ESTABLISHED FOR THE DISSEMHUTIOS OF DEX0CK1T1C PLI5CIPLES.1SD TO K1U 45 HONEST LIVING BT THE SWEAT OP OCR BROW. OU l(-- EUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY, AUGUST 13,' 1887. NO, 51. 1 GEN ABO. t,;. ij.if ' U Guard. LL CAMIM'.KLL, lllller iunl Proprietor. iiU'IC'B Ou th Earn side of Willamette rwt. between Seventh and Kihth Street. TKUMS OF .SUBSCRIPTION. 12 50 , 1.25 .75 .rf nnum... 1, Month. . . dree months. OUB OJJLX" LaTK9 OH ADVKUTI81NQ. Advertisements inserted M follows: 1 . . 1 : . . . - 1,..,., n,.a l,iaaH.,.n 41. i OneftQiiare, ten nue vi icw mo ihici.hii . Jh tubiuent inertion 1. Cah required f "'I'iine 1 vertinern will be charged at the fol- n,n"tl,i " J5 i'"-" hie square j -- a. . ' ,:..t notices in local column. JO u.nU line tor each insertion. Advertising bills w,u ,w mierco iiinrtui ty. AU job work mint be PAlu run QM iuslivehy. I BiLYEU. C- COLLIER. BILYEU & COLLIER Attorneys nd Counsellors at Law,- EUGENK CITY, OREGON. . t r tut -trTTi'ni3 nw 'riRACTK'K li AUl. inc. -.w"JJiio vir ! this Stat. Will give special attention o cellections ana prooate uikkh. OfHCE- -Over Hendrick & Eakin'i bank. " CEO. B. DORRIS, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, ITILL PKACTU'K in ma ujiituo V nf the Second Judicial District and in 111 Su preme Court of thin State. 1 Special attention given vu " Vtten in probate Washburne te Woodcock Attorneys-at-Law, IJUEMB CUT, - - - OREGON OFFICE At the Court House. iy8m3 aio. A. DOKR18. , W. CONDOH. CONDON & DOttRIS, Attorncjs-at-Liiw , EUGENE CITY, - - - OREGON Office Over Robinson &. Church's hardware tore. GEO. M. MILLER, Mtorny and Ccunssllor-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent. EUGENE CITY, OREGON. OH Ice formerly occupied by Thompson & Dean. J. E. FENTON, AUorricy-at-Laiv. EUGENE CITY OREGON. Special attention given to Real Estate Frao ice and Abstracts of Title, Office Over Grange Store. T.W. HARRIS, M.D. Physician and Surgeon, OFFICE Wilkin's Drug Store. Residence on Fifth street, where Dr Shelton ormerly resided. BR. JOSEPH P. GILL, C1AN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or res idence when not professionally engaged. Residence on Eighth street, opposite Presby Tn Church. J. J. WALTON, Jr., ATTOHN JCY-AT-LAW, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Court of the State. Special attention given to real estate, col tctiug, and probate matters. Collecting all kio'ls of claims against the United States Government. Office in Walton'i brick-rooms 7 and 8. B.P. DORRIS, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE ACENT. ' I HAVE SOME VERY DESIRABLE Farms, Improved and Unimproved Town property for sale, on easy terms. Property Eented and Bents Collected. The Insurance Companies I represent are among the Oldest aud most Reliable, and in the Prompt and Equitable adjustment of their losses Stasd Second to None. - share of your patmnsg is solicited. Office up-suirs, over the Grange Store. B.F. DORRI3. J. 'DAVIS, Merchant Tailor. HAS OPEXED A SHOP ON NINTH Street opposite the Star Bakery, where e is prepared to do all kinds of work offered " his line.. A large stock of Fine Cloth on hand for customers to select from. One of onr sperultie is the cutting and aking nf Ladie Cloak.. Repairing and cleaning done promptly. Sat faction gu.rantewL i.u,-en. Not. 6, tf I? Ell U HATi) OF THE VERY LATEST STYLES Suits Made to Order, Fits Guarantee.. No TROUBLE to SHOW Goods. J.W. CHERRY, Walton's Brick. -SOLD.- Our storo building sold, and aa in the near future, we have (determined to close out our entire stock RE GARDLESS OF COST. We have in stock the finest selection of goods suitable for Holiday pres ents to be found in the City. ,' Diamonds, Gold watches, Gold chains, Silver Plated Ware, Jewelry, Notions and Novelties, Albums, Scrap Books, Autograph Albums, Christmas and New Years Cards, And an endless variety of nioe goods Call and see. . Jo Trouble to Show Goods. CRAIN BROS. Frank Brothers Implement Co PORTLAND, OREGON. DEALERS FARM AND MILL MACHINERY, Walter A. Woods' Mowers, Reapers and Steel Wheel Twine Binders; Thomas and Royal Self Dump Rakes; Hodges' Double Draper Headers; Gaar, Scott & C6's Threshers and Horse Powers; Rock Island Walking, Gang and Sulkey Plows. Mout Complete Line or Buggies, Carriages aud Spring Wagons on the Paciflo Coast. Having received onr coo d