The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 19, 1887, Image 2

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i 1 !!
WriAl lb lfUUH LlVt
Wbst li your llfef Like vspor that pasaotb
JJke the mint of the morning when rltth tin
' day;
IJke the dew on the (rrmi In the ill very morn:
IJke the Mower thul the brldo on bur bumiic
htb worn.
What I jour llfef A drop In the ocean that
Or leaf In un infinite forent of leave.
Or s small grain of und on mcaureloi
An emblem, of notlilngnem Jimt thut anil dc
Wnatla your llfef Your life Is the mlKhtlent
Of whleh afc cnn teach or the poet run din;,':
The moot rnvbiaul subject dcinuinlliitf u
A work tlx' most glorious the Orculor hulli
What I your life! Ah, o brief I and yet 'll
Kor the moiililInK of thought thut uru purn and
For IifvIiii? ami liihorlnor hniI wiwlnp of acrd,
Kor planting of flower anil uproolul of weed.
What I your llfef To build up s grand char
To woavii for tho spirit fairest garment to
To )rl her In treasure that enduring shall hint
When the glory of empire I faded unci pant.
8uih If your life I Ah, 'ti Immortal I divine!
Too treat uiiil majestic for Ihlseurlh to confine!
It's bar shall bu broken uml It chain .hull be
And onto It opened the bright portal ol
Heaven I
0. II'. firnfti, in Chlrago hJrr lktan,
a lixa BuinsiiiT.
Undo Abol'B "frlalB, aa Told at Ills
FiwrrnlH worn always lnroly attend
ed in Siunps-on; thtty hiikIo wiini'ivhcro
to go, uml they woro ititnrrstiii"; in
theniHclves. Hut there) Iiail nut lii'cn no
large) a funeral an Unchi Ahcl 1 1 ) 1 i n-
llCftll'H for) I'lllS Mill. HilICO (WO (IlillllTI)
over on tint Ithlgo 1 1 ; t I leen killed liy a
crazy mother. Tho Sampson ISwjlf.
Call, which had lito liunilred mili
crihrrniil nHiilwciiptiun (if eighty centri
a year, l-oeonlcd I'nrlo) Ahel'n death
in what would (illiei'tvine have been
lilauk Hpaeu between thu nckiiotvl
tulgcmmit of the editor' receipt (if a
lino sjicciincii of iiuiskiindiiii fi'oin his
cllow-townsiipiii, Syd lluikitis, and J.
1a Hctla' lldvertiiemellt of (ll'y-;,'oodi
which had been "just brought in" every
week nil Hiinnner:
It I with deep re;;ret Hint tvn nntinunco tho
lcnthof oiirni,-c.l mid respected fellow citizen,
Mr. AM llnlllio.lica'1. Mr. Ilolllnslicad vti
one of the pioneer ctrv of Kcimpson, uml
tio inimrneil by nil who knew lilln. Mr.
llolllimhead pinsed from our midst lit four
o'elork yesterilnv niornlinr, ill the ne iif. lnliiy
even ycuri. The fiihi rnl w ill be at the home
f hi (iBuehler iiikI 1.011 In law, Mr. H. I'i i lili n
Md wife, at two (i 'elm k to niorniw nfteriiiKin,
(Niniliietcd by Klilcr Ciinintoi k of llm lliiptlnl
The TeebleH hollio w in .filled to tlin
j)oint of diM'onifiirt considefablv befnro
two o'clock. All the chairs tho calico
lounges and tlic inipioiupfii board
ImtichcM were taken up, and it lare
roHirtion nf the company was left
tamling. Theseveral w. mien who went
lonll fnneriilH iiiilliiichinly, whether
known to the it 111 i -1 I family or not,
Intd rome early and M'ciiii'd Keats com
inniidinj; n view of the parlor, which
liod been opened tip. musty from disuse,
lor the occasion, and where the niourn
r mi4 the pall-bearers sat nlun;,' the
Walln facing the ciillin in the center of
the rootii, their eonsi iou.sness of tho im
oi1ance of their position solemnly visi
ble In their faces.
I'ncle Abel's death was the subject of
tho sulnliicd whispers. Women, the
imlural Kiavily of whose hivh-eheek-lHined
faces wanted nothing fir lituess
to the hour, leaned forward over the
r'hildron they ha I broic'ht to (chnuco
items, eiiui;hiii"; behind ,mh,. cotton
gloves or hard, I are knuckled hands.
"I co him 'oin' by jest a-Tucsdav.
marl as a button, an' I says to Kufu's:
'Will, it's wondei ful how Vncle Abel
does, keep up!" " "lie sat. down front
o' thu slove - hut day 'twas, too an'
Complained o' feclin' kind o' chilly; au'
li.'ilf au hour after he wa'u'l conscious,
n nevt niiirnin' he wasdead." "Mis'
liN'liles sent. Sarv fir our war
nun -pan,
nil' 1 went riht over;
a u
I see in a
Jl"in' to
minute he wa'n't neve
Outside, the tar I was ha'f tilled with
men slandino; about in their lest cloth s
nm. n ,' tin- leds ,.f I, ilsams and late
liuks. A Ion;; array of dusty billies
nd w:iiliii'.r hor-es, patient w it!i the
npathy of old a'e, or w hinn iu.j and
fwishhr; tlieir tails with the' tvqlcss
ness of yout'i st.ol outsi le th, fence.
