The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 05, 1887, Image 3

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cMl dotitry go to Dr N J Tylor.
Md bought aod sold t Goldsmith's.
alAM cash prfc wfll be paid for wheat
. n Ilunn.
Ilgkty acres o( Ud ,or tmiuirt '
. ... f u t pissne w u uaae
. .... .. ...
f cs prchse " "na'ua
t 111 - ll a
jO WW""0
. it tU doth Just received will bt
fKil PortUna pnw
. -overs ea oe purcnasea at in
i"'..-K-t A Forkner fgr I80.
I ff vm wMt hardware nt reasonable price
! A l. the ito" rntonew roraoer.
I auta Inn M a. .i
(latTOnr e '"ft. "'
L and furnitora of Day ft Heuderoo.
1 bliar B1U keep m ck an ezoellent
od readalS voU Giw
1 K roi n in ' egriooltursl mechio.
iftiwy kind, remembor that Mr J M
T-AricJu ikeepi a full aortroent.
r . - .j :n ..... ti.. v:k..
U8 11 rneuuiy wm pj nun muo
La esrket price for wheat. -ve mm a
y wiling your grain elsewhere.
Dexter Gossip.
March 3, 1887.
Jlr H A Brr mad Eugene a visit Tuesday,
Uk Harriet Vatch is visiting her this
lb A 5 Miller has been in very poor health
J tone time.
Hi Bert TjJte of Eugene, spent few dny
Ln lut week.
lb H L Mnrgan and Frank Atkio went to
iadbery but week.
MJjeSufnrd of the Big Prairie, made
VipUWaP M M'-a.j.
hftnl hortee have died In thif vicinity of
Li iron tome unkmwa disease.
Vt are enrrr to fjite that Mrs Jordan
helm been tick for eotne time, ii growing
Lsdily worse.
fimien have began plowing in thit vicinity.
irtlT we nave a parauue Her wucu tun can
duu in Winter.
Mr Z Briitow who hat been at Eugene for
mt tima attendinir at the bedside of bis fath-
', tin late in A K Hristow ia agaiu with u.
W nndentaod that Mr Robert Williams of
Lake hai aold hii interest in the law
BJl at that place to Mr L (iordner, of Spring-
A petition b now being circulated for the
mow (if hvinkf the mail carried tri-weekly
iMi of wmi-weekly between tlii place and
M'mSuttie Griffith of this place waa mnr
hlUPwtUd on the 19th of Feb. We did
elti learn the nnine of the gcutleuiaii
Uhomiki was married. .
jniuMiially quiet neighborhood is having
iftm amm aince tne snow leik ranie anu
U ridea, to, aiteui to have liecoma fashion-
soil occupy the time f the young,
ftopartfea during the paat week; One at
1 rVker W wtwk and one at Mr 3 Han I
er'i Wednesday evening. All present at
i pwtita seviued to cujoy themaeive to
rbeait' cont nt
Iirried. at th rs'dence of Mr J D Kirk.
liwwood Flat, Morrow county, Oregon,
itwv ZU. HXSl. Mr t lauk JS hull nt i.e
ke, and Miu Maggie K Kirk, formerly of
liucu. Aluy j.iy, happmeaa, peace and
ixnt) be their tu
to ire we? Where did we come from?
ilmg have you bean heie? Aud when do
:utctid to leave? Why, Mr. I,urfiin Eilitor,
uiideaceudantof A.dum: ijnoiigrated inm a
But dime; have bn here ever t:ince our
nil and intend to stay, not a few ilays, but
Bit. In truth, we area llooaiur (mui Hoop-
K, Prney county, near Jeriu , on the top
:i the earth and was awnt here to tarry un
i beard grows out For further particu.
i inquire of the undersigned. '
List of Letters
etuining uncalled for in the Fostoffio at
R-neCity, Oregon, Friday, March 4, 18S7i
Ju,CP Kamin, Mrs H
ilinaon. V W Iuria. Miits Clauria
&..BF Martin, Mr M J
B, Lawrence Miller, Al
t Mrs Jennie N al, Mrry
KW.John Khinebart, Mr A M
Wise, Mr Geo '
ffloiacallini for same will D.ease give date
F. W. OSBtJRN, P. M.
!xvu Finisukd. The journal of
'oini of the Leislatnr have been
by Chief Clerk Hursh and Jan
8 ani torned over to the Secretary of
Mr Hnrah Mtimatoa that the Senate
al in which i to be Drintei oommittre
fovernora' mAaaaona. etn. will make
"al of &nate proceedinii ever iasaed.
