" Cure For Piles. ' l'iles are frequently preceded by a aenae of weight in the baik, Mus and lower part of tha alaloinen, cunning the iiatieut to suppose lie lias nine alfei-tinn of the Kidney or iieighlsiring organ. At times, symptoms of indigestion are present, flatulence, miealiiea of the stom ach, etc A moisture, like erspiratinn, pro ducing very disagreeable Itching, after pet ting warm, i ft common attendant Wind, bleeding tud itching idles yield at once tn the application of J)r Jliauiukn's l'ile Remedy, whkh acts directly upon the parte affected, ab sorbing the tumors, allaying the intense itch ing ami effecting a' wrinnnent cure. Price fiO cent. Address the J)r Ifaaiaiioo Medicine Cn.( I'tcpia. Ohio. Hold by Unburn k Co. and W. B. Lee, of Junction. W rW o a. t,iat are fretful, pnevlsh, AVJVVT croM or troubled with Wind Colic, Teething rains, or Stomach Disorders, can be relieved at once by using Acker's Baby Soother. It contains 110 Opium or Morphine, hence Is safe. Price 23 cents. Bold by Oeburn k Co, Eugene. kV o Ttlnnt Itomndr (rnsran. tlonsor Syphilitic Poisoning. It purifies the wbnln vtnm and banishes all Rheumatic and Neuralglo pains. We guarantee it. Bold by Oaburn Co, Eugene. A Reliable Article. For enterprise, push and a desire to get iich K'hhIm as will dive the trade satisfaction. Oaburn A Co the Urugglsts 11 bII coniieti tion. They sell lr Hoaanko's Cngli and Lung Syrup, because It's the bent Medicine on the market, for Coughs, ;'hl. ;r"P '" l'rimary Consumption. I'rice W cenU and 11.00, Samples free. HHILOII'S VITALIZEIl la what you need for Constipation, Loan of Appetite, Dizziness, and all syuiptoma of Dyapepsia. Trice 10 anil 75 ceiita ier bottle. For lama back, aide or cheat, use Shiloh'a Pnrotia Plaster. I'rice 25 cent. DronkennMa, or Llqoor, Habft, can b Cnied by aJuiiniikring Dr. Haines' Golden, bpeolfio. It can lie given in a cup of coffee or tea with out the knowledge of the ieraon taking it, ef fecting a aiieedy and ieruianent cme, whether the patient ia a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thouaanda. of dninkarda have been madd teniiernte men who have tukeu the (lolden Niecirio in the'r coffee without their knowledge, and believe they quit drinking of their own free will. No harmful effect results from Ita administration, ('urea guaranteed. Send for circular ami full particHlars. Address in confidence Uoi.iikn Hckcikic Co., 185 Race HU, Cincinnati, Oliio. XC wjvvv would enjoy your dinner J and are prevented by Dys- ft iimla. U8Q Acker's Dvswntila Tablets. Plinv a tvuiltlvji iiim fi.p I)vNrwTifllA In. J -.w 1 ' " - J "( I 1 digestion, Flatulency and Constipation. Wo guarantee thuia. 23 and CD cents. Oaburn k Co, Eugene. rvw v Of the good thliiR of this VWVVWVufo ara aorrowfully let alone on account of Iyspepsla. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will euro Pysnopsla, Indigestion and Constipation; sold on a positive guarantee at S3 and CO cents, by Ostium k Co, KuL'ena. 81111.0118 CUKK will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough ami llroni'hitia. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Otrus at Konkih'ro, Ob., 1 April 2:., 1W7. f NOTICK If! HEHKIIY (ilVKX THAT the following namcil settler has tiled notice nf hi intention to niuke limit proof in support of bla claim, and that anid proof will be made befme the Clerk of the County Court of Lane Co., Or., at Eugene City, Or., on Tuesday, June 7, 1HH7, vie t Thomas Hartley. Fre emption 1. S. No. M70, for the l.oU H ami (I, Seo H and Lota 5, I), and 7. Sen U Tp IK 8 It 10 Went W. M. lie names ttie following wit nemtoa to prove his continuous residence tixin, and cultivation of, aaid land, viz : Tlionma Lace, Mauley Thompson, 0. Youni;, Alliert 1', Kuowlea, all of Keatou, Lane Co, Or. ClIAs. W. JollNaTON, Keglstor. ALSO At the same time and place, Albert F. Knowlea, Fre-emption 1), S. No, 4'-'35, for the SKI, Sea 1, Tp 18 S H 10 West W. M. lie names the following wituessea to prove hla con tinuoua residence uoii, anl cultivation of, said land, via: Thomas Lace, '.Mauley Thompson, of Seaton, Lane Co., Or, O. Youiik, Thomaa Hartley, of Floreuce, Lane Co., Or. i tit Ciiah, V. Johnhton, Fiexiater. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Omc at Kohehciki, Oh. 1 April SMIi, 1SS7. ( NOTICK IS IIKKKHY tilVKN THAT ilia following named settler has tiled no tice of Ida Intention to make final proof in aupMirt of Ilia claim, and that aaid proof will be mails before the Keifister or lieceiver of the U. S. Land office at ltoaeburi;, Or., on Tliura diiy, June 2d. 1HS7, vl: .lolin Carulcr, Jr., Fre-emption 1 S Nf 4'.H for the lot 0, aec 15, To 18 jl, It 11 West, W M. lie names the following- witliesaea to prove hia eoiitinuoua resident! imn, ami cultivation of, aaid land, viat Frank T Condon, Jamea A MoIhhI, Asel 0 Fattersou, .ara T Sweet, all of Acme or Florence. Lane Co, Or. Chas. V Johnhton, itetfiater, D R. SPINNEY, No. 11 Kkahniy Stiikkt. TrcHtsj Mil t'liroulr) ut Koril IMsrsses. YOUjYGM&Y 7HOMAY UK SUKFK.lilXt) FROM 1 ? The elfecta of youthful follie or indis- rretiun will do well to avail themselvea of this, the irreatvat Ikhiu ever laid at the alter o( svil feriug humanity. lli. 81'INNKY will ifiiar antee to forfeit '0 for every rase of Semitml weaknesa or private disease of any kind or character which he mulcrUkce ami faila to Miiii.:.ii:n mix. There are many at the au of thirty to sixty who are troubled with too freipieut evaeua tiona of the bladder, ofteu tvompanied by a alight amaitiiitr or ourning aematin, and a WeakeuitiK- of ttie aysWtu ill s way the patieut eauaot actMiint for. On eamiuiui( the urinary depawtta a Mpy sediment will often ! fomid. and aumetiiuea amall particles of albumen will lear, or the roliir will he of a thin, whitiiJl hue, again rhnhduK to a dark and torpid ap pearance. There are many men who die this dillioulty, ignorant of the cause, which the arcond eta of aeminal weakneu. Ir H will giiaranUe a wrfe. t eure lu auch raa, and a neaiuiy reaiorauon 01 the gniUMirinary or gaiia. Oltiee houra-10 to 4 and 6 to K Sundays i 11 a iu. v onaiuuuons Iree. I hoTouxli ex ftiuination and advice, S WK. M'1X.Y 0, N'o 11, Kearney Street, San Francisco. Ir. Tavlr 'a 7 Oaka CmikmmL uel .. taola, positively core rhemuatuui. ' IU4 b, Oabur. Co, Z' Mexican Liniment OTTH.J3S Sciatica, Lumbago, Bhenmatitm, Burnii Scalds, Stings, Bites, Bruiiei, Banions, Corns, - Bcratchss, Sprains, Strains, Stitches, Btiff Joints, Backache, Calls, Sores, Spavin Cracks, Contracted Muscles, Eruptions, Hoof Ail, Screw Worms, Bwinney, Saddle Oalla, Files. THIS COOD OLD 8TAND-BY acoomiillahca Tor eerylo,'yctly what Uclftlmeil for It. One of the reaions t"i (rroat nopularlty ot the llmtanir I.lulment la founulnlta unlveraal BPPllculillltT. Krorybodjrnwlaauch ft medicine. The l.nmuormnu neertalt inoaaeof accident. T h e 1 1 o 11 o w I le n ocdii I'. for general family nae. TUe Cannier neeila