Tho oiious ipiict of the scene had a
hunday aspect but for the line ,,f ,lrv
Inj; clothes Happing in tlu liack yard;
Mr, rccble's household pro'ra'inuu
eeined not to have hvit disarrauid.
Tlu Well-stone at the side of the hou-e
WM ocup:cd by half itdo'en men sit
.tingwitli hats pit died to 'he backs of
their heuls and bauds t .asped across
lank knees. Thry wt.v listi tiiii",
with nn unconcern that betok
ened iudu'.'iico rathir than In
terest, to the varm'.ity of tin
two old men "n their midst. 'I'lu y could
not Inito been f ir fr. in I'nc'e ' Al l I s
Hp; How th tho was j;oni they were
Huntta li' o'dest inhabitants. ' They
were kiown as dlel.ivi Citshiu' ami
Cl't'bi'n.v M it''.i. Tie f,.ticr was
tall and I n-;' and skinny, with a f .ce
of fadel cKow, wiinklisl in counties
vlion, nud ha'f c veied 1.-, awhi:e
tubbU; hewn eaealf k'.u o-t, t'miU
lluday was warm. d a wm.'.en cap-
llisi'ss;lics to lis iii:n I 1 v,i.e, ,p
OlcCha'iuy MjMi mi SIU 4,7n.
U'r-omc! f..t, wttli u
liesk-. jiurp'y Tcinrd. U.r'ivd and
ivrj tuvi, ud potruuias; under
I r. which nhoolc with palsicil toa-
"Vi yln," he wan repenting, In
slight, quavering voice, which wemed
an echo of Its past utrength; 'wo wttu
jest 'bout like brothers alius, Abel an'
me-jest 'bout.
His dim even were on tho liearso
standiiiir ut tin' front gato. Hut there
was little mirrow in his grotesipio old
face; tho years had blunted his ca
pacity for it. ()ln Icvl Cushin' )ccrcd
at him from under his shaggy whito
brows w ith atiuddcu warmth of resell (
meiit. "Hi! h'ain't never hed a better friend
'n I be," he said, the hickory-limb cane
ill his hands shaking with imparted
emotion. Olit Clm'ticy M.i'hIi eyed him
with responsive hostility.
"I wii'n't lnokin' to sen ye out." he
said. "Ileenl ye Wits tol'able feeble."
"I h'ain't never b. cn Hinartcr," Ole
fevi Ciishin' rejoined, willi tremulous
liereeness. "It don't htau' to reason
but what I sh'd bo full ns unai t us
hem that's two i;r threo year ohli r'n I
His antagonist carefully unfolded a
lean blue cotton handkerchief, in a si
'eliee of tiioinentary defeat. The I!.i
ist choir, headed by Khh r Coiiistocl.
iled up (hit path and into tin1 house. A
moment later tho notes of Mrs. IVeblc
iiii l ol ' hi sounded forth, ami tho voici
if the choir, irreproachable as to time
and nasally distinct in pronunciation
in the rendering of "( inna :
Why tin we mourn departed friend,
(ir hlial.e at death ulariimr
"I don' know lis I hh'd 'a hed no
p.'irlic'ler fault lo 'a found with Abe
ilollinshead." said Ole Cha'licy Ma'sh,
calmly shifting his tactics, "cf he'd 'a
no jest it lectio nioro riilcrprisc a
lei'lle moro push. Jest as rlevcr-hcart-
ed a man as ever I see, but terrible
lackin' tliar. Kf I hedu't 'it give him
two or three, hists.I don' know whar he'd
'u ben."
He talked on fast, in his high-pitched
quaver, to prevent Ole Levi t iishin ,
who sat dimly glowering at him, from
breaking in.
"Hack'ards, Abel wits. Wcll-ineanin',
but he seemed to kind o' want boostiu'.
Length o' time it look him gettin' mac
led, now doll' know as veever heerd;
little too good to III! lost, that thai'."
He looked about, tentatively eager,
over his hearers. They sat ill silent dc-
peession. Ole Cha'ncy Ma'sh had told
about the length of lime it had taken
1'iiclc Abel to get married, with varied
alterations and digressions, for some
twenty years.
"Wal," said the old man, beginning
slowU; with a tremulous smile, and
rubliiii',' his knotty hands together in
tlic simple cnjo men! of li ing over the
past, which is the touching life of the
old, and in gratification nt. having au
audience for his timcworn theme, "yo
might say 'I Abel wa'u't just amenable,
tier Harut neither; but I don' know.
Tain't many'd 'u bed forlitude for
nineteen years o' court in'."
He paused with an expectant chuckle.
Ibit the pleasantry was a familiar one;
the solemn silence remained intact.
I'he voice of the preacher (trifled out,
rising and falling in sonorous prayer.
