of flu Principal Erals Km AttraeUng Publie Interest rtm1'"-,t lhe f liver Two Thou .mod I'eople. n Further di-patches con- ilia erthquukeg iu Southern :llin .tilmtHllhough there have f rther whocks at ice, the D"1' vetBubbhled, and fugi- "C.rr lceinP i" every direction. ' . ,.fmul to re-enter their M01;. hotel, and the bight U B. urAProwdcd with re- 1 TothouBiindEnglih,Ai OREGON NEWS. Evirrthiiif of General Interait ia a dented Form Con- , Amer- ALONG THE COAST. nToted Frlncipally to Wuhingtoe Territory mi California, -nl i Kusrtan vihitoiB are camped ' tn7. i.,vtd irround. Six Uiuu- I:t,,w.r.. l.ffc the citv and rflri. A .on of Albert N. ITwaT. American consul at Nice, HI . .. - .i: ,i.iPKanopa ot Man to The place i8 tilled with thou- t!'f retueees from Cannes, Nice, jB(,I reiuk, it w ditli- fcentune aim ; r - ---- of people, and many of them are m ranin out. A more con- , . f..Plinir. however, prevails. limine h bopn 'l,c,M,cd BnJ t!,e j i ;a iilnviiitr on the terrace for the ! nose of restoring confidence to the i Meacd people. R . the shock bIiow ttmt in UK'f ... , l.,,ilt in miiiiii. e C!,f08 Villain u ... .... . .' i.-prn tonnled into the valley, .in biu . i i t ..a;i,iv trains navo been aw f fund and a number of tjKIKu , ... ., i iinpa hii-fi iieon ten. io uwiri unm l '1 . 1... .... l....... M.llll'lin ROME feians imvo Liicu ivunvu ; the results of the earthquakes, -...urine that the efliicfs were far more C'rioua than was thought. The lo.-s lilife ami destruction of property is !.Wned to have been terrible. The ,t utaitlinir news comes from Genoa l ivierA. Over 1,500 people were killed in that district. At the village of Hiivanlo, situateii at me iop oi a wn, l t !ulin1iitunl.a trail; riv h nuniniT ' i. ,u - -- ire in the churcli wnen ine shocks ra ti rut frit. Suhsenueut and greater .liuln.il thn church, and rji'in'v , . oOOof the people who were in h were The destruction of property a wctioiw of Italy visited iy ine ,.rthntinke was immense and wide- nrot. A renewal of the earthquake shocks h;i occurred in tho southern section ,f France. Xire. Cannes and Mentone are half dwrtcd. Fears are expressed for the wlety of the Prince of Wales and the iUmui nrinces. all of whom are in iu .tion of country wheie the cartlinuakes prevail. The latest reports from Hie various citieo and towns stricKen oy earnr n.ukes aro to the effect that 2,000 per ..... . , -....I .ma wire ki led. 1 ne aamaire 1ih of life is confined to a belt ex tfrnlinu but a few miles inland from AfKA, interior towns having suffered hut slivlitlv. althoueh shocks were I'tfceptible tluoughout a wide area The bill to create the Agricultural Department has passed both houses, In Nw York Otto White killed a nrvant girl and shot his step-mother, W. Moll fatallv shot his wife and erased th dea'h of, their young babe near Boulder, Col. Ti.rt Pwkidnt has vetoed the lull impropriating if 10,000 for distribution o! weds to drought stricken countries ot Texas. A tk'ht between a sheriffs posse and mint' Navajo Indians in New Mexico, rmilted in the killing ot uiree wmie men and three Indians; a general out break is feared. In the river and harbor hill, as passed by the Senate. !f .r,WH) of the appropria tion for tlm Lower Willamette and Columbia is to be used on the river in front of Portland, Or. Three deaths h ive resulted in the family of farmer Daggett, near Glen ville. Neb, from e.tting poisoned prunes. How the deadly drug got in to the fruit i not yet known. Several wild bulls broke 1 ose while Wing driven through the