ijI'I'Y AND COUNTY. HUiKV MK.VriOXH. (,', l."''i't,y " f,r N ' Taylor. i;,i.k4 "M i-I"sP '"r "k-" ftt Matlock'. ., ,, WB,l Ikiilghl and sold t Goldsmith's. , over mi l li ii' !--- nt Pritehelt & Forkner s. Tin uighwt cash price will lir paid for w heat i,y K II Dunn. Fi lity aeroii of tine lniul fur sal". Impute i.f D Jl Coleman. I'hetographs liuiilioil neatly and artisc dually t Winter's. A tine of silk plushes in all shadci, uld grades at F B Dunn's. Hot and cold latin every ilny lu the week tt Jrry Horn' barber iilmp. You can purchase Waltham watches at j 0 WatU' 'roin $10 and upwards. If you want hardware at reasonable prices call at the store of 1'ritchett & Fnrkner. Sterling Hill keeps hi stock an sxixdletit assortment of good readablo works. Give him call. Goldsmith paya for beaver $2 to $.1 "i0 per pouod. jlios and coon, 15 to 50 cts. Fisher and otter, $2 to f (i. Indian War Viterans. Pout land, Or., .rune 7, 1887. The citizens of Portland, and Multnomah p.iiui No. 2. Indian War Veterans, are pre- ,rl to give all veterans anil their wives a hearty reception on Tuesday, June 14th. Ke- duced rates have been secured over all the railways in the htnte except tne n. u. a p,. Co's. This railway, by reason of the Inter flute Law, chii do nothing for iih in this diree- lion. Tlie Grand f.ucampmrnt t liiilmn v ur Veterans will meet in 1 ortlaml at 1 o clock v. m the Htli, and Jie escorted liyMultnonmh ami other subordinate camps to the Median irt' Pavilion, where they will lie welcomed to the city by Mayor Gates. A respmise will be made by Col. T. B. Wait, Grand Commander. Au address will then be ueliv-ren uy . oi KrUay. his subject being, "Indian War Vete- rins uf the Northwest," to le followed hy l)r. Win. McKay, on the "ludian W ars oi ure- i til 1 t (, T iL. ! - ijon anil vv asningion. in me evening "Talk for nil" will take place. Several of the cuiimany flags carried by our comrades in the . ..r ' ... -II L.l ... L- ! I iDUian wars win ue uorue in iiie proL-ewouu aim lecorate the platform. On Wednesday, the Pioneer Association will entertain us. In fact this will be the re union cf Veterans and Pioneers. Let each uul eviry Veteran und bis wife be with vs. M. It, HATHAWAY, Grand AdjuUnt I. W. V. Local Market Report. Kugenk, June 10, 1887. Wheat-SI.OO. Oats 50C? 55 cts per bushel. Barley 50 cts per bushel Eggs 15 cts per dot. Huttkk ltXn 1-J cUperlb. Potatoes 1. (gj $1.50 per bushel. Califor- ma, new, l.oO. Laud o(it 10 cts per 10. Ftol'B W.80 ier bbL Bacon Sides 8 to 10 cts; snouldcrs 0 to 8 cts; hams, 10 tn 12$ cts. Flour per libl. Beef On foot, 3J cts per lb. Wool-24 cts. A Literary Curiosity. Pendleton, June 7, 1887. to the Editor of the gnrd I wish to Have pon lusert m your ttiper tins letter tuni a jiiole has bin sent aud Published in the East l)rnf Vendolton iu regard to my word of ttruthe au verasittv with uuknowu or Actions fiinmes to me for witch they are ar tiers their names given thus II. E. Vaughan C. L Sawyer I sign this my name i ai rotter City Transfers. T. W. Shelton to V.IH'PIIP! pon. $100. Daniel Shindoll, lot in J. 15. KlUIlehart to W, Wilson, 101 on mm" Street; con, 000. H. C. Owen to W. M. Uenshaw and J. M. Ahrams, lot aud building on Willamette street; con, &J500. J. B. Harris to R, M. Day, two lots iu liar ri addition; con, $300, Dr. A. Sharpies visited Portlaud Thurt lay Notice. To whom it may concern: This is to certify that I have, this day and date, sold my route and interest in tuning in the Willamette Valley to Mb. V. H. Bkown, uid I hereby agree with him that I will tint do any more tuning in said valley. J. P. Thomson. Portlaud, Or., June 8, "87. . Mr. Brown will be iu Eugene i about tho 10th. Leave orders at Crain Bros. Died. At the residence of her brother, II. H. Harlow, Sr., near Eugene City, Juue 10, 1887, Miss Judea Harlow, aged about 82 years. The fuueral will take place from her late residence, to-day at 10 a. m., to the Ma sonic cemetery. She leaves many relatives snd friends who cherish her memory. . . ... ..... 