The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 02, 1887, Image 5

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c, ...,1 .loi.titry go t. Dr N J Taylor. l,'"!Sl' f"r Cli"'' ' M'11'04'-
i i ,l.t und sold at GolilitiiithV
jpYmwmi "
.. i. ... i mowers and binder nt Pritchett A
nXvJuA cash price will paid for wheat
i Duiiu.
Vi -hty sere n"0 '"r I,"lu'r
I jj'l'iilrniMI.
l'hutograpli finished neatly, ami artisc
ii.. -t Winter'.
i Hue lino ' ilk l''us,lei' " "hailed
,j grades at FB Uuiiii .
ilotandcoh' rt' every ,lllY the week
rrv Horn's Oarner .nop.
Vou can purciiMc .. ...-.. ....... v
i) iVatu' 'mm f 0 Bml upwards.
I t httf-dliOirrt ftfc rfiiiKiniililA iirirpa
If VIlU w"1' I
i it the store of Pritchett Furkner.
' . I.. .....!. ... !!....
I ai n''
tarlini,' Hill kepn "in stock an excellent
rtmnt of Boon reauawo worn.
l. rail.
i'(,Minith puya for neavor 5.' to ?1 .W per
Jl'j'k and " t" 50 tU
Fi.Ur sad otter, $'2 t0
Local Market Report.
El'UKXK, June 24, 1S87.
VhmT;-85 to 90.
D His-J" i i
lljfley-'iU CU er ousnei.
Kcgn-lfij ct lr lioz.
lllTTKK-l-M" 13 lr "
I'htatoks 1. 81.50 per bushel. Califor-
l.Alin-N" 10 Cl I'er iu.
ri,n R-5 ner bbl.
j;uuv Sides 8 to 10 cts; snonldcrs (i to 8 cts;
Mii., if) to 12J cts.
jlieef (n foot, 3J cU per ll.
A'.N.l 24 cU
Cew pot'tt'e-2ct per lb.
'liee-12J & 15 cts.
Watches Givkn-A way. 11. S. Siniou will
10 every uinu uuymg a aim 01 ciuiiuii lor
or over, a uiekle watch; warranted a
Jul time piece.
Agricultural Machinery.
Uibiiisan Si Church desire to inform the
inle of Lune county, that they have tho
'uKtHtouk uf agricultural machinery ever
ped to Lane county, consisting of mow
liuy rakos, wugous, hicks, buggies,
sliers, binders, headers, plows and iu
t everything in the agricultural lino. Also
nil stock of hardware. 1 bey will sell us
as the lowest. Cull at their store aud
Don't Believe It
,en told that F. M. Wilkins, tha druggist,
hot selling "Wisdom's Robertino" for the
muexion. the most elegant and only really
imless preparation of its kind iu the
Id, aim giving a beautiful picture cant
h every bottle.
.in Salk. A lot of ui;e show-cases, as
J as new, at
E. R. Lcckky & Co's.
. Springfield Items.
July 1, 1887.
Ilr. Davis of Shedd was the guest of Mr.
heeler a day or two last week.
i-i. I. N. Mulkey of the Christian church
pieach at the linptist uhurch next sun
lit 11 o'clock a. m.
lisi) Adith Messenger came down from
iter last Saturday whither she had gone
sit friends for a few days.
fncle Joe Eaton shook the Springfield
from off his soles last Wednesday, aud
lilted for the laud of Goshen.
iss Addie JIcGatl'ey has been (jnito sick
ft-evtral days, but is now rapidly mi-
ing under fhe skillful treatment of Dr.
hose desiring to attend the Baptist Suu-
sehool will bear i mind that the time
holding the same has beeu changed from
lock p. in. to in a. m.
iliss Iula Bradley came down from Tay
i Saturday where she had been teaching
the past three months her school having
d ou I nuay pveuing.
he people of this vicinity are einectiug a
fid time at the picnio on the Fourth, to
idil near this place of which mention
made in our items of last weeK.
1st Saturday evening Springfield Lodge
", I. O. 0. F., elected the following of-
irn for the ensuing term : A. D. Burton,
i.; Wni. Laird, Roc. hecy; Oeo. i..
;e, Treasurer.
