-. im 1 ALIL 0 ESTABLISHED FOR TEE DISSEMINATION OF DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES, AND TO EARN AN HONEST LIVING BT THE SWEAT OF OCR BROW. VOL. 19. EUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1887. NO. 31. m GENE C TY G j 1. L CAMPBELL, publUher and Proprietor. OFFICE -On the Earn Me of Willamette Street, between Seventh and Eighth Street. terms of subscription. per annum. ?2 50 Six Months. n,l.w. tiwintll. 1.2.1 U(n ' OUR ONLY rtvnoa oh advkutisino. Advertisement Inserted a follow: One square, teu linen or less one Inxertion ?J: I ,ulK..ii)"t Insertion $1. Oah required "!nTadvertiscr will be charged at tin fol lowing rate: 0,,e square three month W w One square six month 'St'Mi' i,liv.n;.;; tr line tnr each insertion. Advertising bill will be rendered quarterly. All job work must be paid run on peuvehv. L. BILYEU. C. M. COLLIER. BILYEU & COLLIER -Attorneys nd Counsellors at Law,- EUGENE CITY, OREGON. PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OF thin State. Will ttive special attention o collection and probate matter. Omci--Over Hendriclc & Eakin's bank. Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, WILL PRACTICE IN THE CDURTS of the Second Judicial Dintrict and in ht Supreme Court of this State. Special attention given, to collection anil Diatter in probate Washburne & Woodcock AUoriiey-aM-w, flUGENE CITY, - - - OREGON OFFICE At the Court liouae. ty8ra3 OKO. A. DOKBIS. 8. W. CONDON. CONDON & DORRIS, Attopneys-at-Law, EUGENE CITY. - - - OREGON OmcE-Over Robinson 4 Church' hardware tore. GEO. M. MILLER, attorney and Ccunsellor-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent EUGENE CITY, - OREGON. Oflicc formerly occupied by Thompson 4 Bean. J.E. FENTON, Attorncy-at-Law. KUGENE CITY OREGON. Special atteution given to Real Estate l'rao ice and Abstract of Title. Office Over Grange Store. T.W. HARMS, M.D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE Wilkin's Drue: Store. 1L ..idence on Fifth street, where Dr Shelton ormerly reided. Dr. T. W. Shelton, Physician and Surgeon. Office Front room over Matlock' Store. EUGENE CITY. OREGON. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL, CAN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or res idence when not professionally engaged. Office at the POST OFFICE DRUG STORE. Residence on Eighth street, opposite Presby erian Church. J.J. WALTON, Jr., ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts of the State. Special attention given to real estate, col ecting, and probate matter. Collecting all kind of claim against the United State Government ' Office in Walton' brick-rooms 7 and 8. FAIR DEALINGIS OUR MOTTO. Everyone standing in need of building mate ial will do well to call and nee our ( oburg tuck of lumWr, kept at Midgley 4 Dysmgers actory. We can please all Kimts oi a nualitv and nuantitr. Give n a call lieforo purchasing elsewliere. N. T. Mathews, Agt J. DAVIS, Merchant Tailor. HAS OPENED A SHOP ON NINTH RtTMt nnn.ll iho StJir T'.akiTV. wheie h i prepared to do all kinila of work oflejvd j in hi line. A lartre stock of Fine Cloth on hand fr ' n.tnn,er to select from. I One of our ierialties is the cutting and Baking of Ladie Cloaks. , Repairint and cleaning doie uromptlr. Sat-1 fiction guaranteed. Eugene, Nor. 6, tf NEW GOODS. f. B. DIM, 1ST A GENERAL J A large assortment of La dies and Childrcns Hose at 12 1-2 ds. Good Dress Goods at 12c- Best Corset in town for 50c An immense stock of New and Seasonable Goods. Fine Cashmere in every shade New and Nobby styles in CLOIHING. Liberal1 Discount for CASH. Tliat flic CHEAPEST place to Imy Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and shoes, Etc. -IS FMENDLY'S. P. S. Have also just received from New York voice of LADIES' MANS, WRAPS GOODS. AT- A. Four splendid "New Sewing Machines I am offering these machines at cost, them .my longer. This is a fine opportunity to secure one of theso most popu lar, best furnishod, and certainly tho most desirable of all Sewing Machines. . I also olTiir the following bargains: Forty Ladies' New Market j wentii-jive uenis irw uucrvuut.es, Ociovo y rhasfi.) for l less than Cost. These are nil new, desirable goods, ment even if one hfd to Iny them away I have a number of other bargains tion from time to time. K. K. PAT1EHSON. W. n. PATTEHSOK. F.F. C: Contractors, Plastering, Stone and Brick Work. ALSO PEALEHS IN Tacoma and San Juan Lime, American and English Cement, New