journal i jutlarge, and the
together will makti a volnmniou and
tive report of the proceeding ot the
1 SMlon. The 8crctar of State will
If muh eopie of Ixitb journal to be
. which will be turned over to the
rnnter. Tha law oivaa tha nrinter
:f"tf AmVm I- aa.L:.k. A. : iL. 1 1
lli winun vo isauo tne iouriii,
tlm tn.? 2a. i ..
Eii ik i nnm taaen a longer time
. Mr Bker ya that if the copy
"hd him rapidly onoogh, he will be
th hi present facilitiaa. to oomDlete
thin let thao half the' requir-
fn GcasHITH ftm f. xr ft R.rl
WelliftfrtsiM V 1 utaJ aJ
.rfrC. rooln formerly occupied as a
IL o iJondoo, lor a gunsmith
iZl b':k h -ill open np at once. He
L w"i recommen.l
! The CountT Jac and Conn
"loner bav been riaiting different
17 eonnty thie week looklog for a
fea V. i Prehaa for a eonnty poor
Pt 1 "f that a farm will be purchased
pCwefc "Kar tern of court, to be
,M emcpany
!!t Rhioehart' Theatre last
dThunday evening. TU at-
ivery (table is Hearing eon
eo"e ext
lp,,r,' Court Wednesday,
rsoftk... , .
"dad il '""" pwpw oi
.. w aiaaonartul. .1 laaa.
thi city
querade at Jtoctioo last
tti, ''"Crook county iwtormi aa
5s of stock ia that aectic will b.
Florence Item.
, Maroh 1st, 1887.
Weather anything but pleasant up to date.
Saow all gnM in the vicinity though plenty
on the hill to the Matward.
Lowest point touched by thermometer dur
ins th late Cold auan Waa 119 and uivatamt
depth of (now four inehr.
Cattle look well but hnruta and aoma hamla
of beep are not doing well owing largely ft
improer care aa no teed whatever wa pro
vided for winter.
Mrs Saffly it refiltibir her hotel throughout
prepaTHtory to accommodating her IncreaxinK
buslnew. It ia a noUiiUt fat t that Floreno
hotel furnish meal equal to th bot in the
Ae tteam echooner Kate and Anna on her
renent trip took out from bera 252 barrvla of
salmon and is expected in again soon. There
are still two full loads at tha wharf besides
nearly aa much at tha Aetna cannery which la
expected to go out aboard th Mischief,
Captain Hill with hie tus "Euort" crowd
the bar twice recently towinit the disabled eltip,
"Emma Utter" and reports 14 feet ehallowet
water at nearly hL'h tide. Thie certainly
ought to settle the question of shipping from
this point and remove any doubte in the minds
of those who may htve been skeptical on tit la
Florence la to have many (ubetantial tin
provemenU thie season among which may be
named Mr Hurd's store building 21iGO feet
with a public hall in the second story, a new
school b iuse, a large adoitica to the linrgman
cannery and a number of dwellings. Humor
has II that a newspaper wilt be started are
The whole Siuslaw country need Improved
mail and axpres facilities. Tha tri-weekly
route front Gardiner to Florence should be ex
tended to Eugeue and a stage put on the line
from Eugene to the head of ti le. This would
throw the Coos Bay travel to Kunene instead
of Roseburg. As this 1 a much eatinr and
pieutunter route and will give the Miialaw peo
ple proper mail accommodation an t be a large
help to Eugene. The drive from Eugene to
head of tide 35 mile i an easy one day s drive,
nd from Florence to Coos Lay along the
heath 40 miles is made easily in six hours. The
20 mile run by steamer from head of tide to
Florence will not require more than two hours
thus ifivinz amnio time to make tha trip to
Uoo Hay In two day the time now required
-I. T 1 . . . ' . .
irom uooe Bay.
Goshen Gossip.
Maroh 2, '87.
Mr H Mathew visited her mother at
Pleuant Hill Sunday.
