The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 16, 1887, Image 2

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a. ih ciaruLL,
Tim tdxUcn litiMilrud convict
SingSinjrvat tw!iit)-ono barrels of flour
daIly.-Ar. Y. Sun.
A IJoHton party put a large terrapin
in a box and kept it there three months
without food or drink. Laxt week
took it out and found that it welched
an ounco more than it did three months
ago. So mivh the Journal.
Joliann Straus tiw a piano
made that it cannot he heard beyond
the room in which it in played. The
in an who introduce n cornet for limn-
tour, built upon the Name principle
will be hailed a a ptiuliu benefactor.
Aorrirfown Herald.
There i an appealing touch
pathoH in ex-Minintcr Lowell reHponne
to a criticism on hi line of a word de
during that till recently, till within
few mouth, he had never thought of
going to the dictionary to be Hiiro of
word. Iluxlon Budget.
In Philadelphia recently a wedding
ceremony wa performed with tlio Port
ugeHO ritual. The couple utond under
a ailken canopy, which wa upheld by
four pout decorated wit!) flower, and
at the conclusion of the ceremony the
groom crushed a glass under hi foot a
a Bvmholic act
Among the toy of the children of
the Imperial family of Austria is
p-olip of china soldiers, repreenting
nil the different iiuifi.rin jn the Au
Man army from the must remote day
to the present. The Emperor Francis
Joseph received it from hi father, and
gave it to tiie Crown I'i iiico Rudolph,
wao wa eight year old at tiutt time,
The champion toboggan slide ha
been constructed at Kingston, N. Y
The toboggan go a long distaucedown
one steep incline anil, paradoxical an
it may appear, on the return trip they
descend nearly a great n distance, at
the end of which, on ascending a long
flight of stairs, the tobogganer Iinil
' themselves at the jmint where they
started from. N. Y. Herald.
The (ieneral Presbyterian Assem
lily ha authoritatively declared that
Adam wa without natural parentage
of any kind. 1 his was an advantage.
if dome of our would-be American eris-
tocruts were without parentage of any
kind, they might be able to trace their
ancestry back two or three generation
without striking a butcher or a soap-fat
dealer. Sorrixtown (I'a.) Herald.
In Saco, Me., one night recently
Mi Picrtha Weymouth tilled a jug
With water, corked it and put it on the
Stovutrt heat before taking it to bed.
When it wa hot enough site started upi
etulr nuil then, with a big bang, the
cork flew out and the hot water spurted
into her fiu'e, scalding her badly. Klin
How know more about the power of
Btustu than she did. Huston Herald.
President (Jrevy, of the French Re
public, receive a yearly salary offlMO,
(WO, beside the following allowance:
fO.tXH) for heating and lighting, serv
ant, mid washing, fliO.tKK) for hi
fntertainnienU and journey; f.W.lHX)
for the maintenance of hi game pre
serves. Ho also ha an elegant resi
dence provided for him, i a deadhead
n all railroads, has a free box at the
opera and theater and I not called ii-
vn to louinmiw for tim relief of earth.
lae auflVrcra.
vt iNyuel jr,.ti,,mi,n f jm, ,vo
leased a big barn lit Capo Kli.abcth,
where they propose wintering several
hundred ipuiil to be liberated in diller--nt
section of the State ill the Kpi'ing.
The barn lloor is covered With aaild
and gravel, lu which the bird dust to
.JvW'p froo from Vermin; tive. nrrs .
Tnge.l imutml the wall fin.1 U.)V),,,.
r,l"ti,!!f, hmX U V''vi't tho MnU
roji Vllilng themselves by flying
"Tigninst the boai-il. and nn attendant i
to feed and vator tho birds daily.
JJtwflM JullfHUl.
