The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 20, 1887, Image 3

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litK .all I f 'f sal
i'.l 1h- paid fur wheat
Imiiii of
tiiiinhi'il mat ly mid nruu
ik plushes in all shades
lu-v in the week
,, ilifii'i'K'V g" l" ''r !".
hb-'.I Im"!.:''1 ,ku ' "''' R' Goldsmith'.
'"'"ir.ii.iW'.'M biudur 'kt I'ritoliBtt A
V liu'""1
, , ty.-waii-
lly ,
. Iris ill
t ..i...t K 0 Dunn'
.. . i,l,IUth every
. lb.rn's barber .Imp.
.. .... ..nrcliase Waltham watches at
,-l'!v,tu"rm10auil upwards.
it ,1 want hardware at reasonable prices
. in. store of PritchettS I'nrKner.-
'tolinif Hill k"P ln, """'"t
su .... ..f l.,m)J readable works. Give
'LumiH. pay. fur beaver to S3 50 per
and conn. irl,tV","rU
i.'i,l,er ami otter, 62 to $0.
Florence Items.
" " Aug. 17, 1HS7.
ffaiith.T oil the beach delightful, but at
short distanco on Bliore the smoke is imte
iljU-k. - . ,
Several new houses are turner wv, imu
0,7 ;h t,iiw hk soon as lumber cun
Iwlwd. .
rwi U Park ami lumny, oi .ugeue, nn
ulmVatiug the "lJR Hhor0 ",Ml "ve enjoy
themselves greatly.
n i-. nnmb-r of salmon are cinght
lllll l o'"' ; . .. . -.. i .
, t as the run docs not usually uegm hp-
ioni-r Geu. Miles arrived on Monday
..... ......ii miI a lurm. niiwimit
S.nn nff 12U PBIBWUK"" "
1 (rH.-ht. anil crossed ont Tuesday morning
-i tr it i
The uew store building oi u. " . iiuiu
is now up and carpenters are engaged . in
the Hiding und rooting. I he build-
'niSlii6U feet and two stones
& . . ... I. . ,, .
0. V. llurd, senior uieuiocr vi um
hantile firm Of HUM U.. oi norence,
4ves to-day lor Man irua lu .... .u
' .. ......b nf .nereliaudise for the full and
iryo biuvb . .,
Iviuter trade lie goes ry tne way o. r.ugeue
Vud dm rumor lias u reporieu u
Lite his fate and future with the fair belle
jit nw
List of Letters
i nnealled for at the postoflice in
1 -. i ,n luol,
Eugene City, Uregon, Auguhi w, io0. .
Vradv, Mrs Millery Darrows, Mrs Mary
V.I 1 IH' I' I "J
Lowerie, Emma
l'arsons, F M
Walker, A
Item acurcf this week
J. J. Pi'ill is tn iitiiij Lis biinirv l.i
out of paint.
Mr. T. 1). Inwards 11 1 1 94 t.iLeli II
tttld is again eontio"d lii r..nm
I .
MM. Alex. JI.ili iei ,,l T 1 1: s
gufst of Mih. Win. Laud one this wi-i k. i Hop eh
Mi Kil
last Monday to visit h. r Kiit, r. tia Sn.,,,
.Ma-!l. i iunin-H.
Mr. John Kt-llv IhruHh.ilili.. it in fi..n. ! The gioun.l f.o ,i
Sprintield Items.
August 1!), 18X7
Ditehbuiu's restaurant. .
The city and comity jails are empty.
Coed cuongh ihese iii irning't for fires,
If yon want a goud un ul go to Ditcliburu'a
Moore, the woodaawyer.
Mechanics and lalioring nun nil busy. '
The days are ptrceptibly growing shorter.
A new tin roof is being put on Horn's brick !
building. !
A Prohibition League will tm organized at
Lawn and Summer At goods at Friend-; 1 ,Mmr8 "wy-
.vverul iminigrants Have la'eu
Gcauii oftice week looking for land.
lievu this
eks piinti d at tin
Ditchbniu's risianraiil
Work is Wing puh., rapidly on ' '" tiir,ly.
Judge licau went to Portland Monday.
Mini Emily Prislol la tiiiting In Portland.
Mr. Andy Titus of Portland is again in
Mr. Clin. P. SUddeii visited Ilwaco this
Mr. L. O. Adair returned from aiinma
John K. llv Ihresln .1 ill- er in from
U ai le In lil Ibis Week liieli av, la .1
U niHii ls p, acre.
Mih Lyne who has been sicli for ho:nu
limn is nlowly reeovetin. Her many trienda
nepe ior iitr tnrly restoration to health.
Al'uitid llrelhren minister oiranizeil a
hiireh of that deiiominalioii at this place
RJt Friday evening w ith a small nieinber-
We nre lili nsed to note the fact that Mr.
Wyaut has been sncce-ihf nl in securing his
p iisn.n; he will reo ive iiiiout $t:0 Imek imv
aud S i!0 per nioiilh during the reuiaind'T of
Ills lite.
