nu mm city guard. SATURDAY AUGUST , 1887. A Game of Bluff. In the following article the New York Herald show bow tlie Republican are play ing a gwna of bluff. The Herald aaji: A ceutlt'Muu writel to ask if the Herald will Cclp tit in out of h pc rpU'Xity. Hu say: Cim yen txplnin this Hi, Loin muddle? I liuve upp(iMi'il Mint tlm Republicans went into tlii' war iiiiciiiimi (iii'V wt re iletorim ii that all Aii.i licuiiH sliutilil rulislitliUouo in pie aud ono mttiou. And now when tLut desired result hue been reached they ieem equally determined to kocp the North and Bouth apart. What in the name of common sense don this wean? And iu reply to the above query the Her aid proceed! as follows; Well, it. means politics, and very poor pol itics; that is all. There ii no common aenie in it, much less is there any patriotism, but at a piece of deroaKogio strategy it baa ita vnlae to the Republican lenders. You netd not be alarmed about it. It bag no signifi cance and will produce no results. The peo ple already aee that it is simply a game of bluff, whose constituent elements consist in equal part of very loud talking, three little palsiea, bloody shirt, which bus at last outlived iu usefulness, and a few threat of personal violence because the President in sist that the cruel war is over. The organ of the Itupublican party have onle oue motto, aud if you keen that in mind you will understand all the tine rhetorical trapeze work which they are now getting in. The motto is, "Whon the bloody shirt goe to to the laundry, we go to the cemetery isseu." So far a the administration of the coun try goes, the Democrats are firmly filed in the driver's seat, the obedient and willing team goe at a good, honest rate up bill and down, and the pussengera are enjoying them selves thoroughly. T he natural coach is be ing driven without the financial iolt of the last twenty years, and the mud bole are carefully avoided. Republican like lilaine, Sherman, and Foruker see this and are al most frantic. In 1H81 they borrowed the trumpet of Gabriel and blew a blast through out the land to the effect that if Demo cratic coachman was allowed to handle the rein there would be in the near future the most awful npset and the most terrible ag gregation of bruises and broken bone aud other disaster that the human mind could eonceive. Imagine their horror, wbon they awoke to the fact that the finest coachmen in the country are Democrats that the peoplo are convinced of thi fact, and therefore rel egated the Republicans to reserved scat on the inside for the indefinite future. Of course, the Republican party wanta to get back to Washington. That is perfectly natural and perfectly proper. If tbey have anything to ay to the voters of this conutry which is worth listeuiug to the people are ready to boar. For, after all, what the great body of Americans want i a itublo, an Ion est, an economical aud peaceful government. They do not euro a pin's worth for a party as such, neither tlio Republican nor the Democrat lo, but they do care good deal fur their commercial interests, for general prosperity and for everything which goe to make us atroug untiou. They invited the Republican leaders to step down simply be cause their trading propensities were too fully dovelopod. They discovered that pub Ho olhce, which should be a public trust, wa prized a a bartender prize a lemon for the juice that can be got out of it; that there wero numerous political ring which were robbing iho people of tho national do main, using the Tension Office to buy vote with and apetidiug score of million on .navy which was somehow all "in your eye." In a word the people were "tired" and iu November 1S81 they said so. Hut now, on the eve of another Tresidou tial elcotlnn, if the Republicans have any thing to offer, why, the people are quite wif ' -Rug to look the goods over aud pas judg ment on them. Tlwir cry i that they want to si ve the Union, but whon asked how they propose to do it thev fruntioally pull out thi ragged old shirt ami three wriukled palsies, Ih patent for which lini beoeu applied for. If you oak again how they can save the country with a shut aud a few palsies, w answer that w don't quit see onrselve. Still, so far as is known, these are the only assets of the Republican aaviors. President Clevclaud baa in two year sign ed BU3 private pension bill which ia 378 more than Grant approved