The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 23, 1887, Image 7

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f;or" grade .
tnrnla roll
fen. d0
pickled .
vn FBC1T8
' California
S,e, trope'
machine dried
J cherries.
S plume. Oregon. .....
Vruuee. French
In prune
v. no
12 ai
19 21
is a 20
H C 10
7 8
18 (a) 28
7 8
8 10
10 12$
4 75
4 75
4 75
25 4 35
3 U0
r Valley. 100 tts. . . 1 81 O 1 B5
Fff . la Walla 1 tO 1 35
V,, r v-
' grou d, If ton
at IijU tb
'l,.i. milling If bush
f UK) R
1 10
20 0) $25 (10
53 55
1 00 1 10
v.: , haled
iVtou S3 10 30 (10
Ik, meal ton 30U0(g32 5C
L Orciion new bx.
fie', Oregon, tfdrm...
in, California, If bx..
side oranues. If box...
i..rrulp. dO tlO ...
$;8box 100.1W
lmi6ita.if w
Llted. over fo lbs .... . ua -4
jt, sack
Jllower, aoz
ioes, oia, r "
new, do
22 00 23 00
24 CO
18 00 fffJO 00
1 00
75 1 00
4 00 5 CO
1 SO
7 5tt
3 00 J 50
Jjreiron, Sprinft clip.
r Oregon, do
2 2J
1 00
1 25 1 50
1 00
Devoted to the InterwU of Farmer.
' and Stockmen.
Farmyard Mannre.
Among intelligent farmers who ex
ercise coiiBidYrHblecare jn storing their
manure there are aniAinimi,ir
dices prevailing regarding the value
and use of manure. Mmv Ur,a.
would think lie wua wanting i,ih tit.ia !
I . . . - "
ami material were
. teat-Tier? is seeking to inculcate
ea of conscience. "Now, then,"
tv3 at the conclusion of his nrgu-
fc, "when you commit a bad action
you feel a pain somewhere?" "Oh,
interrupts the pupil; directing his
to his posterior, "there when
uses his shoe."
tubby (to young Mr. Feathorly, a
at dinner) Do you livo on the
iHir of your boarding-house, Mr.
crly? Mr. Featherly No, Bobby,
.1 Hoor front. Why? Bobby (iii
ntly) O, nothing, only when pa
lara came home from the theater
light they were saying something
iirht ' 111 the miner storv. an as
were talking about you I s'posed
Father Robert, will you have
But piece of pie?. N. Y. Sun. .
manufacturer of bronzo orna-
sent a drummer to Texas, where
imaged to get one small order. A
eks afterward the following cor-
Jmlcnce took place: "1 lease send
I agent down this way again as
jas possible." Reply "It would
much incommode 1110 to do so at
Jilt. How large an order do you
jto make?" Reply "I did not
nd to order more goods. I have
ted the lot your agent sold nic into
ts to shoot him with." Xetr Haven
Men Sow Realizing; the Bright
Dreanm of Their Karly Lire.
A-h Messenger, the owner of the
Ittentioua little barber shop at 315
street, iu not at his post of duty
days. He left two days ago via the
Itlian Facific Railroad for Europe,
; his better-half with him, and
line to be gone five months.
'only a brief time since Mr. Mes-
. . . . 1 1
ler had no sucn notion in 111s neau
ing a foreign land. An attache
e little shop yesterday told an
iiner reporter how it was he hap-
al to change his mind.
ou see," he said, "Zach has been
Big quite a struggle of it for sev-
years, although he is an old ban
Cisco boy, and has had a pretty
trade. But his expenses were
y, and most of the time he just
t kept even. But he could always
a dollar or two in any little en-
ise that promised a profit. So it
hat he trot to taking a ticket a
th lately in the Louisiana State
irv. Well, in the drawing of
41 12th last, he pulled out one
i of ticket No. C7,0(i0 for $15,000,
J wag promptly notitied to this ef-
le went straight down to Wells,
to & Co. and got the sum men
1. Pleased t I should say he
He said since he'd been so for
ite he'd just take a little trip off.
yes, he takes more than one ticket
as do most all who know Zach."
uother tenth of the $150,000 prize
won across the bay at Oakland at
same drawing. It soon became
n that A. Mousson, a bachelor of
ho had been trying U h'8 We
'Tto to win a fortune, was the
:yman. Mr. Mousson had con
t'd the idea that he could not do a
' r thing, as he went along, than to
st in a ticket or two. Now he con
?s it the beet move he ever made
lis life.