Mr. Holeomb, who went to Eastern Una-
gou and W. T., hIhiuI two months since, re
turned home on last Sunday eveuing thor
oughly satisfied to remain in the valley. He
says Webloot is good euongh for him.
loing a gHl j l)r, Sin Itona new residence. sir. Mi.rnun nayes reiurnea uomu.sie..i
J..I.I. i V..ll..,s.ll ..fil.i n .l. "V.m.iM luesaaj.
of the Tuns bliK'U is now 1 granted tin increase of ' ! Hoadmaster Wait, of the O. ,t C. K. H.was
I ti... ...i.. .., i v -i n i.'.. ,.;.v. j in town one day this week
.nn mi.tiiaf iii in in ... 4 j .'ii . i i.
is buildinj another river j'ciu was in Portland last Mmidav.
The O. P. R. R.
Meals cooked to ol d r at Ditchbnru'a on
short notice.
The tashinu mason Ikis eoinnii ueed on the
Lower Siusluw.
i'razier, James
plarden, Mr A
Jloere, Mrs Mary
llhoads. Mrs Lou
Persons calling for the above will please
..lvortiuerl. elvillC date.
A careworn man slowly weinkd bis wav
homeward, poudering over the problem of
existence, aud wondering how he khould sup
ply his many needs. Suddenly there appeur-
noatuic m the air noove mm and just out
of his reach a vision of (T a "Pointing
Hand." Shocked mid startled, be mstinct-
ively passed his hand over bis eves and tried
to thrust the pbautom from lain. Again ami
agaiu. but 1.11 without avail, he tried to rid
lumselt of Its presence, but tne l'ointitig
Hand" IV hung ever just beyond his reach
anil nothing would induce the vision to U
part. It liugered through the long evening
hours, aud wheu at last his eves closed iu
slumber, he dreamed only of I Vtho "Point
ing Hand." Through the still watches of the
night it was ever present, and when his eyes
owned in the morning it was only to behold
ouco nuaiu tne inreaieniug, cninmantumr
lthalitom of the cver-prcseul" Pointing Hand"
that hung like a menace aud a bidding
above him, always pointing in one direction.
Ho followed it, aud found peace and rest. It
was Reasou pointing the way to bargains now
bein offered by II. 8. Simou. 1
The Oldest Inhabitant.
Portlat-d, Aug. 17; Ed. Oregonian:-Mr.
Jean Baptisto Ouruier, who came to Oregon
iu 182ti, as stated in a recent issue of your
journal, now resides at or mar the mouth of
the Siuslaw river, and bis postoflice address
is Florence, Lane county, Oregon. The date
of his arrival in Oregou was, as I am inform
ed, in 1816 instead of 1820. A communica
tion addressed to him, or the postmaster at
Florence, will receivo prompt attention.
j. W. oTRAXOE.
Local Market Report.
EfoENK, Aug. 11), 1887.
0. vrs-35(40c.
Barley -M cts" per bushel.
EuiM 18 cts per doz.
Buttsr 20fa '-'; ct l)f r 1-
1, Aim-8((U0 cts per lb.
Kloi'b-65 per bbl.
BACON-Si.les 8 to 10 cts; somiMers to 8 cts;
aiin, 10 to 12J ct.
W i ml -21 cts.
l'oUtonei-75 cts per bush.
CheeKC-12 (Vii 15 cts.
ltKv TIoi.i.inAY's Last Wobds. Beu Hoi-
lailnv'a lost words were "I RllllDOSe I Will
lhavetodie." For several days preceding
his death his mind wandered aud he said
many Ihiucs. hut the above remark was the
last coherent one heard by Sister Mary, who
atlended him at St. Vincent's hospital. He
seemed to know what was coins on about
... . . r 7 r 1 I -
nun. but was unable to speuk. lie uieo an
earnest Catholic and wheu Dossessed of the
power ol speech reminded bister Jiary wnen
the tinio for repeating the usual prayers
For Sale.
One hundred and soveuty acres of land, Y,
mile from Eugene City, Or., uiculy located
tor residences, in lots from o acres 10 one
hundred acres to suit purchasers. The
land is the very best duality, all in cultiva
tion; five minutes walk from the city. Terms
wry reasonable; one-half down, balance on
Also 310 acres of land 5 miles north of Eu
gene City, Or., on county road. Convenient
w scnool and railroad, in quantity to t sun
purchasers, from 80 to 100 acres. Plenty of
water and timber; the land is first-class aud
in good cultivation. Address
N. npjirPKKf ,
or A. C. Ubown, Agent.
Eugene City, Oregon.
harm for bale.
1 1 a.-e for sale 220 acres of laud know n as
the Oilfilan farm; 25 acres good timber and
the remainder all prairie. All under fence;
good house and barn: good orchard and
other improvements. The pluco has an
sbandauce of good spring water aud is sit
uated one. fourth mile from the Pleasant
HiU school house, one of the best school
auincta in the county. For further parucu
apply to T. G. IIknpk:cks.
Notice to Teachers.
Kotice is hereby given that for the purpose
ol making an examination of persons who
my offer themselves as candidates for teach
ers of the schools of this county, the board
of examiners will hold a publio examination
t the court house iu Eugene City, Oregon,
commencing on Weduesdav at noon, August
3. 1887. A. V. Pattkhson,
Comity Snpt.
