The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 30, 1887, Image 6

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Tim! well, and what of tlialr
Dldit fiwry life wu ntxnt on !! of row.
Fluttering t Iw row h-avi-a wat tvroU hy tlio brm
ConiB, roiimi tlu-el work while It If culled to-duj
t'ownl, trim, go forth thy way!
. Iu ly! and wliat of thatf
Horns niiiHt b lowly; 'tla not Rln n to all
To ftvl it In-art n-KiMirittlve rim- and full
Tu blend anotluT lifn Into It own.
Work may oh dono In bmrliiMwa; work onl
I lark! well, and wl.ot nf thul f
DliUt fomlly dream tlm uin would never Hf
Dost fi-ar tii liw thy way? tixke ooiirSKe yet.
Ij-orn thou to walk by faith and not liy itl'lit.
Thy ateia will giiitd be, and guided right.
Hard! well, and what of that?
Dlik,. fun7 l;.'oo;vt nur.inw y,
With Iraaoiia, Dnim to Irani, and nauuM but playt
Oo,it!t Dikv to thy tank. Coupler or ulol
It niiixt lie learned. Learn It, tlien, patiently,
No help! nay, 'tin not mi;
ThiitiKh Iminan iw l he far, thy (lod nlph,
Who fund the ravelin, hi-arx bin children cry.
llii'i near thee wnennoe'er thy fontatetM roam,
And he will guide thee, IlKlit thee, heljit two home,
Every ( Ither natunlay.
I'hranea from Hbakenpeare.
HhukcHxaru's inlluenoo over thn public
is shown by tlm. extent to which li
phrases Imvo become iiicorixiraU-d Into
our language. Anions them) nro "bag
and Imggiige," "ltsuil usadixininil," "liit
or miss," dove is blind, "selling for
song," "wide world," "fast ami Iixho,
"unconsidered trifles," "westward ho,'
"familiarity breeds contempt," "patch
ing up excuses," '"'wry makes strange
Ix-d fellows," "to Ixxit" (in trade), "short
nnd lout; of if," "comb your head with
thnxi legged stool," "dancing attend
ance," "getting even" (revenge), "liinlH
of a feather." "that's flal," "Or.-ck t
mo" (unintelligible), ,"Iiacking a jury,
"inotlicr wit," "killed willi kindness,'
"11111111" (for silence), "ill wind llial Mow
no gixxl," "wild gixiso :liiisf', " "scare
crow," "luggage," "row of pins" (us a
mark or value), "viva voci, "give am.
take," "colli' (m tlm way of a joke)
"your cake is dough." Tlio girl win
playfully cars somo youth a "milksop
is also unconsciously quotingr''hnl.'osX'nro1
and oven "loggerhead" js of the sumo
origin. "Extempore" in tlrxt found In
Khakmix-iirn, and no am "ahiiniiiics
SlmkiNMaru Is tho Unit author tlmtsx-nks
of "the man in thu moon," or mentions
thn txitato or uses the term "oycsoru" for
annoyance." Chicago TimeH.
What Four Hparrnwa Can Do.
Two iiairn of kimitow were watched
liy an olwcrvant naturalist finxlin-j their
young in their nests in only one half hour
with (he lame of the hluclxittlo fly from
a dead cat. They fetched these i lull 104
times, mid onu of the birds alio caught 14
tlien on tlm wing. Now,' tlm comiiion
Iioiiho liy ih computed to produce in one
season, ho prolific. Ih the progeny after pro
geny, no lew than 2i,l)()0,iM(), say, in
rouml 1 ilierH, ii 1 .000,000. 1 ml thiiH
wen) prevented by these two pairs of
birds no fewer than 2H(),000.WM hv the
capture of 14 Hies and 2,K00,000,000 by
the (leMti'iiftioikof thu 104 larvin. Again,
theru ligurnl in tlio NiriHh luvouuts of
oiia Mirinli liMiloiicfHtci-Hhiro a charge for
1? dozen of (ho calliil) tonitilx' IiciiiIh; in
another parish, Mellxiurno, in DcrhyHhiro,
'a huiitow club dextroyed in one year
4.577 Hiiinll birdH, and in yet another
not). Take tho Hinaller of the two last
iiuniherM, anil multiply it hy the iuiiuUt
of Hint jiiHt rakuilnttHl iui prevenUsI by
thn twoiuinfof HjuirrowM, and it giveo
what we may very well call a grand total
jf 7,3rm,000,000.000.-London Tinun.
The (irlnilliiK of the Ire.
"Tlm Riihiuarinu forent olf ournrt,"
ttaid n nua:i from II.'.-kuIki, W'k., "is
ln'ing broken up by tho grinding of the
ice. TIiim forent extcniln about a mile
nnd a half into the kike. The grain and
Mirk of tlm tnnii aiti entirely tlMiuilur
from nnything found in the fon-ds of thu
prcHunt day, tlitm allowing ulmoht con
1 hiHively that t'lu buried foreitt wan awal
lowed up by I'm tun age and agin ago.