"Hed spunk enough, tew, llarvit
(ialpin did," said Ole Cha'licy Ma'sh,
I'clleetivi ly. "ilis I ccUes, she favors
her consid'abb'. Had enoiii,rh sight
uoie git up an' git ahead 'n A lad;
looked 'long to the fust as though Abel
wa'n't predestined to git her. He'd
lien goin' thai- for a period o'
leu month nfore he c'd work lii welf up
!o cumin' to the pint; an' '(wouldn't 'a
been brought to pass (hen ef il hadn't
'a been fcr 1 sas to him I kin
recollect satin' 1 1 1 wouldn't go a
gret amount on cr (bailees, Abel,'
sas I, -cf e don't git it settled up
in'dd'iin' quick. She h'ain't got the
patience o' dob, 'tain't likely; tliar
h'ain't no gal 't has,' says. Als l he
as tliHtend easy llus'tcrcd, Abel
was; but he give in 't I was talkin'
reason. Wal, I didn't rccly look to see
lim fuller inv counsel, bciu' so weak
willed an' procrastiuatin' as he he w as'
but sure as ye live 'twan't long after
wards I was goin 'long past (Jal
oiiises' place sot where the mectiti'
liouse sets now; didn't look much like
it does now, S.miosou didn't. Woods
all 'round here an' clean down to the
riter; half a sqtiar mile er so down to
(he centre wa nil 't bed ben cleared
oil', an' jest a handful o' houses
"Them woods," said Ole I.evi Cu-hin',
clearing Ins throat ilebbcratclv. "w ns
pte'tx nigit chuck full o' beaMs 'Ion '
lout that time. I w shot m. .re o i 'cm
'u e c'd pint a stick at. I kin remem
ber starliu' oil' w iilt uiv ole iliut lock
an' a bite o' souiclliiu' four or live
limes a week on a gineral aver ere.
I'har w us oncct 't I kin reeollect p ir
licler: it 'd ben suowiu' 'stiddy fcr a
consid'able spell, an' them woods wus
as full o' tracks "
"1 was goin' 'long past Oalpinscs'
place." Ole Cha'licy Ma'sh pursued,
shrilly, "an' 1 heerd a kind o' groaniV
noise t 'pcarcd to come from somewhat'
round; an' come to investigate, thai
was Abel Ilollinshead settin' by fit.
cuter o' lb,. fctice.Jakiu' on like all
ov.esM'd, -What on airth 's ailin' ye,
Abcir as 1, -She i-t minded' to
hev me,' savs Aid. Wal, 1 got him
ai-tnl up somehow cr 'not'ii-r an' piuti d
fur hum. Hut savs I, -Ye won't be
win Hi cr salt, A lei.' I vts, yf U don't
f'.'dei- her ii;,hi up, novv 't je'iv started.
Ye II le I a. kin' in jeil'tneni. Aid,' 1
vtvs. 'an' , I t,.U V:l, ,idn't
iinnh icckon 't he'd hev the gumption
to hied me; but he sunt the wUd.mi o'
my words, an' . fll,.t ' n,.,,,.,! j, n
le. Me ,"i' kep' on goin' to C, ilo'np,"
sotui '.ftcn, r 'n a'ort-; an' coine a vear
r s,. a ," U nlit !. ; -t ,1,0'd'lu'v
him: p 's,.r, d inio it, 1 reckon.
"Wal. cf it h'i Ikvu fur their folk
thet'd 'a s.'tll-il down jest 'Kmt seven
teen j cars soouir 'u l!u y did, t ok cm
jest ncvLMitcfin year as 'twtis. Titer iiin'i
much doubt but what their folks didn't
do Jest right by 'em; that thar wu the
gineral opinion.
"Tho llolliiiMheads they made the fust
rumpus. Haryit an Abel, they d tin it
got it laid out when they'd git united,
au' Haryit sho wus makin' ready fcr tin
doin's. Wal, the Ilollinshcads they U
all to oncct an' took exception t
Haryit'M nettin'-out. Olo Mis' Hollins
head sho went sjieariu' round an' di
kivcreil a cotton jiiller-caso an' u hen's
feather piller, nn' hint deelar'd 't sin
wr'n't goin' to hev 'em coiniu' into hci
house; an' olo Ilollinshead riz up in
linns eonc!riiin' olio o' (ho heifers 't tin
(ialpinses was eulcTatin' to givo with
Haryit; he said 'twas still" in tho fore
legs an' underfed, an' In wa'n't goin'
to be put oir w ith no seeh trash. Wal,
the (ialpinses they Hired Up, Mil' they
jawed back an' forth, them an' the llol
liiiMheads, fir it coiisid'abh; spell; mi'ij
(he eonsckcnei) w us, that' wa'n't no I
weddin'. Abel hi! givo in meek as n
r;.i;ui: never e (I stan up guist a liius-
piiter. Abel e'llu't; and Haryit she
lidit't hev no cli'ico but jest to stan'
The htimorof the narrative contribut
ed in no part to tho enjoyment of (he
ln'ITator: it seemed possibly by reason
of antiquity to be as fully lost upon him
as upon his solemn group of hearers. A
belated allelnlalit at Undo Abel's obse
quies broke llie stillness with a rattling
buggy, fastened his horse to a tree with
:xeitetl speed, uml hastened up the
walk. Klder C'oinstock, in the midst ol
a drearily monotoned discourse, was
hilt faintly audible.
