The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 02, 1887, Image 5

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foi good """itistry K" to I)r N J Taylor.
Good "ld cheap fur cash at Matlock'.
Gross seed bought and wild at (joliUuiith'.
Matlock sell every tiling at the lowest pi ice
A Hut I t of K.wiWru ImU just received at
The highest cisll price w'" oe I""1' '"r wheat
tv F B Dunn.
Fhrlity acre of fine land for sale. Impure of
p H Coleman.
Matlock will pay the highest price for
,11 kind of furs.
Photograph finished ueatly and artiac
tioolly at Winter's.
Matlock i receiving a largo line of new dress
(ouili. Give him a cull.
Use line of silk plushes in all shadeo
,d grade at F B DuunV
Hut and cold rath every day in the week
tt Jrry Horn' barber hop.
You can purchase Waltham watches at
j 0 Watt' 'rom ?10 and upward.
Oiburn mower can lie purchased at the
ture tf l'ritehett l'orkner lor SNO.
If you want hardwure at reasonable price
call at the "tore of I'litcliett & Forkimr.
Get your bed ritual net, lounge, mat
tresses end furniture of Day & Henderson.
Johnson gran and red and white clover for
. wle at Robinson 4 Church ' hardware store.
Mr Geo F Craw ho the ole agency for nil
brand of the celebrated Tansil Punch Cigar.
Sterling Hill keeps in atock an excellent
assortment of good readable work. (iive
him call.
If you are in want of agricultural machin
ery of any kind, remember that MrJ 1
Hindrickt keep full assortment.
Some No 1 hop land for sale cheap. A
lire part clear and ready for planting.
v Gko. M. MII.I.RK.
Matlock ha just received from Chicago the
finest line of dre good ever hovn in Eu
gene, Ladies, examine them.
Goldsmith pay for beaver S2 to $3 50 per
Mink and coon, 15 to .10 cts.
Fisher and otter, 2 to $(!.
MrJ D Matlock ha this week roccived a
Urge invoice of dry good direct from the
ounufaoiurerH in the Runt, which ha will
ell at price that will astonish all. Call at his
tore and be satisfied.
Goshen Gossip.
March 30, '87.
New scarce.
Everyone busy while the sun shines.
C. M. Dority went to Portland yesterday.
What has become of our friend "Spoopen
dyke?" Everyone was looking at me in church
Sunday.-B. K. R.
Mr. Allen Tarker returned home from
Monroe Saturday.
Miss Jennie McClure, of Eugene, com
neuoed a term of school here Monday.
Alex. Gardner and Mr. Huddleston started
for some point in Eastern Oregon Monday.
We notice that Rev. V. Skipworth is billed
for temperance lecture at this place Apr. G.
Rev. I. N. Mulkey preached another able
sermon for us laHt Sabbath. He left an ap
pointment for the 4th Sunday in April.
Ret. Mulkey preached nn interesting ser
mon to a large nudience last Sabbath.
Mr. Dority has gone to Portland to pur
chase new machinery for the factory.
A new term of school was commenced last
Monday, with Miss Jennie McClnro as
Rev. Skipworth will deliver a temperance
lecture on Wednesday evening, March 0th,
at Goshen hall.
"Oh, I had such a picnic with Billie B. in
the baggage car going to Eugcno, (but I
lidn't tell Fred.)
If the' members of the I. 0. G. T. would
leave the hall in better condition after each
weekly meeting, they would oblige the com
munity. Coyotes are becoming quite numerous in
this vicinity. Mr. Stewart has seen them
after his sheep several times lately, but had
not the good luck to kill one.
Creswell Items.
Farmers very busy seeding.
Pro. T. O. Martin talks of arranging a
eh in singing.
There was a runaway boy in these parts
from Shasta valley, and very auxious to
) obtain the wherewith to return.
W. R. Gilfrey returnedhome Monday from
Tieoma. where he took two car loads of
cattle and one of sheep last week.
Frank Buoy got playful oue day hist wt ek
and threw his hat at the doe, when the three
- horse team ran awav with his harrow. No
Mrious consequences.
