The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 26, 1887, Image 4

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    TT::.: i-7
.UATUKIMV mWVAUY 2d. 18.17.
Soraeltilog Eolito lo Denmark.
The reports from Salntn Indicate that
Dr Josephl, fo BBvcwding in waking
himself ahsordly ridiculous in hid ef
fort to retain hid Rrip on the office of
'Superintendent of the Insario Asylum,
11 last Saturday ha undertook to diin
Vharge tho clerk and 'bdok keeper of
the Institution and writ aliout 'it 'in
auch an tingeti tinman)? manner as to c)t
knocked down for iiU pains. His
spite at tha'ch'-rk "no doult jfrowai
'out of the fact that flie'clerk was in
atruimuital in iVposinn tha thieving
' and other trickery it tho DocWr'a pot
'and spy, fteatty, an account of which'
hus heretofore Iwen pamihhed in all the
'"papers of the State. To cap the cli
linax of Ilia absurdity, PrJosephi put
3!she . gird in Tuesday's Statesman,
iti Which lw pMendH to give his rea
ons for discharuins the clerk, which
dr that the clerk had just b-en do-
Vtird in spyins out the unvirtuous
'actions of oiift of tho female attendants,
' Vlinn tlit truth is that thn Doctor pre
tended to know nothing ahout tho
affair, until the clerk related the matter
to the St ate Board in his evidence
against ISeatty. This occurred some
two week before the adjournment of
the legislature, yet this virtuously in
dignant Superintendent of the Slate
insane Wards, could not muster up
'sufficient courage to discharge his clerk
forgiving such testimony before the
Board, until the day after the legisla-
' 'lure aujournea.
The truth of this whole business is,
"that 'this much learned individual is
'not a tit man for the place he now
t holds. His incompetency cropnout in
every move he makes . lis has such
- an Atlantio or wnomt and egotism as
' ' to presume that he can hold to the
-- cilice, against the wishes of the Board
' whioh creates him and in despite of
i a growing popular sentiment which de.
tnanda his removal. The revelations
1 made In thn Beatty expose, shows a
1 degree of rottenness and i.mnorality
' in the institution and its minagemunl,
disgraceful to the State and that de
' ruandi an immediate and thorough
'-cleansing at the hands' of the new S:ato
I k Board.
Cottage Grove Items.
'i raoMova sracuLcoRBr.sroNr.KNT.
1 .' Cemos Qsovg, Feb. 23, 1887.
' ' Two Uw suits in Cottage Grove htt
' Mr Palmy of Cartwriht, was in town
""Tuesday. ' .
Ve understand that Nellie Whipple
ia improving. , i
Hon Rl M'uVoatch came up from
' Ssleitt Saturday.
Mr Ira Baker, "f . Oregon City, has
" been visiting here cf lata.
Mr Arthur Douglas, of Siuslaw val
ley, was in towu Ju::day. .
. Mr Kiup -Bpawi) of Union county
Arr,ivRjlat.ihi place Saturday.
Tf Te Ik'Mosa troupe are billed to pel-
form here tho evening of the sixth.
M.jMr. John .Moshy returned from a
t , lsit in, Easter Oregon last Thursday,
,Wa still hear of numbers of horses
.i dying with .tha pneumonia, Several
w men luva lost all tlipy had.
. Therti was. a . masquerade ball last
4. night for the heuetit of the Brass Band,
. and in honorxf its buiug Washington's
. Liuthday.
Messrs Abe Bogart and Robert Dil-
i lard sold their farms one day last week
v to Mr Dan Harding, all of Cottage
, Grove preoinet.
Mr J F Day has sold his hlauksmith
, ahop to.J W Mastersan. We under
i,r stand that. Mr-Day intends going to
i4 Eastern Oregon,
JUrs G K ChrisiDau and Miss Murtlrn
Jt. Med ley, of Eugene, came to Cottage
o Grove Tuesday. . Miss Belle' Spray,
.,. of Eugene, came, up Tuesday aW
Messrs Iam -WarJ, Charles Ruaaol,
Hiram Wingard, Jlardie Crow and
Jamea Young, all nf tho same locality,
ere at Cottage Grove durina last week,
. and reported the snow as being deep,
...and hard on stock.
Ist Saturday .was another clear day
,.and tha suuw melitxt very fast. Sunday
rooruiug came in with snow falling
which continued driug the whole day,
it. but thawed! day, and at night
but four imihoa of new snow was on
i. top of the old,' bwt nint. all of the new
n etted off Monday and froie a little
Monday night; anoaej a litth Tuesday;
,,thia oioruing, Wednesday, there is
about an inch al a half of new Mnow
, and atill anowing; the air is not ery
vWld, eonswjueutly Uie aow falling will
,joon wtlt oil.