Dated Aog. 12, 1887.
City Transfers
A. C. Holmes to V. E. Suodgrass, lots in
Christian's addition; consideration, $100.
W. U. Delano to A. a. llovey, lot anil
buildings on Eighth street; con, $?1 300.
Imi'oiitasi Announcement.--Every man,
woman aud child is glad to bear of a man
succeeding and building up his business.
Wc take pleasure in announcing mai mi. u.
O. Watts, tlio jeweler has succeeded so well
since coming here that he has been enabled
to put in a large stock of watches, clocks,
chains. riiiRS, and in fact all goods .usually
found in a urst-class jewelry store. luese
goods were purchased direct from the man-
. . .1 Tl . . l.A .O Oltlllllllll
ufacturers in me juisi, ueuto m .i t...."...
to sell them at prices astonishingly low.
Give him a call and take a look at the
Will liciLP.-MavorF B Dunn has decided
to erect this fall a handsome two-story brick
building on his lot just north of his store.
The plans and specifications will be furnished
by Mr. W. H. Williams, of Portland, the ar
chitect of the new university and the Masonic
Temple. The front of the old store will bo
oiul snnnre front with plate win
dows will take its place, and the floor will
also be lowered. The offices in the new and
old stores will probably be provided with bay
windows. The UuiKllug win uu r.u.
with all the modern improvements.
. a n ..,.
uts havo been coinpleien ior ims mn
It will leave Portland Sept. 12, via the
Canadian Pacific railway, and go to Chicago,
St. Louis, Kansas City, Now ork, Boston.
Philadelphia and Washington. Rates may
be had by applying to Oeo imes lG
1 1M1 Wutnml ttirPL'K X 'l UU""'
nun iui
parties who wished to go from tl.i; . count,
are now afforded the opportunity. The tick
ets are good for ninety uajs.
iu . ,Wd ock. awaiting tne reooe....
of the produce exchange, and no price is .juo.
r . . 1 i win.,, tlm S.m l rancisco
taOlO 1U luaveuj. ,
'peculators come to an agreement and the
dead lock is broken we may hope for a lair
opening price.
About Whkat. The local wlieat
remains without change. Hie hnn r
t ...., r i.',M.D.-Mr. J. J. Eaton, who
lives near Junction, wo are informed, has
,,inetv acre field of corn tuai
., i height. The best
. ...m, i. i.......i,i fin!. Mua
timate the yieiii win u "'; " ' -.,
ftftv bushels to to the acre, hi 1 it is a
thliUorn cannot be successfully raised iu
t rr,.li Huffman was examined at
Judge Washburue , Dr ""pl Uo
Don't Believe It
When told that F. M. Wilkins. tha druggist,
to not selling "Wisdom's Robertiue" for the
fomplexion, the most elegant and only really
harmless preparation of its kind !n the
orld, and giving a beautiful picture card
hu every bottle.
"ANTED. fit Ms mtv nrnm-ti nn 1 children
o 'eed at the new Red Front Restaurant on
"iiwmette street. Good, wholesome nmais
only 25 cents. Mesls eookkd to order at
reonable rates.
. Witi!iT Saces.-S. II. Friendly bv Thnrs
' freight tram received direct 27,000
iheattackg. Call and see hiin if you need
. i ...i,turittT iroiu iiim.i...j
tollllil uiiu t"""r , - ,
fortunate man was taken to the as.Mum
K by Deputy Sheriff Swift
Farmers inform us thai the fall grain is
turning out poorly.
M essrs. Chambers & Sou have moved iuto
Titus' uew brick block.
Ex-Senator A. A. Sargent died at his home
in Sau Francisco last Sunday
In another column will bo found Matlock's
new advertisement. Read it.
Hop picking will commence in several
yards one week from Monday.
Bring around your job work to the Guai.d
office if you want it done neatly.
The uext session of the University of Ore
gon will begin October 3rd, 1S87.
About ten days more will finish the brick
work on the new Masonic Temple.
The annual conference of the M. E. church
will be held iu Portland August 31st.
Mr. J. W. Bristow has beeu appointed
agent for the Columbia Fire Insurance Co.
Mr Geo F Craw has thu sole sajeucy for nl1
brand.! of the celebrated Tansil Punch Cigar.
Insure your hops with Mr. B. F. Dorris.
II j makes a specialty of this kind of business.
A marriage license was issued this week
to Mr. O. W. llurd Bud Miss Lilly M. Cox
Several miners have passed through Eu
gene during the week eu route to the Blue
river mines.
The Red Front Restauraut is the best place
in Eugene for a 2oct meal, and you can get
it at all hours.
The Eugene Electric Light Company in
tend haviug their works iu operation by the
time winter commences
From present indications there will lie
very large attendance of students at the State
University this wiuter.
Lambert & Heuderson aro the solo agents
for the celebrated Superior stoves. Tako
your wife aud look at them.
Some dogs killed five or six head of goats
for Mr. V. 11. Watkmsat his larm just souiu
of this city last Monday night.
See the dissolution uotice of Messrs. Bris
tow & Craig, in another column. Mr. Bris
tow will hereafter run the business.
