The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 21, 1887, Image 8

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.l.-itti try go u, l)t N .1 Tuyln
b j, rli-:tp i"f at MathnV.
i I. lit mill Mild at (iilllUluitll
rls teen u""n -
bihwt cwli pi-ico will bo paid or wheat
7 ..
. illty rei . fine land for sale. Imiuir
' Coleman.
iiistosraph finished 't,y "' '
Lily It i""11
t &ae Hue of silk plushes in all shad
r . .ran lLm'u
ioUnd cold baths every ilay lu the wee
oo cn pure""" W'altham watches at
Watts' 'rem $10 and upward.
kirn mower can t purchased at the
M. .i..ff V.irltnur fur S80.
If you want hardware at reasonable prices
,'t the atora of Pritchett k Korkncr.
! j Ilill keep" in an excellent
'rtraent of good readable work. Give
Lwimiti' Pay f"r be4Ver 2 t0 3 50 Per
Vin'k "n coon' 13 to 50 vt
k,er and otter, $2 to ?.
Pleasant Hill Items.
Mny 19, 1887.
Vr II. C. Wheeler gave frieudi) at Irving
,11 the tirst oi mo wees.
r. Wm. Bristow spent a fow days of InBt
k'with friends at Irving.
hu Edith Parker ha been visiting her
,r, Mm. Buudy, oi Jttonroe.
Heather fine; grain growing nicely, and
J prospects for a largo yield.
r. James Bristow, of Monmouth, is visit-
relatives and menus At this place.
fr. and Mrs. Thos. Burbro, of Dexter,
,!e a visit to relatives here tho first of tbe
i!r. and Mrs. Henry Matthews and Mr.
1 Mrs. B. F. Keeney, were up from Gosh
Sunday. :'
Hiss Itachel Monroe, of Camus Swale, has
a visiting her sister, Mrs. Jus. Stoops, at
s place.
;heep shearing is in full blast in our
.jbornood, and dipping will begin as soon
they have done shearing,
'rof. Powell, of Monmouth, will perhaps
:mize and conduct a class iu singing at
i place in the near future,
pe auctioning off of the remaining pro
tty belonging to tho Dodson estate will
fur on the 21st at tho Dodson farm,
r. W. L. Bristow went to Monroe last
k, where he has secured two or three
ssee ia singing. He will be absent about
Jr. B. F. Mulkey and Mr. W. T. Sellurs,
o aie attending the State Normal School
:n here, will graduate from that iustitu
a in Jane next.
Jr. B. B. Rutlodgo, who spent the winter
iljutern Oregon, returned Wednesday.. He
II make a short stay with us, and then re
n to Eastern Oregon, where he will re
fin the future.
J:. Douglas Sellers, who has been snffer
froru the fracture of a limb, caused by a
twfallincr on him two or three years ago,
is now placed himself under treatment of
Sharpies, oi Eugene.
Sobobum Sal.
otice is hereby given to sheep Misers and
mere, that hereafter they must proucure
roper certificate from me before the moy
or shipping of sheep, as provided for in
ion 2, of an act approved February 23,
I. All violations of the act will be prose
& to the fullest extent. '
M. G. Smith,
Sheen Inspector for Lane Co., Or.
bated Eugene, dr., May 18, 1887.
City Transfers. ,
John O. Mueller to L. Wilson, land in
llican's addition; consideration $170.
U. A. Winter to II C Brown, lot on Willnm-
street; con $1200.
jC. A. Meriau to B. F. Bond, lots in Eu
inc; con $2000.
JSidney Potter to May V. Potter, lot in
Jokard s addition; con $125.
List of Letters
Remaining uncalled for at the postoffice in
njene City, Oregon, May 20, 1887.
irkins, Mrs Annie JUurcn, Jj w
iy, Rev Brother Robinson, P K
cDole, Mr. M. Whitney, J M
Persons calling for the above will please
IT advertised, giving date.
jr. w. usburn, jr. w.
Don't Believe It
ben told that F. M. Wilkins, the druggist,
I not selling "Wisdom's llobcrtine" for the
loplexion, the most elegant and only really
-mless preparation of its kind in the
rid, and giving a beautiful picture card
la every bottle.
