Another ca'.l for the rrdoiuption of $10,000,000 3 per cent. Londs lian juKt wm mailo liy rWrelary Mnnini. Tl.i leavn only $30.00H,000 of tlm 3 pT cents, to l) rwlwiimJ. Thehe will all LecalM in hy July 1t, after which no morn Loud l-wmie due until 1891. In tl" nicsntiniH !" urjilun money in Btcumulutin in tlm treusury t tl.. rate of 1 00,000,000 per year, and coimrewi lifts done. nolliiiiS i0 reduco ii. Tlifl UefuldicniiM in the House, aided .y ttin Randall contin gent, Iiuh vn aide to dfeat all ellorta fur reduction of the revenue. It in now altout a ouarter of a cm. fury HitiM Trinwi liiHinurck uttered the moat famous of all Inn liwloric hm". It wax a ludiM delatH in which l wan Uiaten V an adveran vote. "It ' .... a . I . not," he ftid "hy speechifying anu un vote of majorities that the great ques tion of thH age are to he 8"ttled ly II(hk1 seed oat at tin fann of Gen Bolahaw. Sammons. In the Circuit Curt of the State of Oregon fur tint lyOiiiiiT i Charles Kohn and Naphtall Kobn.-j .i ...... LilIuxu under IhV r partners. """ " L7 . . h ,. Una patua tn - Y-uiniiir. v. A A P-rry, Berry, Janwa H,. Nellie Ir.y. K Cilmaky. ii ... lU.atavliaLr'ifs. (.Alt). .!" I ,n binmies-under l i. hr... n.aiii- I doillX business Ull'ler me iirni ... r of Julius Sultan A to., Joseph Brelur. d-ititf niMnesa miner j... Hrm name of 'Vlw.V"r.rkl ' .,.Iih JlmcKinan, T A .iimn..., Hoffman, l,nuia Salomon, f tin eatate of J I I lierry, ilMWXMNa, iM.n.l.nU ... o. i. n.mri ltroWnatein. Part lo IV tioiinsaj " ; . f liera, iloi.H business miner . '"' -"-. K ( y u.., nun... - . . - .. . i. ii...... f business under ".. "'-'I'" V C. anil the tirm name Ji.hii llnickinB... Uiileow.iM i .. ...... t'ltti.1 lib 'I'll v. i a i r. ir " . .1 I. ..I ....k ura here V I rrnii you am. " j"" . . --- . ump iliH roiiili Unit t(lnol lllin uu I., vy . .1 ,1.. K.w-ni City. I.ana V untv, Ongu, n tlie HrvliKlrKM. rrexiiiKiil. . Kakim. Jk., faultier Fir:1, 8aU Bank JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. J. S. LUCKEi, Of Eugene. DEALER XH Clocks, Wacnas, Chains, Jewelry, Etc. Uoj.airiug Promptly Exucutcd, rjjrkM warn Varrnted.J! J.H. LU'-KKV, IWI. f,,nHl 550 (iOft VlW.Hh AO.'. Brl. Wlllamrtt. atlft. rlll uji vasii viMa vv Eugene City - Oregon. et ,.. rftj. on NEW YOU K, VtnA r kaj- CISCO and I'OllTLAND, OKEUON All collertioi. entnwte.1 to ui will rewiye atentiou. Waiuaketlinue.ani.inaii;.. Tallin lleiKwlta revive', eiioj-v" on i.nrovel aecirlty. ami a ttfur. Unkirir uliie dona on renaljle ttrina, EELuckey DEALERS m DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES PviiRiiPR. Etc.. Etc. Proscription, 7)ppnrtment.inmJIands. . " f,i'Ha'lb RHILOII'SCOURII aiidConimilitlii(''ire la Mild ly u on a Hriite. It curea ton uiiiitiun. .... x-.. HLKKPI.KHS NKillTS. made mlaeralila by that terrible wuh. Hliiloh'. fureU Ilia reme dy lr you. .,.tr ii' vtci i.'k'nirA lit Aurora. 111. aay: "I liava iiwd (iiln.oie'a AroiMti "i and Hnd It an eiw-llmt iioihbiihih rtiii"' i . . i.. Bono oi.l'iii vi a" wii-ii'.'i. v . tavii. I waa troubled wttb Malaria, llwe . 