Did He Aertpl A ilick-looking roan lately madu call upon a protninr-nt judgu in Norili Cirolina, and went ritflil to buima 'aaying : Vjud, I understand tliTft i trouble Wween you and the Mayor of llilla Wot" "Well, the Mayor han purchavd a ahotgun from a linn in St Loaia, and Intend to iihoot you to advcrtine th firm. I am from Oonmcticut, and here UanewwIfcockingrHvolvpr we have JuntRotout, Ph'Hc take it and kill the Mayor, and f--l ( Hoiw-ihinjf which we n uhh on an illuHtrulfd circulur. Wull Sirn t New. Proper Treatment for Cought. Tht the reader may fully understand what omtitiitiM a .! 't" ";' Syrup, we will ay that Tar a...l Wild Cherry 'li the baii.uf tlwl.rttremf.lifi yet ili-y'.v-ered. These inurediat.t, several other .y .iH.iu'iiiu.). outer laruely into IT ti' r.muh and Luiik Syrup, thui ru.L;..,.nI ,,( the mint reliable lw fill ..." kMt Price .W ctl md 1. Samplei free. 8-.LI by O.burti Co, Eugenet W 'Lee, Junction. SHIIiOH'HC'Ol'OH and Consumption Cure Is ald by ui on guarantee. cure. 'uniptlun. - - 1 fU.KKPUCSS NK'.IITS. made miserable by that terrible cujh. Hluloli uureia m re.ue dyif. yu. tjuv w KISK KK(JlJA..nf Aurora, III, '"'I have used (iilinnrei Aromatic Wine and finl It an Moll-nt IhiiimIhiM remedy tlm Dona might to .In wilho.it REV. HARRIS I'ECK.rf I'av.lllnn, N V. lava. I waa troubled with Malaria, llnwe l)fflculty end ileeples nWiU which I found ....,; i. .t After taking Aromatic Wlni two ilayi I realized grunt relief. ileepitin well an.l otherwise feeliw like a lie man, I cheerfully recommend it to iilfering human ity. or saie "T '".ir.i a, v ... ffprlnir from Aathnia, Con. ....n.i,.n roiirrlia. uta. Did you ever try Kiiirllnh ltemedyt H Is the bust preparation known for all I.ung Trouble:, LaA n a mialtlva ffuariutuo at 10c., 60c. wjk i" m Osburu A Co, Eugene, e Cure For Pile. Nleiare frequently preceded byaieneiif wel(ht In tin back, loin ami lowrr part of the abdomen, causini( the patient t auppoaa hi liar. 1 mini alfectinn of tin kidney or neUhls.rinii orvana. At time, avmptmna nl liiillircsilon 1 are present, flatulence, iineaslneas of die slum ' ach. etc. A moisture, like ierplratin, pro rtiielinr a varv diaairrseahle Iti-hilu:. after uet ' tlnu warm, la a coui.lion attendant llliud, bleedlllK and itehinij pile yield at urn to the . It .1 1 II. ll..MU..L..V I'ilM IIi,imiIv. wliiih a'U direi'tly Umi Ihe irU alliH ted, nl. 1 aorliinu the t r. allavimt the liiteiiM itcli Inir and eireetliiL' a iwrmiil.ent cure. Price W) criita. Aihlreaa the )r Idaaun) Medicine Co., Pinna, Ohio. .Hold hy Oidmrn ft Co. and V. 8. Lee, of J unit inn. THAT ll.U'KINU COUHII can l ' ' quickly cured by Shiloh I lire. We guarantee Summons. s' U the Circuit Court of the Bute of Oregon for tin County of Lane, Frank Lucai, Plalntilf, Hamuli I.uoaa, Daniel Lucaa, Nam-y Lucai, lVfendanla. To laid Daniel Lm-aa, Hainuel Lucai and Nnncv l.nca. Defendant INTIIK NAMK OK THK STATK OK Ortiron vou are hereby renuired to be mid IMiear in anid Court and nnawerlhe fiuiplilllt of plaiutilf now on lile, within teu day fi'oin tin data of the aei vii-e of thia auininoiia iikii yon, if aerved iu aaid Lane comity, Oregon, and if aerveil In any ether county in thia State, then within twenty daya from the date of .the ervic; hereof iihiii you, ami if aerved by punli eation of aummona, then mi the lt d iy of the neit revular term of aaid I 'ircuit Court to wit: The lHih day of April. IHS7. Ami if yu fail to appear and anawur udi.'iiieiit will le taken