Kwliuruieii w'u cwt their. netN near thcuo
IcallinK mid jictrilled Innti often bring
up whillo br: :iclnn and twigH, and once
in a great wliilu a heavy ttca wimhea ir
gnarlixl trunk unborn. then aro m ien
title men who hold that thu tuinken
forent proven tiiat the earth Iiiim Ihhmi pay
ing triimtti to thu lake ever nineo the
birth of time. The vant amount of icu
in tlio lake (hit winter luut had the t lTect
of demolishing nuuiy of the trcn, Mr
tiona of w hich havu btvn cant upon the
anchor Ice during tho nevero eantcrly
g;iltn." ("hicngo Herald,
len. Kherldaii'a l'lan.
Ocn. Sheridan lira prooned n Mtriking
and iiigenioiM plan of harbor defense,
baed iiN)ii hi exiTieiice in lighting In
diana years ago. He found sunken pils
held by rillemeii N tler than forU, which
formiHl a clearly visible mark for the
enemy. He therefore promse a series of
mibnmrpsl pits in the mi, with guns that
can l rnistsl or lowered at picture,
never ri ing above the surface of the
water so far as to ullord a good mark for
an advancing Ihn-t. Such works would
be better defended ugainst liut'.iile lire by
the surrounding water itst'lf than any
visiblu fort can Uby steel or nt her casin;.
Tlw ldta i worth consideration, as it rp
ani to olVer a maximum of defensive
forci with a minimum of cost. Now
York Tribune.
Are the Timet Degenerate?
When one read of defaulting twwur
vrn mid cashiers, he is likely to tvfvr to
the degeneracy of thu times in morals, in
honesty and trust wort himn. Hut are
they degenerate? Are the moral iustincta
lee keen than they were of old? U will Ik
safe to deny it. You cannot tell what the
nioraU of n man ar until he is tempted.
In the olden time Industrie were no
jsHirly develops! that it was luvetwiirr to
rvH trusts in other only in 0 very liiu
iUil ilcgrvv, and hemv tho defaulter
were few. The oplo of the present day
endure thu t.t of temptation, no doubt,
uiorn cnslitably tlwn thu anei'stor of
iHist ivnturit would have dune IKuxl
1 louM'keeping,
iree fhalk for Cue.
re trvinir to introduce)
cluilk in MMue irf the billi;inl miuim f
( hicago. It is claimed tliat the rlialk
om none f it ndhesivenxtM by reason
hiuii. i.u ivior, ami mat It WMiei
me. nieru 01 pn-N-rvtiig the ttiloref cloth,
tluilk. as it is ussj at pnsiiit. soon fades
the luvivisl cuicrald cloth, and makes
tln t;.l.k;i pcar uuaihtljr and woru.
Kw York Ntn.
A rrocewilon of Duyern, M I10 Are on the
Lookoot for llaraln.
On Saturday nights tho prcftsuro Is ter
rible. Alsmt 8 o'clock tho provision of
buyi-rs commences, couixifccd entirely of
ixxiplo who must havei things cheap aiu!
vho will not buy iiiiIi-hm allured bycheap
nim. On mich occiuiion tho object on
tho sidewalk nro largely re-cn forced. The
shoemakers spread Ix foro their eyes kirge
aKHortmentH of arctic overHluxn ana
thoKO caoutx-houo coiiiH)uiids which the
ISostun girls uiuhically term gums. These
aro at divers rates, i:ome 35 cents, some
,V), Homo 1)1). Tho dealer knows the fas
cination which thu largo laU1 "09 cents'
has ujxm his cuhUjiikts. It seems to say
that tho living once, the bed rock rate,
is $ 1, but, because times are bard, he
will throw oil a cenrand sacrilice bun
self rather than not make a sale. This
convinces t!iciu, this pitexiua sjx'ctaclo of
Ahrahain oluung up Ins smx-s at a sac
rificial rate, and ho has twenty customers
at 01) cents, whereas ho might onlv have
bad two at $1. Great is thy power, 0
Side by sido with tho shoe tables are
other iiiercluiiit'i, who make appeal to
tho samo ikihhioii for cheapnim At 0110
cud will lx an old white Ixfirdcd man,
who, swee)ing his hand over a collection
of tin whistles and imitation jot brooches
and hair comlw, rejx-atH incesmtly in a
monotonous voice, "Any toy or any
jewel on this tahlo, 5 cents."' At an
other will Ixi an orangeman crying out
with tho voico of a stentor, "Ten for
cents." Further mi will bfla huckster
of bananas, shrieking "Kiixi hanannics,
tlio whole bunch for 0 quarter." Tiien
there will Ixi maniliceift di.splays by a
Mshinon.'Ter, who bv oix'ning bis window
establishes cimiiminication Ix'tweeu tho
lisli within r.nd the li: .1 1 without. Clams
upix'ur to lie tlio favorite Uamty, nnu
these lire displayed on plaU-s and sold by
tho plnteful, nnd one can nee feminino
customers counting to set) which plate
has been favored by fortune. Iieside tho
clams thero are pill's of Misters, just
IshIikI and Hteaming, fttirrouimcd by a
perfect cloud of e:ivorincssi Tlicn tlicro
are small crabs, not very inviting, and
lniHkets of oysters.
