J-.J utJfcx '" '"",'ir'''' t'i f. i y i . i B It .' I -1 THE EUGENE CITT GUARD. 8ATURDAY MAIiCH 19. 1837, Tbe Siiulaw Harbor. On the 10th of. last month James Hill, mantur of tho tug "Fearless" and -Jamas 0. Allon, master of the Bchoon r "Emma Utter," made a ttoric of Bounding in the clianimls of the Hiun- lav river from Florence to tho soa, unci the result kIiowi a better harbor than the most sanguine anticipad. Those cnntleruen report that at low tide tho shoalost water on tho bar channel is twenty-four feet, which is two feet more water than is found on the Co lumbia, and 0 or C feet more that at Yaquina or Coos bays. Tho shallow est water between Florence and the bar at low tide is fifteen feet. If the Hiuslaw bar had received half the puffing that soino of the other Ore gon harbors get, improvements would long ago have been carried on at that (ilacn. With half tho work that has een spent at Yaquina and Coos l!ay depth of thirty feet can bo obtained from Florence to tho sea, and tho work once done will lo permanent and re quire no further expenditures. From Florence the river stretches twenty miles to the East having a depth of from 20 to 40 feet. The treatment of the people of Lane county in this matter by our represen tatives in Congress has been, to speak plainly, very shabby. We have been assured time and again, by these able contlomen, that they have their coats olTand are putting in their best licks in aid of the Siuslaw harbor, but we notico that whilo other places ol tain thousands in money, they have not the influence to have the Kiuslaw even Burycyed by tho Government. We want our representatives in Congress to do some tangible work for us, we have had words low! enoui'h, and we hope to hear no more excuses. The mouth of tho Hiuslaw should bo sur veyed this summer. ' Wuol We have repeatedly drawn tho at ' tention of protectionists to tho fact that , after tho tarilTon wool was reduced in 1883, the prico of that staplo inimedi ; ately advanced. Tho following article ' from tho Oregonian shows why this i stupid tariff is a hindranco and not i a benefit to the wool growers: Tho wool growers of tho East aro ' never weary of trying to get tho tarilF ' rates of 1807 on wool restored, al though that wool tarill was so absurd that tho father of our present preteo- live policy, Senator Morrill, was tlm first to move for its reduction. Ohio has ever since been bellowing for for the restoration of the wool turilF of 18C7, hor wool growers stupidly be lieving that their interests require a high duty on wool. This wool turiir of 18C7 was reduced by a protectionist committee, who pointed out that the older wool growing states have not suflered from the competition of foreign wools, but of the domestic wools grown on the cheaper lands and in tho milder olimato of Tuxas and tho Pacific const. The old wool urowing states of the East liavo no bi tter remedy than to open tbe American innrket to wools that can not be grown hero but wi'.h which their own can bn profitably mixed. This is what Senator Morrill and other strong protectionists tell the grumbling Ohio wool growers. Foreign wools of oertuin grades meet a part of the popular demand for wool whiili American wools do not, so if tarill duties increase tho price of foreign wools so that they cannot bo used profitably tho demand is not transferred to home wools; it ceases. This is what .Senator Morrill, an old protectionist, has for several years tried to beat into the heads of the Ohio wool urowers. Low duties on certain grades of wool would be an advantage to both the wool grower and tho m uiufaoturer, be cause, the only foreign wools wo want aro those that aro not and cannot be grown here, and yet are those with which our