kgaiuat you, atldtlie plalntitr will apply fr tin relief prayed for in the aaid complaint, namely, the lale of the following ib-aen'wl (aviniwa; The N K J f N h of See :tii, T U 4, U ft W. ami N J ... N W J, and N W of N K i "i ho 31. T UI H, li 4 W, ii.ht.iii iim IKO aerea, and the S of N W 1 and N W I ,.f S W 1 of Sec ai. l s t ,,f s K J and N E i of 8 K Serl, T 111 s, li 4 W, coat.imiiiif S.M acrea, III Laue County, Oreuon, nnl the divia.ou of the proceeda thereof iiller piiw tlie ci"t and ieuea of thia anit, and aale and for ni h oth er and further rvli.f aa may aeciu eipiitablo and ut. Thia luimiiona la inbl ahed bv order of II mi. 11 S Item, JiiiIk o the n-oiol .ludieial li Iriet, which order i mule at CliamlH-ra and dated February Id, IS7. Ixhiii a J. WaitoN, .III., Atty for Plir. February !. 1SS7. OUKcoNUu'ino u NI.Y rol'l'I.AIt S All .ROAD OUTK . VXtiKS Flat Time! Sure Connection! New Kiiirjiniint! il'iTt MII.KS MltiUTKi: I iiO IIUUUH l.i:ss TIMKI AeconiniiHUili.nl UH.iiraamsl, (nr ciiiifirt and Safety I-rarti and rreiiJita ui't'H IKhs than l.f any other route dt-tween all dnt in WilUniMle Vall. y md San K KMi-.-.ii DAILY PASSKMiKU TKAIS (K.i-eit Sun lay.) , I. Ya.ulna fl:'.V a in, l. AlUi.y V.' til . ni, Ar Cm-vallia 10 SS a m.l.Vr Coralli J:J . in, Ar Alhany IM a in. I.Vr Yauina .:4A ui. Ort: and Calih.raU WnUid tralui con aect at Alluuiy and Cor.allia, THK 0UKU0X MtVKlAiPMKNT C0'3 r'tenuhi.a aail ONLY ROC I E VIA YAQUINA BAY, -TO- San rraneiseo. raox Ygrm roM ia nttniiA Yaoiea t'tty, VVh Yiquii.a City, r'eli 10, Rai.U Maria, Veh SI. iSjwu Mria, Kel. li, Ya.in I'uy. Keli ;7, Yniuina 1'ity. Vrh A1, HanU Maria, Mar SnU Maria, Keh 'jS, Ya.uina l"ity, Mar 11. Ya.uina I'uy, Marrt, faiw Maria, Mat 17, Santa Maria. Mar li. Yaqulei lily, atari J, Yt..iina tty, Mar l!t, The I'.-niptor mervee the nht to chaise anin aaya. Tine Btii Cwrillii ui Su rraac!tc Pail tad Cabin, fit j liad and Mperk-e, I lor I ut her mfurmatiiw apply to UI' Mth.lK, A. G. F. k V, At, CotTallu. Sammons. In the Circuit Curt of the RtuU of Oregon for the County of Jne. Charl Khn and Nlphull Kclm,") partiiera. UmK bu.mM mnier in r bnu name of thiirlcl Kol.n & Lu-jJ,lanlifr v. A A H.rrr, U-a U'rry. Jamei Herm. Nelfe lierry, K Uollii.ky. and Gene Hrowmttfin, pftrtnera, ilointf bu-llif" un.ler i:ie rrm name i 1 K lioliiMky & Co., .1 .inn ninmn I l,iiiueM under the tirifl iinYne V of Jiiliu MulUn i-o.. Jtwepn lirt-m r. doiuu hultie4 nmiwr uie firm name of J.wepli Hrene r & Co.. John lirucKinaii, T A .wimron, H lloKiiiaii, J,uniMiiomoi.,aao- ...i.,i.tn.tr of the emuie in J ii (Jerry, ileoeawd, Uefenilanta. To E (Jolinky and (.eow lirowiinu-m, pari liem, iloiiM liiiine' unncr me 'irui imuio .o K (ioli'imky A C luliiiaSiilUn, iloiiiK lul n. m under the firm luu.e of .lull'." rfultaii & Co., Jo-eph Hreioer, iloiiiK liuiiifi under the film mime of .l.wph liieiner & Co., ami John i'lrm-kiimn, defentaiiU i I X THU NAMK OK 'J'HK STATE Or Orruon vu and each l yu are liereny iiuired to apur and answer the complaint Hied aliil y-u i the hihivb n.nue.i .,ou,v .tti.i niue hy the hr-t nay "I me lieu wui; te'iiioi i.u.ll'ou t, l im Hex11" IIU "'" '" HK II City, Una C unt' , Urejfo.i, on uie Htn Jay of April, A. l , lt. an . in ca.- y.u (ail no t appear ami aiier aul comiiUiiil, Mid ,lalntiit. will apply Hid Court for the relief pniyed f..r thrr.ln, towit: or the loreci.wure of ceruiu mortal.1 ilwcrilieil III laid cmplaint an I ecutl ny " leceanod, ami dit. A A JWrry, on the 17th I..., ..f ... ikxi iiiMin cerUiu real proiwrty heieimifter decribed to aecure the payment of. ..