1 . ,1. Notice. Notice is hereby given to sheep raisers and shippers, that hereafter they must proucure s DroHer certificate from me before the mov ing or shipping of sheep, as provided for in aueiiuu , OI BU aci pprueu 1887. All violations of the act will be prose- coted to the fullest extent. M. O. Smith, Sheep Inspector for Lane Co., Or. Dated Eugene, Or., May 18, 1887. Agricultural Machinery. Robinson &. Church desire to inform the people of Lane county, that they have the largest stock of agricultural machinery ever shipped to Lane county, consisting of mow ers, hay rakes, wagons, hcks, buggies, threshers, binders, headers, plows and in fact everything in the agricultural line. Also full stock of hardware. They will sell as low as the lowest. Call at their store and get prices. Don't Believe It When told that F. M. Wilkins. ths druggist, W not selling "Wisdom's Bobertine" for the complexion, the most elecant and only really harmleM preparation of its kind in the world, and giving a beautiful picture card wun every bottle. Clearance Sale For 30 Days. Ladies best analitv French Kid Button Shoes at SI per pair. Address, Wm. Beowh A- Co.. Sulem, Oregon Wool Waxtcd. I. S? H. Friendly, will Py the highest market cash price for all Superintendent of the Asylum. A bulcui dispatch of June Olh, Kays! Dr. Harry Lane of Portland wns this afternoon . appointed superintendent of the Insane Asy lum by tbo nsyluiii board. Two ballots were taken, the first of which stood: Lane 1, Dr. I Hill of Albany 1, and Dr. Kii lmnlson of The ! Dalles 1. On the secouil ballot W. lib. who ! had voted for Hill, in d. f. rciui. to tin wwh-' ts of Gov. Pinnoji r, voted for Lane, ivLo , wastnuseliTtrd. Mcllrido siill msuon his Dallut tor hubaidon. There were live or ....... .u.ui j, iui iuu iiokiuoii, iiOM- iiielliis : have Well urniNL' their el.iiius f.,r ,.,,r,,l ' ,,., I, . . . ,. ., , ...u...un ;n.n. .u es leciau.r siioiih liglil was made between Drs. Hill uui M.istou "of Al-1 . bany. and it was geucrally thought that the nominee would be one of these two. Gov. Peuuoyer, deeming that the appointment of cither would cuuse a rupture m the Liuu county Democracy, determined to secure the election of Lane, notwithstanding the fact that this gentleman recently wrote to him withdrawing his im:uu from considera tion of the board in connection with the su perintendency. Hill was really Webb's choice, but ho evidently thought it would be policy to elect Lane. Dr. Uichurdsou who was voted for by Mr. Mclli ide was not a can didate for the place. Di. Lane, whose term is four years, will assume the supcrintcudcu cy on July 1st, the date upon which Dr. Ju sephi's resignation takes cll'ect. He is a grandson of Gn. Joseph Lane, married, 32 yews of age, with two children. Dr. Jose phi will return to East Portland with his family. University of Oregon Following is the piogramme of ciuunieiice nient exercises of the University of Oregon at Eugene: Sunday, June 12, 10 a. in. Uacealaureate Sermon, by the ltev. John W. Sellwood, of East Portland. Tuesday, I I. 10 a. in. Addnss before the Literary Societies by Hon John H. Mitchell, of Portland. Evening -Ucunioii of Literary Societies. Wednesday, Jnuc 13, 111 a. m. Planting Class Tree. Afternoon, ;l o'clock. Alumni Exercises. Evening, 7 :lu. Address before the Uni versity, by Hon. linger S. Greene, of Wash ington Territory. Thursday, June 10, a. m. Annual meet ing of the board of Kegeuts. 10 a. m. Graduating Exercises, Afternoon Alumni ilinuer. There will be ten graduates, representing Southern, Eastern nnd Western Oregon: Eldon JL Pruttain, Lake; Emily liristol, Benton; Herbert S. Johnson,' Lane; Kobert C, Johnson, Lake; Jessie U. McClung, Lane; Frank L. Moore, linker; Lura Murch, Lane; Edwin O. Potter, Lane; Edward L. Powell, Multnomah; Septimus S. Spencer, Lime. Quabtz Mill Finished. A four-stamp quartz mill has just been finished at East Portland foundry. Tho mill is tho inven tion of Mr. I'rauk Payne of this city, aud is supposed to h.ivo capacity for crushing four tons of rock each day. It is intended for the Blue river mines, which are situated about sixty miles from Eugene City. Mr. Payne stinted for these mines this moruiug, and expects to bring back about half a ton of the rock. This will be run through the mill in order to test the rock and the workiugs of tbo mill. If it is nil that is claimed for the mill bv the inventor, it is certainly a very voluble invention. It is very compel in form, can be packed in a small space and set up lit lioints uinceessable to other and more cumbersome mills. Portland Telegram. County F'aib. Tho Bonn! of Directors of the Laue County Agricultural Society, held a meeting in this city last Monday. The Eu gene Opera House'on Willamette streot was secured as n hall for the Pavilion for the next fair. The net gate receipts for the So ciety nt tho last races was reported at $130.71. Arrangements were made with W. T. Har ris whereby an extension of the letso on the race trnck-and grounds near town for the period of nil additional two years is secured. The Society now holds a lease