The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 13, 1887, Image 2

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If you take an apple ami parHt thin,
Wltliout a bn-iik In the rililwncd klu.
You may twirl the perfect pai-liitf aruund,
And note bow It full on the Dour or ground.
It might to full, If the tlga Ii true,
Ho thuta Inttiir utmll ibuiie for you;
And the lotlur It forma will be te inme
At that which Hand for the loved one name,
Or, If you look for another door
To the tender osoret tuke the core,
Ani count the ecd tbut are hlddnn there:
Thoy will ipoll thoiame, with none to spare.
Or, pick a doUy. Who baa foruot
The teitt: "Ho luve me he luvoame notH
And, when lti dlalc U Rone around,
The lover or iwuothourt In loat or found.
There were many more In our early day,
Mingled with childhood'! artlea nlaya;
Two pleatuut to think with what wt-et atrlfo
We could fottlo the problem of buuand and
Rut when to older year we grow,
W be no royal way to know.
We doubt nnd ponder, we hope and gun, '
Then put the quontlon for "No" or " Vo."
Joel Btnlon, in Demorut'i Monthly.
The Champion Food.Abstalnor Of
the World.
The Man Who 1'uU Hanoi, Tanner and
Merlattl to the Illuh-KatT From
Keceaaltj and Krom Choice.
Some little regret having been occa
sioned among tho physicians who
watched Merlattl tlint ho should not be
dying ut tlie end of liin long fiiHt, and
have given them nil oiiortuniIy of do
tormlning by direction the cU'ects of
fifty days' total abstinence from all Holid
food, it may be worth whilo to recall
the fart that In other canes nn even
longer abstinence from food has been
recorded, with nbnndant opportunity
for examining the condition of the un
fortunate victim's interior.
Tho llrstcaso of tho kind which, bo
far an I know. Is on record, is that of
a patient of Dr. Currio, a well-known
physician of a generation or ho ugo.
In August, 17'A a Yorkshiieman of
property applied to Currie for assist
ance on account of nn obstruction in
Ilia throat, which threatened soon to
deprive him of the power of swallow
ing. When llrst seen by Currie, tho
patient had already lost the power of
wallowing solids of any kind, nnd tho
quantity of liquid matter ho was nblo
to swallow was not sufflcient for his
nutrition. Ho was ulready consider
ably reduced. Tho operation of trach
otoiny naturally suggested itself to Dr.
Currio as appropriate under tlteso con
ditions. Huton passing a bougio Into
tho patient's gullet it win found that,
although there was an obstruction some
two inches down, the real obstruction
laid seven or eight Inches deep a hard
minor iiaving iormed m tlio passage
wnoao steady growth threatened to
closo It wholly.
On October 17 the obstruction rather
suddenly increased, insomuch that
from that day tho pntient could not
wallow more than seven or eight
spooiuuis or broth. Lven that quantity
diminished until, on October 80. tho
passage was wholly closed, nnd from
that day the patient took no more food
f any sort Bathing in milk and
water and other external applications
of food cau hardly bo suppose.! to have
aan much nllmentative value, so tint
the subsequent pioirross if the en
forced fast may reasonably bo com
pared wun inn eases of Sueel, Merlattl,
tanner ami the rest of tho f reel v-fast-
wig fraternity.
On October 30, then, after thirteen
days of almost total abstinence from
...wl I.. I l. ...
"""'i I" ci i ueu uy two IllolltllS or VeiT
.1 ft .1 m '
mi, mm, uie umortiiiinto gentleman
entered on tho fasting path, which In
his case could end In but ono way.
llef.iroho hint begun to suffer from the
obstruction to his swallowing he was
rather corpulent, weighing if 10 pounds
(he was a tall and finuly-biiilt man). By
tetobcr.'5Uhis weight had been reduced
to 179 pounds. In the llrst twenty days
from the period of the sudden increase
f the obstruction, his weight was re
duced to 154 pounds. In tho next four
days he lost live pounds more. On the
thirty-second day from tho time he
eased to swallow ho became delirious.
