THE TLAXCALANS, inhabitants or the Oldest Re- f""'. ... i U'.irlil. rwntl Mexico not very f;ir from .. .t. - ..1.1 . l it . J .:... IK'S mo "HifM rviHiiiiic ()I i-. Wtirlil. It i l'liixciila, tho i ..ii m, it ; ..... t.. . in nri'Hil nnu rnjritniiucnt. j ins people rt'iniiinod unpoiiqiituoil .e SimiiiurcU forced tlicir i-n- . .nil ...i.t flw.ll ITfirtiitl trmiKi.1 r p . i national aim rumer iiuin eiif if., turned their indimiitablticour. iml wonderful nkill in his favor ,,rSinst tlu-ir nereiiiiiiry iocs, tlie lm '" '1,ft'di'd to final ly e t)lti JlOlllCZllllliln. illu IIICIKI- J the Tlaxcalaiis ouro ledt'il is iblc. and tlio Spanish relied on J . 1 promise to convey tinnier mr ins over IllB iiiiniii"" i if.xcni'o thereon he built tho licet thnt oSptiiii l"'r ffrent American pos- iu. Tta'iilit is percm-ii up among nuiai'taiiiH and rendered im 7ble by nature on three sides and ,,1 by an' enormous wall on the which defied the attacks of the 4 in nianv wars. The people have rami manner of freeman and are iiiiti-ly proud of their ancient and ilile lineage. theppuninent part taken in the ,.st by the Tlaxcalans Spain eon oii'tlifin exclusive) jirivilees, this clav they maintain them. but full-blooded Indians sit in Senate, and their Government Is nil bv wisdom and moderation ."J Spanish priests went over to ,, and soon the caciques or chiefs Tliixealans became Christians mre baptized under Christian and that i why so man v Indians impcan coriiijmeii.n. I he Tlax aw very exclusive mid rarely with the outside world, and wny we were surju-iseci to see vm' the Indian artisans at the : nr. ins name is uanion lluerta. olwlily is the only full-blooded Ian who ever left his native, land nily. He was born in the cap , and in early life served in their rmv ol defense, lint so seldom waves of revolution roll up their crags that he became tired tire military duty and adopted ule of silversmith. His phle'- iwsevoraneo soon mastered his anil he began to elaborate, and Jul was his work that it was sent oCity for sale and this brought the notice of the A.teo fairman- The Tlaxcalans are extreme- .-niatie and lluerta is no excei)- Nnce leaving his native city he i all tlie woniiersof our progrcs d, and yet nothing calls from xpression of womleror admira- it uiiiloiibtedlv he will carry my a strange tale of his adven- f'livign lands, which will sound ly legends to his primitive j)eo- 1. brapluc. TIPS AND FEES. merlcan Practice Which Should wive No Kiicouraffeiiient. lycent novel, "The Minister's Mr. Howells inciilentally ii matter of "tips and fees to iters and others occupying sim- ioiis. Lvans, the editor, oilers mary .ee to young Marker, a iter, but the latter refuses it tic dignity, saying that "he 'now as he wants anv nionev has not earned." This sug- f inquiry to hvans whether he ite as mean for ofl'cring the fee r would have been had he ae- t. usance has grown to be abom (1 unendurable in the old coiin- I Europe and is making rapid in the United States. Twenty " it was not known in this To-day its practice is scan- prevalent. It is one of those European monarchy which a introduced into America bv ins of Anglomania. It is n Iv conteniDtible. nernicions American practice which receive no eiieouraL'enient 'ion by any self-respecting The American idea always has 'mie should pay current prices w gets, whether it be a yard ticket on a steamboat or meal at a hotel, or what- nd that that should be the Also that whoever hires any ' l,;y him fair wages for his f late lliij tl, ,,.-. I,..- 1....... 