1) IHoii ty and alii-plea" nU'lit" """. . Ii ... . A(i ,,L iij Aromutiu Wina two day" ' r.'ll.ed iirHt relu-f, aleepniK ell and ..tlrwiiw fHii, like a new man, I cheerfully miii nl it i "line"" Ity. for aale ny Mimrn a e,iv.ftcc.S!:lu,tt,of tlouitnda BufTorlng from Aathma, Con- Ackir'a KuRllhU Kemody! H U the best preparation known jor an j.ui.g . "-""- . told oa a positive guarautuo at 10c, 60c Oaburn t o, hnene. Cure For Piles. I ,!.. .......... Iuit tut a .n nf I'liea are imiiininr m ........ .-. weliibt III Die bix k, l"in and lower part of the . i !.. . .1 t.. uululin. lMlollie.1, l'ililni i"" ... .... . - ll-..t; f ilia Liillll.l'. OP lllLrllllOrillL.' oriui. At timet., aviiiptoma of imlueetioii ' ara irreut, flitt.llenre, liui'iunnew in llio awnii-a-h, eta A inointure, like irnpiration, pro .1....!.... . ..... .li..i.PM..iibM tLirliiliLf. afLer l!et' ,,111-inN w j - - t.... la .u.l.lllliltl Mt.l..llllllllL llllllll. .II1H WWIIO, V ." " - . ' bleedlliK and ilohlnx pila vleltl at ont e to the - miiiilii'alioll of lr lti-imiko'a rile l.i'ineily, wlili h ai U dlivctly uiton the pari ulTei'tetl, nb . . I.!.... .1.. .lUvliiu tlm Ititi.llhH Itt'tl pioiiiih mi v.i.i."., a. ...j Ing and alfeetlng a MT.t.anei.t cure. r.ieefiO eanta. AtldrvM the Hr llmmiiiii Metlli'ine Co., ritpia, Olilo. Sold by O.lmrn !i Co. an I W. S. Lea, ol it unction. - . i !. .:n . ...til ...... iu l.i mttti (.olirt 1 an . aiitmi. i r "J, .. . .. ! , f.. Iji.u'il eor the J '. . .....Pt.,- , III loretioanra iii wiMu -- aaitl complaint ami elected ly Ur.y. ileceaaed. and delt, A A Kerry, .... ..." , i i tuut ...u.n -rt:iin ri'al iinuierly nay oi unite, - - . - . . i. I .m..i ,.. mm the niiv nent ol Itereintuier wtict -- . , a o ruin prou.i-.ory M.ta d.ited the day ..I .Tune, MM. executed ami ile'lvered by aiud .1 II ierry ami A A nerry v ' ii.i"- .. . .: .. . I l.-.l .1,. hira. tiavab le 111 tlia allium ein im , K.,il coin of the United bUte- one day after the date tbereol to the onier 01 mini ri..w...- . . .i . ..I lan lu.r Willi lltiere-l uirir..,, n, .... . - - r. ...i. hum. liiLlil. Ibal (will, per aiiiiiitii i - i - .i - . I . ..iu.ud iiiMrt.iiv untv irv n-'i.i ... VIIB lireilllir-v'.iiwrj j . ' i.i.t i. ,.u ...ul t lie uroieeiU an manner inniupi "j - , . . n ihii vi me iujriori..... .... - - - ami forty two ibdlara due on aaid note, t-njether with intere-t thereon from Orlnlwr 2.1th. l' at ten per cent. r aunuiu u in wo" r . i .1 .1... ...a.1. mimiMnM an'. ile"ii;iiie(i. i"i"i -- di.liiirwinei.t- of auld nut. ami eapeiiaes of -nle uti.l for ?7) IH) attorney i''i- i"i""i I. . - I- ..a .,t alllheiellt to PaV III rane-inn ii I'l.'w .. - . - theaaiii-.theii to obtain judgment alidexeciitlol. lor thebalam e reltialiilliK iim'.tiii'i ni'" I . . I. . I I u I li..r.ollH rlullltllll OV. atlll eut:il hi jim mi" - i- , tlirmmh or iiinler ! or either of ymi may in- ( I I 1 .uu. lit I. II riL'IIL. a-'L.n. uininti lien, rnnity of re.lHi'ti- HimrMt m nml to Mfh pro,i.- am (..r "th-i . .i i:..i u ...'nltrt or .Inline ami iminer mi - c" thereof may ae-ui jnt ami e.uituble. bum mori(Ri;eil preuilaea uiKe ret -r v - "ii ii.. .. i.i Loot ipimr aa fo lows IHTIIN-'U HI iw - ....... , Comment in. at the S h cnier of the M t. X t . i a.' i .. ditioii i i i.i n aa rv. ii me r. j in : I. rUllllt.iK thence I.U r.Kla wea . utro. o ... . ... ro.l,; thence etwt fMt rodn; theme aoiitli 40 mile to i mua of beiiimillik'. ii'iimiiiiim ... &. . ... i I f V L' 1 ..f Wu. 17 I .Iimi I.IIH n g "i . 