The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 26, 1887, Image 5

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mi l v 11 11 11 a.jws..ij.ia..B.a
i 11 A- V V Ulli A
c:Ti,ty.E.i.. HK'riiUN. f
. . I,.-
"vUtut kill cloves '"'mlly
, t ... h. v t Tai'or P ,ni w,i"""i many of the cap!
f, good deotMtry go to Dr N l ay .or. eHi Xhe Cnuewiof mllluR iu tue
.-t. .'old cheap for cash st Matlock. ot. ''" company are thoro.-trhly
Good 'a ""P ' kood by lu patrons. It would bo a
Trua wed bought and sold at Uoio.miia a, pi nine aud of apa e to anulyse the
. , ,1 i..,.'ii,t ri"ei a!H: Uie "'y QueUou that iiiUjreat
Afin.l)tof Eastern bat. juat recoi. el WtlekH hold-rart: Ithebcheme
jlatlock. jy arawnfatid Isthecoinpany flnan-
on,, hiirhwt ciih prtse will U paid for wteaMponitibltf To aatUly itaelf on
n " . , niemlier of the Chronicle
'by FB Dunn.. u sent from San Francisco to this
Flirhty acrei ot fine land fur sale. Inquire otnveatigate the all'air ot the Loun
i ..Vi i fte Lottery Company and to wiuieeH
IpHCokwa. , traordluary drawing whlih took
pbstogrpli finiahetl- neatly nd artise-.terday.
'liclly t Winter av
A fin Una of ailk plashes in
.rules at F B Dunn's.
Vlthm watchc .tlu''tion h Put 10 '"diujimen
Yon can purchase Waltham watches tj.e iu,, jja, Md a t,
K o vtu' 'rom $10 and upwards, p
cr't and oil cloth just received will be
'aeld at Portland pricea by Bettman.
n.lmra .mowers can bo purchased at the
W J l'rltohett Forkuer for $80. .
If yna want hardware at reasonable prices
'call at tin store of 1'rituhett t Forkner.
Get your bed rimm ,ot'' 'ounl?e ma'"
'treaten and furniture of Day & Henderson.
Sterling Hill keeps in stock an excellent
rtmeut of good readable works. Give
him a call.
If yna sre 'n want f Rr'u'tor wwhio
'eryof any kind, remember that Mr J M
Hendricks keeps a full assortmeiit.
MrS H Friendly will pay the highe
cash market prico for -w licit. Give lata a
aall'befurt idling your uraiu elsewhere.
THE! '
18 TUB
Which in crfmpetition at the Mechanics Fair
"lb 8h Francisco last fall, received the highest
jjirirt, and a sueUtU was ordered (truck expressly
Among the pianos competing for the "prize
"may be mentioned the .Stinway, Decker ISms.
Kanabe, Steck Haflet & Davis, and Ctiickermg.
Ho it will lie apparent to the casual observer
that these piano posses superior points of
merit, among- which may le niriitioiud superior
action, responding to the sli (litest touch. 2d,
lirilliant, yet rich powerful tones, prsluccrt hy
Uieir patent equalizing scale and linear brin,
Vivid extra space tor the strings and at the
aame time placing the hrMyw relstively iu its
jiroper )lace on the soutiiliiiir board. S I. in
liiiish and tine workmanship throughout these
instrument are without a pr. Another
Yeatnre which at once recommends itself, they
are so constructed as to rouUiu in tune with
Wthird the tuniiiK of other makes, savuii
Vnany dollars for their oVnr in ten ,
E. It. HuAaaker, of the firm Kunsaktr
Codife, Ashland, Orfn, will he in Eugene shortly
to wait on any one desirous of purcbemitv; a
Ciano or Onfall, bein nunufacturers general
agents for Oretfon and California of the cele
brated Mathushek Piuio. they can fn.-uish
these most excellent instruments iu competition
With any fi'rst-clsss piano. Remember ths
jrfanns require only ;ine-third the tuning o!
other makes. ' . . ',: r .
They.are also ajjents for lmK it dofen difTerent
bakes nf piano and nrtfim of first chs
toakes, and will positively m.ilcejt to tint lntT
W of any one desirinjf rin instniirient to
purchase the same of us wlilli our Mr. B. 11.
Hlinsaker is with you. P. S. -Flew hear in
inind it will enst you nothinsc l learn our
tiriues, ana may save yu rj. ,,
. Cll comniiinlcatioiH mMresed to K. II.
U&n.iakijf1.IiUene, will have prompt attention.
: ' 3 A Card.
