OREGON NEWS. Mf of 0.ral I Uuittt in . n dented 7onn Co Yimhill county has paid her Bute ...ai ju full. A pension has been granted to James of HuntingtoD. I o. Wilkin, of Junction has J?n splinted commissary of the penitentiary. - n.M Fellows lodge, with thirteen hrter members, wan organized at North Fowder. The town of Airlie, the terminus of the narrow gaugu uu mo wmi imp m -itbOUt iwro, t r Dickey, of Albanv, Iihs been :(H caotaitl of the euimia at drt penitentiary. Oregon' population in iboo was n ic. and furniHhed 1.810 (or the .ion casein the civil war. K is claimed that the Indians on tit Silet reservation raised and 'hipped 40,000 bushels of oaU during 1886. The preliminary line for the pro .r.A railroad between Jacksonville La Mwiford bos been surveyed. The mad will w Dve ,,,UCB '""is w ... . b :l 1 I cnn (eet. Ti.n Davenport naa been arrested portUnd for making counterfeit money. J8 wa wsn" 10 v" J';U1";I" lUry for two years on a similar charge in 1885. Rev. T. O. Bronson, pastor of the First Biiptist church at Albany, has .n chosen presiueni oi me wcaiinn- ,ille Baptist College, to succeed Kev. .C. Anderson. Eighteen carloads of immigrants recently arrived at Umatilla Junction from which point they scattered out through Eastern Oregon and Wash ington Territory. One hundred and forty persons liv- r .. .......11.. .1.....: ing near uswego, uru iicmiyiv ufou- tute. They compose the families of men who are idle on account of the thut down at the iron works. The bill for the relocation of the county seat of Yamhill county, is ex- t a- m r ' mi i l tcM to give AicAimiivuie me piuce. The citizens give Sf2"i,000 and grounds fur a courthouse in case it is located there. Thohias Thompson, of Coles valley, Douglas county, had several ribs broken by a homo kicking him, and his daughter was thrown from the same animal, her leg broken and severely bruised. E. W. James shot and killed Mrs Mary Newton at All inn. He raised his gun for the purpose of scaring her. Forgetting that it was loaded he pulled the trigger and the charge of shot entered the left breast above the heart. The steamer Clara Parker was at tempting to reach D. K. Warren's nnch on the Shipanon creek, near Astoria, with a load of cattle for him, when the ice knocked a hole in the bottom of the steamer. She sank, I !M TI.AA.tlAW.M relpuMwl anil rl.tinornil luhnre and orcr the dyke without loss. The steamer Manzanita returned to Astoria from a cruise outside in search of the steam scow Dawn, which drifted over the bar. Catit. Gregory made a long and faithful but unsuc cessful search up and down the coast 100 miles. The Dawn must have crossed the bar safely, as when last n she was off McKenzie head. As nothing has been seen or heard of the steamer or the men since, they are doubtless lost. Al. Church and John Harmon, the only men aboard, were well known and highly respected old residents. Harmon leaves a young wife, sister of his unfortunate com panion, who was single. Three St. Louis firemen were killed by a falling wall. Four young girls were burned to death in a schoolhouse at St.Monioue, Canada. A waterspout caused the loss of aeveral lives and much property near Carthage, Tenn. P. C. Jean, a priest of Lyons, la., ho was disponed by Bishop Hen Mssy, has recovered $100,000 dani ges. Sear Jefferson. Iowa, a farmhouse was burned and Mr. Lucklum, his wife and son were burned to death. Charles Ogden Ferris, the bogus Jicuborne claimant, has been sen tenced to five years in the New York jt'niientiary lor fraudulently ooiain iug a pension. Full details of the terrible collision between the steamers Helen Nicoll and the Keilawarra off the New South Wales coast.have hen received. The Nicoll struck the Keilawarra stem and the hitter went down a few mo ments after with fortv persons on board, manv of them women and children. The night express from Boston to aionireal struck a broken ran a iw fods from a bridge at Woodstock, on 'he Vermont Central. Two pas- nger coaches went through the ""dge fifty feet high and immediately 'k fire and were -consumed. Over ' e hundred persons were in the two poaches, and sixty already known to ye ueen killed and there i a prima- J'uity of more. The scenes were norribla in tha oTtramo And neonle nd to see their friends and relatives Wanted before tlmir eves. The bodies faat as TprnvoraA a oro .laid out On ice, and most of them were un- "wgruzable. A number of the pas "gers were ladies. Manr bodies 've prodably gone through the ice -u swept down the stream. ALONG THE COAST. Voted Mneipallj to Wuhlnrtoa Territory ana uuuornlv Hailey, I. T., is to have electric lights. Dayton, W. T., has organized a board of immigration. The new town of Kelno, Cowlitz county, W. T., has a postofiice. An oat-meal mill is in course of con struction at Spokane Falls, W. T. A team ran away and smashed a stage to pieces near San Buenaven tura, Cal. A calf with eight legs and two heads is in K)isession of a farmer at Liver more, Cal. An N. P. passenger coach was burned at Wallula. Origin of fire unknown. An elpvpn-vpar-ild trirl flnmmittpd suicide at Salt Lake City by taking strychnine. (lenrva f!r!ttnnd(n of Cnttonwnod. Merced countv. Cal.. committed sui cide while insane. .Tnhn Kptr-heinidfl. livinc near fVn- tralia, W. T., was found lying dead in the woods near that place. A rnlilp. ruilrnml ennmanv has of fered the Los Angeles council $50,0001 tor a irancnise. Dclioe Robles was murdered at Tuc son, A. T., by unknown parties. His head was split opon with an axe. John Kearney's" dead body was found in the brush bv the side of the Sonoma road, near Petaluma, Cal. A diamond weighing one and a hulf carats was found m a Butte county (Cal.) gravel mine recently. A resolution was passed by both Hoimr of Hip Nevada Legislature. disfranchising Mormons in that State. (Jiilnii'l Dnnnin. a fireman, was fntiillv iniured bv the explosion of a boiler in