r some days he has been receiving
congratulations of his friends, and
' be is casting about to carry out
e of the many bright plans of his
U rumored also that when he goes
n a trip, to the Neckar, as it is pos
- he mar. he will not 70 alone, and
the trip will be all the more en
able on that account San Fran-
(CaL) Examiner, May 4, 1887.
should be prevalent in not ftnrnriiaincr
Take pound for pound and rotted man
ure will produce far more satisfactory
and speedy results than unrolled. But
this is not the onlv matter to be eon-
eidered. A pound of ereen man 11 re
will not make a pound of manure that
is well rotted. Rotted manure is sim
ply green manure considerably con
centrated and in a high state of pre
paration. If this were all it would not
matter much whether the manure was
used in a rotted or unrotted condition:
but this is not all. While the manure
will not rot are had, already securely
set, at the cost of setting out the trees
only. But to this there is the objection
that the swaying of the trees loosens
the nails holding the loards or the
staples fastening the wires, whether the
hails or staple are driven into the
tree or into a piece of timber fastened
to the tree. But it has been discov
ered that when the willow is planted
this objection is avoided, for the top of
the willow can be kept cut down xn
closely that the trunk will bo swayed
little, if any. The tree should not be
plOUgll in llianiire Hint w nnlnmn. imnl .,.! ;t 1. , l . ,
pHv mii ti. .. . ( ,, " u."1". " ooiaineu
"v imw eucu an oniuion auiameier 01 ir im.h f,.
the ground; and even when it has
reached this size, the tree mav be cut
oil" five feet from the ground,' making
a post of the desired height without
killing the tree. Such cutting off
wouia be fatal to any other tree that
could be used for this purjiose; but the
willow will send out a rich bunch of
shoots, which will soon become ro-
spectable brandies and may be cut off
in uieir turn. Thus we mav have a
tiiick, stocky trunk five feet high, with
so little top that the wind will not
loosen the nails or mW Th
lias been rotting much of its value has j branches cut off make good bean-poles,
been dissipated in the fermentive pro- or tho summer firewood par excel-
icnce. iney cut very easily when
green, dry out rapidly, and when dry
imikea qu.cK, 1101 tire that dies down
cess, wniie that which remains is 111
such condition as to yield nearly all of
its plant food to the first crop that fol
lows its application. On the other
hand, nnrotted or unfermented ma
nure, when once plowed under, not
only yields all the ingredients that
at once just the tire the housewife
desires during the summer. Other
points 111 favor of the willow for live
fence posts are the ease with which it
make up the more highly prepared and ; can be got to grow and the rapidity of
concentrated article, but much more j its growth. If slips are stuck into the
beside. All the volatile portion which cround in thesnrinc. when timer...,,!.!
driven oil' in the process of fer-' is moist, they will at once root and
mentation is now given to the land. ' crow. Wl ICre feiiee-lo4t r ertren
The process of rotting progresses slowly (this use of the willow can be con fl
out with thoroughness, and not a par- dently recommended ; and likely it
tide of available plant food is allowed
to escape.
Of course there are crops in which a
limited use of rotted manure is found
ia practice to be necessary for the suc-
cesslul cultivation of certain crops.
Thus, says a well-known writer, the
turnip, the carrot and the beet, which
...:n . . . ...
iu pay 10 souse me willow even
where posts are cheap. The willow is
slow to die and will make a firm post
for many years.
Monkey Labor.
The hemp-raisers in this vicinity
now successfully employ monkey labor
are sown in the early part of summer, ln competition with that of the ne
rennirfl th T., ui.,.11 ' Kr0- 1 erkm8 Clirismaii have a force
be in such a state of decomK.sitiouTas ; l,f Jven U.rSe '"onkeys of the semi-
to act upon and nourish them in the 1 r. " ' . Vv 11 0 'uu ,u " vicwu,
first stages of their growth, and if this !
Loa Annelea propose to utilize the na
tive castor oean iu a castor-oil factory.
Weak lun(w,gpittlnRof blood, consump
tion, and kindred alleetioiiN cured with
out physician. Address for treating, with
two stamps. World Dispensary Medical
Association, Burtalo, N. Y.
Have the gran cut If you want your
lawn a la mowed.