4 ------ - - ... ii ii- M aithh: lit-lllif oart IJ n IV t l i--fc i H " ' . ' , . .i . .i I I . f 1 boiiuia V aHh oi lilt) oiiiiav i -' . . . . btirne. AI..I I .ot 0, and 7 In Id ;k .No 40 in .1 iimt ion CiiV, Ore.m. All aaul una Ofin i I..1.. . 1.. I ..... I . ti I li-i.irnll. anu .yiiiK in iiaup -ii i t ii Tina m noli la puiiiianen "j ...........-- I, u li l...l..u..l lliu aliove elitlt etl CtlUlt, II n iir.n, - - aaid tinier beurlitk' oale run .1, kwi. lltl.VKt! A t ttl.I.lKH ttllll U It l1. Ulu H Attn ne'ya for I'laintifla. D.ited at Kiiu'ene City, Lana County, On gnn I' uli .1, KY 11.0 HUMNIHKY jt Caabitr. LANE COUNTY BANK. 1I0VEY, HUMPHREY k CO EIJOKNIU CITY, - - .. ii... Ueneral oanKiiiK rue. . iiM.Miu received on curretit account i4)H on iietiai ceritiiuioA it UralU urawn oo itiM.Ti.lvii SAV FKAIN CISCO AU , v. ......... , - --- -, JT li'll". achant;a sold on tlia Ci sieni jraent S3 Contracted UomIss, Eruptions, Hoof Ail, Scrsw Worms, Swinney, Snddl Galls, PUes. u.ij . , .. ...I . IJU.IUUIt.ilnoinwi. I SHTt ml were re,tr.l to betmt, n uje ... "prof. .ecuiua pfiSTLLES UA.-1 ilea. Hf M" ':V'rl7 tbonnindci.i. tuny aiiij ' j o,mntot o-d andbrr.en down nnu tntha lull a,V?Jii,li. hmiiKht nhout ty Ii.ilit -.inn;.-1 m.?.V"L.d u. soar nimo mil. fint;.m.j "J.TrCT&SS.tSJe. liOA !. I'f 'K A( i K i' i: r r,- ; jr,r wa -vny "4 Amid tlia tniDUIlWtl Ol ftMcLLUilia r uwi iwa . . smi yUMtt. itimi. TaioaHimiiKzMUiYiu,,,.. wuh Eittniiun to tiuniM, or c,c US IIIinplt"Vtiarll.lI III SIIIT VSJt. futituM "on svientillc mctltniL 'rii:ptr,f,i. Bj, ppltrsUlOUH tllf Ot (JlKWW lllspaxj, irySsfuniioiiifl!ie iu'.iid ornsnum rmnmi. T wtwtvU uilniaiuiir f temffita of litu er ';ivcu birh, Utc ittWi. beoume ciutrfiii uid nv'wly r0nn bull uhI buu4 TRATMEHT.-ja8Viouk,3. 7.a51Rq HARRIS REMEDY CO,, Kra Cheuutl aa vi kwai i " H r l j Ccratcioi. Rpraiuli Ftrsias, Et:tc;.3, Etltf Joints, Backacho, Galls, Gores, Spavin CrccVs. Tt)!3 COOD O'-O CTANJ-BT wr.iii;'.l..iiraforiTrytK)lj .xaoi.yu.v jr It. oar or ti.o rotuam tor tlm (treat oopularltyol . . . . a.. ...I In Ira M n I . ' . i S. am maallolnAi K.vcryi.ujyiine...ulu-..--- :it I . mlf rnt an u tun owe )nM,witiie,i'tlurs"""""", "i i. Cn r.r-.lei-' f l:t rorlliatenni.uuu.... .- . .i.e. :iu.iiu ateJa " i"nayj on u O . i ;i r r nee ' It 'n eakp of erhergancr- i'hr t IcnrrrmMl It-a.nHK.t.lowunou. w ie C.ifiuiT iie.Hi it m ui nouw, uu, . i i.i .it--I'l - . run M;.uni!n..t ii anorlltc lionimna u. n II .- .tiui,i.v.-.H..liini.iorr, flB .r-i-l iticii r uoetta tc.i'l ie.f' .-'- iv:t.we.'. .... i. ...i l ..V him :i f-:..U-i.r:iwi r ii'' -' .il it:: i i i,rliuwear.. t tvonu i ii"".. i tvH iir.irnl m it a:'" w"' ',rlu " . i -...(,. i..ti of .w ctdiiitaand dangers. . i.1-!.".ij -oii'ii m-citalt. TUero 1. noth. ... .... I . .A llfft !.;.t ; ui vi !ti.ii -ito tao uuiis.. . i .' , -i i f. -. ulia-.i itiirrmind t'.ie riunr- i .V-r.:! m-'i It titH.tiS lilntoroamong oil pli-r -el. A"f'drnia vni iiapprn, anu m i;iiFit-n,; t jmnirni ii ni..-w ,,f ,,. ,u:.e iSiiuso. 'TJathe bcatof .iMl" :. t!ie Vnrtory. ItatmmedUtS i n.-e: i.i't Hiv"'- pr.ln and loss of wages. I t'-i Alv.uya lu llio Sltttila fa ffl a 1AIXW iutak cures. T.