Wisrr Mtodkb? A Roscbnrg dispatch of
f 17th says: Mrs Paul Bruckner, who
es about nine miles soutn oi Koseourg,
4 found dead thin mnrninir in the UniDoua
fTer, with her throat cut. At first it was be-
'ed to be a case of Buicida. but it is now
Ned that Bhe was murdered. There is con-
ierable excitement over the affair here. No
pests have yet been made. Mr. Bruckner
' young Uerman, and nas been in uregon
Jm eight to ten years. His wife, the dead
fman, came out from Germany a few years
tooe, and they were married at Boseburg.
!a oispaicn oi the istn says: "iue coro
er' jury in the Bruckner case returned a
wiict of suicide. The general opinion,
"ver, is that the poor girl was muruer
J, as outlined in yesterday's dispatch.
A Lost Shepherd. We are very solici-
FM for the welfare of a missing brother, a
ient miniater of the gospel (so-called) at
f mity, who has very mysteriously departed
F the gaze of anxious and inquiring
lenos. The Bov. S. Monroe lluubara.
I'oen last heard of he was in Portland
"ailing a remittance or something of the
t'tX with which to liquidate sundry unpaid
fwlls and his friends fear that he has met
Mth "fowl"-play. Any advices concerning
fin. if a bill of $12.40 can be collected, will
f thankfully received. McMinnville Be
Jorter. We also mourn the loss of a bill
a the same individual to tht extent of $15.
f1 preached in Eugene a couple of years.
I Fos Sujr A lot of nice show-cases, as
iwaasnew, at
E. B. Lcceet & Co's.
'.j0"" In Eugene City. May 15, 1887, to
I - ueo. vouier, a son.
A Sos. Born, in Junction City, May 14,
u um wueot m. feter ltuney, a bou.
University of Oregon.
Following is tho programme of comuietiuo
nient exereisi t)f tlle University of Oregon
at Kngfiie:
Sunday Jnue 12, 10 . m.-Biuvalaureato
Sermon, by the lU-v. John W. SHIwood, of
ljist Portland.
Tuesday, 14, 10 s. m. Address More tho
Literary bocieties, by Hon. John II. Mitch
ell, of Porthind.
Evening Ecuuiou of Literary Societies.
Wednesday, June 15, 10 a. m. Plantiuii
Class Tree. 6
Afternoon, 3 o'clock Alumni Exercises.
EveuiiE-7::i0-Addreiul before the Uni
versity, by Hon. linger S. Greeno, of Wash
iiiKtou Torritory.
Ihursday, Juno 10, a. m. Annual meet
ing 01 the iJoard of Begents.
10 a. m. Graduating Exercises.
Afternoon Alumni dinner.
There wilt be ten graduates, representing
Southern Oregon, Eastern Oregon ond
Western Oregou: Eldon M. Brattaiu, Lake;
Emily Britftol, Beutou; Herbert S. John
son, Line: Hubert C. Johnson. Lake:
Jessie 11. McCluug, Lane; Frank L. Moore,
Baker: LuraMureh. Lane: Edwin O. Potter.
Lane; Edward L. Powell, Multnomah; Sep-
uuius n. spencer. Lane.
Dexter Pickings.
May 19, '87.1
Considerable corn is beiua planted here
tins seusou.
Messrs A. Boney and Thos. . Huu&aker
spent Tuesday night in Lugeno.
Work on the bridue to be built across
Jjost creek will begin next week.
Mr. Chas. Bearfield has cone to Euueue,
wnere lie will worlt during tne summer.
Thos. Graham, while slashing brush one
any last week, cut his foot quite severely.
Mr. P. II. Bnughinan, of Pleasant Hill.
made relatives at this place a visit Sunday.
Our grangers now assume a sarcastio expres
sion of face ; they fear a drought will be next
in turn. r
Hop growers in this vicinity report the
vines in excellent condition and anticipate a
largo crop.
Miss Ina Cullison, of Eugene, is wielding
the rod in Lgypt. They are quite fortunate
in securing the services of one bo efficient as
Miss tallison.
Uno Hoo.
Twentieth Annivf.bsary. Tho Ladies
Guild of the Episcopal church nud the
Woman's Relief Corps, of the G. A. K., gave
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Craw, a genuine sur
prise Inst Wednesday evening, it being the
twentieth anniversary of their wedded life.