Tho grix-enes aro in full blast, giving
awuy a chromo and a package of sugar
to every onu who buys tea nnd codec,
which is already for the buyer 111 paper
liaekages. In front of every grix'ery btoro
is a small stand where u young girl u
grating horse radial and selling it hy the
teacup. I watched one whoso hands wcro
blue with cold, but business was brLk
anil she seemed happy, and continued
rubbing awuy iixm the grater which must
uive been alxmt the temix-raturo of a
ilix'k of ice, for metals have tho happy
xnver of distributing Ixith heat and cold.
Then there were truck wagons from Flat-
itiiih or Ilushwick selling heads of cal-
mge, and xtatie and oiu:hih. Iho va
rious dry gixxls stons on the "ftvemx)"
were cmwded with customers and blaz
ing with gas lights, nnd even electricity
nt Its poh'iit aid to charm the wnses of
thu custijinerH. It was a sort of carnival,
the prevalent thought Ix'ing, "you work
ing jieople have your wages in your
pocket; come in and spend the lastceiil."
lmxiklyn bugle.
Ravins; Tear In Ferala.
Tears are considered so precious in
Persia that tiny lxitllo tlieni up. When
there U n funeral some one px round
anion': the mourners and presents each
with a Hxm,'.;e to weep in, and thu s;wngu
i.4 afterwards w;ii"ezel into a bottle. If
the deceased was n jx.'iiurious relative a
tight oil sponge that it was diiilcult to
HiitiiH'zc any money out of when olive? it
islikewiie diiilcult to sijuc.'zo nny Ikhs
out of the family sixine) ot his funeral.
It must lie touching to see tho master of
ceremonies ut a funeral, moving along in
front of the mourners' bench, nnd asking
each one in a whisper: "Have you
sheil?" Bottled tairs are supjsiscd by tho
Persians to have preat healing powers,
bunco their collection. Excliange.
Pretty Lively Traveling-.
"Tlio miestion is often asked me," said
an electrician, "if it lie really true that,
tho electric current travels fast enougn
t') go around the world in a single second.
There seems to lxa good deal of curiosity
on that score. Tho Ixsst reply that can
bo made tu b;ic!i an inquiry is that every
thing dejx'niai on tho conditions. Take a
perfect land lino 25.000 miles long, or
equal to tlio circumference of theer.rth.
and a tap on tho wiro would 1 felt from
one end to the other m nlxxit one second
Under tho lx."st misKiljle conditions as
many, iKrlmps, as cilit or ten seconds
would lx) requiii'd if the cuiTent were to
bo transmitted t'lroii"!! cables under the
two oceana." Chicago Herald.
Vhat Our Krhools Keeil.
Thousands of young txxiplo are turned
out of them yearly wish jiist knowleilgo
cnomrh to iiia":e them yeasty and uu
settled, but without enough tonweken a
tendency 1:1 t'icir minds toward nny
I'.rodiictive v cr.tiom in which the most
of them must iuevituLlv wxmer or later
cnga!;e. Our kcIkxiIs hitherto have been
trying to work out tho overshadowing
university conception f education,
whereas they can continue to do ade
quate work onlv as thev assist in launch
iiig you!!.1? men and women rkht side up
on tiie heady current of practical life-
Boston (jlobe.
The Nultan' Wive,
The siiltnii of Turkey lives in a palace
somewhat out of the city of Constanti
nople and fitted up m ordinary European
Btylo. It is built of stone, but the rooms
aro small and the ceilings lotv. though
very gaudily painted, lie has been mar
riiil only some half a dozen times, which
is quite a reasonable mmilx'r (or a polyga
moussultau. IikKhhI, Alxlul llamid must
be considered a very temix'rato man as
regards wives, when it is lxirne in mind
that onu of his late predecessors was
pleased to possess twice as many ns
he has. Constantinople tor. Chicago
A Cheap Toboggan Slide.
