The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 02, 1887, Image 3

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...n.irmi?ht to come to tiiispottn-
L'tnd tackle the pioiiio Ico-cream.-
V.Z,lhia Tiuua.
. I- (to servant whom nho is aliont
"LL-'Ve nro my conditions;
Servant H'nt, III
'i -lwivs u!io ou trial. A'.
lltraiu- i
' limn a crriovnnccr
It is n Im'l
to carry around
Soli voiir trriov-
' fir ft 'n
bwt do. not Kill!; tliu
t.,i'. I,,A: ( ArkA (Jure v..
'ow tlit creased panto ami ronp;h
ili nii'or aro fashionable, tlm onlv
I . ,nl,.t... fin ...I I,.'.
,ni neetin" -""i .............
. , :., iriiB for iravoa culla.
Jii ....
cuntlay-sc'liool J eacher Johnny,
' ,i'wIiiNtiinil tlio imrabln of tlm
''.Jht-rd "' ,,is slu!(,')? '"hnn.v
Ti"i' -Jut If you litt'o elulilron arc
resheei).wlata.ul. Jol.nny-A big
,,ep. sT.-Chcwjo Mail.
X H10UITI1 mnri in, in ir
,m;in!ic tw a woman." In a jrivat
nvi'Ki's. iud'injr from tlm utimbin'
n.' . v. i i ......... :
jrird-W"" 1 u ii-imii. ivnrs,
,.m is more i
(r a i:ai'iiv in a woman.
., miminct! i
all before marriage.
a I yon have conic,
vtor. I :
1 urn in Mirii rain: . 1 n-t r -
...i 'j n i ri i ! i II 1 1' . ii ii'iit I
,i(.r so ill i in iv niMii uy corns
i I.-..11.. '....
il)C!r -Corns, en: ninvii. ( in t;t:it vt
ju,; .iw ino your lonit;. .. j.
M the Piidery: " Is it true Smith
coin" Id call liiwvn out?" '! I.
.... rs " "Wliv. what is the (rouble?"
II,. in-tilled him in l'10 'leaillie-il way :
Jniicil liim I" dinner, anil olli re I h ni
Llf's lira n a la Mi;cKeroocKi:r lor me
Litr,'p. linen i owe.
"I si c, Liic'tnla, tliev are vro'n'r lo
ivenni'W nitts:c pafoila, al Manhattan
i. Yc must pi il vn next
I 'don't think I cue to, Henry; I enn'l
papodas. If tliev were iro'n lo
ay wallus. why. I wouhlu't mind.
Mollis are too clasieal. lul-llil.
Country editor (to assistant) In
. . .i , i. - i . .... -. . ..
lo'ir pu tonal on uiu mm hit ens ; ,ir.
ii tli. von do not make use of the ex.
.won, "forj'i tin! I nks in (lieeliain
,f evidence."' Assistant "No. sir; I
wot it. Shall 1 stop dm press anil
ink it in. lountry eil.tor " Cer-
uIv."-.V. Y. Sift.
-She (after a private tho.i'rieal en-
Irtftnuicnti "How clnvorlv the lmrts
if Home and Juliet were played, Mr.
iiiiilh." lle-"ery; almost eoual to
, lf .1 ..1VI
hilrssionai woik. ue u.o von
Low that the neiitlcnian and lady w ho
avcil the parts aro husband and w.fer
ion mu: luisitand and
fp? Why, it was wonderful acting."
A vottni' ladv tviulini in a newsna-
jrthe other day of a pirl having been
uieciav nv a suuuen k ss, caned tile
pnlioil of her uliele, who was in tin-,
im, to ' that singular occurronc",
uTcii'on the old gentleman giutllv
inanilcd what the fool had g me, cam'
"What d d s'le " c.av for?"
h'v retiirned the ing 'iiiioiis maiden.
fVhv, for more, I siinpjs;)." X Y.
-in tiiir.tiijuij. i.iigiami. the other
.y, a curious brass box was dug up.
i name ami ouriio-e was a mystery
itlbt'ing oiie'ned. there was fouiul in
letiiree buttons, a piece of t n and a
:?o! paper. Then tliev knew it was
fjocent contribution bo.. Ihilu. uJ-
.Seemingly Trifling Gift Troves a Eouroe
or Wealth.
