TRIG1 i l iilJ CITY 4 ESTABLISHED FOR THE DISSEMXATIOX OP DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES, AND TO EARN IX HONEST LIVING BY THE SWEAT OF Ol'R BROW. ,()L 19. EUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1887. NO, 43. Citi V.nrl 1. I, (JA.MPHKLL, j'ubUri.'tcr ;iti I Irofi'i'ior. dl'l'ICK -Oil til" East iU' of Willmiieiti; i it, between Seventh mul Eighth Streets. TERMS OK SUUSCIillTION. l rr annum f ix Month 'Hired month. . . . fc! M l.'.T. 75 OCHON1.1 HATKH OH ADVKUTIS1NG. Advertisements inserted im follows: One square, ten line or leu one insertion S3; ,nch mitixequeut iiisertinu ?l. Cash required jo advance. , Time advertiser will lie charge I ut tn fol lowing rates: - Hue square three months Jii (HI One square nix mouth H 00 Ouesqiiare one year 1-"0 Transicut notice in '"'al column, 1!0 ciiit iiir line tor each insertion. Advertising bills will bo rendered i'iitrterly. All job work nuixt be paid run on hki.ivkiiy. L IilLYEU. C. 31. COLME1L BILYEU & COLLIER Attorneys nd Counsellors at Law, - EUGENE CUT, OllEUON. rK XCTICE IN" ALL TIIU COUNTS OF i tlii State. Will give special attention o collections anil probate matter. Okfick- Over Hendrick k Eakiu's bunk. CEO. B. DORRIS, Attorney and Counsellor - at-Law, "IVILL PH VCTICE IX THE CDUKTS W of tlits Second Judicial District ami in In Supreme Court of thin State. Special attention given to collection ami Dialtera in probata Washburne & Woodcock AttorBicys-sit-fljStWt iW.lKNK CITY, - - - OUKOON OFFICE At the Court House. jy8iu3 oco. a. nonius. S. W. CONDON. CONDON & DORMS, Attorn cys-at-L:iw. :i;UGEXK CITY, - - - OREGON Orrit'E Over ltobinson Sl Church' hardware atore, Ml: rny and Ccunsallor-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent. KUGENECITY, - OREGON. Oflicc formerly occupied by Thompson & J'ean. J. E. EENTON, Attoriiey-at-L.uv KUGENE CITY OUEGOX. Special Attention given to Real Estate l'rac ice and Abstract of Title. OrrifE Over Grange Store. T.W. HARMS, M.D. Physician and Surgeon,' OFFICE Wilkin's Drug Store. Ilvsidence on Fifth street, where Dr Shelton ormerly resided. BR. JOSEPH P. GILL, 1 1AX BE FOUXD AT HIS OFFICE or res Widence when not professiouaUy engaged. Residence on Eighth street, opposite Presby erinn Church. . jTd. WALTON, Jr., ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, EUGENE CITY, OUEGOX. "l7ILL PRACTICE IX ALL THE Courts of the State. Special attention given to real estate, col eeting, and probate matters. Collecting all kind of claim against the United State Government. Office in Walton' brick-rooms 7 ami 8. B.F. DORRIS, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. T HAVE SOME VERY DES1RAI.LE , J. Farm, Improved and Unimproved I own property for sale, on easy terms. Troperty Eent:-d and Eents Collected. The Insurance Companies I represent are among the Oldest and moot Reliable, am in the Prompt andEytlTAW.E adjustment of their J.swes Stand Second to None. K share of your patronage i solicited. Office upstairs, over the Grange Store. B. F. DORKIs. J. DAVIS, Merchant Tailor. ,; IV! .' HAS OPEXEI) A SHOP oX NINTH Street opposite the Star Uakerv, when he is pr-pired to do ull kind" "f work ol.cifd in hi. line. A largo stock of Fine I'Uli on hand f-T ltonier to stlci t fnoii. , One of our se- i.ilties i the cutting anil Mng f lhr '..k-. Htwiriiii. ami cleaning ilone pmn l tly. S' iikction nraut-nl. Kagene, Nov. (i, Km"., tf MUST SE mmk fail mi fhfj Furnishing O -- GOODS. -wiovw WLOWKST PKIOE3JM HATtJ OV THE VERY LATEST STYLES Suits Made to Order, Eits Guaranted. No TROUBLE to SHOW Goods. J. AY. CHERRY, Walton's Brick. -SOLD.- Our storn Imililiug xold, and its wn Khali liavn to move into in the nuar futuro, wo liavi' (!taiTiiiined to close out our entirp stock RE GARDLESS OF COST. We Iiuvp in stock tlio tini'Ht solnotiou of good suitalilo for lloliilay jires onts to Im found in tlm City. Diamonds, Gold watches, Gold chains, Silver Plated Ware, Jewelry, Notions and" Novelties, ' - Albums, Scrap t5ooks, Autograph Albums, Christmas and New Years Cards, And mi endless variety of nice goods Cull and see. jo Trouble to Show Goods. CHAIN BROS. Frank Brothers Implement Co., PORTLAND, OREGON. HEALERS IN FAR1V1 AMD MILL MACHINERY. Walter A. Woods' Mowers, Reapers and