KniTOB Gl'AKD : We hive wniteil patiently,
joslkiijij'foranitenicliiuiedtohave been sent
tortU ".Toiinml" f -V puiilicWon, snitinp the
plain facts in a criminal cast which t..k place
Ure on the Htli da'. lL-lMW M7, w.tere
flieer Veatch was thaivd havitu run the
county to noich needless cot. , The iu-iu loi-ke I
for was written up bv the justice f tlie peace,
pnd signed tiy one of our prominent ciii.-iis,
but from some reftnn has never come to li'hW
Why, we are unable to say. Thi ac?s are
simply these 1 On Jan 11, If", olReer Veatc!!
and deputv I'hrismaH arrested "lie V C Lyons,
at which true they were ariiitd with a number
hf subpoenas for witnesses, with orders fropi
the court to serve thb satlie. They went on
and served the papers as addressed, and the
next morninn about 5 o'chs; the shove named
officers arrested one Thols Kawliius, mil
ummnned one witness for liitii at the time of
his arrest; all other witnesses were sulsiei)!Hjd
jn the case of Mr Lyon; mid mma. were sub
boenaed for trial before any arrest wa made, as
. ... . i . . . x-
was statel bv air ijisiKer I'n. iw hi
facts are easily proven to any ninrt uf connrnn
horse sense, and all we have to say is thit if
kny proof is wanted, call aniilnd and we will
accommodate you. Yours truly;. .
Local Market Report.
' "itToENH, Feb 25, 17.
Vhkat-75 ai 76J cts.
Oats 40 W.5') Cts per bushel -scarce.
How 10 ? .'() cts per U; dull.
, KfCttn 25 cts per lor; scarce.
Butteb-'25(5:30 cts per lb.
LARn-8l cts per Ik
Pot ato'e-51.00 per bushel.
ii : cm., s 1(1 -u- aliiinlilera b to! cts:
'. i jAvun i"1". v w -")
hams, 10 to 13 cts.
Attempted MtiRDKR. -Quite a sensation and
Iraglo scene occurred on the street in Harris-1
Cure. Saturday. There arrived -n the 10:30
(a tt) train a nian by the name of Davis, a
wpper by profession; and his wife from Cress
well; On reaching the hotel he was noticed as
teicg a strange acting individual, but t'otli,llf
jn'o're was thought about it till about 12:30, as
he and his wife were standing on ine corner
Sear the Copia Hotel, wheri he drew a revol
yer and threatened to .kill her and called her
disrespectful names, at the same tune, pointing
thewvnlverather breast and exclaimed, 1
ill kill you." he turned to the cn.wd thft
t-' had bVi this time (fathered, and asked to re
flefemled. Th wfiuld be assassin was at once
taken into custody, and was pronounced insane
Cnm the effect of liquor and morphine. M rs
ij i l'j . m. i..nrti:ui. nf June-
(inn City. Davt Is a fit subject for the luna
tic asylpW and is a dmnkird. He attempted
to kill the officer who had him in chsive.
f)fED.--fn Eugene City, Oregon.
Hhi. . . m nf Inn trouble. Wil'ie,
Infant ton of Mr and Mrs.C.bas
- .ml ''l ,lav.
Hake-, aged
t year, J months and 21 day, ms ..
will UK place to-Uy, caium.j,
L Senders, oTSliany w ill visit Eugene on
March ISA for the purpose of bcyimj
horses, rieinforin us that hereafter all
I I Li k.. kl.w, mint he iu ffiMJd Con.
mirier vougn mJ "
ditioo. f
.Ton S.tLt-150 h'ts in U part of Eugeo
Chy with aod without house, l'nee to suit
Geo. M.Mui".
Mr Hollenbeck ba. completcl hi e-mtract
M excavating th reservoir of th Water Co on
Manner's liutte.
Mr Geo Thnrston left last Monday for Lake
for Lk
M, w
hare he e. to look after hi sheep.
nere ne
Manual ach s.l meetitajs all over th county
foe sreek fmm to-day.
n eflftorial par f-r addti-oal 11.
JAJUlDlAila nil.
Miuic, M
l"" OltLfcANs lLa.1. DeremW IS.
lor that
a" ,,,,!,!U lttr' Patron of th
ioiuw; lottery. It way oe added,
helically, UitotlthaHbeeu-aliio par-
F "tuna e in iu lavRaluieiito iu
ot 50,t
fimr of
The drat
the ban. I
New Orli
of Viiv'i:
pany had
xiie preu
were no
scheme V
10 ,CUl ti
were to I
the whee
The num
counted :
rolled U
meat am
bar tube,
bold tlKi
all hadcf1 duty ' tne Chronicle reporter
ascertain the legal Btatus of the
"Uoea it liave a legal existencer
tuliea. I
wan cond
Kar y, w
will aoon occupy a high Judicial
it the State
ous tank
vlthia k..NJ
Goshen Gosip.
February 23, 1SS7.
Stock are doing well '
Snnw only remains nn the Mils.
" had a good idd time Tuesday." B K R.
Elmer Henshaw paid Kugeue a visit Monday.
