T iTjTANP COUNTY. BRIEF JIK.VnOSS. Vol gooi dentistry go to Dr N J Taylor. Co0j, mid cheep for cash at Matlock's. Gru seed boutflit and sold at Gldiuiith'i. Vktlok uverythirtir at the lowest price A gn. btof Eastern hats J tut received at The Mgh' CM" P""'08 wiU Pd for wheat bt PB Dunn Eighty acre o' lad for ! Inquire of D H Coleman. jtltck will Py the highest price for ,lliod of fur. tL.ierDh finished neatly and rtisc ticJIy t Wiuter'i. Jfstlock U receiving a large line of new drew goudt. Give lain mil doe liue of lilk plushea in all shades ,,4 grade at F B Dunu'e. Hot aed cold l aths every day in the week t Jttf Horn barber shop. "Yoa eao purchase Waltham watche at J 0 Watts' 'roin $10 and upwards. fob-urn mnwere can be purchased at the tore J Priwhett & Forkner for Hl). If yna want hard wars at reasonable price call at tlio store of Prituhett k Forkner. Get your bed ronin acts, lounges, nut tresses and furniture of Day & Heudersou. Johnson grau and red and white clover for -J, , Robionon 4 C'huroh'. hardware .Sore. Mr Geo F Craw has the sole n-ncy for all brand of the celebrated Tansil Punch Cigar. Sterling Hill keeps in stock an excellent niortment of good readable works, (Jive tim a call. Call a4. S II Fricndly'a store forfmts, caps, and clothing, and all kinuTb of geDral merchandise. 8 II Friendly wwlics to see you, for de proposes to pay tr,p boat umKcK price for all kinds of produce. If yna are in want of agricultural machin ery of any kind, remember that Mr J M Hendricks kecs a full assortment. &rie No 1 hop land for na'e cheap. A ,Uree liart clear and ready for plantintr. v Geo. M. MiLLf a. Matlock has just received from Chicago the fiaest line of dress goods ever shown in Eu gene. Ladies', examine them. Goldsmith pay for beaver $2 to $3 20 per ' rjonnd. Mink and conn, 15 to SO eta. Fisher and otter, ?i to $5. Mr J 0 Matlock his this week received a large invoice of dry goods direct from the maim faa urci io the Eust, wMch he will sell at prices that will astonish all. Call at lus store and be ftatialied. TrlB WIFE. MOTHER ai MAID who auffsrs from Female Weakness ami Debility, will find Giliuore's Aromatic Wine A positive care. SulJ by Oshuru and Co., druggist. OXKOFTIIE MOST NOTED aV.snpcan physicians said: NeiiisMa whs the praverof a diseased nerve for healthy lilooiU Use Uil miire's Aromatw Wine for the blood; Supreme Court. ' The following casus are on tho Supreme Griirt docket tor tho Murcli term from the et'tinnd dis'triut : ' 4v i SUjwart, adms app, vs J V C'lrltn and Lanra Coibus, i'psj Mppnal fion lien ion vuoty. John N U"vd, rpup, vs James Harpole, app; appea1 from Lsne countv. htate of Oregon, resp, vs V S Johns, app; appeal from l.aoo eouoly. R 0 rtuine, rcsp, vs It W Clarno, app and F W Clarno, (Ml; appeal fron Curry I'o. Mar ft Joreiisoii, app-, vs J W M.ijor, fesp; appeal Iroiti l.ane county D.iuglss t-i.onty, nip, vs Thus Clark tt n'; aop; appia1 from Douglas county, 'linui Bel tils, app, H' Flint, r.s appoal from l)"iiiilas county State of Oregon ex rcl, A J Ko"tt, admr. resp, rs S V and Klirulieth, and W K and E Sl'raKi, app; appeal from Doujas county. Labra laiikin, resp, vs tlie Oregon I'acilic K R company, app; appeal from Kenton Co. C W Sanford, resp, va H W Sandford, app; appeal from Coos county. i M Kerry, resp, vs Sol King and John It Lewis, app; appeal from Kenton county. Starve Out Creek Items. Douglas C'oUi.tv, March 4th. t have had the hardest winter known here for yeara. The fcliow has been about 24 itfehee deep this aeiJon, but we have line weather now Ond the snow is going olf very fast, will all be gone in a few days. Every body about here has fend, but if we have another" bad spoil there will be a lot of slock die. One-half of the Green Mountain ledge bus changed hands and the t company have taken possession and have commenced op erations. They are working day anrt night. It is lepnrted thot the ledge is 5 or (i feet wide now. They have ben tryinn to get 20 tons of the rock hauled to the railroaiT to ship' ft to Portland to test it, but at last ae oorfnta thev