TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. j! Epitome of the Principal Events Attracting Public Interest fior John E. Blaine, paymaster r 8 A.i brother of ex-(secretary RlainOi doi at Hot bpnnga, Arte. rua Secretary of the Interior has Unwed in full the claim of Granville vvlor. of Asliunu, ior ihuo.oz, on ac TOBOGGAN Interesting OUTFITS. information r-- i Liu.. " In talk with a dealer in toboggan V , "nicies a reporter ""cresting facts. A com T:w 8 Ior man costs from $'.0 to consists of knickerbockers and j.ftt made of w.wl blanket, a worsted tuque or cap with cord and ei, a sasn, stockings and woollen or insins. xiie suits are made In nearly all colors, the body of thfl Dnniw.i,.n i..' i . ... . i: 't Heoredations in 1855 bv the . lmm w,th colored u "p,-;;; Indians. . ' J . As ru' U stripes are red, u: . ri...l -.;,.. J.. ... "ue a"! wh,t. the red being the favo- it niauriu o-1 nro. i ho ,... .,. .. . ... - . . I (laniTH I1I1M1V WIIIIIII1IM1 HIU1I1I - nl. Sim T. ' . . . .. -7 to SlS.liO Snub Iimmh i 1J; .icmn onr la ha hntri.! I l Hli'UArKnnl. . . ..... . fhfl heaU. ftroa"ttl,v icuctx w T -"-'r P)lOffM huckinf i to 11.75 l10 1 - !.. nf - T: , 1 AUque Il ltMii lk M-uu-ii, kixZ -r- ..a,.,,, v,. IU t mimes 8U1U consist of thosiimn L i... I of stockings and moccasins as the men t.inine 100,000 gallons of water, five , t , lons ovor-rTnent, nuulo P tilled ami Bvrl in. 01 blanket material and rescmblim- it cioiik with a hood. These trarnmnt cost from $13.60 to 118 each and are tne ire""" . . . tj the correspondent of a Pans news- 11. t...Mifinar nf a walnr tunlr ftnn. HV VUo UUirb v. . ......... vuir lAAnnit .... 1 1,... a ,.t i ... ' . Wreons ui u were kiiiuu anu several in- rl at Palatin, 111. The accident oc- iprwl on the Northwestern road while . . it . i 1 crowd was ptanuing on me iracK. i Southern uregon mine .was jailed" and sold to an unsuspecting ,.rtv for faO.OUU. Kumor connects n ex Portland hotel keeper with the raiifaction. ine jacason county rand jury is looking mto tne matter. A terrible gale is reported to have aed along the west coast of ew oundland, causing serious less of life id great destruction to property. ear Kose Blance two barks went iwd at their moorings, and five men re drownetl. Eastern dispatches state that a tern- lone swept through Missouri, Kansas d Texas. In Vernon county, Mo., irtv housos were destroyed and lll'dlu ttt ..It I .1 1 .1 . .. " cuiurs, iiiouirn ine ladies n a rule prefer whito. In regard to the that Mm .l.l Indian form was perfectly flat on tho bearing surface formed of one or two pieces of thin wood, and besides lack ing the requisite strength and lateral resiliency, it ofl'erod the creatost resist- anew or f fictional surface to the snow. The toboggans now in general use are made of slaU which are shnned t lessen the frictional surface. Somo of uie best that are made cost 10 and 19 each. They are eighteen inehps wil and six and seven feet long. They are made of rock maple, selected, kiln. dried, and highly finished. They con sist of soven slats oach, oval-shaped on AGRICULTURAL. uevotett to the Interests of Farmers and Stockmen. uri persons killed. The wind was tho bearing surface, three of which are leaded by a hail storm, which done Nightly thicker than tho others, and Qjiderable damage. Many of the are provided with a steel shoe. ThU LiUtones weighed from three to four shoe, by an ingenious invention rcquir lmces,and some of them measured ing. special machinery. IsfnstAnnd hr Ine inches in circumference. They flanges that aro turned into the wood ifhed through roofs, dwellings and in such a way that irns, leaving holes through which a rivets are used anywhere alonr the bearing surface . Less elaborate tobog gans are bought for from $4 to $3.60 apiece. Sizes for boys are made three and four feet Ions:, and cost $2 and $2.50 each. A'. 