The singular manner in which
,ilth comes suddenly and unexpect
y to some people, and the equally
:iRtilar circumstances by which otlierd
live tlio much tought for key in their
nda, and unknowingly pass it to
me one else, are events of every -day
and yet in some cases tli facts,
rm an interesting cnajiter oi nici-
ute well worth narrating. A cm-c
point occifrred in Oakland iliirin,;
precent niontli, in wlncli a widow
nied Morris and her two little chil-
ion were the jnu ties interested. On
afternoon of lasievv lears day
Mi M. Kobinson of St. Louis, Mo.,
ni a biother of Mis- Morris, whilom
visit to aii isco on biirine-s,
iikd himself of the opportunity to
ke a New Year's call iu his sister
wm the bay. While there a neigh
rcaino in for a few minutes, and in
ie coun-e ol convirsatioii rem. irked
i.U he had been quite lucky during
ie last month of the old year in drAw-
f g 1100 in The Louisiana Lottery.
only after the neighbor's departure
' wli'iecl of the lottery was again
I'ferrett to in the conversation between
Ira. Morris and hT mother. The
"ter remarked that he bought Jickcs
b'ularly every mouth, but had drawn
t two small prizes, one of $i0 and
ie of 20. At this moment Mrs.
(Win's two little children camo run
(tng into the room, and Mr. liobinson
liggested to his sister that ho had a
lumber of coupoiiB in his pocket, and
Iwt he wouM give her one apiece for
l'8 children. The tickets were re
vived, and but litde thought of them
fr some time. About the date of the
'rawing on the 11th inst., Mrs. Morris
nade a note of the two numbers
U-UoO and 35),644, and watched fur the
lrt publishfd intelligence. On the
ifxt day after the drawing a few of
nuiuhers winning large jrizes were
Kl,li-hed, and in an interview with a
porter a few day ago the lady said :
''.v you cannot imagine my sur
)r'e when I read one i f those two
umbers at the head of the list. I
'id to read it over and over again be
Jre I could believe myowncyts.
?ut i' turned out to be the truth, and
awarded the tickd t-i New Orleans
!'r collection. It was 91,'JbU and it
tlo.OOO. The money was
Womptly paid, and I received it a few J Mf p 1,,,,,,., Sa Cab,
Sag . It is to be invested for the i collrafte,i a vere cold, and b came so
nfU of my two little ones, and bv hoano he could not speak. He tried a
' lime they reach maturity it will number of remedies w thout benefit, and
!,,, v evea the efforts of two phymc ans failed to
",lnt to a handsome sum, U Urt .i(,htest relieY. He wa induced
", on life' vovggV' Sun FraneUco to try id &tar Couch Cure, one bottle of
vA Call, Jan. 30. J which entirely cured him.
What the Future Will bj to Thow Whs Co
(ut to B.'lieTO.
Is this country unconsciously un
dergoing a wonderful change, is the
change to take place before we are
aware of the fact, and when it has
taken place will we wonder why wo
did not see it before it was too l ite?
Tho.-e that see the changes early
avail themselves early, and thereby
receive benefit.
The shrewd iron man sees tlio iron
interest transferied from Pittsburg and
Pennsylvania to I5imingham. Ala
bama, and in his farsightedness sees
the furnaces in Pennsylvania torn
down and deserted fur this new and
prolific field. It is claimed by the
iron men of Alabama that the low
price at which iron can be produced
there will revolutionize the iron inter
ests of the world.
We have teen the grain-growing
centers of this country shitted to the
West. We have set n tlei pork-pick
ing industry Hit from Cincinnati to
Chicago, and fiom tin nee to Kinsas
City and Omaha. Southern cotton
mills uiuleisell New Kiigland and
American inariuts, and challenge the
We have seen and are seeing all this
take place before our eyes, and know
that other changes are taking place
equally as prominent, and wo wonder
as wo hi hold them. Ten years ago
the insurance companies only re
quired an analysis of the fluids when
they were taking ini-uranee for very
large amounts. To d y no first-das
company will insure any amount un
less they have a rigid analysis of the
fluids passed, and if any traces of
disorders are apparent, the applica
tion is rejected. In their reports they
show that the death of sixty of every
100 people in this country, is due
either directly or indirectly to such
disorders. The ISromptou Hospital
for Consumptives, London, Kngland,
reports that sixty of every 101) victims
of consumption also have serious dis
orders of the kidneys.