If Deonle were not so busy making early
gardtn, we might find out why Bill Miller
wear a linen collar these sunny days; why
Lafe Mitchell came back just as the frtquen
ters at the oostoffice were getting reconciled
to his absence; why something couldn't be
gotten up toiaterest the boys of Sundays bet
ter than baseball; why Plea Nolan J drags n
"ig Done alter bim wben be sows grass seeu
why some people always come to the post
ofhee when the afternoon train comes in
mail or no mail: whv Ed. Melton is in such
an awful hurry to get his crop in, and why
he said "Good-bye, Bill." and he said,
uooa-bye, Emma.
Why That Distressing Cough
Whn you can so easily stop it by the U3e of
that most Dleasant Conch Remedr. Santa
Abie, a few doses will give yon a good nights
A thorough treatment cures all disease
of the Throat, Chest. Lungs, or money re
A Bilk. Farmers and citizens generally
w warned to look out for a man calling him
self Mose. who ia traveling around the
country swindling farmers by making them
genu for a Double Duplex Hay Fork and
iring their signature which are trans
ferred to a negotiable note for ten times
alue received. Pass him around.
Or Istebest to HoRsr.nrx.-The Gl'ARn
?o la now prepared to turn ont all kind" "f
"WsebilU nnd at exceedingly low price. Bills
wrntd ont on a fe hour' notice. Call or ad
esGcAl. Eugene.
Puxo rot 8aLL A ecnnl band piano a:
xt new lor sale cheap. Inquire at thi f
April 1, '87.
All fool a d i)' to-ilny. ,
Dli;litful weather a;:in reigns supreme.
Mr. II. A. Rarr spent list Tuesday night
in Kugeiie.
Mi J. p. Law is erecting a new dwelling !
on hi premise.
Mi F.tta Ilncdaitker visited frit u1h nc in ;
the river Sunday. I
School will bc:in hcri
at the upper district.
' next Monday, ulso !
' I
Mrs.C.L. William spent Tuesday with ;
friends at the mill.
Mrs. Si th SimmoiH, id Grand Prairie,
visitniL' rehitivil Lure.
., i
Mr. Hugh richer, of living, is visiting ,
r-'latives here this week.
Mr. S, Ihu'.dsiikcr is having quite nu ext4 U.
sive lot of grubbing thma on hit ranch.
Mr. Robt. LiinUr, of Springfield, has bim
i l our midst thuin the past week.
Mr. E. It. Parker, of this place, opcted
school ut tho High Imnks school-house last
Mr. Robt. Williams has Hociired a loger'ng
contract of the Springfield Mill Co., Hid
began work Wednesday.
The L'eiiial aud mirthful mortal iu the per
son of Mr. licit , of Ell:.'' lie, Hindu this
place a visit last week.
Mi Ella Rouey of thU place lus engn; ed
to teach the spring term of kchoul in I lie
lower Pleasant Hill district.
Mr. J. M. Parker has the credit of bi;iij.;
the first to fM through M tdnig in this i:i;i-'
ity, having finished Tutsilay.
Elder D. W. Bridge preached nt tho Trent
schoolhouse Sunday. Hi subject "Chris
tian zeal," wa ably discussed.
Miss Clyde Barbie left yesterday for the
Big Prairie, where she goes to wield the rod
of correction for a period of threo nn tilths.
Mr. Levi Harper is having soino timber
slashed in tho viciuity of the Trent school
house, and it adds greatly to the appearance
of the surrounding.
Tho Sunday-school at Trent, which lm
beeu suspended for some time on account of
tho weather, will be resumed on next SuiiiLiy.
All are invited to attend.
Dexterites are all busy making garden.
plowing, sowing, etc., and everybody is happy
in anticipation of n bountiful harvest. The
hill and valley pastures look green, and stock
are doing well.
Mrs. E. B. Huusaker, who has beeu visit
ing relatives here, has gone to Eugene, from
where she, accompanied by Mr. Hunsalter,
will leave in a few days for their home at
Two coats and a pair of leguinys were
found under a tree above tho gristmill last
eek, but no trace of the owner bas lieeii
foutid. There i certainly a little mystery
connected with this.
Mr. W. M. Miller went to Springfield Sat
urday wo "surmise" to replace that dear little
ring on tho dear little finger of his dear little
giri, neither of which belong 'solely to him,
ill reports to the contrary notwithstanding.