1'. Mail and Express. lan's arm would pass with ease. The wa of I'rescott, Kansas, literally jjied out of existence, not a single ilding being lelt standing to mark eite where once was a prosperous 1 thriving place, bo far as learned ten live were lost at that pluce. It thought that the loss of life and perty is great in the districts visited the syclone, which have no tele iipn communication with the out,- e world. 'ews of a terrible shipwreck, thirty Its north of Cape Flattery, on the Ishiugton 1 erntory coast, has been ; lived at Victoria through four In n who came overland, having ut ten days in the journey. For ie time past great anxiety has been regarding the schooner Active, ich was overdue. The schooner owned by Guttman & Co., of Vic- i, ud was registered at 420 tons. ; Bchooner appears to have been l:M in a storm and dashed on the ire, where she speedily went to ' and all hands undoubtedly ilng as far as known. Among I" who have perished are: Mr. Guttman, one of the owners, un Gotehamel, Una Jackson. rles Fiederick and Billy Lessing, twenty-eight Indians. The r named belong to Chief Kilsor- tribe. Chief Elso Kilsormat kit was on board, the other In- being hunters. The death of bief is tantamount to the exter- tition of the tribes, and the Kilsor- tribe will soon be extinct. Ac- ling to the custom of his tribe Ilhe huts of the unfortunate men i. . i . It been burned. Rochester, N.Y., March 17, 1887. Pom April 1st, 1887, to April 1st, , 1 otter ($100) one hundred dol for each and every discovery of a comet made between, the above f, subject to the following three iitions : It may be discovered either bV 9mked eye or telescope, but it must J .expected, except as to the comet 15, which is now looked for. ' a) The ditcoverer. if residing e United States or Canada, must prepaid telearam immediately to LewU Swift. Director Warner ffvatory, Rochester, N. Y.. giving me of discovery, the position and lion of motion with sufficient ex if possible, to enable at least "ier observer to find it. QA Dis- prcin other countries must send 'WdUUe mail a full account of the 'ery, as above required, to Dr. 5 Swift, as above. the United States and Canada 'UteDieence muni tint trommnni- h any other party or parties, either "r, telegraph or otherwise, until c'y announced throueh the nress r- Swift, which he will do at once "miation (if tliB d iHMVPrv (treat r'lwuld be observed regarding this ", as it is essential to prevent 4kon of announcements aad for ,rrWt transmixxinn nf th dincnv- f iih the name of the discoverer, wift 'mmediately made by OVerers livinc in Ccmtinental V "ill receivn tbpir nrixpa from r' Safe Establishment, it iiim livin8 in Gre,a Britain, h. w arner & Co's Safe Kerne we, 47 Farringdon Street, E.C., n; thoe in Australasia and 'fom J. II. Warner &. Co's Safe nch House, 147 Little Lons , Melbourne, Australasia ; There'18 ' U'e Wrld' V Wi" ill be awarded four (4) ' after discovery and verifica- claim. ' - C.llJiiCb0 T lit I T. to Keiilu . ma y J "ir-f'Ulc Ilia, uiaj I' Warding comet discoveries. ' . ir it wipvi-p HAPPINESS DIVINE. The Merit! of a Tjre Who Doean't Know N" of Mimic. My wife," said Jones, "has one great accomplishment, she ' doesn't know a note of music." I admired his charming spouse from that moment. lo think of the misery that from her childhood she saved her friends and re lations. She never plaved scales before break fast and so prevented her poor father and mother having a 'comfortable doze prim- to getting up. bhe never drovo the neighbors mad with either ':The Blue Bells of Scot land" or "Glorious Apollo." bhe never Czernly Exercised any body's patience to that extent as to drive them crazy. " hen she was fourteen or thereabout. ana there were people in the drawing room, her mother never said: "Amanda. darling, play that charming bit of Kuhe, with variations." Tlieviriations in question somirthing like a rat running over the keyboard and stopping every now and then (chords) to eat a bit of cheese. When sixteen she never "Liedcr Ohne Woite"-d her eldest