until March, 1801. The Society has expended over $100 this year on track, stock pens, stables, etc., and now 1ms grounds that are not excelled iu Oregon. The 1887 fair which commences Sept. 21st, promises to be unusually inter esting. Law Reoclatinu Owum Sklunu. Tho new law regulating the sale of of opium aud kindred drugs piovidcs: No person shull otter for sale opium, morphine, eng-sne or cooked opium, chloral hydrate or cocaine who has not previously obtained b license from the county clerk, for wlucu tue latter shall be paid SI. Said license shall be valid for one year from date of issuo. Only phar macists and nhvsicians shall dispense these drugs, and then only when prescribed for the cure of disease. The penalty for violat ing the law shall be a flue not less than 50 nor more than $250. Mokfuksth. Tombstones, etc. On ae count of continuous ill-health Mr. W. H. Delano, of this city, has concluded to retire from business. He has the largest Btock of Italian, French nud American marble mon uments, tombstones, etc.. ever iu the city. which he will actually furnish upon applica tion, at cost price. Call nt his shop on F.ioht street, nnd tirice the work, uud you will surely buy. He will sell the work lower than you can possibly buy elsewhere in the suite. TVvn. At the residence of Mr. J. C. Yates, near Irving, June (I, 1HS7, at 11:30 a m of consumption, Mr. Marion Pearley. nn, ,l r,7 ve.irs and 5 mouths. The remains were buried iu the Lucas cemetery ou Weil nesday. The deceased was h pioneer, bay inr enmfi to OreL'ou during the .year 1853 he also served with credit in the Rogue river Indian war of '55 and i Cannino Onrir kob the Sr-.hlaw. The tittle coasting schooner Rosa Olsen has gone down the river. At Astoria sh will load a boiler and cannery machinery for the Siuslaw river on accouut of blmore, aniiuoru io., u-lin intend operating a cannery down mere this Full. Portland Telegram. Attrition Spohtino MfcN. I have just re nivpd a niefl line of horse timers, or chrono orh uBtehes. in gold, silver and nicke cases, ranging from $12 to $100. art thn Tilace. at Horn & Puine's Don't for gun store n 1 ' r , J. U. UATTS Kr.ircTKri Dioi.soATts. At tho regular meet ing of Eugene Hook .t Ladder Co., held last Monday evening, Messrs A. C. Woodcock and Julius Goldsmith were elected delegates to the State Fireman's Association. Mabbikd. At the residence of the bride's - - . i m - It - parents, Mr. J. L. Beaver nuu juss now Winzeureid of Luue county, Elder I. X. Mnlkov otHeiatiiig. The happy pair nave the beht wishes of their many frieuds. Tub UimiKsT Pbic-e; Mr. J. W. Cherry will py the highest coih market price for wool. Call at theTrowusviile Clothing Store and learn prices before selling elsewhere. Watches Gives A way. H. S. Simon will give every man having a suit of clothing for 15 or over, a uickle watch; warranted a good time piece. Bobs. June 0, 188" Withers, a no. to the wife of W. W. Brevities. CoiuniciiiTluelit lleXt Week. Fine growing wenther for grain. The rouuty am city jails bib empty. Mr. Hodes h.is had his saloon repainted. Tamo strnwUrries only one "hit" u box. Mr. Owi. A. Dorris' residence is uearing nil pletiou. ti.-t your nunp b-iK mid .tools. it Inv & Uriidi ixin's i. ., ., ,. J"' "'.'V'"" now winking for IHlKlOW .V Craig. F-xV''ion for the new M.iwmio Temple is now well under way. Barker mukes an important aiiiioucemeut i in iuis issue oi ins uiuio. See change iu tho the O. & C. R. R. ad vrrtiscmrm in another column. Eugene Engine Co. No. 1 meets next Thursday evening in regular sessiou. Tho selection of new teachers for the public school will be made June 27th. A woman tramp passed through Eugene last Sunduy night ou a Pullman brake beam. The posters for the Fourth of July eele bratiou have beeu icecived and distributed. Mr. J. W. Olark no v has the contract for delivering tb express to au I from the train. The Firemei.s B ml oeived their new uniforms last Saturday. Thoy are very neat. See changes iu th - programme of the Fourth of July celebration advertisement in another column. Mr. D. W. Bass, of Salam, graduated from tho Law Department of tho Willamette Uni versity last week. Lnuiliert it Hendersou are tho sole agents for the celebrated Superior stoves. Take your wife and look at them. There were thirteen drummers registered at the HolTuinu House Sunday, and it was not n good day for "tourists" either. A large crowd attended the celebration of Liiluir Day at Smithfield last Saturday. An enjoyable time was had by those present. See Bristow & Craig's uew agricultural ad