James Berkshiie went to Junction Saturday.
Philip Berkshire spent lait week visiting his
borne. '
Miss Hortense Paiker has gone to Monroe on
a visit.
. "I wbnlil liks to know who writes the items
for the Guaid. "-Somebody.
Mr Elias Keenev, of llalsey, is visiting with
his brother', A J Ktency.
Our merchant, J W Matlock, Is selling (roods
at cost for a period of 60 days. Gooa chance
for a bargain.
.Mr l)svid Eby'hasresiffned.he position of
school director. The board has lost an able and
enthusiastic membt
A social dance was isiveu at Goshen hall on
the tiiht of tne 18th, which proved to be one
of much enjoyment to thone in attendance.
Mrs Matlock, n'f whom we trade mention
! some time since as improving in health, aitain
i became quits ill latt weuk. However alio is at
present convalescent. t
It 'is said -while valentines (?) were making
thrlr'rouiids in this vMiiity about inie diizen
stopHi'l with a certain family, and 'twasn't a
very irood day for valentines either.
We observe bv the Annual school meetimt
floliue Uiut tine of the prosiHttions to come be
fore I he. meeting is that nf levyiptr a tax to
liuild a fence around th sell k1 house. May it
function Items.
Feb. 24, 1887.
Water melons and peashes are not ripening.
Mr Hoffman and Mrs Barton passed up to
your city on Wednesdays' train.
Farmers are becoming more numerous on
iii'ir streets. Good indication of reviving
Tlie trick attempted upon Prof Hupel hy a
few scholars was, I think, 'enjoyed more by
the latter than the ftn'imir,
The full uue ad. fnun this place in last
jssue f (iOAito at'racted considerable attcn'
t on in the p nlheo, upon receipt oi inai
ever welcome sheet.
Messrs Goldsmith and Stewart, two good
looking youon men of your city, behaved
themselves like real nice Kody goody buys
during their short sojouru here Monday.
Come again. .
The good natured remiiders(va!entines) in
your lat issue sent (roiii here, w re well
received by some, ami,, apparently ite
reverse by uthers. There sit an old adage
I beard many years ago that sounds some,
thing like, "throw a stone among a pack of
houljds and the one 'hit' will run and, howl,"
Wonder if it would be applicable iu this
case. .. , , ,.
Spencer Butte Items.
Feb 2.1, 187.
Snowing to-day. 1 .,
Mr Crow--, who lives near Spencer Butte,
has lost several sheep during the storm.
A little girl of Mr and Mrs August Fisher
has the whooping cough.
What young man fmm the vicinity of
Goshen went apai king last Sunday f
Mr Win Rlanto'n, Sr, who has been quite
aick are are pleased to learn is improving.
Mr Arthur Dunn, of Strington, left
Tuesday for Kansas City. May success
attend liim.
Squash thinks that Cucumber has got frost
bitten, lie Pail wetter iook out, as oa
Frost will nip him t.
A hnreo belonging to J W Cox got lose in
bin barn one niiht this week and kicked
another horse, breaking its Jaw.
Hr.i'E Belle.
A riuMon. The agitation of the Sunday
train question has not been without effect,
apparently It is said that the O t C has
,..ler nonviderstion the advisability of run
J..,. flimnh trains Sunday, on jut-t the
...... tj.m. . the week ilaV trainn. and, )
narrvinu the mails. 'I he mute of .the Leba
non expres will also be changld, having its
.....f hurn tpriniiiiis at EiiL'eiio. Such a move
would be a enmmendable one on the part ot
the railroad company, and would be a prent
4j..iierit to every traveler ovr its line, in
above is only a rumor.
Tst. Strayed ob StoJ.ex. fudjje Shaw
one evetiinif this week attended the revival
meeting, and left his hi,'hl valuable t
. i. vu.tii..,i. ,f thaclmfch. After the ser
in . -" - , i . . .
cuiircn. nucr'and hs wai
. ,1. . u.n. nnjHin.' unn ne wm iiiivi. ao
h had to Pbsl homeward, with his "l-st kdrl"
and oM Jupiter Pluvins Jwa descemling In
laws quantities. H-has rstUil the party
who took the umbrella, ui
hurt th feelinfi.f a fe
t does not desire to
low being, hence he
n question that U
t,.rhv ni tihV the lienum
will tie well if he. will lea
a tlie same in tne
front yard of bis residencd-to nubL
ADji'fcdEK Rs.iNE.-Mr A (i Chrisfiefd,
an old and highly respected citizen of
Eugene, was examined before Judge Wash
bunie, Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Shaw
aod Drs Sharpie and Jones, last Monday,
and adjudged insane. He was taken to
Salem Tuesday by the Sheriff. His mania
aeeme to be light, and all hope for his speedy
Not Lost mWey.-I the case of Jesse
o ..i...i..f.iir nf the estate of John
n ,l..k.l,l liuil aonellant VS S M
..III! ' - -- r 1
v .... ..,!,. n.neiil from Lane county.
the Knpreme Court reversal the decision of
the curt. It wss held by the higher
I 1... VI ..far. Vn
court that tne mo-it-r inumi v ....--
ran and 'iray was hidden for
was not therefore lost
safekeeping aod
Deswino and Paisnso. Mi M ti Spen
.... . . 1 ;u .1 : 1,1, ,K.