U for his toame and bla men. The Mecbuulo nccUa It alwaya on ills work bench. The Miner needs It In case of emergency. The I'lftneernceilalt-can't get along without It. The Farmer uecds It In hla house, his stable, and bla atock yard. The Hteambont mnn or the Boatman needs It In Uboraleupplyaflimtumlaaho... The Horae-fnncler nyede It-It la bla beat friend and safest reliance. The HtocU.grovi er needs it It will save him thouianila ot dollara ami a world of trouble. The Knllrond nuiu needs It ana will need It so long as hla llfo la a round of uccl lemsund dangers. The llackwoodamnii aoodstt, Tlicro U noth ing like It aa an antidote- fur tho dangers to life, limb anil comfort which sur'ound ttie pioneer. The Mercbunt ncrda It about in atore among hla einpioyoea. Aceldcnia will happen, and when these come the Mustang Liniment Is wanted at once. Keep a liottlelulho llauao. Tlatbs belt of economy. Keepnllotllelii the l'nctory. rtslmmedlate use In case of accldcut bu h pain and lou of wages. Keep a lluttlo Ainuyala the Stable for aao when wnntcd. A msm SMALourw. maam 10 A Idfo Experience. Romarkriblo and, quick ouree. Trial Fackacoa Send utarcp for eoaltxl parti cnt.luru. Addreaa Dr.WARO&CO. J.Miislora, Mo. NOTICE F0H PUBLICATION. Land Oi ku k at IIohkiwro, Oh., ) April L'dth, lrW7. J NOTICK 13 HKItEBY OIVLX THAT tho following-named settler hna filed no tice of her claim, ami that said proof will be made before the KeL'istor or lteceiver of U S Land olfiue at ltoaeliiiru;, Or, on Friday, June 'M, 1SS7, via: Mary E Stralton, l're emplion I) S No ,Mii7 for the Lota 1, (i, 7, 8 and U, Sec .!. mid lot !, seo 31) Tp 18 S, It 11 West, V M. She mimea the bdlnwini; witnesses to prove her eoiitinuoua residence upon, ami cultivation of, aaid limit, viz: Asel C l'litterson, J F YV Suiibert, H tlatea, of Kosehtiru', T Hartley, of Acme or Florence, Lane Co, Or. Chas. W. Johnston, Register. SHERIFFS SALE. NOTICK 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT lly virtue of nit execution duly issued out nf the Circuit Court of ttie .Statu of Oregon of the County of Lane by the clerk thereof, and t ) me directed on to wit, May l'.'th, 1887, upon a judgment and decree of foreclosure ren dered in aaid court, April 'J'-M, 1887, in an ac tion then and there pending wherein Chaa Kolin and Naphtali Kolin, partners doing bus iness under the firm name of Chaa Kohn k Co were plainiilfa and A A Berry, Jamea Berry, Nellie Berry, E ISolinaky and Ceo ilironstcin partners doing luminous under the firm name of K tiolinsky A Co, Julius NulUn doing liusi nees uuder firm name of Juliua Sultan & Co., Joseph Bremer doing buainesa uiuli the firm name of .Joaeph llremer & Co, John Bruck mau, T A Milliorn, V H HolTman, Louie Salomon, aa administrators of the estate of J 11 Berry deceased Were defendants, wherein aaid plaintilfa recovered judgment agaiiiBt aaid 1 lie estate ol J Jl Kerry deceaaed delendaut, for the so in of seven hundred and twenty-six and 71100 (gri'lUl) dollars in V S gold coin, and the further sum of aeventy ($70) dol lars for attoi ney feea and for coats and dis bursements of aaid action with Interest on said judgment at 10 per cent per annum from date hereof and a decree for the sale of the follow lowing deaorilied mortgaged premiaea, and that aaid Lota Nos 5, G ami 7 of Block No 40, of J miction City, Oregon, be sold separata and apart from the remainder of the said mortgaged premiaea and that the priveede of aaid sale of