Ir. (illle do la Tourette ha re
tently published a monograph tim
normal locomotion and the variation in
the gait caused by disease of tho nerv
ou system. Ho found, from a com
parison of a largo number of case,
that the average length of a pace Is, for
men, twenty-live Inches; for women,
twenty Inehe. The step with the right
foot is somewhat longer than that w ith
the left. Tho feet are separated late
rally lu walking about four and one
half Inched lu men uud about tive
inches in women.
Workmen while repairing a house
in Hrooklyn, N. Y., discovered a Ima
i-omaniing i wo) iinuisauii live numirctl
dollars in gold under one of the floors,
and turned it over to the landlord. The
last occupant, a matt whose wife died
in tho house, now sue the landlord for
the money, alleging that Ids late thrifty
helpmeet used to extract money from
his pocket habitually, that ho could
never tied trace of it, and is convinced
that th eouoealod treasure wa the Ac l dcndta she had relieved
Vila of. ftruoiVy) I'nion.
"If j on had a note to pay to-day,"
Im M, as he sat iu an insurance oliice
Juliiig stinlght at the agvnt, "and
Jx had all the money but tive dollars.
Would you ask a friend to lend It to you
r would you lot yxmr note go to pro.
test and ruin your credit?" "Irt the
note gi to protest, of cours. !" was the
prompt reply. Then the iI.hW. ticked
and ticked, and the Hoi- of a hair fall
ing to the floor sounded like a crowbar,
and the man with the nolo said he
piesscd it was going to snow, and the
rntrance of a i-uptc of Uitor mer
cifully termittd liiiu to escape. De
troit Ertt I'm
IIow TbuM II an Animals are Captured la
tli Wllil of Orion.
There are several methods of hunt
ing elephant In India, all of which are
attended with more or kns pomp and
display. King and Prince taking part
in tho porL In. some places they arc
pursued with tamo elephants, trained
for tho mimosa, and very swift. When
these have come up with one, the lain
ter throw, with much dexterity
nooae of very stout cord, in siuh a w;iy
that tho wild 'animal find himself
cnught by the foot. He fall, and they
strap him down before he has time or
opportunity for rising. They then fas
ten him between two strong tame ole
pliant, who beat him with their trunks
if bo i at nil refractory, and compel
him to walk with them to the stable,
In Ceylon, an elephant hunt i a very
important nflair. J lie Government as
semble a great number of European
and Cingalese, who meet in the forest
where these animal are to be found.
All these hunter form a vast circle,
which they gradually narrow, advanc
ing and shouting.
The frightened elephant have but
one side to 11 y, and there I found tin
"redan," into which they are forced to
cuter. This redan I nothing less than
a great circle of stakes, terminating in
a sort of narrow neck, once entered in
to which the elephant can no longer
return. In order to force tlieni to enter
shouts are increased and burning torch
cs are throw n before their eyes; then
their fears are redoubled and they rush
into the trap, winch inclose them.
I lie first care after the capture I to
tame them. This i managed by plac
ing one or two tsuiio elephant near the
opening, hy which the wild one are
made to pass out, tied together, a we
have already said, llungeron one side
and blowsfrom theirdocile companions
an the other soon inspire them with
They are also taken by pitfalls. A
path is chosen which is used many times
in tiie year by the elephants, and w hich
probably serves as a route in going
from the jungles to some spring in the
mountains. Across these paths several
pit are dug of about, twenty feet wide.
and fifteen to twenty feet deep, which
are then covered over W illi lranche
and turf. However mlmiralily these
pit may be concealed, it doe not often
happen that tho elephants fall therein.
Not only do they try with their feet
with tlio greatest care any ground that
look suspicious, but they make con
stant use of their trunk to prove the
solidity of the soil, or to clear out of
tlio way every thing which appear to
hide a trap. It i not an easy matter
to draw an elephant out of one of these
pit, ami it can only be done by the aid
of a tame elephant; otherwise it would
bo necessary to subline the animal by
hunger before thinking of getting him
out. Any one getting within reach of
the trunk of an elephant just taken
would do so at the risk of his life; but,
singularly enough, a driver mounted on
a tamo elephant neck can approach
the novice with impunity, and tighten
or slacken the noose round hi neck or
Tho conl placed round tho legs
sometimes cut them to the bone, and
leave marks which endure the animal's
life-time. No nourishment is given
him for several day. The deprivation
f food soon brings down hi coiira"V.
and then it i that hi appointed driver
insures tlu friendly recognition of the
elephant by bringing him food and un
biuding his limbs. Jlaner's Halw.