-lal Pacttwrea. Sena Dr. & CO. LeolslanB, Mo. Lumber, Cobnrs Law Is running-and u ill run all Siunm.r. Bills filled' at short notice. James C. Qoodalc Proprietor. Order can be left for the Coin rtf saw mill at the atom of Mct'lunif & .lohimtm. OSBURN at CO., DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES. - rit,l,A.MKn K S'l'KKKT KLAK UH W Eugene City, dealers iu DKUC.S CHKMI0AL9, OILM, CLASS, VAliNISHl'.S, CKUTCHES, PAT'M JtiiLlCIXl Of m-'st every Vind, etc. Brandies. Wines and Liquots of tV very beat quality forn;Cilit'iimlDn.w XfY. have always kept altreast of tbt tima in our" line, mid without liosatiiiB, w tkiit we are safe in vlaiuiiin; tlutt we liava THI liEST lumortnicrrt of 1EUUS in E::i;s. , 1'articular attention ia calkd to our itxii PEUFUMEKY, TOILET SETS, and ( 'tl.Ltl.Ull' I AS3 For the year . 1887, We shall be able to aell PAIXTS, tti liliUSllES, (of wliicb we now have a Itiji atock or? ham!) Than any houae 14 tin's city, and Mir frW . , .-t a 1... Im. a can rent aaatireu uu biijiiiihk isi . Mi 1 .. il . ..I..... . A a ...a nnv Afltltf flf M will iw nr. -loto"". " ""j .. (jootla Eust mid hive fsoilitiea thut few is i business have, we sniuK weure .reiico dersetl ami funiin ft better quality of prnl tbnii anvone in onr line in Lima county. ... '.II- nt..ti.,n M l' iESCK ur mil rpn i mi ............. --- - TIONS, whith will be cursfully tilled at. hours ot the tiny wr iiiaiii. TIAT ItACKINU (MUtill can ha o ulcl 1 cured by Shiloli's Curt). We .uarantee Iliuiapio H OVKKLVM) TO CALIFORNIA VIA n:i ojir :in.i. ..1 Summons. In the Clrenit Court of the Stat of Oregon for the County of I .alio. Frank l.ueaa, I'laintilf, va Haiiimil I.uraa, Daniel I.tieaa atity l.ucw, 1 l.r..iiitniila. I To said Daniel l.tteaa, Samuel I.ucaa and I ...... Il.,.'....,l .i,t.. IN THE NAME OK THE STATE OK Crt(on von are hereby required to lie ami ainiear in aaid Court ami au.uiTtha romplaiut ' ol plaintilT now on tile, within tell daya t nun the tlal of the aeivlea ol ll'la aiimuioiia iib'ii ' you, If served In 'aid I .unit roiiuty, Oregon, -ami If nerved ill any i tber eouittv in tltiaStule, .1 ... -.1.1 i.. I I .1... .I...- ..I IIIFIl Wlllllll IwetUY liny. Ill r iimr .-, - 1... I.. I ..... .f ........ I I.i. I. noli prr. It lien i'l ii"'ii ,""i, nin i r., ..... ... cation n( aiimnio.ia, then on the Ut tl iy of the hall P..illilnl I..IIII .if ..-.ill I iri-llit I 'lllllt tlt'Wit: The Mill tlav of Apiil. 1SS?. Audit you fail to apiear ami aiinwer jiib.iiniit will It" taken auain.t you, ami the Utitliif will apply for the relief itrityeit for iu the until complaint, namelv. .Lu .... ..f ii... r. .ti..u in,, .i....-1-iii...i iiivioi.ii.! 'I lia N K . of N K 1 of See Ikl. T HI S. Ii ft V. ami N t o. N W , and N W J of N E J i f (See 31, T 111 S, It VV, cuilitii Im; Hill a. ie.. and the S of N W J and N W I of S W i of .See '.".. and S of S V. J and N K J "f S E I Sen 30, T 111 S, It ( W. iNUit.tiuinu '.M at na, in t'ouitly, Otenon, and the iliviatoii of the pPH-eeil. thereof niter paii.w Ihe tti-t- ami tviiiiea of this anit, ami aide ami for mii'h otl. er ami further reliil aa may teem rquitable nml Jti.t. ThU autlltnona la tnblialied by order of Hon, It S Iteait, Jiitlua ol Ilia Seoiud .Imlieiiil ln triet, wlneti order la tin.lo at t'l.ambera and dated r'ubiuary Hi, N7. .loaiu .v J, Waiton. .In.. Ally for I'ltT. Kabruary 2. 