had failed. They ollVred f!2 Dei ton and the lowest bid was $I.x The man was un there toolav. but I do not know Whether the came to terms. Some talk of a! mill hmnif in there soon, and a nuiier i in Jfrculatinn now for a county rout Jo that edge. Mr Mi?er is at work with ' his by draulio,- Mr liglow is Mill on the mountain and thinks he has eoniethiity pretty goed. This is bound to be a lively place in the near future. There are several claims on the Green Mountain that limy be openea up in the spring, and they may be found very rich when teated. FiKE. Th Emma Heath Company. Thia popular dramatic company will giVe two entertainment in Krigene at lihinehait's Hall, next week commencing Friday The company consists of nine members, and come" with first cla-a recommendations from the press in towns where they have plaved. Oeneral admission SO cents, reserved seats 75eenta! at (Vain Kma. A larie audience will doubtless witness these excelleut per formances. Importari. Notice The ladies of F.ugeoe City are notified that Will Ahpel, of Portland, of the well knou tillade Paris Srm, is at Kaker sh- tel parlor, to-day, with a full line of samoles of novel- j tie in spring goods for ladies, including ailks, telveta, dress giMiils, Jerseys, trim nings. Ladies are invited to call ami in spect the stick whether ti.ey 'ish to pur chase or not. Kemember, at the Baker ho tel parlor. Fabmers Tare Notice. A good dinner can had at Baker's Hotel f.T 2.) cvnta. Puxoroa Sit-A fee nd hard rhino al noat new for sale fcct. cheap. Inquire at thia of School Meeting. The annual school mettiug of District No 4 tnet at the Court House on Monday. March Tth, 1387, Win Smith, Chairman presiding. The clerk, E P lleuderson, subniitUd his report as follows: RECEIPTS. Dal on hand at beginning of school y-r Amt. ree'd on I list tax during year. $ 109 08 2335 4b A ink ree'd on county scIhhiI fund for.. year Amt. ree'd on state school fund for year Amt. ree'd f i urn tiiitiou.. Na!e of i lint '. Ki'iit of piano 1523 00 631 00 . m 00 ,. 0 00 . 14 00 . 7 SO 1'rof Patterson's entertaiuuieiit. . Total Keceipts .$4711 04 IMSUl'KxtMtNTS. Amt pd teachers during year $3.V'i.1 00 Amt paid janitr I'lerk s commission Amt paid on Christian lot lucideuUl Total disbursements. . , Balance on hand LSI) 00 . 411 . 150 IN) . 179 0.' .$4!!04 02 40U o.' On motion of J J WulUin report of clerk was approved. J II McClung was elected director and E P Henderson was elected clerk for the ensuing vear. We take from the clerk's report he follow ing statistics: No. between 4 and CO years old..'... HflO No. enrolled in public school H78 Average daily attendance 3-4 No, t' ai'liers employed 7 No. attending private schools No. not attending school 119 Nm iiioih Ii nleio i-hMl , , , 9 No. months private school '. . . . 7 No. private schools 2 No. voters in district. 37b' l,t Value school buildings. ....... .$11,(KM Villi behind furniture 300 Valu ' apparatus 7" S.ihiry male teacher per month M) Siilny female teachers per I ith .... 4.) Kru'iiches taught. Orthography, reailinR, peliiiianship, arithm tie, geography, pliysi csl geogiaphy, English grammar, U.S His tory, pliv-ioloy, liook keeping, science ol govcruinciit, algebra. Commissioners Court. The commissioners court for Lane county met Wednesday, March 9th, at tho Court House, present Judge S Wadibunie, Com-mi-sloiiers A N tirecn, U 11 Day, Sheritl J M Sloan, Clerk Joel V are. In tho matter of the petition of A J Chi chester and others for comity road com mencing at tho Kig Fall Cn ek t bridge ami running up saidajnik, it was ordered that t.eoM Neet, A D Hylaod ami Jiwbua Tay lor be appointed viewers and C M Collier, surveyor, and that they meet to view and survey said mad, March 22, 18S7. Il as ordered that See IS, T 17 S, R 6 W, be taken from lioad Dirt No 5l and added to 34 lioad aupcrvimrs were appointed as fol lows: District No 2. A Vilkins;7, FS Cnwan, l.'i, DC Kaiigliinan 1(J. K liver; 25, Chas lladley; 28; J N Lu per! 32, Henry Yates; 41, C II Sew.ll; 42. B S Hylaml; 44, U Yates; 48, ) V Sneridan; 411, Jesse Kaston; 