own can be profitably mixed. This is tho totection argument for free wool as expressed by a protection senator trom a famous slit eep growing Jits to. Stiprtuir rmirt I'lrrk. A correspondent in the S.ile.u Slates mvrij It is currently rumored that Judgo Tlmycr insists on the appointment of his son, Claud, to tlm ollioo of d, rk nd reporter of the supremo court. Is thin report nll founded! Is it possi ble that one of our judges desires to foist on the public by his own official act his sonf N it possible that one of our supreme judgi really hs tho au dacity to do such an aetl Lo Ui poo. pie want Claud Thayer for crkt 1 rthink not. It seems to mo that the . appointment of Claud Thayer by his iather and Judge Stratum wouli I an , act that would merit and wooiv the universal reproUtiou of tho public without regard to party. U tttuiit to ,iu that U is hardly poiM that such an act of ollicial nepotism is contem flateA Th olj notion as to the spotless rnrity of the rrmine does not a,tui to cherished in certain quarter. W. W. lUker is an applicant for lUUaiom-r. 1 lu re n tKut r of IVmn- ! orU ho r m comn. tei.t j0 fill that Haition at Mr lut- ; ... i ... I y - - .. nitw iov, j XMUion a .it H.t.. i .-.iMUjer will uailOU'-l a.H)lt OIip of t hem JackaouviU Tim, Currrct ! ou an', llro. Xkkv'J. t President Cleveland did ndt veto tho River and Harbor Hill. Fifty bills died with that bill simply because tho President had not time to 'examine them, and he would not sign them an sight, unseen. If it is held that he vetoed ihe liiver and Harbor Bill it can only lie urged that he had a prec edent in the veto of tho same kind of a measure by the last Republican Presi dent. Truly Mr. Arthur should have remembered Judge Portia's excellent reason in the case of Bhylock versus Antonio, which runs thus: tot TV ill be recorded m a prewdetit, Ami many an error by the same example Will runli into the itaK Delinquent Tax Notice. N,.tlne In herehr riven to all ewlnir tne, now ilcliii'iiieiit, that the County Court at its lata wwiion inli-reil H to collect the mine orthwilh. 1 liia u therein to notiry all otnenieJ thnt if thy wish to nave coU they nnixt come forwanl at once ainl ay the wirne or 1 will he ohlijjwl to proceed amount them .ei'ally. . M. nl-OAN, hherm Lane Co. Sept I.). lHMi. Money! Cash!! Coin!!!. I herehv notify all that are inilelitcl to me thitt 1 limit iimixt mi the payment of the Mine at a time not Iouk hence. I appreciate your pat ronage ami how for a continuance of the. name, hut it take. Dioney to buy (food. I .hall ex pect a reaponne toon, and to those whose ac counts are of lonn Undititf I will my, don't Maine anyone hut yourselves if vt is made 'iiiiMt you, for I aliall collect the name if poe- ible. K. n. Dew. Ir. Taylor'a 7 Oak. ComiKiund, purely vep etahle, UMitivelr cures rheumatism, neuralum, toothacho, nick headache, cramp colic, cholera morlms, Complaint peculiar to females, l)yn neniiia. cold or couifli. Hive. Chilli and lo ver, paint around the he art, erysiielwi, .htlllie. (iKOIIUS lAVLOR. Hold hy Osburn k Co, driiKgints, Kutjene. OrankenoMi, or Liquor, Habit, can be Coiod by adwioiiUrlng 1W, Haloei' uomes opecuio. It ran he riven In a cud of coffee or tea with out the knowledge of the mrnon taking it. ef fecting tpeedy and ermanent cum, whether the patient it a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. IhoimaDili "t drunkards nave nern made tMiiwnite men who have taken the (iolden Hwnlio in the'r coffee without their knowleihie. and believe thev unit ilrinkinir of their own free will. No harmful effect results from Ita mliniuiiitration. Curt't ituuranteed, Send for circular ami full particulars. Address In confidence liiu.DFN Ki'sciriu Co., IKo ltwe