City of Mex ico and killed a number of persons. The bulls worn of the famous Aienco b:ml, and were destined to be used in tWnmintr luiilfitrht. Two of them filtered the courtyard of the National TaWe. and were shot down by soldiers. The affair created much excitement. The schooner Samuel Daly of New I-ondon was cut through by the ice at iviyhrook point, Conn., and sunk. Captain Spaulding, his wife and child M three seamen got mui me -'. but before it could be freed -from the vessel it went down. The captain and one seaman were saved, but thee ' 'ers were lost. Mrs. Spaulding's body v,!is found floating, being held up by her clothing. Charles Klose, a Schleisingerville, Winprmain sul.vi.. IcRCDlT. loaded tWO liotguns, and emptied the contents of 'ne into his wiles head, as sue W.IU l-nnmlinir l.riMul. killllli: her 111- Ktiintlv Hilnn tried to shoot him self, but mondv Mew away one cheek. He looked the doors, poured kerosene! over tin. fnrmriiM. nnt! hOt tle llOUSC lir.rs tried to en ter he reloaded one of the guns and blew out his brains. Twentv-fivo thousand of the 75,000 prisoners confined in jails throughout India trora r..l.i,wm1 at an art of clcm- ncy to commemorate the lutniee oi iueen Victoria. In selecting the prisoners to be liberated, special pains were taken to show leniency to females. AH persons imprisoned for debt throughout Tn,li,i. where the debt was under 100 rujees, were liberated, also in commemoration of the jubilee. In these cases the government will pay Linkvillo has a literary society. Custer Post band of McMinnville, has dbbanded. Curry county is importing hay from Han Francisco. There are four K. of L. assemblies in Columbia county. A double headed calf was born at Ashland the other day. Grant's Pass Miips about $7,000 worth of gold dust every month. Miles 1'orterliell, of lUiena Vista, has lost all his horses from some lung disease. An even 100 marring licenses were issued by the cleik of Jackson county during the year 18SG. W. M. Pitney, of Junction City, dumped hot ashes at one corner of his bum, and now lie has no bam. Rev. John Bowersox dedicated the Evangelical church at Newburg. The building cost $1,000 and is a mat structure. Orem Colvig, youngest son of Dr. W. L. Colvig of Itock Point precinct, Jackson county, has been taken to the insane asylum. The citizens of Astoria, to show their regard for Mobt Oliurcll llllll liamion, whom they welcomed as back from the dead, raised and presented tliein wiui a purse of $.100. Josetdi will bo the new county seat of Wallowa and Vale of Malheur county. The Governor appoints the ollicers for each county until the next regular election. Miss Belle Alderman, of Lafayette, while using a curling iron on her front hair, let it slip, burningone of hereyes badly. Whether the sight is destroyed cannot yet be ascertained. Katie Buntini:. while coasting on the hill near the schoolhouso at Lake- view, had the misfortune to fall olt and another sled came up behind, struck her in the side and broke two ribs. Cougars aro very plentiful in the Pocahontas mountains, and are no coming so daring as to come down to tlm Ni'ttlements and liowl arounu me miners' cabins during tho midnight hours. Tlm late snowfall did considerable damage to property about uienuaio. Kever.i biiilduiL'S were uroKen uow il, among them the big barn belonging to Sol. Abraham, and killing a line steer weighing 1,800 pounds belonging to Mr. J. T. Hays. Richard Hancock, a much-respected citizen of Elkton, was iouuu uuuu nun i liiu linnifi. Examination ot