55. A Ine; "!, Kli rtishop. jn the matter of the application of J K Sturtevaut for road ot public ease.nent through the land of Daniel Yates. John McCuilough, . HI Yates, and Oeo Hadley wsre appointed viewer to view said road and assess the ihm igna that the fcarties . wning the land through which said road would pass should sustain, and to meet aud perform said duty March 24th. In the matter of the application of Henry M Kelly and others lor county road in I'lea ant Hill precinct, K "lit Calhson, H 8 Kris t..w and J ! Mitchell appointed viewers and C M Collier survevor. At this time on the petition of J L Smith and ni eteen others the upper partoi Spring lield precinct on the Willamette river was ni oil imd formed into a new precinct to be called Jasper. At this time the court purchased the farm ..f O U Beau I mile belt w Ku.e e consist a; o 160 acres for a poor farm pijing t o reior 44800, In ing at the rate of fc'.'IO per acre The usual allowances were made for the term. From the Stock Ranges. Albany Herald: From a letter dated March 3d, received by James Flkins, of this city, from his son at Priiieville, the following information is obtained, which shows severe losses among stock in that locality: The writer has just re turned from Gi iri.lstone, and in that vicinity as welll as all al-tn: Swamp creek the snow is knee deep to a hoie. 'I lie hbh points ae bare. Air Kikins' cattle, whi"h are uiostlv steers. wiH go through with small loss but cows rtml young cattle are dy ing rapidly. IK islet II os ami Win Foster had each M head of cat tle up feeding, lint run out of feed and wi'J le heavy losers. Thomas Powell will also luce manv horns" unless the sn w (.o off tioii. Samuel I'ompton near Prineville has lost fiOO sheep and Kiddwin and Kr'wii think their lnss will reach 1000. Wm llawes has a band of 24M sheep, and of these 1000 have died. Hun dreds of dead cattle are ti b . counted on the rm 'es, esierially about the head of the river. Hay was sellinu during the early winter at 810 uttil the Inst few days, anil now none can lie Uiikdit. Evervlsiily who have horses in Prine ville are out ot hry and have put their stock in ilo. livery stahle. The last hay that was sold there brought ?5 a ton. At preset it is c.mi and some snow is falling, but is ineJiig as faH as it falls. AsPHVXIal'F.tV-Sir Charles Cunningham, in KolIisIi noblemao. stopping at tho (iil- man house, rang a triple bob in ijor on his r-.n lu.nt o I'l.t.iuk vestenlav morninff. The night clerk tleW to his risim, and found him speechltssand with only strength enough left to send in an alarm. It seems that N Gillmore, a hotel irtan from Junction City, who occuoiel the next room to Sir Charles, i, ...i .... rMiiii'nir IiIomii out the gas in his roni. After enounh had escaped to asphyx iate him the deadly stuj wandered into Sir r, .,''' I hail orettv near done for him when' he awoke anduccee.led in giving the alarm. Thj ib-rs aft. I wimlows ot tl rooms mere thrown open, sod fresh air soon r-.f..r.l them to consciousness. MrOilmore who has has not seen his friends at tho Fast for 3." rears, left on the Atlantic express yesterday afternoon. During the trip he mil patronize hotels where coal nil is used. As for Sir Charles, if be cannot have a wh.de hotel to himself he will camp'out during the remainder of his stay in Oreg- n. An un loaded gun is not a more daierons thing than the man from the country who snuffs out the gai. Oregooian, March 10th. Dim- Mrs" Mary E lleuderson died in this M.nh 7th. of childbed fever She was a dan 'liter of Roht Miller of I.inn Mcntv, and at the time of her death was near ly i" years of a-e. She leaves to the care of her b'ivave.1 husliand two children, aired re siertively the one about 18 months and the other about 10 days. Th funeral t..k place it the CnnilMf land Presb)terisn Church Wed n,Mlay affrno-in to the Odd Fellow's eeme- fT , 1 lie ".. ' i Ihv of their numerous friends in thia their aad affliction. ; Foa Sale.-1-V) h.ts in all parts ol Ei Eueen I ity wun aoo -.uu. u-...