"Wal. Abel he kep' tip goin' to flal
pinscs'," Ole Cha'ncy Ma'sh went on.
tranquilly; "happen in thar 'most any
night an' ye'd find him. But he didn't
git up courage to say iiothin' more
'bout inarrviii' not fur two year; an'
then ole Mis' (Ialpin she wa'n't favor
on 't. She was just in the thick o'
Iryiii' apples an' corn an' puttin' tip
tlieir winter stuir, an' him wa'n't over
veil, an' she begretched to hev
Haryit goin', an' so she says to Abel;
an' Abel he didn't portend to gainsay
her. I expect 't he'd lied such a run o'
disap'iiitmenls 't 'tivouhlii't 'a seemed
nat'rel,' not hin' else.
"Wal, he jest let it drop, a to might
look to see him; an' there w us a space
o several year went long afore iinllnn
more wus said, an' I reckon 'twas
Haryit stirred it up then. Spring o'
tweiitv-nilie, twas; Abel was gettin
ong past thirty year' consid'able. I'd
been married -"
" 'Twus that thar spring," said Ole
Levi Cushin', in a high key, "thar wus
one o' the biggest freshets 't parts
ever see. Thar'd ben freshets afore an'
lhar's ben freshets since, but they ain't
iiothin' to compare to 'I. 'Twii-i over
llvwed fcr pretty ni'rh a iiuiii'tii'-inilt
round the river, nn' the old coi'dutdv-
load 'twas washed (lean "
"Spring o' tweiitv-liine, 'twas," Ole
Cliii'ncv Ma'sh rcsuineil, with ireful
force, " 't llarvit an' Abel sot 'bout
riltin' niarricii agin. 'Thar didn't
pear to be nolhiii' 'ginst it. au' Haryit
d got her preparations quiie a piece
long twice! that wus 't Haryit 'il got
'en-a-tuost ready. Wal, il'd 'a ben a
surprise to the ginerality ef it hciln't 'a
fell through jest 'bout thar; an' sure
hough, Ole Mis' lI.dlinlio;vl she be
gun savin US how slip WUS L'l.tin fee-
Ill' she couldn't stan' it hev in' no
more in tne family, au t it might so
happen tliar 'd be children to rout
round an' make a racket an' a rumpus.
mi slie wus 1'iltiu so t noise distracted
er, nn' she i ldn't run the rt sk; tin'
A'b !, he didn't hev the L'limiition lo
iv a word 'ginst it. llarvit she wus
Ml id'able mad. I reckon '( cf Han it
id hfii a sign o notiter chance jest
then, she wouldn't 'a made no bom s o"
akin' it; but folks bed trot so
b'tetl to colisiderin' her along-id.' o'
Abel Ilollinshead, 't ''t 'a
ntere.l to noboily's plans inarrviii"
er; not cf they'd ben minded to. Wal.
i isseii io ig ler hv c cr s x ' : tile
Ilollinshead, he died; an' ole Mis' (Itil-
pin slie wus took; an' ole Mis' 11 dlins-
le itl, sl'.c'd irol so broke down 't site
I'u't go oil for nothiu' to speak of.
Iled so much laniem ss't she wa'n't
noways lit to b round the house; thar
w as a while 'I slie couldn't tak a step
tier hit her hands to her head."
I'iie old man detailed III ineid m!
Willi seriousness. s rural intimacy
of know led ;e of wonieil-kin-l in ::ll do-
c niiitutia an I the clVein n icy of
Id are renl'icl res.icct fill hi-
i . collect ion of Oal Mis' 11 d lin-head's
"Mie hedn't th- strength fcr doia' an'
win n Ab, 1 ri. up the .-uoj. ct o' gettin'
in irried agin, she w us ready an' willin'
to In v s uiieb uiv to take a holt, an' she
didn't hev nothing to say 'ginst il.
Wal, then sure as ye live 'twus ole (ial
pin 't sot his lut down. He'd 'l
he'd reared no llarvit and ) ervided for
her fcr ihiily-live tear, all' now 't ho
wiss feeble atal ailin' he wa'n't goin' to
be left to the car,' i strangers an'
in "b be git caricd oil' an' end his day-t
III t lie poor-houe.
"Wa'n't much peace from then
forrard; ele (i.ilpin an' ole Mis' H dlias
heitl thct wus at it pretty nuichth'
hull time Abel he jest sot back an'
let it alone - seemed to git liu icliincr
ts tlin,. pas-cd on, Abel did; an'
ll.ii til, 1 sunuise 't llarvit wa
pit ty tii::h Unkcied out between 'cm,
an' didn't hev strciigtit to do iiothin'.