in eight year, 6I1U more than lUyl gjgnpj j nj, four years, and J 27 more than wore signed by Garfield aud Arthur comuiued. Cleveland bai signed three general pension bills, which have given new or increased pensions to WfiM needy veteran or their widow aud orphans. More money ha been paid out for pensions this vesr ilmn More penaioui have boon granted during the I jvat iitnu iii any preceding year in the ulatorv of Ilia :,......,..,.. ti ... -j .... .,,, iuin are smy-iour more soldier employed in the In terior department than' when Cleveland was elected. There are fifty-four more soldier aud their kindred iu the pension bureau than when Cleveland was elected. For the first time sine the war every penslou agent is a I nion soldier and every pension examiner ia a soldier or a soldier' widow. E John Sherman write that be is for Hlaiue if be cannot aeoure tho presidential uomina tiou himself. We have little faith in the sin eerily nf the cold, severe Sherman. Heoould have said nothing else at this time, aud if he bad said lesa it would be ure to rouse the enthusiastic resentment of Hlaiue' admirer in and out of Ohio. Wily John knew rery well that be must agree to upport lilaine iu the event of that gentleman' nomination. It would never do to proclaim himself a bol tr before the eonveution meetF.-Saoramen-to Hee. In an elecliou argument in Kentucky two Republican lambs got the drop on two Dem ocrat aud wounded them mortally. On of the saints wo slightlv woanded, (he other wafudlotheboaoiiiofToll.ycr, the Repub lican leader in Rowan, who committed mur der by the core. P. T. Rarnum wa going to sell out for tweuty-flve cent on the dollar if Cleveland were elected. He ha not sold yet, but i ottering f.Hl.Otsj for au authenticated sea serpent. . r It is rumorvd that the great Africa ex plorer, lleurv M. Stanley haa been killed by uative after having lu deserted by hi es cort, ' Gov. Peunoyer has forwarded to the pub lishers the new oode compiled by V. Lair Hill, with hi certificate of approval, and the state will purchase 1000 copies. They are wituoming a novel spectacle in irgima, where Riddleberger. United State trustor, lain a comity jnii fur couu-uipt of Tit Drfftiilonl amis of lisrtford. Con... sivpckl to ...... "-"nrnj mi miians on the - Hiaiiiw trwrvauun III Oregon. There wetvuiHiir t!. .,l.i;. .u.u. the New otk i ity Hoard iu 'M, aad they twviv tan tnnMll , Why Put In the t? From the Cincinnati Enquirer. Republican asset Tuttle aud Fairchild. Attkmptcd Si'iciD. Mis Bonnie Riley, daughter of R. R. Kiley, an extensive prop erty owner iu the vicinity of Salmon and East Park, attempted suicide Sunday night by taking cocaine. She waa taken hi St. Vincent' hospital where Dm. Mackenzie ami Oniger succeeded in reviving hi r, mid i-1i ia now in a fair way of recovery. Vjiiic ye.irs sgo the mother of 51 ins Ril y died, leaving this unfortunate girl aiiuoit in cure ml at- tei. tiou of a mother ul mi u ulien it ism hI nocexsury. licing of a ficc disposition, her oouduct was such as to bring discredit iiwn her, aud her father sent ber t-itHt fo attend school. Returning a few weeks ago she took np her residence with a family on Moiiison street, aud was waiting money from her father to further complete her education. Hut on laat Sunday the Mercury contained a very nnjust article, the says, reflecting on hur character, and along with the jibesand insults of others, she broke down and sought relief by snicide. She declares she will yet hike ber life, and next time will rmke the aitcinpt with laudanum. Surely the suffering of in jured conscience and prido must be terrible wben one so young aeeks reuci in dial L. Portland Democrat. BARKER PCUN W0RKS.1 A Bill 8. U. Pettingill writes a scathing letter to the Portland News about the mis management of the l'u get Sound Colony, at Port Angele on the Strait of Fuca. There are 300 people there and want and suffering among them is almost certain. The whole proleot is evidently a bilk. It is a sort of you lean on me and I will lean on you con oern. It ia an attempt to found a self-supporting American settlement upon ideas the reverse of all that bave ever yet had any practical value. And, yet, there are few section, where the possibility of building up productive homes on plain business proposition supplemented by thrift, econo my, industry and other condition of pio neer life are more abundant than in