: cer, an amsi inuroognij ineu m
I l...n, U of her art. has located a studio iu this
.. ai i.:n...l I- t,iliMt
; ci anij will gj,, leon, to person desiring
' them. Mi". Spencer teache. drawinir, na
, .n,i minting in ml nj
term will be found reaaonable.
' Inqni-e for particular at the studio, np stairs,
kin Matlock building.
Considerable sickness in town.
18 lb rice for $1.00 at Bauer's, Junction.
Shot 81.93 per sack at Baber's, Junction,
Good seed oats at the farm of Gen Bolshaw. i
( Matlock sell everything at the lowest prices
Childrans' hos 5c per pair at Baber's, Junc
Climax tobacco Mo per plug at Baber's,
ltf lb extra C si'ar for 81.00 at Baber's,
We hear favorable report from the Junction
reduction sale.
Mr F.ank J Crouch has patented a nsw car
heating apparatus.
The water nisios south of Eighth street
have all been laid.
Matlock Is receiving a large line of Jiew dress
goods. Give him a calL
Matlock will pay the highest prices for
all kinds nf furs.
Mr S P Sladdeh and wife of Portlaud will
shortly remove to Eugene.
Hot and cold laths every day In the week
at Jerry Horn's barber shop.
Waltham, Springfield and Elgin watches
$7 50 and upwards at Watts'.
The G A It. entertinmeut last Saturday
evening ws numerously attended.
The Laura Bigger troupe failed to pot in
an appearance at the date advertiiud.
Johnson grass and red and white clover for
sale at Robinson t Church's hardware store. (
Mr Geo F Craw ha the sole agency for all
brauiU of the celebrated Tanail Punch Cigars.
James H Pierce fell dead in the store of
May & Senders, iu Harrisburg, on the ISth.
Some No 1 hop land for sale cheap. A
lare part clear and ready for plantimr.
Geo. M. Mtt.Urt.
Secure, seat for the Thou.pson Opera
Company's entortaiument to be given next
Read the list of new laws passed by the
Legislature printed on the first and this page
of the Gcakd.
Rev I D driver has accepted an invitation
to deliver the annual address before th State
Pioneer Amociatioa. ' .
Everything has peen reduced and ,('s r.nw
witlifn reach of the closest buyer, for cash or
produce, at Baber's, Junction.
Matlock has Just received from Chicago the
finest line of dress goods ever shown In Eu
gene. Ladies, examine them.
An infant child of Mr and Mrs V F Mil
ler died last Sunday morning ot whooping
o 'Ugh, and was buried Monday.
Another fall page ad. came up . from Junc
tion, but owing to pre eugaged space was
crowded out Lock out for it next week.
Mrs Maggie E McGinn, wife of Henry E
McGinn, Prosecuting Attorney for Multno
mah county, died at Portland last Tuesday.
A large number of reserved acats was sold
for the Firemen's Benefit that was advertised
to take place at Rhiiiehart't Hall last even-
It is rumored in political oirolee that Hon
Lark Bilyeu, nf this city, will soon, teceive
the appniutmont of Clerk of the Supremo
Goldsmith pays for beaver 52 to ?3 aO jicr
poniol. .. '
Mink aim conn, j.i to ou cts.
Fishtr and otter, f 1 to f(i. x .
The contestants to the will of the lata C E
Cbrisinah rmv'o appealed the same t ) the State
Supreme Court The decision of Unit court will
be final. , ,
Hepree!itat!ye J M Stafford, wlulq return
ing home last Saturday from the Legislature,
Inst or had stolen his purse, oontaimng flO'J.
Quite unlucky.
It. ia rim oi 1 that Dr A I Nicklin. of
Portland, but formerly a resident of Eflgene,
is a candidate for superintendent of the
Oregon Insane Asylum. -
A considerable number nf cattle are said
to be dying in the eastern portion of the
enmity. Menator Coleman, of Willamette
jreciuct baa lost twenty-nve neaa.
Mr A E Butterfield wa married at Port
land. 1 st Tuesday, to Miw Etta Wise. Mr
Butterfield was formerly a resident of Eugene,
and bis many friends in this section offer their
Mr J I) Matlock has this week received a
large invoice of dry goods direct from th
inannfso nrers to the Kust, which he wil
ell at prices that will astonish all. Cull at his
store and ue satiaiieu.