Popularizing Science.
For w hile science hits made its begin
ning iu observation, it lias really con
structed system out of the heap of ole
scn-ntivu truly ly rationalizing. If,
hftweVU'i it be objected, front the scien
tific standpoint, that the transcendental
philosophy is too intricate, remote mid
in many of it aspect abstract, to be
attractive to the scientific mind, there
is but one answer: Tilings can rml he
made simpler than they ni it I ti
much easier thing to know, than to
construct a theory of knowing. Here
no attempt can be successful which will
not face thing remote from ordinary
experience; the intricacy is lying within
(lie ordinary, wrapped up in the mar
vels of our own intellectual procedure.
Granting tho loss of popularity which
this involves, tlio rational school must
accept the inevitable, a science itself
does in order that it may be truly scion
title. For science proclaims the impos
sibility of popularizing itself. Sew
Vrineiton Uerieic.
A Sculptor's Poverty.
M. Anatole France relates the follow
ing anecdote to illustrate the poverty
which is the fate of many modern sculp
tor. In the F.oolo des lteaii-Arts can
be seen a hronxo Mercury w ithout a
riirht arm. Jt wa the last work of
llriant, who, though the recipient tY
the Prix do ltouie, could hardly earn
enough to pay for hi bread. He lived
in a garret and never warmed hi room
miles a model was sitting. One night
it became so cold that he took all his
clothe and threw them on hi Wd.
Suddenly he remembered hi Mercury,
and that the cold might frecae the clay
and spoil hi master-work; so betook
his clothe off hi V-d again and put
them over the ttuc. Next morning
he was found dead in hi bed. frozen,
awa his Matuc; and when an attempt
was nude to remove it, the arm broke
off. I'urii Temp.
The Philadelphia Humane Jsviety
keep a lioat on runners at the skating
club' Iioiim' on the Schuxlkill. ready
to iym'uo any one who buaks through
the ice.
Mayor Grace, of New York, recom
mends the teaching of type-writing in
the public school.
J. A. Bostwick, of New York, has
presented to the Wake Forest College.
N. C, fWOO in addition to f-'O.OOO
given some time ago.
An order of deacon nesses, similar
to that now in operation in Kuroie, is
projected by tho Lutheran Church.
The vow is terminable at will. !
Rev. Joseph Freeman. D. D., wh
is more than eighty-four year old, has
engaged to preach for a year to tin
Ibintist Church in' Colchester. St. Al
bum (Vt.j Muscnacr.
There is one school to every 1,300
person in Austria, one to every 60(1 in
France, one to every 700 lu Germany,
and one to every 000 iu Great Britain,
Italy and Spam.
The French Minister of Public In
struclioii ha ordered that callable and
diligent young student of modern Ian
gunge be sent to Germany and Eng
land at the expense of tlio State.'
The most heavily endowed ednra
tional institutions iu tho United States
are: Girard College, f 10.000,000; Co
lumbia, f.p),000,000; Johns Hopkins, f I,
000,000; Harvard, fll.OOO.OOO; Prince.
ton, f:i,.r)00.000; Lehigh, fl.800,000;
Cornell, f 1,400,000. '
This is tlio way tho ex-slavcs of the
.South, express profound thought in
simple language at praise meeting:
"Yuu lay you ro traveling to the skies.
Yes, my Lord !
Then why don't you imp tellin' lies,
Yes, my Lord !"
A'. Y. Tribune.