(.rir t.ntjl H.lUfll LIIH 1.HI1 UMV ol .lune, 1NK, executed ami ile'lvered by laid 11 lierry ami A A jerry vi mm aniuua tl,t nun of emnt tiuuilren iioiiam, pajauio n. Koldoiiiof the United SUte one il.iy aftr the diite thereof to the order of .iid plaintilft with ihtere.it thereon at the rale ol ten. per cent. Kr annum from (lute until p:nd. Unit tin preinlan conveyeii inereoy may iw nui iu iiKhiier provided by law ami the proieed. ap p ied to the puymeiitof the an f huudieo and forty-two .lollura due ou wild note, t gethi r Willi lliiereav mereon inuu at teu r cent. wr annum a in nui.i coinpuiui leignated. AIo lor ll.e cokih, e!"5" " lii.lilil1l..tllelltM of nil ii I ullit. nml eIK-uei of nile and for 7'l W attorney 'a feen therein, ami in cane uih proceed me int ault.eleiil u pi.y theKiiin ..ilieiiioolitniii judgment .Hid. ecutioii lor th. !..ilniice remaiuiiiK (Ine.iiml alMiinaiyou I e... !. of von nui ft I lieinoim claliuliu lv, through or un ier oii or eithrr of ymi muy Ik birred .ill I forecliwed of all rikjht, title, claim, In n, riputy of redemption and intercut in nml to mu ll inortak'fd premimi and for audi nth.l and fuither relief a to the Court or Judge thereof itiuy le'Ui Jut ami e.uitulile. Si.nl inortuaueil premiaea aiH.ve reierrei hi huh .ic acrilwd in aaid complaint lelii a i"'"'"; ('omiiieni li.Katthe h K corner of the N t 1 .,1 tl, N K of aei tioii 17 T. 15 U 4 eat. rum iinf Ihence M roda wiat: tiifiice north ) nala; thence raat Nl n-laj Ihence aoillh -iu rou to place f lieullillll.K. coliliilliinii len Hrrea. Alan the N i of li h J of A fc t "I w, I 1. S l( 4 Weat. cohtuihing liO a. reaj belli-.' part f , .l.iioiti.m bind i lniin of 'I hoiiiiu" W hii biinie. ANo Lota 5, 0 ami 7 in Id k . l m Junction Ciiy, tireuon. All anid land being ..(til lvinf in Lime CoUtltV. 4 Ireuoll. 'Una kiiiiiii a la iiitliilahe I ny orneroi ii"n . . , i, . US li'-uii, J mine of the above entitled Court, aula order ovarium date I'eo .'I, inni. Hii.vki! Cm i.i kk ami S W Cf.NlloN, Atto nuya for I'luintilTa. Dated at KugeneCity, Lane County, Oregon Keb '-t. lt7. 0VEHLVM) TO UUFORMA VIA Oregon & California 11 R. MhiI CvHHfclioHt. Fare from rortland to San Francisco J32 Sikcraiiieuto, to Cliwe connedion made at Aahland with at(;ea of the California, Olefin and Idaho Stage Cotnpmiy. (DAlt.7 EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) E,t Side I it isiou. BETWEEN 1'ORTLAMl ,',.NJ ASHLAND MAIL T K.U.N. I.K.WK. AH UIVK. rortbm,I...Ka. m. Einrcne lv.7 p. in Eiiu-ene l:rHi. in.l.Vahl.ind. . . .4011 a, in, A-hland....H:fi p. in. Eugene, '.I:'.'4 a. m, Eiiiivue lli'.'.'.a. in., Port land ...3:1.) p. lit. AI.IIANY KXl'HKHD TKAIN. i.r.vvt rortland.... 1:00 ii. lit A II III VR. I Lebanon. , . .!l:'.11 p in I,.-I.hiiuii.. , .4:4;.m til r.Mtlaui! , 1U:(I,. a in I'lilliunn I'alaiv SI.-e.iiiK care daily between rortland and A-hlmnl. 'I'liet'.VC R It Kerry makea connect! wild all the reifnlar train on the Kat Sile livinion from fiHit id V Street. Went Side 'livi-lon. BETWUfN F0..TMND kiD CORViLLIS MAIL TII.VIN. I.K.WK. Aiutivr. l'urtlaiid 7.:nani I Cnrv.illiH. .1J:25 m Curiam l:.Wi m I r-illand.. lulii p in t i'i rvnllia ci'iiini-t ith traiiu of I'li-ijoll I'ui-ilie fur Yaipiina lUy. Knil TII.VIN. ir.ws ahhvk. IVH uid K:00 p in I McM'iiville.XM P m M.