veitiseiueut. Thev sell the best of goods aud nt "way down' prices. Give them a call. In the race between the Montgomery nnd Withrnw horses last Saturday, at the F'air track, for a sum of $200, the former horse won . The Grangers of Linn county will give a gruud picnic on June 23d, 21th and 25th, at the usual place ou tne souiu lors oi ine ouu- tiam. Mr. J. P.Ditchburn has rented the lower story of the old Home Hotel, sud is fitting tho same up preporatory to opening a res taurant. Col. Woodford, the celebrated prohibition lecturer, bus been holding forth at Rhine hart's Hall this week to large and apprecia tive audiences. Mrs. Ray Delano of Eugone has been ap pointed assistant national inspector of the Woman's Relief corps, by President Eliza beth D'Arcy Kiuue. Hank Vanghan, not having fully recovered the use of his right arm since he was shot at Ceuterville, has gone east to see what tho best surgeons iu America can do for him. Advices from Washington City state that Lsban II. Wheeler, of this city, was graduat ed from the law debartmeut of the George town University on Jnue 2ud. The degree ho received was master oi laws. There will be no services at the different churches to-morrow morning, owing to the sorvicesin at tho University, to which all are invited. Usual services will be held iu the different churches in tho evening. Company C, O. N. G., of Eugene, have ordered uniforms from Portland. They will arrive prior to July 4th, so the boys on our natal day will parade in them. They will also have their guns by that time. The ladies of St. Mary's Guild will hold a lawn onrtv and strawberry festival in Mrs. J. B. Underwood's yard ou Monday evening, Juue 13th. Admission 25 couts including refreshments. All are invited to attend. Mr. L. Houck has retired from the mer- chantile business at Monroe, having dispos ed of his business to W. 11. Uaber oi Junc tion and a gentleman by the name of Thomp son. The firm nnmo will be Baber & Thompson. The latter gentleman will man age the business at Monroe. Joaquin Miller built himself himself a log cabin in the woods near Washington, and occupied it for some time, but last week lie sold it, and it will be the home of Mr. Adeo, second nssistiiut secret uy of state, this sum mer. Mr. AJee is r. bachelor, and will become a hermit for s time. Star route change!, have oeen ordered in Laue county as follow : Cheshor to Dead- wood, from July 1, J, w curtail route so as omit Chesher and begin at Hale, re ducing the distance three miles. Eugene to Florence, from July 1, 1887, omit Dcadwood without change ol distance. Mr. P. Bnusch has let the coutract to Mr. Johnv Zimmer for the erection of another . ,J l .... C. ....... iU residence on nis join ou oficum nun, Its cost will bo about $1230. The old house will be removed to the east side of the lot and will be refitted and repaired, while the new residence will be built on the site occu pied by the present residence. Tho Jacksonville Sentinel says Jackson county will go Deuiocratio ou the prohibi tion question question by at least 800 major ity, By the way Mr. Sentinel, it is said that Multnomah will go Republican on that question by at least 3,000, at least a number of ltepublicans in that oouuty confidently claim it. Respectfully referred to the Tele gram. Albany Democrat. Saturday's mail brought bonds amounting to S2500 for Felix Cnrrin who has been in the custody of the sheriff since the adjourn ment of cirouit court. Three indictments for grand larceny were found ogainst him by the graud jury, and his trial will come before the full term of court Mr. Currin left Tues day for Lone county, expecting to cross the Cascades by the McKenzie road. Priueville Review, June 4th. The Bnirit of enterprise has most certuiuly nuitind tlifl usesmUni'v nt Eugene City. An attache of this office Bpent a few days in that beautiful city last week and was greatly sur prised at the amount of building going ou. We think we are perfectly safe in saying that no other place in the Willamette valley can boast of as many uew and elegant cot tages as are to be found in Eugene City. Corvallis Gazette. The Bible claims that the Lord will Pro vide for the widow and her orphan. How ever, there is an orphan in Eugene City, Or., who will provide for himself. Yon can find him at the Barker Gun Works, opposite the Walton block, and jt is the place where you Min ml mora than vour money's worth. Please call and see the chromo no cbuige to inspect with the naked eye or with au opera glass. Speaking of the early completion of the Oregon k