They were invited to a meeting at the Epis
copal chnrch, where they fouud about fifty
of their friends assembled, and long tables
laden with the best of edibles. After tho party
had done ample iustice to the good things
provided for tho occasion, Bcv. Mr. Parker
stepped forward and in a neat and becoming
speech presented Mr. Craw and wife with a
valuable China tea set consisting of 66 piec
es. Considering his surprise and embarrass
ment, Mr. Craw responded in good style. A
very pleasant evening was enjoyed by those
present. The occasion will be long and
pleasantly remembered by Mr. and Mrs.
Tilk op Kedccino Timb. Officials in San
Francisco axe considering the advisability
of reducing the time between that city
and Portlaua to forty honrs, the reduction
to take effect when tho California k Oregon
road is open to Cole's. Should this plan be
adopted, tho probabilities are that north
bound trains will leave San Francisco at C
p. m. daily instead of 4 p. m. The shorten
ing of the time will depend on whether ar
rangements can be mode for eating stations
at suitable distances apart. Such rapid pro
gress is being made in tunneling on the
south side of the Siskiyou mountains that it
is expected that the Hue to Ashland will be
comploted by the middle of September.
Backs. Announcements of several coun
ty races which are to take place during the
coming summer have been announced. The
first one is that given by the Lane county
agricultural society, to be held May 30th and
31st. Kitty Winters and Occolono, belong
ing to Kcye8 brothers, and Kitty Wells, be
longing to Luto Savage, all running stock,
left for Eugene yesterday, and will take part
in the races there. Several more will leave
next week. Wednesday's Salem Statesman.
The horses arrived Thursday morning and
are uov in training on tbe track.
Hs been w Town. The agent for the J.
B. Pace Tobacco Co. of Kiohmond, Virgin
in litia twin in town distributing samples
and painting the country red with show
cards of their new brand of Plug Chewing
Tobacco, Escobt. The general verdict ot
the chewers of the weed is Escort is simply
fine, and we look for a large sale of the
brand. The reputation they have for their
Scroll Tug Twist is sufficient; they will not
put their name to a poor article. We say,
chew Escort.
Mysterious Disappeabance. John B.
Hawk, of Coburg, mysteriously disappeared
Wednesday of lant week. For some time
past he had been working for Mr. G. 11.
Word, who lives below that city, and left
without collecting his wages. Some of the
Eeople in that neighborhood think that he
as been foully dealt with, while others be
lieve that he has committed suicide, and
others that he has skipped the country, as be
was a little in debt. We incline to the hitter
1 StMiMna Fat t. WprllittdftV tlinrnini?.
as Mr. S. H. Friendly reached the top of a
.! .i:..:
tall step-iaauor ior me purpose ui hujuhiiu
tl.a iia tst an iinmmiaA nil A fit SnriD?
Goods, they suddenly dropped with a dull,
sicKeuing tnuu lue prices we uieuu. jur.
EVion.iu suva then will no effort to raise
them again, and, as a natural consequnce,
. , t : . . -. 1 ,. .
tne place to gci your new opuuj uuuui
prices way down is at Friendly's. ,
T. O. O. F. Lane county
lodges were represented as follows in the
Grand Lodge at Portland this week : Spen
cer Butte No 9 J W Cherry, B M Day and
J R Campbell. Oasis No 41 D. C. Bruce
and It. P. Caldwell, west J-oini o vt
Jasper Wilkins and 8 Skinner. Cottage
:, Vn ik n P Rnrfnn and 8 Veatch.
Springfield No. 70 T. O. Maxwell. Irving
No. 7 J J il lutcuen and B Jv aicwure.
rVm-riir-r T.rr T)r T W SheltoU ha let
the contract for the building of an elegant
residence on bis property on me soum sine
of Skiuner's Butte to Messrs Honey A
Abrams. The terms of the contract are pri
vate but we learn that the residence will cost
about $8,000. This will be one of the Hand
somest residences in our city.