Barr Bros., our popular cun aud black
smiths, nre prepared to do anything iu their
liue of business. They lire excelled by none
in the state in rehlacliug and making knives
of all kinds. Give them n call, examine work
aud don't tako our word for it.
Wo wish to say to tho readers of tho
GcAiio, who, perchance, have beeu reading
our items, that if anything aside from jokes
has been misrepresented, it was done through
mistake, and not iiitctitiotiully. As most all
now know that we have been receiving our
locals through many persons, however, not
by letter, as some are wont to believe, you can
attribute mistakes to this fact. Following
upon this, we please to inform all that we
have no connection with the correspondence
to the Register from Pleasant Hill, or any
other place, uor have we ever had.
Uno Hoo.
Defining Burglary.
The judgment of the lower court iu the
case of the State of Oregon vs. W. S. Johns
was this morning aflirmed in the supreme
court, the opinion being delivered by Lord,
C. J. This is a case ot some interest, wbicu
was taken to the supreme court upon appeal
from Lane county. At tho November, lssii,
term of tho circuit court of Lane county,
W.S. Johns and one John Doe were indicted
by th grand jury for burglarizing the county
treasurer's ollice. They were tried, found
guilty and sentenced to u term of years iu
the penitentiary. Tho defendant, Johns,
appealed ou the ground that the indictment
does not allege that at tho time of breaking
and entering the building the property was
kept therein. It is held by the court Unit m
an indictment for burglary, a declaration
that the defendant, having brokt-u into and
entered a building, tho same being n room
iu winch the personal property of sunt
county and statu was kept, did there and
then uulawfully ureal; into ana enter wuuiue
intent to steal, ti.ko and carry uwny, i
Ktillicieut. Wednesday's Oregoiiiaii.
Si'uvkvino CoNTiiAfriH A wiitiif I). The con
tract for surveying the L'mutilla reservation
ha been let to Messrs. James P. Cumin, of
Cottage Grove, and James 1,. Nolnnd, of
Cobnrg. Their bid was a joint one and the
amount they will receive for doing the work
will be nboiit if ViW. I lie imls were opened
some time since nnd the delay in awarding
tho contract has been caused by the fact that
under the regulations of late years tbero has
been no provision made for accepting joint
bids for work of this kind, lit fore the bids
were oiieutd Surveyor General laylor tele-
erached to the commissioner to know if a
joint bid would bo accepted. The answer
was sent ry man anu oniy mieiy arrived mm
the lowest bnl having been a Joint one, Mr,
Tavlor could not award tho contract till ho
had received the commissioner's consent.
Obkgon to the Fiiont. T. C. Judkius
writes as followieoncerning a former Lane
county bav. H lived for several years at
Junction, and also attended the University
hure : "On the evening of the Kith there
were graduated from the medical department
of the Columbia University, in this city,
fiftetm medical student. Among the number
was Jacob S. Wortmaii. of Oregon, who
received the first prize. $M iu gold, for the
hiehest standing. Mr. Wormian, who for
two or three years In held the position oi
anatomist iu the army nietucai museum, on
yesterday lor ew lorK, tsosion nun uiuer
cities. 'He will be absent two weeks, and
will make a special study of the unatoinical j
and medical uiuscunis of the deferent cities." i
SiHcsjL Rnpor.T. The following is a true
n tmrt of the Goshen school, district No 13,
for the term ending March 2t, 1M7 : Total
v.. .,.,r.,M.,l Jfi: N'o davs tnni'bt. fl'J: total
No. davs attendance, total No. days
aWnce. 'J'J5'i; average 'daily ntl' lidance,
i- i- diilv aUeiice 5 Cha Wil-
, ? ,'l,' n nnd , l&MH wA
l,ts Stephen and 1. -rt L . n tt, were . t
absent no, t.rdv wh . member. , of k-ho . .
U1 l enimn ton not ai.sMit.
i.. . -i - -
Willits rec
iw,l p;
F.Kuwr, t.Ler.
A g.snl dinner can
FiHHtas Take Notice.
Dexter Pickings.
had at Baker Hotel for cnU.
City eloctiou Monday.
Fine grtwing weather.
Who will K the lucky one Monday 1
I'Jittcr Smiday one week from to-morrow.
'ali.-o '.'0 yard fur $1 at Hubert, Junction.
CiindidutcitforCtiiiucilnicu reported scarce.