Postmaster Oaburu tolls ns that more let
ten we ro sut oat from the Eageuo postoltice
bet Monday than ever Wore known in its
hitry. It was etimatea that l.juu letters
were sent out to the people.
The Second Annual Contention of the Ore
gon State Sunday Schisd Association will b?
held at Salem, commencm?? Tuesday evening,
March Hth, snd closing Wednesday evening
March 9, 1887. Reduced rates' on the rail
road. j
. the best Indication of rcnsonable goods Is the
condition of thorn, and tbs appearance of store
nontatnin? the same. Goto Dabsr. In .luno-
- 1 Tl - I ln T..n.
tion, and b a recipient nf icourteous treatment
and secure a flow of the n)aoy bargains offered
there. 1 .
A daughter of Mr Geo if Armitage, who
has been attending the! .Academy oc the
Saered Heatt. was bmn J,,t, home, last sat.
urdsy qoife iW ifr-TWio fever. At last
aooouut she wa better. ; . ,.
A regular meeting of the W C T P will
be held at their room on Oth street on the
afternoon of March 21, t 2 o'clock.! As
r.i.rt frmn otlioer and superiiiteudcnU
will be 00, it t desired mat an meinour ue
i" . . . . . . .. . n 1 1
Hon B F Harding this week purchased a
couple of parcels of land lying contiguous to
his stock ranch In .Cottage Grove .precinct,
which now give him in all over 1750' acre of
land. t a ent of about ).00a Jf Intend
sVickiiii tberanc)iwith A0i"
M there wa joy on tbelr
tern. AU Wood
or received tbelr money.
be President of the Com-
IU use, they who
nal agent, acquire
r w wfaat 0, the
la were sent, and to whom.
ubstance. A healtl
Is eirected by It. aii
ical decay, wblcb
functions of lb s;
Tha nriioe cause
- duplication of ticket.
I-. . "
an atMoiute protection
SnTHTlleitahn & Co, Oregon's wholesale en-
Uroruini druexist, guarantee poitiv relief
fnranyCmigh, Cil I, Crnep, Asthma, Whrs'iMjif.(i ltl,tca,l0)1y rut froin labor 1
ing Con;'h, and all Lung and Bronchial coin-, , Ml, the e8jM)j that the mosti
Pl.inubyth.nj.of th.t j .,X!inswWi feet of the ..h. was S-C...-
failing remiv. oi- "
of Consumption cures. Try iu
See lummon In another coliuiiiu
Fraxier, the Portland horse buyer, a in
town several days this week. He purchased
quit a nuuiber of horses.
Mr Jacob Comer, w learn, is talkiug of
erecting a couple of b,rick building ou the
corner ot Ninth and High street.
It is ramorcd that Dr Harry Lane, cf
Portlaud, has been tendered the aupermtcn
dnuey of tl:Q Oregnu Insane Asylum.
Mr Johu W Bristow has a large sum cf
money to loan on farm and city property
in amounts to suit appiicaula. Sue lua ad.
in another column.
At Bettman'-Bargains !
At Hettman' Hargaiusl
At Bettman' Bargains!
At Rettinan's Bargaius !
A meeting of the ljiraotor of the Lane
Couuty Agricultural Association will be held
at the City Hall uext Monday morning at 10
o'clock. A full attendance is desired.
Dr J P ."ill has been elected by the Grand
Eucampment of Oregon, Modiual Director,
and Mr Frank lleisner, one of the counsel
of administration. Mr Nina M Fry wa
elected President of the Woman' Relief
Corps, and Miss Stella Rowland Treasurer.
The next Eucampmont will be held at
A column devoted to the Interests of th
Latirean and tvitaxian Literary Societies, aud
the. State Uuiyersity.
Dora Scott.
Ifr AmbruM visitod the University Tues
day. '
Mr Ed Humaion has been viaitiug friends
iu Kugeue. -
Prof Bailey preached at the Baptist
church Sunday.
Messrs Towell, Jidininn aod Potter visited
the Eutaxian society Friday.
Mr D W Pass spent Saturday aud Sunday
visiting friends iu this city.
'It will havo to como sometime; might as
well uow as anytime." C. M.
Prof of Astronomy 'M rl', what would
you see if a comet should atrike the earth
right Wbcro you weie etaudiim!'' Student
' Mr Win Taylor, clwis of '84, will not re
turn home during the coming summer,
having accepted a position as minister iu
Uocheater, N. V.
M: Etta Moore, Mossr Puttorlicid,
Ortcu'and McClure were among the chief
attractions at tho 0 A 11 eiitcrtainmout
Saturday evening.
The recitation, "Tho past rises before me
like a dreaui," was rendered In a most
acceptable manner by Mr R C Johnson at
the GAR entertainment
Mr A T Ambrose is again
willi us. Mr
Ambrose is traveling for
Kane's Illustrated
West, and we understand that he b visitod
Salt Lake City since leaving suluwl.