York and California Plaster, Plstering Hair, Fire Brick, Latb, Marble Dust, Etc., Etc. ADDRESS: F. F Patterson & Co, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. Office With lUt-kwith 4 Son. II iii a. Irimming silk a?id Sat ins in all shades, Moircantiqae Silks Velvets in Colors. TJie finest stock of French KID SHOES ever brought to this place. BOOT awl SHOES in all grades. GROCERIES of all descriptions AT - City a large in CLOAKS, DOL and DRESS V. PETERS'. White" Nickel-plated All Complete. not having the time or room to deal in Cloaks for $1 less than Cost. and will pay 30 per cent on the invest unui next v i.uer. to offer and to which I will call atten CRAIN BROS. DEALERS IN g:iotki, ) Vatchfi and Jtwtlry, Musical Instruments, Toys, Notions, etc Watche. Clock, and Jewelry repaired and warranUnL Northwe corner of Willamette and Eighth streets. Something New. MR. GEORGE WILCOX WITH J. WINTER, will make photograptic enlarge ments tiy the new Permanent Eroaida process. finely finished in India Ink and V Water Colnra. PHYSICIANS, MINISTERS, VOCALISTS, PUBLIC Sneaker and the Profession generally recommend SANTA ABIE ai the bout of all medicine for diseases of the Throat, Cheat and Lungs. BEWARE OF LIMITATIONS. See that our trade mark, SANTA ABIE, i i every bottle. Satufactlon guaranteed or money refunded. ;7.. Of 18 $5,000 REWARD ?5,000 For a better or more pleasant remedy for the cure of Conaumption, Cough, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough, and Bronchial trouble .an GREEN S LUNG RESTORER, SAN TA ABIE, AB1ETINE and MOUNTAIN BALM LOUGH LUKK. Kot a secret com- und. A completo mixture without tho ad- ition of any powder. GUARANTEED A POSITIVE CURE IT for Catarrh. Cold in the Head. Hav Fever, Rom Cold, Catarrhal Deafneas and Sore yea. Kestores the sense of taate and smell; remove bad taate and unpleasant breath, re- ulting from Catarrh. Eaay and ploaaant to use. Follow direction and a cure is warranted by all driiwriats. Send for circular tn ABIE- r circular to ABIE Oroville, Cal. Ask TINE MEDICAL CO. for SANTA ABIE AND CAT R CURE, For sale by all druggist. JUMBO. JUMBO. The original Abletiue Ointment is only put up In large two ounce tin Doxea, and la an ab solute cure lor olrl sores, burn, woumla, chap, ped hand, and all skin eruptions. Will poai- tively cure all kinds of piles. Ask for the uriKiiitu Auieuno uiiiimeiih for sale by all druggists, Snell, Heitahu A Woodard, Wholesale Agts, Portland, Oregoon. J. L. PAGE, -DEALER IN- HAVING A LARGE AND COMPLETE stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, bought in the best markets EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH Can offer the public better other house prices than any IN EUGENE. Produce of all kinds taken at market price. ibetliiiig New! You Can Save time and money by calling on STERLING HILL and letting him renew your subscriptions for newnaiera, iiorv paper ann muKazine. '10 also keel a complete stock of Magazine, in rludine Century. Harper, Ielie etc. All the ooi)iil.r liurarie. riewude. Ixwella. HtawlarU Munroe and other. In fact everything uau ally found in a 1st clasa new deiot, P O Build' Ing, r.ugene. B. F. DORRIS, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. HAVE SOME VERY DESIRABLE Farms, Improved and Unimproved Town property for sale, on eaay terms. Property Hented and Rents C:llectod The Insurance ('omiianir I represent are amonir the Oldeat and most Reliable, and i the Prompt and Eye it able adjustment of their losses Ktaxd Hkcond to .Nome. K share of your patrons is solicited. ' Office up-stairs, over the Grange Store. B. V. IMIKKIS. INSURANCE. 1TTE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED acents for the Insurance Companies for merly held by Mr Chas Jjiuer, and are pre pared to insure your Hmifle, Earn Wheat, Wool, Etc-. Etc- against low by Ore, and can give yon choice of some of the Beht Companies on this Coast, ready and willing to pay Inues promptly. We ak for the lilieral patronage extended to Mr leaner. Hexumck 4 Eaeis. Odd Ttilnji in China. fN. Y. World The hii-hi'st ambition of a Chinese gentleman is to have a nice coffin and a tine funeral. They feed their friends sumptuously lieu dead, but let them tak caro of themselves the liest they could when ive. Old women instead of young are tho ideal belles of society. 