Mr B K Rhiemenahoeidpr made a business
visit to Cottage (.rove durii g tne week.
Mr M Kelley and family, of Cretswell,
waited relatives here Saturday and Sunday.
Mia Mattie Berkshire ha been visiting
her sister, Mr E Mathews, at Pleasant Hill.
Mis Rebecca Cummins was called to her
home at Pleasant Hill Monday by her
mother' illuaas.
"Dat lady livin' over dar in de cn'neaof
de del' needn't be flirtiu' her hau'kerchief at
di ohir." Negro Porter.
Our road supervisor, Mr Rhiomenshneidnr,
repaired ome bridges during tha week that
were damaged by overnowiug Ntieains.
It is stiange to obaerve spring flower in
abundance on the very same spot where only
few day siuce there was tuow to the depth
f one foot
Rev I N Mulkev preached for us lat Sun-
ay at 11 a. m His subject, "Conditions of
acceptable prayer," was ably discussed be
fore an atteutive audienoa. 1
Born, to tha wife of Horace Hampton,
Feb 18, 1887 a daughter. Madam Hum' r
say Horace is committing to memory entire
chapter of Mother Goose' melodies fur
domestio tranquility.
A certain young lady residing not a thous
and miles from the western point of Mniiiit
Pisgah purchased 12 lb nf cotton batting
from our merchant during the week. What
doe it indicate ?
A petition to the Postmaster General to
add auother day (Saturday) to thnsa for car
rying mail between (nsheu and Dexter, ia
uow at our xwtolfice with a g-odly number
of ligiiature from those concerned.
Who Is Eastwood?
Under thi caption the Albany Bulletin pub
lishes th following lettter:
Huntsvili.r, W, T., Feb. 20, 1837.
Ea Bulletin: The abductor oi girl fif
teen yean old lately lodged in jail, and of
whom mention wa made in your uregon pa
pers, ha a wile and children in this town.
Is a lady very highly respected by all who know
her; and the state of indigeuue in which her
lute hunb.tnd left her is a shame, 10 cause for
th desertion is known. His name is Ellis
Eastwood. He left her one before but came
back. It is thought that bis reason is that he
too trifling to work fur the support of his
am 1)'. Tlii time the charitable people have
dune as before, prevent! the family from
starving; but we hops that not, as beford, will
be be allowed to return, when the winter Is
past and the family supported by other. Such
things call for the iuot iudiguant cousin e.
The Nellie Boyd Comedy Company.
Mia Nellie Beyd wh appear at Rhine-
hart's Hall next Monday with her Omr-dy
Company, is known to fun loving Americans
from Maine to California. She has appeared
in all the great cities of the Uuion, and has
everywhere received the most entbusiaetio ap
pine. The hy, 'Unknown" s wttyand
.lUiuorou to the lue last degree, end wa advise
thoae who do not wish to have their side (ore
from laughing to stay at home Reserved
seats at Crams. !, r '
Drawing and Paintiho. Miss M F Spen
cer, an artist taorougtity milieu, in tne nignesi
branches of her art. ha located a studio iu this
city, and will giv lessons to persons desiring
them. Alue Speuoer teaches drawing, and
crayon sketching, and also painting in oil and
water colon; term will be found reasonable.
Inquire for particular at th atudio, np-euue,
ia Matlock building.
Elecrig Lights.-It is now a determined
fact that the company recently organized will
erect electric light in Eugene. The officer of
th company have signed their acceptance
tna oruinaaoe paaaea oy me ixmncti
MaRRittx At the residence of th bride'
parent, in Portland, March 2, 1887, by the
Kev Tho Boyd, Mis Emma Plumtner to
Mr S J Chadwick. Statesman. Mr Chad
wick' many friend in Eugene congratulate.
DiER At bia reaidenoe in thi city, Ftb
28,1887, MrJL Bright, aged 52 year.
Th fuutral took place laat Tuesday.
Bobn In Esg.'oe City, Oregon, March 1,
1887, t th wif of Dr W V Henderson, a
ou. Mother and child doing welt
Waktxd. About 300 cord of wood eat
Apply to T D Linton, on mil north of
Eugene, fee particular.
Fo8ALL-150loUin all part of Engen
City with and without house. Price to suit
Gto. M. Miui.