The Macon Telegraph wants a tolxiggan
slide, and tells how to make one thai thu
heat won't hurt. It selects 11 certain hill
in thecity, and then says; "Buy enough
twelve inch plank planed on one side to
make, when stood on edge, suuxith side
in, a double lino from thu hilltop to the
bottom. The width of tho space between
these two lines of plank should Ut alxnit
'it feet, and the ground smoothed with a
. Over it spread nine straw six inches
leep. The straw can lx hauled from the
otxls in wagons. Nail two htu-rcl staves
under a plank of equal length, grease the
itaves and then get on. The rider will
llnd himself tolxigganiii'r at a tenilie rate
of KHcd, and accidents will bo almost im
possible. iscw ork Sun.
Walti;ton' Othogrnpliy.
George Washington defied orthography
with the sani" calm courage with which
10 oppwed tlm troops of England. He
o'ice wrote to the congregation of the
Butch Reformed church ut Schemvtady:
I sincerely thank you for your coiigrntu-
itions on my arrival in this place. Whilst
join in adoring that now Supreem
Being, to whom alone can be attrebnted
the signel successes of our arms, I cannot
but express my gratitude to you gentle
men," etc. Chicago Tribune j
1'onil Value of llone.
The exK'iiiiients of Dr. Edward Smith
with bones were cited to instance their
tiosmlilo fixxl value; these exix-riments
v.-ero u:u!c:-taien r.i tlio coinuwiid of tho
English government, ami were exhaus
tive enough to provo that three and a
half pounds of mixed Ixmcs contain i;s
much heat food as one lxmnd of meat.
and six xund:i of bones as much llesh
fix)1! as a xmnd of meat Juliet Canson
in Hiuper s Ilazar.
Itecay of Iliillillii Htone.
Tho rapid dway and destruction of
building stones is a matter of common
experience. Jlr. T. 13,'glcuton has de-
rilx'd somewhat tho causes leadinir to
them, lie finds that many limestones
that are most liable to disintegrate.
ither in the finished monument or vet
in the ledge, are mixtures of true lime
stone and dolomitie limestone, nnd the
rumbling is due to the more soluble
nature of the limestone, which is re
moved by the, x-reolating carbonated
liters, 1 law undermining the dolomitie
grams. Chicago Tribune.
An African Drum.
"This," said Capt, Storms, taking up
monstrous native Jruin of unshnnclv
girth, "produces a curious effect when
hi hear the molded banging of it ro-
lioing from village to village as tho
igiial for war. 1 have com? across
hiefs in the interior whose hobby it is
nave 'lancy drummers. Hut their
ay of procuring them is essentially Afri-
:in. they chop off the hands of their
laves, and oblige the latter to Ixi'.t tho
limns with their mutilated Rtunij in
u 01 drumstick." Chicago Tribune,
luiMirltlei I11' Iron.
It is said that the more rapid deterio
ration of much of the iron of a late make
ises from thu fact that it contains more
(purities than formerly. The common
iron of to-day is filled with slag, and
kxks coarse nnd fibrous when rusted or
orn. rifty yes ago the iron made in
le I lilted States was lairelv chnreivil
iron, and was much purer mid U'tter than
the same grade made at the present day.
iswion tiuiigei.
Nothing wa OoimI Knouch.
"Bvn north. I understand." said Jones
Browu, who hail Lime to New llaimv.
diire to sponge on some of bis rich kin.
"es, I was up among mv relatives."
"How did they treat you?"
"Oh, immense! Nothinir was imod
enough for me, nnd" dropping his voice
-"that's just wlmt they gave we."
uiiiioiun v riuc.
Tie young nw:i wlw kw bis evenings
to himself genenilly px-s and cives tltcm
to .mo one i-lse. New Orlciiw lVa
yune.' Mine can now K li,-lite.l bv 1 l.vtricitr
t one half the eot of lilUuii; them by
o 1 and c:ni'.h-i.
" A llrotlier of Cilrla.
When Alxl-el-ICadir was exjxrted at
Cairo, huly Dull Gordon's donkev driver
asked her iflie were not Akhu-l-Bennt (a
brother of girls). She said she did not
know that he had nnv sisters. "The
Arabs, O lady," was the reply, "call
that man 'a brother of girls' to whom
Gxl bus given a clean heart to love all
women us his sisters, and strength and
courage to fight for their protection."
Home Journal.
A Ilin-I llelween Oomioi'. .
Andreas RomlxTg, the well known
composer of the "Bell," once received a
challen;je from the leader of a small or
chestra on the ground of some pretended
insult. He sent the messenger hack with
these words: "Tell Herr X that I
don't know hw to use a sword or a pis
tol; but we will each conqxise a cantata,
and the one whoso work is received with
hisses shall shoot himself dead." Mailt
zer Nachrichten.
Ancient Koine's Napkin.