said Lota 8, tl and 7 of Block 40 be applied first to the aatiafaction of aaid lien or claim of I A Milliorn amounting tn TtilS.l.'S and the further sum of foO for attorney fee on said claim and the remainder thereof to be applied to the payment of plaintiff's. Judgment. The mortgaged premises by this decree ordered to be sold are deacrilied aa follows; Commenc ing at the S E Cor of N E 1 of N E J of Sec 17, T lft S, R 4 West running West AO rods, N 40 roda, East M) roda, smith 40 roda to place of beginning containing 10 acres; also N 4 of S K 1 of N K , of Sec 17, T IS S, It 4 West, containing '.M acres.alao Lots Maud 7 of Block No 40 in Junction City, luie Couuty, Oregon Now, therefore by virtue of aaid writ and to satisfy aaid judgment with Interest thereon at the rate ot ten er cent per annum from dat of judgment, attorney fee, coats and accruing eipeiikea of aale I will aell the above described premiaea at puhlio auction to the higheat bid der for rash in hand at the Court Houae door in Eugene City, Lane Comity, Oregon, on Sat urday. June Uth, 1N, at one 0 clock V 31 of said day, J. M. SLOAN, Sheriff of I.ane County, Oregon. Hated May 13, 18S7. NOTICE FOR l'UI'.LICATION. I.AXD Orru-i at Roskwro, Or., 1 April 2i)th, IKS?. f "V-OTICK I HEREBY tilVEN THAT i.1 the follow imr named aettler ha fiU.1 . Uice of Ida intention to make commutation proof in aupiiort of hla vUiiu. and that aaid r"lwill he mvle Ik-fore the Register or K oeiverol V S Und Olhi at Koeeburg, Ore gn, on Wr.lnea.lay, June 1st, Ks7, via: James A McLkI. Hoiii-stea.l Entry No .VITH, f, the S E 1 4 of N W 14 and K 1 4 of 8 W 14 see Me names the following wltn , iLTOiIW Mustang T. U. HK.vnwc'KH, I'roiili nt. ( 'ai-hicr. Of Eugene. Paid up Cash Capital $50,000 Eugene City - - Oregon. Sight drafts on NEW YORK, SAN FRAN CISCO and PORTLAND, OREGON. All collections entrusted to us will receive at entinn., We make this department a sptciulty DcpoaiU received subject to check. Loan made on approved security, and a general banking busineas done on reasonable terms. A. O. HOVEY, H. (! HUMPHREY I'reaiiUut Cashier. LAt COUNTY B,.,: HOVEY. HUMPHREY t CO EUGrWNE CITY, - - O . Genera bunking transacted. Depnaita received on current account i.ud on special ecrtiheate Drafts drawn on PORTLAND, RAN FRANCIS' 'O AND NEW YORK. Bills of Exchange sold on the Cities of Earope. Loans made. Collect lona ouall accessible points nspci mlly S3 p i Uaaai r i i f hM g sN w rr SaVaa aSa c t a i K O K i9 o rs H 3 2. s 39 PHYSICIANS, IN1STERS, VOCALISTS, PUBLIC Siwakera and the Professions generally recommend SANTA ABIE as the best of nil medicines for diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. ' BEWARE OF .IMITATIONS. See that our trade mark, SANTA ABIE, ia on every bottle. Satisfaction gu.trnnteed or money refunded I f 5,000 R EWA RD So.OOO For a better or more pleasant remedy for the cure of Consumption, Coughs, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough, and Bronchial tnmhlea tl an GREEN'S LUNU RESTORER, SAN TA ABIE, ABIETIXK and MOUNTAIN BALM COUCH CURE. Not a secret com jxiund. A complete mixture without tho ad dition of any powders. LLIFORNIA (GUARANTEED A POSITIVE CURE X for Catarrh, Cold in the Head, Hay Fever, Roaa Cold. Catarrhal Deafness and Sore Eyes. Reatoies the eense of taste and emell; removes bad taste and unpleasant breath, re sulting from Catarrh. Easy and pleasant to use. Follow direction ami a cure is warranted bv all driiggista. Send