Ilr. T. B. Cougill of Mohawk precinct
before Justice Churchill last i rulay
fi swore out a warrant of arrest for Oscar
:ttr of the same place, alledging m the
plaint that Brnster had assaulted him
li a dangerous weapon. Constable J. J.
ill lunde his arrest aud on Tuesday Brus-
had his examination. Mr. Bruster was
y defended by Hon. L. Bilycu, while
ie J. J. Walton looked after the cast in
i ttlf of the State. The Justice after sum-
S up the evidence placed him under bonds
keep the peace in the sum of $100 which
readily furnished.
f xatckal BaiixiK. It is claimed that a
f'iral bridge, rivalhug the famous bridge
Airrillin. Vina liaan ilicnnvri'll miles
J' of Oakland, Douglas county, on a spur
"ie ioast rauge, rue oniige proper 1
uted in a herutiful and lofty mouutain, a
(Ustauce from the Lmpqna river. 11
i"ue a powerful structure, aua win resist
win of 20,000 pouuds to the miuare inch.
!? minfirnl nriininp CflPrV-
sulphnrets of iron, which enters largely
) that nnrtinn finlluil f lio ori fir Alvh . The
r parts are of carbonaceous earth ml
flpan. The dimeutious of the bridge
length, 19;4'feet; bredth, 15', feet;
Slit, (S'i feet: span of arch 12?; feet.
Tii Public School. The Directors elect-
uie following teachers last Tueslay: .
uwter, principal, salary S'JO per month;
Anna Underwood, 2d graile, S)0; I. Si.
'"in, 3d grade, $50, Miss Sarah Bushuell,
;Srde, t3; Miss Minnie Starr, 5th
"e.M; Miss Jennie McClure, t!th gradu,
'I Miss Alir-A flnrri Till rrm,li ll)- I .fill-
jUretz was elected janitor, at a salary of
i'r muoin. ueo. 11. f arks wasawarui u
- contract for repairing the roof for $ 130.
.. u applications lor pnucipai,
I'llcatiumi (,. .nlmnlinntii teachers aud
'Plications for janitor.
1 LU, ween jicssrs arisiui
f Lrl' m,!H tn Vii . I.f,u lux.
, n i' , liua mill 9JU n inifv . . -
f n engine. Sntr.r.l,i h,. u,,h a traction
-.ine and thresher to Junetion parties.
"''-8 these salts thev have sold during
" sl k a miniber of mowers, hay
n,i bindera.
Died In 11. t m toe? r
-mi in, uur if aw. v
ptmn, Mrs. Calista Geer, of Butteville,
'Hull lifin.iiK tii . 1 -
1, , -""uij Aae remains were men iu
Mohawk Items.
June 2ti, '87.
Mrs. Scotland Ki,Ur, Miss R.-ggs. were
with us Friday. bo
The tlieriu..muter registered 103 lust
luesiliiy the 2Kt.
S.m.fiiei,dsof Mr. Yan.hll weiu visiting
on Mohawk last week.
Marion Davis ;,s willi ns ,lst Suudav.
lie says the iH-hool ma'am is a "joe daisy;"
The father aud luntlier nf J. f t .iv.-.l
are visiting with their son's folks on Mo-
Ulin A,
the cri'i-k ou day Jast wt-ek from the upper
Mr. Aiul AT
.. " 1 '""a in 1 i'IUllIUeil
their con John as far 11s the summit of the
uHMimams un his way over with cuttlo.
The debitlo on tin. .,-. .1, ;i t ... ..,,...,1; ..."
was a failure fium tho fart that the negative
Were not Present, i. . tin. fi... ulik,.
crowd. What is the rvasnti. bovs?
LasL Friilav lieiiii, tlirt IjiI il.iv nt tU
school 011 Lower Mohawk iuite" a large
crowd assembled at the school lumse, iu fact
the largest crowd wo remember uf seeing
here. Most of the patrons of tho school also
others from a distance were here. Among
thriu Miss Lawreiiuo and a lady w hom we
did not learn th niiuiii from Lugeue. .'Jut
it anilears tlmt id uiiiiin liivutni'imia ii'. 11. il.a
teacher took the place of the unkuowu laily
in inn uiigy ou 1110 way nome. 0 nave
had a verv su.'i'ifiil u..linnl ,ni.l lw.,.
have our teacher buck agaiu tUis Full, if
home one else does not "claim him.
Juiui 27, 18S7.
Fine showi r Saturday night.
Miss Annie Adam's health is still improv
ing. Farmers have commenced haying in this
Mr. Willis Monda killed two Hue benr a
short time ago.
Mr. C. Cole intends buildimr u new ware
house this summer.
Mr. Frank Goodman was on Mohawk last
Sunday. Yum, yum.
Dr. Harris of Eugene visited the wife of
Win, Workman Friday.