FaitEs Kepcced. The O. C. railroad
company announce that they have reduced
through-rate fares as follows: From Port
bind to Sacramento or San Francisco, first
claw, limited, $'.!2; unlimited, $30; emigrant,
limited, $15. These rates went into effect
Lost. Somewhere between Eugene and
Irving, an overcoat, last Wednesday. The
find, r will please lve tbe same at this office
ind be liberally rewarded.
Decoration Day May 30th.
The crops are now growing fast.
Maple suyar cakes at the City Grocery.
Gotneberrifs are uow ou sale in the mar
rortlaud has raised $1,000 fortheXauaimo
Mechanics aud laborers are now nearly all
The weather in Indiana is decidedly Dem
ocratic uow.
Read Sheep Inspector Smith's notice in
this issue.
Maple sugar cakes at the Citv Gromrv
try your luck.
Smoke the "Guess" cigar at the Grocery.
Six for 25 cents.
Street work is being actively indulged in
by our teamsters.
See change in the O. P. R. Co's advertise
ment this week.
Seed oats for sale in Farmer's Warehouse,
Inquire of Bettman.
A few mire clmnces uu the set of dishes
left at the City Grocer.,1.
Barker the gunsmith changer ais advertise
ment this week. Read it.
Our motor and presses have Isen busy this
week turning out job work.
Governor Pasco has been eleoted United
Statei Senator from Florida.
The proprietors of the ice house are uow
delivering pure frozen aqua.
Rev. McDonald preached at the M. E.
Church last Sunday evening.
Suow in the Cascade range of mountains is
reported to be unusually heavy.
Stone is being hauled for ths foundation
of Dr. Shel ton's new residence.
Edward E. Davis was appointed Inst Wed
nesday postmaster of Harrisbnrg.
Scarlet fever has broken out among the
students of the Willamette Univorsity at Sa
lem. Several horses have arrived from Salem to
take part in the rncos one wook from Mon
day. Smoke the novelty at the City Orooery.
The old staud'by. The best 5 ct. cigar in
the city.
Mr. Walker Hinton, formerly of this coun
ty, has taken up a ranch on Camp Creek,
Crook county. -
The "Tigers," of Salem, will send a hose
team to the State Firemen's Tournament to
be held at Vancouver.
The railroad switches here are being placed
in first-class condition by Section Foremen
O'Brien and Lawson.
The Oregon Pacific's steamship Eastern
Oregou arrived in San Francisco from the
East last Wednesday.
Al. Churchill ran a pitchfork into one of
his feet this week. In consequence thereof
ho carries a walking stick.
We uudorstand that Hon R. B. Cochran
will have a handsome rssidoneo built on his
farm below Coburg this Summer.
Whon you waut groceries dr;n't fail to call
ond get prices at the City Grocery. You
will get good goods and honest -veight.
Come to the City Groocry and talk with
us we will give yon our prices, aud then
you can buy whether or not just as you see
An elegant and costly monnmeut was
placed over the grave of the late Hon. J. U.
D. Henderson, in Odd I ellows cemetery, last
Geo M Miller will furnish information
and sell farm rights for the combined wire
and picket fence during our nbi;enoo.
J . Jr. bWEET & VO.
The Woman's Relief Corps. G. A. R.. will
give a LiUrary Entertainment at Rhinehart's
Hall, May 27th. Refreshments will be
served. All are invited to participate.
The Eugene SocinI Club gave their last
dance of the season last Saturday evening at
Rhinehart's Parlors. It was fairly attended.
As a family medicine, the Oregon Blood
Purifier has no equal. It has proved itfelf a
certain and efficacious remedy for all dis
eases caused by an impure "state of the
We have been informed by a prominent
contractor that the amount expended for
buildings in Eugene during this yaer will ex
ceed that of last year by at least f 50,000.
Ana etui we prosper.
Rev. Geo. A. McKinhy, of this city, has
accepted an invitation to deliver a lecturo
before the literary society of the Albany Col
lege, on June 13th. He has chosen for his
subject, "Life Lesson from Hugh Moore."
Two prizes of $300 i.nd 1200 for the best
drilled Millitary companies have been offer
ed by tbe State Agricultural Association, to
be competed for at the coming State fair.
What's tlie matter with "our company" car-
yiug off th9 prize?