The miip;ia was a table napkin in use
in ancient Rome for wipin;; the hands
and mouth at meals. Vulgar persons
fastened it under their chins to protect
their clothes from stains, ns some do
now. In ordinary cases the host did not
furnish bis gtuvt with napkins, but each
person brought bis ownrinppa with him,
and occasionally carried away in it some
of the delicacies which be could nof con
Bume nt table. Home Journal.
Needed a Clvtllaeil lWtnr.
The Chinese yiverniner.t emplovetl Dr.
Bahr as European du tor f their fleet
during the recent war with France. When
the war was ended the d.xtor was dis
charge! ns a means of economy. The
recent riot nt !agas;iki. in whici'a num
Nt rf Chinese man-of-war's men were
tadly led the Viceroy li ta e:i
gag a ci . oi.AHl dix-tor to attend the fltvt
in jxace as well as in war. Public
Something to Iteinemher.
A mother had reproved her little frirl
for Ix-ins so clum as to drop a dish, and
the little giil, after a thoughtful silence,
"Mamma, can you write with vour left
"I ooul.1 if I wen? left handed, but Pin
"Well." mid the little girl. "I gu
little children are left handed all over."
The Lick r;l.w cost f .. i;,jUOr
fi!as4 U oftentimes mot expensive.
in. MeekneM. Hnmllity and Irapertar-
bitbliilr Sfcorlod an Order.
"Well," said the canvasser, putting his
,Hf.-i:.. nnnn ndiacelit desk, while bo
presented his nutograi.h album to tho ro
ixirter, and produced x n and ink from a
ivrret recess iu his vest "Well, I must
ftiMt. tlwink vou for your kindneAs, nnd
now let 1110 tell you that gall w not such
a pre-euiinent ingredient in a ixwit can
vasser's make up as you and a great
many other nersons seem to imagine,
Our first lest'iisnre taken from tho Biblo,
tvleeh teni'lies meekness and humility. A
real Ixxik canvasser never loses Ilia tent'
I, ....V..C in.lrt iiiurrv! bo never UT-
j 11 , iiu jii.v. n ' n . ---
fue3j but he grdually leads the conver
sation into jileasant channels, and makes
lifo as a.preablo and enjoyable to nil
around him as ho possibly can. Tho only
resistance a true canvasser will make to
anybody is when his calling is impeached.
Ho is early tau.;htrf(j stand up for tho
honor of his calling, in Bpite of all that
may 1x3 told him of the misdeeds of others
who have disgraced it.. There aro black
sheep in every flock, and all men 6hould
not be held responsible for the bins of a
"The lx?st way, though, to illustrate
our teachings is to tell you how we
work ami nil wo do comes out of our
course of study, cs you call it or our
Ixxik of instructions, as we call it. We
depend on ourselves to the largest los
siLlo extent. Sometimes we have a
heller. t!u.t is. a gentleman or Lidy of a
certain iieighlxirlnxxl who, in considera
tion of a free copy of tho book, intro
duces us to certain jxiiple, but tho great
tumble, fibout helpers is that they insist
n talking and recommending your work
after intrixhiclng you, thereby display
ing their interest nnd injuring your pros
pects. It is harder to keep 'Iiel;xr8'
quiet than to get along without them, so
I choose net to have them. Tho power
of iiilliieiico we. of course, fully recog
nize but it Li the influence or example
by leaders either in six'iety or business.
For this reason we are always glad to
bavo gixxl names to show some names
in the building, in the block or in the
immediate neighlxirlaxxl. Oir approach
ing a gentleman whoso suliscription we
desire to secure we have several things to
consider, and 1 shall mention them in
their order. We generally ascertain the
gentleman's name and we make it
point never to forget a name once ac-
tiuired. It is tileasunter and more
i'fiective to call a man by his name when
you meet him the first time, be
cause it makes lum feel that Ins im
portance is appreciated and that his fame
is not confined to his family and imme
diate friends. Alter meeting him, we
hxik him squarely in tho eye, nnd, with
out starim: him, hold lum as the ancient
mariner held his friend with his glitter
ing orb. There is great jxiwer in the
human eye, and, lx-sides, it shows that
you are not doing anything vou ure
ashamed of. If the lxTsun is engaged or
tx) busy, we try to make an npxint-
inent for some other tune. If we are
canvassing in families and there are chil-
Iren present, we notice them and say
nice things about their looks, or com
ment on their resemblance to the head of
the house.
"The next thing after securing ntten
tion is to create a desire on the part of
tho person to see what you've got, for
desire must precede demand. That is
another of our axioms. We never show
our bixiks until we have created the
necessary desire. You may have ob
served that I tried to keep my portfolio
hidden by the flap of my overcoat. Vv hen
wo do show our book wo do not let it go
out of our bands, but beginning at the
cover, we explain all its g(xxl points, put
ting our descriptions into tiie Ix-st words
we can master. We keep cool, do not
hurry; are concise and direct in our lan
guage, and try never to weary or worry
our customer. Then we secure tho order.