California branch of the Southern Pacific the 8. F. Chronicle auyi: "Only a vogue Idea of the good to result from the construction of the road from San Francisco to Portland can be formed nnlesa one has aome conception of the resources of the country which the line traverses, resources -i'i." :-7. Wn ;,.rtiallv developed anT ire. waiting. Lis means of deveb The best ice creiuu iu town at Damn's. ' lo ad notice to cinlitoih in aliolliel eolniun. j Lawn nnd Summer dress goods ut 1'iii nd-' ly s. Choice lemons and oranges at Sladdeii ,v Soli's. A considerable amount of w ood is ai riving iu town. Cash paid for poultry nnd egs a1 Sl.i Mcm & Sou's. Workmen are lining the extensions to the water miiius. 0'ii air conceit this evening bv the File men's Paud. Eugene Hook & L nidi t Co had a dnl' Thursday evening. Ice cream at Bauiu's. Try a plate. It is cool and delicious. Mr. J. R. Ro.un has had his entire furui turo store repainted. Parties are now crossing the mountains via the military road. .TinU-e Walton is having the fi"r.t of bis brick block re aintd. An extra Pullman sleeper bos been attached to the O. . C. R. 11. train. Seme of the scholars of the public school gave a picnic lust Saturday. Free hack from Miller's office to Scott's addition Saturday and Monday. Programmes for the races July Itli and 3th will probably bo out next week. On the prairie below town the first of the week the rain was quite plentiful. A inarringo license was issued this week to J. L. Beaver and Rosa Winze lire ide. , For lawn mowers and ice cream freezers, etc, go to C'llAMKEliS A- Son. Mr. l'has E. Lock wood has been appoint ed a notary public by Governor Pennoyer. 50l,0i)il pound of wool wanted by J. M. Hendricks. Call and see him before selling. Eight car loads of brick arrived from Har risburg Inst Monday for tite Titus building. A considerable quantity of wool is arriv ing in town. The price aud demand is good. The Brownsville Woolen Mills Store, in this city, w ill pay the highest price for wool. Ostium & Co have had the floor of their drug store covered with a handsome oil cloth. There were 70 through passenger from San Francisco to Portland via yesterday morning's train. The young ladies who have been attend ing the Academy of Sacred Hearts, at Sab in, have returned home. Read the nd. of Win. Moore's new steam wood-sawing machine. He owns the outfit aud runs it himself. The contract for building ' tho State Agri cultural College, nt Corvallis, has been let for the sum of $23,000. A letter from County Surveyor Collier states that he has a large amount of work to run out at Ontario, Oregon. Sheep Inspector Smith on Wedndesdiiy stopped a band of sheen and gave the proprie tor a certificate of scabby vheep. Be sure and attend the auction sale of town lots next Monday. There will bo some fine bargains lost if you fail to attend. Tho Masonic Grand Lodge meets in Port land next week. A number of members of tho Eugcue Lodge will attend the session. Dr. Henderson having made arrangements to devote his whole time to the practice of den tistry again, Dr. ('lull llaydun has returned to Salem Silvey Stuart, of Coburg, expects to start with cnttlo to Eastern Oregon over the lie Kenzie route next Thursday. Frank Taylor will accompany him. The water coniimiiv is having the main en Eighth Street near tho Court House lowered. It was made necessary ou account of the im provement on that street. Free hack Saturday and Monday from Miller's real estate office to Scott's Addition to thoso who wish to visit the lots to bo sold at auction on Monday. Win, CIner, nn iusano person, was taken to the asylum at Salem last Monday by tho Sheriff. The medical examination was made by Drs. Jones and Whitoiiker. Dentistry is the science and art of saving and substituting teeth. Dr. Henderson makes the subject a special study and performs his oper ations in the most skillful manner. Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier is tho great conqueror of Biliousness and Liver complaint. Relief certain in every case. Sold at One Dollar a bottle. Try it. A rumor was published tho first of the week that the schooner Mischief had been wrecked at tho mouth of tho Siuslaw. It proved a mistake, however, as the vessel arrived at Yaquiua Bay last Wednesday, Having established connection with Cali fornia agents I nm now prepared to give my patrons tho benefit of tho very best medium lor selling real estate ever offered there. Geo. M. Miixkii. That lady you saw on tho streets tho other day dressed in a blue skirt, trimmed with coffin fringe, having on a cardinal overskirt and heliotrope polonaise mixed with polka dots buys her goods at Friendly's. She has friends, and they do the same. The great Lick telescope, to bo mounted upon Mount Hamilton, California, will be iu ( i . .1 .. n Tl v ...... -Ir ,f place oy me nrni oi uuiy, The next work of the Lick estate is to erect in San Francis co, at a cost of $100,000, a bronze group, representing the history of California. There will be uo Sunday School or morn, ing se vice at the Baptist Church next Sim day, the congregation uniting in the services ftttha University. At tho evening service there will be a prayer meeting, followed by two nr three short addresses. All are in vited. Walla Walla naner: In tbo Cascade tun nel. 2.075 feet from the west portal, the workmen struck rock that is full of fossil leuves, etc. Judge Kennedy is in receipt of specimens, sent him by bis son, which show perfect impressions of fern leave s. Judge Kennedy sent some of the specimens to Prof. Condon, the geologist. How came the fern leaves in the middle of a high mountain.' The Albany Dramatic Company are bilk ing of coming to Eugene and rendering the neauiiiui ilrnma, .Miigura, io i luur-wi evening. The people will no doubt give tin m a large audience. The Albany papers speak very highly of tbo company und tho play. They have their own scenery nnd line cos tumes. The company consist of about tweuty persons the best local tab nt iu Al bany. Don't fail to hear them if they come. Exf.TBBios. The excuision to Hamburg last Sunday was attended by nlsmt 150 peo ple from Eugene and uliout a like nuiiilx'r from way stations. The music by the Fin mens Band was hugely enjoyed by the ex cursionists. The Rom-burg Band and a larg number of the citizens of that place received the excursionists. A speech of welcome wa made by Congressman Hermann, and Mr. Sterling Hill delivered au appropr.uoj . nonun Tli ilav was sneui Hi lucuii-uit " visiting friends Mi the town. Those who had charge of the excursion are to be congratu-1 lew nm iiosjmaiuy you u.i e.t. u lated on their management, ns excellent or- j unpolled lu tho annals of Eugene, and pro ler maintained" claim in ascenls louder than w ords the en- I terprisfl and true manhood of the citucns oi MAHmro -In Junction City, Oregon, j Douglas (cheers). Iu conclusion e nmU s I June 5. ml. st the resideu-e of the groom. bVm -2 ST ATM UNIVKUSITY N i.i.i.v lln.L., .Em ion, I appeal from a decision of tho chair. Ida lb udiii ks. Wo are lire pleased to say that Miss Lur Murch stood next to the valedictorian. The visitor are niriving this Week to at tilid the txcrcisrs in Yillaid's Hall next Week. Th' auditorium ha bad more wires sliel. lnd across for the belli lit of the speak ers. Mr. Cox will return in two weeks after vacation to Engi ne to wield the scissors nud nud razor. Mr. It. R. Gillner from Yalo college visit ed the University Wednesday inoiuing. Ho lives iu Portland. Time lo pack your trunks for home, sweet home. So get your baggage and your mate and don't forget your certificate. The Eutaxians had no debate ou Friday as it was the last meeting and there was oth er business to occupy its members. Ill health is prevalent on the day of rhetor icals. The last one seems to have been very enjoyable for the artists of (bo school. The Lniirean editor leuves just in tbo time of danger, uud Clyde Patterson refuses to settle liis account;' that i. in the athletic line. Prof, llawtlioine ha given for the subject of composition to be writeti ou uel Full, "Fragments. To be g.iuiereii iiuring vaca tion. The faculty had u special meeting at two o clock, Tiicsiiiiy, nsung an simieuis wuo had gone on the excursion to Uoseburg to bo present. Many n sub freshman wishes to be a sen. iorthUwock, It is not for the glory and name of this class, but because there is h is- ure iu it. If any of this vein's graduates who aro so popular to talk about, expect to be lawyers it is advisable to review the lower courts and earn how many there are. The seniors are not seen this w eek, They are only heard. Prof, hpiller still has tbein under her charge practicing for the great day. Their voices are heard afar oil. Some of the students went on the excur sion to Roselmrg nnd two remained for a vis it, Mr. Brattainand Kobert Johnson. Thev be ing seniors expect to enjoy their vacation. The seniors have asked the faculty to change the time of planting tho class tiee from ten o'clock in the forenoon to 2 o'clock iu afternoon. The change has been made. Quite a number arc afraid to report items for fear the