At this time he weighed only 13H
pounds, having lost upwards of 100
pounds of his original weight Ho died
n tho thirty-sixth day from the time of
absolute abslineiico from food. This,
with the thirteen days of almost total
abstinence, and tho preceding two
months, during which the loss of more
than a quarter of his weight showed
that he was receiving much less than
tho proper amouutot nutrition, may be
regarded as a fast considerably more
taxing than that which Merlatti'haa re
cently completed, and altogether more
remarkable thau cither Tanner's or
Kneel' fast, seeing that neither of these
either fasunl so completely or so long.
Apart fmm this Dr. Clinic's patient
sutVerinu' fmm a liiit i,;..i,
ternal applications, which" naturally
tended to allay thirst, to some degree
quieted such pains as tho sense of nun
rroprletar, gor might have been expected to pro
duce, for they Included strong infiis-
icos of laudanum. During this month
of absolute fasting the temperature and
the pulse were natural. His mind
seemed to retain its full strength
"He occupied himself a good deal in
his private concerns," says the account
from which I have obtained those par
ticulars, the "renny Liyclopedia,"
"and, as usual, interested himself in
publio affairs. To husband his
strength oh much as possible, he was
advised to be much in bed; but, until
the last few days of his life, he dressed
and redressed daily, and not only
walked about his room, but through the
house. "His nights were quiet, his
sleep sound and apparently refresh
Before the delirium set in which
ushered in the final stages of his fast,
the patient had very pleasant droams,
a peculiarity of which was that they
affected him as realities, insomuch that
though told by his friends that the
were but dreams he could not for more
than a moment or two remain suro that
this was tho case. Ho laughed heartily
at tho recollection of the merry jokes
which bad passed during a gay meet
ing ho had had as ho supposed, with
two Yorkshire Baronets whom he dined,
nnd told with glee (which, considering
his approaching end, seems almost to
morit the peculiar descriptive term
ghoulish, recently applied to the Fresi
dent) how they had pushed about the
The mental incoherence indicated by
the inability to distinguish drca.iiafrora
realities passed rapidly into delirium.
during which hoVas perpetually mut
tering in indistinct tones, with great
restlessness nnd agitation. There were
now marked signs of fever, the skin
ruiiKi to fcouio degrco have taxed his
physical strength. Thus, whatever
Tanner's, Sucei'a nnd Merlntti'a fast
may have shown, this Yorkslnreman's
Miforeed fast had taught much more
affectively ninniy-one years ago.
For one month from tho time of
abstinence from fixnl the unfortunate
man retainml a calm and even cheerful
demeanor. Occasionally ho express,!
a Wish that ho could swallow, but not
often nor anxiously. When questioned
as ti his nppelite, he always said that
he felt no wuse of hunger sufficient to
cause him any uneasiness. Nor was he
lii,lurbd hy Curat Probably the ex-
and extremities being sometimes of
burning heat and sometimes cold and
clammy. His pulse beenmo feeble and
Irregular, and his respiration was for
the first time during the progress of his
illness laborious and painful. He bo-
came cross-eyed on tho thirty-third day
of total abstinence from food, and com
plained that he saw double, but the
sensitiveness of tho retina was in
creased, not, as ono might have ex
pected would be the caso, diminished,
insomuch that, though till this stage of
is illness ho had borne well tho light
which came through tho window of his
wlroom, ho shrieked now when tho
ludow-blind was drawn.
In this case, as I havo said, we have
stronger evidence of the power which
the human frame possesses to endure
eprivation of food than any of the fool
ish fasting men of recent times havo
nfl'orded, because they have nil taken
liquid food, whereas, except from his
bath (which, as ho said, produced in
him the most delightful sensations),
our patient had no relief from either
hunger or thirst ,
Tho othei case I shall cite, while re
sombllng the fastings of Sued, Tanner
nnd Merlatti in being a fast from solid
food only as also in being voluntary
was more remarkable than theirs in be
ing of much longer duration. A young
man of studious and melancholy na
tnro began a somewhat severe course
of abstinence to euro cortaln painful
symptoms of indigestion by which he
was troubled. His plan was to abstain
from solid food for a time, taking only
alittlowater daily, into which some
orango juice had been squeezed. From
tho amount given by Dr. Willan, super-
stition as well as indigestion .would
seem to have had something to do with
the form of folly into which this plan
presently developed. The vounir man
withdrew from business and tho so
ciety of his friends, took lodgings in
an obscure streot, and entered on a
system of continued fasting, enlivened
by shorthand writing. Ho began to
write out the Bible in shorthand, and
had proceeded as far as the socond book
of Kings when circumstances over
which, by that time, ho had no control
induced him to desist. Ho persisted in
his plan for lifty-ono days without fail
ing in firmness of purpose. But about
this time, .hiding his stronrth failing
him, and that ho was no longer nblo to
rise from his bed, he began to suspect
that he might bo mistaken in Imagin
ingas' until now he had done that
ho was preternaturally supported and
wfts presently to bo made tho object of
sonto marvelous manifestations follow
ing an abstinence so extraordinary.