Fabuem Tak NoTicx-A good dianer can
I had at Baker' HoUl for IS reals.
Junction Items.
March t, 1887.
Judge Waahboroe, of your city, paid n
viait th past week.
Last Monday oar itreeU htld ap quit k
uiuuer oi i.rauger.
After an abtenoe of over year Jo Bar to b
pam us a viik last wend.
Dr Flett earn no from Portland Saturday
a m wen soutn on Monday train.
...J a .1 r.a ... . '
An intereetine sermna at tha M K ehtireh
last 8uuday eveuiog wh listened to by
MrJeuHawley wu in towo Thursday
ana report the health of hi wife muoh im
A warehouse i be be constructed on
the old site at Irving by Mr Kitchen and
another gentleman.
I heard oor William Lee wa in yonr city
l ut Friday night, if true, mighty good m o
ojoasiooaiiy visit you,
Hon flo Waggoner cam up from Cor
vallu Friday. What kind of a railroad
commissioner would he make?
Charley Rupel and Will Header of Monroe,
represented the bright and rising generation
troin mat coininnuity laat Monday.
A few harmless drunks put on metropolis
tin airs on oor street the past week, "but
did not increase the chool fund.
loung ciark, who wa. mistaken for e
DeertuAlaea valley last week i now an
angel: he really vra t good boy.
C T Payne (Champ) who is a welt knonu
a he is well liked, now oalls Curlew, Spo
kane oonuty hi posUitGce addres.
I heaid a latly say last Wednesday: "A year
ago to-day I pulled a mesa of ouioo out of
my garden.' yuite a diuereoce thi year.
Price Gilmore, our popular young merch
ant, and Tommy Blew, were registered at
the Uoltoa House in Portland last Tuesday.
Mis Allie Butler and Mr John Griggs, of
Monmouth, were the guest of DrNLLee
tnd family a few day, and returned home
Tuesday last
Among the face of Grangers on oor
streets the past week appeared that of our
efficient superintendent of public instruction,
Prof E B McEiroy.
Prof Rupel i diligently drilling all thos
scholar who will assist him at hi school
entertainment to take place next Friday eve
ning, March Uth.
Humor say Jim Million purchased th
Morris Eccleston place; consideration, $.12U0
also that a wedding is on the tapis. Hop
it will not prove false alarm thi time.
Many took advantage of the fine weather
last Sunday aud exercised their lower (large
and small) extremities upon the railroad
track. Some, I hear, walked to Harrisburg
and attended church, but it is impossible to
learn their name.
Billy McCarthy (Levi Straus & Co.),
Innocent Valentine (Mooney and Valentine),
I'illroller Hamburger (Dittenhoefer, ilaasJt
Co.), aud other "thousand mile ticket men,"
passed up aud down the past week.
A dispatch ent from Jefferson wu re
ceived here last Thursday, resiling and
signed a follows; "Prepare dinner for self
and lady Price Gilmore " Price went to
Portland Mouday. What (loot the dispatch
meau? John Kirk i authority for the above.
Mr N Gi'mnre, our good oatured hotel
ke er, after a residenoe ef S3 years, start
for Missouri and other essteru state on a
visit this week. Mr G will undoubtedly
many tunes compare his trip deuce to that
coming here, ami for once in his life be con
vinced that thi i an age of progression.
May he enjoy his trip aud return sfely to
the state in which he and many more brave
and good hearted have endured hardships of
various k iiiils. is the wish of all who have
ever came in contact with him.
Last Monday evening there congregated at
t ie residence of Dr Norman Lee a jolly
crowd of merry makers, to do honor to Miss
Amu Uulltx and Mr John Uriees, guests of
Mr I,ee and Mis Clara .jard. Whist,
vocal and iualrumentul musio and dancing
were indulged in, when all returned to their
home expressing themselves well pleaaed
with the evening spent. Among those pres
ent were, Cd F W Folaom, wife and
daughter Nellie, Mr Beebe, Mr Barton,
Ml sea Mattie and Julia Lee, Allie ami Heks
Butler, Clara Gard, Katie Pickett, Florence
Bsber, Millie Caldwell, Winnie Barton,
Pmf I'lark F Rupel, Messrs Bird Houston,
John Griggs, Frank Sailor, John Kirk, Bax
ter Howard, Ernest Lee, Alfred J llouck,
and other.