-Miimville...ft:Wm I l'ortland....!.:IHIa III I al ticket! for .ile and lui.ai.'o chei-knl at inmpaiiv a up tow n ollice, cor I'ine mid Second atteeK Tick'U fur principal point in t'aliforniaj can only Iw procured at com pany' ollii-e, 1 nm r. mi riiuNt nth., puim .asp, on. Kreinlit will li"t I receive I (or .hipnu iit af ter A nVI.H-k l M. on either the l.ni-t or t Side lHiiionii R KOKIIl.KR, K. I' KtlCKKS, Manner, li. V. and I'aea Au't sir 2l0 PAOtS. ViUatfMril. lit .th m ill" Wld f , AUt, r."tcT t f miipa iUH-,twip'Trtt1 w inu ii.tt cwn Un ALL ti untua,dith llil m litqwiaitlfv inl to fciv. I Uof rrv liiirnctmf 4 .uah tiih'tltMlittM. Nk LTMt kk4t mm4 Vrk arr iwHwrtri by Ha dia-hl ti(jr Vtr . ha h i M A "I, Sm Bcrfmrr, btttikllwiiiittttm, Mwtwiwi t riltl KfcfMri to I tt. Vv'Mniorii.il.MrrViK rlr, tit-k or ll, aK.a j tra-IU lf.VU. OR. WH11 fltn.f- L(uU. Mt. MnMaiTWllua JtUViM) UOlaiiiLaiM WlIdL EXCllANCiK! T 1IIK K.IV.KXK MILL COMPANY u( aniiouno- heiehy take the iilvaaure iug that they wit! take at any warehiMiie uorth of eichatitie 'or Eugene City id FL0U3, MILL FEED, ETC., at "heir null in Eugene. The Company ill take alieat rei-eipta, properly tuned ti litem, aud give crvilit t the owner nf the anil oo mill Ixa.ki for tlie imount in Nhek P. F. (M. July JJt 1SS4 tUUn OK'-ENNl.W. UVERY ST.M I.E-J. J Rtn, im. Kirstclaaa IVaiua, IUivie, etc. V all point at rw.ol.le rate. lty and f allt (rauii r tale. Uradquarten Cirriilu iu, mwmi guide mam BBBnirai i n r. mwnrjH T.G. He.ii.kkkr, l'reaideiit. 8.C Eaix, Ja., Caahier. Of Eugene. aid up Cash Capital $50,000 Eugene City - - Oregon. SiU ,lrnft on NEW YOPK. HAN' FKAN- CISCO and POKTLANU, OliKUOX. All collectiona eiitnuiteil to ui will receive tention. We make thia departmeut a apecialty Ih-iMiaiU reouived mbject to check. Loan tnide on approved necunty. and a truierai liankiru buaiuexa done on rcaaonable terii.a. a. i;. iiovjcy, II. (! HUMI'HKEY Caahier. Prenldru. LANE COUNTY BANK. HOVEY, HUMPIIRKY i CO EIJOKNK CITY, - - OR. General bankinK tranaa- ted. Ileiaiaita received on current account ind on te.'ial curtiheate UmtU urawn on POKTLANU, PAN FRANCISCO A Sll KlllttV. Pi'li nf Exchanue tuld on the Citlei of K rope. 1 ram maile. ( oliecll m ouall acceaaible polnti specialty P 3 a. 1 - 9h O D 0 3 9 1 CU 9 3 C ti P a a 1 as 9 S5' I 0 3 O "1 5" -5 S 39 O.F.HYD C0MB1HAT10H WIRE AND PICKET FEHCE. Improved Combination. Patented May 'SI, 1SS3. X.u 277.S77. Wir and Pickot Farm Fence and llichlno far its HanuLctu e. The Cheapeat and Moat Perfect Fence In Uae. P'g Tight, Horse High, Cattle Strong; STEEL k WOOD I.1TERW0VEN. We use from six to efcht wirea interwoven olidly, with from forty to f.-ity rive lijht wiHMli-n ;it to .lie tliu priid.u iui: a fiui e that will Iml.l all utock, from the miiallcet pi,' to the lruet l'Ht. It in the innM dura'.le fence made, a the l.it are in a veitical piitimi, clear of tli Trouinl 'I'lii'W are no hail. to cut or in aim toi'k nr ti ar Hie Mid fii'iu V r Jiwu U i kk ii-iU- to the eye a a Uvinl fi-ii'-e and ten I time a kp Kij. It n ;l tan l a aide pree.-ure ' ol from l'.'