during the low rates of freight from the East, we are going to give our customers the bene fit, and sell them goods in onr line lower than ever before. Write for Catalogue und Prices. Address Frank Brothers Implement Co. Portland, 0r. Or J. II. HENDRICKS, Agent, Eugene City, Or. AT- A. wmm Four splendid "New Wliit'e" Nickcl-platcd Sewing Machines---Al i Complete. I am offering these machines at eost, not lia tn the tiinn or room to deal in them any longer. This is a fine opportunity to tecum one of these most popu lar, best furnished, and certainly the most 1 also oiler tne loiiowtr ,g bargains:- Forty Ladies' Xeiv Martet CI oaks fori less than Cost. Twentii-fivc Gents fine Overo Dats. (thin .mason's vur- chase,) for Si less tluin Cost. These are all new, desirable goods, and nieni even ii one nan io lay mem away it atil next Winter. I have a nuiiilT of other liarijaiiia to offer and to wlith I will call alien on fr n time to lim Snenrer lit tte Xnwrr fruit tree. fr ale at Jnhn Brown', "n Kiuhth street nr I'renliy terian church, or leav orders with McClua g aud J(4iiin. Vwci y-r okl lUrtlftt pef tree fur saleliy the hundred thrai II i OUR RIG STOCK -OF- Brownsville GOODS. Seenur remarkably complete and elegant new stock at the KTLOWK8T PBIOESJD we Khali havn to move into IN V. PETERS'. desi rl,e 0f tt Sewing Machines. will pay 30 per cent on th invest- The Oregon, Blxxl Purifier is Nature's own remedy, and i ihonld be used to the ex clusion of all other medicines in all diseases o the stomach, liv er and kidneyr. mm AND-!- ' Furnishino1 9 The First Sign Of falling health, whether In the form of Night Swoata and Nervousness, or in a. tense of General Weariness and Loss of Appetite, should suggest the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, This preparation, is most effective for giving tone and strength to the enfuublod system, pro- , moting the digestion aud assimilation of food, restoring the nervous forces to their normal condition, and for purify log, enriching, and vitalizing the blood. ' Failing health. ',' Ten years ago my health began to fall. I was troubled with a dlHtretwIng Cough, Night Sweat, Weakness, and Nervous ness. I tried various remedies pre sort bod by different phyHleians, but became so weak that I could not go up stairs without stopping to rest. My friends recommended me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which I did, aud I am now as healthy and strong as ever. Mrs. K. L. Williams, Alexandria, Mlun. I have used Ayer's Sarsaparilla. In my family, tor Seroula, and know, if It is taken faithfully, that It will thoroughly eradicate this terrible disease. I have also prescribed it as a tonic, as well as an alterative, aud must say that I honestly believe It to be the best blood medicine evercompoundod. W. F. Fowler, M. 1). D. 1). 8., Greenville, Teun. 'Dyspepsia Cured. . , It would be impossible for me to de scribe what I suffered from Indlgestiou and Headache up to the time I began taking Ayer's Saraaparilla. I was under the care of various physicians, and tried St great many kinds of medicines, but never obtained more than temporary re lief. After taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for a short time, my headache disap peared, and my stomach performed Its duties more perfectly. To-day my health is completely restored. Mary Harley, Springfield, Mass. I have been greatly benefited by the prompt use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It tones and invigorates the system, regu lates the action of the digestive and Assimilative organs, and vitalises the blood. It is, without doubt, the most reliable blood purifier yet discovered. II. 1). Johnson, 883 Atlautio avenuo, Brooklyn, N. Y. tt Ayer s Sarsaparilla, rrepand by Dr. J. 0. Ay.r k Co., Low.ll, Hats. Pries ! six bottles, s)5. hi Assorted U OF Groceries, Crockery, Wood and Willow Ware, At prices to suit all -AT- GOLDSMITH'S THE CatOCEK. Tiring your produce get money for it. to Goldsmith's and B A. O O 1ST 8 H A MBL ETONIAN. TFII8 HIGH'IVRKI) STALLION WILL stand at Stkw akt's Stamlk, Eugene, the oorjlng season. He is a sure foal getter. V.I1 giso .Und THE MOUNTAIN HOY At the same place. He is 7 years old and weighs a little over 1,500 lbs, and is one of the best foal getters in the State of Oregon. Ha. fine body, and is of splendid stock, l'riees to suit the