The, second clan pieeting of the senior
was held last week. The objiict id tlie meet
ing was to complcto tho arrangements for
tu selection of toe class tree unit pueiu.
I'M olai in Geology .having finished the
lirst two divisions of tlie text book, will
commence review lioxt, wees; preparatory to
exaininati'iii, before commencing oil the last
part of thoJjook. '
Ve uiiderstaml the senior are released
from the difficult ami arduous tak of run
ning tlie gmntlet. ' .This management also
leluaee the junior Irom the paiulul duty of
trying to be funny.
It ha been learned that tlie ex-prcsidcnt
nf the Laurean society carries 'a very tiny
j,f half worn kid gloves. ilns I
accounted for by the fact that said geutleinuu
has suddtuly bccoinu a "ladle man.
We regret to chroiiiclo tbu lcath of the
mother of Miss Bessio Day. Miss Day wu
not un-icnt at tho death of her mother, a
im was visitniK at V iclnriu, uut arrived 10
t .. . . . 1 ;
lime to attend U10 fuuoral, which took place
The whole Astronomy class lust week
came near being annihilated by the trespasses
..f a darino mouse. Alter fear and oonstor
nation bad well nign paraivzou iiiem 1110
traanasser was ruthlessly seized by mie of the
, 1 I .1 .1
younger and mure agile students snd put tu
a remorseless death.
Some of the young ladi'os who, for some
time, have been diligently practicing the art
nf naintinif uracefully, had their lirst pc
.mud observation of a uenuioouase last week,
and have concluded iu this case st leant that
they prefer the artiliciaj to the real; for
though the latter may give a inn PHr"
priatu color for this particular occasion, the
risk encountered of broken bones is far too
great to bo set aside for any tnval circum
stance. How devoid of any pesoe of mind- appears
obe the victim of the pangs of a guilty
conscience! 1 nougn nu rumyr yi
mcaiior perpetrated by the male portion of
the class shout to depart 110m my iihi
its Alma Mater,' has as yt reached the ear
of the coiioocter of the articles of this column,
till the uue?y and restless manner wun
u lii.dithev watch the every movuineiit -of
the iiinocent searcher for items itself oouvict
therii. "''.
...... ..: 1 1 .
The committees from the Laurean and
Eutaxiau societies appointed to select the
annalists for the '"' commencement
exercise melon Monday at the house of tho
editor .f this column. The comniiltees con
sisting of Horace McClure, E M Braiuiu, L
J Davis, Etta Moure, Emma Dorns, and
Dor Mcott, selected. Aii K111111 Drri and
Mr F M Mulkey to perforin that duty. The
graceful maimer in which Mis Dorris always
...m,,f. heraslf iii onblio is iu itself sufficient
...... ,,,.Hrltii,ii for her a an annalist. Aa
for Mr Mulkey, w can bespeak success; for
the public ha slready bail pnsif of hia
ability and ellicieacy by the successful man
. ... .u..i,.h h ni formed his duty as
iiiji i" - r
Uarean editor.
Mr U S Johnson iilicyes in disposing of
i.. ,l,.fi that are '.fie most harassing snd
cX-,?rJilU ,uA.n.'th Greatest havoo f mind and body
first, in order tnat in. compran ..
inav afterward turn hi attention to les nn
..,',... anl.iecU. Keepiini ever befor him
hM. iiriiiLioles. be baa spent month in the
weary search of faihiou plate it anything
that wonld enlighten him m respect to tho
latest fashion, from which he might urdtr
ih. cot of his ifradostine suit. At last the
t..k was ringed and lie returnei.v,
work of building p hi oration win
Tho New Laws.
(Concluded from first page.)
, injure vilu. . .
No. 1S7 (,'ivlng Prrtland authority to con
demn riparian n( Bull Run liver.
li7 Amending see 18, title S, chap, 41, mtt
cllaniis laws, . i .
oti-K.latinj to cbetlfTa fee ia Coo an Cur
ry cxiiiniies.
1W Relating to conqieiisatiou of state prin
ter. . itH-Inmrsiratlng Medford.
4ll-AUnwing holders of scalp of wild ani
mal to muk proof befor Justices of tbs
pcac. i .. ' i
KUi-rechmng the frst Satanlay In Jun a
public holiday, to b know a Lalsir Day. Th
act simply make the day non Judicial.
llA-lfrgtilating the sale of opium, etc
M -.Reducing the minimum price nf school
and state lands, excepting agricultural eollrge
lands, to (1 'SS nr acre.