.iflO to lo.tKK) imiiink ltUwou n nr ni.iii'ifartoivd on thp wt. lineman and a U'V can li:il.l Imiii )' to Ml nal in a .lav. Fanner can lmil.1 their own f nee and une material that would otherwise-1 ,mI nr ued a fuel, and thu aave from J-KM to t,M wr mile. Wecanfr to tliounnd of tanner in Kih.ik, fnwa and Mimnnri hi are uinif our fence. Wa feel xrent plea-nim in preaeutiiu; Hi is fence to the tanner nf Lane County, li 11 -iu a it loe a want l"iii! felt. Heiiih' practi cal farmer we kiww what we ay. Kiirm nml 1'iwliiot Ui htsSohl. For further paiticidai apply t. .). I'. SYVKKT. l-'ugene City, Unveu. ACENTS: Juiiction 1. C. Btti'CE. (Si ii pi i fence un Kvhil.ition.) Irvine A. liuMV Son. Farm and 1'rwiiu t HinhU-UKO, M. Miu.an, KiuKN City. 1. R. I.AKIX. Oeueral A.;, lit, Kiine. nun Land Orrn-i at Kosshi -r, Ok.,) M.iuh M. Ksr f VOTICR IS HK.REIiY tWVK.V THAT II tlie followink- named settler Inu tiled no tic - of i, is intention to make r.uil proof in u irt -f 'da claim, and tnt naid pn,i will be madi ' , inm the Jndt,- or Clerk of the (.Vunty i "iirt ol tJine to., nr., at huirene t ity, I'r , on atnply April .lth, 1SS7, vu: Kdti.un l Weils, Honii-Bteail Fnti v Xo.'KCvi for tl. S i of X E i and K J of S K i, Sec 6, 1 1. is S, K West, W, M. Ilenauirithe following witneaset to pmve hi continuous i ei,lenoe upn, and cultivation "f, said land, iu: Vnlnev Henienwty, Philip Cautrell, Kiehard Mci, It C Ferkit., all oi Kueui City, I .an County, tlre-on, Cu.va W Johnaton, Re.ter. . KeynoH to Health. Health ii wealth. Wealth meani ind.-wn-deuce. Tin keynote is lr I'.. nk.i's C.ini:h and I.uni! Syrup, the tn-st Cinih Si rup in the worhk Cure I oivh, C.d,. 'i, i t,e Ohet, Rn.nchiti and Triuiary t'liiiauiiii.tinn. l'ri.-e . i-etit and M. CATARRH Cl'RKD, health and iwet breath eouiv,l, by Sluloh'i faiarrti ueuiiaiy. I'ri.-e .VI tint. Nl lne. Ir ln-e. I I THK REV. tJEtl. II. THAYER. if Roir. 1 ,""' "'' "'l"lh mynelf an.l wife owe' 1 " to tia.ILUtt'S CUNbUMFl'ION crkE." First Baikal Bank felRCrRMEW HMUiMaMal pi I ' 4 Jewelry establishment. J. S. LOCKEt, DKALKB is Clocks, Wacties, Chains, Jewelry, Etc. Uepairins rromjitly Executctl. tiTAHWork Warranted. Jtl J.ii. LU'KKY, V'i a-rh (Vi Hrlck Wilhimette atreer. OTTXIJ3S3 Sciatica, Scratchoi, Contractsd Ittitliago, 6rraini. Maaclea, RhcnmaU--n:. SUaiiu, Ernptioni, Burf, Stitches, Hoof Ail, Scalds, EtlffJointa, Screw Stings, Bactache, Wortti, B:ts Galls, Swinnjr, ErnLiw. Sons, BaddlaBaUa, Sn&ionis, Ep7in Pilei. Cors!, Ctaetj. TH!S COCD OLD STAND-BY nccomi.llilici for ovu ybO'iy e lactly what laclalihed for It, Oncof ti.e realms for the ureat popularity of MS Maitnng Liniment ! found la lti ulverial o tiill.-abillt7. Kvorylly neeliucli medicine. "i lie l.uaiiicrmnuueeltluclaeof accliiebU 1 he II..u-t! ife necili It for genbralfamlly dm. The ('Hii'iirrnepdiltforhlitoamiana htamen. V:ie .iutliauio uciilj It elwayi on hli work Vlio ."illvfr m-".!"! H In cmrfnf emergency, ''ho i'inilei-rarcdi.it-.'.iu'tgetalonEWlthoilt It ' ! c I'.'n-Mi-r :ioid It lu lili Louse, hli liable, 1 1 -Ustic!: : l Van :-;iiT.t'i limit r.'.tn ort'je riotmn needl :.i lii-'-.-..; .ladataore. W.-.-ii-i -rcicr needs It-It li tU belt - '. in, I :.'; :--r.".:f. v ! r acJ-.-in a- cf :! win ,aTa Um i. n: ' . -,f .: Jl'i ti uo-t world of trouble l.uir ii.il u-4 -wis It and will need It 19 . r i;. !ifv M n i...:r.-t f eccUentiand daagen. :;t: i:(ir;i',-fi'n:n.ii needs It. There 1 noth. ;l it r. an ai-llfiut for the daagera to life, .:. in : coinf -'. which .umirtid the pioneer, 'no .lei'c!.unt ncMa ltaiut bllitoro amonf i e ii!i y.-cf. ..''