Breath outstrips the ordinary man. Whether it be reckless, unconscious, or suoume, me ele ment of personal oourage that affects a fit at the presence of a mouse knows no fear in the face of a real danger. A lady who would not venture irom ner rural irout uoor aiuue was often met abroad leading a three-year ..1.1 .1,11,1 l,v Ilia linnil. When asked if she IU iuiiu "J ......... .. - considered the infant's presence a protoo- .. t 1. 1 1 T MnM. .... tlOU Blie BIlBWCreo , in umnnuru, jm, iui l..n I tn nlimn I feel that I have no riuhtS to be away, and would run from a shadow; but if I were attacked wuu tuis cniia i wouia defend it to the last. Some persons will ao nm,t Inr Hits nii mntum&l thnorios. But tho lady was not relatod to the child and she was unmarried. Not a California Bear. invluxlv ran natch a cold this kind of weather. The trouble is to let go, like the man who caught the Dear, we auvise our readers to purchase of any druggist a bottle of BANTA AUIE. the California King of Con- rp t i r.1 itTHTIKTATM TlfiV sumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs and ' Ifirnnn f!nrfa. and kann it huudr. "lis oleas- ing to the taste and death to the above com plaints. Bold at 11.00 s bottle or 3 for $2.00. CALIFORNIA CAT-K CUKE gives immedi ate relief. The Catarrhal virus is soon dis ni.vwl ,v Ita liAAlina and rjenetratins nature. Uive it a trial. Six months treatment $1.00, sent by mail $1,10. H AMBLETONI AN. THIS HIGH BKEI) STALLION WILL t ami Stf akt's KiiL'Piie. the coming season, lie is a sure foal getter. I will also statu! At the same place. He is 7 years old and a littla nvnr 1.7)0 Ilia, anil is one of the V...... rnn .,,nr. In th. KtntA (if Ort.tmn llaa fine body, and is of splendid stock, Friers to suit the times. THOROUGHBRED JACK. fta I I". Iumiranoe Companies I represent are n? Oldest and mofct lieiv.l.U . nn in f I'khvpt and EgriTABT.E ailjustment of their Sr vvn Srvn V,vi? Hllare llf vnnr nitnmnv. iw MuliiriteiL "See up stairs, over the Grille Store. 11. I JURIS. .T. DAVIS, jMerchant Tailor. 1 jtTAS OPKXED A SHOP OX NINTH ' 1 - Street "(.pite the Hur llakerv, wlieie "Prpred toduall kiuds t work ..tfered !" on line. A Lua tock of ' Fine lLha on hand for "W'tooiars to stlect from. " oi our aprifUtie the cutting anu aVinj of,s Cloaks, "'pairins and cleaning dune promllly. Pt" jetiim miaranteeil. 'n.'ene, Xov. B, 1(S'.. tf m mm AT- A. V. PETERS'. Fcur splendid "Now AVliito" Nickel-plated Sewing Machines All Complete. I '1111 nllWing tlK .e uiacliii.eH Hi tost, riot;' the lime or room to deal in il cm .' l-ngiT This is a fin- oppoi tuait y to M'Ciir one of tlicno most popu lar, fumiali'"!, mi J wrwinly il'" "'" 1'M'' of all wing Machine, ' I a!o o;F. r the followii.,' li'ir.'siins: Fortr Ladies' Xew Market CI oaks for 1 less than Cost. TiLrntt-ji'e (rents juic uvtrcu'i, u.y .seitxvu jm- ! ?I 7.... AVli' chase,) joroi il""1'' ... ., , , ...... Th.-i- r- 'ill lie, JeiilH.i- sfiic.-ls, :.IIJ win pay ., J jmt fi-ni. iu in- .ia ,'.vH, if one h .J to l-iy !,e, until next Winter. I h,ve a uu-n'.er f.f othir l.,.-. ui.:i t . !.-r arm to tvl.n.Ii 1 will c-tll t.ltrr. nn frui tini" to tim- I WILL ALSO STAND AT STEWART'S Htahle during the coining seasnn a thorough bred Jack. He is guaranteed to be a sure foal getter. He was rained in Vt ashuigtnn Terri- ...... .n.l ... . Mil hv a tnir. K.n. ucky Jack; bis dam was an imported Kentucky "Two of colts are on exhibition at the stable. Call and see them. Terms made kmwn on application. JAMES BATES. DISSOLUTION hOTICE. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT XI the partnership heretofore exutinir lie- iwpen J. v. isriatow and i. a, -rmx, enaKeu lit me sale oi machinery ano atfricuiiurai uu plements at Eugene City, Oregon, under the hnn name and style ot lirimow s. rai;, mis Art V (fiaiutluarl liw n,,,,,,al niiliuihh rl' .1 fTaiu retiring therefrom. All debts now due and to become (tue to the late tirni are to Im paid to J. W, BrisUtw, who hereby assumes all the liabil ities and demands ajiaimt said linn. .1. v. DIIIMUH, T. J. CKAIii. Dated this 3rd day of Auimt, 1Ha7. V W. P.m.Iam, u..!11 Minlinii. tii. hil.t ness at the old stand. Thanking the public for their liiwral patmnt-e to tli late nrm, we p. by square dealing, etc., to inrit a oniliinmnre of the same. J. W. W'.ISToV.'