ine tracks in the snow showed that he had an.l dniL'ired himself by his v i ,. v. ...... or - . i,.....ia f.ir snniA distance before no uniiua --- dropped dead. Mrs. Kondall, of Bucna Vista, has ttl..,t wiLh the Oregon I'acilie conr uany her claim for damages caused by the death of Dr. Kendall last fait at Vo.,..i..a r.iiv Kim has now cone to 1HIUIIIU Vii riiieniro. ftpcomnauied by herBttp-son Nelson, the latter having fallen heir to irm u-nrf.li of iironertv in that city. Several weeks ago about 300 sheep belonging to William Ross at Pilot U.w.L- ilim! Hiiddenlv without any ap parent cause. Tho sheep dropped one at a time while they were being driven along. A poisonous weed among the uitli which thev were fed has ii j ...... - . i... i di mil 1 t.i li.ivn been the cause ot their death. A short while ago tho residence of Mr i.nri.inirer. living about a mile and a half from Mosier, burned to the ground and the family barely escaped .i.,. i . fiu.v wiirn. One man in il,.. y....ii,il utorv was slinlitly burned, but not seriously. The lire is sup posed to have originated m a defec tivc Hue. While James Savage and sons were mininir near Koeuo river a few days ago, tliev caught a huge wildcat in a b '. . ..i: All at. mien the a st re.; in Rm his family at Irom very peculiar irap irinnt refused to throw wit.nr. nowrtithstanding it was set un .i.. i -.n f....i .f iniisHiire. The water uei v i I nut. mid the giant trtKCll i...., a lini'p. wildcat was found inside. wiiiinm Moffit. Jr., who lives on it. .,.,1. Willi w crot' k. hid hii house 1...J iTn loft, linnio in the morn Ullllivu. w , ,! nlmrilv ft( r the house UMk lllft ni... .-...--'v . . i f there but his wne inc. . ,! two small children. Tho plueky liitio wnmiin. lifter trying in vain "" ' .- - i i : t. subdue the flames, sueceeue.a m h" ting nearly everything oi vaiue uui u. the house, except the stoves. Havman Swisher, of Eaglo valley, was convicted last spring of stealing horse from Ins neignoor, i.. WhiUker, and was sentenced to ten ears in the penitentiary, Wn.1 under $2,000 bonds, pe.iding a ..- il,.. aiinreini) court on uecisiou injui - , 'rim mi gmenl 01 inn na unstiiined. and tljUi" "'- . . ., ri hearing of it through me m' -went to Biker City and gave himself ,. to the sheriff. He says he it inn.f cent i any crime and feels honeiui o securing an early pardon. Grant's Pass CVuriVr: Many enm i.l iints have leen made at tins otlice ,, the destruction of deer going on throughout the country; and several ,. ,.n,r,luini.! that about tea deer unit - . , . , a week are killed just aoovB w v running them into the river by hounds. We hear that about one hundred have been killed on Deer creek during the snow storm, and thai they are poor, really not fit to ea From the pile of bides shipped from here on the last freight train these re ports must all etue. lower Swisher A military company is being organ ized at Yisalia, Cul. . The bay at Seattle is swarming with tomeod and flounders. Dayton, W. T., hss a new city building which cost $:1.S00. Walla Walla people have subscribed about $500 for immigration purposes. Klickitat county's (W. T.) peach crop was killed by the recent Btorine. The residence of Mrs. W. R. Simp son, near beanie, was buriiod. Loss, $2,100. Francisco Silvio was mangled be yond recognition by a tiuin at Oak land. Cul. F. M. Green was killed at Tomb stone. A. T.. bv a slide of ore on tho dump of a mine. A Helena (Mon.) thief tried to steal the contribution box from the Catholic Church. Mrs. Taylor Richardson, of Pom