.i. ten's will hnppcu, a"d wheo -e iN-iv.e !'e " i tar''. Liniment lawantfd at once. .Clll;n.i''k;,oI.ou" 'Tli the belt of f.rcpn Hiil.!. !n I'm Fnctory. Iti Immediate Li iv.sacf mi-ii'.'iit sn'i'S fain and loss of wag el. "' ii H,tiia AKvuyu lu tlie Stable for ocH&sorj's Celebrated I'nhlon t'aialsgne SCU T CCCC Kprlna aud Kum Z.M rriCLiutr IS.iva4M:in-h i, Iu any atKires. unisiruics anil iuu r.v tliiuKforL,iille6', livuti', Clilldn.nl' I liiiauu' wear and UouaekcnliiK U.mlt. L nrlep Ljuvr limn LhrBti of ai.V lioi.xe III tlie Lulled Slate. Complete miilkfucllou tfaamtil.nl. or money re t,ni,u.l. II. , I-'. HOOII iV t-ON, till! Ave. L iUlh b. A. Y. tltf. Eye, Ear, llectal aiu Nervous Diseases. Dr. J. B. PILKINGTON, Surgeon 0 cilist and Specilist. A aluive, liml hi ln-rlili Aniirnveil l. travel in.', mid now hiinouiice that lie Mill ciitinu li- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v visit in the I'ppcr Willuiuctt for a veur to come. ill meet patient at St f'hinle Hotel, En Keiie. fi.nii II p. in. WviSm-Hila-, In a. 111. Tiiursiiily, ilniin diatcly lullowin tin lirt Mon, lav nf each month. Have ocr one hundred cures to refer til. am' a nanipl -h isiv the fo!,iM ini: IS F lin'.il, Ii-viliT. aved Iniin l'liuilnea. Ja I J Cherry, Aliiuny, fuiiiidrjiiian, resto' d from IViiidiies. K -V lUiiipy, Kwt, F DelTenl.acker, Harris niirr, 1 V Itniid, living, M E Judkiim, Iji Uene, 1'ectal dieue. Have lar:e iiiunW nf cae of Tile, I'hvr. Kiiire and Fistula, either cured or netting well after year of iinaiailin-.' treat- nent with cutting operations haie tailed. Addrvsi, Pit. J. 11. FII.KIXC.TOX. I'nrtlaml, Creyon. A Llfa Epsrljnco. Rcmarhable and Quids euros. T.-lnl Ptv?!; jt;oa Sccq bUiaip for staled partlcJaisi. Addi-eou Dr.WATn i CO. Loulsicra, Mo. TNi BrYEBT Ol'lDKn ljtrd tkpt, anU ifareti, , tath yer. tr 3V-& li:es. I 1 1 1 ' tarbra,wltl ever 3.B3J Ulaitratlonr. whole Picture tiallrry. OIVKS WlioleaaU Price rfi'rrd ei'"i'r' on all coodi foe Mntnal or family use. litis how to onler, and filTel exact cot of eTery" Uilnn yott use, rat, drtrk, wear, or har fnn with. Ttano I.WALl'AULK UOOK9 routala Informauon gleaned fiom the market! of the worlj. We will mall a co;iy t-'UKK to lay ad drraa aijioa iwlrrt of 10 eta. to defray eipeaiM of matlluaT. lt aa Bear fro an yoa, Rtapectfollf, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. til eV 31t VTataah Aeeaaet taicM. 1" Brick! Brick! Brick! "IrsT0i ALiTTOaRii i: itw mvT.ri r ..a J hand. Will rvrianw hrk-k f.-r all kind. of farm prodnee. Kiln and mn'denc at Wal li Rutte, two inilea Wot of Eugene. Brick deliveml inimeliau-ly oo rwipt nf nntee. JOS. Itltlltl-OKD. A. V. TVters, Ak-eiit, Euk-ene, SURVEYING. T" IN'ES ESTAHMSHED. LANDS roeauretl and diiidrd. Omlea anu drVin lewtlrd. Ratei rvanM. Call at orfir i4 Hilren and Collier or leavi word at McCor back Collirr' r.kst"r. VU KH 4 0I.I.II:K. County Surreyor. lUCMKT.i" i'1 a laatimt and f e A Hi illST! fTTTi'iTTT r 1 '-UJ Mustang Umm tin m v 11 U Pi frawwit i rtxfuae. Trie ti and JO cent. IS Luckey k Co DEALERS IX- DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils Brushes, Etc., Etc. Tnsrrhii 'V uppniiwemm BE.' irrJUT o. kM nittil J sv Xiiii1JAya..iirwiio"i- """" , Ct .1 ire, . r.w.ore-1 lo b.lth nr imi of V, "o.lr.jtFMIMAL PAST LLF.S. A TiiiViJilC ,rnforN..r -.iiilJeWli.ly.Orrau'e i rile AaMca. -ieiwai- leeTaud brour dnwn pn to'tlio full enJom;t ol KXVWrZti nnrnamawltUqlai-men.cf '"'W.'V";-"hM "a BUHTORi ' PeMONS mo bS i MM Lumber. ....E?3SE3- Mil Is running and uill run alt Sutiimjr. Bills filled at short notice. Jamas 0. Goodale Proprietor. Onlera can he left for the Coin Tg taw at the store of McCIiiui' & Johnson. mill m J. A. (WIIDWEI.L, (Jeneral A cent for Oiej:i.n. Jt. FULLER, of II arrishun;, Local Auent tor I inn and Lane murf ie. Call nt Cnnlwell A Miller's New Fnriiitnr. n El'tiEXE on Willamette Street, and ee prices and, ileniun. Notice for Publication. 