1 he highest recommendation a man can have istlietact oi bin naving a wife. A bachelor is likened to a counterfeit com; lie is looked upon with suspicion even by members of his own household. Love-making is only done three days beforo marriago. It is not only con sidered tho safest way to get ahead of a rival, but tho surest way to get a wife without losing much timo. A previous acquaintanceship between tho uialo and fema'.o prevents them from marriage. For this reason a man seldom weds a girl of his own town. They are likewise prevented from mar rying kins or namesakes. Joneses are not allowed to marry Jones, nor Smiths to marry Smiths. A girl is never considered anything olso in her own father's houso than an honored guest. She is neither respon sible for the family's debts nor enjoys a shuro in its fortunes, as is tho case of sous. Daughters depend upon their hus bands for fame and fortune, while, sons pend upon the parents and upon themselves. A man could borrow money on tho strength of his having a son, hut no ono would advance him a cent if he had dozsn of daughters. The formor is responsible for the debts of his father for three generations. Tim latter is only responsible for the debts of her own husband. When a Chinaman meets another ho shakes and squeezes his own hands; covers his head. If great friends had not seen each othor for a long time, after the mutual hand -shaking they would rub shoulders until they become tired. Instead Of asking each other's ealth they would say: "Have you catun your rice, whore are you going, what is your business when you got there, how old are you, and how much did you pay for your shoes 1 Men wear long petticoats and carry fans, while, tho womon wear short jack ets and carry canes. Boats are drawn by horses, carriages moved by sails. Old men play balls and II y kites, while childron fold their arms and ook on. Schoolmasters have more power over children than parents. If within three years schooling the child is not morally as well as intellectually reformed he is sent into another school, Parents and spectators instead of the children are held responsible for crimes committed by the latter. "It is better to be ignorant and know how to live than to bo learned and not know how to live. Tho principal obiect of a school is to learn how to ive in tranquility and happiness and nothinir mora" So Hay all Chmeso scholars. It is much loss a crime, to steal your neighbors ox than to steal his dog. The former is simply personal property, while the latter takes the place of man watenman. If a Chinaman desires tho death of 1, . i. an enemy he goes and nangs nimseii upon his neighbor's door. It is a sure euro to kill nob only that particular enemy, but members of his entire family will be in jeopardy of losing their lives, When a Chinaman desires a visitor to dino with him ho does not auk him to do so, but when he does not wish him to stay he puts tho question, "Oh d ease stay and dine with me. lho visitor will then know he is not wanted ' A rich man's servants gets no salary vet many are the applicants ; while big salaries are paid to the servants of the common people, but few mak applications. The perquisities of th former is often rnorothan triplethesala ries of the latter, arc the solo reasons of these differences, When a Chinaman expects a present and it does not come, he sends one of lesser value. To encourage honesty and sincerity, confidential clerks and salesmen in all branches of industries receive an annual net per centage of the firm's business besides their regular salaries, . Mr. Spies of Chicago, who for bis hsudi nets with dynamite, is confined fast and snug in jail, has a brother on the outside, who acted as a proxy for Mr Spies as a bride groom. The Clerk of Crook County ha re turned the alleged marriage certificate to lbs jattrio who claimed to have performed the ceremony. The Clerk reminded the jus tice that as Spies was in. the county jail at the time of tho alleged marriage ho could not have been at the village of Jefferson, where the justice certifies that the marriage oc curred. Freudout Clevoluud on tba 18th inst. was fifty years old 1 Sharp Lesson. In trials for murder nobody is aston ished now a. day at seeim; the iurv ring in a verdict of not guilty, derived from a process of reasoning not to be found in any of tho known systems of logic. In fact, with ever ready and inventive intelligence the jurors build p a new system every time to fit tho case on hand, and with unerring cer tainty arrive at tho desired point of cquittal. l ears ago in tho