Returned to Eugene.
Mr and Mr Geo A Dorris arrived in Eu-
gen Thursday afternoon from Astoria and
will make this place their future home. Mr
Dorris ha associated bhaeelf with Mr 8 W
Condon for the practice of hi profession, the
law. He is so well known in this city that he
ni-e'ts no commendatory notice from us.
Last Wednesday' Astorian ha the follow
ing notice which expleii-.s itself;
"Mr snd Mrs Geo A Dorris leave this morn
ing for Knijene City, where they in future re
side. Mrs Dorris will be missed in social
circle which she h done much to enliven,
nd it I with regret that bei departure is
chronicled. The same degree of renrretat
Lichee to the departure of Geo A. During his
three year' residence in thi city and active
practice of th law, he ha won enviable dis
tinction i a maa nf recognized ability and
rectitude of character. A wide circl of friends
and acquaintances wilt bear with pleasure of
their continued prosperity."
Bilk btinlt.
We take the following from a Cor vail is
Notice! I hereby notify all person with
io this Stat that they (hail not give oor cell
me any intoxicating drink whatever, nnder
any consideration. If they do I (ball pro
cute thtra to the full extent of the law.
Signed A. Stinit.
Engene aalooo keepers will be highly
amused at the above, aa each of them need
i such notice. To "sell r to th Bilk mean
to "give."
Accidentally 8ot Xfnu a Pjttol
h will be remember! that tb GfARD of
last week contain! aa aceoant of a trapper
named J Davis attempting to kill hi wife at
Harrisburg. He ha now tamed ap in
Salem, where he accidentally (hot himself
through th foot with a eistol. Davis is
well known throughout western Oregon aa a
trapper, and went to Lin county but a few
days ago from Lresawell. He has been drink
' ing heavily of late, but claim to have been
ober when the accident occurred, tie aavs
h is going to Alaska, when he get well, oo
trapping expedition.
AccTiog or Goon Mr JBK Irvin for
merly of Gilmaa and Irvia, Portland, will re
ceive a larg consignment of good next Wsd-
-aday or Thursday, which he will offer at pub
lic auction in Lan Hall, this city. Th Mock
consist of general merchandise, and is valued
at from S3.00U to $0X1. The good will be old
without reaervs.
Nelli Boyd.
Lentsn season.
Spring weather.
Drumtner over-plentiful.
Fall wheat look tpleodldly.
Beet cattle reported scarce.
Final proof notice la another column,
E H and L Co No 1 meet Monday evening.
Tha revival at th M E Church still com
tiuues. . .
8e Bettman' new advertisement In another
Candidate for eity offices are patting in
an appearance.
Th water rate In Portland have been re
duceil one half. '
The aity jail now ha five occupant.
Quite metropolitan.
Four or fire famllle of Immigrant hav ar
rived in Eugene this week.
Mr J D Matlock i having th third story
of his brick building plastered. -
Jacksonville i to be connected with the
0 A C R R by a bran'oh railroad.
. i'
An Insurance company ha been organized
In Portland with a capital of $3,300,000,
Cardwell & Miller Opened their loon in
the Hoffman House block last Tuesday.
Kaoe't Illustrated West for February i
at hand. It is an exoellept publication.
Beckwith will soon move hi (tore to th
buidingnow occupied by It M Robinson.
Some very interesting (tens of new are con
tained In the Guard supplement this week,
Clerk War has redeemed four rayot scalps
this week at a total cost of MO to tha county,
Mr N'els Honey intends building a house at
once on his lot In the western portion of town.
The Nellie Boyd Company at Rhinehart'i
Theatre next Monday and Tuesday evening!.
Th East Portland Packet, made it appear'
anct yesterday with Mr G P McColl as editor)
Th entertainment given by the Y. W, C
T U lut Saturday evening wa liberally atten
A Hfteeo-cent barber shop ha been started
in Eugene. It life will, in all probability,
be abort
The greater portion of the telegraph busi
ness in Eugene i beiog handled by the Pos
tal Company.
School election Monday at 1 o'clock at the
Court House. Let there be a full attend
ance of voter.