Among scientists f. -r the treatment
of this dread malady the question is
being discussed :
'Is not this disorder the real cause
of consumption?"
Ten years ago the microscope was
something seldom found in a physi
cian's oflice; now every physician of
standing has cue and seldom visits his
patients without calling for a sample
of fluids for examination.
Why is all this? Is it possible Unit
we of the present generation aro to
die of diseases caused by kidney dis
order? or shall we master the cause
by Warner's safe cure, the only recog
nized spceilic, and thus remove the
ellVcts? It is cstihhslicd beyond a
doubt that a very large percentage ol
deaths in this country aie traceable
to diseased kidneys. For years the
proprieties of Warner's safe cure have
been insisting that theie is no sound
health when the kidneys are diseased,
and they enthusiastically press their
specitic for this terrible disorder upon
public attention. We are continually
hearing its praises sounded.
This means womlers I
Cannot the pioprictors of this great
remedy, who have been warning us ol
the danger, tell us how to avoid a (lis-
I ease that at first is so unimportant,
and is so fatal in its termination? Are
we to hope against hoje, and wait
without our reward?
The most signilicant of all changes,
however, that we of to-day can note
is tbii radical change of view to which
I he iml.lic has In en educated : It was
formerly thought that the kidneys
were of very small importance ; to-day,
we believe, it is generally admitted
that there can be no such thing ns
sound health in anv organ if they are
in the least degree deranged.
Toe loll . .v . 1 1 c are given : the re
IL'ioiis slaiiM e ol V rg.uia: .'iiet.nnlM
Kiii-oiia! Soiiili: dm c aes l.'.'uil: itai-
eraul piva.-kei's, ol.i; meal r
n. lii.'i's, meal l r 'ae'i
m motvs, Jl:.,'K'.). jli.- aoove dn-s
not inelu I ' Co O.'ed Method sis, but
t!i t aro few i.i the Mite, llapt sis
i w lite nml colored): churches, 1, l.iT;
oiVhnieJ ministers, 7i7; h Mttisnis dur-
ing tlio year. H.s.'i;, t'al iiiemoersliip,
ilo.lioi. i'.ebv teri ins: ministers, ;(ii";
Chun h s. ;i nii.'inhi rs, -". Lis. Kpis
c p iliaus: cl 'i'g, l.i 5: communicants.
Ki.'l ti. jiv.n.geiic d l.ul n-rans:
cli'iivhes, 17o; e ipim in ea:iK I I.oo.i;
Di-eipies: churches. 17'i; member h'p,
U'.stM. Catholics: hure'ies, ! i; e ap
els. 'J; priests, J7; Catholic population
Cabel Scott, of Cathey's Creek,
Tenn., died several months ago, and
Lis wife told the members of the house
hold that soon after the beginning of
the war he placed money for safe-keeping
in an old wheat house on the prem
ises. The lady being old and inlirni,
little attention was paid her, but finally
the family concluded to make the
seai'di to quiet her, ami to their aston
ishment, they found buried in a barrel
of ashes in the old wheat house $173 in
gold and Hi in silver in a cow horn,
and f'.lO in a cloth. They are now
looking for a tea-kettle which Mrs.
Scott says is hidden filled with money
somewhere around tiie place Louui
villc Courier Journal.
The fHmilv of Hon. W. H. Hoke, Judire
of the Jefferson County. Kv.. ouri, used
I G, .T..nnluiOtl ii-itl, uicTitul MI1PPI.M4.
Disea'e o'ten lurks In a dirty dishcloth,
a (tre t)' sink, an unclean ttakettle and a
p jorly ventilated oven.