His friends fonnd out his retreat about
ten days after he thus began to lose
faith in the virtue of fating. They
persuaucu nun to accept the ministry
tions of a medical man. It was on the
sixty-tirst day of his fast tha ho was
tirst soon by Dr. Willan, whoso report
of tho caso I have followed. Ho was
then singularly (and yet perhaps not
m siuuiariyi emaciated, li s
abdomen was concave, his limbs so at
tenuate.! that the shaps of tho bones
could bo clearly distinguished. His
cheek-lxines stood out giving his face
ghastly appearance. Ho looked, in.
fact, "like a skeleton preicued bt drr.
ng tho muscles upon it in their natural
situation." Hi mind wa inih....n..
that is to say, it wis mora obviously
imlieeilo than It had been before ho
entered upon his fast or had made much
progress with it
5o f ir as can be judged, this younjr
man might have been saved if Dr. Wil
lan had followed a suitable method of
treatment Hut he allowed his patient
to take much more food than was iudi-
cious at suck a time. Three
food were administered daily namely,
a pint of milk for breakfast, a pint of
mutton broth boiled with Wl.. f.
dinner, and as much rice milk for sup-
i.. nvm in intra uay after Dr. Wil
lan had seen the starred man. After
total abstinence from solid food for
tlxtydays, this allowance wasnltogeth
er too great One-third of it would
have been too much. Milk was also
quite unsuitable, being more dillleiilt
of digostion by nn enfeebled stomach
than even solid food Yet for the
first few days it seemed as though the
unfortunate man was recovering. He
regained flesh and strength, becoming
also cheerful, nnd his mind recovering
Millie degrco of steadiness. Ou the
fifth day ho showed signs of restless
ness. On the morning of tho sixth he
lost nil recollection, ami before mid
night ho was delirious and unmanage
able. His pulse Increased in frequency,
his skin became hot and diy, and his
whole frame was shaken by constant
tremors. Ho remained in this state till
the eleventh day, emaciation Incrcas-
ng ami his pulse growing constantly
weaker and morn rapid, until at last it
had been to one hundrod nnd twenty i
Oeats in tho minute, Un the eleventh
day, the seventy-second from tho com
mencement of his self-imposed fast the
poor fellow died, having by this time
illen Into a state of utter prostration
.Nothing that Janncr, buoel or Mor-
itti has done in tho way of fastins has
thrown so much light on the power of
the human frame to resist the effects of
total abstinence from food as these two
eases. I Ret on ono side for the mo.
ment tho question whether Sucei's herb
whatever it may be, is ablo to help tho
Dotty to resist tho effects of fasting in
luch degree that not only lifo but
tiealth, strength and capacity for work
may remain. Considering only the re-
listanoe opposed by simple vitility to
the effects of abstinenco from food, we
jave nothing to learn from fasts of
forty days or fifty days, or evon from
fasts, If evorsuch should be undertaken,
or sixty days, or longer. Tho youn
man who fasted sixty-one days nnd re
mained alive, with fair chance of being
sven restored to, strength, if properly
ircawm, was simply tlio first as ho had
been thus far the only man who has
3ver tried the experiment offasting
uxty days. Richard A. Proctor, in Chi-
ytgo Times.
OrlRln of the Phrase "And It Wann't a Good
Iuy for Duck Klllior."