As soon as the customer shows signs of
yielding, we have jx'n and ink ready we
always carry ink and obtain bis signa
ture while his mixxl is favorable. After
getting the signature we keep away from
the suliscrilx'r until we ure ready to de
liver tho book, and the delivery is made
ut ft time when we know the tnibscrilier
has money when ho gets his salary if a
working man, and niter crop time he
lives in the country.
"Objections? Oh, gracious yes, we hear
plenty of objections. We ere taught to
exixvt them, and we train ourselves to
meet anil answer them. In doing tliis
we aim to 1 pleasant nnd happy, with
out lxing offensively smart, nnd we avoid,
as far as jxissible, direct answers or
lalxired arguments. Agents who nro
afraid to doX'nd on their own facilities
in such emergencies have a manual from
which they may study nnd memorize
answers to the ordinary objections which
are offered. I have such a manual one
published here, in which you will iiud
objections with ready made answers." '
Glolx Democrat.
Pumiiliiff the Mlehty Dollar
TTip pursuit of the dollar is resjxmsible
tr.r l. wreck f countless lives. It makes
young men old, unl adds physical du
ality to the sorrows of oil age. In tho
unceasing effort to obtain riches, tho best
objects of human existence ure driven out
of sight. Familii are neglected, and,tho
iJoflHiinu of home left tinbiwted. In low
land, tho princo merchant is content with
what is mined by a few hours at tho
desk. Tlio ivi of his timo is given to
mieli en ioviiieiits us his means may ikt-
mit. He is en;liuniastically devoted to
his family, and in oid n'e is as jolty as
anndlxiv: sImmis well, eats nlmosttoo we
nnd is comparatively free Irom Miins and
aches. It is a fact that thousands of our
wealthiest merchants, in their prosperity
work ns hard as they did when com
mencing lifo. Custom has grown into
habit, and things without interest from
tho business point of view have no flavor.
So long as gixxl health remains, such
slavery has its comxmsations; but, when
U10 Dhvsical and mental condition will
stand the strain do longer, the way to tho
end is glixiiuy nnd wretched, the pains
and aches arising from ixrsistent oer
work embittering every moment to th1
last. Herald of Health.
Iteltglite or Teylon Life.
But here we are in tho midst of British
luxury, live minutes nlxive a largo town,
with tennis courts nnd dashing drives.
Often the. ceiling cloth follows the rafters
to the ridge polo, as in my sleeping room,
which thus has a lofty dome. But the
sound of creatures that move without
feet -is as revelrous and gloomy and
frightful end startling in that crevice,
that Iwg like reptile room, as it is when
they have the sjiace of a regular garret to
kmx'k nnd throw themselves around.
Them" means wildcats, civet cats.
scorpions, muskrats, common rats and
sorix'iiU. There is no yowling like that
of the unhappy cats of cities in America;
no noise except the locomotion nnd the
delicate squeak of the musky mice at
play, and the louder protest of the rata
when they are being swallowed alive by
the snake. Ceylon Cor. Chicago News.
Beautiful Hermnda.
Everything is bright, every outline is
sharp, every house bke a house mado of
snow, nxif and all. scarlet and yellow
flowers in masses, trees so full of birds
that it seems as if every leaf were a bird,
yet not a bird to be seen they are only
heard; the whole Ix-autiful fcdnnd res
onant like a bell. Such is Bermuda.
Bermuda Letter.
Where They Hare Cone.
A great fcarcity of the very small
coin is reported, v.e are r.fruid the
heathers have tr r.'.l tho very suiill coins
by this time. Buruugton.
Interviewing a Woman.
Women who figure in public- usually
liko to bo interviewed. They nro less
cautious than men about expressing their
convictions, but they aro more iiartieular
alxnit bavins their exact language
printed. Unlike uiwt men, tho wonie
want to see tho reporter's note btxi
when they talk for publication. "Wind
is tho use of my telling y.iu all these
things if vou nro not going to put tile:
down!" Anna Dickinson once said to the
writer.. That energetic lady was not
satisfied wi:h the assu,unco that her "in
terviewer's memory was B3 goixl ns
note book, bho wanted to bavo tho inter-
view which was about her plans as an
actress written out th:'n and there so
that she might read it over and reviso it,
Of course she had her own wny. She
fixed up the interview to her own liking
and tiie interviewer turned it m to tlio
man with the blue ix-ncil who sits nt the
city editor s desk. That critical jx'rson
cut out alxmt four-fifths of Anna's talk
and quite naturally tho next daysho had
something to Bay nlxiut tho total deprav
ity of newspaper reporters. New York
The Killing Mood.
