TAl EUGENE CITY GUARD. SATURDAY MAY '21, 1887. STATE UNIVERSITY Cottage Grove Items. fliOMOUR HPKCIALCOItRK.M'UlKNT.J Coitaok Gnovs, May 18, 1887. Several clear, wunn days of Into. W W Cathcnrt's bcultb. is improving some what. Born, Muy 3, 1887, to the wife of Mr Wia. Kill, O SOU. Wo liavo boon having noma nice spring weutlier at last, Mr. J. P. Curron wont to Portland the 7th, returning the Uth. Bom, May C, 188C, to tb wife of Cuge Van Schoiao, a son. Boru, to the wifo of Mr. Frauk Wooley, May 0, 1887, u daughter. Piople havo been buny pluutinu their gar den (luring the joud weuther of Into. jfclittlo child of Mr. I'rcn. Taylor in dan. gerously ill. Mm. T. it uluo very Nick. A cougar wan killed near the ranch of Mr. R. W. Veutch ou the 10th by W, II. Medley. Married, Thursday, May 12, 1887, Mr. Walker, of Waterloo, and Mr. Mary Mey. or of thin place. Mr Froctor wifo and mother of Santa Bona Cal., rolutivos of Grandma Perkins, are vis iting at thin place. Mrs, Young, wifo of Mr. Jan. Young, won buried here Monday. Hhe died at Portland, where the was taken to be doctored some time ngo. Mr. W. ir. Martin, who wild LIh farm sumo timo since, has pit rebutted what is known as the Splawn farm in l ynx Hollow for the Hum of $1,000,00. The residence of Mr. G. W. Gowdv caught fire from sparks falling on the roof, but was extinguished before any serious damaga was sustained. He is insured in the Blate of Sa lem. Tuesday, thn 10th, was an nnusunlly cold day for May, there being snow and ice in thn morning and a number of showers of hail and rain during the day. Wednesday caino In with somo ice, but clear after the fog clearod away. The muchly postponed picnic finally came off lust Friday, the 13. The Cottage Grove Band rendered uiilnio for the occasion, and gave an (Mitel talnment and ball in tho even ing for the purpose of raising funds to finish paying for their new Instruments which are beauties. Vkhitt. Mohawk Items. May 17th, 1887. Projects (or fruit, In fact for crops of all kinds wore never bettor, Into as the Benson is. Irons Spores has returned from Co burg whero she hag been to school for the lust six mouths. J M Spores is preparing ground for corn. To us it appears late in the season, but he has raised corn on the samo ground planted tho 10th of Juno. Success attend his effort. Our teacher, Mr C G Ostium, is conduct ing a good school and all patrons appear well pleased with his management. He has s geuuiiio interest In his work aud has the scholars well interested too. Tho steam mill is ready to run except some littlo affairs and will start up iu full blast the IMd if no further hindrance. The boys have a good stock of seasoned lumber on hand and logs of excellent quality for plenty more, A singing class is in progress hero every Sunday at 3 o'clock. CoiiHiderablo interest is manifested by some of the community in it and by some of the rest iu S debating society that hold regular sessions Saturduy evenings. I want in this connection to say that gome of our good citizens credit the writer of this with the items signed "Mohnwker," but must inform all who think so that I never sent anything to the press iu Lane county signed other than this letter, and believe iu "etory tub standing on its own bottom." Our glee club propose having a picuio on the 'J7th of this mouth, when plenty of good musio will be furnished for the occasion. Ar rangements are also being made for an ora tion, platform dance iu the day time and s grand dance at night in the Mohawk hall. Plenty of strawberries and cream with a good supper for the dancers, E. J. CuiwroKD. Resolutions of Sympathy, Salem Statesman, May l'Jth. The Rrand lodge, I. O. O. F now iu ses sion at l'ast Portland, lonruluo of the dan gerous illness of their brother E. L. Bristow, of this city.yesterday passed unnniuiouHly the following resolutions of sympathy and tele graphed them to Mr. Bristow: uituns, This grand lodge hag heard with great sorrow and regret that our dear and worthy brother Past Grand Master K. L. Bristow li now confined to his bed with sickness, and nimble to atteud this ses sion of the grand lodge; therefore, lirsolml, l'lmt we hereby tender to Tast (Irand Master h. L. Bristow our heartfelt sympathy and express the hope that he may agaiu be restored to health, JtrxoiiW, That acopy of those resulu- turns be transmitted to Past Grand Master Bristow at au early day by the graud secre tary oi mis rouge. l. 