Mr. John Foote of Junction was iu Mo
hawk last week iu search of laud.
Mr. Woods ami wife of Eastern Oregon are
visiting at the residence of Mr. V. Aruai.
Mr. William Miller bus been engnged to
teach one more mouth of school iu Disti'iat
Xo 71).
Gfood New3.
We have reliable information from the very
best authority that all of tho Oregon Tacitie's
old debts, which mean all delfts up to April
1, 18V7, will be iioid by the company on or
about the 20th of the coining month of July
iu full. Therefore wo udviso all persons
holding these claims not to bo mislead ' into
discounting them.
We have never doubted the ultimate set
tlement of these claims in full and are glad
to verify the confidence we have reposed.
At this moment tho companv is paving all
April and May accounts
the company have commenced fencing the
road between Albany and Yaqiiina. Fencing
011 each side of the road is completed to To
ledo and will uo continued over its entire
length. The company are also making ar
rangements for n placing tho fir tios near Ya-
3uina, whero they aro much given to rapid
ecny, by redwood ties from California.
Bridge work on tho South Santinm is pro
gressing and proposals are now being receiv
ed for tho construction of tho road to a point
beyond the summit of tho Cascades, tho track
materials for which an now being moved
from San Francisco. This is not all the road
proposed to be constructed this summer, but
only tho first section of it. There is at San
Francisco irou for MS miles, which is now
being moved to Yuquimi. Benton Leuder.
His WiiKliKAiioUTs. Several weeks ago an
account of tho disuppearanco of John Hawk,
from Coburg, Lane county, was publishod,
It was firmly believed that ho had been
murdered. He, at last, however, turns up
alive and well iu Eastern Oregon. Informa
tion of his whereabouts was obtained from a
private letter which locates him iu Umatilla
county. The letter was written to a gentle
man in Portland ami sout by him to G. R.
Ward of Cobnrg. His object in leaving so
quietly is not known. Portland Orcgouian.
A Difficult Problem.
Take these figures, 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, C, 7,8, 0,0,
add them togtther.making such combinations
as you please, and make 100 without using
any figure twice. When you have got ton,
tho answer, take it to S. )I. Friendly's, the
leading clothier, and ho will sell you a suit
of clothes from the largest and best stock of
clothing iu tho valley at a very reasonable
Sicslaw, June 28, 1H87.
An important meeting of Lane county Po
mona Grange will be held at Siuslaw grange
hall on the second Saturday in July. All
members of the order are requested to be
present. By order of grange,
Isaac Simpson-, Sec.
To the wife of II. C. Huston, Lon;
June 24, a son.
To the wife of Henry Moore, Eugeno
City, June 2."), a sou.
, ii.ioi T?i. port. The foliowinLf is a re-
,,r llu. srlinnl iii district Xo. 11 for the
mouth ending June 21, 187: Total number
enrolled S2; average daily attendance 27; av
erage daily absence 4. tho following were
not absent during the monin: aikiib navis,
Ellie Crawford, Cassie Root, Alice Root, Ida
Houston, Leila Spores. Laura Stafford, Oli
ver Root, John Hammilt aud Sidney Evans.
Worthy of special mention for good deport
meut were John Hammitt 08. Paul Ham
mitt 0C, Maude Hammitt 00, Alice Root 97,
-,.;,. Tr.t 'ir. I Vin t SttaHord 09. G.neva
u"ii. .." - - --- . ,,
Stafford 07, Clan Stafford, John Yarnell .10,
Keila Spores 87, t iara Houston ana
Ralph Hammitt OS.
U. L. i;lL i;, lein uer.
Wivrni. .".(h) men. women aud children
to feed at the ne Ked Front Restaurant on
Willamette sireet Good, wholesome meal
only 2 cents. Meals cooked to order at
reasonable rates.
Makuiej). At Baker's hotel, in this city,
June 20, 1SN7, by Justice X. J. Tavlor, Mr.
Win. Ireland, of Prineville, and Miss Ida
Finn, of Lane county.
Hon. os thk Focktii. The Eugene City
no-tomVe w ill remain closed on the Fonitu
of July from Id a. m. until 2:40 p. iu. All
interested parties shoul d nnke a not of this.
Fod Sai E.--A few nire building lots, on
tuvternn. I'M e fruin t'Uto Apply
t(J - Db. T. W. SlIKLIoN.
Judge Bean has returned home.
Mr. T. J. Dunten Is again in Eugene.
Prof. Yawter is visiting in Liuu county.