"There should be a liberal response to the
call for aid for those who suffered so terribly
through the great mine disaster in Oregon,
says an editorial in the San Francisco Chron
icle. Will these San Francisco newspaper
men never learn a little geography?
Many of the farmers and business men of
Columbia and Walla Walla counties have
been roped into the Western Mutual lienev
olont Association, a fraud concern of Beat
rice, Nebraska. It is said the agents of this
ooncern are now making a tour of Kastern
Oregon. Pass them by; they are bilks.
Joanuin Miller, in one of his spicy letters
describing the spotted horses of the Oregon
Valley, that is surrounded by snow-crowned
mountains, says: "And why are tbe horses
spotted here? Look at the spotted moun
tains that encircle ns here, and then go and
read the story of Jacob and his spotted sticks
and the cattle troughs in your family Bible.
Coivallis Chronicle: Judge Wm. M. Simp
son, of Portland, arrived in Corvallis last
Saturday, aud since that timo has been en
gaged iu canvassing the city for the parallel
Bible, a work for which he is tbe general
agent of the State. The Judge is a brother
of Sam L. Simpson, Oregon's most gifted
bard, and is himself a writer of great ability.
We bid him welcome.
Brigndier General Siglin has announced
that he will appoint on his staff tbe follow
ing: Assistant adjutant general, Tbos. G.
Owen, of Marshfild; qnerienwter general,
L. II. Montayne, of All ny; aid 3s de-camp,
Isaac A. Manning, ot alem, end rainier
Wheat, of Portland. Ihe two first named
will have tbe rank of captain. id the latter
two the rank of first lieutenant. Tbe gover
nor will issue the com uissious to data from
May 20.
E. McD. Johnston, of the San Francisco
Call, and C. H. TibbetU, both in tbe em
ploy of the Southern Pacific, were in this
city to-day taking views and notes prepara
tory for descriptive newspaper articles and
other publications, setting forth the scenery
and general resources of this portion of the
State, ine southern 1'acinc, tney say,
since securing the O. k C. road desire to at
tract attention to tbe Willamette Valley and
has photographers and writers busily en
gaged describing in glowing terms tbe scen
ery of that part of Oregon tbroagh which
the road runs, with a view of advertising the
country. Albany, Oregon, dispatch, May
Choice syrups at 8Iadden & Sou's.
Trout fishing ia now said to be good.
Read the locals on the first pagn of this
Tbe street spriukler has put in an appear
Widl paper at MoCoruack k Collier's Book
Cash paid for poultry and eggs at Sladden
k Son's.
The parks in the Court House Square are
loosing nneiy. ,
Read Mr B Goldsmith's advertisement of
money to loan.
The 9:55 p.m. train ia visited by a large
nunnier ot our citizens.
The stone work around the old county
vault nas been torn away.
We are informed that travel on the Eugene
T- 1 I '
.express is increasing.
They say Goldsmith pays more for wool
than any one in Eugene.
A marriage license has been issued to John
llaselcton and Anna Wygant.
Call aud see the new shape that syrup is
pui up in ai Madden son s.
Mr. John Davis, the tailor, has moved into
his new shop on Ninth streot.
A few days more of pleasant weather will
bring strawberries into tbe market.
Memorial Day will be duly commemor
ated by the G. A. R. Camp of this city.
The new marble shop built for niokethier
& farrell by J. it. lteain is completed.
The National Bank Block has received a
coat ot paint and looks quite haudsome.
Mr. J. R. Ream is having a huge sign
painted on tbe side of his furniture shop.
Mr. Wm. Allen, of Cresswell, was con
veyed to the insane asylum last Saturday.
Peck's Bad Bov Co olaved to a fair aud
ience at Khinebort s Hall last Tuesday even
Ou account of the crowded state of our col
umns we are again forced to issue a supple
Baby Carriages aud Toy Wagons at re
duced prices at McCoruaek & Collier's Book
Judge Walton and Mr. A. G. novey at
tended the Grand Lodgo I. O. O. F. at
Portland this week.
Mr Maurice Abrams, who formsrl y attend
ed the Univorsity here is now running a ci
gar store in Rosebnrg.
If you want to get bargains it will pay you
to read Mr. F. B. Dunn's new advertisement
in another column.