Climax (IS ut plug) :Uc. at lialier's Junction,
W U a l0,1 ,im ,0 rUu nP b,r,'l'u alul
""J'" 1,1 lh c,tV iMl '""Hl-
MM . . . .
I Extra C
Junction. 1(1 lit for ?1, at Baber'
Workmen are excavating for Titua' new
brick block.
Mr. L. Hityeu intends having au addition
built to his residence.
Eugene Hook A Ladder Company meet iu
regular session Monday evening.
Aliout two feet of water wa pumped into
the Water Co' reservoir last Thursday.
There was quite a frost last Wudiiesdny
morning, but not enough to harm the fruit.
Mr. J, W. ltrasslleld ha sold hi store at
Newport, Yaqnina Bay, to Mr. John Loouii.
The California geese have arrived and our
sportsmen will soou be gelling in their "bct
The Chainliem, late ef Pullos, will
move their tif hardware to Eiieno next
w eek.
The StntU Dramatic Company played to
fair audiences here la-t Monday nd Tuesday
A nice lino of latest style spring and Hum
mer hats fur men just received at U.ther',
Mr. Clay Ellsworth, at one time a resident
of Eugene, has been elected city recorder of
l.a tiiande.
A numerously attended temperance meeting
was held at tho Christian church last Tues
day evening.
Warehouse facilities are ample and goods
old a low if not lower than the lowest at
Iiaher's, Jiinctiin.
The Oregon mail for California now goe
via tint O. C. R. R. instead of by the Ote
gon Short Line, us heretofore.
100 piece of the latest figure iu calico just
received by Itaber of Junction. 10 yard for
1 will hold good until April 1st.
A meeting of the Directors of tho Lane
Comity Agricultural Association will be
held iu this city one week from Monday.
Living prices and no more is all that is re
ipiiretl for the gtwsls now being sold by Baber
of Junction. Call there and be convinced.
The water company gave a test of throwing
water from a tire hydrant last Saturday. A
stream 100 feet high wa thrown through '250
feet of hose.
Threo gentlemen from Astoria passed
through Eugeno last Wednesday on their
way to Belknap springs, on tho McKcuzie.
Pretty early.
A large picture is n exhibition in Peters'
store window, exectuted by Mis Jessie Parks,
entitled "Lake Geneva." It show high
artistic ability. ,
Au account of the finding of the body of
the nmnU red, man Schnvler Ford, a former
resilient of Eugene, will be found on the first
page of this issue.
Dr. Harris is having the "turns" ou the
Lane County Agricultural racecourse graded.
In some portions of the track thero will be
tills of two feet.
Tho proprietors of tho Auction store sold
their entire stock of goods last Saturday.
They returned to their home in Corvnllis
Wednesday morning.
The Postal Telegraph Company aunounco
that their office in this city is now prepared
to send messages to tho ditVcrent state iu
the East ami all European countries.
Our reader should be nn the look out for W
II Iiaher's larue "ad" iu the next issue of the
GiMtin. Al Houck i using printer ink to
good advantage. There is money in it.
The Albany express train will probably
run to Eugene in the near future. It is saiil
that the tiinlxr for a turn table has already
been ordered by the railroad company.
Ex-Senator Slater has been appointed tho
Democratic State Railroad Commissioner by
Gov. Penuoyer. He was expected to appoint
the Republican! member of the Board last
Send live cents in stamps to F T Merril,
Ho, Fifth St, Portland, Or, for a copy of the
lti page paper, "The Oregon Cyclist and Il
lustrated Catalogues of leading American
made liicycles.
Messrs White & Gulliher of Salem have sold
an Everett piano to Mr Samuel A Ogden, of
this city. 1 his is said 1 1 he one of the finest
make of piano tin the market. The gentle
men can be found at Baker' Hotel.
We aro introducing a fenco that farmer
can erect themselves, which will save great
cost. Material cost from '20 to 40 ct per
rod. J. I . OWKETS Sos.
Last week Mrs. J. II. Evans received $2000
from the grand receiver of the A. O. U. W.
lodge of Oregon, her busbautl having been a
member in good standing of that order.
Lakeview Courier.
Silencer Butte Nursery fruit trees for sale at
John Brown' on Eighth street near Preby
terian church, or leave orders with McClung
ami Johnson. Two year old Bartlett pear
trees fur salehy the hundred cheap.