Try the Diamond Wreuch. For sale by
Z. T. WriKbt, i'ortland. '
When Babr was sick girt her Caiorla,
When the wm a Child, the cried for Caatoria,
When she beoame Mlu, the dung to Caitoria,
When the had Children, the tort them Caeiorla.
T.itrf niu laj woman touii( or oM, on this CxMut,
tlil U utility .lib auj dUrtM, no luattrr wbat, that
Uieir laiiillj ptijMclat. ilon not umlmtituil, or cnhuol
cure, tlaould wntr lull nVarriptioD ol thrlr trouble to
Dr. Konlrii, or vt ou the tralu and t nit hllu He u tiro
with etrrjr luitruuirut ut urwrry, ami the heat
niedldnea to 1 had lor nmiiet. I'onaultatloua free.
H.mert oidnlona lven ; rMuotiahle charava. All oorrea-lxmdeui-e
atnetly cnltdi utlal Kucloae .lamp, Addreaa
P l-lK. . !.; oma,Maa W, ftrat 2i
Uonal Bank, Portland. Orou.
Rupture Permanently Cured.
No antirery Woik erery dar Ourea (uarai.terl.
Addrea. lira. FoKUKS k LI TllKK. mor 8, aud 11
rirnl Katlotial Bank. l'itlaud. tirr,nn.
If aflllctcd with Sore Kjrea, use Dr. Inaae
Tlioinpaon's Kye Wau-r. UniKKlats (ell it He.
Z. T. Wrlht, Portland, has the West
Intfhouse Tbresher and Engines.
Try Germea for breakfast.
South Africa. Smitli vt Murphy have
about twenty-six. J. B. l'ark, near
Kingston, Ky., who introduced mon
key labor into the hemp fields of Ken
tucky, has now a force of seventeen.
James Guthrie, of Shelby ville, Ky.,
has twelve. Other less extensive
planters have from two to five each.
They do the work better than the ne
be not so the crop may entirely fail.
Iu thet-e and similar cases accordingly
a complete preparation of the farm
yard dung is an essential point of prac
tice. Certain plants, again, do not re
quire the same stale of decomposition
of the dung. Thus, the potato re-
nniroa loua in tlta firor at mm a f ilu
VIUlllO lira 111 lylJV IllOV Ol.iL.VCT VI iW3 " . . -
growth than the turnip, and hence it ! ?ro- ',nd,Ht one-fourth the cost; they
U nnt r,pSs,.rv in Bnl,Lt tlm ! are taught very easily, as they are do-
to be applied to the same degree of fer- c,' nml e.ven affectionate. The cost
mentation of the monkeys on an average is about
But since guano, bone dust and other I?00 e"cl Tl,e?. " orought direct
nortubln mni.tirps l.e.-in.ifi nv.tilu1.1n f..r lru, -I'cio n, ouwi Airica, 10 l en
turnip and other crops that require
immediate manorial action, it has been
a well established rule that farmvard
manure had better be used before it
has lost any of its fertilizing constit
uents, and that when kept for any
length of time (as in practice it must
be) it should be preserved as much as
possible in the condition as when it
was taken from the stables, cow-sUlls
and piggeries.
The common practice of carrying
dung and litter daily from the various
farm buildings to an open pit occa
sions the loss of a considerable ortion
of its most valuable elements, and pro
duces other chemical changes than
those which contribute to fertilization.
UruNNclia Hprouta.
Farmers at the West scarcely know
of the name, much less the virtue, of
Brussels sprouts. It is a small cab
bage, very much more delicate than
the common cabbage, and superior in , The lands about his seat are all laid
flavor to the favorite caulitlower. It i down in grass; the farms are scattered
sacola, Fla., and from there to Lexing
ton, where tliey are distributed through
out the hemp fields. Hemp-raiting
with this new species of cheap labor
is decidedly profitable, which is not the
case with free labor. Tho negroes do
not like the appearance of things,and
many of them say that either they or
the monkevs will "have to go." Van
ville (Ky.) Cor. X. Y. Timfi.
Waithlng-ton an a Farmer.