the reg ion which is soon, it is feared will be the Men of want and suffering. There people 1 who are going to turn the world upside own and auustitute crack brained theorie for well established rule of procedure, are good people to steer clear of and let alone J The attorney for the Raker City school district baa brought a mandamus suit to com pel the (fate board to deed it for (31)0, school property worth f oOOO, bnt appraised at $300 only by board The debt is $2I,0IK) loaned. The last session nf the legislature authorized the present board to foreclose, the mortgage and sell the property to the Baker City school district at a price to be fixed by three appraisers, the appraiser to be chosen, one by the couuty court of Baker county, one by the school district and both to choose a third. A postmaster of the old regime, iu Dakota, for a long time made false returns of can celled stamp in order to increase his com pensation. Wben an inspector detected htm he oommitted suicide. A readjustment of thi account show that by thi fraud he cheated tho Government out of over $5,000. Fob Sale. 135 acres of farming land. 1 mile from Eugene City. Price $30 per acre. Apply at the office of Dr. T. W. Bhellon. in be Matlock building. Watch m Givin Awat. II. S. Simon will live every man buying a suit of clothing for or over. nickle watch; warranted a good time piece. Fob Salb, 150 lots In all parts of Huron City with and without houses. Prices to auit HRO, M. MII.I.FR. MONEY TO LOAN -ON Farm and City Property For a term of years at Lowest Rates. Apply to SHERWOOD BURR. Storage I Storage I Farmers are hereby notified that s. ii.rmicMH.YX WAREHOUSE Adjoining tlm O. & 0, R. Depot ia now open for the Storngo of Hops, Oats, Wool & Barley. ,7 o 1 v. '. t-'lfa-m f 6 Look at tlirtc Prices. Winchester liijles: 41 cat. O. F., oct. hbl., iii(Kle-l73 . . $1 IX.') U nil, C. F., round bbl., niodi-l-73. . i.tMi (3d same uh 41 cal.) 40-8 model '(i, oct bbl 15.73 45-CO model '70. ocf 15.7.". 11C. F. oct bbl, Colt's Lihtiiiiij 10.50 All other goiU at bottom prices, and don't yon forget it. 1 want the darker Gun Werk to to the front, ami to do this I have to make prices that will make a miser j.ti'ii, and that is jmit what I en ii do, So coin- and see the lliirker Gun W'oik-H when in need of anything in this line. All kimU of repairing di ue with neat ness and dupiitch, at Eastern prices. All kinds of guns and aiiiuiuiiitinu on hand it all times, ami I want you to undertauil if at what I have xit in f,,r nUP all, I try to satirify you in prices. Located oinsMite El'nK.s'g ClTir Guakd oflice, Eugene City, Or. NOTICE rem PUHLIOATIOX. l.A.vii Oyru r. at ltoMKiinnii, Oh., I July 2(1, 1K87. ( VO'llCK IS HEKEI1Y GIVKX THAT JA the following named settler has filed notice nt his intention to make final proof in siipixirt of his claim and that said proof will be made betore tlie l lerk nt the l;oimty I nurt of Lane ooiuity, Oregon, at Kuifrne City, "r., on Saturday, August 17, 1W, viz: Mathilda runke. preemption J), ti. .No. iM'M for the lota 1 and i and S. W. 14 nf N. E. 14 Sec. 11' ami lou 1 and 2 and S. E. 14 of N. V. 14 Sec. 23 Tp. 17 H. 1!. HI West W. M. He namrs the following witnesses to prove Ins continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz: John Wisinan, Joneph Win man, Clirintiau iiorger. of Deiwlwood, Lane County, Oregon, and Manhy ThouipKim, of Sea ton, Lane Co., Or. I UAH. W. .Iohnsto.v, itegister. Dr. Gill's Catarrh Cure. I purchased a box of "(fill's CaUrrh Cure." finding my nephew, ('. A. Mc.M.ihon, in need of such medicine. I let him have the box. He now tends for three more boxes, saying it is the best tiling that was ever tried by him ami hi friends. .1. A. McMAllAN. Springfield, Oregon, Feb. 24, 1KS4. Can be obtained at the dni.