Hon. B. F. Ilurch, of Independence, bas
been appointed receiver of the land office at
Oregon vice J. U. rilslmry, term expired.
Tho. W. Slusser has also been appointed
receiver of I be Dalle land otuce
The .Kith anil 31st of May have lieen desig
nated by the manager for the two days race
at the track west of the city. Five hundred
and thirtyfive dollar in pure will be offered.
It is the mUntion to hold speed trml about
tho 4th of July. A. C. Biioh n.
The committee who had in charge th en
tertainment recently givon by the "Home
Guards" iu this city, desire to express their
sincere thanks to Miss May Test, aud all
those who kindly assisted them during the
evening's enU'rUiniueut. Com.
The President has appointed the following
inter-state commissioners : Thos. M. Cooley,
of Michigan, for six years; Wm. It. Mor
rison, of Illinois, for live years; Augustus
Schoonmaker, of New York, for four years;
A j, wulker, of Vermont, for three years,
and W. S. Brag,', of Alabama, for two
If yon want to succeed iu a business line,
Smear on the printer' ink.
If in a profession yon wish to hino,
Smear on the priiitr' ink.
Fenr not to Ull ohat yon have to sell;
Advertise and do It well;
If you'd have the customers come pell tncll,
Smear on tho printer' ink.
Mrs. A. R. Riggs, of Portland, president
If you'd have the customer come pell meU,
Smear on tho printer' ink.
. . . , , -,
M'A'R' RiWJ- o' Portland, president
Woman'. Christian Teiniieranc.
v M MM , tbwcit 0
, eTelliDSi Apri mht on topic coun.t-
, a.l with tint link of the orritnizatinu wh en
! ' rnl. Farther notice a. t- the
1 nlA l fiv.n as uxn is arnincernont
have been cousunmted. AU are cordiully
Yesterday wa "All Fool Day."
The maple trees aliout town are in bloom.
Eugene i sully in need of a sewer
Postal service on the Narrow Guago rail
ro.wl ho U-en commenced.
Another "paper railroad" has been organized,
This time in itttsehnrg.
Will Moore will start his steam woodsawiug
machine at an early date.
, Uncle Tom' Cabin was produced in this
ity at Khinehart's theatre Thursday evening.
Many practical jokes were played yester
day on unsuspecting persons it being All
Fools Day,
G W Plaster and Clarissa Boyd were
married in this city last Sunday by Rev Mr
Mr. James Hates ha a line jack, which he is
standing at Stewarts stuhle. Take ft look at
the animal.
John Cahill, a hod carrier, wa killed by a
railroad train running over him at Albina lat
Tuesday evening.
Mr Geo Smith n old ami rescoted citizen
of Turner. Marion county, suicided lat Tiles
duy at his home by taking strvehnine.
Mr John O'Connor of Portland passed
through Kngene Wednesday, whither he goes
to c.iintruet water work for that towt.
It is now positive that Dr. F. M. Davis did
commit suicide at l.os Angeles, six weeks since.
His wife ideiitilies trinkets and clothing left
there by him, says a McMiniivlllo paper.
Junction Items.
March 31, 1SS7.
Ivgs cheap, butter tlesr.
Many peoplo going ami coining.
Jim Leu started for Kalamazoo, Mich, last
John Eaton aya he i putting in 3D acres
of peas.
Peach, apple and many other blossoms are
Jtobert Hayes of your city wa on our
streets Wednesday,
R A liampy of llarritburg paid us a busi
ness visit Saturday last.
J W Starr was registered at the St
Charles, Portland, Thursday.
Postal Inspector titanic wa looking
through our ollico the past week.
Over 400 dozen egg were (hipped to
Portland from hjic last Tuesday.
These line morning whistle blown 'in
Harrisburg aud Cuburg are distinctly heard,
The smelling smeller (111011 the smell
caused by (moiling union eateu by many in
our midst.
Agitate a new court house boom. The
county needs and can afford one that would
be a credit to it
Mrs Hoffman and Miss Pickett paid your
city a few day's visit the past week. Mrs
liartou is still there.
Prof Smith who formerly taught school
here left Newport for hi old home in Fort
Worth, Texas, last week.
Al 1'arkor must hsve mado a killing up
there. He came down Weducailay wearing
a brand splinter new suit.