Ed. will turn the items ou them. Sorry, but if you refuse to give niiy they will have to be made. My experience is that some editors are not very truthful. Tho compositions rend at rhetorieals last Friday were above the average. Particularly those under the subject, "Should Chun Proneitv be Taxed?" It was handled well bv those thinking it should be, because they discussed it as the composition lesson it was under had taught. Miss Loyola O'Connor a former student and known to many places in the.Willamette valley, has been studying iu the dramatical profession in the East. Sho is now nt home and will this week appear ut Nuw Market Theatre in Portland in tho Frederick Wurde company. She is well spoken of by this company. Tho graduating class lire busily engaged trading pictures. There ougltt to somo leg' islating on this by the board. It does not speak well for them at the last moment to be striving for gain for this they invariably do because they iuvaiiably get a better bargain than they trade oil'. Sir. Moore, for instance expects to cheat every one, also tho aledic toriali will do the same. Lust Friday was the last debate of the vear. Somo of the debaters grew very elo. qucn anil took a great deal of time for their summing Ul. The ouestiou was "Resolved that the lniiiaus nro morn to be tolerated iu the U. S. than the Chinese. The decision was iu favor of tbo negative Debaters were negative: Miss Murch, Fanny Condon, lies- sie Day and Dell Wiiltoti. Affirmative, Enmiilv Bristol. Nelly Hill. Clara Condou mid Ida Hendricks. An education that does not have along with it a moral teaching, lsn t worlh much A refined inind with a high estimate of con' duct is to bo wished lor more than a classical education, and it would be the greatest honor to every student of tho University to reineui ber ho receives lessons in ciuics miner every professor. These examinations are repented every day and it it is the noblest test of our learning topass well iu them. To the very young the detlcieiicy can ne more loieruine but in tho older it can not do overiooKen ami the nuro mind will soon tell whether tho student Iuis hopes of being an lionorahlo limn or woman, Rhetorical exercises Were held ill Villard Hall l ist Friday under Profs. Hpiller and Hawthorne, l ie attendance was not us large as usual, but a few visitors were prcs cut. Among others .iiihscs iicion tisimnio Kato Dorris nnd Mary Bonnett, Dr. Casper Sharnles. and Mr. Porter. On composition L. J. Davis. John McClure, Ed McAlister, Cox. Mark Bailey Jr., Milton Butter- field. Anna Underwood, Win. McCormnc Bert Potter, George McKinley, George Brown, Emma Dorris, Clnis. Moony Etta Moore, Dave (Jollier, Wm. Wiisbburne, Drill Gr.-eu. Elsio Setlh iniro. Frank Porter, Eu L'l iiia Johnson. Frank Mulkey, Clnis, Chit wood. Jos. Widmer. Ada Sharpies, uud Miss Giddiii 's. Recitations: Amanda Chrismun. Guv Hovev. Widmer. Etta Hill, Darwin Yoriin, Dora Scott, Win. Wise, Milton But terlleld, Jus. R. Greenfield, Minnie Uiin und Gifford Nash. Some of the recitations were very L-ood. in b ed. All went off uicrily, no one fainted. and only one, Mr. Yoran, hod to nsH the sine ing salts. .Miss Jloia Scoll oc einiied the be twecn times in selling photo oruohs. and 11 these are only u few of the "Kurlv-iiinu" left, the scientific boys had bet ter purchase immediately if they have nny appreciation lor science Tbo following is E. M. Bnittain's resume to Hon. Dinger Hermann s address of wel come ut Uoseburg, Sunday, June Mil As a nucleus around which clusters every component of love and admiration of the citizens whom it is bis honor to represent ntnl as a voice echoing tbo sentiments of an intelligent and n fined community, your rep resciitutive Mr. lb-miami by bis kind am: eloiitieiit greeting has reared lor you a last inr; monument of lovo and esteem in the af fection of each of vour visitors. Iu behalf of and at tho solicitation of your guests permit mo to indulge iu few brief remarks anil insomucu a my leeum uicuou urn- i to add lustre to your untiring efforts to make of tbi a grand miccess. We fi-el confident and it may be asserted in uo wise to the dis paragement of other valley towns that when it comes to indulging in the fustivu picnic Eugene is not to be surpassed, but of all the . . . i , i .i i , I'"-""-" - " . oi at- tending and I a-.sure they are l.y no me, ueni.m. .r-. u ' ' ' ' fu Pl Tho mirrors it is hoped will Imi well iuked cum of duriug tho Summer and resurrected next Fall with a polished surface. It is uei dful that more be added ns tho Professor crowd