Springfield Letter.
SwiNumiP, Fob, 25, 1887.
'Coughs and colds are the order of
itha day.
A team Mouitim Mr. Anders
took a spin down Mill street yestrdy;
.jo damage escept a broken gate.
'Those wha attended the temperatiee
.meeting ou Thursday evHiinz listi-nexl
Jtoa cry tble speech delivered by Hon. i
A. v. juurtott, u tx'half of the cauut
.of taojperauco. Aftef which be si
.made chairman of the Committeo on
Arrangeraenta. Friend Burton aivept
soar congratulations
I, aa a resident of Springfield, am
truly sorry that many of tlm peoplo cf
Eutena are signiin; a r-montram.v
which is Uing . circulated in that city
(or the purpeso of preventing the pco-
pie of bur town and" surrotanding neigh
borhood from socurimr and maintain
ing a road from this place to ths
Spri'nefield depot. 'I'revions to Jan. 1,
1887. we have had a gateway y wtouA
we could reach (lie dopot, but aince
that tinro the gcte lias heen removed
and the road c!6ej. Even the roan
messenger lias been forbidden to cross
certain premise, Rorwr to aim irom
trains, thoegh W are pleasnl to note
the fact that fn 'this case the mail car.
rifT has not l-een troubled. I would
like to ak thefce Who are signing the
remonstrance: Aro yoh doing onto
others as you would havo them to do
onto ycut , Or, in other Words, are you
doing 'right? We appeal to your bet
ter iuflirment as a neighbor and as
an American citizen. Are you dealing
out to your follownien such justice as
in your judgment God intended you
should, Stop for a moment, my dear
friends, and think what you are doing;.
You are refusing us the very privilege
that you are now enjoying. You say
by your acts (whether actuated through
malice or misrepresentations,) that tho
people of this town shall not have and
maintain a depot at this place, and by
tho samo acts you will compel us to go
to Eugene, a distance of four miles, to
reach the train; also to get our mail,
l'lucft yourselves in our situation and
and look the matter spuarely in the
face, then loll us what you think about
it. Wm. Laird.
Pleasant Hill Items.
Feb 24. 1887.
Mini Ilortenw Fsrker Is vlaiting relutives a
Miw May WilUe lis cod to Eui;ods to itay
fur a time.
Mown II (' Wheel.T nd P L Dilntow made
tho city a visit Monday.
Mr and Mrs M D Wheeler of Iowa, -ars
vlnitiiiK reliitivfi here.
Mr L S Itowlsml, of Eutfene, vUited rela
tiv s hers lost week.
Mr II F Keenoy nml wife, f Goalieo, spent
Sunday st tliin place.
Mr W II ISaiiKhnian was in Eugtae two or
three da)i of lut week. ,
Iter I N Mulkey made a visit to to Halaey
Saturday rwturiiintf Monday.
Mr D F Dunn has Ut about fifty head of
sheep ilnve the enow storm.
Ke viral from here attended the "social hop"
Kiven at (iiwhen I ant Friday evening.
Iter W II Wiltxe and wife vhlted Irving and
Eugene the first of the week.
Weather rather changeable; snow, rain, hail,
front, anil aunahine all in one week.
Mr J L Blair of Minneant ia vialting with
Ida couain, Mr Wm Wiltae of this place.
' Mr T Gilpatriuk, who has been finite ill with
ipinol alTection, ia reptirted out of danger.
rk'honl at thla place has been suspended for
the paat two weeka on acoount of the atorm.
A child of Mr C A Davia has been quits 111
with aplnal atfectiuo, but is better at present
Mr J I Podann ia lying quite ill with ty
phoid pneumouia. lis ia uot expected to sur
vive lung.
Miaa Maria Freeman is still lying very low
with the black jaundice. Friumla anil rela
tives all Imping fur her apeeity recovery.
Mias Iottle Stoopa haa gona to Springfield
where ahe will remain awhile for the purpose
of etmlying niualo under directions of Mrs J
M Clarke.
Wm Pndson died at his home st thh place
on Saturday, Feb ID, after a brief dlneas. De
ceased leavea a eon and two iluuiihtera anil a
wide circle of frienda to mourn hi death. The
remnina were interred in the l'lcamiit Hill
cemetery Hunday,
Mr A T Attebery, who started from thfct
place to California about two wevka ago, re
turned aa far na Eugene thla week, having only
gone to Yaipilna, lie returned to Yanmna
Wedneailay, where he exwoU to engas in
Ashing during the spring aud summer.