Wal. ole Calpin an' o!e Ms' HoiJius-
Ilea. I tt.ev L. .' Il ,,. I. II:..' 1:. i
' .' i "I' in. 'on. ii itv cry. i
".e iialpin lie ilecl ir il t Ab. I II dim
head W lis .1 lopsided ci ltf..e ..i.i I,.,,. ....' I
t tl.i'.'t it tv us lucky f s). didn't
1 ,' " . .Ill
git bin; au oh M'.s' Udlii,
said 't 11 in it vv us an ole maid
-head s!i,
. au' Abel
c il a in, plenty twus enough sigh;'
1 kdier. They didn't let tin, neither o'- i
'on. till ole M.s'Holliu.shc.ldd.ed -died
"Uddci.t. ' I
Wal. ve'd 'a thought then they'd 't
ttled down without no more ddayin'.
Hut 'twus quit a spell; wa'n't in no
liurry theirsdve. then. Tlicy wim kind
.,' gettin' 'long. Haryit an' Abel wus,
an' sort o' habited to livin' hinglo, nn'
thev wa'n't neilhur on 'em hot fur to
Sit "married, seein' it hed gone so long.
Wal. I hays to At-1 1 kin recall sat in
it 'Ye uiti't wise to put it off. Abel.'
says I, 'ye've been nineteen jeargittin'
married! nn' it's time ye wus.' Abel,
he give heed to my words alius bed,"
said Oln Cha'ncy Ma'sh. with pride;
"tractable, Abel w as; ef he hadn't 'a
ben well u faint-spiritiJ an' vacillatin'
sorto' critter I wouldn't 'il hed nothiu'
to say 'gainst Abel Ilollinshead. Will,
he laid it to heart; tut' 'twa'n't n gret
while nfore, him nn' Haryit .worked
round to it, and went to the jestice's
oll'ice an' wus united in the bonds o'
matrimony. Ole Sam Horgan, lie wus
tire; an he
Wal. he wa'n't," said Ole Levi
Cushin', sternly. "Ad'son I'litcr wus
jestlcu nt that tliar lime. Ole Sam
Ilorgaii'h term o' oflieo, hed ben r ;n
"They went into the jestice's oflieo -Ole
Sam Horgan, he was jesiiee," said
Ole Cha'ncy Ma'sh; sharply "an" when
they cilin out ntriil they wus one llesh
for nil time. "J'vvu.s it surprise to the
ginerality; folks wa'n't limkin' to see
'(111 do it, no more 'll they linl. Settled
down with old (ialpin. I give 'cm a
cradle." The old man chuckled to
himself over the remembrance of his
tinie-holiored waggery. "Ye wouldn't
never 'a thought," ho added, runiiiiat
inglv, " 't ole Abel'd 'a outlasted Haryit.
He wus alius eonsid'abb.' spindlin'er."
There was a general stir among the
knots of men in the front yard; thu
services were neiiring tlieir close, and a
procession w as tacitly forming to look
for tin! last time, upon Uncle Abel's
earthly remains. The choir had sung
"Toplady," and was in process of
'.State Street:"
Servant of God, well done!
Host from thy loved employ;
The battle fought, the v.ctory won, ,
Kilter thy Master Joy.
Tt floated out to the group on the
well-stone. The f; y is of rendition
could not dissemble the quiet pathos of
the simple strains; nor did it matter
that Uncle Abel's "loved employ" had
been, formally years, sitting behind
the kitchen-slut o and smoking and
doing alternately. The undertaker
came out of the house and opened the
back door of the hearse; one by one
the waiting buggies tilled and began
forming in line. A middle-aged, red
beai'dcd man came across the yard.
"Come father!" he said, helping Olj.
Levi Citshin' to his feet with a strong
hand. "Want to ride up to the bury-in'-ground,
don't ye?"
The old man jerked his thumb back-
vard us he slowly walked away
on his s ui's arm.
"He's gettin' terrible childish," he
Ole Cha'ncy Ma'sh looked after him,
Hid shook his head.
"He's dretfiil pulled down," he de
clared, coininiscratingly; "he's a-goiu'
fast." Emma A. Ojijicr, in Frank Les
lie s M'ukh.
Tlic (liiullty of I l;;lit Dependent to n (irrnt
I'Ateiit I pon the Itiiruci'K t'M'd.
The cost of gas is a serious matter
with many. It is more remarkable to
sonic that. oxer, isew lnt care they will,
the bills vary but little ami persist in
being (li"trc"sing tall. This persist
ence has led to the humorous sugges
tion that gas meters are subject to u
sort of unconscious cerebration, or go
in p' l'forining the functions of their
ol'uce in a sort of somnambulistic si.ite
when th y should be in a state of re
pose. It is in comic testimony that a
householder who u-e.l nothing but can
dles during one mouth found his gas
bill period as great as that of
the preceding mouth.
Til-nigh it may be that gas meters are
occasionally parts of a conspiracy, it
will he generally found that the ro
"po!i"il.ilitv f or large bills lies with a
labe sv stem of economy in the ho'i-e-h.'id.