"3 Minor chamnia in the school law, and re
quirirg public examination of teachers.
lU8-(iranting aright, of way through the
Rivervisw c.-metery grouud to th P 4 W V
tail mad, . t
2;i8-Autliorir.lnirTilUmnok county to nego
tiatx a bum of ."SHH) U build a court house,
8i (living county courts authority to fix
rates on t-dl roads, bridges, etc) goes into
effect on approval. . ,
147 -Providing that school clerks of districts
of 4HO0 population be paid on moneys collected
by him as follows: First t'.'O.uOO, 6 per cent;
next S),UU0, 2 ier cent; all. almve WO.OOO, 1
per oent. All 1 cities under 4000 iKipulation A
jier rent . of all mouev collected; goes into
etfert immediately. ,
841 Amending the JewMirt cliarter.
SlllRlSXiPSr dement. .
2til Amending the Dallr charter. I
l:W-U.,ati..g to eounty Judges salarle
deivartens as a part of a public, achool system.
when directors iu districts of ftOO iubabiUut
are authorized by vote uf tho ehctora.
184 Providing tiji of holding court in
Sixth Distimt. ...
IM AuthorUIng state hoard to invest ir
radiidble school fund at 7 per ceutum; In sffect
unn nppMval, ,
101 - For recovery cf property escheated to
the state. . 1 .
10 'i'o rclmburso certain counties.
4S-Providinii that illspiitud boundary line
between leal property may be settled by suit
n a court of equity; emergency oiaiue.
57 to ant home county rourt to construct
county roads.
Kill Amending school law.
182-1 Mreetiim governor to call siieclal elec
tion Iu November, 1887, for vote on constitu
tional amendments.
41 That witnesses in Clatsop county, re-
oeivs no fees; emergency clause.
178 Amending llalsey cliarter.
llll Aiithnriiint construction of brblga
across Willamette at Oregon City.
7 To prevent bulls running at large In T.lnn,
Chckamas, lleiitmi, Polk, WushiiigUin, Mult
nomah, Culuiuhia, Clatsop and Douglas coun
47 Amending divorce law.
W Providing that salaries of school superin
tendents may be fixed by enmity courts,
IM Authorising John Krtts to maintain a
dyke across Isthmus sIdiikIi, Coos county.
J7 Authorizing the construction of cattle
ciiMsings under public roade.
II- Amsuding civil code.
107 Providing for the sale of ground to
1-e Mission cemetery.
W-Appropiiatmg HMO for return of Dody
of Gov Gibhs to Oivgon; emergency clause.
103-Providmg that only actual damages may
be recovered for injuries received from wire
fences ast of the t ascade. j,
So l'mvldint for recovery of full damages
or stock killed by railroad trains; emergency
bis use.
182 -Amending general laws. -.''-,
1 1:: -AiithnriiiiiLf eonstrufition of nrrmw
gauge bridge across Willamette between Marion
und Yamhill oounlles. (
20 Providing for tine for misrepresenting
breeds of stock, ''
112-Amending charter of rendleton; emer
gency clause. 1
113 -Cr.-ating office of recorder In Xlun,
Marion, Washington, and Yamhill oountie;
oes Into effect hrst Alomlay III July,
17S Creating a fish comiuission; -i 11 .
151 Relating to property of Insane, psrsons.
Up to 8 .30 o'clock Wednesday nii'M the
Governor had takeu no action on the bills
remaining in his bauds. J he chances arc,
however, that he will sign senate bill ou, to
regulate the practice of dentistry) senate
bill 8:1, providing for inspection nf stock;
and bouse bill :I0, for the reorganizatmu of
the militia. Ho will probably veto senate
bill S7, providing for publication of supreme
court reports, and sen ,te bill 70, providing
for compulsory education ni children, is is
believed that he will allow senate bill 17U,
to become law without bis signature.
Accidental Shooting. A Harrisburg
special to the Albany Herald says 1 "Friday
evening about fii.'W o'clock J P Allison's twin
boys, near this city, wore In the oarn iioor
watching for ducks, in older that they might
shoot them ai they Hew over. They were
standing close together with their arms
resting upon their shotguns, when both guns
Were accidentally discharged. On of the
Soy's arms were completely shattered and
ad to be amputated. The other boy's arm
ws badly injured, snd will probably also
have to be amputated., the .boys claim to
be utterly at a loss to know what caused the
discharge of the gnno."
Diru. At his residence in t,his city, Feb
21. 1SS7. of .consumption. Mr Joseph Taylor,
aged 21 years. The funeral took place last
Tuesday. (
FAiuiKm.TAKK Notice. A good dinner can
had at Baker's Hotel for 2ft cents.
if ii a
Os, rtment t
Suits Made to Order; Fit Guaranteed.
- mn TTTJT T7
tne im q . TAJ J J JXJ
J. -TVV CHERRY, Walton s Brick.
,Dr Whiteker 1 now slowly improving, a
Mr J M Slisllev spent bit Sunday ln Eugsne.
HtfQ.B F IJardlng was In town a couple of
day ths weelc, , 4 . , .