In 18G0, the year before the war,
' party of Northern Illinois hunt
is hied themselves to the lakes of
Minnesota for an annual duck hunt of
i few weeks, making the journey to St
Paul, which was at that time but little
not e than a frontier village, by steam
er irom JJuhuque, Iowa. Among tho
party was a chap named Truax, a pro
verbial .liar, but a jolly, good-natured
!ellow withal, whose predominant
weakness was readily excused, if not
mtirely overlooked, by those who knew
urn well. . Abo, that being his first
lame, seemed to struggle more reck-
essly and naturally with the truth when
diking about his prowess as a hunter
)f game than on any other subject
Jne afternoon as the steamer was plow-
Jig us way through Lake Pepin, a
Jiimoer oi me male passengers were.
leaieu forward on the boiler deck, in
ittlo knot, passing tho time away in
jonvcrsation. Abo was a prominent
igure in one of tlio groups, and had
ilready astonished himself fairly by tho
wiioppers no nau successfully gotten
)ff, when the subject of duck-hunting,
Jie mission which himself and frionds
were out on, was adverted to. "I've
mot a few ducks in my time." broke in
Abe, during a momontary lull in the
jillr f moM J :,1 1 'It t
"i uiaur uiu viiu hvhf iciii in
BrorW Oardnrr 0n the Meeting; Will
Mormon on llnmtn Nature.
'Human natur am a worry onsartli
tding," said Nrothor Gardner as Eldei
Toots quit shullllng his feet and laid
back for a nap.
"It am so full of streaks an' froak
an' noshuns dat it am a wun ler da
I.awd (loan' git discourage I wid ui
"A statesman will rlz up In do eave
nln' an' d -clar' dat wo hov do greatest
kentry on airth. Ne' mawniif, if his
coffee am not up to par, or
steak am a leetlo off, ho am
walk out an' announce to do public dat
our system of gov'ment am ono which
will uvoiitooiy bring uo kentry to a
stale of poverty an tlegradashun.
"Uar am a largo class of people who,
hen (ley hov honey fur supper, bless
da Lawd fur his goodness an am ready
to subscribe one hundred dollars to
wards do eroiikshtin of a new church.
N'tx' mawnin', when applo sass takes
do plaoi ol honey, (ley einngiuo d it olo
Satan has got a fust mortgage on ebory
tiling, an Uey would ir I put up a nickel
fur a church if diiy hud money to throw
"Dar' am pooplo who go about wld
broad sui'lo on deir faces an' tell you
dat uis world am nil right. If daily
growin' bettor an' It's plenty good
'nutr for anybody. An hour later.
when do grocer or do butcher h ts called
doir ntreiishun to a leetlo bill wiiion
has runix months, de so mo changes.
Do grin am gone, an' (lis world am all
"We plan for a huckloborrv oxour
shun widio foelin' dat our fellow man
am all right. We wake up to find Hat
exmirshun spoilt by a rainy day, nn
we at once djciar our lollowmen a sot
thieves an' conspirators.
Dar am no necountln f ir what
poo, weak, vusoillatm human natur
will do. Weoxpook men t t;( wicked
an' don hold up our hands o!r doir
deeds. We know dat all marrngns
can't bo happy, but am scandalised
obor divorcos. We ohide d i se'lisli-
nessof do world, but hanx to all wo
git We . denounce an' rovi'e a man
while ho libs, an turn about nn mako
a hero an' martyr of him as soon as do
bref loavos his body. Wo preach char
ity to nu, uiu who oi us forgives our
follow-man for his sbortcomin's?
