The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 11, 1887, Image 4

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.JUNK 11, mi.
Hop Outlook.
Ws publUh tlio following letter which is
iu'lf-cx)liiiiiitory: .
Nkw Yoiik, Juno 1, 1887-
Mb. O. llKTTMiU, Kui'iie City; Dear Kir:
W lfjt tii (iri'tw your K'"iW-lveK r iirilinx
tlio h'hIu of Imp in lh murkft, as I lie indica
tions unw arc, tli'tt tlib 1'iiciilii I'l.nKt produce
will lw lar("ly sought fur lii-ro this mimoii.
All reliable reports from tin- interior of
till Stutu Hrce tlutt n litrgii proportion of
the roots wero killed by tlioexlmuiitivu blight
M utst year, ami it ih nulu to Huy .tliut tint
Stuta will not produce a half and ponnibly
not a unru oi a crop mm senium.
While no pronounced advance ban yet re
milted, a gradual rino in viiluu bait occurred
during the lnat fortnight, and to-dy spot
I'aclllcsare Held two cent above wunt tliey
were two week nun. That do marked ail-
vance ban taken place, is due in part to tbe
disinclination of brewers to believe Hie re-
portH from tbe interior, wliicb many of them
who are fairly well stocked, can utt'ord to do,
as tboy Me that any drmand noticeably
nnecU values.
As the spriatf weatber, tlioiieb very back
ward, in now upon us, brewers will undoubt
edly nave to noon come Into tlie market, and
m bolder are firm in tueir position, we lie
lieve sensible advance must aeain noon oc
cur. Choice '80 Tacitlca aro to-day held at
'20 and 24 cU., medium unities from 111 to 18
eta.; small deinnnd for '85 at 7 to HI eta.
We remain, Your truly,
Waiid A. IIknii'iin.
Florence Itemj.
Juno 7, 1 fW.
Ilv. Well returned to Gardner Mninliiy.
Air. 11, ('. lliiiuplirey arilved In Plm-ens to
Air. Ky. h utore in receiving a emit of paint
1 lie ieoplu of tlu'i vicinity Intend tuiele-
brat the r nin th.
Mr. Giitiw ami family arrived in Acme
numiiay, me bin.
Strawberries are heKliinliiif to rip mi. Fui
tifaU are now in order.
Mr. Stratum, Momih Saubert, Pi.tleriioii,
(arnier ami other went to KoneburK hut
wbi. vi max nnai prom nn their clnlinii.
'I'he Mlichief did not uh out lat week an re
ported. While itttem jtin to back out it K"t
hi niiriu apic, ami alter HiiUlliK aeveral at
tempts to ut nlf at IiIk'Ii 'tide, win linitlly com
pelled to ii-nd to Gurdnrr for a tiitf.
Ono of the ynuiur uentlenieu of our city, af
ter enduriiiK for some time the excruciating
paiiK remiltiiiK from au"over sensitive" tooth,
went up the river on Sunday for the purpiwe
of having the iiffumlintf member "plucked out."
.i wujiuif irom llie time which elapHed ere liii
return, we conclude that it wan an exceedingly
dlllicult operation,
Lost Fishermen.
Following ia a Hat prepared by the Fisher
lucu'a Union of Astoria, of those who have
loat their Uvea by drowning aiuce the fishing
ceaaoii njiened at the month of the Columbia:
uutt. A'awt.
Air. 21) Clms Johnson
22 in Lemon
4 Walidell
4 Oliver Johnson
" 1(1 Joaeph Main"
" 12 Crialian Sunders Germany
jii aui iiiuiiaon l'lliluuil
" ll Felix Mattsoii Finland
" 3(1 John Heed America
" :l Win Criatie' Ireland
'Bodies not found.
A wealthy Boston (.'"Utleniun bud moved
out of town and located in a little village
iiunity where the ways of life bad id-
waya liecn rather primitivo and (be ixpoudi
lure amall. One day the assessors of the
town came to "him rather fearfully. They
didn't want to tax him out of town, and yet
they proK)Hed to liavo him bear hi lmro of
the taxation. -All, Keutlemeii," bu said,
nfter they bad timidly pumped him a little
aa to tbe amount of hia property, "what ia
the amount of money you have to raiao hero
by taxallou? I'welve thniiHuiul dollara
thii year, air." "Twelve thoiiaaiid dnllara,
eh? Well, aend the bill to me uud I'll pay
the whole of it." Not single ruatio iu tbe
place paid liny taxes that year, uud the lloa
ton man got oh a good deal cheaper than he
bad for Rome yeara. -Itoatpu Transcript.