for circular to ARTE TINE MEDICAL CO., Omvillc, Cat. Aak tor SANTA AWE AND CAT R CURE, For sale by all druggists. JUMBO. JUMBO. The original Abietiue Ointment is only put up in ian,-e two ounce tin ooxea, anil la an ab solute cure for old sores, burns, wound. hii. ped hands, ami all skin eruptions, W ill oai. tively cure all kinds of pile. Ask for the vnnniai .Ai'it line tniitmeut. For aale by all druggists. Snell, HeiUhn A Wo.Mt.ird, Wholesale Agta, Portland, Oregoon. .ollrr fur rnbltrnlion. Lax ii Orru-a at Rosrw so. Oil, I April l:tth, 1SS7. f WICKW HEUEltY GIVEN THAT i.1 the following Lamed aettler ha fiW, no. ties of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim, aud that aaid i roof will 1 made before the Judge or Clerk of the County Court of Lane County, r, at Eugene City Or., on Saturday, May '.Nth, ISS7, viz; E1U beth Iturg, Homestead Entry No av."-.' for' the N E I Sec 24, Tp 1H S. R o"V.t, W M. She names the following witneawea in pniye hia oontlnuoua reai.lenia) Uxn, and rnltivation of, aaid land, via: Thomaa J Rutland, Emerv Raueh, Joaeph tiates, N Feldervert, all of Crow, Lane Co, tregn. Cuaa. W. Johnson, Regiator. UUona Bank MossoDnnnRi aaaBSaSSf It Ok J. S. LUCKEY. DEALER IN Clocks. Wacrtes, Chains. Jewelry, Etc. Repairing Promptly Executed. tTAII Worst Warranted.. J. 8. LUCKKY, Y. .worth ACo's Brink VVillamette street NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lv.ti) Orficg t Rohebiiko, Oh., 1 April 20, 18K7, I Vf OTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT .Ll the following named settler has filed ni.fliA ..f I. Im ititntiiin tn m a La Anal nrniif in suiiiort of his claim, and that said proof will oe inline rH'iore me jeguter or iveveiver ui u U I I ,Wt:..A nft P..uul...... 4 l- n 'I'ki.M.I.V .-I I.Bllll f.k ..iiKlllll, V..,, .'I. Au.l.a.wj, June 'M, 1NK7, vis : Zara T. Sweet, Home stead r.ntrv ao wm, lor trie jn oi v j, o W i of N W 1, Sec 10 and Iot 1, Seo 17, Tp 18 S R 10 West W, M. He names the follow iug wituessewto prove his continuous residence upim, and cultivation of, said land, viz : James A. MrLeixl, Frank T. Condon, Asel C. Patter son, John Gamier Jr., allot Acme or Florence, Lane Co, Or. C'H.ts, W. Johnston, 3") (it Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Okficr at RosKittino, Ob., I April 20. 1HM7. f VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT i.1 the followiug tiaiiied aettler has filed notice of hia intention to make final proof in siiplHii t of bis claim, and that aaid proof wIMbe made before the Register or Receiver of U 3 Laud OIKce at Roseburg, Or., on Wednenday, June 1st, 1887, vis : Aael C. Patterson, Home stead Entry No 3840, for the Iita 1, 2, 3. 4 and 1 2, Sec 20. and Lot 4. Sec 21 Tp 18 S R U West W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove hia eoiitinuoua residence upon, and culti vatioiiof said land, viz : James A. McLeod, Frank T. Condon, Zara T. Sweet, John Gar tner, Jr, all of Acme or Florence, Lane Co., Or. 3!)