Ht.. Cincinnati, Ohio. DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE 13 HEREUY GIVEN THAT the partiiprshlii heretofore existing lie tween J W and J r Starr, under the firm namoof Starr 4 Hon, is this day (HxHolved hy mutual c iiment. The hiiHinesa will hereafter he conducted hy J F Starr and C M Vanden hurt' miller the firm name of Starr k Vanden luiri;, who are authorized to collect all out HtaniiiiK accounts, and who will assume all liahilitiea of the firm. J W HTAltn & SON. ST A Kit & VAXDkNBUUR. Referrlnir to the alsive we would respectfully avk a continuance of the tiuaincM that has lieen awarded to the late firm. STA It It A YAMDEXBURQ. Eugene City, Or., March 11, 1HH7. REPORT OF THE CONDITION or The FIRST NATIONAL HANK at Eugene City, in the State of Oregon, at tho clots of butiuott, 4 th of March, KVS7. MUOVKCKi. Loam and ditcounts 8 S", l.VJ 8!) Overdralts 4,i!4u' !U V S 1 ton ils to aecuro clfililatiou ll',.'i(0 (HI U 8 llondt oil hand - AOO (Kl lue from approved reserve agt'i 23,S,": '.'It I iiie from other Nntionsl Hunks 17,041 -I I )im from State llanksaud liaukurs 11,77'J "' ItealettaUi, furiiitureauil futures U, 100 CO Current uxpcimet and taxes paid 4S4 (HI rruiuiumi pant 1,1. iM .1.) Checks and other cash iteuu... 1,141 .'II Hills of other banks '.'.UtiO (HI Fractional paper currency, nick- vis, ami vents II Mi Specie 33.0IM) (HI lul tender notea 4b'J (HI liedcmptinn fund with U S I reasurer (.) (icr crntul ctrcu- ktioii) 5(!2 50 Total f-U-,747 1'S LIAlllMTIIM. Capital stock paid in $ 50.000 00 Surplut I u ml I.IHHI 00 t'ndivided protitt 1.-7N 5(1 National Hunk notes outstanding II, .'50 0(1 Individual ucpusita tubject to cheek (l Ouin.ind certilicates of deposit. . 45,.V.'0 3;i I Total $-'05,747 OS Sr TK OK OllKllllS, ClH'NTV Olf I.WK, SS ! I, S H. I" akin, Jk , Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly ewear that the shove statement is true to the best of my suowicijjo aim uviiei. 9. 11. l'.AKIN, J It.. Cashier. Subscribed and aworn to before me thii l.Vli day of March, 1SS7. I.. UllYtif, h otary l'ublio, Con liKrr Attest: T. (1. Hknukicks, i W. R. Mi-Cohnack, i Pirvctort. li. li. ClIlllsM.VN, ; BACON'S H AMBLETONI AN. mm man hkkh stallion will l stand at Stk abt1 StaBUI. Kuirvne. the ii'iiiinrf eaann. lit i a iura fvl nttfr. I will aUvi tUud mr, MOUNTAIN HOY At th am ple. Ha U 7 Tara old and wi:h a lilt I ,.er 1..VHI llx, and it vn of th il I oaj (eltvra In th htU of I rwn. 11 hu boily. au.l u o( iplrndid atock. l'riea to uii iu imiMt JAMF.S HATKS. CITY ELECTION. i mil AXXl'AL F.I.F.lTIOX OF THE 1 Cltr "1 Ku.-eli. tor th imrikiM .f .-t- mg in i iioniit urriora lit Ik hrl.i at tK City 1111. in Kucim City. Oiww, on Mun : S C.iua-ilaie Uarrrt tw ytara. i .iiannai hi rn on Year. 1 Ktrder ti er on yA. 1 Trurer u r on T'tt. I'olla )Ma at 8 a in atvd tlx i nl, . WSHAW.LworJ.-r. fca.iu I ity, Marvh IS, 17. Pl. S. BARKER. : :f..;t(r -f .vir.T ;. -J Ncir Gun Store! OPI'OSITB CKXTRAL MEAT MAR ket, Kugene City, (Jreiton. All kiudt of Ainmunitiou new aDd loaded to order and Repairing A ipecialty. Sewing machines repaired on short notice, tawi filed, icinort ground, Choke boring done on the most ncientilio principles. Work tent by mail and expresa will receive prurapt attention. All Work ti'unrniitccd Miss E.J. Lowry, DHESSMAKINCAND SEWIKC. rilKN YEARS EXPERIENCE tN IOWA. X All work guaranteed to give tatisfactlon. Hiioh In lower atory of Winter's gallery, Willamette ttreet. NOTICE TO CREDITORS- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A. J. CniKan has been appointed admin istrator of the estate of William Dodson. de- ceaseil. All riersons having claims against aid estate are Hereby notified to present the same to the adminintrntnr at