brother to death when he was cramming for Wool wich. When eighteen she never gave any body doses of Liszt. She never scram bled through Chopin's mazurkas. Sho never gave an nniaeur delirium tre mens with the "Restless Nights." Thrice happy Jones, how are you to be envied! Your ears are never as sailed with these awe-inspiring words: "Darling, would you like a little music with your coffee?" Thrieo happy Jones, yon were tiever soothed with the "Moonlight Sonata" when you wanted to have a quiet look at your betting-book. An unmusical woman. O, pearl of pearls! O. angelic silent bul-bul! O, that I had such a charmer to nestle in my manly breast! IIofTs Comic Annual. Millions of washboards are made and sold annually in this country. It U estimated that not less than 7.200,000 of them are sold every year between the Allegheny mountains and the Mis souri river. The Chevalier van Flewyck, of Louvain, has just perfected, after thirty -eight years of labor, a machine for recording all music extemporized upon the piano. His invention is worked by means of electricity, and he has been assisted in the mechanical de tails by M. Kermis, an engineer of Brussels. The Goad Hoc Han. The good "hog man"docs not crowd his pens or pastures, and always pro vides dry and warm quarters, not neg lecting Bimple ventilation; cleans out and gives a little fresh bedding at least twice a week ; feeds regularly and a variety; puts a tablesiooiful of car bolio acid, or other anti feLrilo in the the fclop-barrcla when the elml em lx around, and whitewashes the inside of his pers sprine and fall, tiiitiinir about a sill of muriatic acid t, i.u bucketful of whitewash. He has sepa rate places for his sown when t)..,v come in." He does not in breed, but is always on the look-out for frsh oood that he thinks will imwrovo wlmt he has. He will keeD no ooor feeder. or breed from sows that are not Rood milkers, and able to raise six or eight good pigs twice a year; and a sow that eats her young he gits rid of. wuii mi ner relations, at the verv next killing. Me keeps nothing but stock hogs over winter. His last litters come by the first of September, and he markets them by the first of February, dressing from 125 to 175 pounds each. hen grass comes he clears tho pen, nctto do used again until fall. He separates his herd into two or three ditlerent pastures, provided with dry piaces umier cover, where they can He in storms, looking well to their noses that they keep above ground. ltiey wont mind it after a little, and it makes them better graziers ; but he does not stint them to grass alone, unless it bo a very good clover lot.. At all times and places his hogs hogs nave access to salt, and he occasion ally gives them a little bituminous coal, mixed with lime, at the rate of a bushel of coal to a peck of lime, or some crushed charcoal in tho slop. If he has fed much charcoal he has lil ely found out that if given as much as tliey would eat sometimes would die suddenly, and he has found that instead of the "cholera," fino charcoal packed tight in the l wer bowel, yet he knows it is good and healthy, barr ing the above-danger. This man keeps his breeding ttock in good condition, hut never fat. His young sow goes to the boar a,t seven or eight months, and if she is a good br der, careful mother and heavy milker, after the first litter he lets her run six months before coupling again. He knows it pays better to sacrifice some size for a better mother, a better milker and a better breeder, lie keeps his boars and barrows in a lot by themselves, out of sight and hearing of sow. If there is cholera within reach he will give some of his less iar- neighlxrs a young boar for service sooner than let strange sows come on the premises, no matter what fee may be offurod. And he is always on such terms with his stock animals that they will step up and speak whenever they meet him. 1 his the good "hogman will do, and more, his herd will be "cholera" proof, and he be paid double for it all. keep. The action of the air upon the cream in ciiurning is to oxydize the cohis or tne tat globules and thus as sist inction in the separation. It makes no difference what kind ol enum is used so long as air can be ad nutted. Speed in churning is easily couirontHi. it snouiit l such as to produce butter in from twenty-five to miriy-uve milllllt 8. Chlrkra KnUlur. All Who try to raise chicken in tlm old-stylo way know how hard is is to get enough for the little ones to eat. Whenever food is thrown out to thpm tne old hens rush and pick it up, wunmuK or uriving tne little ones away, in such feeding, a pen which the chickens can enter, but which will not admit the old hens, is a necessity. This is really the only way to enable tne little ones to get enough to eat. Such pens can be easily made by any one wno can Handle lumber. One is made by laying poles up in log house fashion. The space between the poles are just lartro cnouirh j !.. tlm chickens run throueh. It.uir.ln placed over the ton and held in t.l..- i.v nones or uiocks. stake are driven into the ground with an ax the proper distance apart. Boards or brush can be laid over tho top. Some thing a little more elaborate is made of lath or scantling. Food and water placed in the inside of either of these coops will go to the chickens. Iowa is rapidly changing from wheat State to a dairy State. It is hard to find a soil or climate where tho quince will not do well. A good deal of the peculiar mutton taste is taken out of it when mutton is cured. Absolutely Pure. T..U twwilct nv n.n- a uv-vo. ot jn,. tf ,rJa an kKh, u tl iwanot t oio In otx ivit. tutu. tUtwi it ?. ;ia ' .,.,. ft. THE TICHBORNE CASE. Englishmen will take undoubted in terest in anything covering one of the most remarkable cases on record, and the following letter from Sir Roger himself will throw some light upon his present status. It is dated 115 Fourth Avenue. New York, X. Y., February 22nd, 18S7, and reads as follows: Gentleman For the last four months I have suffered with rheumatism, and every time I sat down and got up I suffered the most intense agony; in fact, I was not able to move my legs without pain, and when going down stairs the pain was too dreadful to bear. I was recom mended to send for a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil and try it. I did so, and to my great surprise and delight I found it an almost instant cure. I have only used one bottle up to the present, but I can now sit jdown, get up, and walk about without the slightest pain. Yours trulv, K. E. D. Tichborfb. lIornrradlHh t'nllnre. To grow horseradish properly, it re quires high manuring, greater than will pay to apply to that cron alone. hence it is almost invariably trrown secondary to some other crop that is highly manured, usually early cat bages. When the cabbages are planted out in rows two leet apart, the horse radish is set out midway between the rows of cabbages, and eighteen inches apart in the rows. The sets are small roois cut off in preparing the horse radish for market. These are four to six inches long, and cut square at the top and sloping below, so that they may be planted right end up. These sets are planted m holes made by a Kilt iron bar, so deep that the top of the set is three inches below the sur face ; this allows the cabbage to be cultivated as if there were no horse radish there, and when the crop of early cabbages is out off, the land is given up to the other crop. If In rse radish is planted, it should ulways be uug at tne end ot me tirst season, whether there is a sale for it or not, as left longer, it takes possession of Ihe soil and becomes a vile weed. The roots, small as well as large, are dug in the fall, and stored in pits like other roots. For market they are washed and trimmed, an! sold by the ton. A correspondent asks about "putting up" horseradish. It is grated, placed in wide-mouth bottles, and