Stel Wheel Twine Binders; Thomas and Royal Self Dump Rakes; Hodges' Double Draper Headers; Gaar, Scott & Co's Threshers and Horse Powers; Rock Island Walking, Gang and Sulkey Plows. Mo"ht Complete Line or Buggies. Carriages mill Spring Wagon on the Pacific Coast. Having received our goods diuiug the low rates of freight from the East, we are going to give our customers the be no tit, and sell them goods in our Hue lower than ever before. Write for Catalogue mid Prices. Address Frank Krothcrs Implement Co Portland, Or., Or J. II. HENDRICKS, Agent, Eugene City, Or. mlx mm - , m a. v. Fdiir splendid "New Wliite" Nickel-plated Sewing Macliincs All Complete. I am oircrin" tln se inacluiies nt cost, not having th linio or room to deal in them any longer. This is a fine opportunity to recure one of these most popu lar, best furnished, and certainly the most drsiraMo of all Sewing Machines. I also otH-r tli Forttj Ladies' Xcw Market Cloaks for$l less than Cost. Twcn tt -five Gents fine Overcoats, this season's pur chase ,) for Sl less than Cost. The are nil ii", b-siral.le goods, and will pay 30 per cent, on tlif invi-st-im-nt ev. ii if on.; had to lay tln-ut away until next Winter. I liav.- a iiuinlx r i f bargains to offer and to which 1 will call alter.- I l llfllll UllH- t t lllli- S'jeiitvr IJr.tte N ir-rv fruit u. rs f .r kle at Jul.n llniwii's Klii:!, .tre. t 1'ivsby t nan i-liurch, - r orders with McCluag -id J l.nn.'n. i wo J'-ir i:d I'.attiett pear tret-, f T saleby the Lan lie I iheap. mnm t : : our mo STOCK h. Bropisville ; See our remarkably complete and vlecant new itock at the mm PETERS'. following bargains:- The Oregon Wood Purifier is N.iture'e ou remedy, and should be used to the ex clusion of all other medicines in ull diseases 0 the stomach, liver and kidneys. The Appetite May bo increased, tlio Digestive organs strengthened, and tlio bowels regulated, ly taking Ayer's Pills. These- Pill aro purely vegetahlo iu their composition. They contain neither calomel nor any other dangerous drug, and may bo taken with perfect safety by persons of all ages, J was a great sufferer from Dyspepsia and Constipation. I bad no npix'tito, und was constantly nlllieted with Head uchfl und Dizziness. 1 consulted our family doctor, w ho prcscrilH'd for mo, at various times, without nlTording moro than temporary relief. I tlnully com menced taking Ayer's Pills, lu a short time my digestion und uptctitu " IMPROVED my bowols wero regulated, and, by tlio tililu I llnished two boxes of these Pills my tendency to headaches had disap peared, nnd 1 became strong and well. burins il. Logan, Wilmiugiou, DuL I was troubled, for over a year, with Loss of Appetite, mid General Debility. I commenced taking Ayer's Pills, and, beforo Ilnishini; half a 1kx of this inedl cine, my appctito and strength wero re stored. 0. O. Clark, Daubury, Conn. Ayer's Pills nro tbo best medicino known to iw for regulating tbo bowels, nml for all diioascs caused bv a disordered Stomach uud Liver. I sutfered for over three years with Headache, Indigestion, and Constipation. 1 had no appetite, and was weak uud nervous uuistol the- tiuio. BY USING threo boxes of Ayer's-rills, and nt tlio same, tinio dieting myself, I was com pletely cured. My digestive organs nro now iu good order, nml I am iu perfect health. P. Lockwood, Tope k a, Kaus. Ayer's Tills bavo benefited me wonder fully. For months I sutTcrcd from Indi gestion and Headache, was restless nt night, and bad a kid taste iu my mouth every morning. After taking onu box of Ayer's Pills, all these troubles dls npK'ured, my food digested well, nnd my sleep was refreshing. Henry C. llemmeuwny, Kockport, Mass. I was cured of the Tiles by tlio uso of Ayer's Pills. They not only relieved mo of that painful disorder, but give mo in creased vigor, and restored my health. John Lazarus, St. John, N. 11 tt Ayer's Pills, rrcp&rcd by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Man. Held by til Drugg-ltU aud Dealers in Mcdlclue. H km -OF- I Groceries, Crockery, Wood and Willow Ware, At prices to suit all GOLDSMITH'S THI i.tun i:u. l'riug your produce get money for it. to (oihbmitli'i and B A O O N"'S H AMBLETON I AN. milLS HIGH ItllEl) STALLION WILL J stand at Smv.urr's Staiii.k, 'Eugene, the