In an almanac of 1790 we find the
following: "Gen. Washington pos
sesses 10,000 acres of land in one body,
where he lives; constantly employs
240 hands ; keeps 25 plow gangs going
all the year, when the weather will
permit; sowed, in 1787, COO acres of
oats, 700 acres of wheat and prepared
as much corn, barley, potatoes, beans,
peas, etc. ; has near 500 acres in grass
and sowed 150 with turnips. Stock
140 horses, 112 cows, 235 working
oxen, heifers and steers, and 500 sheep.
is raised to some extent for the mar
kets of the East, but, even there, is not
as well known as it should be. Its
culture is esy, but it is not as produc
tive as the cabbage, wherefore its cul
ture must become much more general
than at present to render it as cheap
as other vegetables in our markets.
But there is no reason why farmers
should not add the Brussels sprouts to
around at a distance of two, three, four
or five miles, which the General visits
every day, unless the weather is abso
lutely stormy. He is constantly mak
ing various and extensive experiments
for the improvement of agriculture.
He is stimulated with that desire
which always actuates him to do
good to mankind. In 1770 he killed
150 hogs, weighing 18,500 pounds, for
Kidney Liver Medicine
HI NT'S It KM ED Y hoi nvnl 'mm Hn
roring diiemae and duath hundrvda who havt '
been glrcn up by phyilciana to die.
HI NT'S REMEDY curei all Dlaonave
of the Kidneys, llladder, Vrlnary Or
Kn, Dropay, Crave!, IMabetee and
Incontinence ami ltoteutlon of Vrlue.
HINT'S ItEMKDV encourage ilecp.
create an appetite, braces up system, anil
renewed health It the result.
HUNT'S REMEDY ruree uln In the
Side, Hack or Loin, General Debility,
Female Llaeaara, DUturbed Bleep.
Loaa of Appetite and Bright'! Dlaeane.
IU NT'S REMEDY quickly induce the
Liver to healthy action, removing the cause
that produce lllllout Headache, llyapcp
ala, Sour Stomach, Coatlveueaa. I'lle,
By the Use of HINT'S REMEDY the
Stomach and Dowel will apoedily regain their
twig-th, and the blood will be perfectly purified.
HINT'S REMEDY ll purely TcgoUblo,
and meet a want never before lumlshed to the
public, and the utmoat reliance may be placed
In it
HCNT'S REMEDY Is prepared ei.
prraaly for the above i,'eae, and
ha never been known o fall.
One trial will convince yon. For
ale by all DruggUU.
Send lor Tamphlet to
l'rovlile.icn, IU I.
Three Fashion Hems.
visions lor his negroes,
made into bacon.
which was
the plants set out in their garden, and his family use, exclusive of his pro-
cultivated for the advantage Oi their
It is a fall vegetable. In the hot
weather of summer the little buds do
not form a good, tender, compact head
as they do in the cooler weather of
autumn. The seeds may be sown
where the plants are to stand, or the
plants may be transplanted in July
just like fall cabbages, and are handled
in the same way.
The picking of the sprouts com
mences when those near the ground
begin to foim heads, and is repeated
from time to time about once in a week
or two as they mature. They do not
spoil like cauliflowers if neglected, but
will stand a good while in good order
till wanted. At last the leading sprout
at the top of the stem forms a small
head about the size of a man's fist,
which resembles a small Savoy cab
bage and is equally as good as the
smaller sprouts. To keep them for
winter use they should be taken up in
November, just before the ground
freezes, and stored in a pit made just
like those uiafd for storing celery. The
pit can be 'opened and the sprouts
taken out at any time in winter. The
sprouts are boiled and served with
drawn butter, just as cauliflowers.
Wlllewe for Fenee Fonts.
The fence post question is one of
much importance to the American far
mer, owing to the difficulty of procur
ing suitable wood for the purpose. A
correspondent of an exchange advo
cates the use of willows for this pur
pose, the trees being readily obtained
for transplanting and easily grown.
He says: "It is frequently recom
mended to plant trees along the line
of the fences, that when the trees have
attained ifficient size their trunk may
be used as posts. Thu. live post that
A San Diego (Cal.) beekeeper has
most effectually settled for him
self the question of the alleged dam
age done to grapes by his insect pets.
He took a perfect bunch of grapes,
every berry of which was sound and
in good order, and suspended it in the
middle of a hive of bees for an indefi
nite time. It remained there several
weeks, or perhaps months, and at the
expiration of the period was removed
in as erfect condition as when first
put in the hive. Thousands of bees
had been crawling all over the fruit
during that time, only too eager to at
tack the toothsome juice thereof, but
had been unable to satisfy themselves.