10 the wall, and a system of tips ami fees has grown up 'Hie lines of service bos nt- "h ProlXirtiiHW flint li..rmie . ' I " Pay for the nrivile-'e of "plover instead of beiiiL' oaid "r the service they render. " one way, and only one way, "P- Let every offerer of a gratuity fee that he is doing a niiiniliating thing, and that ' and self-respect command thhold the proffered alms. a matter of principle of Hilt Sf.llllli- ...r .;...t tl,o A publie sentiment? can thns "'"en will nip th n killing fc rot. vicious Chicago learls worn at the trin.r f V -eVf 1 oil- l. M.... ii-:n: v attracts nw.i-r. tu ti...n . t.iiiiijiiii nit,' and liallet. lI,,t Whirl, xi . J. ....i.. ' HW. It wah worn by ''"it over the ti.i, ..f l..r re 'l"Wn tb l,.,ek If .reoif- '"-"v. Wio. li it tVncirclrd. " to ou her BOWSER. What th (ioo.l Lailjr , to . A(0 , HT lliulwnd'g Tliikrrln, Al.llltlr.. Tho knob on the cellar door caino loose tho other day, and the pirl at the same time reported a pane of pbiss out in me Mienen ami a l.ioken caster on me exiension-tahle. I asked Mr. How serif he wouldn't send up a man to make repair and he replied- ..I . 1.. ! . 1 . ' i w isiiin for somethins t i.usy myself at for a few days. I'll get some tools and go through the House and repair and improve." i wntiireii to remind him that he spent the best part of two days and nights repairing the leg of a stand, ami mat it fell down and broke a fif teen dollar vase as soon as he had pro- iioiinceu repairs complete, and he put his hands under his coat-tails, called up an awful frown, and replied '.Airs. Howscr, when I don't know what I'm about I'll look for you to ad- vise me: in about an hour after leavinsr the house he returned with six files, three gimlets, a screw-driver, two hammers, a brace and several bits and drills, a bottle of cement, three pounds of nails, a putty-knife, and putty, and various other things, while paint, varnish and brushes soon followed him. The whole outfit cost but f 13.40." he explained, as he opened the bundle with a smile of pride on his face, "and I can keep the house in repair for two or three years. I'll do a hundred dol lars' worth of repairing in the next week." Mr. Bowser made his start on the broken window pane. He ;ot a chair out-doors to stand on, knocked out tho remnants of the pane and then put in three hours' work removing the old putty. This was not accomplished un til he had cracked two other panes, broken a sleeve button and cut himself in three places. Then he put in the new lirht, used shingle nails for brads and spread on the putty until it would have fallen off by its own weight had he not braced it with sticks. "Well, what do you think of that?' he asked as he came out to look at the job. "i ou'vo used lots of putty. ( ertamlv. A glazier would hav stolen half of it. I clou t propose to be stingy with my own family." "Well, it may do." "May do! Mrs. Bowser, what do von know about glazing, anyhow! I dou say that lever learned the trade, but there are three men in Detroit who' beat that job I'll eat up all the putty! J. hat evening he discovered that all of the kitchen chairs were exactly three fourths of an inch too high, and he sawed flu? legs off while the cook held them iUiwii on their backs. As a result No. 1 tipped backwards, No. ' learn forwards, while No. 3 was what sailors would call on its beam ends to star hoard.' I went to bed leaving him try iug to solder a leak in an old tin dipper ami next morning I found four holt Mirneil in the kitchen floor, two in the leg of his pants, and drippings of sol derail over the stove ami the sink while the dipper had been mashed flat. Breakfast was hardly over before he found a door which sagged. He got it oil its lunges and planed away, and he got it back on and squinted and meaS' ureil and reflected, and