A uumber of Masons from Eugetioattended
tho corner stoue laying of the Agricultural
College at Corvallis last V eduesday.
The mill company is putting in a new
water wheel for the purpose of supplying
power for the electric light company
The marshal has been busy this week put
ting iu new crosswalks ou that portiou of
Ninth street that was recently improveu
lienlistrv is the k-ience and art of saving and
milwtituting teeth. l)r. Henderson makes the
subject a special study and perforins his oper
ations in the most skillful manner.
Tim hands nt Mr. Jos. Bradford's brick
kiln made np a purse Wednesday night of
$71) aud presented It to the propnetor, ou
account of the loss sustained by tho burning
of his barn
Haviii! established connection with Cali
fornia Beents I am now prepared to give my
patrons tho benefit ol tho very best medium
Ior selling rem estate ever uuereu umt,
Geo. M. Mhxfr'
A barn belonging to Mr. Jos. Bradford was
liiirnml Tuesday at his brick vard. It con
tnined several tons of hay and some imple
niBiits. Cause of fire unknown. Loss about
1100; no insurance.
Mr P.eo. Fisher Monday morning bought
a cub eiunamon bear, which had boen brought
l..,ro from Jacksonville: he then sold it to
Mr. Frank Blair, who in return sold it to a
Portland gentleman.
A State Press Association was organized
at Yaquina Hay last Saturday. An adjourned
meeting ol the came win oe iieni n. aiui.uj,
October 11th. It should bo joined by every
newspaper publisher in the state.
Moore's Hair Invigorator may be found
n nt the following places: OHbnrn
Co's drug store, Wilkin's drug store, Horn's
barbfr shop. Call and get one. No lady's
toilet complete wituoiil ii. nampie iree.
Scott's Addition is booming. Thirteen
now buildings completed and under con
struction, aud more to follow. Best location
in the city for school purposes.
Geo. M. Milleu, Agent.
Mr. J. B. Rhinebart is having a two-story
frame business house erected ou the coiner
of Oak aud Nifith streets. The building is
being erected around the old store, and when
completed tho old structure will be torn away.
Dr. Pilkington makes his regular trip to
bo found Wednesday from
3 p. m. to Thursday night, Aug. 21th and
23th at Hoffman House. All eye, ear and
throat, nervous, rectal and chronic diseases
are treated by special treatment, ianium
tion free.
xt. Win. Wilson has purchased the inter
,... XT .Tnlinenn in the dry goods store of
stands over L, .,,, V trii.n.n,. The til m name bere-
The best of judges es; , wi b(j En8tilimi jt Wilson. We wish
.1,1 Ann nccess. 1 hey will move into
the new Wilson brick as soon as it is com
v loom tW many applications are being
made to the secretary for premium lists of
the county fair; not ouly from Laue county,
but also from Douglas, Linu, Coos Benton
and Crook counties. This would iudicate
that there would be a large number of ex
hibitors at tie coming fair.
Prof. L. J. Powell, late president of the
territorial nniversity.died at 3:30 last Wedues-
Aa, nflemnon nt heattle. Ol camera ui.'i ,
RememlH r that the County Fair d des are
September 21st, 22d, 2.d anil 21t!i.
Sherwood Burr's office can again lie found
up-stairs in the Walton brick block. '
Mr. Wm, B. Wonti-n. funnulv of PI- asunt
Hill, is now located ut Burin, Oregon.
Orders K ft for woods-iwing at MeCoruack
Collier's will be pn inplly iilltd by Moore.
The Douglas County Fair will bo In Id at
Dillard's Station, KeptemWr 7lh, Hth, Uth
and 10th.
The Gcaud forco extend their thauks to
Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Christian for a demijohn
ol ileiicious sweet cnler.
The publio drill giveu by the militia com
pany last Saturday evening was witnessed by
large uumber of people.
Moore saws your wood twice in two fur
fifty cents per cord. Uave order t plRC last Weduesdoy and Thursday,
Mctorunek & Lolliev s. 1 ,.,. t.-ii;.u.rt1 TWH.,,,1 vl.
I'll urn iviitsiij," 'i ' -
A couiiemau irom me ivisi was in iuis ite,i ,n Eiim-ne- sevural days this weeK
ty several days this wcik giving lUsinic- i. t - rn ,1.1 i n,ni. 1..
. ' ! t I ill! UIIIIII'S tUl ltiiKiiti, VI smiihw '""'P
lions unuie ueieeuoii oi eoiiuieiieu ei . ;:,: i, . .i,. ,,, ,!..
Mr.J. B. Finch, an architect of Itaker
Mr. James O'Meara. well known all over
Oregon, has returned to Port fund and will
take editorial charge of the Daily News of
that city.
Every purchaser, for the next thirty days,
of $15 worth of tm-rehandise from Simon, the
clothier, will receive a handsome watch free
of charge.
About forty Chinamen passed through
here last Saturday for tho Lower Siuslaw.
They were engaged to work in Smith's can
uery near Acme.
More houses will b erected in Eugeue
during the year 1887 than in any other town
in Western Oregou with tho exception of
ortlaud aud Last Portland.