Mr llickethier, oue of your enterprising
tombstone men was complimenting tho abil
ity of our physicians last week.
Assessor Huffman was among visitor the
past week. No doubt many were not worth
near much as they "usually are."
Glad to seo business temporarily stag
nated. The uioie'lthey put in the
ground now, the more they'll take out next
Ilichard Crow. E Van Vrankin and Alviu
Perkins of this precinct will say "guilty" or
"not guilty" at the April term of circuit
A new fauglul razor that don't pull,
cratch or scrape ha put in appearance and
all those who iquat iu J W Kirk's chair can
udulge in a luxury.
The article on gossippor which appeared
in the last "items" must have been the
proper caper. "A guilty conscience need
n accuser," "the dog hit will howl,' etc.
Jack Miller weighs '270 pounds and is not
a big man either. Hilly White weigh nine
ty pounds lent. Doth have the live of many
people in their hands every other day.
Louis Solomon aud wife went to Portland
Monday on au errand that wa anything but
pleasant, The mother of Mr 8 died there
suddenly lost Saturday evening.
Conductor Frank Guthrie brought down
the longest of all past train (53 cars) last
Friday. 1 believe r rank ha forgotten more
about railroading thau the averago railroad
man of to-1 lay know.
It is hoped that the rumor relating to from here to Uorvallis
will not prove groundless. Present termi
nus of two (and prospective third) tli
visinni do fairly well.
1 hi strange disappearance and Ending of
the Ford body near Harrrisburg was freely
discussed upon our streets tho pant week,
Linn county, stir up; the perpetrator of
such deed ought to stretch hemp or atlvte
cato the abolishment of capital punishment.
A pitiable object in the person of an im
aane man passed through en route to theasy
lum in charge of two guards, The unfor
tunate man w from Liukville. The guard
informed me that lie hail not alept or ceased
talking a minute for three day and uights
Charley Canter and one Hayes about th
same ago came up from llarruourg Monday.
The longer wr tolerate actions of such willing
to-be tough the longer will peaceable citizens
be compelled to stomach them. Coop up
such things once, and the habit cultivated by
lhose coming from Ilarrisliurg (who cannnl
behave themselves) will soon cease. We
surely are incorporated and they who violate
our city ami state law by camping anil lir
ing fire arm within the city I mits ought to
be brought to juatice.
IsixiRRXtT. The manager of the BtiitU
Comnanv took occasiiMi at the last perforur
auc of hi show to berate onr Councilman
for the laree license charged for theatrical
performances in thi city, claiming thut it
wa the lamest of any town in America
He deliberately made a statement that he
ought to have known wa incorrect, for oply
a couple of weeks ago the troupe wa piaynii
iu linker Citv. where the license charged i
$1 per night, which is considerably more
than the amount asked here. Find-closs
troune never "kick" ut the amount charged
I,.. i,....o l,;ia tin, -snides." are alwavs
M;w H.iKDWAlir. NTOKfc-ine -er iura-
mings, 1st of Dallas, Oregon, will commence
oliening their large stx-k of hardware th first
th,fcwwk. For th. i.rfnt they can be
,,, n the Un, fmm, lowing j.t .uth of
vv, k fr the n.w
firm fair prop-rtion of the trade in their
I KillM FOB Sai.s.-210 acre of fine farm
; land for sale. For te:m call ou or addrt s
n. ii. rneutiiv. feimt-uu.
A column devoted to thu interests lit th
I.aureaii ami Eiitaxlan Literary Societies, and
the State University.
Doha Sitvrr.
. Em ion.
Vacation commences next week.
Prof. Bailey prciichid ut tho M. E. church
The class in rhetoric nre reading Bacon's
Rev. C.
M. Hill visited the University
Tho University wa visited by soap drum
mer this Week.
The surveying class aro reviewing prepara
tory for examination next week.
Mr. E. M. Brnttainwa absent from school
last week ou account of sickness.
Mis Jennie McClure begau a trrm of
school at Goshen, Or., last Monday.
Hon. C. C. Beekman, wife and daughter
arrived in Eugeno Thursday direct from
Dundee, N. V.
Rev. T. O. liuiwnson, president-elect of
McMiiinvilbi college, visited the University
Monday and Tuesday.