eroy, W. T., wm adjudged insuue and tiiken to tho asylum. The telephono line is up and iu working order between Cieur d'Aleno and ardner, Idaho. Ollicers are stopping the salmon Kiieiirimrthat hl.S lfr g'"g on in Sonoma county, Cal. There is an iron mine ono mile west nf Cheni-v. W. T.. the ore from which assays 40 per cent. iron. The losses of sheep in Meagher and Fergus counties, Montana, to date will foot up at least lu.UUU head The State Firemen's Tournament will lie held at Napa, Cal., this year on tho 12th, 13th and 14th of May. California now has 121 posts 0. A with 0,445 comrades. 1 his show tlm lneinbershii) has doubled m two years. riuni Wbitnev. aged PJ. the wife if Norman Whitney, committed sui tide at Marysville, Cal., by taking rat poison. Lieutenant J.J. Shaw lias run away from Fort Douglass. U. 1., to avoui court-martial for duplicating his pay accounts. Fanners around Walla Walla have signed the wheat-freight contract to the amount ot bdoui i.uw.wv liiihhcls. The locomotive engineers on the Pacific division of the u i . iv. av. have petitioned the company for an increase in pay. At Pataha, W. T., George A. Sable, a hardware merchant, fell dean in store. The deceased leaves a iu good circumstances. A building occupied by Sam t,regor as a general nierciianuise swrc, Tunnel City, W. T., couapscu the weight of snow on the roof. Active work has begun toward the construction of a direct and practical wagon road from Kllensnurg w v Wenatcheo and Okanagan mines. It. W. Helm, of Goldendale, W T., recently purchased a band of W frmn llr Richardson of asco paying therefore the Mini of $13,000. nUeletons have been in , f,.il i.iiliei . ed in the wans oi t.,...,i,i.,r n.., ii- Tucson. A. T. When found they were in a sitting posture, Tl... residence of W. D. Simpson st Hhore of Luke asinng- ton, W. T., valued at U)getn er with the entire contents was voiaoj destroyed by lire. a ...;,. in'inii near Moscow, Idaho , ii r... i'lOlilll) li.i linen le recenuy som un .i-,i-". - -- 1,1 toother luirties for?Ui,ovw. noKit of mica is said to be very large and of hue quality. Frank Pittmni while carelessly i n;.r .. n.vnlver at the Ixmg I Olll iiiiiiiiii.'h " . . i n.iterstiel.l. Cal.. acciden llllllu-l ... ... ' - . , ... I tally discharged the weapon and killed , ty I 1 ..1.. hi comrade, l red .ioj ie. ti... ii,i,tii-iilai-s of tho murder i " . il. i Mrs. Lvous iu Aapa coun.j, show it to have been a most brutal f- f.iir; the coroner s jury recommunueu that the murderer be lynched. A young man named Fred Kenyon, 18 vears old. accidentally shot him self at Virginia City, Nov., hilc tam pering with a shotgun, receiving in juries which caused his death. Tho Dalles is soon to bo connected i .. ..,i,... I,,..,.. wir with Goldendale, W. ii Tl... win. have been stietched i. folnniliia river, and the neruru niu . line will be finished jn a short time. At the auction sale at Port Town i w t of tho wr:cknd bari Austria the hull was purchased by ......., .t- k'at for SU)0. fhe e tire wreckage brought about if "Pick and shovel" miners in the mountains rejoice over the fact that there has been a plentitui lau oi s..o. When it melts it will furnish them an abundant supply .of water to work with. At. Butte. M. T.. five lirgo stamp- mills dosed flown for want of salt, ..11 tlie silver and copper , nd throwing 3.500 men out of employment on account of tho snow ,loi kade. Mr. C. M.Vamloren oi iviug eouio. , W T., was found dead in his bed, evi dently having died of heart disca.