There will be no services at ths Presbyter-
inu church next Sunday evening, as the pas
tor will go to Lobnrg m the afternoon to at
tend a gospel temperance meeting.
Wefiudthisin tho Union Scout: "Mr-
Jap Stevens, the crack shot of the Cove, on
Mr. H.-rla rt F.akin, of Cottage Grove, was
in town last Wednesday.
Mr. Geo. H. Parks ami family have re
turned from tho Siuslaw.
Mr. Jos. Kline returned Wednesday from
a two weeks visit to Salem.
Attorney Woodcock made Junction a pro
fessional visit last Tuesday.
Mr. Murk F. Jones, of Rosoburg, the band
teacher is visiting in Lugcne.
Mrs. E. L. Bristow and Miss Mary Hill
have returned to their homes.
Mr. W. II. rvlmio has sidd his marble
business to J. T. Ma tin it Son.
Mr. J. F. Kelly of Grant Pat paid Eu
gene a visit thu first of the week.
Mm. W. H. Watkins will go to lionnoville
next Monday ou a few days visit.
Mrs. J. .1. Comstock visited friends in this
Cottage Grova Itemi.
Cuttaok Gbov, August 17, 1887.
Mr. Herbert Eakin went to Eugene to itf
Miss Addie Medley returned to Euge
Mis Hattie Thompson returned Bund y
from a visit at Lebanon.
Dr. Jones, of Eugene, was culled to I e
Mr. R. Ha.leton Monday.
Mr. E. J. ViU s, of Portland, came np i)
this place Sunday ou business. ; ,
A Mr. Lewi aud family, of Missouri, a.
rived here Sunday overlaud in a wagon. ,
Mr. J. J. Comstock, of Portland, a d
mother, Mrs, Bodly, came np one day I .
Died, at Ibis plaes Sunday, Augtut Ht ' 7.
Miss Fiue Wallace, aged ID year, 11 moni
aud 4 days.
Mr. Clay Vile who is working at Mill a
nvy's rock quarry, came in Monday and 3
turned to-day.
Misses Liwie and Ada Hanson, who b. ie
been visiting Mis Katie, their sister.retun sd
home to l.ugeno to-day.
Mr. T. fl. Hendricks and famlly.ofEuffe ,
and Mis Nellie Gilfrey, of Cresswoll, vul -1
this place and Royal Suuday.
Mr. II. II. Haleton arrived hero Mon isy
morniug from Iake county to seo hi fat er
and help care for him, who. we are sorry iu
state 1 growing worse.
Mr. L. H. Whartou, son and daugh.r,
Mr. Townsend and a voune mail wt )t e
name we did not lrnrn, all of Lakevl -w,
came In last evening on a visit to relat) i
and friends.
City, was in town a couple of duys this week.
Postmaster Osburn and wife visited Snow
den springs last Saturday, returning Monday.
Hon. Geo. Thompson and Dr. Wortman,
of Monroe, spent last Sunday uight in town,
Mr. John C. Welch, of the Portland post-
office spent last Sunday in Eugene visiting
Mr. Boswick. cashier of the First National
Bank of Portland, was in Eugene Ust
Mr. A. Goldsmith returned boms from San
Fraueiseo Thursday. He says he had a vory
pleasant trip.
Mr. Herltert Nash, of Corvallis. was in Eu
oeue last Thursday. He will return to school
here iu October.
Judge Washburn and wile spent several
days the first of tho week iu a visit to the
Lake creek region.
Mr. W. II. William, of Portland, arehi
a recent gunning expedition to Clover creek, tect of the now Masonic Temple, was iu En
suceeeiieu in aiii.iik no vi.iecun. i gene last mommy.
Slaior It. II. llendershot, the drummer ooy I Mr. E. A. Farnngton and family have re-
of the Rappahannock, accompanied by his turned litre from Oakland, California. They
son, were in fcugeiie last i nursuuy. i ne wln probably looate here.
Major wil give an entertainment here Ubcem- M Horse Dillard and family, of Crook
bor Ij anil Jli. e.nnilv. nrrived here Thursday on a visit to
We bam that Judge Walton upset bis relatives and acquaintances.
wagon on his way to Lower Siuslaw nt the
mouth of Wild CBt, breaking the tongue and
dashboard. His family and himself escaped
without injury.
Miss Mary rotter, of Floreuce, came iu on
the stago Wednesday evening. he will re
turn home iu about a week.
We are sorry to learn that Mr. Frank E,
Don't fill the system with qniuiuo, to pro- T,,.n i. .....n,,.,! in hU mum with
vent or cure i ever and Ague. Ayer s Aguo w Lo)i (or j ( ,,pe(,(iy ncovnJ
VUIQ IB IUU njiCU.UU .U. lUin i.inriinv, nnii
leaves no poisons to produce dizziness,
deafness, headache, or other disordors.
The roadbed of tho California A Oregon
line has been closed within about eight miles
of connection, but as tho work is now
through tunnels principally there is no
chance to shorteu staging or dispense witu
it, nntil connectiou is etlccted.
Mr. J. N. Pearcv, a Portland attorney of
considerable experience, will locate ill St.