Mr S W Condon ha moyed.hi law office
into th building over Robiuson & Church
hardware (tore.
Furniture is being placed io the Hoffman
House. It will probably open for busines
about April 1st
Mr Frank Helsner has started a new grocery
store in the building formerly occupied by
Cardwell and Wilier.
It i rumored that tha Southern Pacific
Railroad will take chaw of the O and C It H
about the first of April,
The . Fircmens Entertainment last week
was largely attended. The affair netted the
Department over f 100.
The building boom thi summer will be
the greatest ever known in th history of
onr enterprising little city.
A large number nf Eugene people visited
the turnout of rikinner Butte last Sunday.
It wa s very pleasant day.
City election four week from next Mon
day. Candidate should be making their
announcements in the Guard.
Geo H Park I erecting a buaines house
opposite the Star Bakery. When completed
it will be occupied by Mr Curriee laddlery
Th Eugene Water Company let the con
tract Maroh 1st for 200 cord of body fir
wood to Mr Dan Linton, who lives just
north of thi pluoe, at the rate of (1 .07 per
cord, .
It take about twenty minute now to re
ceive an answer from a dispatch to Portland
hvth Postal Telegraph Co' line. By the
Skinner Butte office it generally take from
on to four day, Comment la unnecessary.
A petition 1 being circulated for the purdon
nf Warm Spring Johnny, who wa convicted
last November on a charge nf attempting to
rob the eonnty treasurer' safe. A remon
strance is being passed around for signatures
It Is expected that all the water mains south
of Skinner' Butte will be laid by to night. Mr
O'Connor say be will complete th work by
Maroh vntu 1 his win not inouin tne cement
ing nf the reservoir which work I being don
by tli V ompany.
W H Baber, of Junction, ha lorn; sine hail
th reputation of paying th highest price for
produce and now agree to continue doing so-
Take it there and receive torn of th bargain
offered on first page, or get th cash.
A deformed cripple, afflicted with the St
Vitn dance, was doing the begging act n
the street nf Eugene thi week. He hails
from Polk county, and from partiee wno ar
acquainted with bis circumstances, we learn
that he i quite wealthy.
Rev, F. IL Culp, who recently ekrpped out
from Roseburg to prevent an unpleasant inves
tigation of his misdoings, ha been heard from
at Kansas City, Missouri, CalV trial has
been set for March 6th, and in th aaeantime a
full report of hi doing bae been sent to Kan
so City, including newspaper comment on th
tame. More development tray be looked for
The President ha appointed James M
Trotter of Massachusetts. the th place i f
Recorder Matthews, reiected by the Senate.
Mr, Trotter b a colored gentleman of Intel II
genee, 1 a it happen a Democrat The
SenaSe will reject bim, no doobt on the ground
tha he ia not a fit man trot belong
to the Republican party.-
Judge Shaw sine but Svmday morning ha
believed In th benefit and advantage of ad
yertlsiaf. Laat week he inefted an advertise
ment in thi paper for a lost umbrella, and
when be wok Sunday morning awl took a cen
sus of hie front yard he found 17 those useful
article, ef all sixes. Sine that Cm he ha
ree ved about a dozen. He reqiiestrn to tl
th public It their liberality, Ut says b ha
now enough.
The order of the night, at the Globe
theatre, is "(tending room only." This, at
theatr like the Globe, is really remarkable.
It is due to the attractiveoea of the
rocnaoee "Uokoown. In which th actrees,
Miu Nellie Boyd, appear nightly, epported
br her own evcaly-balaooed company.
Next week, th fifth of it ran, will be iu
last, th company gn direct to Haverly'
theatre, Chicago, where "Unknown" will be
produced Fa binary 17th, Evening Tele
gram,, , . ,. . ,
Congress adjniroed ytrdy.
Business house are io demand.
Several Life Insurance agents doing Eugtn.
Matlock Hill everything at th lowest pricti
Matlock I receiving a larg Un of new dm
good Giv him call
Matlock will pay th highest prices for
all klods of furs.
Hot and cold laths every dar In th week
at Jerry Horn' barber shop.
Rev I D Driver has been elected President
of th Oregon Bible Society.
Chief Justice Morrison, ot tK California
Supreme Court died last Wednesday.