-. suit In Memoriam. "O dark death an. -el messenger of woe! 1 The'g'eanilug march' thou lovest well is thine, A hriitht young life is withered Death thy blow; The rstket pure, the fair ami tittinn shrine Of earth's best gem-a fresh unsullied heart. Lies rent and ruined neath thy ruthless dart." The sorrowful tidings of the death of Miss Ora . Armitagt), which occurred at the family residence near Kugene, on the 1st lust., sad dened the hearts of a wide circle of friends ami a ipiaintauces; but to none did the mournful inullivnee brim; mors heartfelt sorrow thau to the in matea ol the Sacred Heart Academy Salem, by whom the deceased was so Wtlj known and loved. Teachers and achotduiate were deeply grieved on bearing of the sad event, which, beiiur mitxpect'il, cam with j crushing force and cast a klooni over the eutire I tchisd. Scarcely a mouth hail rolled by since the i:irtin.' words were sunken for Ora was ' iroini home hut not one susnrcted that shs was so rapidlv nearin.' the j.iiirney's end that broutflu her to her Heavenly hmr.e. No one j thought that the vacant rliair anvVk in the ' class room would so soon be t""ed with tns cypress of sorrow, while the silunt tear (if . teacher ami e asr mates lmi.1 a mute but eliHient tribute to the memory of the dear dep.iitfl, of wIiofi it mht bd truly said, "None knew her hut to love her, None named far but to praise," Gentle, affectionate, and highly gifted by natrire, it is uo surprising that her sweet siinty disposition wound itself round the hearts of tTio'ie in whose Wiunry her naiuie shall ever be k-Vt green as the verdure with which spring will (..sin deck her early grave. Kecalliru; the many amiable qualities that enriclitil the cliar as-ter nf the deceased, earthly voices whisnr, "how sail to cull so lovely a flower." Hut Heavenly messengers answer, "Tie well to gather it for the uar.lin of the Kuni em the chill blast shoul.l eulty tt..flr cnrmUaj." To the members of the bereaved family,, particu larly Miss Ella Ainiitage, a graduate of the Sacred Heart Academy, and sister of our departed classmate, we extend affectionate con' ilolence and sympathy. The loved ones yet in eit left, The aorrow-stricken band, The household group of joy bereft liy ruthless reapers' .hand Shall still in closest, un'ou blend, And o'er that path of prayer, With fearless f.sitsteps shall ascend The angel guarded stair, Until beyond its gol.leii nates, The gathered llock shall see , The "p tores fair" where love awaits lU glad eteruity. Clam or '87. SACitro Heart AcAnm, Sai.m. 1 Okeiios, March 7, 1887. J Dexter Pickings. March 10th, 1887 1 Mr W II McCall started to Uilver Lake to-day. Capt Kackus is quite ill with the intimi ties of old age. , Mr and Mis James Stoops, of Clovnrdale, visited relatives here Sunday. Miss Luella Handsaker and Ida Parvin spent two or three days "of this Week in Fu gene. Mr II L Morgan and C L Williams loft here the lirst of the week for Silver Lake via Ashland. ' Mrs E It Hunsaker nf Ashland is visiting with her pareuts, Mr and Mra J M Parker of this place. Mr Thus (.raham has gone into the hop business having leased a part of of Ml E P Williams' yard. , . r ' - Farmers are tauing advantage vif tho sun shiny days, or tho time hotweeu showers, by turning over the soil preparatory to planting cereals. f At the school meeting last Monday Mr L Cruxan was elected director aud Mr Thos Iluusokur as clerk. The achool here under management nf Prof .Morgan, interrupted about three weeks ago and we understand that it will nut be continue.! until April. The achool did not begin at Trent on ao count of a disagreement of some in the dis trict as to the propriety of having more than six months of school during the year. We hear it gently whispered; yea, and we hear it loudlv proclaimed by those who know whereof they speak .that llalyor iii.l not get a partner for the purty last .Satur day night. hy he did not, we, of oorir-e. lo not know, hut woui.i nie mose ot in quiring minds to go to Dexter. u Cv Rennet, of Heppner, formerly of liosheo, underlie k to end his own life nil the 4th inst hy taking strychnine. lie is not expected to recover from tine, effects of the dreadful poison. Kennet had been ail dieted to drinking for some time, and' said that ho was tired of living. This item, will no. doubt, bear sad news to his relatives GodiHii. at Several from hnre attended Connty Coort at Eugene this week for the purpose of se curing an appropriation of money from the county to binlil a urnige across iosi i.roeK near the residence of Mr James Parvin. Worn on the timbers has already begun, and if we succeed in getting the amount of moiiev, which, together with what has been raised I.