While Lord Lonsdale was in New
York an American expressed surprise
to the Karl that so young u man should
bo iu. rusted with absolute power to
appoint thirty curates to church living
iu England. "O, 1 appoint forty-two
curates, said the noble Lord, "uud
very particular I am, too, about their
moral character." .V. Y. Tribune.
The Legislature of Ohio ha pro
vided for the establishment of an in
dustrial school for the education of the
blind in that State. It is not
to take the place of tlio asy
lum where the blind children receive
instruction, but is des'gned to instruct
them in mechanical industries that w ill
enable them to earn their own living.
The llerlin Yolkuzeitumj complains
about tho extraordinary high prices of
school-books, which is due to their
multiplicity, discrimination in favor of
certain publisher being iniido by the
teacher. The old and tried school
book, says tho Volkizcitung, have been
crowded out by new ones which nro
very dear, a thin little grammar often
costing three mark (seventv-tive
cuts); and it is high time for the
Prussian Minister of Public Instruction
to bring system into this matter.
"At what ago doe a pig become a
hog?" is a current conundrum of the
igriciiltural press.
One should conquer tho world, not
to enthrone a man, but an idea; lor
idea exist forever. llcncnnsfieUt.
The man who has plenty of time
on his hands rarely h s plenty of money
in hi pocket. I'liiliidelphia Call.
A wife can manage her husband
bet when she takes care not to let him
know that she's managing him. CAt
c;0 Journal.
What we find:
"I love you love" to conjugate
Thai verb do we commence ;
And llnd our mmiils Inn demonstrate
The reeling Is iu tense.
Tfxm .Hflliigl.
One of the illusion is that the pres
ent hour is not tlio critical, decisive
hour. Write it on your heart that
every day is the best day in the year.
A thoy, who for vvery slight in
lirmitv take physio to repair their
health, do rather impair it.; so tliev,
who for every trifle are eager to vindi
cate thvir character, do rather weaken
it. .Maxon.
A paper recording the arrest of nn
actor for stealing, say ho was 'Taught
in tho act," though it fails to state
whether it wa the liist. second of third
act. It must have made a ipiccr scene,
however. Teta Sit'timj.
God made both tear and laughter,
and both for kind purposes; for as
laughter enable mirth and surprise to
lirealhe freely, so tear enable sorrow
to vent itself patiently. Tears hinder
sorrow fimn becoming despair ami
madness. .elfA Hunt,
"No one can measure grief except
by actual experience. One never for
get the bitterness of gall, having uuce
ta.ttd it; but not having done so,
laughs Ht the wry face of those who
would fain forget. Elmore,
"What branches are yon taking nt
school now ?" asked a countryman of a
bare-legged school-hoy, w hom ho had
overtaken iu the road. "Well, the
teacher gave us cralcapple and hedgo
brush yesterday, but 1 dimiio what
she'll bring to-day." Xetnnan lndc
Pn i nt.
An Knglish magazine proposes that
instead of giving a name to every child,
it shall In- given a number. This plan
might work in F.ngland. but iu this go
ahead country it wouldn't answer
especially in a family of several daugh
ter. Here every man looks out for
No. 1, and No. 2. 3, 4 and 5 would get
left. S'orrinl(nrH Herald.
"It's funny about Washington peo
ple," said a young man from New
York to : AVashingtonian. "How do
jou mean?" asked the W. man. -Why,
exvrylmdy has a way of saung 'Yes, iii
.UjcI."' "Have they!" exclaimed the
WaViingtoniaii. bitterly. "Will, thov
haven't. I askitl a girl last night if
he would marry me. and the wav she
said "No, indeed,' was enough to bring
tears to the eye of a Uecdle." HuA
, iMyfoit I'n.'ic.
Mr. Dander Conclude That It I III Doty
to rrotcct IllMMolr.