Kunie of tlm R.-murkHlili. Proper! lit iif
lli-iiulifiil AiiKlrallnn lr,
Some years (ijrn, w ben a mail steam
ship line was ctablished between San
PraiuiM-o ami the Australian Islands,
enterprising persons wmght to transfer
some of the w ild products of the latter
region to Culifoniia soil. One thing
attracted the intention of the admirers
of nature, mid that was the eucalyptus
tree, which formed !: percent, of the
forest vegeiatiou ,.f Australia. This
tree grows very rapidly in that coun
try, with a straight Mem reai hingeoiu
luonly ..)( f, et in height, and having a
circumference f several feet at the
base. It was believed that as this tree
produced a gnat mass of leaves. .it
could be utilized for elude as well as
ornamentation, if the soil of the l'acitic
States should be found suitable to its
growth. The experiment was tried,
and slips of the Australian forest
giant transferred to California, where
they soon took root and thrived in the
pl'olilie soil of the (J.iMeu State. The
tree was found to furnish honey to bees
and in lY way alone the foreigner was
soon ascertained to be a valuable addi
tion in the lioliewgiwiijr products i,f
that now extensive honej -producing
State, it was :'-.-ertained that tec
eucalyptus globulus, or blue gum,
could be fiirlhi r as a remedy
for marsh and other fevers. So valu
able, indeed, is it that it will dclro
and ft id upon the animalcules of
marshy regions mid help to eradicate
lif sipiitiit-s by destroying the food on
w hich they exist. Its value by being
ellicaeioiis in such fevers hasgiwnto
the tree among many persons, especial
ly the Spanish-Americans, the. mime of
the "fever tree," and it is. therefore,
somewhat levered by the natives
of the Spanish-American countries
along tin; Pacilie coast. The
tree produces an essential oil
which is valuable, and a resin like the
resin of cinchona. An extract made
from the tree ields a substance capable
of neutralizing strong acids and form
ing cnsi illinc salts. The leaves, dried
and powdered, have been found useful
ns a medicine for certain maladies, ami
the Imrk .and wood have been utilized
for the same purpose. Hut the discov
ery of the most remarkable use to which
this tree can be put was the result of
an accident a coupla of years ago. The
eucalyptus tree had Iloiirished on Cali
fornia soil, and had been employed as
an ornament and shade tree in many of
the cities and scttlenteiits along the
Pacilie- coast. It will bo remembered
that for a long timo past engineers all
over the count ry suiVered from scale
forming in their boilers and from cor
rosion. About a couple of years ago
Mr. (icorge Hownie, the proprietor of
a (louring mill at Salinos Ci!y, Cal..
was in the habit of tillering water
in an oil heater, in order to free
it, as far as possible, from the min
eral ipialities that formed scale in
his boiler. Chemical compounds sup
posed to prevent the formation of
scale had been used without ell'eet, and
Mr. Downie resorted to the filtering of
water as a partial preventative. His
process was to run the water through
the heater and let if drain through
straw. One day he happened to be out
of straw, but as the leaves from one of
the eucalyptus trees which stood near
the '.niil were handy, he employed them
instead. To Mr. Pownie's surprise,
the formation of scale in the boiler
stopped and that which was already
there began to lie removed. He Ihollirht
it well to continue his experience with
the eucalyptus leaves, and, on proving
the ivviit, informed others what he had
discovered. In a erv short ibne the
leaves of the eiienlv plus tree fell into
general use among tiie engineers on the
Pacilie Coast for removing scale from
nil boilers and for pivt eiitingcorrosioii.
.Iiiurifiin Aiit!i;;,l.
(ircat Mmiicljmlll ie in !!rri-si'iiMitlK' gf
NitOnicil I. il'i- :inl Cliiino-tcrisili's.
(ircat cilies are essential to the de
velopment of any iiiiiortaiil or inllu
ential national life. They gather into
themselves the resources of the nation,
and .-o organize its stores of wealth, its
enterprise and the results of its genius
nml culture, us to i oder each efficient
in promoting the eonnfioii good. They
are the centers of power. Without the
facilities which through them are
a Horded for commerce and manufac
tures, without their aggregations of
capital, their business s .stems and in
stiti : ns, and their fostering cure of
art. science and literature, it would
seem iniiossible that there could beany
civilization or progress.