after Jialf a day s work he had an air-holu at tin top, a rat-hole at the bottom, and the lock so far away from the jamb that it was useless. In the afternoon I went out, and Mr Bowser laid down the carpenter tools anil took up the varnish brush. The varnish was too thick to spread and he thinned it down with kerosene. Tim wood work of my new sewing machint which was, of course, oil finish, re ceived his first attention, and he had such good luck that he tried his luck on the parlor mantel, the baby's crib, the wood work of the parlor chairs and the spare room bedstead. When I reached home ho was trying to con vince the cook that all the kitchen floor needed to keep itself clean for the next six mouths was a coat of varnish "Mr. Bowser, what on earth havo you done?" I exclaimed as I reached home and realized the extent of the damage "Whv, added live hundred dollars to the looks of our furniture," he proudly replied. It cost him ten dollars to hire a man to remove the compound he had brushed on, hut meanwhile he rendered our luirglar-alarni useless for a week try ing to run an extra w ire to the barn. He tried to repack a valve in one of the radiators, ami we got steamed out of the sitting room and had to send for a steam-fitter. He tinkered with the front door-bell, ami it doesn't ring yet, except as an agent pulls it. He spoil etl three locks, got the gas to leaking, bursted a water-pipe and laid the cook up for a week by spilling hot lead m her shoe. Then he packet! up his tools and earned them to the barn, and re turned with smiling face to say to me: "Mrs. Bowser, if any thing else gets out t.f order let me know. A stitch in time saves nine, and there is a tleep satisfaction in knowing that you are not dependent on Tom, Dick ami Harry. I only wish that I had seven houses on my hands to repair." A Iruit Free I'rcm The Boston Scientilie Society has diseiis-ed "The Met urn of ! Vico's (.'omet.' The members did not know what railway it would come to town on, ami so no arrangements were made to meet it with a hra-s hand. I ' utaburnh I'hruiiicU: GENERAL INTEREST. A house in Philadelphia, Ta., s notetl for being the birthplace of tall men. Every person horn under its roof has reached the height of six feet. (in a train that arrived at San Bernardino, t.'ul., the other ttav, were seventeen babies. Four of these; were born on the train. The business man who does not advertise alway wants to get close to the business house that does. Every real estate man knows this to be true. I'liiriiyo Intir Octtiil. The following taM,. shows the nuin her of murders per 1U,(KK),(HX) inhabit ants in each of the principal countries i .mini rwiiigHuin vn Austrtit. . . U'iKium Ken iui.i. . . . ;. .'..;;;,; M i'"'"" ; wo Italy Sianillnuvlu -at, Spain .via milium., s,u Luitflt Stutel NJU A Lynn caterer gives a mince pie 'ciy purcnascr of fifteen cents worth of goods. Person who hav sampled his pies sav that it is a mvs tery how he can afford to throw them in. The mystery is in the pie Uuxtun j ransmiii. That was a happv point made at !..:.. i 11,11 ""'i' a iiaiuranzeii liermau Ji responiting to a toast he said: "lam .he hest Englishman, perhaps, of any oi vou cause you were all horn En'. lish and could not help it, whereas ueeaino an Englishman from choieo." A. V. Tclvtmtm. A medical journal, some months ago, inveighed against what it called tho "pernicious habit of kissin-'. The warning seems to have .ow,.,l ailing off in the habit among marricr fi.lks, but the pernicious custom is bi as popular as ver among voting pci pie who are m the courting business. A. i. (traiihit; A German periodical, devoted to the interests of