A birthday party was Kiven Mr E Boyd's on
the lH(h in honor of Mfaa I.uella Mulkey.
l,ouil peU of L'l.'le and lomi rimiles of aiiicic
era are said to have been evoked by the witty
sayings, curiously devlaed Jokns anJ the merry
making iu which all engaged. Thus three
pleasant parties prove to lie a never failing
source of consolation aud deNghl
Irving Items.
Feb 24, 1887.
A little too much enow to suit Wehfootera.
A good ti l' f r humuiinc, from si) sippear
ncea, aince J mi 1, '87.,
Tim weather aeema to be the toilo of con ver
nation In general now by all, ami it ia aahl by a
good many that the lat two month a caps tho
riiinax since even a white umu iutiubited the
State. Who save not!"
Mr ACJennlnsa ia atill in Sleia and will
mt be home before the flrat of March; ami if
bin mind i "tfec'.ed on aw-oimt of the Weather.
like some others of whom we isight mention.
he is liable to rnuum in the eastern Dart of the
city iu one of the iit.ite buildings.
Irving hits another new enteriiriite on foot.
aud the uew maohinory ia all in ami the pwblio
are invited to call and examine and read the
advertiaeineiit of ll.ian & S.limion on tnter
uiAnhera and lolling pint.
The darkest hour, it ia said. Is iliat hefoiv
dav, and we thiuk that that time in paat for
Irving, KeD the imlii-atioiM ia sight, there
will Im aU.ut StUSS) wor h of improvement utiS
mi in Ir.inx this summer la the following
deei-rilxsl buildings: the lOnl' are going t
erect a two t..y building with a hkll over
head, and the church ia going to build a good
biiihliug, aiae not uieiitionel; there is alxi to
be 1 a large trMu warehonne on the sit
of ti e idd t'or hoiiMj, braides sini alight
talk of one or twodwelliuga; hence we will have
plenty of iniuic whea apring opens.
Reiidutlons of Sympathy
The fallowing resolutions vers ailopteil at
the regular meting ot the Cnburg Choral
Society at its regular uiectfmi, Feb. 13, 1S82 i
Whkrkai, In the mysterious course of
nature our ranks have been iuvaded by the na
Welcome meswiiKvr of death theivfore,
ltrsoLVsn, That in the death 4 Mrs Anna
CiH-hrao our club haa hot one of its irightmt
and Uiiol intrfatiitahle membew, society ml
Urve one of iu puraat aaj noblest ornamtnU,
aad hr family aa irreparablo be.
ItsnoLVKii, That we hereby Umler her hus
band and Kmi'v mr avmpathy.
UtaoLViis Vbal a epy uf thaas res.diiti.xta
be ird on our suinuUe, and that they be
uiiiunm our cminiy papers Mr HHIICKtMU.
nastiLi an. i nai irusu motive i4 atnrer rw
s)-t to the deceased DMiuber, this a-xnety do
ow adjoura until called to meet by the iHeaJ
deut. T. M. Mastis,
Ca Vwimi,
l!u Curros.
Look out for Bet! man's ne "(L"
next week. It wil! py all t read it.
Dr. B. F. Bu,v, of Ceilar ar,
gava this ollice a pleasant call last Saturday.
ssWdaTT.-lHlMS III l i
Yhera will be a Sod, Whits and Blue
locSatile and entertainment under the snaploea
nf the I W 'O T U st Rhinehsrt s hall Sst
arday evetfing, Feb2C, 1887, at 7 u'clock.
Mueio by 'the Hand.
lieeitation, "The Martyred Mother."
Select resdiog.
Vocal solo.
Selections from "Samaoths Alien."
Double quartette,
Muiio by the Hand.
Admiaaion. including lnrjch, 25& Every
body invited.
Died. In Eugene City, Oregon,
Feb, 23, 1887, of lung fever and whoop-
inz coush, infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. P. Sweet, aged 1 year, 9 months and
8 days. Buried at the bpringheld
cemetery Thursday. Mr. Sweet has
six other children quite sick, one of
whom ia hardly expected to recover.
A large amount of editorial matter
crowded out on account of A rush of lo
cals and advertisements.
Mr C W Younj shipped to Portland
this week a car load of stall-fed cattle.'
He realized about $55 per head for
them, u
The mail route between Eugene and
Florence will lie merged into one con
tinuous route, and the service thereon
will be increased to a semi-weekly.