The law of corresixindences between
spiritual and material things i3 wonder
fully exact m its working. People ruled
by the nioixl of gloom attract to them
guxmiy things. People always discour
aged nnu (lesix)ndent do not succeed in
nnything", nnd live only by burdening
some one else. The hopeful, confident,
and cheerful attract tho elements of sue
cess. A man's front or back yard will
advertise the man's ruling mood, in the
way it is kept. A woman at home show
her state of mind in her dress. A slat
tern advertises the ruling mood of hope
lessness, carelessness, nnd lack of system
Kags, tatters and dirt are always in the
mind Ix'fore being on the Ixxly. Thp
thought that is most put out brings its
corresixinding visible element to crystal
lize alxnit you, as surely and literally as
the visible bit of copjxT in solution at
tracts to it tho invisible copper in that
solution. A mind always hoix'ful, conn
dent, and courageous, and determined on
its set purpose, and keeping itself to that
punxwe, attracts to itself out of the ele
ments things and powers favorable to that
purpose. Prentice Mulford.
Von llulow'a Lead renrlln.
Hans Von Bulow. on his first appoint
ment to the leadership of the orchestra
nt a German court theatre, introduced
himself to bis musicians carrying a small
parcel under his arm. Tlus he proceeded
to unfold with great solemnity, produc
ing therefrom twenty-two ix'ncils, which
he distributed among the memlx'rs of his
orchestra, requesting them, in a lengthy
8xjech, to make use of them for the
purpose of inserting his reutarks and al
terations in their several iwrts. After
Hans Von Bulow bad resigned . his ixist,
his successor appeared at the desk, where
ho solemnly owned a little parcel, 6ay
ing: "1 have been told that my predeces
sor, 11. v on liulow, on his accession to
ollice, handed each of you a pencil, ask
mg you to msert sundry notes nnd nltera-
turns. I t(X), gentlemen, have brought
you a small present, with the request
that you will make use of it to efface the
annotations of my highly esteemed pre
decessor. wiiereuiMin the new con
ductor, with great ceremony, delivered
to each of tho musicians a niece of india
rubber. Argonaut.
The Celebrated "VVidow'a Mile."
The most notable coin in the mint col
lection, and ixrlmi3 the most celebrated
coin in the world, is the "Widow's
Mite." It name simply tells its com
mercial significance, though visitors gen
erally ask to see the "Widow's Mite"
Iirst. giving sixH-ial Scriptural significance
to it. It is nn interesting nnd confirma
tory fact that this pieeo was found
among tho rubbish of the Temple grounds
by Dr. Barclay, long resident in Jeru
salem, and author of "The City of the
Great King." It was presented hy him
to the mint. It is of the kind of mites
offered by tho widow, but that it is one
of the identical mites lias never been
established. "Observer" in Philadelphia
Presidents Who Wire College Graduates
This is the list of presidents who have
leen college graduates: Adams (John;,
Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Adams
(J. Q.). Harrison, Polk. Pierce. Bu
chanan, Hayes, Garfield. Arthur twelve
in all. The other list, not counting
President Cleveland, contained these
names: Washington, Jackson, Vnn Biiren.
Tyler. Taylor. Fillmore, Lincoln, John
son, Grant ten in all. The presidential
ofllce liefore 1885 had been administered
by graduates iffy-two years, by non
graduates, forty -four years. And. strange
to say, thirty -two of the fiftv-two
years fell before 1837, nnd "only twenty
in the equal jx-rio.1 since 1837. Detroit
i ree iTess.
The Trophrt and the Cat.
Mohammedans entertain n kindlv n.
gard for cats, because of e tradition' that
the prophet en a certain occasion. Ix-ing
called to quell a riot, cut cX the sleeve of
His rof f rather tlir.n di.-turb a cat tlec-tinc
upon it. Cosmopolitan. - .
f ll m r.,ul ft U'n.b .
tlurlt of u I ort.
One day 1 walked out to J,,,,,,
ler's cabin on tlio lulU justt
city. Everything alxmt the ,k7,
rted and desolate, viTTdiir
what it looKcd a year ago K,1 ,
visited it. Then everything hit A
and out, was neat ami clean' . h
tethered just outsido tho dour 1
owner was inside hard at work "
out almost unreadable inantw,, ,
big in at the door, before knwkin". 7
a strange sight for fashionable tf .H
ton. ' Heated cn a pkun, unr-i
chair, drawn up to a rough
that cost probably $1, sat a
picturesque garb of the gold rull
California. He was writing nnn?
a steel pen, nnd the floor around
scattered with finished pjiw,
plank wall alxive the papers wags
picture and around it, tacked toth
a. ill. ..I. .a .....Ml . M
,itii mio, n el c tx:i ujni ot paper ft
witli liyerogiyptiics that I
found were notes.
Over in the corner of the room t.
bunk such as may bo seen in thestiv
of ocean steamships. It wag a.
with a profusion of tho richest eiim"
furs, some of which were also hun -j-"
tho walls. The wild haired putY
Sierras received me pleasantly, a,.'