coming aciuioii. lie is a sure fo. d getter, J will also stand Till', MOUNTAIN BOY At the same place. Ifu i 7 years old and weighs a little over 1,-VW) lb i, nuc is one of the best foul gi-tters iu the State of Oregon, lift fine body, and is nf spU-iuliiL stork, Prices to suit the tiiiu s, THOROUGHBRED JACK. 1WII.L ALSO STAND AT STEWALTS StiilileduriiiK'tlieenmii igsewion a thorough bred Jack. He is uunrun tend to be a sure foul getter. He was raised it i Washington Terri tory, and was sired by a pure imported Ken-' ucky Jack; hisiUui was uu imported Kentucky Jenny. Twi) of c"!ts are on e.1 JiiLitimi at tlie stable. Cull and see them. Terms mad kit iwn mi applicstion. JAAIES IIATE3. This sTwce reserved for the NINTH ST BiEET CASH STORE. CRAIN BROS. ! A LEU 3 U alclio anJ Musical instrume ; j, To.s, Motions, etc Heinis Von Slein, Outrode from his wild, dark castlu The terrible lleint Von Stein; He Mine to the dour of a tavern, And Kazed on tint swinging' ii,'u. He sat himself down at a table, And growled for s bottle of wine; Up csiiie with s tliisk Mini n corkscrew A uuideti of beauty divine. Then, seized with A deep love-louring, He uttered, "(1, damsel mine, SiiHwe you just five a fvv kisse To the valorous Hitter Von Stein!" Hot she answered: "The kissing business Is entirely out of my line; And I certainly will not In-tin it On a countenance uly it thine!" 0, then the bold kuicjit was nnury. And cursed both cosrsu slid tine; And asked, "How much i the swindle For your tour sud nasty wise!" And fiercely he rode to the castle, And set himself down to dine; And this is the dreadful legend Of the terrrible lleiui Von Stein, C'mrfjt (. 7.Wuiii. Dr. Henley. Dr. J. II. lleulcy, the celebrated computm ler of patent nostrums, died nt his resideuce in Alameda comity, California, a short time since, lie was wen Known ny almost all in Portland where he resided many vears. Ho began business us a butcher, but tirmg of the trade, he turned hi attention to com pounding various kinds of bitters, by which mean lie niiiiisHen (pine u umu uinune. no theu weut to San Francisco and commenced operating iu stock aud soon found himself bankrupt. lie Totimicii to rortlatiil nnd began his old business. He soon hud the niaiket stocked with his "Celery, lici t mid Dou" which ho advertised extensively. It bee-line a popular beverage uud he sold to a San Francisco companv the exclusive right of its manufacture. The price he received was f 15,000 with a certain royalty. Ho theu bought a neat residence iu Alumcdn aud re tired from busiucK. Among his decoctions were the famous I. X. L. bitters, the Dande lion, Orouoco, Henlev's Stomach. Hitters, Thu Elegant, Henley's Cough Cure, Oregon Grape ltoot, Henley's Kidney Tea, and Cel ery, Jieef aud Iron. His career was a re ninrkablo one for a man who graduated at a butcher's block and never gave an hour's study to medical science until ho begun the iiiiinufaotuie ot bis compounds. jJr. lien ley was a umu of great energy uud of mora than ordinary natural ability. He was on the shudy side of seventy of ago at tlio time of his death. Pick and Shovel. The Governor received the following no tice a few di vs niuce, uud thu Governor will respond with "pick and shovel," or its equivalent: llosd Dist. No. 7, Clatsop Co., Or. To Sylvsstkh Pknnovkii: In the nnmo of the State of Oregon; ion are commanded to bo an appear at Willuska Ferry on the 11th day of Julv, 1N7, on the county road from Astoria to S'clialcni nt the hour of 8 o'clock a. in. to perform road la bor assessed against you for the year 1H7, in said district in ull amounting to $1.05 and take with you a pick and shov.