"Been swindled again, 1 suppose?"
observed Sergeant Bcndall as Mr. Pun
der showed up yesterday for the first
time in a couple of weeks,
"Vhell, Sergeant, I pelief I vha dis
couraged. I nays taxes In two ward
uud vha headquarters for campaign
clubs, but somepody beau nie all der
"What Is it this time?"
"Yesterday two mans como In my
place. Vha I Carl Dander? Ivna.
All light. Der shmallest man says ne
vlia my frendt, und he like to put me
on der latest racket. I shtep omit m
der pack yard mit him, uud ho whis
"Mr. Dunder, if some stranger
eomes bore und says he vlias house-roof
inspector und dot you must shovel der
shnow off your roof or pay. some tine,
doau' you pelief him. Dere vhas no
sooch official, und dot shnow vhas all
right I vha your frendt. uud I Joan'
like to see you (dwindled."
"I 800."
"Vhell, we go in, und I treat him
two times, but ho doau' bo gone half
an hour pefore I miss a box yt cigars."
"Which tho other man took, 4
"I pelief so, too. Doan' I haf some
protection py dis bolice force?"
"You must first protect yourself. It
won't be three days before some one
else will come some game on you."
"Won t it! . Sergeant, look ut me! I
vhas going home. Pootv soon some
feller comes in und asks if I vhas Carl
Dunder. I vha. Ho like to try my
telephone or read der gas meter, or
I should clean off dot sidewalk !"
"What doe that mean?"
"Eef I ring twice dot means he vhas
run oofer by some ice wagon und can't
lif but half an hour! Kef I ring only
nnce, unit laugh lia!
der tele-
phone, dot mean he ha been deadt
ten minutes, und I like some doctors to
examine me und find dot emotional in
sanity! I vhas a shanged man! It vhas
my duty to protect herself! Good day!"
Velrutt tree Pros.
llllhrrtn I'limililMuxt Geoirraiililrni
forniHtlon Coiirerninff leeliiiid
Iceland wa discovered in the eiglith
century by a Norwegian ice dealer,
who, one particularly mild winter when
hi usual supplies failed, wa searching
for that necessary commodity. Ho
found this island just flowing witli ice,
so he called it Iceland, and a nice land
it lias been ever since" for men in that
Iceland is well situated for a summer
residence, being on the Northern Atr
lantic, on tlio confines of tho Artie
Ocean. Nearly all tho icebergs on their
way from Greenland's icy mountains
to India's coral strand stop at Iceland
to xvood and water.
The inhabitant, who are of Scandi
navian origin,' nro very honest. An
ice-house can be left unlocked on the
darkest night without a lump being
The island 1 warmed by several vol
canoes, that are kept fired up night and
day ready to respond to an alarm. If
they mis an eruption the people nro
liable to break out with the scurvy,
which is the sumo thing. Scurvy is the
national air of Iceland. When they
don't sing that they 'roar-a borealis,
which is also a northern production.
Though Icelanders are temperate
people they are fond of putting in a
glass occasionally, which account for
the number of glaciers among them.
The island i noted for it hot spring,
called geyser. Nearly every resident
cultivates a geyser in his garden, so if
the fall and . winter prove cold he is
sure of a hot spring.
Iceland has two lofty mountains,
Hecla and Jokel. The latter i 6.000
feet above the lex-el of tho sea, which
i no mean height, Jokul you are a
mind to about it. Travel i principally
performed on a sledge drawn by rein
deers. If you are familiar with old
sledge you can go anywhere in Iceland.
Yon see reindeers and pretty girls
everywhere. The very sky seems to
rain dear, Tita Sifting.
She Came from Boston.
She Was a Iioston girl and was re
ceiving xvitli a friend in Washington.
"All, Miss X," said an (esthetic Lieu
tenant, xvlio hail just been presented,
"you are from Iioston, I believe."
"Yes, that is my home."
"Delightful place, iioston. So in
tellectual. So classic, I may say. Such
elegant people. Such nn air of refine
ment, permeating every environment.