The experimenter now has his mind
fully made up on this moot question,
and all the argument that could be
made betwixt now and doomsday would
not alter his belief.
The most careful estimates of the
coming wheat crop of California vary
from 20,000,000 to 21,000,000 centals.
The San Francisco Grocer says : There
is likely to be a surplus of 10,000,000
bushels or more in this State, which
should give a possible export from the
Pacific Coast of not less than 25,000,
000 and possibly 30,000,000 to 35,000,
000 bushels. If anything near present
prices are maintained, California
may realize more money on her for
eign shipments than in 1885-86 when
nearly 20,000,000 bushels of wheat
were forwarded at a valuation of less
tlian 116,000,000.
There are 87,400 resident sheep in
Klickitat couDty, W. T., which pro
duced this year 611,800 pounds of wooL
There are 13,000 foreign sheep grazing
in that county.
Bulgarian embroideries showing vX'
quisitely combined Eastern colors aro
likely to be nioro fashionable for dress
borderings. They harinonizo with
every hue and are suited to all but
very thin textures.
The polonaise promises to bo a lead
ing favorite during the season to come,
and so many pretty styles have lately
been devised that it has every right to
tho position.
Cross-striped dress fabrics will still
bo made up into untrimmcd skirts to
accompany polonaises as well as other
styles of upper dresses, which li. eoloi
will match tho plain stripe between
the brocaded bands. Sometimes kilted
skirts will bo made of lengthwise
striped goods, which will be folded so
lhat only thu brocado will bo vlsibla
PrinG Mumorj,
vfCGuicwej -fie
One botilt taktn according to dirtctiont
will girt better retulti than a gallon of
Sarsaparilla. or an of tho to-called Blood
Purifiert with which the market it glutted.
Ut Druggittt, price (1.00 per bottle.
will be paid for ay eatt of Rheumatitm
which Dr. Pardee' t Remedy, proper! ad
ministered, failt to reliert.
Absolutely Pure-
T. l c-- u.4 A. "jaosi ol .u"
Wi.-'k a:..4. Ft. ai'-.T.titae, M re v son.:. a! Ilia.
J fraj k'.Mk", m .'. "acmt u to W ft
-switit aha r.u.t.'.: e ; 6ct, iVrt t
c ?-xt'-( -VTiiitft cr.y
Ajrai tuv" r.,.a'4 v. . U. f.
:IJ,,L,.,Aj:-i:.i,d cV c!0.
161 Second Bt ,
Carry full line ut
iJilet Articles
sail Sundries.
Thi'jr nmkf peoiJiy
ul RtU-ihllni.U)
If yu fril an)thttuj
In tlivlr I tut ivmt Mi
iirie with iHwtK tiiil
It will l h'turuvil by
(tret mall.
m.m nrvl-Itl. ni'inK la
laanrd Sept. and Mareh,
each year. ai pi
I S'.xlllnrhM, with over
3 BOO Hlnatratlou
whole ririnn wanrry,
I1IVKI Whulraale Price
j . . ....u. nn mil arootla All
airrri n "
prnonal or faintly ttae. Trll how to
order, and give eaact eoat of every
thins yon eat, drink, wear, or
have fun with. The ISVALAULK
1IOOKM contain Information gleaned
from Ihe market of the world. We
will mall a copy FUKK to any ad
dree upon receipt of 10 eta. to defray
eipente of niallttiK. 1 " heal from
you. llpeetfully,
" eV ttn Wabaah Aveaae. fhlnaae. 111.
No hot water 1I: tin hratln your Motni. Fur de-
ictiiitio.1, atiiirtai.
Z. T. WEIGHT, Foot Morrison it. Portland, Or.
Aln rtealrr In Thrr.hln ami Oriwral Maclilnwy, Ma
rlii Work. Launilry ftiarhlnery, In tart anything you
aaiil. Urn. AvMit f"r tho Sliltunan l'al oil r:nma.
Purchasing Agency
I'nrlli'a ilnalrlnff ti. niiika tilircliltar of my
(leaorlpllon in i'urtlnnili'an aave thaeapeiiMtof
a trli ttiire, anil Uliv at wtiiiii'nitin rnira, inniiiK"
thel'OK'IXANK ll lll HASINd AOKNl'Y.