Salem also intends celebrating the coming
Fourth of July. What is Eugene going to
do about celebrating?
Mr James Ramsey has received the con
tracts for plastering the new Titus building
and tne Masonic Temple.
Mr. Geo. A. Dorris is building a handsome
cottage in the western portion of town. Mr.
W. 11, Alexander is tbe contractor.
Bricklaying commenced on the new Titus
buildiug Inst Thursday morning. Mr Bell
man has the contract for laying the brick.
A petition is being circulated asking the
council to pass a law to prevent cows irom
running at large in this oity even in the day
The race one week from next Saturday be
tween "Rimrock Belle" and "Garfield," for
a purse of $1,000, will be a very exciting
It is now confidentially stated that the
Electric Light Co of this city will have their
plaut In operation in four mouths from this
Mr R M Day was eleoted this week at
Portland Grand Patriarch of the I O O F
Grand Encampment. We offer our con
An entirely new stock of Birthday, Re
ward and Sunday School Cards has just been
received from the East at iloUornacI & (Jol
lier's Book Store.
A large number of horses have already
been entered for the races May 30th and
31s. They will be warmly contested and
witnessed by a large crowd.
Ths Grand Lodge I O O F, has had a fine
portrait of ex-Grand Master J J Walton made
to hang in their hall in Portland. It was
made at Winter's gallery this oity.
The night watch at the depot has been
dispensed with and ai engine wiper now
looks out for the intsiests of the railroad
company's property during the night.
A social danoe will be given at Rhinehart's
Parlors, Saturday evening, May 28th. Muslo
by Watt, Christian, Moore and Croner. A
general invitation to all. Tickets, f 1.00,
Mr. Wilson, who purchased of J. B.
Rhinehart the vacant lot just west of his
theatre a few months since, we understand,
will erect a brick on tbe same during the
Mr. Chas. Laner went to Portland Thurs
day morning to meet his sister from New
York City, who will visit here during the
Summer. They will arrive here by this af
ternoon's Express train.
Having established coanection with Cali
fornia agents I am now prepared to give my
patrons the benefit of the very best medium
for selling real estate ever offered there.
Geo. M. Mn.LER.
A peculiar sight was that of two tramps
lying on brake Warns on the overland train
last Thursday night. A third was rustling
for a berth and condemning his "pards" for
not giving him room.
Rev George Hill who has just graduated
from the Rochester Theological College, has
received a call from the East Portland Bap
tist Chnrch. He will.loave Rochester for his
home here in a few days.
Through travel has greatly increased on
the O & O It. R. since the new time sched
ule went into effect. It now takes three
stage coachs to transfer the passengers be
tween the ends of the two railroads.
Mr S Mereau has purchased of Frank
Bond 189 acre of land near Irving for tbe
sum of $6,000, putting in his town property
on Willamette street for $2000. Mr Mereau
will plant a large orchard on the place in
tbe near future.
versity meet, aud the outcome will prob-
!-,. 1 ! .! . 1! 1
aoij ue ma organization oi new uieuicui
college in this city. Already some eighteen
or twenty physicians have signified their
willingness to join the new movement, sev
eral ui wuuu were loruieny cuiiutH-'tuu witu
the faculty of the old college. Sunday Wel-
Ws are informed that Fritz Muntz, of
Sprague River, after disposing of his prop
erty, forfeited his bond of t'iOOO which be
gsve in the case when he was arrested for
killing an Indian last fall and has skipped
tbe country. Lakeview Euuniner. Muntz
is well known by all old time residents of
Lane county, having been engaged in
the furniture business in Eugene for several
Harney Vallyltuns: A few days since as
Mr. M. r'enwick wss taking the shoes off a
vicious horse tbe animal reared np and when
be came down alighted with bis forward feet
on Mr. Fenwick's head. Mr. Lampshire
passing that way found Mr. F. in an insesti.
Lie condition, but he soon revived and is all
right now." Mr. Fenwick was a tesident of
Siuslaw precinct for years.
Mr. AI J. Ilouck was in Eugene Thursday
Postmaster Currin visited Engeno Thnrs-
Mr. O. R. Bean, of Lower Siuslaw, is in
Mr. T.J. Gill was iu town several days
tuts wees..