Nothing loud; nothing coarse; nothing
vulgar. Delightful! delightful!"
"You bet your life it is," she replied,
innocently; "but a far as I've got, I
think Washington takes the cake "
When they got the Lieutenant out of
the wreck he started for home to make
out an application for a pension.
Wathinytun Critit.
Barefooted in Midwinter.
"Oh, yes, they say he's very rich now
Still, I knew the time when he used to
walk around barefooted iu midwin
ter." .
"In hi early boyhood, maybe?"
"Oh, no. Since he's married."
"Impossible, Mrs. llascoinb. Whv,
"At nights, when the baby had tho
co! ie. " l'u iladeliJi in Call.
"Yon are picturing rather a gloomy
future for me, madam." ho said to the
fortune-teller. "Yes, sir," she replied;
"but it's the best I can do for half a
dollar." Haricr'i Vazar.
hot a sana.
n . M I. . Ama
r it-
doe not Introduce an enemy Into the )
doe not aoBault or depress nature, a
. L . , . k . . . .Miiia nmiirt
alWSJ WIU fcoo uu
taken, but come to her assistant eand
All of
siori ner cucu " : -
iu effect are gentle, jpcrvadliiR and vital
izinit. If you are suffering from any dl
sease which jour physician lias fat ed
a.m. 1 1.. wr.uwv Jtr PAI.l
cure, kuu w ' o. - : ,
IbiV Arch Street, Philadelphia, for their
pampmel, ana jearu an auuuu w
,i..-r.. I ,M.atnii.nt..
Orders for the Compound Oxygen Home
Treatment will be tilled by H. A. Mathews,
015 Powell street, Dan rrancisco.
In the Cat hollo church of the United
cAo ikuM tin nuA mrrliniil. IB arch-
piaic, ... ' " -- , -
bishops, 01 bishops, 7,038 priest, I.6J0
ecclesiastical siuueuis, u.uiu tmuu c,
j ui l,.nlu .'HI ti pnlnirir&l RemlnarieP.
IU"WV" - o " ,
88collene,.'U3 aeadendt-s, 45 charitable
institution. Z,0W( pancuiai sciiooib auu
nuDils in attendance at these
schools. '
Tourist, emiirrunt and mariner find that
Hosteller, fcluinacn jmu-ra w hicuhiuoi
afouiiard against uuhealtliful influence, up-
... .. I... 1. In.nlit.ltlv ri'lv. Hi HIT it 1)113-
vent (lie eflecta of vitiated atniiwpliere, unao-
i ....u.i,niUM..,ui. Hli.i IimiI WHtfr. fir
cilBluiucu ur un " uu.i v.... ' -- . --
other condiliuna unlavorattla to lieallh. On
lunir voyages, or journeys m iuiuu- b.ij
UHiieeuuaior, uw eepecioiij unci m i-. . -tive
of the febrile complaint and disorder or
,. It -. 1 l....uu U-Vll..h Q ft. Ullt
me BUHliacil, llcr auu iiufcwi " ..v -r.
10 aiiaca natives ui me i,-iii;iw
JourniiiK or traveling in uch regions, and it is
an excellent protection against the influence of
r..,o ...,M iiHili.n rln.iiu-i'a of teniDerature.
exposure to damp or extreme fatigue. It nut
only prevents intcrmlKentana reinmem iever,
and oilier diaeaari of a malarial type, but
II .1 - .... I,uu Vu..t nnlnr.
ioua for yeare past in North and (South Anier-
I,... Riiiiifn ihfi vtfML inuieH. Aiuiiraiia auu
other countries.
Try breathlnsr fumes of turoentlne or
carbolic acid to relieve wnooping cougu.
Hundreds of so-called disease under
various names are the result of indiges
tion, and when this one trouble Is removed
the others vanish. The best known
remedy for indigestion, according to
thousands of testimonials, is one that has
been used iu the United States for mora
than fifty jars BkakdhetiTs Tills.