covered with vim gar, but in this condition it is sup plied by those who take it from house to house. In the markets it is fur nished grated by those who sell vege tables. Charolna. The object to be obtained in ehurn ing milk or cream is, by agitation and oxygenation, to separate the soldid fat from the other solids and fluids of the cream or milk. The whole milk, properly soured, may be churned. Sweet cream or sweet milk may be churned and the product will ,be but ter, but the separation is difficult with sweet cream, and still more difficult with sweet milk thtn with proierly ripened cream. In churning, the fatty globules are first broken up, and thus f t at lilierty. They are gathered to gether first in t!.e form of granules, and if the churning is still further carried the whole is gathered iuto a solid mam. Ihe projier temjwrature for churning is about fiO degrees Fahrenheit. Top violent ehurniitg produces excessive friction. The but ter is prod need more fjieedily, but at the expense of color and flavor. If the temperature is too low the expan sion of the fat globules is not perfect, nd increased fnctioa is required. Here again deficient flavor is the re sult, and the butter is soft and will not To properly keen straw and hav in stacks, tne stacks must be so con structed as to shed water. Experiments show that the nativ thick-skinned grapes are better winter keepers than our improved varieties. If swine are to be kent on the farm the best urofita will be found in the finest breeds that run into matured meat the first year. When cleaning the porches in tlm pouitry-iiouse it is necessary to apply tne mixture of kerosene oil aud grease to the underside as well as the top. It has been suceested that farm horses be Bold by weight, in addition to other qualities, so as lo induce farmers to raise larger and bette horses. Some f the Western farmers have found that by giving their hogs corn mixed with tar they have cured tho cholera among their hog and pre- venuxi tne spread ol 1U It is an easy matter to have a car- aen so arranged as to cultivate it with a horse hoe, but the best result are usually obtained ou small, plots Well manured ana worked by hand. Never use whitewash in tlfe stables or henhouses unless carbolic acid is added to it, as a single application of the mixture is better than two or three applications of whitewash alone. The silver maple is a rapid-growing tree, oiten attaining a diameter of tou inches in ten years. It also thrive well on sandy soils, requires but Utile eare and has few insect enemies. Farmers would find it to their ad vantage to corn mutton in a weak brino for home consumption. The ham can be smoked and used like dried beef or Ihey cn be boiled. The corned mutton will be found an agree able change from sausage and spare- nos. Kainit, which is now extensively used as a fertilizer, is a compound of the sulphate of potusli and magnesia, containing also common salt aud other chlorides. It is not only an ex eellent fertilizer, being soluablo, but is one of tne best materials that can be usedor preventing loss of ammonia to the manure-heap. Beets, turnips, carrots and other succulent roots aud tubers are capital food fur dairy cows, and so aro cotton reeu anu uuseeu, nut u would be as sensible in a landlady to subsist her boaidcts on fruits and idutn puddings as for a farmer, to rely on those vege tables for the steady diet of his cows, Regarding strawberry rust opinions differ. Some ascribe the cause to too much moisture, others to excess of manure en the plants, while it is also claimed that it due to the effects of too much heat from the sun. What is known as rust or bright may, however, be traced to a minute worm, which does the mischief by working arouiid the plants. It is suggested that the best remedy is to burn a light cover ing of straw over the plants. An experienced poultrymsn't'iin'ts that the cause of failures in t ie nionv attempts to keep