1 AND OFFICE AT KOSELUIH, ORE inm, Feb 11th, 1MM0. Notice is hereliv Liven that he follnwint! nairied settler has filed notice of his intention to ruke final pioi.f in supnoit of hii chiiin.iind that said proof will be made le fore the Clerk of the Cnuiitv Court ! Lane Ciniiity, Oi-eumi, at EitL'i'iie City, th-ejnn un Moml.iv, March '.'S, 1KS7, viz: Wni fl Weatheron. tV-emi t on 1) S No MSI, for theS .J of S EL mid S J of S V I Sec !, I'p IS S, . 9 Wet., VV M. He name the folion-in-,' witnnwe to prove his con iuiinii reKidcnn' upon and cultiiation of said land, 'iz: A I' Kimwle. (eu () Kuowles, Harper W. Hn.aii, John Wilson, nil of Seatoii, Lane countv, Or. Chas. W. .iiihniitos, Register. SUfMKS. Ia the Circuit Court of the Sute of Oregon, for Lane Comity. J 0 Goodale, 1 l laintiti, I hint in equity to I tore. Mtn Insure j.umher S Ford, Tb niia .1 Tla-v A I ft HI !. . - reliant Lien. ler anu ,i i i iiifinn, , Oeleudante. ) Tn S1 Ford, IVfendant alsive named, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE 0V Oreifon you aru hereby Mpiirrd to spi-t and answer the complaint Hied Mirch 11, 1SS7, ftv-ainj-fyoii in the nlmve entitled suit, on.or before the 18th day of Avril, 1SS7, that bnrni the lirst day of the next rtuular teim of sahl Coin t fnllowiiiit the exinr tion of the publica tion of thia Summon, or in default thereof said I'laintitf will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in the complaint herein, t wit : For a decre foreclosing a certain lmuner mi T-liaiit' li-n. tiLil hy ni Hlaiutilf on the l.'ith day of February, 18S7, with the Comity I'brk of ri County, Or-cnn, ti secure the jiavment of the uui of P0'13, t.yetlier with lutemt th reon from the 18th day of J-mnary, l!7, at 8 tier cent pe- annum for Im-jlier and -rial furnished and delivered hy nei.t Plaintiff to stid Defendant, S Fmd, puim B , V .vnirattaiid use, I hy aaid Defendant, S Ion intheconstructioii of a" one st-iry l.inl lii.j on the follnwint ilewnhed pr.mie, to wit : Lit No one, in I'dock No five in the village of t' biirg. in L,ane Lonnty, Ureifon; and tir a ; ,f"r, t,le premise ami build inland the appurtenamvi lielon,-in thereto. and that the proceeds nf said lale lie applied to h pavment of the iaii iim of V0.D3, tottther with interest there, ,u from said lHth day .d Jauiianr, 1S87. at 8 per cent per ! annum, and the ct and diabum-nients of thu suit, and for a d.cree forever debarring all aid Orl-ndanta fpnn letting np any claim or title to laid premise! and buihiihjr ir any part thereof, and for aui-h other reM a the Court may deem equitable and mat in the preUiiM-a. Thi Suihtkmi ia directel tn be pnbliahe.1 ! in Uie KioiM Citt tiiAKii fnr .t mccewivc weeki by an on!er niwle hy Hon. K. S. IVan, i Judt;e of aaid Court, ou the 11th day of 1 March. IStC. f'.lM'ItamW.-.,lna .- I...K. i,npu U'J rITllumiinalrlal''', V.rtl..ftf w rf k l WW I Ii 11 li a II Mm!? ,r-'..-v r75jfta, iTO'grlL av ijj ' I J- E- OTw. i 6w Attorney for Plaintiff. K omjnn minus. MimiTTn i ii :lm ol DRUntKiiu nTZ uv tiiuliit,aud all OtiMk. nam nnioim lulu im h Irfe. iim.. ittitiuiit. Htut: r i:.u Ct;itKI l-itu.i,di. due uot lnUlf.r! wih .wnnun Ul .'