paper-makers, records an Improvement in telephones as fol lows: With a funnel of thick mauil paper about sixteen inches long and six to eight niches wide at the mouth, the mailer end lieing nut into the ooeniior ... . ' n oi me receiver, one may talk in w his pers through the telephone. noclor (who lias lieen sent for at two a. in.) Madame, pray send at once for the clergyman, and, if von want to make your will, for the lawyer. Mad time (horrified) Good gracious! Is so dangerous, doctor? Doctor Not hit of it; but I don t want to be the only one who has been disturbed in his sleep for nothing. A. i. Ihrnhl. During the year ended November Hi, 1HHI), the flour production in the United States touched figures once more exceeding all past work, anil forming a record really only half com prehended by the general public. nearly reached six million barrels, anil showed an increase over last year of eight per cent. Chieuqo Tribune. Anil now it is discovered that eoca Hie when applied m cases of silent melancholia, will induce people to speak. This may be beneficial from a scientific point of view, but how much more valuable would the drug become I 1 -I. IV . . , ii ii. ii io tut! eneci 10 make some people hold their tongues. I he danger in these days is in saying too much. Boston Ikmtd. It was a remark of Liniia-us that three Hies would consume a dead horse sooner than a lion could. He doubt I.. . . ! .1. . m .. ess iiieiiiiieu me lauiiues or me mree tiles. A single fly, the naturalist tells us, will sometimes produce 20,000 larvie. each of which in a few days, may lie the parent of another 20,000, and thus the descendants of three flies would soon devour an animal much larger than a horse. Paper bottles were patented In America in ifwi. l iicir sales were not extensive at first, but now that Euro pean patents have been secured, cover ing nearly all fields of probable compe tition, the controllers of the patents, we are informed, intend to manufacture the bottles in large quantities. In the item of freight alone they will effect a saving of oue-thiitl less weight than the glass or stone ware, and are, on the whole, less liable to breakage. Journal of ConnimtYc. Major C. II. Brackett. a Vicksburg man, who owns a string of race horses. thinks that he has a mascot somewhere irouiitl his stables. He wanted to send his horses to New Orleans on the steam- rJ. M. White, but he couldn't get them reatly, and when the steamer burned his horses were not there. Then he made arrangements to ship them by a certain train on the Louisville, New Orleans & Texas railroad, but he missed tin1 train which a few hours :ifterward was wrecked. At last begot the racers away, and a day ortwo after ward the stables at Vicksburg were ompletcly burned with their contents. A'. O. J'ifiniiine. Arthur E. Saunders and A If roil W. jl'anger, hi v cstlichl, Mass., were re i-iitly arrested for violating the Lord's ay by fishing for pickerel through the eat Southwick ponds on a. Sunday. At the trial they piodm-cd several wit nesses to prove mat their 'catch ing of a lish was a work of harity. and was not done un til efforts had been made to leiv one to ttisfy the craving of a sick woman. One of Southwick s doctors tc-iilied that he had ordered a li.