Atltlru: I. U. Hon rorllana, nr.
f3 j 11 g!VL'
Send for dv8crlitive i lrculur. Liberal IntlucO'
iiiei.U loaKnt.
DAYTON & HALL, Ataents,
Forllaud, Or.
CasH or Installments.
Wl Stock it
118 8th Ht, P.O
ino ran oatauoC
Beat loimli Hymn. Tun. k1. Cm
In rti,i. Hold tiv ilniwMtH.
m etii iiiiaa..
TITn f Make your Ire and Ice Cream at
alioinc. t'oat nnthiiitf tomake. J'rlcc
ol Maclima JU up. T. 11. DAY, 1213 Valencia at. H. V.
-. -1
All rw-ople of Pyhititic way
Hhould learn to lenirtlien oul their day.
When IniiKikhtion make a rail.
Or I'omhtifatiom, wont than ail.
Make lite a hiirden. hear In mind.
In TARKART'S BtLTZtK health you'll And.
Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute
aiutr or l lcaieea Eiperlt need and akllb
fid I'kralrlaaa nad aaraeena,
riitlctiU tn-utisl iMToorat llti-lr hiiimti. Mnny
trcntiHl ut humc, throtiirli (xunvixxKli nii',
futix-ajtrnlly M If here lit hm.ii. Coine ami
ua, or at'tid ten tvnla In tittnw lor our
" Invalid' Ouida Brwk," whlrh ule all pnrtlo-
Ulitrs. itillniMi tioiil lia IMHi'i nhahY .VI tin.
CAL AHS.IC1AT10N, IKkl Mull. SI., IIiiIIiihK N.V.
For " worn jitit." " run-down." nVNlltnted
ohool trurliem, inllllnciK. iHiiitiHti-cawHi, hiniao-
Kivpi'r, nml ororworkeil woinen ireiienillw,
lr. I'lenv' Fitvorlto rrif-riiillon I llw In af
of nllnlonitlvototilc. It la not a "Cure-all,"
but admlntMy fnlMIH a alnirlt'inm of purH,
lx'lnir a miMt potont fixt'lilo (or all tlioao
I'hnnilO Wnikniwe and lHm'Hn porttllnr to
woinen, TIk. tnittnii'tit of tunny thousand
p( (lU'lt rnai'a.iit the I u viiII.Im Motel mid Surir-
lenl liiHtltuii. tin n Imxe ei'rli nco
Iu nduHliiir n'tuetllea for their euro, mid
Dr. Pierce's Favorita Prescription
In the reault of thl vart rvrierlenop. For
Internal roiiKeailon, liiflninnialloii
nd ulrrrailun, II I n Spcrlflr. It
ll a powerful irenontl, an well n iiterine, tnnlo
nnd niT Inc. nml luimil vltror and tivntith
to the whok. vxtoiu. It rin.1 wenkmiw (
toimich, IndlireMlou, Montiinr, wink latok.
nervoii prMi ration, exiiuiiHi ion, d. iinry mui
aleepliwiiiHut, Iu ntlterwj. Knvorlle rn'eiln
tlon I ftiM hy .IrtitiirM tnnler our iiailli'e
Diniiiiiilic. Bt'O wrnpiHT around iH.ttle.
nninr c nn " ""
PRICE $1.00. uu tftrj.oo.
Send 10 cent In tniniM for Hr. I'lenv- Iniaro
Tnilllw on IMaeaw of Women IliK) l'iiK-,
puvr-eiverHll. AiMniw, Wt.iti.n'n ihikn
Hltr'AU ASIMM. IATION, tkxl Mulii t-lrvrt.
UulTulo. N. Y.
niMoua Headarlio,
Itlzrliiea. t'onallpa
lion. Indlgealttiti,
nd IlllluuaAllacka,
Iiroiiiptlv cun'd by lr.
Merer' IMenannl
l'uriillve I'ellela.
oeiitsii viuLliy iTiia-Bleta.
O I till II rl I , (lal.ler, Htwniah llano: Bur
dot Ortrana, band iiiatrutnent. Iiiveat Hook
of 8het Mtuilo and llook. Hand iipiillsdat
Katiteru price. M. UltAY,
2M Post itreeL Ban Franelaoo.
llltl aa ST.tli Holt.
tilialil. nd lM..lutlf
unttreakalile. Hlantlanl
nuallly 15 oriita lira
lartl; Cloth revrrrd, 'O centa; M.ttn rorrrwl, ' .1 cn'a
',.! Mir rrrnrwhrm Try It. M IMK: r l lVtl
I.HHWM: Orlf tl. Thrwi Oak., Mich.