-y subscription, is necessary, it will soon be erected. U.so Hoo. Tramps. Turin',' the last week the marshal and nlghtwatoh have run in about ten tramis, and the calaWse is overflowing. One of them was informed by some joker that Recorder Shaw was fond of enteitninmeiita Anil that probably his sentence would be uiitiipited if he could entertain that official acceptably i when brought up for trial lis asked permission to recite some poetry, which was frrante.ll Afterwards he sang a song and danced a jig for the delectation of the Recorder who, after waiting patiently for the end, sen'mccd hiia to ten davs or. bread and water. The tramp then propose.! to play the Judge a game of seven rip ti see whether or not the line would lie remitted. Albany Express. From the Albany Herald we take the follow Inir: "It has been stated, unofficially how ever, that beginning April 1st the Albany ex press train will leave Portland at 3 o clock in .i.,i .r i t nrnaeiit. and will arrire in time to take supper at this city and will run as lar s nth as r.oslmri.'. A sieciai train win run, instead of the regular express, between Albany and Ibannn, and the rngins employed for thia puris.se will be used as a yard engine here. The above is not published as authen tic, but tie information was received from a hi oi.r.- and from those in a pcsi-ion to know. 'n Pi..r Ths () 11 Ik N Comiianv and the OtUlilt have given notice that the iu- j ter state coinm-rce law prohibits the issuance t t i . . i :i l i ni.il.ivssi oi iree passes oy raur..i..r-,.. , .i ........... .!... .11 n.... I r'.l nel on or liefore April 1st, as con. Iiators hae ln In structed to uke up all present"'! afirr thr.t date. The O. R ami N and Northerf. Pwitic railroail companies have issued oiiciUrs al'nt gatins all ecial rate contracts after April 1st , t 1 C'LOMrii. Th store of Messrs Ickith 4 ; s,,n waa closed by crulit-rs last Saturday. The firm is indebted aUit HOeO witn assu somewhat above that figure. We bor they I mav I able to resume. Brevities. I Robert Macaire next week, , Kick 18 lbs for f 1 at, KsUr's, Junction. Calico 20 yards for (1 at Bsber's Juno tion. ,, . Climax, 34 eta per 12 pi plug at Kaber's, Junjtiou. - Child of Theatre, the Regiment at Rhiovhart't Extha C. Sugar 17 lbs for fl JuuolioQ, at Baber'a, B IS. B R Friday night. Don't fail to lee it; very funny. -r The river has st..n!l from ekdit 'to ten feA above low wwter mark this week. Read the ail. of A. GnlJaiuith in the Gl'ARD supplement. He means business. Assessor Huffman has commenced the work of assessing th'a county for the year lSitf. Kathleen sMavimnieen Friday night at Rhinclurt'a Theatre. Admission, So eta. Weather permitting, the Firemaua Rai d will give an Open Air Con&rt this evening. Jams Dates announces that lie will have charge of the Hadley horse "Cooqueror," tiiia Seaaou. The Nellie Royd company played hare two nights to light houses. They deserved patronage. .New Magdalene will be pUyed by the Emma Heath Dramatic aud Comedy Com pany next week. If you wUh to prosper advertise In the Qi'AKO. W'ehsve a circulation that reaches every part the county. The IT. S. Pension office has increased the pensinu of James lieeb of Eugene and Albert P. Know lea of Florence. Mr Chas Witter is a candidate for City Marshal at the coming city eleetiou. See his notice in another colnmu. SniiNU Hats, and dry goods now no the way will positively be Mold at Portluud prices, Ruber's, Junction. Habkr of junction will pay cash for