A San Frnnciaco dispatch of Juno 7, 18S7
says: Tho Secretary of the 1'roduce Fx
change has collected rcporta ah to the coiuli
tlon of wheat up to June 1st throughout Cal
ifornia. Tbs weather during May was favor
Able until tho 27th. when tho dry wind
which pruvailed for three dav caused some
damage. This ia estimated in certain sec
tions at tweiity-five per cent, nud in other
nominal. Tho summary iudicatea that the
uortbern portion of theatate.incliiding Sacra
liiento county, will turn out about the same
Amount of wheat as hist year. The yield of
Sau Joaquin valley ia placed at sixty per
cent, of hud year. From San Francisco south,
West of the Coast ltange, the yield will not
exceed forty per ceut. of last year.
Goshen Gossip.
June 8, 1887.
Kefri'sbing showers.
Hay making soon in order.
Mr. Oeo. F. Dashi-ll started for Arlington
this week.
Mrs. Win, Gaiuey has been ery III with
Tho Attendance at the Oiiilige Saturday
was not very large.
Mr. N. J. I'eiigin returned (bis week fi' im
a biiHiueaa to lli Prairie,
Mits llelieeeii ( 'iillilniligi hits been Mi!ili,
at 1'lciMilit Hill the past uud present week.
"Hookey" was the favorite uanie with two
of our teacher's little (?) boys one day last
'Twas $300 that A. J. Keeney received for
bis team instead of f 21)0 as stated in our
Mrs, II. Gray, of Portland, visited with
her daughter, Mrs. Jessie Clsytou, during
lust week.
Mr. II. C. Mutt hews accompanied Mr.
C'brisman to the foot of the mountains with
bis cattle last week.
Messrs Lane, Lee and Wesley Matlock,
Ira Stewart uud Cecil Dority started on a
rusticating tur to tho vicinity of Florence
Mr. li. K. Itlieiuioiislmider and moved into
tho residence of Geo. Krumrey. The hitter
will start to Yuqiiiua liny this week to be
gone until about harvest.
Mr. N. Ilerkshiro and sou Philip made a
visit to the hitter's claim, near Lake Creek,
last week. Tbe father returned, but Philip
remained ill the woods.
Tbos. ami Cm Matlock, of . Kastem Ore
gon, left Denver, Colorado, on Muy 31st. for
New York, whither they go with their four
race horses. They wou several purses lit
the former place.
Mr. A. J. Shanks, principal of tbe Craw,
fordsville school, in Linn county, made us A
pleasant call the first of the week. He was
on his way to Cottage Grove where be has
Nome thoughts of locating, llie citizens of
that town would do well to induce liiiu to
become one. of their number, as he is an
honorable young num.
June 10, '87
F.ugene, is visiting
It is said that the ceremonies at the Czar's
visit to tho Don Cyjisack country were of a
very pictiiresipio E.rt. Whole regiments of
Cossack boya, from 11 to II yers of Ago
luoliuted and galloped past, headed by
inmiuted choirs, Ringing uud beating tambou
fines. Theu followed whole forest of
spears of elder coasacks; theu primitive Cal
muck clergy, in wonderful Asiatic costumes;
nud tint! a great baud of trumpeters, with
silver horns, down feet loug, making the
fiercest kmd of music.
Tho Hillsboro Independent sivs: There is
young niun in Marion county 18 years old
by tho name of McMillen who lias never
spoken a word to his father from the day be
Wttiborn, And they have lived ,)uder the
siuiie roof all that time. He is tonguey
tuongh to everyone else, and says he would
Almost give bis life to talk with bis father,
but he can't do it.
With that Admirable omniscience so char
cteristio of tbe foreign press s Milau paper
Ays of Frederick DoueJaH: There is at
the prcseut time iu Koine Federigo Doug
hum, the rebel slave, the Author, the celn
brated orstor, tbs United Squalor, tho mau
perhaps the most popular of his country on
aevomit of his daring, las tenacity and of the
trials be has siltfcred."