Me another full pag of bargain at th June
tion reduction sals, displayed on first page.
Johnson grass and rd and whit clover for
sale at Robinson 4 Church' hardware (tore.
Mr Geo F Craw has the sole agency for all
brand nf th celebrated Tansll Punch Cigar.
Th river and harbor appropriation bill pass
ed Congress on March lit Oregon gets M0,i
Order by to Baber, Junction, will re
ceive prompt attention. Thank for those al
ready sent.
Ia Oregon th order of A 0 U W ha Si 92
members) Washington Territory, 933 1 Brit
ish Columbia, 490.
Mr George Belshaw ha on sale at th Far
mer's Warehouse, ia thi city, sd Oata of a
superior quality.
It I quit probable that Portland will main
tain th Oregon Immigration Board by pri
vat subscription for the next year.
Soma No 1 hop land for sale cheap, A
larg part clear and ready for planting.
uics iu. miller.
Matlock ha just received from Chicago the
finest line f dress goods ever shown in Eu
gene, Lathes, examine them.
Geo B Dorris is having an addition built to
the rear ot the south room nf hi block. It
will be one-story high, 18x30 feat
The Literary 8ociety meets at Miss
Cleaver' no next Monday evening at 7:45
harp, NR. Hamlet i dead
Th March number of th Portland West
Shore ha been received at this office. It Is
a splendid magazine and should be read by all
Goldsmith pays for beaver I? to (3 50 per
Mink and conn, IS to 00 cts.
Either and otter, fl to 96.
The Director of the Lane County Agri
cultural Society will hold a meeting next
Monday at 10 a m. A full attendance i de
sired. A daily matt service has been ordered over
the Narrow Guage Railroad bttween Port
laud and Cobnrg. Service on the route will
begic March 2Sth.
When sugar appear iroopg bargain offer
ed and published at the Junction reddotion
sale, prices of sugar (dvertlsod only hold
good four days from publication day.
Mr J D Matlock ha thi week received
large invoice of dry good direct from th
mauufao nrers io the Euat, which he will
sell at price that will aatouiah all. Call at hi
tore and be tatialied.
The oldeat Maaonio lodge in the State is
the Multnomah lodge No 1, of Oregon City,
chartered by the Grand Lodge of Miaaouri.
October, 184S. Tne charter waa carried
across th plaio oo ao ox team.
Postmaster are subject to a tin If they read
liostal cards passing through their effiees, and
are subject to a fine It they deliver any having
olwoene matter written ot printed thereon, and
just what they are going to do about it ia
what puzntea a good many postmasters.
Al Houck evidently thinks that judicious
advertising and doing as you advertise pays,
and so we would atlvU those looking for bar
gains in general merchandise or Wanting good
trices for their produces to give Al a call at Ba
er's, Junction,
We find the following in th Frlneville Res
view of Feb 20th: "King Henderson, a for
mer disciple of the mystio art, a Government
surveyor of yore, and at present a prosperous
heepraiser of Silver 1 Jike spent th week in
towii. While here he held down a casein our
office for several hours, raised a row with the
devil aud otherwise mad bimsslf agreeable,"
W learn that Hon 0 W Washburn, Rod
ney Scott mil John Kelly r candidates for the
appointment aa Republican Commissioner
i'f Hailmotls to be named bythe Governor. Itia
is rumored that Gov, Psnnover has selected as
Democratic member of the Board, II F Gibons,
late Democratic oandidate for Secretary of
St-te. An excellent appointment Will b the
verdict of all who ar acquaiuted with the gen
tleman. Died.-At th family residence fire mil
east of Eugen, nt 4:15 p m, Tuesday- March
1st, 1887, Miss Or E Armitait daughter of
M 11 and Sarah J Armitage, aged 17 years,
11 months and 8 day. Sh wa buried Thurs
day in th Gillespie cemetery, a large number
ot Hutkes and friends being in attendance.
All Armitage waa loved ami entrained by all
who kaew her, and her death i doubly lad.
coming as it did to cut down on to promising
in tne mooin oi youui.
-if"--. 1 if TTi
,hv.v v , ii n
mx n. mm
Our assortment of Nwst Shape for Fall and1 Winter ie vry targe, and
all ar of tint etas quality .-
Suits Made to Order, Fit Guaranteed
,T. W. CHERRYVnltonVBrielv.