Helens prior to the llrst day ol nepiemner.
lie comes to make this place his home and
to build up a law practice hers. Ws lie
spsak for him a fair share of tho publio pat
ronage. St. Helens Mist. Mr. Tearcy grad
ated from the State University in 1871).
Young, old andmiddlo aged, all experience
Smithfield Items.
August 15th, ' .
Smoky weather at present,
Suuday school Still attembd well.
Several new barns going up in thisvici lily
this summer.
Bom, to tho wife of 8. L. Miller, Aii ust
IHh a daughter.
T. O. Mounts ha burned a largo buck
kiln this summer.
A new house goiug up in Smithfield; won
der what that means?
Suiilhfield is looking up; ha a G od
Templars Lodge aud a Grange.
Mr. I. F. Kirk i fee ins bad. II has lost
hi favorite saddlo pony knon as Old Mie.
W nndi.mtnnd Dr. McPherson intends
putting np adrugstore in our village on Main
Mr. Fisher and sous intend starting up
their thresher to-day. Mr. Smith also in
tends starting his thresher shortly.
tV &nL Mil niiitfVD
The New Baptist Church.
The building committee of the Baptist
Church are ready to receive bids for the
uew church. The plans can bo seen at the
office of II. F. Dorns. Sealed bids will be
received until noon, August 22, 1887. The
oorumittee reserve the right to reject any
ami all biibu
Mousy to Eoau by Balfour, Gntherie .t
Co. on improved real estate on reasouablo
terms. Apply to E. J. MoClanahan agent
for Lane county. .
Cirw At Chicago. July 2(Hh, R-
petta, owned by Tom and Cass Matlock of
Pendleton, was ruled off all the association
Mr. J. W. Cook, of Portland, and another
gentleman whose name we did not learn, left
for the roley springs Wednesday alternoon
Messrs. T. O. Hendricks, J. II McClung,
E. It. Luckev. A. V. Peters and Prof. John
son started on a trip to Davis Inks aud vi
cinity Tuesday.
Mr. W . II. Delano and family will soon
leave for Southern California. Wo hope 1 tmckg, together with her owners, trainer aud
that the climate will prove beneficial to hi I n(,ktv on grounds that she was "pulled" in
failing health. . ,n flash with Wundaroo and Hilda. T un
Mr. Win. Withrow aud wife returned last aud Cass both denied that she was pull ad
Wednesday eveni
They report hav
nnieii m-efer Orom
Manager Koehler and Superintendent Milarkey are now at Butte City,
lirow aud wife ruturned last aud Cass both denied that she was pun m,
ling from a trip to Missouri, but, notwithstanding the judges made lbs
iug had a pUasant time, but ruling. The party consists of Tom Matlock,
-gou for a home. Cass Matlock, Jiinmle Matlock and Tom ,
in attendance at tho races to come oil tiiern.
They will roliirn homo some time
i -. , . .. ... .. ..I...
mouth. union nooui, Aug. iaiu.
Hit Tueib IUaps. Complaint is if
Brandt, of the O. & 0. R. R., were in Eu-
tbe wonderfully beneficial efl'octs of Ayer's gone a few hours last Wednesday evening on
Sarsaparilla. Young children, suffering business connected with the railroad,
from Horn eves, sore ears, scald head, or Mr. V. K. Henderson left for Eastern Ore-
any scrofulous taint, becomo healthy and o0n last Tuesday. Ho proposes to drive a by vUitors and residents of this city
stroDg oy me use oi tuis meiuciue. on uoi-1 j()t 0j gneep to tno liiurston rancn auove i many 01 tne siuewaias une jifounuiu
ties. S3. Springfield and fatten them to be sold during which catch in a lady I dress or a i
I - " I .. .I . .A... .1."
In the Pacific railway examination the ao- the winter. man's panUilooni iu ne most a, rove-i .
. .. .....-Q.....1.' .j il...i ir T n ri.1..1 ii.. ll, fn. acuravat nfl Style. 1I1IS IS not ui'iuu.i u-i
COUUiani Ol llie ouumern x iteuiu Diuiwi. iiir. w. v.ouuuiiT, iivhiv,vi vi nw , , . nnvrtiii. tio
the construction of the Califorum & Oregon Imrg saw mill, was iu town last Wednesday, me u m ur ..,.-.......- " v- ;;
:i..i nu mi n,ii h it. T..fnrma nu tW ! in. Inst ant Into Id te his or her clothing thereon, iroperiy
inillllQil IIUU1 ASVlin tltltvn vr uw u imm - j--.- O " i I 1 lt, .,,,.- Urt , It
line had 0OBt the Pacific Improvement Com- race 2,000,000 feet of the famous McKenzie owners auoum .u ...... ... -
pany, for construction sccount up to Juno aw logs. emergency mum '"'l"""",
30, and rolling stock np to April ou, j,10v Mr s ualulsaker and family, of DexW, Mabhiep. At the residence of M. G Wil-
GO"- I imvn moved to Yaiiuina Citv. where Mr. II. 1 1.:.... . uu rnt ir..t in Huloni. on Tues-
... . . RIHB, HI 1-IU l-W-lil n..-.. ... --. - - -
The railrosd commission at Salem is doinp will engage in the nierchantilo busiuess. Ws (1iyi AUgi 8a7, W. D. Castcel, of Laos
imo recommending that is being followed can cheerfully recommend him to the people ctmutTi nll(l Miss Emma Ely, of Marion
Mb roads. They recommend $0 from of that vicinity ns being an upright and lion- oomity' j, p, o'Donald, J, P., officiating
m ...ii. 1 it. 1 i. 1 .i 2ti1 MfM I I.. t.....!.., '
AlUUVED.-Ano - ""' "-I. mnrninr di-
W inant. urriveu jeie.u..j o
from Tangent to Albany instead oi iu. air
Sommerville of Pendleton files a complaint
.1... .U. rt l B. V nl,... l,im lK
mill me J x. at vumwv u.n. w
carload instead of $1 1, as recommeui'
the board. The O. P. i rep
as requested, and the Narrow
A singular nud distressing accident
happened recently at the residence of Mrs.