Some facts about gas burning
are but too well understood, and some
ree.,uii d defects are as yet irreme
diable. I'.ut a great, deal depends on
;he luinier used. The tirst economy is
in getting ihe right sort of burner, both
forthe consumption of gas ami for get-ling-
th.' Los; quality of liji:. Science
lias do .if a great deal within three or
four tears in the improvement of burn
ers in the matter of saving and brill
iancy of illumination. Ibit no burner
is iiul.'inallcally proof against the
variations in the pressure of the "a
supply. Were it not for the iliiVcrenee
iu pressure the lest results with the
least waste could be readily scour, d.
A perfect Iglit depends upon the
right quantity of air to a given supply
of gas at the po.nt of the burner. If
the gas rushes out with a force greater
than t''o burner is designed for the
heat ef the tlann' is reduced and its
i'fight no-s is correspondingly (linfn
ishcil. an l a pom tit,i;e of h lf.,on
siimed gas escapes, for tt hl. h the house
holder ha to pay without hat ing any
benefit from it. If the gas comes otit
feebly, wiih less force than th,- Hfnor
is designed for, it is not spread out siif
llcl'titly to got enough air, so that com
hustiott is imperfect. :,d tho:;gh all
the gas is 1 tuned the light is' no:-.
At'ctitlon given to th.-s matters,
rare that uselos lights .-iv.. n
bu lling in out-of the-way par.s ,,f (,
, house, will ni -.kc some ditVeieliee i i ;h,
j expense account. It is dcsital.L' hovy-
ever, tint s. ine one should invent a
regulator to coi-.t ol ;he pressure to the
gtiage of the burner. The pns.uiv
must ho adapt d to the b n-n.-r
gs d light a. id no tt;i"
:s.-Ciu,ij.j Ju
Ur- Cii .. il.
It Is said that "out of every 109 fe
male school teachers seven marry evert
enr."Cliira(o Jerald.
The Trinity College librarian re
ported an increase in the library for the
past your of 2,087 volumes. A. 1'. JW
buw. On the diffusion of ("duration union",
the people rests the preservation and
perpetuation of our free institutions.
Datii'l H' biter.
General Ct. W. P. Curtis Lee bits
resigned the Presidency of Washington
fin. l" Lee University on account of ill
No fewer than 157 professors nt
German Universities nre between tin
ages of seventy nnd ninety, of whom
the ''renter tiar't still lecture. Uanke, ut
ninety, is the oldest.
It is said that a recent prizeman in
(lie Yale Law Mduxd juml his way
through college bv buying old docks
nnd other brie-i-brac in back country
tow ns ami selling them lit, iancy prices
to New York and New Haven collec
tors. -V. Y. I'o-I.
President McCosh. of the Princeton
College, has been making a statistical
study of the relations of foot ball and
base ball to scholarship. He limls that
of the twenty -seven men who are prom
inent members of t( am and nines, not
olio stands tirst in the six academic
grades, only two in the second, and
that twenty-two fall in the lower half of
their classes. UtriforJ
Some years ngo a venerable clergy
man w uh asked to make tho prayer al
the commencement celebration at'C'am
bridge, iu the course of his prayer he
besought the Supienie lleingto 'shower
his blessings on Harvard College, An
dovrr Institution. State I'l'mm, and all
oilier seminaries of public institution."
We are grntitled to note the fact
that the public schools tf Alabama are
mixing some industry with science nnd
literature, some physical training with
intellectual culture. In female col
leges young ladies receive valuable in
struction in the art and handiwork of
housewifery; and iu tho school-rooms
young men are taught that labor,
whether of lieail or of hand, of brain or
muscle, is nlvvnys dignified, manly and
honorable. It will he a proud day of
promise for Alabama when every public
school within her boundaries shail es
tablish an industrial department. Sei
Jrtd (A'a.) Tuikh.
If you keep all pleasure out of
home when your children nre young,
they will couiiuu your exaninh'whon
you nre old. .V. '. Herald.
Tho skeleton man in a museum is
always paid his salary before any other
freaks. The manager reco" him
ns the first lean on the premises. AV-
mtuwHji rata.
Deceit is a bvwav leading to "confu
sion Mini disgrace, a falsehood arrayed in
truth's robe, and a cloak, the longer
.'orn the more diflieult to leave off. .V.
V. Tribune.
It is stated in a Southern exehangi
hat one of the best sugar tdantations
in Louisiana is run by a dentist. Then
is a liness in a dentist devoting hiinsell
to sorghums. 0 1 City IWiick.
A maiden lady who has a chair
which she claims came over in the May
flower, would not speak to a friend vv ho
asked her if she came over with it.
Iturlii (jinn ( 't.) t'ife Vex.
-Mistress (to amiable .servant maid)
"1 nin going to the opera this evening
so 1 shall probably be home 11(10.
Amiable maid-"0. ton needn't apolo
gi.o to me for that. 'Tim will be here.''
liiitjalo Cuuritr.
The biggest jump.
You may talk of Sam IVoh,
Anil Hob (hllimi lo mulch.
Who Jumped to i h.-ir deaths lor renown:
Hut the I.U-tcsl Jump vet
W as a fellow- in doer, '
Who siieecsslully "Jumped the town."