01. HAIXIN, Grand Soe'r. Mr Bristow'a health has been failing for some timo aud it is not exported that he can survive many days. His bad heallh forced ulm to decline an piomtuient which Gov ernor Peuuoytr iutended to tender him some time go. The many friends of Mr. uristow iu tins city and all over the state will be deeply paiued to know that he is about to pass tho narrow bouudary between uiav ami eieruuy. Races May 28th, 30th, 31st. Rculetl bids will be received for pool privi lege for the above races up to Thursday lwtmi ttm 4iifl. tu.it ' General admission for each day at gate, gentlemen, 60 cts.; ladies, aud boys under 15 year of ago, '25 cts. A. C. Brow x, Manager. Aotiim Piomkks Dsao. A privatte let ter from Colfax, W. T., brings the sad in formation of the death of Mr. James Moth erly, which ooenred near that jdace, May . of Lane county, bavins arrived here during iuo jir irum m.im, and rlded la Die oouuty for many years. He w born in Kentucky October ilti, 1M5. At one time he wit quite wealthy, He leaves two aons and one daughter and many friend to uiuurn his dith. Thus another ol our pio neers hat giue to uiert hi reward. Ai iiiHiJ. ii, Umm will com wu nj'IMU"! to Itie state buprenie Court hut Ihunday. It will come ou for trial at the vcim.fr jerm ot 'list court. Tst Thursday's overlaud train eoutained 27 through pawwngera (from Portland.) The sliH-per was tilled. Niu.v Jinx Koitok. Oh! to les poet, Aud not to know it. IW. Btraub is ill this week. ' "Parsing is a statement of facts." Three more week till commencement. Mr Gifford Nash has returned to school. Miss Murch has a little too much juw this week. It is hero written prepositions govern some thing. Tho sicgo of Greenfield lasted over seven months. Fashions. The latest is uuironcd hickory in all colors. Or Casper Sharpies has retnrnod from Philadelphia. We hope it wasn't the poetry that disabled the Laureau editor. Oh! the luxury of picking ripe strawber ries on the campus. Mrs, Spiller visited Salem List week and returned Sunday evening. Tell llorbey that peeping through cracks makes people near-sighted. .Bliss Emily Bristol weut to Monroe on the l.'lth and returned Sunday. . . Dave Collier wears an enormous grin this week; crfn any one tell why? Mr and Mrs Lalourotte of Oregon City visited the University Monday. I inform tbo readers that Bam L. Simpson is going to sober up next week. Wagner puts only a half hour on Latin the rest of tho time he puts on style. Cowan Is now a classical farmer. He would now annex the bell to the cow's neck. Countryman has a good supply of strings for pay one who wants to remember "that." Wanted, s man with a No. 11 foot to break in my graduating shoes. Ed. Pottkb. Alvin McClulno has been trying to get an item for two weeks on Linn and hasn't it furnished yet. Miss Elva Galloway visited the Eutiixians last Friday. Sbo is interested aud will be come a member in the future. Foreign invasion. Old iEsop has been buttering this week by a profane use ot his fables, invaded for rhetorical effect. Davis, Roberta & Co ought to equip their boat with preventives. A wise man will al ways curry his umbrella in Wobfoot valley. Prof. Condon bus just received a new lot of fossils from the Bocky Mountains, one being a very large ammonite which is now ex tinct. The diplomas for the graduates have ar rived. They are of a larger blank space than usual on account of the names they aro to contain. We are pleased with the fashion of the seniors marching in at twelve, as it relieves many a poor sub. of the fears of an extra session. This year's class tree is a California Bed Cedar. It is to be hoped that it will not be called by its Latin uamo as a groat many seem to have died. If any one wishos to ascend tho ladder in the eastern cupola of the University, yours truly will inform him that there is a yellow jacket's nest up there. We would answer to all the anxious en quiries of every girl in the University, that Prof. Collier had that looking glass 'iu his room trying experiments. Wo want a warrant sworn out for Veazee to keep tbo peace; ho and his cats are a diHturbauoe to the whole country, as (hey uiakj a lino second to his music. Goo. Hill has fluished his studied at Roch ester, Now York, at the Baptist Theological school, aud will accept the oall of the Bap tist Church iu East Portland, Or. Prof. Condon was so happy with bis new fossils that his whistle just whistled without his knowing