Some wopl niak a (Treat hlw about the harvaln
tliay hav ti.Mll, Tlila la not our way, Wahaiea
iirtiat varloty of whkh w offer aa low na m to Mx'ttra a k(hhI article that III ylvsaati'txltm.
At thla tlm e liav aomo choir Kaulne at 11. W er
box; very good linke.1, II, no for H) Ilk Inixea; and
nine low aaSr. In bulk that areaond to rook. I'lttwl
I'liiiua, Pc, anil llie. Very hrlyht I'eara, He.; Alil'a,
lilts a paper, l-).; dark, to, to So. Dark Aprk
rot, Sa Hie la low, 4Je. anil He. Kpllt IVaa, 4e. to
6c. ; WiioId l'eaa, 1 to. to He. In lota, anil Sr. fur amall
(luautltloa. Jul) In! la ready. Do you net It? Well,
II vti need tin la to auk for it on a portal illrtirtoil to
Hvtmi'i 1-AHll Htuk, 116 and 117 Clay Ht., H. ',, I'M,
TM. TIKI.T .r Ittirnmlnrul
tlbl. .iprrly fur lb. tuM l
d.rDf,airnta of th. ..rail.,
orpin, Tli. enutlniMua atrtial
I ll ICTIMrliy pamiailliif
ihr.uhth. t.rla emu r..i.n)
ibtra tobralilif .Aln.a. P.aub
.imfo.iid tlil.vllh KUotn. atiia
ailvtillwit I. .ur. Ill III. frnta
kNt to to.. Ul. fr III. una
Vnt slr.ul.r. ftrlnf ntlt la.
fnru.llia,.'ldrrMCIirrr.r Nlw
Irl. H.ll ('.. M VailaiM
timl. Calaaia, HU
The OrlKlnal and Only Uenalne.
P.ia aoit ilwtrt HrlUM. lt-aror WuHHIrM Imitation.
iii.t-n..!,!. t. ladies. A.t v iraM m
" Kli hr.trr'. i"t tl ao Maw. t to.
f.i.mi-1 u u. Ir ruuulr. la I.Hrr by rrtur aaalf
NAME PAPER. ( hlrkMtr. Ckrmli al t o.,
oil) ky Dranl.ta everrwhrre. M " "Cklrkea
tor1 tuaU.l" fmmal nil al 1'Ula, taa a. iHlui,
O b talirn tb. tra la
tlm ..Irt ut lli.l U., of
lemclie.. ami h ra
aliiivtt ualva.ul attiuav
r.iu, T.t
Qhnr,a th. I.vor uf
th. uulilK and now r.aka
muoK th. iMdm Ita-U.
UtMaollba oil'lonk
Brnllurrl, ft.
lolitrif tlruf if iu.,
f XT ToT'lilvaXI
m. ti.arMtM a.l .1
4 M aaaMkttMlan.
Cf nr. mi by ta
L.' liuu dunicai sj
The Tan Monciscar
Young, ntilille-aced and
old. aliigi ur niarrird ata
abd all who anitrr with
NrrtiHia Utililllty, Htmrma
tnrrhea, Huii.ial Loar
Hriual Deear.l'ailln Mrov
ory, Weak Kim, Lack of
Cncrgy, aim, IIIoimI land
Hkla IXaaaara, Hji.hllila,
Eniptluua, Hair Vallhi
B..u falna, a w.Ukta
a,a Tliroal, Vkxra, W
(rota of Mnronry, Kidney
and HladUor Tr on b In
Wrak Rack. Runiuif TJrtne, Otinonuea, Olavt, atrle.
lira pronint rallnf and sure for 111.
Both Mexea t'onaailt Bfldeitlally
N. T. N. U. No. 188-8. F. N. U. Vo. aa.
The Grandest Display of Choicest Woolens ever shown in the Citv,
EnilUh, French, Scotch and German Fabric In enillea variety for Suit to tueaeura.
line Thouaand IHIferent I'attern t aeleet frnm.
Pino All-lfTool Suits to Order from - - $20.00
Pino All-Wool Pants to Order 5.00
Only White Labor and First Class Cutters Employed.
126 First Street. Portland, Or.