time. THOROUGHBRED JACK. I WILL ALSO STAN D AT STEWART'S Stable during the coming seuon a thorough bred Jaok. He is guaranteed to be a sure foal getter. . He was raised In Washington Terri tory, and was sired by a pure imiorted Ken ncky Jack; his datn was an imported Kentucky Jenny. tr'l'wo of eolt are on exhibition at the stable. Call and see th.m. Terms made kniwn on application. JAMES HATES. This space reserved for the NINTH STREET CASH STORE. CRAIN BROS. DEALERS is Uatrhci and r I jr. rir i. fMwslcal Instruments, Toys, Notions, etc Clara Fulu Intt ered. . I see that Clara FolU contends that every woman who baa a baby should receive a pen sion. She says it is sn awful thing to have a baby. Well (tertians it is. I can't apeak by the curd, for I never had one yet. I no tice, however, that married women who have never had suy babies are aensitive on the subject and would willlugly trade the best piece of furniture in the house for a real live baby of their own. I thiuk it "a fuller" not to have babies. What proud youug mother would part with her brand new Ixiby for the highest office in tbgiftof the U. 8. Government? "Not much," would be her indignant reply. I dou't think the baby crop needs suy en courngemeut. In the glorious climate el Sau Diego comity the baby crop never fails. It is the only crop we can raise in every sec tion of (he county without irrigation. Our usual eutpul of babies is immense. If concreiw should enact a law absolutely prohibiting bubies, the little cherubs would nevertheless continue to arrive after the good old fashion, aud they would shake their chubby Hats in denauce at Uncle Ham. Mrs. rolls believes that strong-miuUed women ought to have the right to vote. That proposition tills ma with suspicion. They might get up some new aud popular way of having babies, and try to enforce it by a cos- stttntionul amendmeut that would oreste a dreadful stnount of trouble. A government pension encouraging babies might lead to over-production. 1 think too much of babies to ever want to see them a drug In the market. Idm'tihiuk that most women want to vote. If they reallv do, all they have got to do is to go on a strike, aud refuse to have any more babies until the tyrant man yields to them the full political rights demanded. If they would all stick to this position such a clamor would be raised everywhere that Congress would hsve to pass a law en frnnchisiuu women. I also notice that the ladies who object to having their sex hsve babies are those who haven't had anv babies latelv themselves. I thiuk tlie safest plan would be to 1st the baby question remain in statu quo. The men might wuut pensions for the honor of being fathers, ladies who disapprove of ba bies need not have any. This is a (res country aud thsy are at perfeot litierty to spare themselves the iucouveuienoes of ma teruity. "Mary Jane" in S. F. Chronicle. The Potato Bui shroud. H.rr Couiad Kroner, a gentleman devoted to agriculture and the scieuoes on the Lower lihine, has lately succeeded In getting ninv self into the centre of a galaxy of troubles, Herr Kroner's pel brsnch of learning was sntomoloev, and. hearing of the famous po tato bug. the gentleman wrote last Summer to a friend living near Minneapolis to secure him a few specimens. The friend hsd no trouble in flllins this simple order, the only requisite beiug tbst be should go sny oool evening into his potsto pstoh and grab at a vine to secure a handful. The samples were shipped to him snd, to Herr Kroner's great aeugui, smvea in exceueui souuiuua. If'. lltnU Knl.ila in VtAttnP AilvatltjiaA he placed them on one of his own vines, made copious notes of enormous scl.ntiflo value upon their methods of chewing up a crop and getting married, aud was thus en abled to lorwaru to tne scienuno society oi which he was a shining light a psper which niada him the tride and snvv of all. T.nnl snrinir. however, this hsDDV Condi tion was somewhat reversed. Herr Kroner's noighbors are mostly growers of Kartofel and were astonished to see a new and prev iously unknown ravagor at work among the sprouts, in suoh numbers as to iusure their total loss. Specimens were submitted to Herr Kroner and he blandly informed the simple-minded farm folk they were potato bmis. The scientino sooioties corroborated this diagnosis, snd furthermore stated that in their opinion tbs bugs were