l'eter Henderson, ou me jonn jiay. mm,
Henderson went out into the ysrd for some
wood, leaving her four mouths old girl lying
ou the bed. When she teturned sbe found
that the baby had in some way rolled off and
fallen head first iuto a pail of water that
stood by the bod. The child was standing
on its head, stone dead, when found by its
mother. Heppner Gazette.
Some food for thought is to be found in
the following paragraph in the Astorian:
"So long as Northwestern Oregon send all
its money away so long will there be a scar
city of that useful article. This remark will
not admit of successful contradiction. Build
ing with nails made in W heeling, cooking on
.... n. 1 .... . !l 1 I
DiSD.Near Woodburn, Aug. 17, 1W, of
oraoiu uufiueiiit iiii.u
nn I " ' no - I, irBJ .l.ilit. Hi ,,i inrillH. RLiftll II UO 11 IJ
r I iittt if Him nnrtiur ufnnn (if lhA niata AUrlOlll- I uro'Ji ." "" .
led by IT',." ,, .... .i rnrMu l,.-i Wmlnd.... year. Mrs. Wesley Shannon, ol this city, a
lacing bridges '' y w 0Hlmrn, i'rof. IUw- sister-in-law, wa present at her death. Mr.
Gauge ties a. j "' Mria. Wml Preston, 3. B. Z. Shannon went Thursday to attend the funeral
ris and S. M. Yornn
The Biuhop Scott Acadomy, of Portland,
has secured lbs services of Major Patterson
I.kCTUB. Dr. J
as MiliUiry Cominandaiit and instructor in Rhlnehart's hall Tuesdsy evening. Aug!
Mutheumties for the ensuing year. He will 23rd, at 7:30 p. in., ou prohibition.; 'All
.1... !... l !..
W. Watts will loci uro In
We loam that Mr Ike F. Yocum, a former
hop grower in this county, now has a twelve
acre vard of fine hops in tho Puynllup val-
Ct T reload She will again sail sphool-. and was for four
t no to 1,Y -Newpo.t News, Aug. pfriuU.ndet of public instruction ,
for that port to-ilaj. l lIe jves a wife and five children.
B'th. . . .... ....... ... j i
cfinnected with
years su-
in Oregon.
mt fnrtv
. . pariv ui iitiin -i'
OrncKHS Electiu. The military company , wMj t , ie Iioju(.y 8,ott (lirul ,ud
held au election last Monday, with tb.i fo ; I- b , of Thurs,lay night for a bea', that
low n result. Major I'attersou ! VM reported to be foraging in that winitf .
Cant am M. G. Butterfield; FirriLieuleiiaM. , ,Iowel,er ,hey di not kill the bear but tbey
n . i' sl-.dden: Second Lieutenant. C. J. ... wlcci.ed in killing a common American
V. una- - ' ,
remove to that city shortly. 1'he Proscssor invitod.
is a thorough mathematician and a fine tac
tician ami will prove a decided Requisition
to that institution.
Mr. John R. Campbell and Mr. John
Henry left for tho newly discovered quartz ley, W. T.
minus in Dm lloliHinia country the first of I
week. They will take out a lew Hundred j. W. Mi'lerof Portland is vr-oinc,
pound of rock, which will bo shipped to j ,ml cittfi
..(.... i..l,j fin. tin. tnirtinaa nf lnarinllO I L.
the amount of precious luctul it will yield to Mr. J. W. Cherry will pay the metn-pidis
thu ton. a visit next Monday.
fijiTiiiNii I have last rs- iv.,. Cm A few nice building lots, on
stoves made in Buffalo on utensils made in I ceived a large and complete line of tlie celo- j e(u,y terrnu. Price from f oO to $1IJ0. A,piy
Cincinnati, eating corn canned in Chicago, btated Browtuvillo Woolen Mill clothiug to Db. T. W. Busli .n.
ml liRtnn mil nn in rniiancipuia. aim uui-1 i. i l,ronouA to m hi nrices mat will .
ter made in California, and vegetables and ,i,.fy competition. Remember my store is lo- yon Bale. A lot of nice show-ca s, as
frnit grovn In Han 1 rancisco, driuking liquor i catd ju the Hodman House itiock. Call good a new, at
made in- Illinois aud Wisconsin ont of glassl ftI1(j exaniine this line of goods.
msde in Ohio, wesring woolens spun In I
Massachusetts and shoes put together in
Lynn, smoking cigars made by Chinese in
San Francisco and wondering what the coun
try is coming to. will never build np this
part of God's footstool."