gold mining times of Cariboo, jurors seem to havo been mere apprentices, though they did pretty well considering circumstances. hero was a miner killed in Heaver Lake by a man named Gilchrist, who had dispatched two men in California Iready. He wai sitting at the table when the miner canio in, threw down an ounco of gold dust, bet, and won. lie winner bet again with tho same result as before, and then asked Oil chist rather flippantly, if there was any other gamo ho could play better. lho gambler took offence at this, raised his pistol and shot the miner dead. lho murderer was tried and the jury brought in a verdict of "manslaughter." Turning to tho prisoner Chief Justice Begbie said : "It is not a pleasant duty , for me to haye to sentence you only to prison for life. Your criino was unmitigated murder. You desert o to be hangod. Had the jury performed their duty, I might now have tho pain ful satisfaction of condemning you to death." And then, addressing the jury, ho continued : "You, gentlemen, permit me to say that it would givo me great pleasure to see you hanged, every one of you, for bringing in a murderer guilty only of manslaughter." Danrlng or Kissing. It may be asserted in a general way, that wherever in the U. S. you do not Gnd dancing you find kissing. In com munities where dancing was disap proved I have seen "string games call ed for and carried into practico at en tertainments held in school houses and oven at church sociables. In such places church members and, for aught I know, deacons take part in the amusement; and 1 have seen it de velop a friskincss, so to speak, in griz zled men, which mado thorn ono would say, anything but seductive or beguil ing to the young and fair. Among those of earlier years kissing becomes in such communities a systematic pur suit, like hunting or fishing. Young girls whoso parents object to it or neg lected or disliked; a young man in such village told a friend of mine, with some indignation that she was the only girl in town whom ho had not kissod. It is of no use to object to it as im moral where tho church members aro committed to it, Perhaps it cannot bo called immoral; but when society lias reached a certain stage of refinement these gamos vanish. Tho sy.ubol of that increased refinement is usually dancing, Danoing, whatever its draw backs, serves practically as an antidote to kissing game; where one begins tho other dies out Thoy do not seem to flourish and side by side; at any rate, peoplo rarely go back from dancing to kissing. Granting, for the sake of ar gument, that it is necessary to havo some amusement, the choice lies, in our yillagcs and their scattered families, bo. tween these two forms of relaxation. Which is tho butter of the two! ramcll'i Faith. The question of Parnoll's religion has often been discussed, but never elucidated. Religion enters so acutely into politics and society over hero that a conspicious man must declare himself. Tho compulsion which Gladstone invites and Churchill does not repel Parnoll has ignored. Ireland is overwhelm ingly Catholii Yet she trusts this man implicitly not to permit any legis lation which will be offensive to her traditions. A great critio described the religious Btate of Germany after tho thirty years' war as petrified Protestantism. Parnoll is a petrified Protestant. lie has never spoken a word which would iudicato tho presenco of a dogma in his conscience. He has never written a line to disavow tho hereditary creed of his family. But he has had to encounter so much malignant stupidity on the part of recriminating exponents of faith claim ing to be divine that one may credit a Btory told of him. A ldver of Greek lore quoted in his presence ono day the ancient crope that Socrates had brought philosophy down from heaven, rarneii smiled his palo smile and replied : "What a pity he did not take theology up there." The New York Freeman, eolored men' organ discovers a bole in a grindatoue aa readily as any paper in the country: It say Hi Had Lincoln been able to attoml the cele bration of bis birthday by the Republican, Club of New York be would have been as tonished by the utter absence of any repre sentative of the 1,500,00 colored Republicans . . . 1 .V- - 41. ... HO uau lbuuv lur um ai .j vj vi uu pen more than twenty years ago. We dare say it was an oversight. Wt are becomiuK .i ... .....i. ti.ouI,. l.w, ii, a ..,,,..i;.,v VU W .UVU. IUV; UU.V IVBI tUV WIHjUVlLTU. of novelty.