their reflections in and it causes a mirage. Affairs this week havo tho air of tho gTaml finale. So ends tho pleasure and the toil. To some tho toil is pleasure, to o)hors drudg ery, but any way all must feel tho gn at ben efit of tho school and are pleased that they have attended sho University of Oregon. It is hoped that both societies will turn out to their lecture Tucsd.iv morning. Iast year there were only a a Jew iu attendance. It is uot any more more trouble to come to a lecture at this time than to school and is tho very best time of tho day to appreciate tho lecture. Personal. Mr. Peter liuney it iu town. Bob I jui o has again moved to Eugeno. Mr. T. II. Miitlingly, of Uoseburg, is iu town. Mr. and Mrs, J. U, Gray visited Salem this week. . Mr. J. M. Shelly spent last Sunday in Eugene. Dr. C. Haydeu, tho dentist, has returned to Salem. Mr. Frank Uclshaw went to Pottland last ednesday. Prof. Arnold b ft for his homo in Pendlo- ton last Tuesday. Norris Brown, of Salem, spent last Suu ly iu Eugene. Mr. Horace McClure went to Astoria Thursday morning. Mr. Phoebe Kinsey is spending this week in Salem and Albany. Mrs. Win. Reiishaw and Miss Allie Denny visited Portland this week. Attorney Bilveu Paid Harrisburg a pro- fessiomil Visit last Monday. Miss Osio Walton is teaching school at Summit Prairie, Crook county. Attorney Geo. B. Dorris was lu Junction this week on professional business. Attorneys Washbiirne and Walton wero iu Junction Tuesday ou legal busiuess. Mr. Geo. H. Armitage returned from a trip to Portland last Wednesday afternoon. Mr. I'd, Osburn returned from a business trip to Gilliam county, last Wednesday eve ning. Dr. C. D. Osburn, of Brownsville, spout lust Sunday in Eugene. Ho reports business goial iu that town. Mr, T. J. Gregg, Sm-aker of tho House o Repn'seulntives of the last State Legislature, visited our city tkis week. Messrs 11. C. Humphrey nnd Chris Mnrx made a trip to Florence the first of the week. lliey ret lulled luursday. A private letter slates that Mr. Horaco A. Dillanl and w ife, of Priueville, will visit rel atives in Eugeno in the near future. Mr. W. B. Rice, traveling agent for the Oregon Pacific Railroad, was iu Eugene last Wednesday. Da is the same old genial Bil- Railroad Commissioners Slater and Wag. goner passed through Eugene last Monday night eu route to investigate matters relating to freight charges in Southern Oregon. Mr. Thus. II. Burrows of Salem paid friends in Eugene a visit this week. He has formed a partnership with Frank M. Waters, at the capital city, and Is running a looil and produce store. Attorneys Dorris, W'ashhurns and Walton Went to .1 unction again yesterday morning on t he Howard Chamberlain tresspass case. This is the fifth or sixth trial of this matter. It will be continued iu Eugene to-day. Mr. Win. Kdrlsand wife, Geo Milllean and wife, Mrs, Phoebo It. Kinsey, E. K. Luckey and wife, and Dr. dolm Gray Wero among thoso Who ntt oil' l'.l the graduating exercises of tho Academy of the Sacred Heart at Sulem this week. Messrs J. P. Currin uud James Noland have gone to Pendleton to commence tho work of surveying the Umatilla Indian Res ervation of which they received the coutract from tho Government some time since. They hardly expect to finish their contract before September loth. List of Letters Remaining uncalled for at the postnftko ill Eugeno City, Oregon, Juno 10, 1H87. Gardner, Frank Hazletou, Lincoln. Persons calling for tho above will please say advertised, giving date. f. W. OSIIUBN, r. Al, Badi.y Kicsko. At the auction salo of town tots to bo held nt the Court houso next Monday there will lie such bargains of fered that whoever falls to get s lot will want himself badly kicked for not bidding while ha hits a chance, lions. Iu this city, Friday morning, June 10, lhM7, to tho wife of Mr. S. W. Condon, a sou. If Seymour is a little "oil lor a lew days, ho is oxousahlo under the circum stance. Laiuik SAi.r. Sladden k Sou have sold 17,000 11m of sugar since April 2, 1887. Houn.- In Portland, Oregon, Juno 4th, to the wifu of George Smith, a daughter, MOWERS, Hinders, Hay Rakes, Har poon, Forks, Carriages, Wagons, Jhiggies, And all Zincta of Farm Hachinory Can bo found at CHAMBERS & SOU'S HARDWARE, South of Hoffman House. THE W. W. M00RB Most Complete Machine Existence. LOWEST RATES. BEST WORK. TERMS : For sawing once GO cts Sawing twice 0 cts Saving three times 70 cts All bills discounted 5 per cent, for Cash. Si'KU u. terms given on large rontrai ts. Leati Olinl BS AT McCornack L Collier's Book Store. in ool offered. 9