-e. He was a man of affairs and at the time of his death was county coin niiHHioner. T PniiniT has been pardoned ,Utn. "15 . , - J. out of the Idaho penitentiary. He was sentenced in WSJ lor ) for robbery, and now it is said the evi dence is conclusive that he is inno cent of the crime. Atiout twelve cases of smallpox of a light form now exist in Ixs Angeles, Cal. The disease is supiosed to have been brought from Mexico, deaths have occurred. It is stated it will not become epidemic. Henry Hillman, a Norwegian in mate of the French hospital at San r rancisco, commuted suicide by shoot ing himself in the head. Among the fleet of tho deceased were two bank books calling for over $1,700. man named Thomas Rowo was ouiid in a frozen condition near Oro- ville, Cal. He had been to the Moun tain House and was returning home. Parties near the house heard cries for lu lp, and went out and found him ami irotight him iu, but he soon died. Police Judge Clement of Stockton, il., went gunning in a boat on the San Joaquin river, accompanied by his son, aged 13. When near Rough and Ready the boy fell overboard and was drowned, and the father nearly met the same fate in attemptiiiir to save his son. A score more of Chinese were ex pelled from Livingston, Mont ina, and started west on the N. P. R. R. The cause for warning the Chinese to leave was tlio discovery of tho dead IkmIv of an unknown man in an opium joint, whose taking off, an autopsy attri buted to "hilling thu pipe." Win. Selover.now iu Chicago, writes to a prominent citizen of Tacoma that two Miielti rs of fifty tons capacity each il.ii inat.itul i.f iimi u. '. 11 I... 0,,!-, ..lj.i a n, inrrv. Tlm lllllCllimi J niu u -...-- - -. - . u.n mnelicrs has already been pur chased, and it is stated that they will be in operation on or about June l. At Oakesdnle. W. T., W. S. Dixon, a respected farmer living near Latah, brought in a load of grain, and after unloading the sme ho Dent uown 10 n ek un tho tugs of his harness.wnicn had been loosened previous to his un loading, and while thus sttxiping fell over dead. He leaves a wife and family. A west Iniund freight, special, si ruck a broken switch rail at Tamarack, Cal. Two engines and three cars left the tract and knocked down 100 feet of miow.hi'ds. Brakonuin Win. Knee- land was killed. The engineers and firemen escaped with light injuries The engines aro badly wrecked. At Moran, the northern terminus of he Nevada & California .Narrow fJain-n. Vaeouero Dubois shot and killed George Blethen and mortally u'liiitiileil John Coonev. Both were einiiloved in the sawmill. He escaped on foot, but owing to tho snow, it is thought impossible lor turn to get out of tho country, James Roland, a young man living . . . .1 ...... II nn t in moil nun auoiu wiiuh Cal., was frozen to death. lie loll home on horseback witn ine liiienuon visiting his sister at Codarvillt I'iimh. When in sight of his sisters Iioiik! he was overcome with cold and dismounted. After wandering through tlm snow a short distance ho became exhausted and died. Tho Chinese bark Kwong Tong wii sold bv the United States marshal at San Francisco to Adolphus Jiichar.l, for $1,400, in order to satisfy a claim for wages. The vessel camo into pon in distress last December, while on hei wav from China to Victoria, U. C . .i .i . Six nail,.rs le t tho vessel necause me nantaiii could not pay their wages, for which they brought sun, resuiuiiK above. Indians arrived at Victoria. B. C frimi t he west coast oi vancoium island. reiH.rt a largo hark wrecked Out of the crew of