pro duce, or trade you merchandise at a lowor fig ure thau anybody iu Lane Co. Spring and summer silks and satins latest shades and styles at Portland prices alter March 1.1th, Bab'urs, Junction. Charley Woods writes from Dayvillei Grant County, that he is herding sheep on the shares. He reports waes at ?J0 to $4.) and lots ol worn. , We call attention to the advertisement of Miller Bros, seedsmen nf Portland. They ere reliable aud prompt iu business. The Supreme Court will appoint Mr Claude Thayer clerk nf the court Hon. L rilyeu was an applicant and strongly recommended, but nepotism curried the day, (iive Rettman a call aait examing his large and well selected stock before purchasing elsewhere. He pays the highest market price for all kinds of farm produce Soencer Rutte Nursery fruit trees for sale at John Brown's on Eighth street near Presby terian church, or leave orders! with McCluAg and Johnson. Two year old Kartlvtt pear trees for aaleby the uumlrc.l cheap, Lane County Totnona Grange will meet with Grand Prairie Grange Saturday, March 19th, at 10 A. at. A good attendance ia desired. ' J. C. JKNNINU8, W. M. Char. Hiiffmann, Secretary. , Ws are informed that Mr O I' Christie!.!, nf this place, who waa Uken to the insane asylum, is no tk-tter. and at times is violent. A few days ao he laid out one of the attendanta by striking him on the head with a oiib board. The governor has appoiuted O W Walker, ' Pendleton, to the newly creatail judgeship in the sixth judicial district Walker ia a prominent voimi; lawver of Pendleton, and his appoint ment was stroimly nrwl by the bar of that city. Now that the county has bought a poor farm greater bargains than e yr will be of lered Ly Rettman in the way of ladies' dress onmls. men's ami children's clothing, aud iu fact all gooda usually kept ia a well appoint ed store. , Tits Emma Heath Dramatic Comedy Com pany . play a two nights engagement at Khineharte Theatre commencing Friday ou lit "o which occasiou Kathleen Mavour iiC'bu Will be productd. t The next regular meeting of the Eugene W U T U will be held on Wednesday, lGtb i,.t ntlp. u. at their hall on Ninth St A full attendance is particularly requested, as business of importance ia te couie Detore tl the Union. ,, Mhs. C. J. Condon, President Srnv.Y Recommenukd. Replying to an innuirv. the Uuiteil States board of engirt vers has informed Senator Dolph that the report of the preliminary survey of the mouth of the Sinslaw river has been received . that Maior Jones.' in bis repot t. states thut aanl preliminary airvey justifies a fur thi r and more careful sirvey. It , is proba ble that the latter will be made during the coming summer. The Fair. A meeting of the J'.oard of Directors of the LatiOoiiitT Agricultural Association was held last Monday in this chy. Superintendents of divisions were appointed as tollowe: A David Stanton. 11 ( it Chrisinau. 0- K F Powers. D -Jas Stevens. K John SiuiMon. F-J ! Jennings. ' (J-Miss Mary McMurray. H Mrs Martha Kuoy. 1- Mrs T J VaUghan. JlMrs Sam'l Nelson, j 2 -Mrs Thos Craig. K Miss Rose Raxtcr. L 8 G Thompson. M M F Kerns. . N-FT Havheld. O-Miss Frankie O.lclL t P A C Woodcock. H Mrs T M Jackson. Speed EP. Lackey. Purses for races during the fair aggregate nearly ?700! being double the amount hereto fore given- For the oiie half mile race, lst two in three, ?1.V) for first and tfi5 for second 1. ..er-r-,1- for the mile trottinir. beat three ill Hu. for first and M5 for second. The fair ...II 1 th WrdnesilaV ill Sept after til State fair, and prwraises to be the bast Jet held y. Lj.ly ,u coluvjt, fmpr've'rrSenti! Mr. I. I Caror'!!, of the Guard, went t Portland this week to purchase a power press for use in this ..Hioe. The circulation of the (ii'AKI) has become so lar-' that the old hand press requires t" mu. h tlm to make it profit atila. 