it. He received a lot of new specimens from the Bocky mouutains. The right and left flank ot the Ancient History class ought to be brought around iu the rear, for Mining and historians don't go together auy butter than "Dudes and Gen erals." Herbert aud Darwin wont hunting Satur day and saw a ooyote. It merely said "Good morning," and left. They; why thoy fired ouo shot and ran. They said it Biiappod its jaws, so they must have hit it. The last debate of the Eutuxiaus was, lie solved, That Ireland is a nation, and there fore should have a right to seU govomment. Debaters, All',, Miss MeClung, Miss Hend ricks; Neg., Minuie Uren, N. Hill. Decision Affirmative. I will now saluto the Laurean editor. Though I admire the arrangement of his staff, 1 differ from him in this, that I will have a mental aid and attend to tho physical pwt of it myself. Thorefore, I hereby give warning to your fighting editor that I am a professional athlete according to the goosi lorry rules. The Eutaxiiins will entertaiu the Laureaus at Miss Ida Heudrick's home. Why we have this new way remains known to us. Lot us not be accused of not beiug able to hsve an open sesssion. It may please tome to say that our society is not capable of debating in public It will hurt our pride for we are not tearful on this loore nnruilvAn We wwrtVall of the Laureaus as well as the Lutax'ans to be present. Florence Items. May U, 1887. Mr. Johnson cauie up from Gardner to day. Dance to-night, about a mile from towu. Everybody going. Mr. and Mr. Lindsley, from North Fork, were in town Sunday. The weather ha Wen very warm and uleaannt here (or a few days. Several raont from town spent Suuday ou mo ueacn, aj was very warm ami culm Mr. Shulls and son arrived in Florence yesterday, ou Uioir way to the claim of the latter. Messrs Peterson aud Jacolison started yes terday fof Astoria, with tho sloop, The Min rva. A temperance wetting was held in the Saffley Hotel parlor Suuday afternoon; quite a tiumltr were prescut. The steamer Mink, which is expected In this week, was Seen off the mouth of the river to-day. Later. The Mink steamed up the river this evt uing about eight o'clock. A saw mill is needed on the river, as the prvseut ouscau not supply the demand. There i a good deal of building being done, and there would be null more if lumber could be obtaiued. A Suuday School was organised here last Sunday with following ofliors: Snpt., Mr. O. W. Hurd; As.ii.Uiit Supt., Mis Mart Potter; Mr. A. Hurd; Treas. and Li branan, Mr. Phillips; Asst. Librarian, Miss Lily Cox. Ella. Hoax -In this city May 13, 1SS7. to the wife of Mr George Smith, a daughter. Local Market Report. Ekikni!, May '-'0. 18X7. Whkat -1") cU Oath--60f 53 cts per bushel. Itarley - M cts per bimliel, Kkk- 13 cts mt do. JItTTliH 10 cU r lb. Laud Vik cts iwr lb. FtouB-W.40 iwr bl.l. PoTATOES-tl.23 (a JJLBO per li'ishel. BAt'OH-Sides 8 to 10 cts; slioidilerti U to 8 cUj hams, 10 to l'-'J cU. Flour-$4.20 per bbl. Beef On foot, 8J cts per lb. Woul-18 20 cts. A camp of gypsies is located near town. Peter Olson, the Napa, Cal., murderer, is said to be in Oregon. The four Prohibition States have Federal liquor licenses as follows : Iowa, 4,033 ; Kan sas, 1,825 ; Vermont, 410 ; Maine 1,202. . Whon yoa buy a lot in Eugene be sure you get above high water. Scott's addition was high and dry in the great Hood of 18G1. Dr. Osburu lust Thursday sued Mr. Bobt. Carey for some )18 in Justice Taylor's Court. A verdict of $5 in favor of plaintiff ' was rendered. Both the parties live iu Cot-, tage Grove. Our merchants might extend their trade into Eastern Oregon as they can now sell goods quite as low as any town in Oregon. A little advertising through that scutiori would bring many shekels into Eugene from tho rich stock country east of us. Those cattle and wool meu always pay cash for goods. The Spring fights were inaugurated last Tuesday. The participants were young married men and brother-in-laws. The trouble was caused by a dispute abont money matters. One of the combatants, Beckwith, was acquitted, while the other, I Potter, plead guilty and was fined $25 and costs by Recorder Dorris. REV I M DERBY, of Lind-ii, N. Y. says: "The Gilmere Anurlatiu Wine pi five, a treat blessing to my wife." At' Oslmiirn it (Jo's. Money to Loan -ON- mproved Farming ; Property, FOil A iU'MBEU OF YEARS. . Goldsmith, 1J4 First Street, Portland, Oregon. BARKER PGUN VORiW mm 1 tTTHEN GOING UP WILLAMETTE V Street nur attention is arrested by the sign of the . Barker Gun Works, when In, we liehold a Farmer coming nut of tliare with a gun in his hand and be is laugh ing so we can see nothing but two rows of teeth and hi mouth. We ask him what's the matter? and lie said: "I've found at lust where I can Ket a gnu repaired well and at a moderate price; get ammunition cheaper than dirt, and all kinds of guus cheaper than old iron," . . ; Spread the new geutlemeu; it is at the Raiikkh (idn Woium, nearly opjiosite the Ei'dKNK Citi Guard office. With due resiect, M. H. BARKER. NEW GOODS. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF BEAUTIFUL DRESS C0G From the Cheapest to the Best at prices according to quality. A LARGE STOCK OF Mmwi mi From the Cheapest to the Best. All parties can be suited either as to Price or Quality. Oar assortment is Complete, from the lowest Price up to the Finest; can suit you if you gire us a call. OUR STOCK IS ifFresli, New and Stylhli.jgl Look uh over; if wo do not savo you ruonoy, we will niako some one else 8fii to you low. -A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES.: F. B. DUNN. Bristow & Crate nv. A T.VRS TV V- AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. STU DEBAKER, KIXG OF WAttOXS. mm In fact everything on wheels. Steel and Chilled Plow Harrow9, 5-tootli Cultivators, Garden heed Drills, Lawn Mowers. The Albion Gaxell and Daisy Sulkey Hay Rakes. EMPIRE SENIOR MOWER. The lightest running Mower made. It is an Iron frame front cut Mower, The material oftliis Mower is almost entirely iron aud steel. Also Knowltou't wide cut Mower and the old Ulippur Mowers. Empire Steel Frame Folding TWINEflBINDER. It is the liinulest iu ctinatmotion. It is the lightest ruuulii(. It has leu gearing than any other. It can be folded in two minutes so as to pass through a Rate, it can be ad justed at both ends by a lever from the driver s seat. It has a Butter without canvass Buck ler, Itolless, or Butter Rod. It is a two-horse machine. The new Randolph Steel Head ers, the J. I. Case Agitator Separator, and Dinge Woodbury pow er, are the best Stationary and Traction Engines. We reseectfully invite your v-ieful consideration of the merits of the machinery we handle, and solicit correspondence with all intended purchase. All machinery sold by us is guaran teed to be the very best msmifacturefin the United States. OFFICE At Cleaver's old stund, on 7th St. . Bristow & Cralg. 1 HI S1E of m ST A large stock of CLOTHING just re ceived that has been delayed hy Blockades, and on which ac count, will he sold LOWER than similar goods were ever quoted Also the ONLY Oregon Clothing in Eugene, made by White Labor; And sold LOWER than that made by CHINESE labor. A complete of Furnishing Goods, Hats, Trunks and auscs ai sibiVA IZilllA ULl LU U rlilCES. WCkiLL and get prices; no tro Me to show Goods- - H. S. SIMON, Hoffman House Block. ruNorxiHSAUt-Awcondhiuid pisno al it nw fur sale cheap. In.piir. at tlU of" tins. Land rot Silk Puai inn - . . .1. proved Und, sitiirtled Utwwn Kuu ud wiu i km ai a oaixiuu witiiin tbe next ton days. Inquire of this offl.-e. iu3-lm Wit Dowm. Siaion will Villi A ftiA all (or 75 cents. Now u tour tiiuA to Ln j . Johrmon ermm athl mi and vhito cl sals at Iwbiusuo 4 Church's hardware store. If you are in want of agricultural machin. sryof any kind, remember that Mr J ftl Hendricks keeps a full assortment. Mr Geo F Craw has the sola airency for all brand of the celebrated Tsntil Punch Cigars. For Sah.-1.-i0 loU in all parts ot Eugen City with and without houses. Prices to sui Geo. M. Millis. f CROUP, WHOoriNQ COUGH and Broo chilis immsdistely rrljevxl by Shiluh's Curs. FAUHKasTAsiXoTics.-AirooddiBner caa had at Baker's Uotel for ii csats. SEEN ZZJ- EUGENE CITY !,! Cheapest Prices. IS OIT SALE AT i Matlocifs new Store, mm CHEAP But tbe people don't want that article. What they do want honest goods at Honest prices, and that is just hat tho People can get BY GOING TO G. BETTMAN'SI We shall not take up you time with a Long string of nonsense aSout the hest, The cheapest, and the handsotnes line of Goods in Lanu county, but we do want To ask you in a friendly way to come to See 08. If wa don't sell you real live You are at liWty to use our heads for Foot tails. "WE WANT WOOL And don't you forget that we will pay You all the market will stand. Th Same is true as to other kinds of Country produce. Briefly Yours,