twenly twelve weie lrnned. The remainder arc among f lin Indians The vessel's namo is un k-iown. A steamer will likely be sent to their relief. The lighthouse keeper nt Capo lie ile repor's large quantities of m w planks floating in -the straits, bramh d "P. L. Co." After nightfall wild ducks infest the grain fields in the vicinity of Putah creek, Solano county, Cal., in greal numbeis. They have nearly deviated 400 acres on tho Curry farm. Henry Goodman, the foreman, after experi menting with numerous devices to frighten them away, at last hit upon HOME AND FARM. The w hite of an egs ' "aid to he a speeilie lor lisii iwines sticking in inn throat. It is to bo swallowed raw. lioxton Qlol. To preserve cmpo It should not be exposed to dampness, but if it chances to get wet it should nut be put near the lire to dry. Hxrhivi'it: Carrots Mashed: Scrape. wah, lav in cold water fur half an hour, then eook tender in boiling water, drain we!!, mash with it wooden spoon, work ill a good piece of butler, and Season with pepper and salt. Serve hot. (low! ii'.'m ,(vi7oi'. 1-Acelleiit Lemon Pies: One lemon grated, ill which put two tablesiiooufiils oi Hour, a cnpitu nun a nail noiiin;: water: stir iu the yolks of four etrgs and frost willi the whites. This makes two pies. Tvlt'tlo i'ikc. Bread griilille cakes are excellent and may be made of stale bread. Souk a small bowl of bread over night in milk. Iu Ihi' morning mix half a cup ful of llour, into which is put one and olie-half teuspoolifuls of baking pow- ler, Willi one quart of milk, three well- fateii eggs nun a nine sau. neat up the bread with this batter until it is very li''ht iind fry a delicate brown The batter should be thick. ISoston llnU.iin. It may be news to some persons that persistent rubbing with oil night ... 1 ' . - .Ml I 11 . ami iiioi-inii-.. m i hi n;i ,j. i rather more rapid in its effects. In the nf hiii-ns. when the tendons are ;il" mid contracted, nibbing Willi oil will render the part affected almost as mui .. as hefure t ie liiiury. in seem .. .i.: u..., .lll.S 1 111 1' III II IT Ul tUHUIIUliU .... m Lsux, uijiiuiig and evening. i u flouffhohl. i f,, II.. irailuiv tlm Reruns from the table ami give them to your fowls. Tl.i... is mi Lin, I nf food w hich Will pro- 1,... a iimrn liberal supply of eggs. Thers m EBr4 umnut who throw these scraps in the waste basKei mi, hiiv enrn for tlie Jowls, wnerii ine f.irmi.r is far the best feed for egg pro. duet ion. Corn and grain should also I... f. .l. hut on v in small (iiiantuiesiiiii. in" the hot slimmer months. Chicago Journal. Some varieties of sweet apples aro such abundant bearers that the trees me worth keeping if the truit can omy be used for feed. There is a good deal of nutriment iu sweet apples, and they n.lisliiM bv every kind oi sioen. i in mm cmtinii and Willi oilier . .1 , . ... t f...wl thi.r nvo mmtl fur VYWV llHUff. M if allowed their run in an orchard, will gorge and thus injuro themselves, that apples have mo repu tation of lrj tMtf Farmer. A correspondent of tho Rural Artfl r.irlvr saves Lis Bartlett pears so that they make line eating two months after those of his neighbors have gone. Take a stout box and line it with paper. The bottom is covered an inch deep wmi u linat. hran. The pears are carefully picked, wrapped separately in thin pa- 1 .,11 1.. !.. I.M.... ri ll,,!