oi loreign im portntion. Then a meddlesome lawyer stepped in with ths assertion that ss Iterr Kroner bad imnorted the bues he misht well foot their bills, and nineteen lawsuits, with damages enough to cover everything Hen Kroner owned, including his salvation were at once beeun. Meanwhile the bugs serenely pursued their wsy smong ths sere in spite of Pans green ana writs oi man damus, and ths situation at present would indicate tbst tbs German love far American bues is rapidly becoming rancid. Herr Kro uer bss fled the country. A drive throuuh the hop region south Utics, N. V., shows the crop to be in a fair eondition as fur as it goes. Ths reduction in acreage amounts to fully one-third. Con trarv to expectations, the vines hsve dons fairly well and now give indications of about bslf a crop. Several growers bsvs contrsot nd their vield at 20 cents a pound. The viehl will be less tbsn hslt tbst of 1886 Prices nromise to be 20 cents or better, and some think they will reach 30 or 3k cents The yield lor ine mw enuiuawu 60,000 bales. A telegram from the hop region of New York states that th vield will be less than half that of 1885. The yield for the state estimated at 60,000 bales. Delays are Dangerous. You say, well, 'tis only a slight cold, look out, it may lead to an iuflamation of th lining In. ff niinumlll mlr mils of the Luuits this is t'n.umonia. Or to apaamodio contraction of .1.. ki.m ..I tl air nmuH. which la Asthma: or the iuflamation of the lining membrane of tl.a throat and tube which paM through th I nr. which in th firat atau i called Hmn chitis, and may lead to consumption. 8anta Abie is delicious in flavor, certain and perfect in its reeult A few dose will rellev, a thor ough treatment cure th above named diseases. Kvery bottle warranted Dy ait apiggut. Hunt is selling sn immense amount of Imota and shoes. He is the pioneer mer chant in this line of bnsiness, aud sells st ex eeediuifl v low prices. Give him s trial before purchasing elsewhere. What Is It? That produces that beautifully softeom . A . I,. fcti. plexion and leave do trace oi in tion or injurious eneciar luaan.wm, dom's ltobertine accomplishes all this, snd is pronounced by ladies of taste and refine ment to b the most d.ligbtful toilet article , ever produced, warranted Mnuin. auu " matcult r . . " UMium, K"ti, - j City. Yaquina Correspondence. Vaccina Cm, August 3, 1887. S. Handsaker of Dexter is here taking in the sight. Mr. 0. W. Hundsnker tho popu lar merchant from Vf.mnt Hill was here last week and was fellcu-l by his mother, Mrs. S. J. Handsaki-r, Mid si-tui', Miss Lu lls Hatidsaker, who nf;. t .sliding a tew days at this plsee sud Mt wort returned home well pleased with tl.e .utitry herea bout. ' ' Newport is situated four mdi's down tu Hay and is in full sight, and is coanixitt J with this place by a regular lino of steam boats that ply between the two places. New port is luuious as a watering place, wtiere hundreds of pc-sons come from far snd near to enjoy the very excellent surf bathing, to be had here, to feast on llsh, cluuis, rock oysters, etc, etc. While s great ninny per sons stop at the hotels and boarding houses which as might be expected abouud here, with the best of accomodations at from SI to 2 per day. Others, aud their name is leg iou, come prepared to camp out, aud if I am permitted to do so, would suggest to all who wish to take a rest of a few weeks from toil and hard labor, that this is the cheupest and most agreeable way to come. Persons who come her to stay fur a short time should ar range to leave Albany on either Wed nesday or Saturday, as on those days excur sions rates are given to all aud it is better to take a ticket for the round trip. Again do not come with a lot of baggage, but clothe yourself in good warm clothing for it is so sr as I have son always cool here, for tne satisfaction of my friends in Wubfoot I will say that after a stay of at tout ten days I feel like I hsd improved WJ per cent. HKTXKD. Hops and Hop Picking. A letter dated Alex rteavey's ranche, ou the McKenttie river, near Eugene, in comparing the hop crop in that vicinity ;his year with last, says that owing to the dry weather it will not be as good this year. The picking season will be Inter also, thus throwing it iuto the threatening part of the rainy season, which will cause the hop growers to put in