-lit Chas. W. .iuhnhtuh, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land OmcK at Roheburo, Or., I April 20, 1887. ( NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hia claim, anil that said proof will be made before the Register or Receiver of U S Land Office at Roseburg, Or., on Wednes day, June 1st, 1887, vis: Frank T. Condon, Homestead Entry No 435C, for the W A of 8 W L N E of S W j and S E I of N W J. Sec H4, Vp 17, R 11 West W. M. He names the following witneaaes to prove his continuous residence iiion, and cultivation of said land, vin Jamea A. McLeod, Aael C. Patterson, Zara T. Su est, John Gamier, Jr, all of Acme or Flor ence, Lane Co., Or. Chas W. Johnston, 3.Vlit Register. The BUYEIU' GCIDK tat laaaed Sept. evnd Harell, eatctt yeaur. aT 81 PCM, X z lneHea,wlta over 3,BOO Ulnatratlona a whole Picture. Gallery. GIVES Wholesale Prteeaj direct to consumer on all goods tor personal or family use. Tells how to order, and glvee exact cost of era-err thing jrou use, cat, drink, wear, or hare fun with. These ISVALCABLK HOOKS contain Information gleaned from the marketa of the world. Wo will mall st copy FRKB to amy- avd dress upon reeelptof 10 etaj. to defray expense of mailing. Let na heavr from yon. lUapeetfully, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. ViT dc 82tt WabaaJi Avenue, Calcaaa. 111. NOTICE TOCREDIT0RS. --rrWTPW. TSi IIKR'P.nV THAT J. I. Pbillippie has been duly appointed Executor of the Estate of John Roach, de ceased. All persons having claims against said to the Executor, at the office of Geo. B. Dor- ris. in Eugene I ity, Oregon, within six months Irom the publication ot tnta nonce. J. I. PHILLIPPIE, G. P. Dorms, Executor. Att'y. 84-6t NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION: Land Omcg at Roheburo, Or., I tnril 90th. 18S7. I XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT iA the following-named settler has filed no tice of hia intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register or Receiver of U S Lund Office, at Roseburg, Oregon, on Friday, .In,., a. I 1XS7. viz- John F W Saubert. Pre emption D S No 482U for the Lot 10, E 1-2 of SW 14 ami S w 14 olDL 1-4, oeo i, ip io S, R 11 West. W M. He names the following witnesses to prove lit., nnti.tmtiia rttniiiunre. unon. and cultivation of, aaid laud, viz: Aael C Patterson, Mary nt ration, ot Acme or r torence, t.ane v,o, ur, Jl dates, u is inuiiie, luwemirg. Chas. W. Johnston. Register. OVERLAID TO CALIFOUMA VIA Oregon & California It. It, HhiI CoHnecfiont, Faie from Portland to San Francisco, limited fM, unlimited cVJH, Close connection made at Ashland with stages of the Ualitorma, Oregon and Idaho Stage Company. Only 2!) Miles of Ma?inj! Time between Eugene and San Francisco, 36 hours. , C.U.1KOHNIA EXPRtSS TRAIN! DALT, South From May 1,1887. I North 4;KI f it Leave Portland Arrive 10:10 A U P at lve Eugene Leave j 405 A M 9;iH) a M j Arrive Ashland Leave I 5:00 r at Loc'AL 1-AS.sI.NUltR TRAINS IMILT (KXCKfT 8LJI PAT.) 8. 1)0 a uid.eave 2.40 p m Arrive Portland Eugene Arrive 3.45 p n Leave 9.00 a n PULLMAB FALACE SLEEPING CAB8 Daily between Portland and Aahland. The O C R R Ferry makes connection with all the regular trains on the ast Side Illusion troiu toot of t Street. West Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND COBVALLK. M AIL TRAIN DAlLT (EXCETT Sl'NDAT.) "AVI. ARRIVE. Portland 7:30 am I Corvallis. .12:25 Corvalhs, 1:30 p m Partlsnd.. 6J4 . EXVKfis TR.X1N DAlLT (ECErT Sl'NDAT.) LEAVE ARRIVE, Portland 4:50 p m I McM'nville.8.00 p Mc.linnville...5.