-ni-tx: if not there of tho proprietor. J, '. (jll.L&CO. ASK FOH 9?38a3 Standard White Shirts & Boss of the Road Overalls Thej are the Best. Take no other. To be I of all First-Glass Dealers. INSURANCE. WE HAVE KEEN APPOINTED at'eiiU for the liisurance Companies for merly hehl by Mr Cha Lauer, ami are jire pared to insure your House. Barn. Wheat. Wool. Etc-. Etc- sitaiust Iocs by fire, and can give yon (choice of some of tho Best Comfaniks ONTlltH Coakt, readv and willing to pay losses promptly. We ak for the liberal patronage extended to Mr Lauer. Henphicks 4 Eakin. Something Now. Ml!. GKOWJK WILCOX WITH J. A. WINTER, will make photographic enlarge ment by the new Permanent Bromide process, finely finished in India Ink aod water O olors. J. L. PAGE, -DEALER IN- 11 A ) TTAVI.VG A LARGE AND COMPLETE .LJL stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, ooiignt iu tlie nest markets EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH, Can offer the public better prices than any otner House IN EUGENK. Proiliice of all kinds taken at market price. WANTED. LOOK HERE ! ! I W OOL, HIDES AND runs AT GOLDSMITH'S. If you want work done iu the barber line, come to the 15 OT5NT SHOP. Opposite the Gcaiid ofUce. (J. W. 1'lnsler. NEW G-OODS. A FINK ASSORTMENT OF BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOOOSi- From the Cheapest to the Best at prices according to quality. A LATtGK STOCK OF 01$ i 11 From the Cheapest to the Best. All parties can be suited either as to Price or Quality, Our assortment is Complete, from, the lowest Price up to the Finest; can suit you if you give us a call. " OUH STOCK IS HKy-VrcKli, New and Stylisli..&j Look us over; if wn tin not nave, you money, we will make some one fine .hi 11 to vou lo NOTICE FOR rur.LIOATION Land Ovrwt at Roaim'Bo, Oa, ) Ainr. 9. ltwT. f XrOTICK 13 HEKEI1Y GIVEN THAT . the following named settler ha filed untie of his intention to niake final proof in stipMrt of his rlaim, amt that said proof will be made before the Clerk of the Count Court of I aii. County. Or., at KupMis Cit.0r., on Saturday, Sept '.'4, 1SS7, h: H. . Carter, Pre emption 1). S. No. .WJO for the 8 of N W i. N K i of S W , and It I, Sw. '.M, Tp HI 8. U 1 East W. M. He nainni the folhiwiiiK witnesses to prov his continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of said land, vis: E I) Cain, E W Michael, T J Itlakely, M L Lewis, ail of iA.well. Lane Co., Or. Chs. W. Johnston, Remitter, -A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES. r. B. DUNN. FOUND! FOUND H That the CHEAPEST place to bny Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and shoes, Etc. Has just received direct from Ne York and Chicago, the largest and best stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS Ever brought to Eugene. THIS IS MQ IDLE BOASI But call and price tlii'iu. lleincuiher the plmr; -The New Tlirf & Brick, corner Willamette unci Eighth St., Eugi'iie City, Oregon, fj . j w ' k (nL Sole Agents for Eug'.n City, n r-i FOR THE JUSTLY CKLTCDliATED I GOLD SlLVSrl SHIRTS. Nwi We are still tit tliu ol.l ivlini.le "ilrane Store," I I tjLJ ftnil can sell you anything th;t you want to eat I Cheaper Than tlie Cheapest. 1 But tho jieople ilon't want that article. Wlmt they do want are honest goods ut Honest prioes, and that is just. -A lrnt the People can get, BY GOING TO G. BETTM't We almll not take, up you time with u Long string of nonsense n'lout the l.est, The cheapest, and the handsomest line of Goods in Lane county, l,ut. we ,0 want To ask you in a friendly way to come to See us. If we don't sell vcm real live Bargains you are at liberty to use our Heads for foot halls. WE WANT OOL And don't you forget that we will pay You all the market will Hand. The Same is true as to other kinds of Country produce. Briefly Yours, F. E. Beach, President. J. K. Elderkix, Sec'y. J. McCrakex, Vice PnJ J. Lowendkro, Tri as NOTICE FOR TUltLICATION. Land Orrict at Koskih ho, Or., J Aus. 1.1. 1SS7. f NOTICRI3 HKREUY GIVKX THAT th. following nsmetl Nttler ha tiled no ti of his intention to Disk, filial nroof in sun- port of bis claim, ami that sai.i rf will be j mL hefor tli. or t'lerk o( th County j Court of Lan t'o.,Or., at Kuntt'itv, lr.,a I Satunlsy, IMolwr tst, 1SS7, vii- K " Ath I itn, HoiiiMtmul Entry Xiv fr th. X. 1 K. , 8s. IS, T(v 17 8.. It. 8 Wwt, V. M. 1 11. naniM th following witttMM i. .r.,v ' his oontinuou. KMiil.n.-x up;n, ami eultivnti n -13 AT- FRIENDLY H S. P. S. Have also just received from New York City a large in voice of LADIES' CLOATTR' nnT.. SSS5: WRAPS and DRESS The Northwes who) any Ortyoo. (."HAS, W. Juhnsto.n, ItrUUr. ism Fire and Marine Ho. 5 Washington Street. Pnrtlanfl: Or. O -A. E I rs? JSi. I., 3 3,o o Q,0-0 '?nL 'KYAKEEN, F. K. ARNOLD. C. B. ""'. ist-ALii, p. EGGLKT. v i. . . r. , , REFERENCES FOR EUGENE A. V. I etets, J. F. Koliinsnn, J. H. McClnng, F. B. Dntn. J. D. MaUoek. S. H. 11. C. Humi-lircT, Osbnrn & Co. hTKKLINO HILL. Agmnt. WMoney to Loan on Apj.rore 1 Real Estate Jcurity..3