O. P. Hixoii. ex th ket agent of the Cana
dian 1 Acitlc and defaulter to the Amount of
2.141, was captured .1 Portland last Satur
day night, while there inking to get hi
wife to to. away with him. He chum, he
was lured there by the American Survty Co..
which was on his bouJ for 5WO,
The fact that the wa aerprnt has been
w-u off the coast of Uhode Island recently
bows bow feebly prohibition is beiuc en
forced iu that alate.
Dexter Pickings
Mrs. Win. Preston, of
relatives here this week,
Miss Minnie ltowan Is staying; with Mrs.
Win. Kenton iu KiiL'ene,
Mr. I). ('. Hunsaker and wife visited relit
lives iu Kiik'eue Saturday and Sunday.
Next Sunday lie v. Mr. Kent will preach at
the Lost valley school house and Key. S,
Jiukins at Trent.
The meetliiw'ut Trent resulted in ehdit ac
cessions to the church, seven by immersion
and una by letter.
Mr. W. 1). Meador was suddenly taken ill
Wednesday, hut we me pleased to ttate that
be la able to be up.
Mr. A. ltouey spent Tuesday nlulit in Ku-
geue, ami, returning next day brought a load
of iron lor the Lost creek liridge.
Mr. H. C. Mm nan started Wednesday with
hia cattle fur his WindlaMry ranch to pasture
tlium iluriui tho Mim'iicrunil rail.
A few very refreshine nhowers here the first
of the week, which did ejeat good in increas
ing the cniwth f cereals and gardens.
School ht Trent, under munammrnt of Mr.
J, W. Parks, will he continued another mouth.
the first term having closed last Friday.
Parties who have crossed tho military mad
from the other side reHirt culy alstut five
miles of snow in the mountains, ami think k
does not exceed a depth uf four or fire feet,
The M. K. church will hold a camp meeting
lust across the river from this place, bek'inniiiK
about the l'.'th. Mr. Hyhiiul has put his ferry
boat In running condition to convey across the
liver all those who wish to attend.
Through misinformation we are obliged t"
orrect another statement. Work na th
bridge did not la-gin lost week, but began lost
1 uesday, anil it is tlioiiL'ht that it will be Com
pleted iu the course of two or three weeks,
From the IsiiM notes to the Albany Her
aid of the 8th we clip the following: "Our mes
senger youth is supposed to have been at
SpruiL-hed Sunday. W e hope his asilitv to
sway the scepter of Instruction has not been
limmiahed liy Ins doing so.
We in much admire "Old Hoy's outspoken
ness, we are so completely satisfied of the up
rightness of his intentions - such as they are -that
it is repugnant to us to ipiarrel with any
thing he may say; and sympathixe so warmly
with his manly (?) acorn of our writings, and
with his oasily provoked wrath, that we would
willingly be silent were he not "meddling
where he has no business", aa others in this
Vicinity have expressed themselves iu refeiing
to his stiilf, No doubt, too, this arrogant old
mau thought he was doing wondrous work,
when, iu last issue of Ghahii, he corrected our
misuses' In Ins uboinitiuhle manner. "Ha",
to express it iu the exact language of one of
our best cituens, "is only cutting his own
head off." Now, Old Hoy, when reading this,
we oniiiure you, who never told a fulseh.ssl.
who never did a wrongful set, who never com
mitted an error, who never made a mistake, to
climb down from the high horse which you ride
i admirably and Is) constrained by Uno lino to
keep ycur coiiKloineratioiu of flatulent garruli
ty within the bound) of Satan's volume of
"cuss" words, so that a sample copy may be
excised to the public gaie.
Uno I loo.
Foa Sii.. A
good aa uew. at
lot of uico show-casss, -as
E. XL Lucxn Jt Cu'a.
Mohawk Items.
Crops are looking fine iu this vicinity.
Mr. Win. Miller went to Eugene Saturday.
I.iglit frost Wednesday and Thursday
no"V' Wu'tlm, preached at the
Mill I reck school house Sunday.
A certain fellow of Eugene is busily eu
gaged hauling luiulier for a house. What does
this mean?
Mr. G. Arnold captured a Urge cougar last
eduesday that had b.-en doing considerable
damage to sheep iu this vicinity.
Horn, on Sunday the 20th, to the wife of
w illiam Workman, a girl mother and child
d uiig well but Will's recovery is doubtful.