Mr. Geo, Collier has gone to Xew York on
a visit.
Senator Coleman of Colmrg, was in town
Mr. 8. M. Yoran is able to be alxiut our
streets agaiu.
Dr. II A. McAllister and family have re
moved to Albauy.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Edris are visiting iu
Jackson comity.
Dr. Little, of Astoria, visited here several
days this week.
Mr. G. II. March has moved to his farm iu
Willamette precinct.
Mr. James Sloan has returned from un ex
tended visit to tho East.
Mr. Frank Buckruan is at Wardnor City,
Idaho, etigaged iu mining.
Mr. Raup of Walla Walla, W. T, spent
last Thursday iu Eugene.
Dr. E. G. Clark of Portland has beeu vis
iting in Eugene this week.
Mrs. Johnson, of C orvallis, visited in this
city during the past week.
Judge W. R. Willis was iu Eugene last
Saturday on legal business.
Assistant State Treasurer W. T. Slater
spent last Sunday iu Eugeue.
Dr. Casoer Simmies of this eitv has been
visiting in Corvallis this week.
Mr. Geo. A. Dorris returned from the
Blue River mines Wednesday.
Deputy Sheriff Swift visited the metropolis
Wcduesday returning Thursday.
Mr. J. TV Miitlnrlr has had his storn on tlm
south side and west end painted.
Miss Kitty Smith, of Boise City, I. T., is
visiting relatives and friends here.
Mr. S. S. Train, of the Albauy Herald, paid
the Guard a short visit lust Mouday.
Brigadier General Sigliu, of the state mili
tia, will be here some day next week.
Mrs. Wesley Shannon has been visiting
relatives iu Marion county this week.
Mrs. Rosa Bollack of Portland is visiting
at the residence of her parents in this city.
Mrs. Biicklin, mother of Mrs. W. II.
Abrams, has returned to her home iu the
Prof. Mary Spiller is at the Ashland Soda
Springs, whero she will remain for a few
Mr. John Fletcher and sister of Tolk
county, spent several days here this week
visiting friends.
Miss Settlcmeir, of Marion county, is pay
ing a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Shannon,
of this city.
Mr. Eugene Shelby, Gen'l Manager of
Wells. Fargo's Express Co, was iu Eugene
last Tuesday.
Mr. W. II. McCall, of Pleasant Hill, leaves
for Silver Lake, Lake county, where he will
hereafter reside.
r,.uMrj ft.mrcA niid .Tolm Gibson, of Crook
county, arrived from Eastern Oregon lust
Tuesday, on a short visit.
Mrs Matilda McCall of Portland, is iu
Enuene visiinc relatives and friends. She
will spend about a month in this county.
Mr. Chas. Lauer and family will make
their annual pilu'rimaee to the sea this year.
They will leave for Yaquina Bay about July
Attorneys Bilyeu and Walton had a crimi
nal case at Springfield Mouday. Tho young
man was bound over in the sum of $100 to
keep tho peace.
Hon. J. T. Bowditch. of Ashland, paid us
a pleasant visit last Tuesday. He was a
member of the lost Legislature and miulo an
excellent record.
Railroad Agent Houston at Junction last
week while coupling cars had two lingers on
the left haud badly mashed, and had to have
them amputated.
non. S. G, Thompson will soon remove
to Monroe, where ha will enter the general
merchandise business. We arc sorry to loso
George from our county.
We aro informed that the Dr. Davis arrest
ed at Salem lust week for the crime of abor
tion is Dr. G. II. Davis, who at one time
practiced his profession here.
Mr. Robert J. Hendricks, of the Salem
Statesman, visited this office lust Saturday.
Bob runs an excellent paper and we are
glad to hear is makiug it pay.
Mr. John Bergman, of Florence, was in
Engene Sunday. He was on his way to As
toria to have his cannory machinery
shipped to the Siuslaw river.
Mr. S. Mnnra of Bonneville, spent Sun
day here. The old gentleman looks as if the
Eure mountain air agrees with him. We
ope to see him buck here before many
Hon. M. Wilkins hist Mouday sent to
Jailor Wood of Multnomah county, two
very fine blood hound. Mr. Woods intends
training them them for tracking escaped
Mr. Sterling Hill has accepted a position
as Wells, Fargo & Co.'g express messenger
ou the Oregon Pacific's Irain between Albany
i,i,1 YiwminR flitv. SteHino thoronL'hlv un
derstands the business and . will tnuke an
efficient officer.