1 he newsoaiier and I'di press will I run i,y p,,Wer obtaine.1 from a motw, run by water Irum the mains ..f the Water Co. Personal. Andy Titus Is in town on a visit Judge Walton vls'ted Salem this week. Hon R B Cochran paid Salem a visit this week. Blanche Fitch returned from Portland Wednesday. . Hon L F Lane of Koseburg paid f ugene a visit this week. - Mrs H V, HumphreV has gone on a visit to Eastern Oregon. Mr Dayo Hendricks of the Salem Statesman waa in Eugene this week. Messrs J U Alexander and Gen Alexander have returned from Yaipilna Ray. - Lark Bilyeu visited Salem the first of the week aud went to Grant's Pass Thursday. W acknowledge e pleasant call from Mr Mulsaaca of the Emma Heath company. Genial I N Nicklin has been with us this week We will devote a page to him in the future. Miss Mary Potter, who has beon visitim,' friends in Portlaud the past week, returned Wednesday. W II Gore, of the class of '86, passed through Eugene Wednesday afternoon on his way home from W T. F B Dunn took a trip this week to meet his daughter from Couiieville, W T. She comes on a visit to her olil home. Junction Items. March 10, 1887 merchant, went L N Edwards, our to Portlaud .Tuosday. Gib McFaddeii aud wife of Corvallis came up on la-t Friday's train. Charley Houck of Corvallis paid his brotl er Al a visit Wednesday . Mr Gilmoro our veteran hotel keeper veut East un a visit last Mouday. . , The reported marriago of Price Gil more be ia sorry to say, not true. Rev T F Rcyal of Monro preached an iu- terestiLg Sermon last Sunday uveutng. Misa Fantiio (irigga of Independence is paying her sister Mrs Dr Lee, a visit Miss Hughes of Oregon City, a cousin ol rice Gilmore is visiting relatives here. Misa Tressa Akers, who has been visiting her parents returns to Iudcpeudeuuo Satur day. Arthur Quick and Johnnie Dovia of Mon roe were up ou suuJay evuuiug uuslueas last week. Mr J M Sholley was among the transient visitors to our town, aud W 11 HoUmau of. our town Thursday. Sam Witllrow and Stewart nf your city did not need to mask to represent gen- tlemeu at the hall last V inlay night. Last Monday's school election resulted: Ol Fred Folsom (re-elected) Thus Milliorn, ami Win Lee, directors; J M Reehe, clerk A g.snl indication of proper school adiiiiuis tration for the future. A cripple visited us the past week and met with comparatively speaking a just re buke; fur the simplu reason that the people who are thus . afflicted are worthy of assistance, but the L'eutleinan referred to has sullicwnt to pmvule himsull with all necessary comforts, therefore a hospital ugli.t to be hie liuuiu. After Monday next this will be the tet minus ol a division. Regular schedule tune will not bu chan.cd but the eng lie bringing uu the Portland tram will rest here over night and will return next day; that ooinii g from liosehurit .the tame. Building of round house aod other probably follow, ' improvements will Spencer Butte Items. March 8, 1887. The beautiful snow has left us. , We understand Mrs Win Wanton ia quite tck. .Harry Dunn accidentally cut his foot this morning. Mr Frank Wanton is talking of leaving us soon for Harney valley. Mr Osburn, the dairyman, has lost several cattle during the storm. Mr Gnome Rreedinir. of Lowell, is working for bis brother-in-law, Mr J W tox. Mr John Wanton Is at work for Mr Watkins, the proprietor of the St Uiarles hotel. Civile Marks, a hoy who is livlnir at Mr Far riiik'ton's, got his foot badly cut one day last week. The citizens of district No !U5 met at the school house March 7th, ami elected Mr John Dunn director aud J W Cox clerk. ItLl'I Rkllk. Found. A bunch of five keys. The own nr can have the same by calling at this office and paying for tin notice. Wanted, About 300 cord of wood cut. Apply to T D Linton, oue mile north of Eugene, for particular. ' BE I 1.1 Vi i, 'iV'i' v- 'laf jjk ,1 HATH OF THE VERY LATEST STYLES Our assortment of Newest Shspes for Fall and Winter Is very Large, and all are of first class quality . . Suits Made to Onier, ' Fit Guaranteed. No TROUBLE to' SHOW Goods. J. AV. CHEUUY, AValtou's Brick. Goshen Gossip. , - . . ; March 0, '67. ' ; Farmen anxiously awaiting the "clearing up." Rev II C Wallace failed to put In an appear ance at the pulpit hers Sunday. i " Aunt Winnie Davis, of pleasant Hill, i visiting