hit residence at 1'leanant Hill, Oregon, within fix mohtlis trom the date of this notice. A. J. CHUZAX, Administrator. On. II. Doiiitm, Attorney. March 11, 1HS7. KIIINEIIAKT'ls TIIEATUE. FRIDAY and SATURDAY evenings, MARCH 18 ana 19, The Great Emotional Actress EMMA HEATH, Supported ly the best Dramatic Company on the 1'acific Const. -FRIDAY NIGHT KATHLEEN NAY01R.EE, The performance to conclude with a Most Laughable Farce, entitled FLARE UP of BJJJ NEW MAGDALENE, ROBERT MACAIRE, CHILD or the ItE(iNIE.T EAST LYNNE, FANCIION Will Ik) produced. Change of programme each liin'hL For play euch nijjht see dodders. ADMISSION, 50 cts. IJoserveil Se.if, 75 cts. Reservcil aeats on sale nt ('rain Rros music store MILI.EIl mios. I'KAI.KIM IN Field, Vegetable & Flower Seeds, Imperial Egg Food, Garden Tools; Fertilize, s; Etc, Etc., -00 Sworn! St., Hot Salmon and Taylor, 1'ortlnnd, Or. i-SKXI Ft)i; OI K NKW CATAI.OIU'E. lite oil Ik hi Were you ever vividly struck with a tlirc-ooriH'ivd idoa that (i. IJE'lTMAN lias tho finest lino of Silks and Dress Goods in the town. Unprecedented Bargains. Brand New Combination Suits for Ladies New Styles; Striking Colors. IakeaHep at our windows; direct from the East. A dress FORTUNE OR A Cull and learn our prices, and smotiicrfHi testacies. .-We. haven neat line ti rrench Cash- nutes, jrlo a nice assortment of LADOUX CLOTH, FKI.HKIXE, tAXr.'AVKRIXrt, r.O.IKX, TKOrA AND 1U.F.XM Give us a call; it will do you good. It's a pleasure to show you goods, as that is- what we are here for. HarnessSliop. TTAVIXO OPENED A XKW SAMPLE AND HAKXF.SS SHOP 0 Pt STREET "I'l't Star ltukery, 1 ,m now j,, u rurnih .verythiiw in that line at Aa LOWEST RATES- The Competent Workmen Aro employe!, anJ I mill enJeavor to r?ive sati.sfA.-tl.in in M ui. . t mo with call. TO in HAS OPENED A LARGE STOCK 0$ " (rents' Furnishing (roods, In the Hoffman House. These goods were bought direct from the Manufacturers ahd will be sold "Way Down." Call and CONQUEROR- TAMES HATES WILL STAND THE J Hadley Home Conqueror nt Stewart's stables for the season of ltf7, cnniiiieDcinp; April 1st, and will be there every day in the Week during tho season. Will insure for 810. Call and see me. JAMES HATES. This space reserved for the NINTH STREET CASH STORE. 355,555, TO 1.0 AX OX On Improved Farmsand City Property. Apply to J. W. BR I STOW. -OF- Groceries, Crockery, Wood and Willow Ware, At prices to suit all GOLDSMITH'S the ;kocf.k. l'rini! your jiroduco get iiioiiey for it. to GohUmith'g an;l tiiey are filled with qoods pattern will not cost a HOUSE AH OLOT. you will relapse into a series cf Jf, LID examine and priice these goods. -SOLD.- Our store building fiolJ, and in the near future, we have GARDLESS OF COST. We have in stock I he finest selection of goods suitable for ents to be found in the City. Diamonds, Gold Watches, Gold hains, Silver Plated Ware, Jewelry, Notions and Novelties, ebXj"cjsxs: goods, Albums, Scrap dooks, Autograph Albums, Christmas and New Years Cards, And an endless variety of nice goods Cull and see. jo To S nI$ to how Goods. CHAIN BROS. 9 ' . C Sal9 ASents fcr Eugene City, r' A F0R T,E JUSTLY CELEBRATED hamd m -GOLD AND SILVER SHIRTS- ... . uenre still at tho nhl reliable "firange Store," nnil can sell you anything that you want to eat or wear, Cheaper Than 1 MS M OF GODDS IS EUGENE Cheapest IS ON MatlocWs 100,000 Improved Tarms For a Term of Years. -AITLY TO- TO LMK5 1 Ml, MII inVOOD BL'IIR. as wo ohall have to move into determined to close out our entire stock RE- Holiday pres- ihe Cheapest. CITY I ! SALE AT i new Store BMSTOW& CRAIG KEPBBKXTtSO DEAUBS IS Agricultural T3E3IDE3 Prices Implemelits.- Cleaver's Old Slant!, ltuelnk enr, onuueir. A. A. CTKIUi:. LucrnK liy, Oreou.