II. H. Simon.
Tbi Hop Crop. The New York Mail and
Anotbkb Dsi-utt Ai'Poihtid. Collector
Ahrahnm on Monday appointed Mr. H. L.
Marlon, of Dougla county to the position of
second deontv collector in the stead of A. N.
(lainbcll. Mr. Murton has resided ln Doug
las rouulv about twelve years. Ho was once
w . -1
a a ijil. 4 htn I (liM)lllV COUllljf VJtJI. lioum ninw vwu..--
mercnant o. tui. city, w no j sv - - - .- , now , -j
irom me ins peeuon in ino irixiiug wy yn,-. - - . , i j
during comities of Otsego. Chenango snd !) has ln ,a Uuuj h .(,! li.ilav .-TIih hnn vard in I ocrat.
i l. n.nii i tl, ilineust of the bonnds.
BUUII., .-; - n- . - , ,
f. S TI Frini v is having a new iruu.
Mr Murton is now In bis seat of office.
At the Hoffman House in En-
K. R. Lp'nt A 0 '. u
An Illustrated
.... .! . t
Alogue, containing a full iirHCTipti-
Fancy AVork
: and 3latenais
J . ... . . At mii.d
Used, also of Woolen larns ami Jj
with valuable information io iauie.
gene fitv, Ang,.,t 17. 1(W7, by Rev. Oeo. A. ;,rbe t rree OniAppiiM li . . -
, ,:.!.... l. ii V ll.rl l Floranon and V VWt A V LE INSON.
PDU inubim-v, -i
this State have only partially recovered from
last year's dronth but the vines are now in
excellent condition, wil b a fair prospect of
nmlwini, ntia.lialf 11 fWe.f il-lltA llf 111 -rOD
TI, Miss L. M. Cox.of Acme
Mr. S. u. rnenuiy i unvuiK ni,.i. - --- . , . ..,i,to. (, tn Kn
-... v wih to express our , : b.h Btore , snd will Puild bii auniuou vines are irce irom me parasuea. iw " ti 1 l,,. il,Zi l. ahannv TTAT
CAKDorTHASKS.-ew u . ss put in The contract 11 .!,., in former vear. A sale estimate Francisco Thursilay. May theirs be a happy TTOTjIJiiO
irI,Tboe who tiudly ZZ cr7t,r work was W to W. II. Alex- j p,u tb. 8UU crop this year at 100.000 matrimonial life. nilClMPRR COLLEGE
' .1,... I,.. l.,i,-k ork to F. F. TatU-rson ' uies. On the Continent tngnsn norsi are ,... , , (,,. M. Miller. last IVu'i' w
Theboppy oonple l20 k 131 Keirny St.
nan I
by fire, aud especially to those '
the same.
assist u... -Mb&Mm UkslMKU.
Aug. 18, 18-i7.
r. u,.. .. XT (itn M Millar, last
Co and the iron work to the Eugene Foun- estimated at two-thirds to three-fourths of U.,.,,,,,,, ay j ejyht aerss of land for Mr. Formerly
drv Tbefrontwillhsveplateglasswindows. last year's crop. Alut ons-qnartr of the , p .birs. iut northwest of town lo Mr. I V
.... i... i, nui 1. il.i. ,nnir lni.1 nr ra Im-1 . - . ... i: .1 ... I
'i.'S23X!ZZX-izr z;zfXSZZPil-- c,t;5S.,s,
entbusinessn FhicD Weinsto. k i L.ib.n are the mau-ger of Sells circus was in Ports
- . i . it, ImsI nop nsed in this couutrv ion year wero iiu-
l)0yonwan.,- k -- rted. .nd dhM duty of eight cents per
If an. Dil IO eriu-im. t r -
Wat Down. Simon will sell you a fancy
Prcaleshirt, two collars aud a pair of cuffs
411 'or 75 cents. Now is your time to buy.
Iteew. who I lately Irom
$1K)0. Mr. Reese will build
erly soon.
Missouri, for
on the prop-
n,,.In this city
k m ist 19. 17. o !
Thnrwliv evening,
f.,f Mr. U. t
foili.r and ennu
j ernu.-. ,d , , hc C(j4Ht,and lat Wednesday. He Mated that thi
.'I L JJJlTJhW ! a, f.o.x.Wa, would play tb,oafcb the WUlamelU
that the show
about the nniille of September.
Uit roR Sal. A flue buildiug lot for
l.. . .,...-,,, we.tinn of town tt3xlC0
fe.4. Willie sold cheap for cash. Inquire catalogue,
of Mr. A. C. Woodcock for particnlars.
Nhorlliainil nml
A complete business comse. penmanship,,ud. tvnewriting. buiue correspon
dence, etc., taught day snd evtnmg.
Shorthand Uson l-y mil idress
U. UULalu,
i.!1",BT" Notice.
i Call-son,
l order a duy.
A gooii dinner can ,
tel for 25 cents. '