Change to take effect July 1, 1887. '
On Improved Farmsand
City Property.
Apply to J. W. Hit I STOW.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Lane.
Charles Kohn and Naphtall Kchn,-
partners, dinir business under the J
firm name of Charles Kulm k Co., J
A A Erry, Itoea Berry, James
Berry, Nellie Berry, K Uolinaky.
and (ieore Brownntein, partners,
ih.lng business umler the firm name
of E Unlinsky ft Co., Julius Sultan
doins buaineas under the firm name
of Julius Saltan ft Co., Ja.eih
Bremer, diin biislnpaa under the
firm name of Joseph Bremer ft Co.,
John Bniokman, T A Milliron, W
H Huffman, Louis Salomon, aaail
ministrAtDr of the eatate of J it
Berry, deceased, J
To E (Jnflrtsltf and Geortre Browfttttpin. Dart
nirs, (inltiK buaineas under the Hnn name of
E (jollnsky ft Co., Juliiisnnltnn, ilolnir buai
nfia under the firm name nf Julius Hultun ft
Co., Joseph Bremer, doiuit bAaineaa under
the firm name of Jeph BremeT ft Co., and
John Bruckmnn, defentanta I .
Oreiinn-yotl and eaeh of you are hereby
required to sppeftf and answer the complaint
filed against yon in the above entitled Cnnrt
and eauae hv the first day nf the next regular
term of aid Court, to be beguft and held in
Eiik'ens City, J.nne Cmmtv, OreK"n H the
llhh day of April, A. ti.( and in oe yi
fail so to spear and answer said complaint,
said plaintiffs will apply to said Court for the
relief prayed fur therein, to-it ! J'or t'fie
forecloaure nf a certain iflortjrsce de.orilied tn
said complaint and exeenfed by J fl Berry,
deceaaed. and df It. A A JWrry, nn the 17th
day of June, 1884, upon certain real property
hereinafter described tn secure the payment nf
a certain prnndaanry note tinted the 15th dhv
nf June, 1(184, etecnted and de'ivered by aeiil
J H Berry and A A Berry to said plaintiffs for
the sum of eip(ht hundred miliars, payable in
troli! coin nf the Tjnited States one ilny nffer
the date thereof tn the order of said plaintiffs
with interest thereon at the rate of ten per
cent per annum from date until paid. That
the premfaes conveyed thereby may be sold in
manner provided by law aVid the proceeds ap
plied to the payment nf tie sum of six hundred
and fortv two dollars due oh said note, together
with Interest therenfl from October Kith, 188S,
at ten per cent per annum as in said complaint
designated. Also for the coats, expenaea and
di'liursemiflta nf said suit, and expenses of
aale and for $70.00' attorney's feea therein, and
id case iah proceeds are not mifreient to pny
ins aame, then to ohtalft jungment ana execu
turn 9MDIM l daisoiLukL JkJtM
balance remaiaim; due. and alao that you and
each of you and all persons claiming by,
through or under yon ot either of yon may he
barred and foreclosed of all ritht, t'tle, claim,
11 n, equity of redemption and interest in and
t such mortgaged premises arid for such other
and fa ther relief as to the Court or Judge
thereof may ssem just and equitable. Said
mortgaged premises abote referred to and lie
ai-riled in snid complaint being as follow:
Coinmenrinir at the 8 K Ofter of the N E i
of the N E i of section 17 T, IS S R 4 West;'
running thence 00 roda weet; thence north 40
rods: thence east SO rods; thence anotlf 40 roda
to place f beiiinning. cnfltalninir tea acrea.
Alan the N J of S E i of N E ' of See 17. T
1ft S It 4 West, containing 20 aereaj beincr part
of the donation land cluiin of Thnmaa Wash
burne. Alan Lots 5, 6 and 7 in hWk Xo 40 in
Junction Civv, Oreiron. All said land being
and lying in Lane Comity, Oregnn.
Thia summons ia publiabed by order of Hon
R S lUan, Judge of the sliovt entitled Court,
said order bearing data Feb 21, 1MJS7. .
Bn. u ft Coiusa and
S V CesiHis,
Attorneys for Plaintiffs,
flated st trttm) Cite, lae Couaty, Oregon.
Feb 24. Ii87. , ,
mm M
Four splendid "Now White" Niekel-plated
Sewing Machines All Complete
I am offering these machines at cost, not having th time or room to dal in
them any longer. Thiv ia a fine opportunity to recuto om of thsei most popu
lar, liesl furnished, spd critainly the most desirable of all Sewing Machine
f also offi'r the following bargains:
Forty Ladies' Xtre Market Cloaks for $1 less ihctn Cost.