These great municipalities are the ex
ponents of the national advancement in
mineral wealth, in commercial impor
tance and influence, and in all forms of
intellectual and moral culture. In
times past they have been the agencies
through which civil and intellectual
freedom have been conserved, even if
they may not be credited with having
been the nursery in which liberty was
craiUed. They constitute the medium
through which we must study many of
the most important and interesting
phases of history, ami are the sources
of all the greatest enterprises of the
So thoroughly do cities become rep
resentative of national life and char
acteristics, that it is frequently said
that London is England, Home is Italy
and Paris is France. In a less compre
hensive but nevertheless very important
sen-1 it might properly be said that
New York represents America, Huston
stands for New England and Chicago
for the great West. A thorough ac
quaintance with either of these great
cities is equivalent to knowing well tho
people by w hem they are surrounded.
I'. VrawioH, in i'uputur HcitiKC
Ilut we don't know. We onieliiin,
creiclse our neighbor" short rniuliifci
lieu we do not fcinnv the iliH.HlvaiiiiiK's
under which lie sailers. If he has lost an
firm, or if lie is m lame that lie has to
walk nn emu-tit's, we nu see Ids inllnnll V
nml lilt y liim accorillnitly. If lie is sub
ject to some rcivoiiH dlsoider, which
does not nil. i t Ids ctlt nor n ake nuv
pent dillereiiie in hl outward iiiexr
slice, be Iihh very lillle mnip thy tmm
anyone, lie nmv have Mime tremendous
weight ef menial worry innesiiiy liim,
but lie gets no pity Ir m those who know
nothinu nlHiut It end cannot appreciiile
I he hidden troubles Under W hich be
labor-. 'J liousaudH ef iiieii have nmde
failures of ilieir lives from cai r lii(i bur
dens of worry and vexatlin which ills
traeled llu-ir nerves, di moralized their
bruins, and wrecked them Is yond remedy.
It would tie well lor nil Midi to rcmciiilier
that CouiMiund Oxygen cures nervoiiH
depression, i s. inula, in uratgui. and a I
I Is w lilt-li a ske lite a burd n. Hundreds
of esses are on record in w hich this gentle
and poweriul sgi-nt has worked wonders.
Prs. Staiikmv & I'AUiN. of 15 0 Arch
sir et, riillmlelpldn. I'll., send a treatise
Hivlinr the e reports fr e to all applicants.
OrderM for the I'oiuii.uind Oxw cm Home
Trcui incut will l e Ibleil lit II. A. .Mathews,
Ol.i lVwil; street, San Fnin iseo.
You oft en tear nmrried people sny that
two tn Tsous i nn live nunc cheaply than
one person can alone. The i lb it to
prove this sliileim nl true h is liven the
canst id a r. at main divorce on
the iharnc d nonmiiinteiisnce.
llosteili -r'sSion.aeh billt rs are ciiiplialtcully
a Ki tdal resloniiive. The climit:' wldi li Ibis
Kie 1 1 oliinie remedy tirmluei s liilheilinolili red
orsi.nizjition are always iiKieiatdy, thounn
surely pn uri ssive, never ahrupt and violent.
Dn lids aeiount it is ailmiiul ly ui!iilcd to per
sons ef deliiaie consduiliirn und weak nerves,
to whom the iioweiful mini rid line's are posi
tively injurious. That It Iniilatis those pro
cesses w liich result In llm re-esliilil shincnt of
hrsllhllll v iKr iscoiisileUnusl aii ill eases
where It Is luken lo oviieomo thai Iniillul
cause 01 debility. iniliKeslieii. collided, as II
usually is, Willi bili iu-nens ami eonsliialion.
TliomiiKb diKisli' ii. regular evaeuallon and
aliuudaiil secret ieii. Hie resulls widen promptly
and mvariiibly allcml itssysleniiilie use. Il is,
besiiies. the nest proiettive aKumst malaria,
ami a llrst rate uiaivlie.