L. G. Ross, formerly a State University
student here, has been appointed agent for
the California & Oregon Land Co., which
owns large tracts of land in Lake and Klam
ath counties. It is a responsible and remu
nerative position.
I. L. Campbell, of the Gcaud, and Hon.L.
Bilyeu started for Florence on a buckboard
Friilsy morning. Mr. Bilyen will orate at
that place on the Fourth, while the represen
tative of the Gcabd will take notes and in
spect that prosperous and rapidly growing
portion of Lane county. They will be absent
about a week gr ten days.
Fob Sals Cheap The property now oc
cupied by Day Jfc Pratt's and Lurkry's
blacksmith shops, belonging to the estate of
Wiley Sparks, deceased, will be sold at pri
vate sale at once. Terms, cash. A bar
gain will be offered. Inquire at this offi'
for particulars.
Dwelling; Horst Pcbchaseo. Mr. G.
R. Cbrismau ha purchased of Mr. J. E.
Holt bis large and elegant dwelling in the
southern part of town paying the sum of
$.",000 therefor. This is sn excellent bar
gain. We lesrn that Mr. Holt will np-nd
the Summer in California.
Fob Sale. IV) lots in all part nt Ku";n
City with and without hotinj. Prices U auiL
Geo. M. Miller.
Our sportsmen are having considerable fun
j hunting wild pigeons.
Optli air concert this evening.
The batiks-will be closed on the Fourth.
Workmen are plastering the Titus building
A couple of beggars did Eugene Tuesday,
See change in the 0, - C. R. R. advertise
Half-fare rates to Eugene on the Fouith
of July.
Hay is selling in the fields from five to six
dollars a ton.
Oue-half of the year ISS" is now numbered
with the past.
The free delivery system will be establish
ed iu Salem to-day.
Three wood sawing machines are being op
erated iu Eugene.
There is considerable travel now over
the mountain roads.
There are 1!),0 K) iiietnliers of the A. O. U.
W. in the I'nited States.
A state press association is called to Dice'
at Yaquina City July :illh.
Several parties will leave for trips to the
Lower Siuslaw uext Monday.
Sau Francisco real estate men look for a
boom in Oregon mil estate.
Mr. Et Awbicy and family returned hute
from Crook county last Wednesday.
Xiitin rons horses are training on the track
for the races next Mouday and Tuesday.
Sot' change iu Win. Moore's wood sawing
advertisement. It will pay you to read it.
Mr. M. W. Myers, of Jackson comity, the
Pereheron horso dealer, was in town Wedn
esday. The Benton County Bank has been
opened at Corvallis with W T. Peet as
Fire destroyed $115,0110 worth of properly
at Dayton, W. T., Friday morning; SM.000
Matlock Bros' mare Repetta, of Pendleton,
was beaten in two races at Slieopshetid Bay,
X. Y., this week.
Brick is arriviug for the new Masonic Tem
ple. Brick-laying will coiumeuce ou the
structure uext Monday.
The uniforms and guns for the military
company have arrived. The company will
look fine 011 the Fourth.
Frof. Thornton and wife, who havo lieen
visiting here for a couolo of weeks, returned
to Portland last Tuesday.
Ex-Governor Stoneman.of California, pass
ed through Engene on Thursday morning's
train, on his way to Portland.
Ex-Attorney General Williams.of Portland,
orates here on the Fourth. He is one of tho
best speakers in the state. Comu aud hear
C. B. Carlise, secretary of the board of
inimioratiou. has bouiiht the Med ford Moni
tor, aud will soon begin the publication of
a weekly paper there.
One of the important attractions on the
Fourth will be the ladies representing the
states on horseback. The ladies have beeu
drilling several days this week.
A piece of Spokane Falls property, about
UO by 117 feet, sold for $j3,000 a day or two
since, that being the largest real'estuto trans
action ever occurring iu the place.
One hundred pounds of red light will be
discharged on tho summit of Mount Hood on
Mouday evening at 1 1 :30 or on Tuesday
evening at 11: '.10 if it should bo extremely
cloudy on the ovoning- of July 4th.
The hose races on tho Fourth will be con
tested by the two companies in a manner
that will provo quito interesting to the spec
tators. All should witness the contest.
A knife and scissors grinder was iu town
a couple of days this week. His outfit
would have made a splendid carriage for the
orator of the plugs to ride in on tho Fourth.
The county treasury having received $'1000
in gold coin from the bondsmen of J. F,
Muuz, Treasurer Baldwin will call in quito a
number of county warrauts. Klamath coun
ty Star.