1SS7. ,,l,i,w.f.,n.I..B. ftHMKBaTOO (DAH, II UKl'.tN 11 M IKIil U AIl.UO.vD UM.Y roiTI.AR flOl'TK VKU D ICrt'UKSOL'KifcVMiKS Fat Time! SuraConneetioii! New E.ptlpmeiil .-, Mll.KS Mini! I KU ! (.) llOl'KS LESS TIME! AwiminHlaiioiia uinoirpawl, for ("ontfoit ami S(etv ! - Katva ami Kreijita Hi ill I.Kaa than Ity anv other lllte Wtween all (HilnH in VA iH ito-tte Vail, y ami San K. ainM-,ii. DAILY IWSSEMiKlt TIM1XS (Kvivpt SiH'dava) .v Vaitiiia ft N a m, l.v Albaur Vi An p nt, Ar Coi vallia ill Si a in,1 r Coriallia I i. m, Ar Alltatiy 11 .'.Ma in. ,Ar Vaqniiia p nt Oreiton and t'aliforni4 Wealaide traitia en ant at Alttany ami t'on -illtn. THE OUKtiON I'KVEl.til'MENT CO S Meatiltiia aail ONLY KnriK VIA YAQUINA BAY, -To- San Franc isco. paoM vaui ii. rM ai rstriaiv YaipiinaClty, M 'Vaaada City, Kt 10. hanU Maria. Irlt '.'I. Nam Moia, rli 1'.', Yattiina City. KI?T, Va-rma Cttv. Kel. SliU Maria. Mu 1, Sai,u .V.rta. Krfe Yaipiina iity. Mar II, Vayiiaa City, Mat a. liU Maria. Mar 17. anla Maria. Mar I'.'. Yauuiaa l ily. Mar '.X Y; wiiita 'tly. Mar K The ('..ttipaiiy rear l the rirltt to vhane tbii daya. Tun BetaeaBfcrvallisatiSiBrrasciM. CalNu, tlt l;d anj Steerage. $. luf futber infortnation ata.l in ' lliT stint CoHHerliou: Kara fruui rurtlaml to San Kraneiaeo SH2 ri.iiTaiiieulo, i.u. Cloae eonneetlon mail at Aehland with attixea uf the l iiiiiiirnia, ttituoii uitii .omo. Stajie oinpaity. J7 EXt'l'.rr SUNDAYS.) I. ... U..I.. BETWEEN l'UH'l'LAM) AND ASELAKD- MAIL 1IIAI.. 1.1'AVK. AIIHIVr. l,ortlaiid...H:t'0a. m.'Em;eiie l:'n p V ou 1'.riMii. tit. i A nh limit . . . . 4 it'll ihlaml....rl:l.i It. In. I'.u,'emi v.Si n. Eiueue l:'.'i'ia. 111.,1't'itlainl ...d:lp. ni. AI.UANY MIMICS Tlt.MN. irtVK. AlllllVK. I'ortlanil.... 4:110 p. in 1 Lelmnon. . . .;20 p in Lebanon.... 4 :4."i. m I'oitland .HMift a in I'tilliiiaii Kalaee Sleeiuini car ilaiiy tieiween I'oillaml and A.hlnnd. TheOftO It U Kerry makes ivmneanm wilb till the re.'iilur train on the Sitle DivMou from ttet of r Mreet. M'.. Ul.l lli. BETWEEN POaTUND AND COUVALUS- UAIl, IIIAIN. I.KAVr. AlllllVK. Ii I r.'tlt a to I t'.irviilli. .1J , 1. 1 .i.iini . . r. M ..II.. l-:llli. in IV.rl hill, I . I):l-ll ii, . inn-, ..." - ... i - . At .' pinl ia mnnei-l wil l trallta Hi t'lejon 1'aciho tor i aqiiniA itav. KM'ltlMt TKAie. Atttttvr l.f . Portlmul iVHim ! Mt'M iivill.8:00 p m illn ... l.'i ii iii Portland... .'.Mtkl a m Loeal tiekeu for aule and bamau'e rheike. ...........v'. mi toll I, otl'ii-.'. inr l'ine n SiM-ond atle.U. Tiek-U f'r pTiuiipal pointa in California ran only I procureil at coin pany a ollnv, ...... u .....i.A.N I..IUTI in. I1H. I on I. ..if ri.-ni -i . 1.' : .1.. ...:n ..... l.d ......i.-M I for .liioiuplit af ter ft oVI.H-k I'. M. on either the hint or eat Side llll"lia. u KoKiii.KK, f. r nmim Manager, ti. F. and I'aae At iw'jinsuiM.mdif' jo n t iu I. .i nsArs I . . -i . . l ,, i ,.,.h sit i.i (it i Similiter. Aiv. lii-iy . i ttti. PSUir, p"i" r titers, - w.-.t-tini AIL "t Minolta, dottti tin ti liHtftH-HtT littt Vn.'W. I i.ltof t rtV inlrra Miitf t J tm-stMh Ut'H4HM HMITM, a. sit MiVKIVSm m ianiMiaits-1, BtV lis (! Kit I ........ ...aWwaa.... t 9U Tl It fcv Intst nt-. I tt . ttt are Ut OR. W H M f t R 9 t o . M (V MsMstVa lUltVCT NWs4V.M 1 1 IksjAs sWMsBa V ILL E X CI 1 AN li E 0. F. HYD COMBIHATIOH VHRE AMD PICKET FEIICE- mproved Combination. ratentod May I'.', MiO. No. 277,877. Wir- and Picket Farm Fonco and Kachina for its Manniactu:e. The Clteapoat and Moat Perfect Fence in I'ae. Pg Tieht, Horse High, Cattle Strong; STEEL & WOOD INTERWOVEN. nsbcHftsoN's 1 1 r,3 Celebrated Vnablan Cninloeoe tA I'j OCUT CDCC Pr"S aud hum. I"?r?J OtNT rnfctmer.lte.ivadyMarel t mu. i.n.,Mn-M. Ulualralea and lista'y thliikforlllea', "Ch'W'1"' ami iniania- near tOMKla, at tirleea loieer tl'an '.""J',',;1,'! Iioiiieintne i,onei .hi lafuci ion iruuro'.'A.S fioi.l.,1. II. I'. K. MICH At. t-ON, (ith Avo. Jk. JUlli bl., i till. Eye, "Ear, Keetal and Nervous Diseases. Dr. J. B. pTlKINGTON, SurL'eon 0 cilist an i Snccilist. As aliove, tinda hli herttli ifl.proved by travol hn. mid now hiinouiuea that be will nintiuue tiia monthly vieita to the Upper Willamette t .. n ...... tn ....IllU Will meet patient at, St Charles Hotel. En line, from 3 p. in. iV.mIiimIh, '2. -III. TIllirndHy, immediately tnllowiiii; the lirt Monday of each month. Have over one hundred cures to refer to. and ,v aatnplea rfive the followiiii!: II 1 II. ....I li-L-iiiir Vft I from ItliiiilnoH. Jaatl Cherry, AllwAy, ionmlryiiian, rrntored from IHitMiiea. , 1; liatuiiv. Esu. r OeltenuKer, juma- Imr", 1 W Itond. lrin, M K Juilkiiis, j:u ....... K'tiotiil i in'j.e.i 11.'.., . l.irifH niniiber of cases of Piles. C1....W Viwure nnd Fiatula. either cured or uettini! well after years of iiuavailim; treat liieut witll tutting oper.tlions nine iauen. A ilress, Hit. .T. B. PILKINCTON. Portland, Oregon. fie nsii fllllE KIV.KNK MILL COM r A N Y 1 hen-by take the plcoiure uf annoutic iiif that they wil! lake "WHISAT at siy aiarehouaa north of Euens City in rschani: for FLOUR, MILL FEED, ETC., at 'heir null lu Eugene. Tlx Company take wheal recripte, prer!y signed to them, and ive credit to the owner ol the ame on null bwka for the amount in buahelt. V. F. k CO. Julv S.I. I"1 alMbn f. .... r...... .i t., .i.'ht wira Interwoven aolhlly, with from forty to fotty hve ln:lit wiHiilen alat to the ll, thus piinliii'ini: a teiiee that will hold all stock, from the smallest pi to the lart-eat U-at. It ia the imwt iluratile fen.-e maiie, aa in .liiU are in a Vertical loition, clear of III rmiiiid Them are no liba to cut or maim i.m Ii or tear the wi4 from voiir allien. It is .... . .. ... i . i . n.iiih. tit tne eve s n laiam lemv ami .en tiinea aatn IK'. It will l a aide pressure of from 12, IXH) tn l.i.UW poun.K . . .... .i . It ia woven or maiiiiiaetureii on in p "".. One man and a ly can bi:ild fMtn 4') to IW nala in a day. Farmera can luiild their own f m and ue material that would otherwise le oi or uae.1 aa fuel, and thus save from 100 tn $I.V) ,e. i mile. Wecantvf r tn thmiaanda of farmers in Kansas, low annd Miaaouii wlm are uiif our fi ne. We fd crest pleasure in preseiitinc tbia feiic lo the larniera of l.awe County, till- im;aaitdiieaawanl l-n.-l.-lt. lteiurf practi cat fanner, we know what w'eaay, Knriivnuxl Prociuct tii his Sold. Fir further parlii-uUia apply tn J. P. SWEET. F.uene City, Orejon. AGENTS;: Junction .- .D. C. rHl'iX (Si n pi i (-.- mi Liliilntion.) Infnk' A. liosn Sos.