. Soencer BrtU .-Tery fruit tree. f.T ;.le at John Brown's en street r.e.r i r-"!-trian church, or leave .orders -u. lw . i.u Tmn Tear old iUr:il anil - . - . , . lne for saleby the huudre 1 cheap. F.I.M..1 l'nrifier U Xature'e,.,l7. and kIi iiiI I be used to the et- t',;iii.ti of all (dher nr di;-ine in all diseases j tbe st no.ich, liver anil kidneys. CRAIN BROS. PPA DEALERS V.otrlin mill iS.CL-0- Jewtlrr, Musical instruments, Toys, Notions, etc Having perfected arrungemonts with par ties in Portland, I am able now to find pur chasers for lands, more roadily than l..rii!fniA. Tf vnn liava Iiinil for salo. un proved or unimproved, you cannot do bet- 1 . ,1.... i n..,...u linn. ltu!tl,U.K Will, I), (IK lUail lU.UUUn, Jim, uiinmvn. Terms reasonable. Your patronage solicited. n w ti . l. j; . lyunuia. California Coi-R-Cure. T1,a nnlv uiiii-a,,tvd cure for catarrh, eold in the head, hay fever, rose cold, catarrhal deafness and sure cyci. Restore the sense of taste and unpleasant breath, resulting from catarrh. Ensv and pleasant to use. follow directions and a cure is warranted, by all diug",ista. Send for circular to ABIETIXE MLDICAjj CyllrAM i, uroviue, cal. mi month.' treatineut for f 1.00: sent by mail $1.10. For sale by all druggists. Delays are Dangerous. You say, well, 'tis only a slight cold, look o'lt, it may lead to an Inflaiiiatton of the lining inof numerous air cells of the Lungs this is Pneumonia. Or to apoainodiu contractions of the lihres of the air ikuumikx, whleh is Astlims: or the lunanialioii o the lining ineiulirane oi the throat nnil ttiln a whirh paas thniugh the I.iii.l'., which in the firat ataue ia culled 1'nin- hitia, and may lead to eoii.iimplioii. Santa A bi" is delitioiia in flavor, certain and perfect in Ita leault. A few don will relieve, a thor ough treatment cure the aVve naiiied dlaeaaes. Every laittle warranted by all ilnitfifists. What Is It? That produces that beautifully soft cum plcxiun and leaves no traces of its applies tion or iuiurions eflicta? The answer, Wis ,l.,t'a lt.itcrlirta acroiiitdiHlies all this, and is pronounced by ladies of taste aud refine ment to be the most delightful toilet article ...- nrfulncod. Warranted harmless and matchless. V. M. Wilkius, agent, F.ugeue City. THE INDim TRiMPEB. Hartford ;City Duspalcli to Ciacinnati.Eu (iuircr. 1 John Owon Snider, the now world-wide famous pedestriau, has purchased himself a little farm of forty acres, and out iu the rear of his dwelling we found him st his eudless, nover-eudiug lask tramp, tramp, tramp, on and on, never faltering, flagging or tiring of .,, La. imiruev. The thermometer registered 110 degrees iu tbe sun, yet about his beaten track amidst ita glare, glitter and burning rays, ou ha weut as uneoucerued about its tuelt.ui h-at as if amid the coolest shsdos of autumu. Not a particle of perepi .... .t.rnt lis was as lithe of form. as quick of step, as oongouial, pleasant aud ready to converse as nearly three years ago when we first met him on his tirolesa tramp. We accosted him with "Good morning, ii...u i..i... " IU .aid "Good uoruinc" VUtl. .VMM. - as cheerily aud pleannt as though on a uuiut stroll. Well, Uncle John, you are still on your endless walk?" "Yes sir," said he, "and I am now con vinced it will be au endless trsnip with me, and will end only when I am dead." 'Can't you stop a inonieut to oonverse with au old friend?" "As much as I would like to I dare not. I cannot do so." "Cau't you lay down to rest at niguir "No, sir, I have been in bed only once in now nearly three years, and thou only for an hour, aud it made mo no fred aud sore that I had to run for five hours to rest my self." How do you sleep? "I sit down in that chair jou see there, sleep for about two or three hours, never more thau that, and sometimes am walking -t .... ....,1, ttovn arlwin I Wake." "Have you ever tried to stop walking? 