-h for young Saunders', mother, who was covering from a serious illness. I'he young men were discharged. A'. ban. Jennie June thinks American women tlie youngest for their age in the world. In a-cel'taining the ages of America-; women, Jennie mii-t have taken their word for it- .V'jrristvwn Utrurl. KDPTDEI FSHKANEHTLY CUKJU). it i lit Tour ,nn rrora "r part of L " u turuana anil noun eiixmnea ahila here K we do not produce InrtUiiiiUili'e evidence from well-known banker, doctor, lawyer, merchant and farmer u to our re liability in the cure of reduooable rupture or hernia, without knife, needle or harp Inmru ?.,B" . ou ""Hire aKHlnet accident from tlie Unit dajr until cured, and the cure iruaran. teed permanent or money refunded. You can work everjr day, no matter what your oocmia Uon, without uantrer or iuconrenti-noe. I'on eultationa free. Otllce hnurt from 10 to 4 daily. Correnpondt-nta will rncluee utatiip for reply and aildrew lire. Korden ft l.uther, roonuj g aud ft. Kimt National bank. Portland. Oieicou. Moutlon Uiii paper. When Baby wh lick we gare her Oantorla. When (he wai a Child, the cried for Cutorla, When ihe became Mlaa, the dung to Catoria. When ahe had Children, ihe gave them Caatoria. Try hot flannol over the aeat of neural gic pain, and renew frequently. Xo lengthy advertisement Is necessary to bolster up Dr. Sage' Catarrh lleinedy. De Leasepa hits offered Germany a two fifth interest lu the Panama Canal. Go to Towue & Moore when In Portland for best Photographic, and Crayon work. TrtGermkX for breafetaHt. ' vjjrl ' Absolutely Pure. TSa powder nevet win A inwei at aiito feent'Oi anil wthJisiiiaeeea ldru conouuV! tti the uouury kiixas, w d mnnut he ok) In ootuiwt Va with Iti mullltuile of ow fcwt, hurt wet hr i)ja or promhtta piurdtia M amy In &jTai- tuiuae tcvom Oo. to Watt atowt. H. T TRADE V MARK. (pBHPRE Abtohilrlu Trt from Opiate, Emetic ami i'clxon. SAFE. .Tfete'u sure. Jn,Cts. PROMPT. .SdSjS THI A. ttM.KLKft 0O., R K Ml 10RM, IK. i Jacobs nil P t Cure. Rheumatism, Neuralgia I ft I U ft I fa ''. HfJif to, lWUuto, FUI TO R PwmWr'vr.. VI wall! at nuiuiliism and iiKiijuia Till ClUBLIU A. VOUILKa CO..HtTllOUIl,MU. HALL'S SARSAPARILLA Cures all vUeases originatine from a disordered state of the BLOOD or LIVES. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Boih, Blotches, Pimples, Scrofula, Tumors, Salt Rheum and Mercurial Fains readily yield to its purifying properties. It leaves the Blood pure, the Liver and Kidneys healthy and the Complexion bright ant clear. J. R. GATES & CO., Proprietors 417 Sansoma St., Ban Franolaco, LAD1F.H. ATTENTION! II SO to S3 00 Mr dar nik.l. at hoin vliuwnt ram patlon tuii ii do huinbuK. H;q(t 2-wat itaiuy for ar Uoulua. 11.1. MACIHiNALD a CO., 406 Mitmy wtrwt, Wmi Krtnlwx, t-'al. Boaatit. Alwar. lull. JM t-t Once Perreel rilllni CUInffllM Tree. DOMESTIC Paper Patterns. Kftid your ftririrea U f If I TO ft IlATS.T ML yt)urtatMl l&M MUMHtrltun. ti wrimirbrtb. IjllriM Ciimlsal XClnolnnti,SPEI The Bt'YKnr OltTrfb'te laanrd Kept, and Mwh, , eaeii year. f 314 imffea, Bill'i Inches wlia over 3,600 lUnatralluua a whole Picture Wallery. G1VUS 'Wholesale Prleee rflreel to ntwmmrr n all H'hmU Air penmnal or IWmlly h Trll. how to order, and glTea exact coit of every thlna; yo um, eat, drink, wear, or hare fun with. Three 1SVA1AAIU.H IUM1KS rontaln Informal Ion Rlranrd from the market of the world. We will mall a eopjr I'HKK to any ad dreaa nion reerlpt of 10 eta. to defray citene of mailing. Let ua heal from you, llMpeclfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. Btf A-.gLn Wvbuik A-roMft. Ctijriif IIL f) hi tiVaff TM fHid la t1ioir til tlul tlH of icuitslia, ami ha Ifirro limia( UDiVCIMI MtlUeW' ";iRriiY nRos,, I'dfU. Iff (3 h won th Uvor i f IW hiI1k ncl now ion.! UUM,t IllB t Mill 11 f laUa it i in o iui'in, A. L-SMI1H. HrtuKui.l, Vt. J ucl UO, The Van Monciscar DYSPENSARY, POHTLAND, OR. VmiDf. mldill. aiwl aud old. iliigi. or iiirntKt mar .11 whi. mitTr with LOST MANHOOD Mrrftiiii IVlillltr. KiMvni. hirrliM, Hfinlii.1 LMM)t H.4XU.1 Deuty, K.llinn Mum' iiry, WuU