Jack came up missing to some of hi reci
tations last Monday. We attribute thi to
over-taxed nerves.
A number of our young people Jack,
Sheeny, Em and Et visited the city of
Cobnrg Sunday via Spriugrteld.
We beg Jack's pardon for not having an
itemdevoted to him in our last column It wa
a serious oversight and we hope it will not
happen aguiu.
Mr. Casper Sharpies, eliis of 'SI. who is
attending medical college in Philadelphia,
will return home in May to spend the sum
mer with parents and friends.
George W. Hill, class of '81. who will
graduate from the theological seminary at
Rochester N. V., has been called to be the
pastor of tho Baptist Church at Albany, Or.
To satisfy tho unbounded euriositv of
Brother Davis we will say tint we have had
o many answer to our advertisement for a
lost young man that w are uot sure whether
tho right one has como to light or not, but
wo do not recommend our plau to Laiiraaus.
Tho Eugene Oratorio Society, to which
quite a number of students belong, will give
tho first grand sovenir concert ever given iu
Eugene, April 'dth, 1887. It needs no farther
recommendation than to state that it is under
the management of Prof. F. K. Hepburn,
Eugene's wellaknown ami able musician,
We are sorry to deprive the annalist of an
item, but merely suggest that Bloom of
Youth would harmonize better with Sheeny'
complexion than the Swan Down he is using,
and nope he will miiko the change before ho
delivers his final oiatiou. He would save a
certain adept much labor by purchasing a
piece ol chamois skin ami learning the art of
applying tho powder without any assistance.
acK always procures the assistance of lady
Our brother editor seems to be very jubi
lant over the defeat of a curtain amendment
proposed in the Laiirean society, and devotes
considerable space to his rejoicings. We
know nothing of the merits of thu measure
but wonder if it is the samo amendment that
Brother Davis himself wanted so badly to
introduce, ami whether tho fact that some oue
1st; got ahead of him hail anything to do
with his opposing it. We are requested to
ask also how much "button-holing a "Post
ofllcing" aro required of oue in order to put
him ou tho side of "right and justice," and
bow largo a prescription of these cordials it
took to convert tho editor.
A Bil.K, Lost Tuesday evening a fakir
whose little game at Astnria wa fully adver
tised in the Oregonian several days before, ar
rived here aud took a stand on Willamette
street, anil amused the crowd which nuicklv
gathered by showing tricks; after this he began
ii give away money, and then to sell bras
leuve buttons, bras watch chain, bras
watches, and other bras jewelry. He frankly
lit the crowd that tho article he wo mil ins
,o them were of nu value. He first sold the
culf buttons, and gave the money back and in
many case double the amount. i lu gay
the "sucker" a relish, ami the way they ex-
Hanged gold and silver lor old mass wo aoau-
tion. After taking in over $200 and and leav
ing 4.7.1 worth of jewelry he departed. The
watcliet were only dials enclosed in a rouirh
iras case ami were worth six hits apiece. If
the gentleman ever return to Eugene he will
be cordially welcomed for the "sucker" crop
bloom perennially.
Sold. -The staunch little steamer Marv
Hull wa wil l yesterday to O W Kuril, of
Siuslaw bay. Capt Loll will get her ready at
once and take her to Siuslaw under steam. The
Mary Hall wa built tin the bay and i
good for a long Hiriod of service, being first
clas in machinery and hull. For two year
under the captaincy of O P Card she made
regular trip daily, winter and summer, be
tween Elk City ami Newport, carrying th U
8 mail. Yatpiina Mail. The steamer will be
run daily from the head of tide to Florence.
as soon as she arrives in the river, Mr Huru
should receive good patronage for hi enter
Fob Silk. Span of good mules, set to
harness and wagon. Must be sold at once.
For particulars inquiro of Robt. Blair, tie
ii isi be mnm of
itr Mi
hath of the very latest styles
Our assortment .f Newest Shape for Fall and Winter I very Larg. and
all are of first cloa quality.
Suits Mado to, Order, Fit Guaranteed.
J. W. CHERRY, Walton's Brick.
Mr RimmII tV'att was In Eugene over Sun
day. Geo. Thurston wris In Prineville last Sat
urday. Mr. II. II. Grant, of Portland, is In
Mr Geo W Keecey of Albany wot to (own
Hon S G Thouipmin of foburg visited Port
land week.