'A thousand times yes, ten thousaud times I have tried to stop, but the moment I make the effort my legs cramp aud pain me so I am compelled to- run about tor an hour to get them easy again." "1 low do you take your meals? "You see that largo tray there, auid he (pointing it out to me), "with those leather straps. I fasten it in front of me, aud eat as I walk." "I am luforrued that you suave yourseii and out your hair as you trsvol about. Is that true?" , , . , ..v.. .i. i n.n ahaea. cut inv hair and bathe myself with a much ease as tliouuh at rest." . "You don't mean to say yon bathe your self while walkiug." "I do. I dampen a towel, and while walk inn about my room, I remove my clothing and bathe myself. I do to three times a week, always in the mornivg before any of my family ia up." . "Have you never been tired of walking? "I have answered that question to at least . .i ....! nuotda I never was tired for tea liwuaaut. w(.... ------ , . a moment, only when trying to rust. "Then walkiug rests you?' "Yes, sir; if 1 am weary I just increase my pace, and after running awhile 1 get rested and feel first rate." . i:i.A tn Ajtiwuraa with iriandS. "Uoigu uioiwvu. . "I do, only when they try to convince me I ant a crank, ors.y or hypooondnao. I am neither. I would be a fool to tramp about for nearly three years, day and night, for at least tweuty hours out of every tweuty four. Crauk, crazy or fool, I would give out in mat uiuo, .... We found the niusoles as tense and firm as whip-cord. His pulso numbeeed 7H. We took his temperature; it registered UJ, heart . . ....... i.. ..i adiit omul impulse: eyes ueat ait no j o , - - , clear, bright, and pupils equal iu sue and responsive, Intellect unimpaired, "pby aiuue" good, digestion perfect, appetite not .., w.t deiiraved. and without a siuglo indei for a guide to a solution of the mala dy that affects him. We wore forced to give it up aud wonder the more at the marvel be- '""Unole John, toll us what you think about, how you couteut yourself. In the i i. ;.i.,i, ilma. when everyone is 1UUK UlfttsJ S-Ssaji - asleep but one to wateh or con verse with-don't yon But mJ buJ tlrml 0' """Well," said he, "you have asked throe or four questions at ouco, I do got lone some sometimes: then I take a chew of to bacco, whistle or sing, ana try to the pleasant soenes of my youth, aud o ten gaze at the heavens aud try to find new stare aud new wonders that appear. Just now l am looking for the Btar of Bethlehem. ( "Do you ever wish to dio and be relieved from your afllictiou?" . "Can't say that I do. I am concerned about the welfare of my family; want to see them contented, happy aim tV"" for, then I am aatislied to Uve on until the journey is ended." , "How long have been wa ki-g now? "Nearly three years; it will be iu Octobor ""iter shaking hands aud bidding Mr. Sni der good-day we left him as we found him, still tramping about his leaten path. When nearly out of sight we looked sgain; he was still at his tak alone, head .erect, the same swinging step in a circle irom ngu. w On he went, as contented and serene as though sitting in the shado conversing witli friends. We calculate that now be has been walking one thousand duys, tweuty hours oi every twenty-four. ai tue ruin ui i""' a,.. -- . y miles a day, he now has encompassed fully eighty thousaud miles-over three times around the world-id less than three years, and yet his joiirticy is not ended. . ' " .1.. f,.nuW 111 Ollt in a couvorsauoii wuu - , Mr. buider we were informed by thirati a. believer uiuruiured or complained at his lot was always pleasant and cheerful, an 1 that often he' would walk for an hour at a lime, supported by smie member of the fam ily, sound asleep, snoring so loudly as to M heard severul rods away; that in sleeping be sut in the arm chair m ar the circle, and while sleeping sat erect, breathed easily, auu on wakiutr at once began his la .k. . Every inducement, every uevic. "J effort at command had been resorted to to Ket him to forego his tramp; jej, whilo he listened t their suggestions aud j lailing. be would answer them, "It is impossible to stop " and "It would be suiciJe to do so. An Absolute Cure. The ORIGINAL MUT-TINE OINTMENT is only pot np iu lurge two ounce tin boxes, and is an aWdntu cure for old sores, bums l , l. ..1 l...,,.1. and all skill eriip- WOllllll, ' " ' ' ' .. . . , l. i I.. u.-.ll....:.i...l .tint a kllllsof IllleS. lions. in iM.ti" .j , -.,v-i' ..w....i..iilM(.IVf. AllltTINt. OlM- . MENT. Hold by all druggists at '!"' cents per i bol by mail JO cenia.