Vjr., luk ol KiirrgT. alio IIIihmI iiuid Hkln IHiwum, HviifniU, KruiiMimi, lUIr Vallln ll4in l'.lim, R w.lUngr Hin TlmHkt, VlMn, Kl fvcU uf Mitrtniry, Kliuiejn and Bltdilar Trotthlm, Wk Hark, Rumliif Vrlnr, Ckinorrliw, Oliwl, BUtot un-pninipt rvlttif .nd our. ttr Ills. Both tfrn t'ouMolt t'onfldeatlally Qgginni;m 194 THI HP JIT I Consult DE. LOLESTS, () 20' Kiarnt 8tre(T. ? He will Tell You Your Trou a Single Question, - - MEN OF ANY ACE HAVING any IVivtiic, Nervous it Scuet PImmc, Unnatural Lou, DiuUic. ana llr t,U' 1'wsue. LOST MANHOOD, Sexual Docay, Falltnp; Momory, Weak Eyes, Hcuutml Dovolupirmnt.Uiirfcot En srgry, PiiidU , lmiwUiuiunts to Marriage, Syphilis, t'llos, Fknila, Kye, Eiir, Cancer, Catarrh ami a.l Throat and hung Dia no nutter yuu havctuken, or who liu r.nlr 1 to tine you, call aid m tlio Jim'tor. Clllic. oul Pa liir iiri atcly urrantr'l. f.rCull or ftdtlmi Oh. klHIKK I S, l'liviiie 1 lixiiury, Kcoruy tlrect, Kr.-iti- 'w r, t ill. mm V. P. N. U. Nn. I"5 -S. F. N. V. No. m. "w" JtJ ij id ia ' The Best a . a V the mimmx Cheapest. SQUIRREL AND GOPHER EXTERMINATOR, iv op..porxi avi fivp.-poi'i w. DOST buy A Inferior Article BK'tl'KI IT II Mori I'rttatU TO Some One Elne. N100LLTHETA1LQR The Grandest Display of Choicest Woolens ever shown in the Citv, EiikHi-ii, French, Scotch nml fiHrniKn Fubrira in oii.IIhkh varioty for Suite to ineuiir. Own Thmwuiil JJitforont I'atmrne t wlwt I mm. .,... ,. HAMl'LKS, WITH INSTllUC'l'loNS Koit H K L F-il K AS 1 U E M E NT SLN T Hill- Icp from - $20.00 dor &.00 his utt(TM Emplw)Tl. E TAILOR, Portland, Or. Pi Mr. . Arthur SlmrtlelT, Parker, Dakota, rite, that he anffered for two yearn with lame knee, which wan entirely rurH by thetiseof St. Jacob's Oil. He ronaMera it a rnotit wt ndf rful reniedy. It conquers pain. Trrantifllnir prwJer-rl riorax tip the nostrils for catarrhal co d In the head. Mr. L. D. Vin-on. Cashier D. & I. R. R, has tried and endorse Ked btar I'ough Cure. cMili -v V- I'Vh 'fc VlVriii i Ti v for Infants and Children. "CastorlaiiM weT adapted to children thai I Caatoria enrea Colle. OooitlpatlMi I recommrn J It a. npertor to an, prm.-npUon I f"r H- known to me." It A. Aacota, U.D., HI Ba OzIordSL, SrooUja, N. T, I WlJiout'iajurlous medirartcft Tki CaMnn a Cvaraur, 183 Fultoa Street, K. T. i ivi:i:ml Combination Fence, WIRE AND PICKETS! For Karma, Kauehea anil l.awua t STOCK AND RsBBrr PR0'P 1 Roll of (rnm a. ili-lliin I (nun Uik HiHviri MmUw M'HiiMIKK thrtll ItarlMil rVncet Nkatkk tlian lliwnl Kt'ticet CllKAl'KH than Hull Kt-mwl tloKK lniKAiil.K than ntiy I TllK IIkkT Kkni k niaile! Huovrvhliiir aH other Krniie In the Kail, 34 HOOSIER MACHINES In oiM'ration In lrelilti ('utility. (lilo-a 4ia tili t nnlv aliont iOniiUionuare. 0 ( OI T II 144 II T N HOI.IM Cltvulnnianil other valuulilu inforiualUiu on application. Allllrt'n.: II. H. HKKII. roBtoffii-e Hoi ,V. 1'hkti.iku. Oh. nl'. AK-A wry InU'mit iiif 8i-imre book on IWiirM, NtM In tk. H-wl, ho Hue wUnl. Vnlfrw). AililiuNi('iinijm.mtlcIuaf.UIII .) Y QIFINWAY KlltMUII 4 HA'H. O I till II H I , dabler. Itoenlah Hanoe: Hnr li't Organs, band ln-trunitinta. Ijirtrtvit to'k if bhi'fl Music and Hooks, ltanrls aiiitillrd at KaaUirn ptieee. M. tlltA Y. V Trait elreet. Ban Kranclwo. NEW PLAYS A l.ntp lint nf n.ri now on html, tnrltiillnc Prvnu, ruimliit, l.rr. 'li'iiiiam. TI. ,tiuiUj it. oli, tot til... t'oiiKHlli'ttniaiiil litlil.i.ii t'u-oi-ii I M'imr ittte l'.iali!ii I' ui:u to ijr i.irvu. Unltra Ul.cU It rvtura iu..L Ailaitw, II. A. Ill TP.H. Lock Iloi lS'XV Hon I'tiiictxcix I llkr yvut "TmikIHi ruk .iii.i. t-iy neurit, autl th to Ii4t. tlm i ieltmiT. Mlf I. thl. plmv, .ml .ill ilo .11 1 au l uilt tiinii. 