fowls in large num bers is due to a lack of care. A farmer will rise at 4 o'clock in the morning to feed and milk the cows, will care fully clean out the stalls and prepare beds tor the cows, and his work does not end until late, but he will not d so much for the hens. Yet the hens will pay five times as much profit in projsiruon to labor and capnal in vested ui cows. Here is the way large strawberries are produced: Apply a heavy dress ing of a mixture of two parts each of muriate of xtash and superphosphate with one part of nitrate of soda. Keep he young plants clean, water when necessary, and do not allow a single runner to start, as they should be incited back. Mulch tho young plants in the fall and remove the mulch early in the spring. Then apply another dressing of fertilizer and clean the soil by stirring It about a l inch. When the young berries are set pinch off all but the Uzsnai. It requires woik, but it will pay. LOBSTERS! 1K VM1 rtt full fit t Ih. till, tor Mr., ns iU rt i llm. Ii,r I.V., or tl.M fvt ilntvn - ami Unif-lk tmsCliuna. warrant il) lor $1.76 It'ii i iki jiiu r L'Hik ni your diIIh ami try an oriltr ur two (mm the twt place In tho world to Luv, AiMroM f.,r full I !, KltKK, MMITII H VHII NTOItK, it l iny Mt H. r Hal, l.ADIKK, ATTKXTIONI SI 00 to S3 00 r rlat mail at bom pin vaiiun una la no huuitmi. uouUra. I) A i n Knd 3-annt itaiup (ur a IH IN 11 II a i n SI El N WAY KKAXH II A MA H. j . n ' 011'" Kneolth Honon: Bur- Oryan, band iiKtruiiienU. Larynnt stock ( MittH .M umo and Hooka. Bawls supplied l fcastoro prices. M. UltAY, V Post street. Ban Kmnoinoo, SI On !?, hark In Pattern to Krrnj Anhasrihrr la THE DOMESTIC MONTHLY Th B.'.t Ka-hlnn Maia'ltw. (h l 1 Ma vrar Oo- niiu ( ah t'ouimlMl. Aci.k Nam, I. e,.,,. fn. ?.i I'mt tri., '"': " K IU V A kHAki. . . V. W.M. Ki Alih i o. Cwitiniwil ),ur 1'iaaoaara imUtnl, I'UTiniiHMl i , j,urc,, acoiwert I an.t i ir in London rwlilonoo :i I haramri'cmtioyRgeut to maLa Uia unvur puounurT arraiirru nnt Willi ton. 1 loans lilptiii)rUanj,Loiiaoo.K.iii:ln,1anit nrfirra m. yours slnmrvljr, VINNIK IIAl'K Malc Itrpiirtinrntiir I. U ItaM UOF T I'Oi lit lUnuit Ml., Sua S-miic.wi. I al., llomnil AgMiU School Library Books PHILLIPS & HUNT, 10.17 Market C Man Franrl. Cal. The Van Monciscar DYSPENSARY, rOHTLAND, OR. Yonnc niiitilla ntwt and olil. hmlu or iiiamcHl tunc sul all wbo lunor with L08T MANHOODI Kurtoua llolilllty, SiMmia. torrhna, Stamlual Lowna, Mutual taoay,Kalllii' Mrin or. Weak V.)n, Laoa ol Kuergy, alio lllmnl and Skin 1 )!... Sjri.anila, Kruptluna, Ualr Ylliii Houe I'aina, 8 welliuy, Sora Throat, Ulmra, Kl facta n( Munmry, klilnnn lid lllaililnr T ran 1. 1.. Wnak Hack, I urn if Urina Oouorrluia, tllixt, Strlot nra-pnin- rail .. and oure (at 1Kb. Heh He ..a Commit .'onKi1nt1ally OFsi Jh:-iaa A 14 TU1KD SIT Tli U HKLT ur RfgeiirnUtr li nmilf cxriMl lur Uie cute of iltuiiiitfr Iiivlit ot till mil- t mtivt ttrRiiB. Th tmlu -tn-ttin of KliKCl KU1 1TY n rtiutavtiim tiiriuh tli ixtiU miiBl rudt4ra Uihiu to litmlthy aUMltui Iht not ctm fuuixl (lit with KI.Hti i Hf'U (MlvrrtltkMl I i ou b till I1U fmniliviwItiiUw. It In fur the UN K iNH'ttto imriMUM For olrt'iiiHni Mivlnit full tti- fnmmtlm, ifMrfM Ohrorer fclcctrtu Ik It Co,, lui Wvh inifttm Htrft. riiiemn), lit RUSH Poor Wornnn-i Soan rmt 100 Iha, ti., BottTrlW lfSi'.V -i l!'- UM Wlh'. ' 00; 1W alaua S7.00: K hut ol Kin. ai i, ,. .'. alieap r..l,n ,j.u0 to a.i.w p,,r l,i caH. yj Ot'iii clulii and r-ikir Man's Moapa. iU up (or Una iuailtr-wa hart o ar Look out (or your awn lnl-m,. fi,a to Smith . l'a StiiHF (or hill li.l U..,. n. ....i ? San Krauolaco, Cat. and wbon o.UarUif fuodaaeiMl FOR SOAPS! MEBSTER'S Oflaliritoil Lictinnar?. Ui-:injr 10.1..1 i,iU', I'l.riHJIla. ALL IM ONE BOOK. Contains anno mora WonU ami ru-arly 9000 mom Illustrations than any otlior A miTlran Dictionary. C A C. MERRIAM A CO., I'ub,rs,e7rTrIglieia, Mats. FaLES patent variable bench plane. N. P. N. U. No. 1 ,7 -S.F.N. U. No. HM. Conntltutlnf rarrwntvra Plow, Paitn, Fmat and Vh- Kltli.tiitar. Ma'cliiiis l'lanea. Hollows. ltouniU. lWaila rlaah I'laiina Solo KalilwU, Hnlw llllL t'aas Moulding. tliiM. 