Tho Portland Daily Dcmorrat is improving
daily. The Democrats should subscribe for
the paper, aud pay for it, and then in a short
time the party would have an organ that it
would bo proud of.
Iu the last two weeks Peto Oleson has
been arrested four different times at various
places, twice in Oregon, once in Washington
Territory, and once iu Arizouu. He also
sailed from Astoria for Alaska.
A Sun Francisco dispatch of 21st says:
Woik will shortly be commenced on a road
extending from Astoria, Oregon, to Forest
Grove, a distance of 10 miles. Tho line
will connect with the O. & C. branch of the
Southern Pacific railroad.
Hon. S. G. Thompson, of Pine, Lone
county, formerly county judge of (his coun
ty, arrived here Tuesday. The judge has
considerable interest in this county, and is
hore looking after his property. Prineville
Review, June 2'tli.
Salem Vidette: Dr. G. II. Davis whose ar
rest on a charge of seduction was noticed a
few days ago gave bail iu the Hum of $2000
deposited in gold by his brother. The out
look of the case now is, we are informed, Unit
it will be settled in a manner satisfactory to
the parties concerned.
Gov. Pennoyer has received from the Tam
many Society of Xew York an invitation to
be present 011 the occasion ol the ninuty-ninth
celebration by this order of the independence
of the republic, to be held in Xew York in
their great wigwam on July 4, at 10 n. In.,
aud to deliver au address suitable to the 00
Surveyor General Taylor reports that there
is considerable excitement among settlers in
Tygh valley, adjoining the Warm Springs
Indian reservation about the new boundary
of the reservation as run by deputy surveyor
McQiiinn. It is not likely that any serious
trouble can result, as the Indians, who are
the dissatisfied partic, are tailoring under a
The Tucson, Arizona, Citizen, thn leading
paper of that territory, advises the citizens to
organize aud wipe out the last redskin on the
Sau Carlos reservation. To show that he is
iu earnest the editor of that pap--r offers to
equip and keep a man iu the Held so long as
his services may lie required. This may
seem to b rather irregular to eastern people,
but to the people who have lived in that sec
tion of the country it will not seem so bad
and possibly nmy be carried out.
San Francisco is trying to diwrimiuata
against Oregon wheat in favor of California
wheat. On the proposition to mix the two
as of eqnal value the produca exchange voted
it down by two-thirds vote But now comes
Bannister of Star A Co., and says that before
this comer in California wheat, white Oregon
nsually sold in Eune at ljjd to 31 per cen
tal alsive California Xo. 1. The "corner,"
however, gives California wheat a fictitious
value and like Tenjiy-fin'a goose they are
The county and city jail are empiy.
Another marriage reported on the tapis.
Come and soe the celebration next Mon
day. Eugene Hook & Ladder Co. meets uext
Mouday evening.
W are pleased to learn that Mr. Alla rt
Cook is recovering.
les cream tweutv-Ave cents a saucer at the
Park Saturday evening.
Residences are being erected iu nearly
every portion of town.
Ice cream twenty-five cents a saucer at tho
park Saturday evening.
Nearly all the wool in this vicinity has
beeu sold and shipped.
The stone wall along tho ditch on Sixth
street is about completed.
All kinds of fireworks at Bauiu's. They
are fresh and of the best quality.
After the Fourth many of our citizens will
have for the luomitaius'and coast.
Slndden & Son will pay cash for a lot of
chickeus, turkeys, ducks iiud eggs.
The foundation for Dr. Slu lion's hand
some new residence is about completed.
Sladden & Son have on the way from Cal
ifornia a line line of fruits for the' till.
Gutters have been put in at tho intersection
of Eighth and Ninth and Willamette streets.
Do not forget to drop iu at the park Sat
urday evening and enjoy n plate of ice cream.
Races adjunction next Friday and Satur
day. A huge crowd will bu in attendance.
We notice Sladden & Son are still selling
for cash only, aud buying produce for rush.
" A load of hay was dumped oil Willamette
Street the other day, much to the surprise of
the driver.
A railing is being placed around the plat
form at the depot. This will be a great 110
commodution to passsugurs.
The Steamers Mink and Mary Hall make
daily trips from Florence to W. W. Neeley's
at the head of tide oil the Siuslaw and buck
to Florence.
The Indies who havo iu charge the "Even
ing Tifiiu" nt the Park are sparing no pains
to make the evening a delightful one for
those who attend.
Mr. Wm. Rlanton, wo sre glad to say, has
fully recovered from the effect of the kick he
received last week, bring able to be in town
Inst Wednesday.