-43 a m Portland... .HX) a At Albany and Corvallie connect with trains or Oregon l'aciho for Xaipnna Bay.. IK-aJ tickets for sale and baggage checked at company's up town ottioe, er Pine and Second atieeta. Tickets for principal points in California can only be procured f,t pujn; pany's gtfice, cor. r. Asn rROST T,. roiiTlJiWD, Oa. R KOEHLKli, K.P ROGERS, Manager, G. F. and Paaa Agt vtin iirnprnsti ti . . - - uii uver vompiaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh'a Vitaliier. t never fails to cure. I A J E E Luckey .DEALERS W. DRUGS, PATENT HHEDIOiriF aoiicu ixiiioits, jraiixis, Uils Brushes, Etc., Etc. . ' Prescripption Deartment in Competen Hands. tsftjlHia wr i MTbMaanrMaJ J Hf ,TltaXPjkaa ninllMlto na-9 n D,in ti.nt.aiariieproporuon iaV jAI.llALE.ot whom t.na a fall troai I Kent a u a worn restorad to nesltb by nae of . rsoi HARRI arpir-. SEMINAL PASTILLES. A Itwl ioa 1 On r f or Nerrooa l.bil 1 ty, Orrun 'e WtnMlin(iPiiital Ilnnnvin Vnntisr nr hi Irl. die AtrddUcIL Tritid for Fluht Year in in sin thooiianrl tSAiMe tkrv saLttulutttlr nminrm urAiiiRlnmlv itMf) (uidbmkrin down mnn tn the full iijoimontof IwrfsjfHeanri full Munlv Htn.nirih mnA Vf Tothon whoiutfr from thmny oirdiMaiwi JroaRhlhout br Indi.KJWtion.liwnre.Ow.Brttia lAArb ... . -1. . k . . A . - fiar name with atutetuank of yonr trouble, and wioare taALPAOKAGEPltKK,rl!hIllaM'd'amiihlet.i. RUPTURCA PERSONS oan hive FREI Harness Shop, AVlNG OPENED A NEW SADDLE AND HAltNISS SHOP 0 0,1., opposite Star Bakery, I am now prepared to furnish everything in that line at III LOWEST lE3La?233a The Competent Are employed, and I will eruloovor to roe with a call. NOTICE FOR PU13LICAT10N. Land OmcK at Roskbi rg, On., 1 April 23, 1887. f NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the followinif-nanied settler has filed no tioe'of his intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim, and that aaid proof will be made before the Judce or Clerk of the County Court of Lane Co., Or., at Eugene City, Or., on Saturday, June 11th, 1H87, viz: Leopold Sams, Homestead Kntry JNo. 3oMi. for ttie N W i. Seo 8, Tp 20, S R 3 West W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation ot, said land, viz: John r. Walker, lien, Jackson, Jamas Law. John Tait, all of Creewell. Lane comity. Or. . Chas. W. Johnhton, 30 Gt Register. MILLER BROS. pKALEUS IN Field, Vegetable & Flower Seeds, Imperial Egg Food, Garden Tools, Fertilize! s; Etc, Etc., 209 Sficrjnd St., Bet Salmon and Taylor, Portland, Or. WSEND FOR OUR NEW CATALOGUE. GEO. F. CRAW, POSTOFFICE Cigar storo, Engsne City, Oregon. MARRIAGE GUIDE 260 PAGES, llluilraua, in Cloth ana OIH BinJin(, Wo. BiuDeyoriiuiip.. Bum, ptpt r cow, S5e. Thla Hook con tain! all th. .urloui, doubtful or Inqulaittn wanttn know. Full of r.ry Int.rrttin. and Taluabl. infomutioa. H KALTN. Sail'TT us kUrrilllHS an promMed bjr iu ad!w-wha m.y Murj, who not, whjri Mtdloal Aid, whfn neownrT, broiifUl horn, lo you. iS WMaaM rkS ritTl: SIS, tru. Io lilt. Vouuf or old, m.mrd r ingle, tick or will, ihould rMdlLBent milrd br DR. WHITTIER. 8. Lou!.. Mo. aaBBBBBBBurr mis ovrr axu sjuio wnu oauxa-aaaaaanl Referee's Sale of Real Estate. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT by Tirtue of an order of the Circuit Court of Lane County, Oregon, made at the April term thereof. 1887, 1 will otTer for sale at tiublio auction at the Court House door in Eugene City, Oregon, or Saturday, the 11th day of June, 1887, between the hours of 9 o'clock a, m. and 4 o'clock p. m. of said day the following described real property, to-wit: Notification No. 3244, claim No. 55, In sec tions 18 and 19, of Township 17 south, f Range 3 West, containing IliO acres of land in Lane County, Oregon, Terms of sale cash. The property is known as the farm of the late Georne T. Campbell, and is situated ahout three miles north of Eugene