A fashionable young lady was seen
blacking her brother's bonis the othei
mornine, and the next day she helped !.
do the family washing." It is tlioiioln
"he is tilting herself to become the win
of an Italian count. Vt. 9
Tofphtdi ease away, and keep it' out,
is, in a nut-shell, ti e solution of the wnole
tnysierv. To this enil activity, vitality
and health no lordlier. When malaria
uiiil mnmimiition make their attacks tiie
"jstciii bus noon enfeebled and is therefore
ready to lie ilaiuairi it by tl.em. The weak
ened system needs a vitnlizer. Such n help
to health is found in Compound Oxygen, a
remedy iiieli lias achieti il iis tniisl coli
spinu -ns triumphs iu buildii g up the foe
tile, restoring the prostrated, and driving
out ilecti scat' it chronic mnlnilios winch
had tluoaleiicd the destruction of tlieir
victims. The way iu win h ('(impound
J'nvic ii eta s us worn is plain and simple.
There are iio(lnig to swallow ; no annoy,
ineev peril lu es to be endured; but through
it the oin uil:on, the digestiv e orpins ami
l he whole system icit-ivo now Lie, ami
thus ueint re power to throw oil riisea e
and In iiMst now ntlaiks. To follow up
this intorosiins; sulje. t piocure from Drs.
aiikky & l'Al.KN, of 5J! Arch htreot,
t bila elphnt, the treatise which they send
by mail lo any applicant free of charge.
Orders for the Compound Oxyifep Home
Treatment will 1 tilled by H. A. Mathews,
Olo Powell Strvpt. Sun Francisco.
Kulher rii k, such as are used on fruit
cans, oft n become hard 'and brittle. Au
exchange infoinm im ihat they can be re
st ire.l by lotting them lie in a'er In
which j-i u have put a little ammonia. Mis
in the proportion of one part ammonia and
twj parts water.
Hosteller's Stomsvh Hitters are I'lnphntlcslly
a Ki-nial restorative. The chapRis wl.iiU this
Kie .t I ottinic n niedy prtnluccs inthedisoMertd
(irifi niaitii.n are always Sjcrei ably, thouitn
surely pr (,-res.ive, pet er abrupt and violent,
tin this ae, mint it is admirably aduptid to per
fons of delicate constitution ui,l tuk nerves,
to Mhoiu the powerful niintral dtus are post,
lively injurious. That it initial! s those pro
c,ss,sl,i, hrej-ult in the re-establ shment of
h 'slth'ul ti-or incas.
l.e'.,. it i-. mkin to ov.iii.tne that tr,,ni,,t
cause o. dihinti. iiiil ik-i-ti.n. ., ,1.-1
lisiinlli is. with hili .ii-i .n .......'."."
l liun.i.Kti .1..11 n. nv-i.lar t-va. uution M,d
hbuiiilaui secreli. li. arc n-siillsw I i, i, , roirpilt
ami utiu.i its .),t, malic us- It ii
Ixsi.ns, t,e t.o-t pu.uuive aKuiiist niaUria.
and lirst rate i.iinvtie. "jii.
The Ix st couuli iiicd
for Consumption. S .Id every where. ''V
There's a michlne out for mvtl!T
nails almond nhad. kU Si
Quinine Is not only an .y,.....
cine, It is a hurtful one If takon tv
and too often. Of courhe the wori.i i 1
on tuklmr great quntlties of it f0r T"
and tirue. Niine iicmnn. 11.1..1. "
, ... , r , Hoi
else will cure fever and auu.. o
positively, and lesiimonla!H hart , '
that IiKAMiKrrii'a I'tl.i.a have ifu n
I.Hlt CUKe.M (if fl'VcrHlifl n.n.u u 1. "tlftrf
has failed. llltAMiKTU 8 l'iLLB iqUiLlllll
the worst atiai'k. ' f
. w m juui inro irom Hiiv
United Stat to Vortlhiid sml hotel trt
Kliliu lino ii no uu 11. n proouei, i,l,.' I"
evidence from well-known bsiikeix T
Ihu vers, merchant mid turn... .s. . U(M'tofi
littlnllty 111 llie cure 01' rediiwuhu .V.1" i, without knifo. needle or uliai u ,",
tl.Mlll. Villi HIS, Hl-f.llrM u.ri.l,. .... , 1'Hlrib
the 'Irst day until cured, and n10 cuf. 'rw
toed tieriiiaiicnl or moiiey refiimlnl " . "
work every day, no inatlor what 1,,,,.
lion, witlioui eanifiT or iiiconveiii, M.e .
Hiillaliiin Ine, Oihce In nrs liuin m i..'i , I
CoiiVf.iin1iiit will cnrloae bIhii.u l.,r . 7'
and aiiil-e" lirs. Fcnli n k l.i.o,... L..'.
U. First Nalionullwiik. I'oitland. oieJui!
JlcuUiili this paper.
When Baby was Blck we gave her Ciueorl.
Yt'lien she was a Child, alio cried for Cn-turi.
When she became Miss, she 1 Itini; to Casturu
V hen ahe had ChUdreii.eliu gave them Ciuri,
Go to Tow lie & Moore when in rortUaii
for best rhotourauhie and Cravon work.