These Pills will cure the wontt form of
indigestion or dyspepsia, and by their use
the national disease is easily conquered.
'I'll ron t IHmohhck commence with
a Cough. Cold, or Sore Throat. ''Hrou-n'
Bronchial Troches give Immediate re
lief. Hold only in boxes. Price 'ih cts.
Go to Towne & Moore when in Portland
for best Photographic aod Cravon work.
Try Germea for. breakfast.
The Chautauqua University, which
is conducted on the correspondence plan,
ha noxv 60,000 students. Buffalo Ex-
prts. 4
Tho timber work of the domes of
the Church of St. Mark, at Venice, is
more than 810 years old, and is still in a
good state.
It is one of the proudest boasts of
Washington that iu outlit of public-
school buildings is better than that of
any other city in this or any other coun
try. Washington Pott
Three new Quaker missionaries
are reported to have arrived safely at
the capital of Madagascar, and a second
doctor ha been appointed to assist Dr.
Fox in the medical mission there.
Many English clersymen are suffer
ing severely from loss in the revenue of
their parishes. In four benefices in one
archdeaconry in the diocese of Peter
boroush.the aggregate iucome has fallen
from $10,000 to $1,000.
In tho University of Glasgow a
scholarship of the value of $3,095 has
been established by the Adelaide Street
llaptist Church, Glasgow, for the aid
of Baptist students. It is called the
Janie Paterson Bursary, after a former
The report of the Board of Educa
tion of New York City for the past year
shows an expenditure of $4,616,841, an
average daily attendance of 139,950, and
the cost per capita of this attendance,
$:'9.61. The number of teachers em
ployed xvas 8,603. The twenty-eight
evening school had an average nightly
attendance of 8.004. N. Y. Tiibune.
We haye seen the school advance
to a public and free system; In place
of the ipnorant pedant who boarded
round, and taugfht the whole family out
of one book, we have full graded schools
in backwood districts where the schol
ars are so few that each pupil has to in
himself make two grades, in order to
have enough pupils to go round among
all the gredes. 2'ie Patrol.
The Springfield (Mass) fjni'on says:
''Tlio proposition to levy a State tax
for the purpose of schools will till the
lull towns with Joy. there l a prinei
pie of justice iu it. The State compels
every town to maintain schools; yet the
ability of toxvns to uo this is very un
equal. Some towns are the favorite
residences of rich men and others are
deserted by enterprising sons as soon as
the law allows."
It is interesting to know that one at
least of the best traditions of classical
Greece has lasted doxvn to these latter
days. This is the readiness of rich citi
zens t perform public services at their
private expense. Iho University at
Athens boasts an endowment at this
moment of more than $12,000,000.
There is a hospital at Athens, too, en
tertaining more than a hundred aged
brothers which was founded by a single
wealthy Greek citizen.
If home were made brighter and
happier there would be less attraction
ou the streeU for young people.. 1'.
A new novel soon to appear will be
entitled "A Superior Woman." We
all know her. She married some other
fellow. They always do, A". Y.
A surgeon, who wished to compli
ment the heroism of a soldier who had
just had his leg amputated, told him
that he bad stood it like a wouan. X.
Y. Sties.
A little grammar Is a dangerous
thing. "Johnny, be a good boy. and I
will take you to" the circus next year."
"Take me now, pa. The circus i in the
present tents. " S. Y. IruttptndenU
ir. will nay your fam iJL
W a,lll n.. . . VUE
wnue new u we oo Dot product ilZr
evidence from well-known baik.ilH-.
lawyara, merchant and fartnarair; .
liability iu the cure of reduceabla i?
while new if we do Dot pnxlumT.i'Vi
viiUnna frnm ll.l, r..L t 'mile '
-. - " aim hAi-i Ri
wnua wiuiuui anna, needle or ii, ""
menu You are secure again -the
ftrt day until cured, and the4'
teed permanent or money refunda1
work every day, do oiatuar whatTL '
Uon, without oangxr or uiconveniT
Corretipondenta will encloae un,l?,'J
and addraaa lira. Forden ft LuKr 1
9l Fii-at National bank. Purtl.nS
Mention thla paper.