all the pickers practicable to secure the crop. The hop crop is of more importance iu the Willamette valley than many would suppose. A fifteen sere yard will distribute a $UH)0 among pickers when white aiostly women and children. A dozen families living in a single valley in the foot hills of the coast mountains earned, in Tom aud liill Sonvey s yard, last year, IIIHI.60, snd this was only a fraction of what they paid for picking, pole pulling, sto. ine Hon yards near fcugcue are or great value to the settlers on the now lands nit j the business docs, in this way, a great deal of good. One merchant in Eugene udvnucod 10000 last year for hop picking. There was probably J 20,000 paid out in securing that crop there laat year. The SilcU and Warm spring Indians were there, also some Chi nese, The Indians are good pickers, picking cloan off the poles, ground and iu the boxes, and thsy leave th bulk oi their earnings with the merchants. There are some largu ynrds nesr Lebsuon, Linn county, which are most ly picked by Chinese. Ths settlers iu the hills ought to do all the picking. The earn ing!) from It will be sn Important factor iu the problem of how to make both emle meet. from two to lour seven-bushel boxes are picked daily per hand at 40 or 60 cents per box. Uregoman. Sergt Batrt to Gen. Tullle. Dis Moinxs. Is,. July 30. Serut. Hates, now living in Florida, has read Oeu, Tuttle's speech, In .which is foiutoldsuother rebellion, sad has written ths General a letter, iu which be shows how impossible it is to produce snything that might not become contraband of wsr, and adds; "We have fine posture lands snd might turn our attention to the breeding of jack asses, but we are satisfied that ws can never compete with Iowa's leading production. Bino your great spe cu we nave coiiciuiiou to abandon the enterprise and leave Iowa in the undisputed enjoyment of what we trust may prove to ue a I'rumuuiu ujwuuiuij. In closing Sergt. Dates says: "You will plesse excuse my note address ing you by your Christian noiue, ss I have never heard it. inueea it is omy tiuua re cently that any of us ever heard of you by any name. I have inquired about you of seversl former citizens of Iowa, now resi dents here, and they all with one accord as-, sure me that they know no mor altout you than they did altout Uuiteau beiore that loyai patriot budded into fume; but as there never was and never will be but one Gen. Tuttle you will doubtless receive this letter." Fixed fob Pbobats.--Oii Monday sfter noou ths will of Hen Holladay, who died in Portland, July 8th, 1887, was filed for pro bste in Portland. He bequeaths to bis wife Esther bis Portland residence and all it Bt purtenances and the sum of $50,000; to his ton Dei Holladay, Jr., all his interest in ths steamships Pelicsn and California; and ths remainder of tho estate to his grsnd-dangbUr Msris, dsnghter of his daughter Jennie, now deceased, formerly wife of Co jnt Arthur de Portales. His brother Joseph Holladay, Henry Hampton snd L. M. Harlow, sxecu tors of the will, without security. Joseph Hollady filed the will, and a petition asked that hs be appointed executor and Geo. W. Weidler administrator of the estate. The es tat is vslued at tSOO.OOO. An Alltany dispatch of August 9tb, says: "W. F. Kead, A. Hhodes sud Ibtbert Browu, who, with A. B. Woodin, receutly discovered a silver ledge in the cascade mountains, left to-dsy for the purpose of engaging iu miuing operations on the ssme. They bad a tost made of the rock iu Portland, and it waspro nouoced of sufficient value to induce them to sink a shaft snd mske a further project of the vslne of the mine. They took with them giant powder, drills, etc., snd propose to give the mine a thorough te-t. It is h-c ited near ly at th source of the Santiam river. The psrty will proceed by team a tar ss practica ble, aud pack their supplies the reiuaiuder of tbewsy. This discovery is immediately north of the Blue river miues. The Heppner Gazette says: Tap Stroud, traveling partner of I'uele Bum and Gov. Whileaker in the Inlernal reveuue busi ness, is this week honoring Heppner with his portly piesence. Before engaging in hi present missionary field Pap was wmt of the largest partners in the Oregon and t'olidir nia railroad. Everybody in this neck of ""I woods know. PaP htroud and are glad to - . , know that he is able to be about,