- Farm and lWim t liuht-Rtto, M. MlUKK, ErusMt ClTV. D. K. 1..VK1N. Oeneral, I.Uk-ene. The BfYEHS' C.VIDKtS laaurd Kept, and March, each year. " 31 paRee, 8', 1 11', tnchea,wlthoer 3,633 llluatrmtlona a whole Picture Gallery. UIVKS W holcaaJe Price rfirecl Von-aiiiiier. on all poode for TrVTMnal or fmmr ne. Telia how to tmtrr, and gls exaet coat of Trjr thtnn yon ua, rat, tlrinh, wear, or hare fua with. Thee. I.WALVABLK litMJKS eoutalM Information aileaned from Ihe markets of th world. We w lU mall copy FKe.K lo any ad- npon receipt of 10 eta. to army of mmtltnii. Let ua heavr from lt.rorclfullr. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. ttl & i'.'y Wabaah Avraue, CkHraOi ill. '.T. A. CAKDWEI.L, (leneral Aei.t for Oiepm. XT WITT Vlt. nf llnriisliAr.'. Local Anent tor I. inn and Linn" counties. Call at Chrdweir iV Millera .New furniture n El'C.ENE on ill.m:stto street, and ee prices nml, deafens. DR. SPIMNEI Nit. 11 Keahnf.y Stbekt. TrvatH ull hronic antl SpM Y0lfXGJlIEY TTTHOMAY Y, SUFFEIMNO 1 V The. elfects of Voiithful Wlies or til ' T .... . :i .1.-.. !......(- cretnui will no wen in avnii vnemai-i the "reatei-t hnntl ever laid nt th" niter of ....:. i lit! Kl'lXNIY will i mini; oiiooi.n..,. - - - nntee to forfeit 50 for eveiy case of hell ivpskness ir iirivaie llleio-e oi en.r a.H Ll..m....r which he undertakes and fab HIJUILK MiV.n Mf.S There are uniny at the t;e of thirty t . who are'h-il with inn irequeui. e" tions of the Madder, often iircnnipsliinl t slight smaitiiiK' or biiriiinrf sensation. w!eakeiiiii of the system in n way the pat i liinot iivcoiiiit for. On exaniinins the iim deposits a ropy aednmiit will nlti-n i I1' anil mmetiliiea small paiticles of iilhilnrn a.bear, or the color wnl be ot a tliin, hffi, lim fiiniipjuus to n tia'K aim - peariiHre. There aie many intn who this dilliciilty, feiinrnnt of the cause, wliif' 1 ........ ..f iii'.l u-MiiL-IIi-mL r vol- iM-coilil rm.r "i .. ....... vHII iinaranlee a perfect cure iu smdi cas a healthy restoration ot ine k'tiiiueuni". ' i oi;... 1., .or. -Ill In 4 and C to K M 10 to 11 a in. Consultations free. Tliopn?1 iiiuinntion and advice, lIt. SIMXXKY A CO, Xn 11, Kearney Street, San Fran- II AUY LAMP CHUOTEYS AP . - .iaa o-icroci lor saie represeuiw a v.i Xrt yi Aiia P22LRL TOP BfX TIIEY Notice for PublicMion. OKI!- drce yoa. CE-ENN1AI. LIVELY SI'AIU.h-J. J Kat- r, j nv Fir clp T ame, liuPvie.etc . . . - .' .r-...-lrt r,ts liar An 1 FIRES Extiiiutiiahed every day with the Hiywad H nd Gmad s, Save j our hnmea, your prciwrty and your lives. I ake no oilier, lie mire yon ei me Havward. (I -I lWvht, 124 Market St., S. F. " .1. M. HFNDUICKS. Airt. Ei.-eue T AND CFKICE AT KOSEIIUKC XJ un. Feb 11th, ltwi. Notice is hereby nitn that the followiss named settler has tiled notice of his iiit'litiort I ... f i.. .., I.i. .I.ii,, un,t l' 111. lh r 1 1 ill I 'i ". oi i-1 1 ,'i" . .. . - that said uroof w ill be made before the Clert of tlie Count v Court of Lane Coi nty, Oreor!; at Eiiuene City, Oreom on Momiav, .March tW, 1MS7, vis: m II eutlieraon. i re-enr-tiou D S No "inSl, fr theS of S EL and S A of S W L Sec 9. l'l. 18 S. i U West. V M. lie iruiies the fnliowiin; w itnesses to prove his con inuoii resilience upon, and cultivation of Slid land. A P Knowles. (leo O Know les, Harper Wi.rkiiian, John Wilson, all of Seaton, I.nne countv, Or. CHAH. VV. ."OHSSTDN, liKiatrr. 