'ewer to a question about his nut!,,
comimsition he said: "I have noiw
I write when I feel inclined, and 4 .
give any thought to thu suljjwt (,.-'
commencing. But 1 must be oj,) ,
even nn uniinal must lx; in the ruocn
me, nnd I even turn my cat j
After a plensnnt ordinary chat I
tho picturesque little cottajfe an '
and its queer occupant. 1 mister
felt a little disappointed with mtv
form everything but dress I hadf,
my host tin average man. Tlio nc it
however, I saw another phase of hi..
ous character, talking m tiie Si J
soman grounds I heard behind m-1
clatter of galloping hoofs, and tunr
saw approaching, riding wildly, uV,,
tt.. 1.... 1 1.:.. 1.- : 1 1 . 1
nu iuui 111a nuiiiiiii'iu- in ins Itailu, Si,
long hair was floating in the bm-ai
Beeined to lx unconscious of evem 1
around him, completely lost in ,
uro of his gallop. This is tlio tort tr
over saw him in Washington. Ht.
wxm after and for a year has bw-nfc
ing in Mexico and the southerns.
He is now in San Francisco wb
edits a magazine, but ho is a enure
mixxls, anil may bob up in Waslii-
any day. lie lias lived longer line;
anywhere Wasliington Cor.
troit Free Press.
The Alnnknn'a Intoxicant.
During a course of years, coninJ
with the Russian wcupation of theni
try, ix'fore the cession of the pro
tlio tinted States, und subsetuit'Dtk.
timo, men of our country found ahil
tive business in the sale of mokwi i
sugar to the Alaska Indians. From:.
two substances they make a drink i f
they call iHxx'henoo, and it is just 1 1
tie worse than the 'lowest grade of L
ter street whisky. In fact it it it
pure alcohol, slightly discolored. .'
Indians manufacture it for their t
consumption, and for the use of J
friends, but it is rarely sold by then.l
one another. 1 hey make a wrt
mash from molasses and dirty tr j
sugar. 1 lus tney put into a Xorg 1
dron over a slow fire.
Some of them have considerablr
chanical ingenuity, and they n;J
crude sort of a still out of tin.
pieces are cut out for the worm, on j
dian holds them in place while an I
with a bar of solder and a hot iron
ens them together. They lwitch oe I
alter piece, until they have comply
rude sort of a worm, and then thet j
is ready. They understand the ir J
of condensation of the vapor
worm and know how to get the diq
tion out of it. Then they double J
triplo distill this product, and in uVj
have a liquor that you or I would J
uare to drink, unless we wanted il :
to experience all the horrors of drliJ
tremens. The stuff is simply terri I
its jxiwer. When tho process of M
lecture is completed they store firJ
in bottles for use. Tho howtoM
distilled only in the most iiianw
parts of Alaska, as the sale of if
quantities of sugar or molasses a
more thickly settled portions of then
try is prohibited and Indians M
known to possess quantities of either
modify are closely watched. Lifts
1. Jlonahan in Brooklyn Eagle.
Animal Lore Among Savage
Tlio natural history of savage raw
resixinds exactly with this natural In
of European folk lore. The Zulu i
you that the reason the hyrax lias n
wherewith to drive away the flies is.
011 the day when tails wore dktrii-
the hyrax, fearing it was going to r
begged the other nmmals to bring u-
ail to save himself the trouble of p
x thnt tho proverb to this day adtb-j
to a Zulu who from laziness ni-ks ml
to ilo or fetch something for him is-
yrax went without a tiul wu'
sent for it" The Bushman will U
that the jackal's back is black bfiw
once carried the 6un on his lack vl:
found that great luminary, then
on earth, sitting weary by the
And the Aht will tell vou. in c
of the melancholy note of the & '
fisherman robbed by a companion 0
sii nnd nt the same time of in""
nablo to resixind to nuestions abutf
port, save by a noise like the
hose plaintive cry is still tiie Tl
that hanless fisherman, trvine in
make himself understood. And p-
the Greek would have told you th
nightingale was in reality Philonx
unhannv sister of Procne. be
the form of a bird the wrong now
Tereus. her brother-in-law, B
order to niwunt l,r from inform.
; . ,1 1 1 1. .-.n.rlMI.--
i, uepnveu ner 01 tier luiio-
tleman's Magazine.
Tbe Climate of Alank
'Therlimiteof Sitka. Alaska,
than that of Brooklyn, the
t-rature for the summer mon"1- n
iut CO dogs., and the average tftv
e Tor the winter months """"V
s a mistake prevalent thn up
ited States that Alaska
nate. The lxmulatio of
was H.GOn whites an SO.J,1"'
ieut. 11. T. JIoKahdii m