1 Wlir.e la t,.r-ttl- tf. .nl mu Uiini I'.li lo Oiiitrllttite th. ttrtrulw. sbtre llwjf . Ill do ilia nii'il m V. V. KI.I.II.TT, M.uftM Ta Addreiw. K.W.TAXMII.I.A '04'hlraKo. HATCH CHICKENS, WITH T11H PETALUMA INCUBATOR TiMaowt HarerMful Hnrkhir Hodo SOold I RIlfnrMulaa auu io r im r rtuiiittttia HnnHrs in kiiim nc rrjx nw. ..ii. iv. $W H.111I foi Ume niuntniM rirpubw Ukl a bm you aiajriotaa lurultolor IK IK. AdIrea 1'KTALUkl A lN(.TllATt)RO0.,l'tlimiaJ FALE'S PATENT VARIABLE BENCH PLANE, I 0miitHiitln rarpenUri' riow, PimIo, rVn.1 .nil lta-k Killftnler, M.'clilnil rianea llnlltort loiuuin. wimi Kwh riiuiM Hhlo It.lila U, HulM Bill. tlM. Mo.UUn. Oni, giuvhT HiiiiiU, Hioalng .ml V ,lo .( mwir ntyliu .ml .Iim. Tli. whole art M miM at the iwuwkabhr low prion of 1,11 ll. Till. Imtr.nwnk annliliiHi In on. iixil our .inlity illitimnl ami rwrotlikl wiirkworklnil i!uin Any ).rt lit till, o laiiln.tlii. (iu nlnlinl at iro rl Hcmw. Hfiol fur (re. t! alivim ami Price Mat of th. .Ihit. .ml .11 outriKiO OKllKJ Alltlm. Mmhuilc.' Tovav llutlwur. uul af aoliinrry.ti'JH MrkiH HI., H. r. OATMEAL Two earl'.sds ("holoa Kto.l Cut KasierK t t il . I I.. ....I .lH..nttM ...1 i.tiMlinn. BIOHI WHO lr irriKin iii .....,-..,.. ..... of fsilnre ol coiuiguee. We liute tlie entire lot snil oltor llnrrrla of 00 Ilia, net tl HO 1(K Iba. hi ti-oiitf aarka ' so " " 7 Warranted to b!t .stUfsction. Brntll ilia. cotitit t the trail, in larti- lots. It will n he limit on hand-nnler pioniplly. All ws-a e lor Uinle nw at reduced price.. Heml Inr dill list now ready. Knnipl. copy free. AddreM 0m vreateat bsnrain Imuae in the world. SMITH'S GASH STORE 115 & 117 Clay St.. S.F.. Cat ' Cm G CGC CCC r y r its FERRY'S SEEDS n. U.IIIIIViCO. 5j tTgT ar.ulmittMltili.tlie Jr "JiN A D. n. FEflRT I CO J 1 u. j s , m. r. A. Uurf:"--' JSEEDANNUAl For 1887 m a. .HA ti win xm naiioi FREE to all -i" appliuaota anil tuUMiuMiio. fflNtlMIMr. wiiliiHiliir drrlng II, nwilH.I'.te ton .tr.f Hm Au mm Fmmr KI.IIW mtnntU ttmt fmr II. AildrM. I. M. rWRtaCJ, Detroit, Mich, T"U l,r,..r .if Wf MVf- mutt tfirt a;r fv. tm euro - r j T'.d out' ut (j.. uf .lrTH. 11Y --,o.,..i.( brou;h Ilia fitiriJEt -. I'Mui lirm t-(iriih at-1 . 'liia fli'bfouil (Mi wiirt I... b(rlfi llrli 1vMltMl lo fir all lilt hml I ftxi. liU ful1 ta (CClOopU.poM. tt vireuiati lrg tVl formiMioa.ailtlrcM' h rrrrC'i. flu H'l Co., IiiS 'fithiart It EA HAL I. TH EftK t Kotlee ta Mlrh and llrformed feraona. I ftiral.h anririral p- K lis nre for all dc'oriiil I li s, icliidliiir ciirvaluri'of the nplne, club font, etc. Tamora and Caaerxa Itemoved without the knife. Taie Worm, I 'ilea, fistulas, and all Itectal Diaraiies, Mpeelal etlee ta Women. If yon are fi-clinK bad. and your family doc tor an t cure vou. sit down and write to ine all the pnrtl tilars In conHilrnce, ai d I will give you an opinion of your cane free. Old Men. If your kidneys and hladderare out of erder, you write me jiut bow you .uliVr. I may euro you. Yeans and Middle A fed Men. If you have keen foolish and intlixcret-t, .hat tcriiiK your mrvous syntcm. renilerin life a biirilcn, write mea eoiilldcnllal letter. I will write mi an holn-M ntiiniiui, tH' cure you. lam a reKular of meiliciii", hum had thirty years operleiice a. a physician and Kiiruwjti, and try to render voiiM-u iilioiis ner- licil. . , Ci-rHon" llviniat a distance can be tn'sled t aircufiill) by b ltcr in many cam tledii inw wot by cin ... I'stieiits i oiiiIiik to Port Isnd will be provided Willi rwiard and iihiok at a rlollnr a risv. Alaay. cntloe aiainp for replr. and addrna V. .i. H'IIIiKN'. M. I.. Itoutns Sal.d t First N.tii.nnl Hank. I'orllatid, On'Kotl. t ' v. ; "Tk.