"I tell you, my frionds. wo am a poo'.
miserable lot, no matter what 1) color
or previous condishun, an' do ptisson
who has do cheek to stan' up nn criu
oizo his navburs am perhaps do wust
siii'ep lu do lot Wo vo g t to show do
streaks in our natur , an' do fa'k dat
do man who will lend you money wi I
out socurity will also run away wid
your wife must not bo looked upon as
any thing oat of the rog lar track of
human natur'. Let us now pureed
wid de r?g lar purcoodln's." Detroi
tret rrcn.
me dayP" queried a cross-eyed passes
?erirom down about Burlington. "You
may not behove mo, sir," replied Truax,
"but in the late fall of '57, I went mit
ilono, one morning, about soven miles,
(van my dog and gun, nnd brought
homo two hundred and sixty ducks by
ictual count and it wasn't a very good
iay for ducks, either." "You did that
ill alono, and in one trip P" asked the
jross-eyed man, as ho put down some
figures on an envelope with a pencil ho
had carelessly taken from bis test
pocket "Yes, sir, I did," said Truax,
with a tinge of ill-humor to bis tnna
"Those ducks would weigh about two
i.u n nau pounds apteee, wouldn't
theyp casually remarked tho Bur
ton man, ns he kept on makinir char-
scters with his pencil, "I should Bay
they would," replied the unsuspecting
Abe. "Well, then," said tho persistent
ipiensi, -you Killed just six hundred
nd fifty pounds of ducks, and if you
3an tell me how one man is able to
lug that weight seven miles, and carry
gun at the same time, yon will do
xmicming mat no other liar in the
Northwest can match." Abo reflected
minute, and with, "That w a whopper,
isn t it gentlemonP" he invited the
whole party into tho bar to tako some
thing at his expense. The remark, "And
it wasn't a very goml day for ducks,
either," was used banteringly on Truax
hiring the remainder of. the trip, and in
time became common on the Missis
sippi, whence it spread until it beenmo
ne of the proverbial Americanisms of
tho time. St Louis aiotv-Donocrat.
-The fashion in pet dogs used to
hang from year 'to year, nnd thi
nade good business for tho do" fn.
rfora. King Charles. Spit, ' pdles,
Sull terriers, blaek-sud-tan. p. St
Bernards and collies all had their day
Extravagant prices were paid for choice
pee.mons, and no woman of fashion
happy unless alio had her dog.
things have changed, and th f..i,i.?
now is no doc. A ii.l . ...
.t is, too.-CAiVi?o Herald,
Tha Larlah Honpltallty fructirnl Under
the Jaoknon mid Van Ituren ItrgliuM,
Androw Jackson entertained lavishly
on the night of his first inauguration.
ItM. . . . m . t
jtiia carpets oi mo eitst room were
ruined by the orange punoh and lem
onado which wore served tj the crowd
which came to his reoeption. Barrols
Al. ! I- ' t ..
oi tins puncn were mano. ana it was
brought into the room In buckets. At
last tho pooplo began to rush for the
waiters as soon as thoy entered the
room. Glasses wore broken and ladies'
dresses ruined. Tubs of pinion were
finally taken into tho gardon, and in
this way the throng was drawn oil and
it was possiblo to serve eaka and winn
to the ladies.
4 ft. Y-..I , -
iuksoii tare wen roccption a
monster choose, as big as a hogshead
In circumference and nearly a yard
thick, was cut with saw-blades mndu
Into knives and served out to the o-iihsU.
Each guost rocelved throo pounds of
oheoso. The event was the talk of the
nation, and Van Buren became
President his Now York fr'ends, omit-
lative of Jackson, sent hi m a bir
cheeso. It was cut nu in tin oast
room. Tho greasy crumbs falling upon
uiu earpui; woro irampiod i,it it, and
the ruination of tho furniture dnrinv
. ... .
tnoso two administrations lod the
later l'rosidnnts to dis'ontinuo tho
practice of serving eatables at
receptions. Now no sniest comes to a
dinner at the White IIoiwo unless in
vited. In Van Buren s day. IWo-irt.
In his "Souvenirs d'un Diolomat" ara
that tho President's cook told h is Viiltr
that for soveral months uroen.llncr th
eloction of 1810 many persons arrived
at the White House for broakfast or
dinner, and threatened to vote against
van ijuron if thoy wore not enter
tained. 1 ho cook stated thnt hn h,,A
all tho trouble possible in satisfying
thorn, and they often returned what ho
sont up, doing so on the protoxt that
it was unoatablo, and ordorod somo-
imng eiso. lApinnojtCs Mtjaune.
Some KHent War nf Kriln; th Lit
tle One Quiet and Cueerrul,
Givo tho children something to do
and they will not torment yon by med
dling with things with which they have
no right It is only wlion most, chil
dren are tired of their playthings and
nro restless and unquiet that they aro
apt to transjross the laws of obndinnce.