City. The land is enclosed, has good water and, a residence and stable, B, F. Dobris, Referee, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ornci at Rosebi ro, dr., VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVFN THAT i.1 the following named settler has filed notice of hia intention tn mitka ftn.l : it 1 " I'.inr, II. support of his claim, anrl that said proof will ue matte oetore tne judge or Clerk nf the County Court of Lane County. Or., at Eugene v.iiy, vr., on oaiuraay, June 11, 1887 v; rerry xtiatteson, Homestead tntry No. 34 X1. W .w Jr"' SuW ' 'fP 18 West, W. SL He names ttie fullowlng wit nesses to prove hia continuous rtuideno. upon on cuiuvauon ot nam utna, vis: Wm. Tar sona, C. Cole, A. H-eo, V, M. Jackson, all of isaoei, iaps 1 ouuiy, Ur. Omas. W. Johnstox, Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, TAItD Ornre it Pnun,.n . VTOTICE IS nv.M ?WSt -.L XI the followtng-namea settler has tiled Hiifciuv jt uiji inuii iw fl m.us. c. 1 t t . . - - rn '-"i n ut paiu pniOI Will iW 1 , 2fu,,'! or Receiver rf U Ju7. "il "S? . Smil ".VThuratlay. HH?? for th Lot. 2, 8, ft d names the fol low ino . Jr. ;. oonunuoos reaulence npon, y otiltivatioa of hl ln.L vu: Jamea A. Mclo-i. Frank T. Condon. ZaraT Hm, ., ..k r t V. . , - - v, vii. vjaniK-c, jr, ail of Actae or n.waoa, U, Co., ur. VWA w. joHasTOK, Register. mm i! &3 lif wnoaoniiijrairQ im..i V .V OK inwt oriiifitit'iiti-nci. . ' ' on ,it'iitiiM .uriMUMiaof the 1 I tKOOUlMCllujftlailll l.llUiif,,tl'..l'S Ik' uitiUnlmuiiii rleinrnii .. vr it M bp I YDrnrurur rL u.C r ,k ' ,Ktl t i f - HARRIS REMEDY CO. SORU W. Tnh Ra, m I ' Trial of our Appliance. Aak for 7,,". 4tA' 11 !' I'ini .win; lp(S lot ineai Tra Ad' All ill Most bi: Workme icall On give natisfaetion tc il whj ni, J A. A. CIIHIUK At OSBURN&lf DRUGGISTS APnTKFUA Si: iltte y ILLAMJiTTK STBKE'l SM T f Euu'i'tie Citv, ilealera iu DKUGS, CHEMICALS, OILS. GLASS, VARNISHES. ' OKUTCHE& Wa Uii: OF patpm' mm Of m-wt every kind, etc. Brandies. Wines and Liqi SO,, of thr. very liest quwlity forniidiriiial.). WE have always kept ahrcaat nf t in our line, and without hoaatint;, v we are safe in clniuiin that we ha BEiST assoitment of DRUGS infopi Partkulnr attention ia called to 0111 PERFUMERY, TOILET SETS, mid CELLULOID CJ r or tne year 1887, tttc We shall he able to sell TAINTS, OH- jiiiuMir.h, (nt wlncli we now' Imrei stock on linud) A Of Than any house in this city, and our t can rest assured that anything bough, will be first-class. As we buy tr-m i goods East and have facilities tht.t &ai in business hat e, we think we are prajwttiM dersell and furnish a better qiijjtytf .i than anyone in our line in T... r-,i. ' AftU f Pf'"!, ntion to , W A "w"i wiuuu win oe carefully, .KM hours of the day or night. Ice 1 r. CONQUEROR D r.t TTAMFCl HJTVO WTt T CTAVI) T. t r .11 u..: o . Sum stables for the aeason of 1887, eomnisl April 1st, ami will be there every naj i week during the season. Will insure f H (. all and see me, JAMES BATP MANY LAMP CHIMNEYS ollored for sale represen'jc as cood aa the Famor j BCT TIIEI I Anil like all Counter .feits lack) iicuiarkablo AST iq Qaalll OF THE G'XCIJIE. FOR TH $ ARLT0J' ilT rscuKGii. THE WIT 'E. MOTHER A- JrV will find ty 'nile Wwk.n'u-i" a H cure. SJJ dtni.n,a Aromatic I stttfeN (rear AAwia the rtitin olrTr:-..' ls.. W 7r.JaJ,iiMel aV A MaV W. aftv-SJ- M iff rwfmr.i mn im ARE W$ mmJ,M tiicm A;"JjH A.1 r in At V On 're. Sin Or R ira c i: i by Oaburn anil io.,