- ami iiackcii iieei) v in w imh lil the iMittoin is covered. Then this bivir is covered with bran to the depth ... I ......il.ni t,ivnr nf liearM ni un nii'ii. ini'i uii.'in. . ,..i. . n i ntaeeil in the sallio way. tins is m ..iintiiiiied until the box is full, when the cover is tacked on and the box set away in a cool, dry place. Tho pears retain their line llavor and color. W. V. HENDERSON, TI;iVJLISrX HAS niCSlIMKl) rRACTtCK, WITH offloe In lUyi brick. My oiMirulioui will bs Urnl-cliM and cbarfc roniiunHblo. Old PfttroiM iu well aa uuw out are InfUm to rail. DR. L. F. JONES, Physician and Surgeon. WILL A T T K. N I TO rnOFEf3IONAIi nulls day ur iiIkIiL Okkick I'd malin in lluv' brick: oroanM foiinil ul K. It. hurki-)- & t'u'i ilniK nlore. Olllea lumin: it u l:' u., 1 to 4 f. M.. i to t f. u. DR. J. C. GRAY, DEMIST. OFFICK OVKR OIlANUK STOItK. ALL work warruiiluil. Ijiinliliiir kim nlmlnUh-red for palulMt es- tracliou of Irt'th. GEO. W. KINSEY, justice ottnc Kcace. 1)KAI. KUTATK KOll HAl.K- 1 1 ami farnm. town m C'olk-clioiis proiuptl; ak- triiili'il ti. . ..... Kkmiiiknck -enrner hloreniu ana ruga on. Kuirrn I'lly, Ori'tfiin. D. T. PR1TCHARD, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, lttipnirliiR ot Vatrhm and Clnoka fxivuti-il with piinuliialily and at a rtiuKonulile cost. Wlllamrtte Hlreet. Kugrne City. Or. F. M. WILKINS. Practical DriiisllGlieiist DRUGS, MEDICINES, RrnahM. ralnta, U limn. Alia, VtmiM, TOILET ARTICLES, Etc Physlolana' Prescriptions Com pounded. SPORTSMAN'S EMPORIUM C. 31. HOItN, Practical Gunsmith Which was Sir Walter Scott's (rrnatest novel?" asks a correspondent of Mflinq. Each one should judjre for himself, lvanlioe-t ion. '" tiiiinn. IRKII IKX8M IBOIl T,i.iu. Inki at ManufatWrsri' Prlost. W re selllnt the lst quality of news nk., in 6, tVi an.t 10 I'nd package., that ever ame to thl nii .1. Kemember, ... ...A.titrfl tirirAA. ' i.l.lr.... lil URK K. ItST. I'ortlnml. ur. the project of burning candles duiiii! the niht. These are protected from the wind by sacks, anil me uems keiil comparatively clear of ducks. Two Indians were niarneil aocorciiiin f'inii.iian ceremonies fin the rancheria at Chico, Cal., a Presbyter ian miiii.-ter tying mo bride wore a hmulsoine with oramio blossoms and in her hair, all the Indians of the approached and kissed liriile. It was the first DlillS IS CUNS, RIFLES, Flailing Tackle aud Materials Sewing MacIiinesaBtl NeeUles or All Imis For Sale Impairing done fh the neatest style and warranted. Guni Loaned and Ammunition Furnished Hlmp on Willamette Street, opponlUi Poatoffloe. 0. C. K. K. 11MB 1AU. Mull Train "ortli, 0:11 A. M. Mail train unutli. M. jffiCE H0UH8, EUdENE CITY rOSTOMCii. ficneral Delivery, from 7 A. M. to 7 P. M. Mmiry tliilrr, fmiii 7 A. M. to .1 v. M. Iti-Kimer. Irani 7 A. u. Ui A e. u. Miiild for north close at !:lft A, M. Mai In fomoulli closoat IMV. M. Mil" for rrankliu clone at 7 A. M. Monday "MaWSfabel close at 7 A. u. Monday and T 'ilulu'Jflr CartwrlKlit clou 7 A. M. Monday. knot. The velvet dress, at her throat After tho ceremony neighborhood the blushing time that a . . .1 ii i ivn i I.i MrlH on the wcond aud fourth VedDe- Two iireschcr had been calle 1 upon to per form a marriage for any of that tribe of Diggers. Messrs. Wright, Daniels and Lara- l.la ti iri t w nil rl !r tlm United lStutt'8 In d'nin Commis-ion, have returneif to Helena, Montana, from the reserva tions in Northern Montana, where they havo been engaged for nearly two months. Tho members of the com mission gave the following summary of its negotiations in Montana: 1 he agreement made with U N'rll',,n f,wli,,i,M will, ho soon as ratihed lv Congress, restore to the public domain i Montana about 17,100,000 acres of :.,.,! of the hiiiro reservation which iiiiinH the northern half tho t rn . ... t .1... l!,.ikv mountaiiiH to VHI Y II.mii ..." .' . . i, Ii .b,ta honler and contains about M (KKl.OtX) acres. The I ndians will re- ti.n tlire.i different reservations i.' ,t ,.t. Fnrt Peek. Fort Ilolknni .1... iM,.,.if.nit nvencv. For the mm mn un.' .