' Pereofisl.
Hon L Bilyta paid Salem a visit lastTssii
Judgs Washbarne visited Salem last Mo&
SeeeardofMr JAWIhter ia another ool
Mr Ward Douglas, of Portlthd, Is ia Hit.
Mr II C Humphrey visited Portland this
Mr Wm Durent is still abls to be about oor
Dr A W Patterson visited Junction last SaU
MrNL Honey went te Portland last
Mr Ja If Iloblaaoa visited Belem last
Mis Blanch fitch visited friends InPotft.
land this week.
Mrs Mae has retained to Ut
bom nt BQvsrtott,
Mrs II cm Bollack bu returned te kef
home in Portlands
Mr Frahe Flelfler end wife of Albaty,
spent last 8uody in Edgene,
Mr Joseph Theimer 1 bdllditig a email nrf.
dene on East Seventh Utt
Mi Rove Wyrtt is lying quit HI al th
family reddens ia thi city.
Mr Andy Titus, ot Portland, is vultlnf
relatives tnd friends in this city,
Mr Al J Houck nod "Pat" Blew, ot Jaao
tion, Were io town lut Saturday,
Mr Geo L Gilfry, of Cresswell, paid Ports
land a visit the flrt part ot th wek,
Pottmister Cnrrin, of Cottage Grove, v
thi office pleasant call lat Wednesday,
Mr J L Rankin ia Confined te lis room with
sickness. Howvr, he is slowly recovering.
Mis Aon! Hoult, of Harrisburg, vlalud
friend in Eugn laat Wedeetday sod Than
W F McCarthy, at one time proprietor e
th Browmvlll store (pent last Sunday ia Io
Mr Orion Wu called to Junction last
Thursday by the levera llloess of bar tnothtr
Mrs Wilson.
Mrs TO Condon attended the District
Convention ot the W 0 T V, held st Albsoy
lut Wednesday snd Thursday,
Mr Calvin Wilson, who has been visiting
her for leveral day past, returned to bill
horn at Portland last Wednesday!
County Commisaioner Day and Gttett
have been lb Edgene thi week oo basinets)
connected ith their official office.
County Assessor Huffman began the work ot
assessing Lan oonnty lut Tuesday. Wt opine
that he will mak an xeellnt officer.
Mr AO Jennings, Chief Clerk ot tho
Hons it th late eetilon of the Legislature,
returoed to hit home at Irving laat Tuesday,
having oomploted hi labors,
Mr T A Rinehart, o former student of th
Unlvenity, is Priuoipai of the 8ttmmervi!li
Or, publio school. Mr A J Hsckst, grad
uate of the University, is Principal ot tb
Cove, Or, chooL
W leSrn that Al Houck, of Monroe, bai ,
taken oharg of th leading (tore at Junction
City. Al need no recommendation from ua,
Everybody know him and hu confidence la
hi business tact and boneatyi Corvalll Ga-
Mr J W Kays sod wife, ot Kew York, ore)
visiting in this city. Mr Kays had charge
of th construction of th entire iron work of
the Brooklyn bridge, and alio (Operintended
the building of the celebrated Iron (trtttore
which Wat oocofried by the Mellcao official
at th New Orleans Exposition.
Messrs J W Cherry, J R Campbell. Oeoj
Melsom and Chu Nelson, of thi city, paid
Harrisburg Encampment 1 O O F 0 fraternal
vi-it last Tuesday, Many visiting members
irom neighboring towns were present, whs
were entertained and banquette! with
upper during the evening.
City Transfers.
V U Wllkms toMary S Cartwrigtrt, S
acre near Eugene) con, f 4W,
May V Pottef td tUdney Potter, lot la
Packard'iadditlnft, ff.
Sidney Potter to V M and ii f Potter, lot
in Packard' addition, con, IL
I'hoebs B Kinney to Sidney Potter, lots la
Packard' addition) con, I'.n.
Geo S Ervln to A J Babb, lut ifl Packard's
addition; con, 1360.
Bowland Bros.,
OFFIC-WW Block, Eugtn City, Or
IBNSD 111 1 1
See onr re art ably complkte and elegant
sew stock at th
C 5 W