The Electrio Light Company has made a
contract with the Mill Co. by which the hit
ter are to furnish the ueccessary power to
drive its engines for the period of five years.
Rev. Walter Burrs of Victoria and Kov. ('
M. Hill of this city will exchange pulpits for
two Sundays. Re'v. Mr. Burrs preacheB to
morrow morning and evening at the Baptist
Hunt is'selling an immense amount of
boots and shoes. He is the pioneer mer
chant in this line of business, mid sells at ex
ceedingly low prices. Give him n trial before
purchasing elsewhere.
We clip from Tuesday's Salem Statesman
tho following complimentary notice of our
growing city: "Eugene City has improved
more within tho past two years than any
other city iu the slate, nutsido of Portland
and Salem. There docs not seem to bu any
"boom" iu Eugene, but the growth is evi
dently the result of the legitimate growth of
business, extension of trade and confidence
of her people iu the city's future. Eugene
City is a very pretty little city, and the third
in tho state in point of commercial import
ance, and her people seem determined to
maintain this stand." Bob you should have
omitted Hiiiotu in the above.
Goshen Items.
June 20, 1SS7.
Peddlers and tramps numerous.
Very woll, Mr. Fen, hero we are.
The most of us will celebrate ill Eugeno.
The little daughter of Mr. Geo. Dillurd
has been quito ill.
We observed Mr. Al. Lnrkiu of Eastern
Oregon in our villugo Suiidny.
Mrs, Chas. Jackson, of Colfax, W. T., is
visiting with her mother, Mrs. Jus. Stewart.
The weather continuing ns nt present,
grain hnrvest will be at hand iu a short time.
Our pugilist has not yet "painted tho vil
lage red" but such indications are prevalent,
Mrs. McClure, we learn, intends making
a visit to relatives aud friends iu the near
Rev. I. N. Mulkey filled his monthly
pointmeul in the pulpit at this plaeo last
It is whispered that a wedding will break
the monotony of the nuichtioriiood within a
short tiuio,
"Did you soe that buggy pass aud repass
Sunday r is the query, while "O, yes, in
deed I did!" is the ready answer.,
Mr. Wesley Matlock who has been visiting
at his uncle's J, W. Matlock, started for his
home in Eastern oreHU yesterday.
Chas. Kali, who formerly worked for dif
ferent persons in this vicinity and gave his
name as Chas. Kelly, passed Goshen with
wife enroulo to California a few days ago.
List of Letters
Remaining uncalled for at the postoflice iu
Eugene City, Oregon, Juno 30, lh87.
Ames, Ralph Leing, J. W.
Comstock, Chas. Merrill, O. W.
Hill, John Murchoue, Mrs. E.
Horn, James Osluirn, James
Pfuff, Emil.
Persons calling for the abovo will please
say advertised, giving date.
F. W. Osiwus, P. M.
Fir Wood Wnted.
Bids will be received for furnishing thn
Eugene Electric Light Conqwuy one hun
dred cords fonr foot body Ilr wood until
July 15. Twenty-five cords of miuiim to be
delivered by Sept. 1st, and seventy-five cords
by Oct 1st. J. F. Robinson,
Wild Pioeoks. During the past two weeks
the country has been overrun with pigeons.
Cherry orchards especially havtt suffered
from their ravages, 'fho sportsmen have had
a fine time shooting them, making good bags.
Sixty birds were killed in lliiddleston's or
chard oue day this week, and from ollor
orchards reports come ol thirty or lorty killed
in oue day.
Com 1 no to Obkoon. The great show of
Adam Forepaugb, whose fame us a showman
has g ne to the uttermost purls of thn civil
izri world, will visit Oregon during the
present season, lininedw'tely alter closing a
prolonged stay at Lrastuia, Staten Island,
near Xew York. Adam Forepangli's circus
is perhaps the greatest 011 earth, mid if he
brings to Oregon half as much as ho hns ex
hibited in the eastern states, b w!l out
shine all termer shows that hare visited this
country, and he will be patronized propor
Wat Ikwm. Simon will sell you a fancy
I M-rcgl shirt, two eollais and a pair of cuffs
I all for Vt rents,. Now is your time to buy.
A Poem With a Moraf.
He was reared iu the lap of luxury,
Had do euro with his daily broad.
But the fickle goddess had willed it
That trouble should fall on his head.
From his old man's well-carnod thonsandl
Ho hud hitherto drawn his supplies,
But when tho old man made a "bust np"
The young one opened his eyes.