Twenty-fire Gents fine Overcoats, this seasotfs pier
chase,) for Si less than Cost.
These are all it, doairaMe goods, and will pay 30 per cent, on the invf sl
memt even if onn had to lay them away until nxt Winter.-
I have a uuiuUr of other Larytiiis to offer and to which I will call atten
tion from time to time.
Gents' Furnishing G-oods
In the Hoffman House. These goods "wore baiigV
direct from the Manufacturers and will be sold " W
nrtTTrn " rioll and fiirnmitifi and lories these t?onrk l
B M J VV XX a uiaA Mjuavs
Wood Wanted.
rir8 will UK keceivei until
1 Ataroh 1 1)1X7. In fnrniah ilurinv the com
ing- Summer, 200 cord of four f't Imdy fir
wooil. Privilege reserved la reject niu nrall
bids. For terms and particulars inquire nf
. Ha. I. W. Shei.tok,
Prea. Eugene Water Co.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Lane.
Frank Lucaa, I'iailitilF,
vs. I
Samuel Lucas, Daniel LuCaS) ,
Naucy Lucaa, I
Defendant. J
To said Daniel Lucas, Samuel Llteos and
Nancy Lucaa, Defendants:
Crtgon yon are hereby required to be and
apiK'Sr in said Court and uiiHweHhe cVunplnint
of plaintiff now on tile, within ten days tenia
the date of the service of this summons upon
yon, if served in said Lane county, Oregon,
and if served in any rther county in this State,
then within twenty days from the date of tl (
service hereof upon you, and if served by publi
cation of summons, then on the lt day of ti e
next remilar term of aaid Circuit Chuit to-wit:
The lKth day of April. 18b. And if you fail
to aS,ieaf and answer judgment Will he taken
agnilmt you, and the plaintiff will apply for the
relief prayed fof in the said complaint, namely,
the s ilo of the following deacri'ied preiuiaoa;
The N E i of N E i of Sec 80, T 19 S, K 5 W.
and N J o! N V , ami NWJ nf N E i fl
Sec 31, T 19 S, It 4 IV, containing Itid acres,
and the S i of 1 W 1 and N W i of SW J of
Sec 29, and 8 J of S 14 J and N E i of S j
Sen ai), T ID S, K 4 W, containing 320 acres,
in Lane County, Oregon, and the division of
the proceeds thereof After pay in.' the and
exiicimea of thia suit, unit sale mid for such oth
or and further rtlief aa mSy seem equitable and
This summons is pnblielied by order of Hon.
R S Bean, Judge of the Hecitud Judicial Dis
trict, winch unlet i made at Chamber and
dated February Hi, 1S87.
. Josrtl.'A 3. WXl.T05f. .III.,
Atty for Plff.
Fobruaty 35, 1887.
REV I M DERBY, of Lind. n, N. Y.
.rayas "The Oilmnra .-Sroni'itic Wii.e pio.
s great blessing to my w ife." ' At Oabnurn d
stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries,
bought in the best markets
Can offer the publio better prices thaa any
other iionse
Produce of all kimis taken at market price.
Miss E.J. Lowry,
. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Shop In lower story of Winter's gallery,
Willamette street.
This space reserved
for tho
J. W " w s
in the near future, wp have JeturrnlneJ to close out hlr entire stock
AVe have in stock ihe finest selection of goods siiitablo fdr lioliday
ents to ho found in the City.
Diamonds, Gold WatqheS; Go!
. hams, Silver Plated Wate,
Jewelry, Notions and
Albums, Scrap tfooks, Autograph Albui
Christmas and New Years Cards,
-And an enillf38 varipty of nice goods Call and bpo.
ilo Ti'oiiJiIc to Slaou' Goods.
C( MeEIu ttg S J e h a s o
" sSsla Agsnts for Ecgene City, r ,1
' We ate still at the ol.l reliaMe "P.ranne Store,"
L sal eaa still you anything that you want to eat
V, Euflfl or wear, T
Y"" Cheaper Than tlwi Cheapest.
1 A
b m. op
MatlocWs new Stiol
Improved Famrs
For a Term of Years.
LuKeuelily, Orrgoa.
Is it
. Our store building sold, and as we shall have to move into
At or
fa orr sale ArTsi; -
Ts lTnmiTr n ITI
DBAiras" i.v
ri... n.'u sTlll Stilt :
vivuill a a am