3 SZ KM U SI awaaa a m ... . .. ...e.u.lncktl j.i: . itiiu UIM'VUIIIVO..- I IUutiwUabl. I.ASTIXO QuaUU1 NoTice for Pubiication. Krick! Brick! Brick! 1rT QfALITT or BKICK SECT CONeAMlT 6 hand. Will richanw bru k f..r all kinds of farm rAlnee. Kiln ami resident at Wal lia UlittiV " miles VVet of EtweSe. Brtvk ihliverTrft iuiniediStelv nn reoeipt of onler. joh mtvuToitn. A. V. retera,-Affent, Kuireiie, Land Okhik at KiwrnrRn. Or , Jannarv 2.", 1SS7. f N'OTICE IS UEKEItY tilVEN THAT the f. il'iowiii.' n.imeil settler has tiled n.-ticw of his iiiti-ntion to make final proof in sv.j'ivrt of hi claim, anil that said pnsif will lie nude More the CVrk of tlie County Court t 1 jme C.emtv, Or., at hitmen City Or., on Tueitlav, Mu roll S, l.wN7, vi':' aiua S Pa ker. ?re emptiotiD S, N .V!17, for the E J of S F. a, Sec VI, I'p 17 S, It 10 est, W M. ami lot No 4, aid S E of S W L Sec 7, Tp 37 S, K 0 VV est. VV M. He mine the follnwinir witnesses to prnve h' coii'innon resiilem-e upon. Bml cnlti Ration ..f ...i.i I.....I vi-i. Vr.nb P.ri.tou. IrtH.roe Clarno, Eli Pialu-.p, Howard I'ojie, all uf Deail wwal, Lane Countv. Or. 1as. W. Johnston, Kei.ter. Keynote to HMtrt. Health ia wealth. Wealrtr irrar iretfn-lem-. The keynote ia 1C I'.iratiko'a Coii.-h and Lull.' Svmp, the liet CoiikIi Svrup in the worM Ciirva I iiu.-h, (Vtlda, Pains in the Cheat. Lron. lulls an-t Primary C "ri,- .VI renta an-i Jl. CATAKKH rnth nnirrsi. SURVEYING. -w ten rcTici icnrn T Avn 1l.r.-T i- .-.....'... -. ......... J nieasnred and diiid.d. G.-adea ami drains Ipvellesl. Kate rraonbl-. Call at . ,W .. l....ii:.. I . 1 ...n.i.1 ... in veil uno . "iiiir "v i-.w ,. m .t, of McCor-! t.ark Collirr'a tusikatore. II H C01.I.IKR. Cnnntr Rurvevnr. Notice for Publication. Iand OrTicE at T!wrtit Fo. Olt, ) Jannarv 2-Vri, 1S7. I 1T0TICF. TS IlEKEUY CIYEN THAT XI the following named aettlnr has tilexl notice of hi intention to niake final proof in sutiport of bis claim, and that said pnvifwill be ma le lefi re the Clerk of the County Court of line Cn, Or, at Eocene City, Or. or. Tnea day, Mrrrh 8, 1W, ir: Solomon I. DotMin, Pre er.-.ption 1 S, No .-!!. f..r the IaU 4 and 5. Sec 29, i 1. 17 S. II 1 VV e.t. VV M. j fie narnea ine louowinn aunr.. in pno. I hi ciitinuona resiiieniv iiii. and rultiiation of aaid land. ii: Anatiii Priduen. P ConleT. S C l'.rant"D. K M, all of Camp rr,tOcU 3D.1SS3. Tiio PEARL TOP t Hanufnctiircd 0L 4 n -e arm , T 1 A . I'l l Xali liiiuii ADiKISTATORS KOli XTTICE IS ITEKEHY GIVES J i the umlersfened, M M CJillespi'.. I.y the ( Wty Coiitt of Ine Count?. and Ihe Jtidtfe thereof, dnlv app','';,5 of the estate of Ma'.llda .lrut- .nvan.l all nersotu harm' or claims against said estate are "M quiivd to present the same (i, vouchers within aix months I"1 u OerrMlI, V Tnr Pall'i ntinnii''-' ottice af S W Condon, in Focen fit' County, Oreifon. Dated Feh 5, 1W. IL M. Auull"" CUKF.D. he'h sa l weet " ; j 8 C Lrant-.n. K M Bi.wei be Shdoh ( Catarrh Krtne-ty. "HAI JIKIA' v a laaune ana irajract t-rrea, une onnxv, nr. f'L " ' .,wt , - f"-" "- etnta. I tXiSW. JoBJSTOS, r.iir. aJ GE0.r.CBl pOSTOFFIt"1 t. rit. OfH