Hied, of consumption, At Harrisbnrc,
l.iun comity. Mrs. K.lla Dovey llutlev, be
loved wife of Mr. William ltutler, iwe.f about
twenty. She was buried in the .Mohawk
cemetery on the 2d inst, a large number of
irieuoa being in Atteudauee. The eutire
ooiuiuuniiy extern! their sympathy to the
husband and pareuts iu their sad 'bereAve-
1 be Post Office and mail service of this
coiiutry hai bwu greatly improved bv the
corrwt bnsluese metbixls of General Vilas.
The ivrvcntuge of correct distribution of mail
matter last year was greater than for the
three prcoecdiug y am, and of over five bill
ions of package only atsmt a million showed
A I n Ion paper hats that the cashier of a
t utneae liauk tried to Irava wilh (
japan or urns otlier place on the Enclish
plan the other day. Hut it ir ot believed
that tbe rntom will become popular. The
GoTerumriit walled up the cashier in a ll
to starve to death and choppwl the heads on
of all hi family. Next autumn they are oo
ing to decapitate everjlaly ia the Empire
brariug his ume.
Cottage Grove Items.
CoTTxoit Ghovk, June 8, 1887.
Have been having aoiue rain Iu light show
ers the past week,
Horn, to the wife of Mr. Cyrus Miller, Jine
8, ml, a sou.
Mr. E. M. Hr.ttUin wis visiting at Mrs.
Small's the first of U,, ,., (,,
(iilte a iiiiinb r ( p. imii. w-n mi tin ex
CMIsii'll flO l.rl tl i;.is.-l,iO'l .vI:im
Mr, .f. W Am. d I, f iinisily of to,, phie ,
paid III- o . f i lend.. . His l.i li-r p.t t "I
last Week.
Mr. W. If. Taylor ami Mis. H dle Pom I
were married Juue 4, 17, Mr. C'has. StoiilTer
J .P. olticUting. .
Mr. J P Ciirrln left here Saturday, -June
4th f-ir Portland on hia way to survey the
Umatilla lteservation.
Mr. Hiram T. Vancy died June 4, HW7,
Aged 82 yean and 10 months. He was buried
iu the Sears graveyard by the Mason.
Messrs Frank Wooley, I. . Veatoh, J. S.
ami W. H. Medley left Monday ununiiig to
join Mr. J. P. Currin, as they weie chosen
members of the party.
Mr. M. C. Kennedy and wife left here Tues
day nioruinir for their home in K Iwards uouu
ty, Kansas. They were well pleased with
Orefc-or. ami think they will return before a
greut while, liusiiiess matters called them home
and cut their visit short, as they had contem
plated stayinu until Fall. .
. June !, 1887.
Gardens are very good in this nelhlmrhood,
A few showers this week which greatly ben
efitted every thing.
There was no school here Friday as Miss
Sherman went to Siuslaw on a visit.
Mr. J. S. Gorrie left this place a few days
Ago for Portl iml. Come lack so hi, John.
Mr. W. Ii, Gii.hIuiuu has finished Ids logging
contract and deli. ered th lumber ill Kiueiie.
Mr. P. Wilcox, wife mid liaieghter and the
Misses Mcltee spent .Saturday and Sunday
with relatives at ('amp Creek.
There was no tcmieranM entertainment last
Wednesc'.y evening as was announced four
weeks ao. We hope the idea has nut been uiven
up as the cause is a goisl one, and everylxsly
who attended the lost entertainment expressed
themselves well pleased
The members of St. Mary's Episcopal
Church have tiled articles of associatioa iu
ojrporuting the church, with A. L. Parker,
Hector; H. K. Clark and H. J. Hawthoruo,
wardens; and W. J. Miller, C. D. Combs,
John Davis, Wm. Skdton and John Uusactt,
mW Harvesters
Look at these Prices.
Winchester Rifles:
II cal. C. F., oct. bbl., model-1873 .. . 114.63
44 cul. C. F., round bbl., model-'73. . . 13.50
(38 same as 44 cal.)
40-82 model '?, oct bbl 15.75
4.r)-0(l iiiodel'76, oct bbl 15.75
44 C. F. oct bbl, Colt's Lightning.... 16.50
All other goods at bottom prices, and don't
you forget it. '
I want the Parker Gun Works to come to
the front, and to do this I have to make prices
that will make a miser nrin, and that is just
what I can do. Ho come and see the Parker
Gun Woiks when in need of anything iu this
me. All kinds of repairing dene with neat
ness and dispatch, at Eastern prices. All
kinds of ifiins and ammunition on hand tt all
limes, and 1 want you to understand that what
I have nut i for sale, and I will try to satisfy
you in prices.