-l. Witness my bund uud otllciul signature this 1st day of July, 1SN7. S. D. Adaiu, for J. W. Wai.kku, Supervisor. A Bloody Fight Over land, President Cleve- Tbo Pugct Sound Mail brings account of what may prove a tragedy at l.a Conner re cently. A row occurred in a saloon between three men, Henn, Miller uud Thompson. Miller proposed a toast to President Cleve land, which was resented by Sam Thump sou, one of thu three, ami a tight ensued, and Miller was cut slightly iu the buck. This niadu Frank licnn mud, and he weut to the assistance of Miller nnd was in turn cut in the abdomen by Thompson. It was thought the wound was mortal, and threats were made of lynching Thompson, who wai removed to Scuttle for safu keeping, llenu was stabbed in tbo lung. Ai (lit Twig Is Dent. The Rev. Dr. Tillett, of Vauderbilt Uni vorsity, recently visited a Mormon Sunduy school whilo iu bait Laku City. As he tu tered the iafaut class department a tempora ry teacher was suving: "Well, uoys. wiiere it vour teacher?" They all replied prompt jy in concert: "In the peniteiitiary." The teacher then asked. " Is ho there for doing right or for doing wrong?" All replied, "For doing right." Dr. Illicit learned nf forward that the man in ouestioii was serv ing a term for bigamy. N. V. Tribune. Orecon nine. or. as we call it, II r. lias re ceived another medal, il we may be allowed the use of the word. Iu the building of the new yacht, which has just won the race on the occasion of Queen Victoria's jubilee, und now Hiimiosed to be the fastest in the world, tlm mimts were of Oreiou fir. The woods from Australia, Norway and all other pomitries where mast timber Is secured, were tested thoroughly nud rejected as not eijual to our Br. Oregon Bentry. Delays are Dangnroui. You y, well, 'thioiily a slight cold, bsdc out, it niav lead to an inflamation of the lining Ing'of numerous sir cells of the Lungs this i pneumonia. Or to spasmodic contraction, of the fibres of the air pauge, which is Asthms; or tb iiiHamation of the lining membrane of il,. throat and till which psss through the I nr.t-i. which in the first stage i. called Pron ctntis, ami iuy i' f Abie is delicious In flavor, certuin and jierfect ,....1 ... ,..,!.. k-..,u i, in iu icsult. A few doses will relieve, a thor-'-oigh treatment cure the above imincd diseftses. J2very (sittle warranter! ov an onwgisw. What Is It? That produces that beautifully soft com i-xion and leave no traces ol its applies- tiui or injurious effects? The answer, Vis dom'a Kolwrtine accomplishes all this, and is pronounced by ladies of taste aud refine ment to be the most delightful toilet article ever produced. Warranted bunnies and matchless. F. M. Wilkius, agent, Eugeue Hunt i selling an immense amount of He is the iiioneer unr- lsjots and shoes. . I i chant in this liue of bnsiness, and sells at ex I wediiiiily low prices, (jive him a trial before j pun basing t-Uwhire. rropostJ AmrnJiiif nt. The following nre the threo nmendmeiita upon which the people of Oregon will be called npon to vote ou thu 8th day of next Novemtier. We print them iu full so thnt the readers of the Ui'sitn may know just what they are voting upon. S.VI.AltlKS or JUIX'.KM. 7,V i( rtsttlivd foy the Sennit, tht House con-CHI-ring: That the following Hinendmeiit to the con stitution of the State of Oregon be and is heri'by proposed: ARTICLE II. That section 1 of article 13 of the coustilu tutiou of the State of Oregon be and tho same hereby is abrogated, aud ill lieu thereof sec tion 1 of article 13 of the constitution of the State of Oregon shall be as follows: Sectiou 1. The (lover nor, Secretary of State, Treasurer of State, Judges of the 8u preme Court and all other Slate officer of this Slnto shall each receive an annual salary of such sum as the legislative assembly shall hereafter by lnw for each of said officers pro vide; proi'idtd, that wheu the legislative as sembly shall have by law fixed the salary of any such officer such salary shall neither be increased nor diminished during the term for which the incumbent of such otlice shall have been elected or appointed. Adopted by the Semito February 18, 1885.. I'llOIIIUITORT AMKNDMXNT. Section 1. The manufacture, sale, or the giving away or the offering to sell or give away, or the keeping for salo of any spiritu ous, vinous, malt, distilled, fermented or any intoxicating liipiors whatever is prohibited iu tins state except tor medicinal, scieutitlo or mechanical purposes. section i, lno legislative assembly shall provide by law iu what manner, by whom aud at what place such liipiors or any of them shall bo manufactured or sold or Kept for sale for medicinal, scieutitlo or mechanical purposes. Section 3. I his amendment shall take effect and be iu full force iu six months from the date of its ratification by the electors. .