Mr. J. P. Ramsey came down from Drain's
Sheriff Sloan has gone to California on
business trip.
Hon Enoch Hoult of Harriaburg was la
town Wednesday. ,
Dr. A. I. Nicklin, of Portland, spent last
Sunday iu Eugene.
Mr H Coolidce and wif of Ashland are via.
king in thi city.
Mr. G. Bettinsn retained home from Port
land Thursday afternoon.
Mr. J. II. Wait, O. A C. R. R. roadmastsr,
wa iu town yesterday.
Mr. Cha. Raker returned from a visit tn
Portland last Wednesday,
We are pleased to see Dr. J. 0. Wnlteaker
about our streets again.
Mr. J. T. Gilfrey, the Cretwell merchant,
visited Eugene Thursday.
Judge Waahburue attended court at Lafay
ettte the flret of the week.
Mr. 0. R. Bean has concluded not to
locate in Southeastern Oregon.
Mr T J Dtinten is In Douglas oounty acting
as agent for the Hyd patent teuoe.
Prof. II. S. Strange, of Brownsville, was
in town last Mouduy aud Tuesday.
Mr. John C. Long, of this city, visited
Pendlston last weak on business,
Mr. Lee Campbell has gone to Bonueville,
where lie has Iwten engaged as ulghtwaUh-
Postmaster Currin aud R. S. Catbsy, of
Cottage Grove, visited friends in Eugene this
We are pleased to nee Mr W H Delano
alsint our street. May he recover his wonted
Mr. Peter Runey, landlord of the celebrat
ed Foley Springs, came down to Eugene
Mr. Henry Coleman, of Crook county,
was visiting relative! and friends in Eugene
lost Thursday.
Messrs. J. W. Cox and 0. W. Hurt, of
Lower Siuslaw, paid this office a pleasant
visit last Monday.
Rev. T. G.Rrownnou, of Albany, addressed
large congregations at the Baptist church iu
this city, last Sunday.
Mrs. A. M. aud Miss Lillie Worth, ef Hal
sey, visited Eugene this week at the residence
of Mrs. Dr. Geary.
Mr Wesley Shannon, who ha been visiting
in Marion county for about ten day, returned
home last Thursday.
Mr. Frauk Hadley was in Prineville last
Saturday. He is thiuking of locating eonit
where in Eastern Oregon.
Mr. Walter McClure left for Portland yes
terday morning, to accept a position as com
positor on the Daily News.
Mr. T. C. Judkins arrived in Portland
from Washington City, D. C, last Wednes
day. He is expected home to-day.
Mrs. J. F. BackeuHto, of Albany, spent
several days in town this week, visiting at
the residence of County Clerk Ware.
Dr. Geo. E Bushnell was In town several
days this weok. He has sold bis business iu
Shedd and Intends locating at Yaquina By
Mr. II. S. Simon and Mr. G. Bettmai aud
family weut to Portland Monday to atteud
tho funoral of the mother of Mr. Simon and
Mrs. Bottman. The parties have the sympa
thy of their many friends here.
Mr J L O'Brien, of Siuslaw returned from
Portland last Wednesday. He ha been in th
metmH)i for about three month "slloging
type." He gave u a pleasant call before leav
ing for his farm.
Hkavx Los. The heaviest individual loan
in sheep during tho past winter that ho come
to onr knowledge falls on Mr. Geo. II.
Thurston. He was rauging his nooks in the
Silver lake region, Lake oounty, aid wn
owuer of aliout 7,000 head of stock sheep.
Out of that umntter h has bnt 3,000 left,
6,000 having died. The sheep were com
pelled to range for a living, as no bar or
other feed was provided for them, and the
range on which they were herded was nut
good. But it is believed that the cause of mi
many dying was jhe result ot gross erele
ness on the part of those who had direul
cbargo of the Hocks. It is indeed quite
evitlent that they were either greatly neglect,
ed or very improperly handled. The winter
was quite as never here as at Silver lake,
and we know of several flocks that wintered
here on short range without prepared feed
with a loss not exceeding 25 per cent.
Piinevillu News. We are sorry for Messi.
Thurston and Henderson, but that won't
bring the sheep back.
See our remarkably complete and elevunt
new stock at the