, Mrs C W Fitch visited the metropolis last
Mrs. John Brown, Sr., is much improved
iu ueauu.
Mr Frazier the fonndrymaii visited Port
land Tuesday.
Miss BesBie Day visited friends lu Port
land this week.
Mrs Chas Baker has been quite sick, but
is uow mucn better.
Mr. nenry Baxter went to rortlaud last
Wednesday morning.
Commissioners Green and Day wero in
town yosterday.
Mr. J. C. Alford is confined to his resi
dence with measles.
Hon. Enoch Honlt, of narriabnrg, was in
Lugene last Wednesday.
nir. Jl. V. Howard the Junction mill man
was in town yesterday.
Mr Geo. Sterns, of Oakland, visited
friends in Eugene this week.
Messrs S II Friendly and N numphroy
visited l'orlland tins week.
Mr Houston, railroad agent at Junction,
was in Eugene last Sunday.
Mr J A Eblierts last Monday morning left
on a visit to idono Territory.
Mr. 8. J. MeCraeken, of Portland, was in
Eugene last Thursday afternoon.
Rev. A. C. Wooley, of Brownsville, paid
Eugene friends a visit last Thursday.
Rev. Wm. Houston, of Junction, was in
the county seat last Thursday afternoon.
Mr Elderkin, Seoretary of the Northwest
Insurance Co was in bugoue lost Thursday.
Mr. C. A. Cole, of tho Corvallis Chronicle,
paid this office a pleasant visit last Wednes
day. Mr Chas F Baxter of Mohawk has gone to
Crook county where ho will spend the sum
mer. Sheen Inspector Smith went to Junction
one day this week to inspect a car load ot
Mr. Scott Siler is in Eugene being treated
by Dr. Harris with the new consumption
Ben. F. Jones, one of Portland's wholesale
boys spent Thursday night iu town. I'M
Harris also.
Roadmaster Walt of Junction was in F.u-
Sene two or three days this week on railroad
Mrs. Prof. Condon went to The Dalles
last Monday to attend the Stnto W. C. T. U.
Judge Bean loft for Coos county Thurs
day for the purpose of holding a term of
Circuit Court. '
Uncle Johnny Diamond of Coburg, loft
ou a visit to Ohio and the Eastern States
last Monday.
Mr. Chas. Stouffer, City Recorder of Cot
tage Grovo, made this office a pleasant visit
Mr. John D. Brown and Mrs. F. J. Realo
left for their homes in Umatilla comity last
Monday morning. n
Mr Owen Ostium of Brownsville was in
Eugene several days this week visiting rela
tives and frionds.
Mr. John R. Foster, of Albaay, Is in Eu
gene, oaring after his son who is quite ill
with oousumption.
Attornoy Condon, Mrs M P Spillor and
Prof 8traub visited Salem last Saturday, re
turning home Sunday evening.
Gov. 8. F. Chadwiek gave this office a
pleasant visit last Thursday afternoon. Ho
went south on the 9:55 train the same even
ing. Bishop B. Wistar Morris, of the Episcopal
Church, was in town several days this week
attending to business pertaining to church
State Supt. of Publio Instruction, E. B.
MoElroy of Salem and Mr. W II Dickson of
Portland were registered at tho Hoffman
House last Wednosday.
Mr. A. Tilton, who has been working for
Mr. A. Goldsmith for some time, returned
to his old home in Iowa Friday, where he will
permanently reside in the future.
Mr. Geo. Foster, of Albany, was brought
to this oity last Saturday to be treated by
Dr. Sharpies with the new consumption
remedy. He is stopping at Mrs. Bromley's.
Five young men were tried before Justice
Kinsey, last Thursday, on the charge of trcs-
f musing on land belonging to Mr. Chamber
Bin, who lives on Fern Ridge. The jury
gave a verdict of acquittal .
Mr. Casper Sharpies, who has been attend
ing ths medical department of the Universi
ty ot Pensylvania for the past two years, je
turned home last Tuesday evening on a vis
it to relatives and friends. He will return
to school in the Fall.
Mr J M Sharp and family of Ventura
county, Cal., are here visiting relatives and
friends. Mr Sharp is an old'time Oregonian
although he has not lived here for a number
of years. He reports a veritable boom in
Southern California, land having gone in
many instanoes from $100 per acre to f HOO
during tne past year. A good place ior i
rich he says, but the poor cuuuot afford t
own land.