Ninety-seven years aito a handful of
coarse wool sheep were landed in Australia
which have so Increased as to now mini
lar "0,1 (.10,000.
n9 aiunouna rll,,u-tt u,i imlieHllhv condition
UI ,11 sen--, n inn..--
iIim iiiuhI liiinorlniit
1,1 inn ..... - - -
organs of thi body. Impure I liHid, bron
chitis, asthma, nmiariai oiseuses, con
sumption, sick headache, diseases of the
skin, kidneys and heart -all may be
traced to faulty action or torpidity of the
liver. No other known preparation so
rapidly suit thoroughly restorea a dlsor
den d liver as Dr. Pierce's "tiohien Medi
cal Discovery." It Is pleasant to the taste
mild but sure in us action, nun a k "
sullerinn humanity from one of the most
successtul phjaicisns of the aiie.
A heated knife w III cut not bread with
out inuklnt! It hockv.
HiiAMiMTii'a Puis are the oldest,
snfest, and best blood purifier and purga
tive known. They aro purely vegetable,
therefore harmless. They are always the
same and always produce the same ello t.
Oilier purgatives require Increased dasci
and tlnallv cease aelinit ailoiielher. A
course id line or I w o of HlUNOiiril's l'n.l.s
lakeii cich niht is a positive cure for
eonsiipalion. headache, and all bilious
llmonlers. 11 you can l uise inum uu...
ifct liiem su(ar coated.
Go to Towue & Moore when in Portland
for best I'liotoiirauhic and Cravon work.
V on a h n."H ro ir ns Ilronch inl
Troches are not new and untried, bul,
haviuK been tested by constant use for an
entire Kciicrutkm, they have attained
well-meriled rank amoiiK the few staple
remedies of the sire.
Mrs. Landry's rcat dread is gcttliiK
old and uor.
"Man's work 's from sun to sun ;
Woman's woik Is never done."
Work Is a necessity to all; but, upon
how niriiv, women especially, dees il fall
with the burden of the "last hi raw," and
this, bccHiise their peculiarly delienle con
siitulions iye so linble to fiinclionul de
rangement. We cannot lessen jour toll,
lanies, but we can make il easier for you.
by making vim si router and betier ade
to do it. Dr. Pi ree's "Favorite J'l'i scrip
lion" will relieve you cf nervous and
other weaknesses, and all tho many ills
peculiar lo your sex.
There are lllly one active volcanoes In
A'o Ov'ium in l'iso's Cure for Consump
tion. Cures w here oiherrcmedies fail. e.
Tnv fiKllMKA for hreaktnsl.
fv Cuticura
j A a Positive Uurc
NVih forpVpryforrn of
1 V4$Kin and Blood
XxXjJ. Pimples U Scrofula.
PKIN TflH'lirrtKst (JK A'KTIMK IN-
X ...... i I: I 1... u uuhii I, lit I, u, it ti I I'TC
M Biailliy Iflie.e.i i'J "
CfllA rsMl", a real Skin Heaulilier, and a siiisle
appUcatlOU Ol l I IICl llA, llltnii ni
This repi-Hted daily, with twoorthrec doses of
Ci:tihha ItKsoi.VKST.tlieNew ltlood I'unlier,
to keep llm blood cimiI, the perspiration mre
and iniiirilatiiiK. the howesoM-n. the liver and
kidneys active, will speedily cure.
KcKeuia. letter, ihi(wo. ui, psoriasis, lictien,
prurilus.scall heiul.ilandriiir, and every aia-eli
of tort miiiK. dlsllKUriiiif. lu hiiiu.sealy and pun
ply diseases of Uiu skin and seal", w ith loss of
liair, when physicians and all known remedies
Hold everywhere. prlce,CuTicuRA,50e.; Soap,
2.V-.: Kksoi.vknt, 1. I'repared by the I'orraa
Irnco and Ciikmicai. Co.. IIohton, Mass
git Send for "flow to Cure (Skin Disease.
MI'I.M, liiackheadB, chapped uud oily skin
preventer! by t'UTlcl'KA Mi dicalcd Soap.
-isniKTioul or-
Iron, Stcrl and Pipe, Ac.
, i
Pruning Shears, Halsh and Caoto:
Barb VU-e,
111 to 115 California Street
verv tiv.'iinii lo lni.- 'leli-r
lor tiie ls:t tioos ml imuicI
"The Heart of the World.
Valuable prendum Free with book.