A healthy child will very raroly Hit still
for any length of timo. It isn't natural
that he should, and it should not bo ex-
I poctcd of him. It Is cruel and unnat-
his beef-, ural to sav to a child whose principal
ready to I f,,iL if tM,t t can be called, is rest
lessness, "Go nnd sit down on that
chair, and don't movo until I tell you."
Yet often mothers say this and persist
in having it strictly obeyed. I have
eon little children so treated, with
grave faces, go slowly to tho chair,
take their places on It fold their hands,
and like littlo martyrs sit quietly, with
the exception of a long-drawn sigh
that would escape from them now and
thon, no matter how hard they tried to
suppress it 1 his must surely be wrons
to punish a child for no offenso what
ever but his natural activity.' Had he
wilfully disobeyed, he might have beer-
t sr . .
punisneu in a miiercni way, nut cer
tainly no chastisement that could be
given would be more trying to his dis
position and uerves thau that of sitting
st 1(1.
How much better it -would be to pro
vide something for the restless littlo
hands and brains to do. Have some
toys placed away to be brought out at
just such a tune. When they are tired
of their evety-day playthings, a sur
prise at getting something new will
cheer them wonderfully, and their de
light and interest in their fresh posses
sions will allay for a time, at least.
their fever of restlessness. Let them
have some harmless liquid glue and
teach them to repair their broken toys.
lhey will bedolighted to do this, for all
healthy, active children love to work.
and you will be astonished to watch tho
puzzling and planning the little heads
will do ere they complete their work to
their own satisfaction. The articles
may not bo put together just rizht: a
dilapidated horse, that had both head
;tnd tail broken off. may bo fixed with
head where the tail ought to "bo and
vice versa, and a doll with broken feet
may have the appearance of walking
both waysatonco. But what of that?
tho littlo mechanics are satisfied with
their work, and who else has a riirht to
complain? Not wo older people, snrelv.
for we mako graver mistakes every dav
iu our laoor.
A scrap book is an excellent thin? for
the lilllo ones to puzzle their brains
over, uivo them a pair of scissors with
out any points, such as aro usually used
ai ttry goods stores, an old book with
brown paper leaves, some paste and any
Kim, of picture cards, papers, etc., and
let them cut and paste to their heart's
content They will occupy hours in this
kind of work. "O," some of you may
say, "they win make - such a mess with
the little scraps of paper that they cut
in trimming tho pictures." Very
likely they will, but they can bo
easily taught to pick them all 'up
when they are through. If there is a
baby in the family the mother can
make a nice, stout picture book of
silesia by covering two pfeeos of paste
board of the sizo desired for covers,
and sewing or gluing between, tiirhtlv.
leaves of silesia of any eolor liked. Let
the children fill it by pasliii? on-the
leaves any kinds of pictures they wish,
This will furnish a great deal of amuse
ment for them, nnd be a serviceable,
never-ending book of wonders to baby,
;.,.,.. n...i t J
Tha Ileaiitr, Purltr .
Tl... Norths W.CC.S I
A mora neck of earth
Russian capital from the
sea of Ladoga, and through 1,1
forty intervening verofo
green and wavy with the tren.n ";
pen. tie birch, the aider and J ''
pme. the Neva moves ,.e,!-'
down its deep channel, bjm
clearings, past scattered.
and straggling huts, between
wood-yards and busy filcturJ,
last, gliding along the famed 1
quays of tho imperial city, it '" !
live broad mouths and nr..
timerable into tho Gulf 0f p ,
fcoU.tssian river has tho beam,
nty, the picturesqueness, hi,V
J attributes of this norths ?1'
:yet to fully appreclat,
i of its aspect In thaw, J1
r 1 iu mo W9J. .
sen, one must bo familiar w th it
try appoarance. and . abova ii '
its vernal emannin..;. ' k.. 1
" UV ii.
fetters of
of the "father of
nearly six months a
llier Of W:irml. i,
Slav Apollo, D,uh-Bog hi.ulf 1
ntrw n :.i: . . ' ft'
rilicinap I.:.. , 1 1
for man and beast, the Neva ro. '!