-iccuou 1. mo legislative assembly snail without delay puss ull necessary laws with sullicieut penalties necessary to enforce this amendment. Approved by the house February 9, 1885. TIMK Of ILKCTION. lit it tnacM by the Senate, tht House con curring: That thu following amendment to the con stitution of thu Stale of Oregou be and is hereby proposed : I hat suction 11 of article i of the constitu tion of the State of Oregou be, aud is hereby abrogated, and in lieu thereof, suction 11 of article i of the constitution of the State of Oregon shall bn as follows: Section II. General election shall be held on tho Tuesday next after the first Mouday iu November biennially. ' Passed thu house November ID, 1885. . i..-. Embezzling Postmaster. Yesterday morning W, It, MuDaniel. x- postmaster at Harrisbiiig, Linn county, was brought dowu to this city for examination - before U. 8. Commissioner Walton for em bezzling postolllce funds, having been arrest ed ou that charge thu day beforo nt Harris burg. McDiimul is charged with embezzling from the money order funds of tho postolllce at Hurrisbiirg tho sum of Jll'iC received by him iu the postolllce. It is the duty of the different postmasters of Oregon to iluily re mit to Portland a statement of tho amount received ou nu ney orders, uud the balance if any over money paid out. borne time lust year McDaiiid's remittances begau to oomo up very irregularly, nnd Dually not at all. luspeolor Mason weut up to llarrisburg in iu December last for the purpose of investi gating tho matter. He found that McDauiel was embezzler for over f 1, 100, Mr. Mason demanded thu money nnd after some trouble succeeded iu getting it. Iu Murcll it was discovered that JlcD.ui- iel was again behind ill hit accounts a little over $11211. Shortly afterwards hu was re moved from his position, but for some reas on formal charges were not at that tiuie pre ferred against him. Several days since Mo Daniel wus arrested at Ashluud, charged with being an absconding debtor. Ho was brought buck to llarrisburg, nnd was acquit ted of tho charge. Ou the 13th inst., U. S. District Attorney McArtbur tiled information against him for embezzling the tlVli'i men tioned, and McDauiel was arrested on this charge. Hu was examined before Commis sioner Walton yesterday morning, and was bound over in 1,01)0 bonds to await the ac tion of the V. S. grand jury at Portland iu October. Inspector Musou and Postmaster Davis, of Hurrisbiirg, testified ugaiust him. The evidence of thu ex-postmaster's guilt would appear to be conclusive. Although he has mude restitution ofjbis money through his Ismdsnien's or relatives, though this does not lesseu the enormity of the crime iu the eyes of the law. He was takeii to Portland yesterday by Deputy Mariuam. It is said that he would be aide to furnish bond. Sa lem Statesman, July Kith. Ii'V.niitt DiscovKiiKD. It is claimed that the lynchers of Oscar N. Kelly, thirty-five in number have all been identified, and can be arrested at a moment's notice. Most of them live in Yamhill county, while a few enmo from the neighborhood of McCoy, They represented the lowest order iu the social scale, men who lounge around saloon aud do nothing else. A very clear case has been ma le agai list them . The tracks of the wagon in which they rode to Dallas have been traced all the way from North Yamhill, lu order to reach Dallas nt i a. iu., the hour of their arrival, they had to leave North Yamhill early iu the evening. Parties along the route taken saw them going nud coming. CnxTUACT KioNKi). Nelson Dennett, whose bid for tho work on the Oregou Pacific ruil roud eastward from this city was recently ac cepted, signed the contract Friday evening. The work embraces forty miles of the road including nil bridges, except the bridgu across the Suntiuin, which will be constructed by the company. Mr. Wilson has Is en apoiiit ed superintendent of the construction aud work will com mi nee in about ten days. Teams and laborer will be demanded at a good figure. Mr. Dennett went to Portland yesterday to arrange lor coiuiueucing work. Albany Herald. More trouble! Hie white Democrats of lirunswick county, Virginia have just given a barbecue to Ibc'ir Colored fdltw citizens. It was expected they would mke a barbecue of ! he in. It is a diHiippoiutiug world,