I'or tilltij Ingr lIonr'.oiioi.M nnd
li-riliilion ol' the 'I'lirum. it 1.
daily proved that 'llruuna hronrhial
Troches' are a mild remedy, vet
tiflipnf-iiniiu '
Fret from Vpla'tf, Eiitrtles aiul ToOon.
vmm Bunas
S Cures Rheumatlom. Neural.iii
jAin lU.Urlir. il, u.lrbr, IlK'lharlu
rfflklt Sl.r.llns llri.isn.clf-ili'.
falJI run t., rim- tsr.
Itllli AT pill lllilsis AMI HKIIJ.I
Till ClUllI tJI k. YIH.r.lKR (uM4,tm,UO, BU.
Cures all Diseases originating from a
lisorderel state of the BLOOD or
LIVEB. Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
Boils, Blotches, Pimples, Scrofula.
Tumors, Salt Rheum and Mercurial
Pains readily yield to its purifying
properties. It leaves the Blcod pure,
the Liver and Kidneys healthy and the
Complexion bright and clear.
J. R. GATES & CO., Proprietors
417 Sansome St., San Francisco.
.J I L. 1 1 1 IV r I , i;,i,.P, Kocdhh l lanoa: linr
dot OivutiN, band iiilrument. lar0Ht stoi k
of s'hi i t llnsic and Hooks. baniiH supplied st
Ka-stern pi iees. M. ( It A Y,
2(Xi I'ost street. Pan Frauoiseo.
1 W) to ij'.l 00 mt .li,y nia ie At ht.ine- pleaimnt noti
IMitu.ii- -thin in nu ImmiitiK S n.l 2 cut atini for par
tU'iiln. 1 1. A MACIniNAl.l) CO.,
411 Kiarnv Kin--', K't Kncivi. rl.
Tlis California CacMar,
!.. ; . , ... . 1
tMuiri tiiiiit iiiii (in int; i iirtiiu OtiBU
rtnlitfs in luativ c'trv Kuniiry in the world. tMi?v
iucru..ti iMf ,,t tilt Ktml will rt' Acn in Aiitti Lou.thos. II'Iv illn-tr.itt.ti. M..j:iiJine hri'i,
p.n-f: ptililklie.1 iimtilhlv. Simple copv, Mccnti. Sub-
..rtpt.v.ii tx'ivr ,ir. xi .'.ncSt.,S, R,Cl.
M Post.
i Cents,
npth of Cutting 2 Inches (Pat. Appl' tctt.Y
(.'.infullv,. W..II fi. ...1..... .........n .1
'' fio-i. e,(i u I..I Hie bfl nt.s-l :,Mi,,g litcu.ltlli
.U:'jiti. Wa i;uiir.,n!.r them to W ,'i:e''iuillv h, S".-
m the tnt exiH-iisitv k. ocl-a. MUt A AI.FV
AMIKIt. (Li M.irt.l .sou t. opp. 1 ulai-v Hotel, tvt.
''(ci 'i-iii:V ln.ils. 13-ir 'lt:ui; n.l tJ.ii l.luerT
For Ladies', Misses' and Children's Garments.
Cat.-UofiiM free. Catalogue of Art Kcnlte-Wnrk n I
RUinpiiiR 1'iitUTin. 15 cuts; liest Stamping (lutlitu I r
l and t-i each. Ktauiping to (lr.t.r. tstmnpitig. Pat
term hc.uup. d Umo. Kit and i'liub (looJi.
H.A DEMINC, 1 24 Post Street. S.F.
Affpnte Woiforl 'v-''.f towmhlp lo takeonlers
5Clll) II d.UCd lor the bin book ever issued
The Heart of the World."
A atuaUe premium Tree with svkrt book.
Extra inducement to ayrnt. Write at oaeo for cir
uiar LUinin lull pw'ticulam to
42! 1 Str-t. Sacrum nto. Cl
The Van Honciscar
fo 7 V Vonng. rnlrl.lle mst
tf l'l T f old. rtnle niarrhsl
A fi'B ') ! .11 who .utter wl.
,:J fVy--n LOST MiNHl
fcl .
Nerroii m-t.iiity. HtsTn-
torrlic. h-u:!ril le
s.-nm; Decaf . Ktiling M,-ia-iy.
tt cl. hj-i -I
Kntrgy. ftlso bUist .od
A:- -
J hrouti.-nn. lUtr lir.
I ' ."-.,- J .,.! rtore T. r.t. Mew. KC
. !i -n
mil Mia Irotihlrs
Pnmli Vrtrw, tionorrliea, Glet, HUM-"J-pr"ni
n-;u( nd cure lot !...
Uaih fine l enxnlt onflrtenHiiIly
OS-FIf:R1Svl to 1S4 THIKD ST
1 'o L'k mm ttJJ Ka fj J i" B
f itrpQ Rhftma!lr.m. h
Trt Ceuhea for.breaktasU t
N. f, N. U. No. ITS-d. If, N, U. No. H7
' ' r