safe for travel late In tlio rnZ
Atiril. and has usnnllv .-,.,..,. , . 1
dom by the beginning of May; tet
opun;ng of tho attack on tlio cr,,, '
1 no mass profiles tho ra;inient of
melting by weeks. A month om 'fa
elapses before the solar ravs havei,
to sensibly thin the ice crust and f
month of seeming defianco of thefo'L'
of renaissance droskles pursue tk.
chosen paths over tho congealed rim
pedestrians continue to traverse it '
chair slides or on foot, the heavy wa J'
of merchant and trader go runbiij"
over in the same endless procM.J
nnd the Samoyods. those t;viisioi.r
n.ft. li ,;u .u: ii!
ftiim, umi mull llioir rOIIHlUOrS tO tkft
camping ground of their wintor ?.
on tho frozon stream, which is torn i.
homes ia
bear them back to their
Arctic circle.
Tho metamorphosis then Ml,,..
with a swiftness truly llu-sun t.
last 'screws and clasps of inoVni..
cohesion are drawn in a sinclo niAi.
the thickest ino-plate then od;m
solar enemy a thousand lines of march.
In the morning, with lirm. quick st
you may safely travorso tho Neva. 8jj
ico-coverou; at noon, your return a
barred by a clear, swcllinc
whose whilom bonds have tiirncd
dancing liquid facets, from which tba
sun laiighs back its light and iu tri
umph. J. rue, the lee is not yet whollr
gone, but it m .-els "the eye lioneeforti
purely as a spoct vole tlio offernnot
of a river, but of a lako. ThisV
ico is tho product of moro nortlien
waters, the snowy blocks and bergs of
Ladoga. gl:ttering d-'hrisi of an iinwuul
combat that every spring renews, fa
some days uftor tlio breakin-up aW
tho Neva, in tlio interval betwet!
the beginning of open and tht
of safe navigation, the river channel ii
thronged with broken strata, cleft
blocks, truncated pillars, shivered cal
limns; with spires and spunrs aa
shafts; nay, with all shapcful mi
shapoless masses, that half undergo
and halt escape desolation In the an
nual return of heat to the tar north.
Slowly tho rank and file of this shining
host glide past driving back to shelter
a floet of venturesome forrv-boaU, bat
tering the bridgo piers with dangcrom
force nnd frequoncy, scraping tin
quays with a sonorous attrition, and
emitting throughout the duration ol
their passao a stransre rustlinj,
crunching sound. By day striking, by
night solemn and woird, this scent
passes in its turn, nnd for six monthi
tho Neva presents the iispect which I
havo described in tho opening pari-
graph. Edmund Xob'e, in Atlantic
The Cincinnati CommcrcLil (hi-u
prints a sketch of Mrs. Fancy Frost
Me oldest livinir Inhabitant r,t th.
al Northwest Territory. She w"as
orn en October . 1784. IIr mind is
ictivs and she is full
f lifs In tha West la th tarty i.ya.
JiiMlaa'a Dlioovery ol tha Sweet, But Cn.
pretention, l.lttle Hewer.
Ono day the botanist Jussieu was
herborizing on the Cordilloras. whn
he suddenly found himself Inebriated
t i . .
oy die most aoitoious perfumo. Ho
looked around, expocting to discovor
some splendid llower, but norcoivod
nothing but some protty oluraps of a
gouuo green, from tho bottom of which
littlo capsules of a fadod blue color were
detachiiis themselves ll iw.....i
-- ., V'lUt H-t
mat me (lowers turned toward tl o,.
! uo taereioro gave It the name of
uoiioiropo. t.:itanued with his acquisi
tion, ho collected somo of the
sent them to the Jar lin du Koi. Ti,
French ladios wore charmed with i
and made of it a lloral pot Thoy
placed it in costly vases and christened
it the flower of hve. From thenen it
soon spread toother parts of the world
and has everywhere beon greatly ad
mired. On day a very charmin
woman, who doted passionately on tho
heliotrope, was asked what she oould
see In this dull and sombor-lookinc
plant to justify so much admiration!