Mrs JVidgeforp1, ot Ecio, visited Eugene
friend this week, 1 , l .. ,
Mr Wil Owen ha returned to this county
from Prlneyill. ,,. . , . ,
Mr J A Gulliford of Dufur, Oregon, visiud
Enge.ethi.week..,- .;Hli, ,u , , ,.
Mr Cop Cherry, of Albany, paid Eugene
a business visit this week, y, t ; ,
Mr Henry Owen returnsd Weduectlay from
a visit to th metmpoli. . , , .
Hod Ol(A. Wsgnr, trvllis was ia
towh a coupl of days, this week . , 1 , , .
We learn that Mr Henry Fry and family
will toon y. for Portland to reside. ; , .
Hon W R Bilyeu, nf Albany, wa In Eugene
last Wednesday on professional business, ,
Mr G R Chrismau ha been visiting rela
tives at Cottage Grove for seyeral days, :;, .
Mr A T Ambro, of Pottlaml, visited the
Guard office one day the fore part of the
week., . . .
Mr John O'Connor, contractor for putting
in the Water Work,, visited this
WtiK. t. . s . ,,, 1 f
Mlr,Tj W Bas. and K J Humason, of
Salem visited friends in Eugeue over last
Sunday...,, ( .... ., , , ,.
Mr S Arm.'.Uge, of Port Is nd, is visiting' at
th resideuce of his parents near the Mo
Keuzie, . , (, ., ., N , ,...
Messrs Scqtt snd K P Chrisman of Cots
tage Orovo, were ia town several days this
wo . 'I , . i . - 1
Judge R. 9. Roan went to Roseburg' last
Tuesdsy, on business connected with his
"'K' I . , ,-' 1 . '
' Mrs Mae McClsine,' nee Underwood, is
visiting iu this city st the residence of her ,
,n?tner' ,
:, OrGenE Qitshtiell,' of Shedd, paid mis.,
Uvt-and triradi ia Eugene a visit Saturday
Mr Tim Burrows, who ha been Visiting lei
Salem for soms tiaae, returned to Kugen by : '
Wednesday's train. (. . . t
Dr J P Gill snd Mr Frank ReUner repre
ssuted J W Gesry Past, G A R. St the
Grand Encampment held' in Portland ' this
week. Mr Kaimff, Mrs Walter MoComaok,
Mr Craw, Mr Fry and Mr Adair attended
the meeting of the W It C at the same time .
snd place.
List ( Letters
Remaining uncalled for in the Pnatoffice at
Eugene City, Oregon, Friday, Feb 20, 1887: -.
Smith AM WelseOeorg "
Sylvester. Mia May . Waiscarson John
Tayler AUen ( 1
Perennsealling for aama will plas glv date
when ailvertlaeil, .. ..
Y, W. Ohbubs, P. M.
Died. At OPrien's Hotel, in this city,
Feb 22; 1887, Chsis Ksegle,' commonly called
"Old Chrie," aged about '62 year. Chris
esme te this place about 18G4 from Csrsoa
City, herad, and for S few years worked as
a farm i 'sborer, but after a' time he com
menced sweeping out saloons, etc, for si .
liviug, iwhich! employment he has followed
for year. ' He was known by a great uura
berof foople of . the county ss a hsrmle
old felldw. From all acoounts wa learn that
he was born in Germany; came to America
nd accumulated ' finite a little property
which hi was swindled out oft became dis
heartonod snd enlisted in the Iste civil war,
alter 'which he came to Eugene. He was
buried last Wednesday.
, !,H . - -'
.AKotiIir J'ionker Gonk Wm Dodson dled
at his residence on Pleasant Hill on the 20th nf
this month ' He was aged about 80 year. IT
cams to thU county in 1K40 ' with Elijah Brist
tow and' located his claim in the fall of tha
year, on which he built a house and ha since
mail th farm then located hi home. 1 Let us
draw the mantle of charity across his peculiari
ties and remember him only as one of the brave
men who assisted Id subduing th wilderness,
and hoM that he may And hi way across tha
dark stream snd on to undisturbed rest beyond.
A Fmknd, .
Died. At th family residence on Coyote
Creek, Lane county, Oregon, Feb ft, 1887,
Andrew Randolph, Infant sort of Lewi F and
Paradin Crow, aged 7 week. , , ( ,
Wanted. A place for a girl to do hoo
work,for hr p'iard while attending ohooL
Girl 13 years old. Enquire of Judge WsL
UMlzM Bros,;
irifcSJionac uetwu
OFFICJS-'-WaltimS IIIOCK, tuene viiji vn
' : ... . 1 ... , v. - ful r.
.. ' ' .
! Ss rm remarkably complete and Sltgan
sew itock at th . , t f,
-r UMflW lnnnS
VJ W f " "