.UIIflH. Of MUM n... urCncntivvinriirr Ol a-, y ay. r'biu,i nwfretillQ mcdu-sl priScinVi. U..l,i .nnlWnlioilIn tlia sent iliiiwur I. Infueiiialt ft1' wiUw.it ttltf. Timilar I broom. caasrhil id .mudly .in. b.iili Unof". imi'iibI! HARRIS REMEDY CO., Hfh Chfbuti, 800V lJ.TnhBreit.ET,Mrjn. mo. Trial of our ppUan... AaaiorT..l OSBUHII & GO, DHULCiSTS & AFOTKECARiES,, , ii.i.AAii'.n y. m RLE i m;ah HH Euyene City, dealers in imr.os, CHEMICALS, GLASS, VARNISHES, CKUTCHES, PAiM!iii.i)insa Of mint erery ViH, etc. BranJies. Wines and Liquors uf tlir very hest (iiii)Hy for n.tdicinfl uri-os WE haiealwayikeptatircast of tbi timJ in our line, aud without boasting, we think we are eafe iu claiaiim; th.lt we have THi BEST mtinent of DKl'liS in Eugene. rnrticular atteuti'.a is called to vor tixli rLRFUMF.fiY, TOt LET SETS, and CELLULOID CASES For the yea. 1887, We Hlmll he Me to iwll PAINTS, OILS ui lilil'SHES, (of which we now hare a lirp stock on hum I) Than any hou.e in this city, anil onr friend can ri-st assurrd that anythinn bought from M will be fiint-ctib. Aa we buy many of on gooils East and have facilities that few in mi biiHiuesi have, we think we are prepared tow ileraell and furnish a better quality of gooH tluin anyone in our line in I-ane county. We cull especial attention to rKLSCRIP' TIOXS. wliicS will be carefully filled at i hours of the day or nielli I DR. SPINNEY, No. 11 Kkahnky Street Trent ull lironic atud Special YOUXG juejy WHO MAY RE SUKI-TO KING FRO The effect of youthful follies or indi' cretion will do well to avail themselvei of thi" the Kn-atest boon ever ir.i.l at th alter irf su! fninn Imnianitv. Mi. SPINNEY will m nntee to forfeit ?.r0 for every case of Seniim weaknen or private disease of nny kind character which he unilertnhce and fails .uinirt: a mes. There are ninny at the ae of thirty to liitt whonro tioiil lnl with too freiuetit etsi'iu ,1... i I..,l,lbr ..fl.'ii Mt-nitiiiiAiiien nv I . I;..l. .n..,,i,.,i tiw liiirnin.r unMAtll,n. lllH I ,11. li. rniniiiii -, ieakeniiu' of the hjm, iu iii a way the patim! caiinnt account for. hi exainiimii! the nrimrj ilepnails a ropy sediment will often be fnund. anil snmetili.i s small pm tides of albumen W in I-ftr, or the color ill he ol a thin, wbiik hue, a'iiin vhaiitiiiiK to a dark and torpkl if n..!ir:iiiee. 'Iliereme innnv lntn who dil this liifiii-nlty, iuiuiinut of the cause, which the st-cniiil siaue of seminal weul.ni. Vt S wilrcnuriiiitee a tierfect cure in nidi caset, H a he.-illhy restoraliob of the geiiito-uriuarrv Clifice hours- IU to anu a to n. cumui o...... 10 to 11 a in. Coii.nltiitions free. 'Ihorounlia arlfnation ami advice. W. IR. NIMX.M-.Y A CO, No 11, Kearney Street, San Franciic IIAN7 LAMP CHIMNEYS ABI ocrcd lor sale representea C3 cood &3 tho Famous X 1 TOP WataaaaaVaUa, Vak aaBBP- wa -aiv CVX TSIEY rau hi 2-53 And like all Counterfeit! lack the l:eciatiiablo I.ASTIXG QuaUUei Of TH2 CCJTTJISE. Z1SZL FOil THIS l.f-l raLOcu C0.19S3. Tho PEARL TOP i Itlanafaetnrea 0!LT &T 1'ITTSBUItGU. PA ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. -r rTim? to ir i? i ri,v r.TVVV TH I Wl 11 li !- IICIIJIII V.l - M il,. i,i,,UI.,,l M l Ci!lelif'rl bv the t on ty ouit of lane loiiii'). " and the JiMift thereirf, duly appointe.) r .1. ..... l..:l.lu IV I 1B"W iiim''r "I ilia t.inii' hi .iiiui'i " - k, deceased; any and all personi havintf 'nr ir c.airna avainsi sain r.niif i. i irf quired to present the same with ''".I nncnrs wimin six monina , i . .. , ...... the 'i-n-oi, m tne sain aiiniiniaimi",, u .1; o I . U -ltr. "t ,iu.i- oi n h i oouon, in r.'-nrn- - ounty, Oreffon. M. M. "-Lp,.p!:t Administ'''' Date! Feb 5, 1SW. e cro. f. craw. P0ST0FFICB Cigar stor- RpeD. Citv, Orrf tii.-ia" m -w Mm them W-SfewonElcl TTlth rrX CMS riwi'j I