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When ltahy was sick we gave her Castorla,
When she wail a Child, she cried for C Inria.
W htu sho became Miss, she luni lo I'nstoria,
Wbeufche had ChlUtrun.sheKtivu them Ciialorin.
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TllK IIkst i' HM K niinlel riiiiiereedhiK all
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Po tmMt. an. otlr asmta will amlrntan'd that th. ralt-t .rs clubblng rate., and lor wUinl
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VyJUl'l h,i .1.1' Il'i.. ! Pf 'Cf tvl, !ert K l'll
,'.-(. .. ,.M-.-.:.1 es.Aj.IH ''' i- Ml (
Sr. , . r.'it, .o," V', j.-si W.
l.lIK.S, triKMIdM
l M In if.UKi .r iti-yinulf t heiiiK- .Iiumb
4illiill tllW Willi llllllll ll'T H till '2'Mt nisiiiii kr
tli-ulini. l A. M O'llHN AI.K til.,
M KeiiMi) so,.-1, Kit KiniiciM-o, 'U.
Q1FIMVJAY kiivmiii a haiii.
O l L.1 11 II t I , (ihier, Knenish I l.uios; Itar
del Orpins, hand liislriliuenls. Ijir-rhl slis k
of Mi. el Mieio ami Hooks. Uamis snppliialat
Kastorn prices. . M. till.VY.
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Pat. Kr.n IkI. 1ss7. . ni,,itMll ImirL-iliir si III" kitis-n still rr'Tis
to pertwl ilii all pirt 1 1 t o iiuilalnnns. V"'
ami rMlly aiM'H l lusH liielmie. 'w.ipli p
l:x?ir!'.-!!vs. Now-ll ilr.'Wil nmn dm ie 1h,iUi
Out litis useful t.i'l.'t Dun. I. K. lit ir iul Umu 1
Ovljit ut iiriiii, st 76. A eui i s AiiU'ii ot .-r slier
aio Uriiiny at, H. F.
t!! 6 CGCCGC tIiHIi5fi
sist M
n mlmlttiHluinoiiw
Illwitrki!, vm
rrlyU' trUt4
For 1887
will h nutlisl
FREE to all
apclioftitut anit
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ns uls.0 War
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osd furil. AiliSnss)
D. M. rEKRt CO,
Detroit Mich,
Semi fur the Illiistnd.iHl ('iitalin:nn ronUUhi(r
a descriitioa of the largest and Lest assurtei
stock of
On the l'acillo Count, all now goods to select
oMl)org, Strauss & Frohman,
107 A: l(: l'ost St.
Maidion this paper.
tfltuitt f xffiily . . tut ci.,o if
i'r4nnfin ma h inrttjit
ii' nfi. TI ruiittiiuoiia ilri'Min
..f I.I KCIM, rri (..miiiitliMt
limurii llio mn nuiMl t ltr
hrtn In Id t'tliT urt un. Do Hl
tt' t .rouiil O n viilh 11. i,lrh) Itrli
iittftlitnl tv inn all U trn
Vrt'l Ii ('.. II u rur !Ku UNH
ft me inn )mo,
k'.ir tilrouc-f cKli, hi,! in-
fi nni liii, tiililit'i h i l -.'r .!
t'l- It1' I I II,, ( J '4lltlt4l
The Van Itlonciscar
Voi i ti r mlflitlft twM Mid
uM, inul'wir ifuurht-d tmm
ut ( nil whn nulti f lf h
Nfrroiit IK'liliity, Nitmi
turrtirit Kiii,i"Hl IrfiwnHL
, lvk of
-.T' WtA. -Hkln IHh
ir()r, njfui iiliMMl 'mm
Hi-in IHW4MH, KrfkniK
ion. Ifulr fVllhur
r"tt, Uteri-, kl
mid HIiwMur Truubltit
Wink I'im-V, llumliiif Urlr. (Initnnli Olwt, Hiriui-nn-
truiiiit rtilli-f hikI oui t t It'u.
It u tli Hext-N on li 4 otitlflriitlHlly
OKKlOHU-lfia te 1H4 TkllHD HT.
S.V N.1T. N'n.lTZ-S.Ii'.N U.No.MM.
xx ja
3 jmww