"tit cause, " she replied, "the helio
trope's perfumo is to my parterre what
tha soul is to beauty, refinement t
love, and love to voath."riiVt u.,.,.
Hn. ' "
Appetizing Flavors.
Some odil combinations in flavor have
been the result of experiment Nearly
every paid housekeeper knows that
tomato, catsup is creallv iinnrovod bv
uirowing into tho boiling pulp a good
naiKitui of peach leaves. A leaf of
lemon-scented verbena is euu il to necoo
blossoms if pnt into a cuo of friurrant
uoion teiu Ihe flavor nf Mt.l-
birch Is very ngreoable in chocolate
with which it harmonizes more finely
tl,.,M .....,:ll 1 ...i.: '.!. J
...ii.. xiiiiiiii, aim which any ono can
try by dipping a checkorberry lozenge
or two into nor morning cup for
sweetening. The old Virginia epicure
never thinks his gumbo soup comoleto
....i ... . . . .
uuiess sassairas leaves are added. The
muscat ino or frost grape, gives the
Unest bouquet to all sorts of cronms.
jellies and sauces, and the sharn cider
i. .ii i. i. , .
en,), nicn is comparatively a new
Jelly, is being preferred by many to
either tranberry or currant jelly for
t oast, uii Kcy and ven son n, m,
It is difficult to sav hist what nil
mo editor of the Reporter, of Abilnn
Tex., but this is the way he takes on:
"We have learned to bow and dance
to the music with nimblo and elastio
step. It's wonderful how magical one
feels ns the m jsic floods the heart with
sunshine, breaking up nil gathering
oi imsi mat environ the soul, and im
bibing in our nature hlHi asniration
that spring into stranirth and beaut.
'Tis now the midnight hour that broods
o'er all the sleeping land, and reigns
triumphant over the world; 'tis the
listless, still and pulseless part of the
night when mnn most feels his imth.
Ingness, and solemnity gains posses
lion of the soul."
Owing to the Increased electrieal
tensity of the atmosphere, which is in
duced by the continual evolution of
itearn and smoke. Dr. Andrics, esti
mates that the danger from lightning is
from three to five times greater than it
as fifty years ago y. y. Independent.
He travels safo and not mnu.L
tntly. who is guarded by poverty and
fulded by lov.-5.r J Sidney,
Complain' of a Woman Who, Theu Sot
All Wind, It Certa nly a Yard Wlile.
A woman weighing three ImnJreJ
and sixty-nine pounds, wearing hiirhtir
cut short, entered tho ollicoof tha pr
identof the San Antonio Street Kailroal
Company, aud in a voice that was i
cross botween,a bass violin and I twilor
"I came hero to complain of the
driver of one of your cars."
- "What's ho been doinj?" asked th
"In crossinz tho car track I had the
misfortune to slip and fall, and 1 couM
not get up right away, for asyoii sea I
am not barah Bernhardt I m fat
"Well, what next?"
"The driver of tlio street car stopped
his mule and insulted me."
"What did he say?"
"He said if I would trot np and H
him drive on that I oould sit down
again on the car track as soon as ui
car had passed."-
"1 shall have him reprimanded, s.u
the ollicuil.
"Thank you sir; thank yon. rn Psl"
ronize your street car line hereaiier.
that is, if the dopr is wide enough
Good morning, sir."
As she passod out, the ofliciai re
marked to a olerk:
"SIia mv not. h 'all wool ' but sn
certainly is a yard wide." Tum S'f1'
The Ignorant Hindoo.
Omaha Man "Coins to put up some
fences, ch? By the wav, I noticed the
other day that in Hindostan a farmer
won't even build a fence without con-
Julting a priest."
Nebraska Farmer "What s
They want him to fix an ampiciou
Jay, vou know."
"Wvhat fools these heathens aro! T"
time to plant fenceposts Is when tn
horns of the moon are down. vmw
World. .
General Horace Porter says Mi
Liberty can hold thirty-six men in her
dead. That brings her about up to the
average girl of the period. Boto
It makes very little difference ho
I hotel napkin is folded. The qo7
with the guest is who used it last--"
Chicajo Journal.