He found that the wreck of their fortune
Had been helped by ads of his own,
And he learned that constant dropping
Hud worn away the stono.
There are limits to human endurauce,
And limits in drawing cash,
But he never thought ought about It
Till the old uiiiu weut to smash.
When his hmdon-cut pants grew seedy,
And he longed for another pair,
A staunch friend said: "Go to Simon,
You're suro to get them there."
So he hastened in that direction,
He swore "by gawgs"there is no difference
At least so far as I see,
Between Slicheiii's high-priced trousers
And what Simon asks you to buy,
So Simon shall have my custom,
And a pair of his pants I'll try.
They were sent home and he tried them,
His countenance beamed with delight.
And his best girl said they were "killing,"
Wheu he called on her that night.
Ever after he practiced economy,
Was thrifty, contented and wise,
And thanked tho good angel who sent him
A fiieud to open his eyes.
Moral: Buy your ready-made clothes at
II. S. Simon's.
Ditchburu's restaurant.
The best ice cream iu town ot Bauiu's.
I.iiwn and Summer dress goods at Friend
ly's. Ditchburu's restaurant is doing a good
Ice cream at Bamn's. Try a plate. It is
cool and delicious.
For lawu mowers and ice cream freoiers,
etc, go to CnAHinus & Bon.
Lambert ,t Henderson are the solo agents
for the celebrated Superior stoves. Take
your wife and look at tlioiu.
Every purchaser, for the uext thirty days,
of $15 worth of merchandise from Simon, the
clothier, will receive a handsome watch free
of charge
I leiitistry Is the science and art of saving and
substituting teeth. Dr. Henderson makes the
subject a special study aud performs his ojier
ntious in the must skillful manner.
Pfunder's Oregon Blood Puriflor is the
great conqueror of Biliousness and Liver
complaint. Rcliuf certain in every case.
Sold at One Dollar a bottlo. Try it.
Having established connection with Call
for 11 ia agents I am now prepared to give my
patrons tho beuellt of the very best medium
for Helling real estate ever offered titers.
Geo. M. Miller.
- Charles Baker being sole proprietor, all
acco.ints duo Baker's Hotel will be collected
by him, and all claims against said institution
will bo paid by Mr. Baker.
K. Sukkd, v
Cms. Baieb.
Private boxes nt Ditchburu's.
If you want a good meal go to Ditohburn's.
Meals cookod to older nt Ditchhura's on
short notice.
Go to Bettmau's aud see the fins set of sil
verware, consisting of ll'j pieces to ho given
away. They are both beautiful and costly.
Mr Geo F Craw has the sole agency for all
brniida uf the celebrated Tamil Punch Cigars,
Maiii!Iki. At the residence of R.D.Brown
in Eugene City, June 23rd, Mr. E. Puuker
son and Mrs. L. F. Hall, Rev. E. P. Hender
son officiating.
Sai.akt Ischcahkii. Tho salary of the
Eugene Postmaster has been increased to
floOUaraisiiof $100, Tho receipts of the
office have iucreased uearly $500 during tht
past year.
('Aitnor Tuankb. We hereby return our
thanks to the pooplo of Eugene who so kind
ly assisted during the long sickness aud
death of our dear husband aud father.
Mus. Duhant and Family.
Evenino Tikkin. The tomperanos ladies
of Eugene will entertain their guests at the
"Eveuing Tiffin" in the City Park on Bat
unlay evening. The baud will be in attend
ance, tho park will bo Humiliated and there
will be choice refreshments daintily served.
No Fin CuAciKus. The Committee on
Fourth of Julv give notice that the firing of
crackers and fire works during the process
ion along the routo of tho same will ba
strictly prohibited.
IIandsomk Cane.- Hon. J. J. Walton, Jr.,
was the recipient of a genuine surprise last
Wednesday. He received by express one of
the handsomest gold mounted canes we have
ever seen. It was a present from Mr. It.
Alexander of Pendleton, Past Grand Master
of the Odd Fellows of this State. It is need
less to say the Judge prizes the cans highly.
Binders, Hay llakcs, liar
voon Forks, Carriages,
Wagons, Buggies,
And all Ehda of Farm Machipory
Can be found at
- South of Hoffman House.
Most Complete Machine In
For sawing once
Sawing twice
Sawing three times
...60 eta
Si'Kri u. terms given on large contract.
Lhavk Oiintas AT
MtCornack 4 Collier's Book Store.
I u"ni 'or interment last Saturday.