The north bound train was two hours If.
hind time Thursday morning.
The session laws ot tbe recent Legislature
have been received.
Geo. M. Miller is baying some fine photo
grapio views of Engens prepared to be neat
ly framed and sent to the leading hotels of
San Francisco.
Bishop Morris administered the rites of
confirmation according to the ceremonies of
the Episcopal church on seven candidates
Thursday evening.
Connty Commissioners Court met in spiciul
session yesterday at 10 a. m., for tho pursue
of considering the building of a new Court
House. After disonssion until 3:30 p. in.,
by citizens, the Court adjourned without
taking any action whatever.
Al. J. Ilouck came np from Portland
Thursday bringing Ohio and Iowa gentleim-n
with him. The gentlemen were favorably
impressed with the country and one of them
has returned to Portland to bring his wife,
after which they will be among our perma
nent residents.
Few if any places in Oregon are indicating
a healthier, more reliable growth than Eu
gene. With a good location, fine water
works and enterprising business men, it is
surging ahead with remarkable steadfast
ness. As a rival Albany has more to fear
from it than from Suleui, which, though
growing slowly, is probably limited in its
population, as most btate capitals, wbicn
nearly always occupy sn inferior position as
a State developes. Unlike other State.i Ore
gon has centralized its State bnildings there,
a vory bad practice, one thongh which gives
the city iu position iu postal matters.
Albany Democrat.
A Progressive Age;
All Other Preparations
oi a Like Nature.
Verdict In Favor of Wisdom's
Robcrtlnc -Found Sepcr
Ior (o Anything of
Its Kind Ever
Unuil the fallowing Opinion fVum
the leitdiiiK Mocity ludiea of Port,
lurid, Hun FrttmilMOH tmdChioaKo:
"I have been prejudiced against all cos
metics in liiiuid form, bcliovhig, liko many
others, that they always contained aome
harmful ingredients, but at tbe urgent solici
tation of a trieud who was using your Rob.
ertiue, I tried it, and to my surprise end sat
isfaction it produced the most charming
effect of anything I had ever nscd, leaving
the skin soft and smooth. Robortine will
always form an important part of my toilet.
Knowing it, I consider it an important ac
cessory .
"I have used nearly every preparation for
improvinc the complexion to be had. and I
can say frankly Robortine suits me bettor
than anything I have ever tried."
"Having used your Robertino, and liking
It so well, I have introduced it to my friends.
All pronounce it perfect," .' '
using Kobertino. Its powers are wonder
ful, 'f
A lady In Sun Froncisoo writes: "Pleaso
send me one dozen Robertine but don't
imagine it is all for myself, but for friends
who have clubbed together. All have sam
pled miuo, and say it is just lovely."
''Unlike anvtliiiml have ever usod, it
gives tho complexion such a delicate tint,
and does not leave the skin dry and rough."
"It docs all yon claim for it. Its virtues
will advertise it wherover known."
"fti fnnumtndintr vntir AYnillint Robertino
I eannot refrain from mentioning the ertistio
and suggestive design ot the label, portray
Ins innocence, nuritv and art. all of which it
gives me pleasure to say it justly, merits."
An nnnrntin slur known so well to Port
land has snokeii so hlehlv of it that it is but
proper to tniiito the lady's testimony among
others: "It is tho finest preHration I have .
ovor nscd, and is a decided acquisition to a
lady's toilet."
fThe orlcinals of the above can be seen on
calling nt the l'harmuey of W. M. Wisdom,
Portland, Or.
We could L'o on uuotina from the friends
of RolxTtine until wo bod fillod column after
column, but the above is sufficient to show
the universal satisfaction the article is
Probably no preparation of its kind ever
introduced here or elsewhere has iu so short .
a time enjoyed such an extraordinary sale.
Though it has been on the market but a few
months, its sales have reached many thou
sand bottles, nud the demand is steadily in
creasing. Positively Invisible.
Wisdom's Uoberlino is solj ly all
Leading Druggists throughout
Oregon, Washington, Idaho,
California and British
Eugene City, Or.