n lativea here this week. Some hounds chased a coyote Into the village I ist week, which caused note little excitement It was killed by Lee Matlock. A subscription list to raise funds for betiding fence, etc, on the school premises is now hang ina.le. We trust all residents of the district will freely contribute, as these are well known lo be esseutiah - ' i 1 1 At our school meeting Monday. G M Dillard and J W Matlock were re-elected to the offiuea of director and clerk, and J D Hampton waa aa director to fill the vacancy caused by the acancy of I a id Ehy. Tax for buildin? fence did not pass. The Spencer correspondent asks in a recent issue. "What young man .f the vicinity of U.ishen went sparking last Sunday?" We "tike the floor" to say if any one went on such an errand he waa not of this vicinity, for 'tie one of the "lost arts" among us, and wa wans, the questioner to present the public with no more such reproachful insinuations. s Henry Matthews' little two-year old daughter while in the yard one day last week, was sud denly attacked hy a vicious cow that iinma, diatelv turneiluis.il Mrs M when she attempted )o rescue her child, and but for the immediate apis-aranre of Mr Gardner on the soens one or Isith would ierhai have received fatal wounds, I'ortumitely the timely presence of Mr W saved them from serious injur v. Mr Matthews wae at the time sick in his bed. e Items scarce. MrsJ W Matlock Is convalescent Mrs Chas Bennett has been quite sick for some time. ... It is too bad they always give me away to my wile.- Is K li. ' I'll whin the first man, woman or child that says wood to me. L G. 1 believe I like him better than his brother. fur he is such a litiloXmtiie. J e. We expect a wedding in the near future, for the Belle hath more charms for him now. - Messrs Wilson and Dority are making a great many Improvements in their creamery. ' ' Mr Jaa Keenev and family, of Jasiier. were visiting f i lends and relatives at this place this week. I know what her huyinir so much cloth indi cates, she don't intend foi me to sleep so cold, next winter.-Li. ' ' I can't see wh? that colored porter thinks t am flirting with him, for Fred would be jealous if I did. I waa only waving at Billie J e. Spoopinutir. Waltervile Items. Snow has not yet disappeared.' ' ' ' ' Several head of etwk died during the recent cold weather. .. .. 1 Mrs Couy has been very nick but Is reported better. .... Several immigrant have arrived here from the East lately. ; It is with reirret that w chronicle the death. of our restiected oiticen, Mr Win Allen, who departed this lite eeu..ntn, ioo. ins uo ceased waa at the time ef his death eighty-two years, elevtn mouths and S days old and ia. well known In this oountv where he has resided, since m. lie hue long lived a faithful Chris Win and leaves a wife aad ten clill lren to to mourn bis death. . 1 hus one hy one our old pioneers go to rest after a life o! usefulness and liuuur. Us. List ot Letters ,. Remaining uncalled for In the Pnetofflo ak Eugene City, Oregon, Friday, March 4, 1887 1 Trestor, Mort Tersons calling for aame will please give date when advertised. r. w. uhhurn, r. al. Notice. All persons wanting paints, oil and ar rlshes, and other paint material will do well to see Joe Lane at his paint depot - He ha all kinds of paint mixed to order' or in any, other style. Will mix paint to suit buyers, also advice freely given to those to w lab to paint their house. I reiualu yours truly. , Jul LANS. Rowland Bros.,' icOJecfia Penmen. OFFICE-Walton's Block, Eugene City, Or. Announcement. I HEREBY ANNOUNCE MYSELF AS; a candidate (or the office of City Marshal at the ensuing election to be held ou the 1st Monday iu April, 18S7. . ... J. T. WlTTEB. ARE YOU MADE miserable hy Indigee-, tion, Const psMon, Dizziness, Loss of Appe tite, Yellow Skin? Bhiloh' Vitollxer is a pos itivi curs. DISPOSED OF ! ! - OUR BIG STOCK -OF- Brownsville GOODS. . See our remarkably complete and elegani ' new stock at the i . , '. , - . fjrLOWEST IIlIOESJl MensBoys Clothing Ws ? u r r. i : h i n c t Gro. 5L Maun-