Located opposite EuUKNE ClTf GUARD
office, hugene City, Or.
S. U. Friendly
II ' pay the Highest Mar
ket Frice for- all Wool
IITCall bkfobb tod skll.uD
Gen. Catlin two years ago the Republican
candidate for Mayor of Brooklyn, has joined
the Democratic parly. Gun. Cuilin, who won
histitle in the late wur, Hays the Hepublicnu
party iu New York and Brooklyn is hope
lessly demoralized.
L1 Elizabeth H. Hreeding ha been duly
appointed the executrix of the estate of James
lSreedimr, deceased. All persona having claims
against said estate are hereby notified to pre
sent the same to the Executrix at the office of
G. B. Dorris, at Eugene City, Oregon, within
six months from the date of this notice.
Elizabeth H. Brkkdino. Executrix.
June 10, 1887.
F. K
J. K.
Hkach, President.
Eliikhkix, Soc'y.
J. McCrakk.v, Viw President.
J. Lowkn'deko, Trpau.
m Northwestern Fire and Marine
No. 5 Washington Street, Portland: Or.
Should not Fail to Remember that
The New Improved Light and Eas
A. V. Peters, J. F. Robinson, J. II. MeCluug, F. H. Ducn, J. D. Matlock, 8. II. Friendly.
II. C. Humphrey, Osburu & Co.
BTKiti.iNO IIILL. Aaemt.
l'lfoncy to Loau ou Approved Real Estate Security.!
From the Cheapest to the Best at
prices according to quality.
From the Cheapest to the Best. All parties can
be suited either as to Price or Quality,
Oar assortment is Complete, from the lowest Price up to
the Finest; ca n su it joa if yoa Hive us a call.
tf Fili, New and Stylisli.
il. not save you inoiioy, e will make) Rome one eU
Look uh over; if
Ht-'ll to you low.
Had no Superior in the Harves
Field of 1886.
Its rfifinrrt Tarns nncnvnaccorl n.J
wherever sold they have been TM
versally Regarded and Recognizei
Standard of Merit
Among the Family of Self Bindim
TT x
The Empire is the Cheamst Machine, fnr th o. Fnrm
to buv. as it daps Ttpffpr TPW. t'IM PI Hfiili fl tins 4 T
of Time, and at Much Less Expense than Any Other.
.Nri mnlipf Whnt. tho- Cn-nrlM; fi n ...... i ..
' wwivivv Cffl tHClltL.. Ul IT I 11,1,11.. II, TIPr
juusvuau rtrjecu woric.
Seventh Street, Eugene City,
"Anj Examine the Empire Light Steel Frame Foldins Twine Binder,-
Matlock, s new St on
But tho people don't want that article.
Vhatthey do want are honest goods at
Honest prices, and that is just what the
reople can gpt
I'iaxo -oa wniml haml ) al
trnwt liow fur wle tliwi. Imiiir at tl'it (
Laxd rut SiLt CiiitAP. 200 a-r-s o( im-
from! lain), mtiiiitrj Ih-Iwccd Eugene and
rtiuK, will b mil.l at a Win within the
nt ton Jay. Iuijuire o( thin office, mJ-lm
Wat IViws. Siuinu will ml yon a (anoy
pTcaliihirt, two rullars ami a (mirot cuffs
all for 75 cent. Now u your tiius to buy.
Johnmtn Kra au.l rl and wlilt i-l,vr for
U at Unliiiuma jt Churvh lunlwar stora.
If you are in want of agricultural machio.
ry of any kuul. wineinber that Mr J M
Heodricks keeps a full aMortment.
Mr Geo KCraw hatli,.l, aeency f, 1
brand, of thu celebrated l'unch CwaraT
FoR RALi.-l.y) u lnall 0f KuKeu
City with and without huiuea. price to auit.
Geo. yt Millir.'
chitu immediately relieved by ShUiJh fur,
FtuiH Tasi XoticsAo,! din.r ,
had at Baker Hotel for cvnta.
We shall not Uke up you tin.o with a
Ing string of nonsens aSout the best,
The cheapest, and the handsomest line of
Goods in Lane county, l,t we do want
lo ask you in a friendly way to come to
See na. If w don't r,-11 you roul live
iSKtu.,r m to useour
And don't you forget that we will pay
lou all the market will stand. The
Jme is (rue as to other kinds of
Country produce. Briefly Yours,