When Baby was lick we gave her (w I
When aha waa a Child, aha nrtt
.. - - .u i or r. i
When the became Mis. helurliM.r. 1
When ahehad Chlldren.ahe gave the&Cvj
Plso's Remedy for Catarrh is
to use. It is not a liquid or snuti.
a ftnilr.n
Itrcllcvet patn, promote a rpgulariniy
recurrence of perlodi and is a gret helpto
girl and to women pat mutnrlty. It m..
the back and the pelvic organa, brinrjm".
and comfort to tired women who itandiit
borne, (hop and factory.
Lcucorrhtpa, Inflammation, tlceratloi n. ;
placement of the I'tcma bare been ewe
ai women ererywherc gratefully testify, t
phyeiclan of ten prescribe It.
Sold lj all Druggists. TrlcetlV
Mrs. Pinkham'i "Guide to" mH,-
lady seDcllug atamp to the Laboratory, Ijn J
Cares all Diseases originating fc
ilsorderea state or tne HLOCI
LIVEE. Eheumatism, Heart-
Boils, Blotches, Pimples, 8cm1
Tumors, Salt Rheum and Htm
Fains readily yield to its xn
properties. It leaves the Blood d
the Liver and Sidneys neaitnj uc
Complexion bright and clear.
J. R. CATES A CO., Propriety
417 Sansome St., San Prancltca
l am
t J. f Ptent Out::
H V I I O 1 I make Itntri;-
I Jjf JL J ISlir
V 'sTL'tt vjlvx s1"1 fr
" 'f'Vrif MiddlelleH
4 Once Kuualil. Amu." -'
DOMESTIC Papsr Patir
I ! VQ on w. .
$1 SO to S3 00 per daymaie at home pie
patiuD Uiia U do htunbug. Bnd t-mnt mtmnt
tlculua. D. A. MAODUMAL1) 4 CO.
400 Kearny Htrwt, Him Kranciwr
O I till lln I . Gablor. Koenieh Viaow
jnet UrKans, band Inntrumenta. Lanreo .
'of Sheet SI unio and Books. Bands budu
Kaatera prices. M . O hi l (
208 t'ost street. Pan Franc
Plumliers-Steaiii Fitters-Engk
The Standard Catalogue
Adopted hj the Brau M'uTra Amoeiatlon of tkl
mux bau bj wnuing to 1 lion as Hay
Ban irancl eo, Agenu luiieu ItraitS la.
Plumbers' Catalogue, (2. Steam Catalojut
Amount deluctd from $fi0 onlen
Agents Wanted
In every township to Ubr
for the bint book ever m-.
The Heart of the World
Valuable premium Fre with ktiki tt
Extra inducements to agents. Write at ona
culars wntuinintf full partictdars to
429 .1 Sttwt. Karnuii'
0. m. Ftnnl1
- UlantMllAf
FllltLiier. )
One, Quarter Koundi, Sonlng and V r'JjV
at the remarkably low price of til !" j 1
eomblnM in one tool oier eighty Jf,J 1
workwormnspiicra. nj r"r' "rinurtn
niehed at pro rat prices, fc-nd for frw ;
alii and Price Liit of tha aNiee and :
Hanlwara and Macliinrrr.6M Market Ht,."
CUIICS Hi all US( (!'
Beat Ornish S.vnip TaK""00".
in iin.A j.a hv flnirr"".
L-ll.U. UI
Bel ...
.!' - " 1 1
m e a tYrtr ii
CarpenWPlow, Dado. IW j
LtcliLT Planet. Holl,.w, JVrt l
K. P. Jf. C. Xo. 174-S. F. S. U. X '