0.uarUr ltiaimli, Niwliig and V rianis.ato.. am.. o( many atylm and alius. Tba whole stt sold omuplvtar at tlm rriuarkaniy low pnoa or f.u iw, i ma imiriunons cotiihlnns In ona t.H.1 oror siithty illrTereiit and i mtlal wurkworkhitf planaa. Atgr part ot this a iiahlnatlon fur nlaliud at pro rata prions. Sind (or (roe llltintratwl VmU alosm'S an, I Trloe Mit n( t ha shove and all ours-uoite OMIIOKV .1' AI.(r,.iMt;K. Mnrhaiiliia' TguU Ilanlwara aud Maokliiery.tUtt Market St., 8. V. iiAN JcRAlNfCISCO TOOL CO. WORKS : First and Stevenson Streets, - Son Francisco, OeX nuxrric-n us ll sikds or MACHINE TOOLS, ISCU'DINO Engine Lathes, Planing, Shaping. Hilling and Drilling Machines, Etc. Freight and Passenger Elevators, rumps for Dredging, Reclamation and Irrigation. ratont 1'it, vertical, jtuikiiean, lurhliio, Uenlriliiiral, and Ixw-Liit Pumps. Horizontal, Single-Acting, Compound Condensing and Automatic Steam Engines. Cast Iron Hwllaaal nnllrrs. Itollrr Parnarca, Water Vnlvrs, TTalrr and Strain Flttlugsv Hyurasiiio jocks, sumiina. ruiirys, itnaurrs and t oaiillniis made lulnr. rhangrable. Mill Uiills ilround and t'orrusktrd. Just oornpleti, runiplng Eugtno, cttpaoity, 100,000 KiiUiins por minute. Rend fur Clroulan. A TB3T1MOW1AI1. CPH9 J Ornia or tub F.vrka Klutsio l.ienr Co., 1 ui.r. rinwm. km IU., Sis aripwor to yours nt i-ou, a, ihai. woul i say; The (our en I I ciiskoiI (ruin your ('oin; sny 1,1 lanuarr. IBM), liave lieei ni SB niiiiinuoiiaiy evur ainie. imin is U) 10 linur eni'li ila a n.rTr "-r wyfrw "iiiiuujh, anu nave never Kiven any truuuie; ami, Mit si V tHJiil'JtirM My liavs never coat na an thuiKlor re airs. I winaLlcrt' Iff KtiuKss, uii, imh v. ins?, p San FrancUn, Cttl.-(lKKnvtx ; Vines mr. ruuniiis). y. not cirept- iiennnre. era (tillw ss ui-niiomicul ai our sliile.vake eiilnin, whli h we ate uln(. On o( tlieiulsa Imlanroil valve, llasklns', and the other la thai New Ynr t Satetv Tower (iiniisii,v's laaks. Tile reljllon to the eost 1 1- oo, lntr your HI:nflo-'. ..nir Clique In relr tithe ritol kte.-In- t ie HII,!o-Valve Kin Incs which were pu ehawd the sume nmutr we urohasrd your enirlnea,knilwori.tiiK under the aame cmiilltlona la, Unit whlls theie I'as liecn no ex Mime in e.tlier iiisturlnl or labur on the otiirluoa (iirnlalied hy your t'oiiiiany, tlis exinnae o' keeilnir the : IMo-Valve Kuitlntn In Koad running order, lias coat, on an ev SKe, $1 toft- rr mouth foreicti otiplno. A ortl ,n ol the time Ihe HIiii-le-Artistf r.nirlnes have )mn ran by the flrciiiaii, a id I tan rorotumeud jour eiiKines to artiea that tre no clone to a mai-hlue shoi, and J,i not aant t i keep an orizij eer anil llreiuaii, ai with your engine all the attention thty reijulr is 1 1 Ml the oil ni once viery Klhoura, ami t irn the eUiam nn ami hut It off. The balance ot the time the engine lake rare ot Intel! Yours truly, A. A. osnonv. u- erlntimilsnl NIOOLLTHETA1LOR The Grandest Display of Choicest Woolens ever shown In the Citvr n!l.-li, l-'reuch, flontch Rinl frnian Fnbrirs In rrulU'im ririnty fur Hulls to iiieiisur. One Thouauml llilTernttt Puttwt.s t? hentt fruni, SAMPLES, WITH I.NSTKUtTlONS i'Olt KELF-.MKAaUltK.MENT SENT FRE1-- Fiao All-ool' Suits to Order fron - $20.00 Fine All-Wcol Pants to Order ----- 5.00 Only White Labor ami Flfst Class' ii((ts Kmploj !. NICOLLTHE TAILOR, 126 First Street. Portland, Or. r -li i i-i ti y -V- -iV h a i 'iViV'r i - ir - hi ii j for Infants and Children. Caatorte It to veil adapted tochfldran that I C as tort a enra Colts. Coesttpatlnn, reoommpod It aa superior to asr praacnpUoa I f""T Ktunach. Putrrhoia, kxue-tauoo. kaowalon-.- H. A. Aacnia, M. D., I kliili00T.' l- 111 Ba Oxtord Bk, BrooJUjTi, H. T. V7ituit ujurtoui eyrflcadw. Tm Cetac CuarairT, 19 Fulton. Street, N. Y.