-vw- .-n . ,.f i,iu unoriiioiis tract of hum ... .i, n.-imirii nt the Indians are 41 'KKIOOO in yearly install ii,,. f,,llnn'iiiL' system: ine Ilieiun nil iii ' " i a I....l. I,i;ir,u Will L'ft lilSAI U, Fort Belknap tribes 1.),000 and n, T?la,-lifiait acency Indians ?A), iwwi fnl.,n vears. The Oov UlAjeai " J t 11 I ernment i now paying oyer l.slf of I thin amount to th ludians in an nuitits. TUT.ENJC I.01HIK NO. II. A. F. AND A. M ! 'j Mo'i llrat and third W eduemlayn in each .ii, mill. 4j I CNfT.tt IHITTK holUlK NO. 9, I. 0. 0. F. O Med every Tuemlay rvenins-. K.SCAMI'MKNT NO, ilnys hi each mouth. I-aOKNK I.ODIJK NO. 1. A. O. U. W. Vj MeelH at Maminlc Hull the second and fourth f rldayi In each iiioiun. " . . t. . tl 1IL-L-TU - t flU-lllV I'lIXT Ill. tn. If. A. IV. mi.....' 1 " .;.. V'i,. ii,.!! tlie Unit and third Krl- days of each month. Hyorder. Commandbk. UDKROrt'llOSKS KRIKVilS. MKBTH the tint and third Salurduy evenliisat Manonlc Mali, liyoiacroi )UTTK IiODOK NO. 3117. 1. O. O. T. erery Halurduy nwlil in Odd Hall. KADINO RTAH HANDOFIIOI'K. MKK.13 j at IheU. I". i nurcn nrai .i.... , - noon at Vlalluis mano ci.wii.... ()' Boot and Shoe Store. A. HUNT, Proprlotor. Will herrartur kwp eomplcU tnk o allies', Misses' and Children's Sta! IltTTOSI 1IOOTH. Slippers, White and Black, Sandals, FINE KID SHOES, MEN'S AND BOY'S BOOTS AND SHOES! And In fact every tliln In the Hoot an Khoe line, to which I intend to devote my eapeclal attention. MY COODS ARE F1HST-CLA9W And ifuaranteed an represented, and wiU be wild for tho liiwent nriooa that a good art lcl vau bo all'orded. A.. Hunt. (J. c. MKKTS Kellowi W. C. f. Central Market, Euyene City Business Directory ItKTTM AN. O.- Dry kooiK tlolliliiK. icrooerleii ami Kearal mer. li.n.liiMi, ti..ilhMei.l corner. Willamette anil WKinn bh-obmi I'AIN' BROS.-Dealers In Jowelry. watrlirii, clm-ka and iniiNlaal liwtru.nenlH. lllamctte slieel, between Seventh and hislith. FKIKNDI.Y. H II,- Deer In dry K l - inir ana iieaorai iiinri;iian,ii-", atircL betw.ien Kiuhth and Nlntli. j . Ilium. fill.l J. K- Physician ana "". . rile street, wiwei-n .., . IIOIIKH C-Keep on hand fcie wines. Iliiiiors, "c L.rJ.iifl P'H'I and t.ill.ar.1 tab r, W illaui- .ir.1 hutween Wfnin aim winiii. IIOKN, ("HAH. M.-Oiinsrallli. "'"' tit.M hr"r:n aim ihhi" fur wile, Yl .oairiiiK done in the nratenl style and war. ranted. Bhop oil Ninth street iivirtrv J. R.-Wulchtaalcer and Jeweler, k fine stoi k of Kocls In hie . W Ulam- tlto streeU In kilsvioi th idmu store. MrCI.AFtEN. J AM KS-Cholce wines, llniiors ai.deii4.rs, Wlll.n.ett.trt. between k..ghth -.l Vlnll. pi-wt nrFICE-A new itnelc of standard Tbool boiksJt received at the lo. ofllc. P.HINEHAKT. J. B.-Hc""; iiirn .nderr se oainler. W'ark ((uaraniaea tlmt-cliiss eiiaca old al lowef rale Uiaa by aajonsia Kiwme. liHlioi'AcWutliiiiH PROPRIETORS. Win keep eonsbinUy on hand full sPP7 oi MUTTON. PORK AND VEAL. Which they will sell at tha lowast market prloea A fair share of the publlo patronage solicited TO TUP. FA It ME III i We wilt pay the hlpheat market prloe for M cattla, Iioks aud sheep. 8hop on Willamette Street, CUCEKI CITY, ORECON. MsaU tTeri t "T art ot Ue elty hf ( ebarfe. ue debts. o