the sugar rofincry at Alvardo, Cal. The bodv of Miss Sunderland, who was drowned while crossing a slough near Anderson, Cal., has been recov ered. Andrew Felter murdered his wife nnil ilipn committed suicide in the saloon at 110 Fifth street, San Fran cisco. Wm. Dowdt. a drav-dnver was fatally injured while endeavoring to top his team that was running away at Merced, Cal. Two Mexican miners had a desper ate fight at Nogales,, A. T., a few days ago and one was killed. Tho mur- i-rer escaped. Kr-finvprnor Stoneman of Califor nia lias been appointed a member of a r-fiimniilcn to examine a section of the California and Oregon railroad. There were 200 fallen trees on the irni'U of the Northern racihc railroad, during the recent rough weather, be tween the OUtli and oth nine post. Sixty tramps were counted in one rnmn nnar Kan Bemsruino. iai. They had an abundance of chickens and other delicacies oi tne season. ipl . Spxtnn. a sheenherder. hanged himself in a barn near Liver mnr. Cal. He had iust squandered considerable money iu a prolonged spree. The baric' Astracnn. from the Col umbia river to the United Kingdom, was wrecked on Melbourne Island, December 17. The vessel was a total loss ; crew all saved. WpIIh. Farcro t C.'a office at Pali sade, Nev., was entered by two armed and masked men, who attacked the agent and compelled him to open the safe, which they robbed. An ndition of 20.000 namplets de scriptive of Fresno county, Cal, was recently printed, but tne uoara oi Trade ordered them all destroyed on account of some errors therein. Thk Canadian Pacific workshops at Yale, B. C, were totally consumed by fire. The origin of the fire is sup posed to have been a spark trom a passing locomotive. Loss, f 100,000. Andrew J. Leonard, convicted at Vancouver, W. T., a year ago of man il,mrli.pr. and sentenced to fifteen years at the Territorial penitentiary, was shot and kiiieu ai eeaico, wane attempting to escape. Col. O. R. Putney, an old miner, ...... ,? 1 . . TV... was killed oy a snow-snae ai uy Horse, Idaho. In an old valise were found some letters and some bones, with a note, saying : 'I wish these bones buried with me. Mayor Dunham attempted to warm giant cartridges at the blacksmith shop at Hard Scrabble mine, at An- Aarenn Till., iv nuitinir inem in noi water. They exploded, blew off his head and demolished the shop. TiiB hnAv of Timothv Murray was fnn il , rooked to death in the cake at flip. Union Iron orks. ban fiVanolunn He beloneed to the nieht shift and it is supposed he went in for warmth and was overcome uy wo eases. Archbishop Riordan sent a circular letter to the Catholic ciergy oi Dan Francisco directing them to pray ior Tim lpttprs were read in the churches, and the priests and congre gation joined in prayer ior ine wibhbu for rain. PoinVir rinnftline'. a. convict in the Arizona Territorial prison, played the insane dodge successfully on the nii'ioiuU of that institution and was sent to the insane asylum at Phu-nix, from which place lie made his escape the first day. "It is reported that the railroad com pany have abandoned their proposed ..ian nf lavine a double Irack from Oakland to Martinez for the present year, unless the weather becomes so stormy on the Oregon division that they cannot continue work. An unknown man was killed at the Red Cloud mine, near Merced, Cal. He was employed in timbering the tunnel, and while passing along the drift, directly under tho shaft, a bucket fell from above and struck him on the head, killing him instantly. As M. Annotassa was carrying his seven months' daughter into the kitchen, at his residence in San Fran cisco, he was attacked with an epil eptic fit and fell, upeetting a boiler full of scalding water over the baby and himself. . The child died a few hours later. Long Valley coyote district (Cal.) where the wool-growers pay $110 for every coyote killed, which, added to the $15 offered by the county, makes the hunting of the coyote quite an in teresting sport. The sheepmen meau business, and their business interests are at stake. George E. Houghton was found dead iu a vacant house in the out skirts of Bakersfield, Cal. He had shot himself accidentally or with in tention. He left the house saying he was going to hunt and was fouud about noon. The gun Was lying across his body. The largest nugget yet found in the placers of Caur d'Alene was taken re cently from the Horse-shoe claim, on Trail creek. It weighed twenty-nine ounces six pennyweights; worth $170 or so. Previously several nuggets have been found weighing twenty or twenty-two ounces. Albert Fink, a miner from Calico, visited San Bernardino, Cal., for the purpose of "having a good tinio." He spent his money freely, gambling and drinking, and wound up by taking a dose of opium and whiwky that killed him. Whither he ment to commit suicide is not known. Two riderless horses wero found in a deep canyon near Nevada City, Cal. It is supposed they fell over tho bank. One seemed to be injured, but the other was all right. Owing to the deep snow they cannot be reached. What became of the riders is a mys tery. It is feared they are buried iu the snow. It is support the riders were anti-debris spies. " A young man residing at Wood bind, Cul., sent tho following letter to his family : "Mother & Sisters I Am going To leave you now and very likely For ever my whnre a bouts shall bo unknown to you euk out your mis erable existenco the hist you can. Farewell may be for ever." Jack Sheppard, a man stopping at the Cleveland house in Vancouver, was found insensible outside of the house, having evidently fallen from a second-story window. He died with out recovering consciousness. The day before he had drawn a consider able some of money from the savings bank, but no trace of it can now lie found. Police have arrested two men, Sheppard g room-mate and barkeeper of the hotel, on suspicion of murder. Louis Bumis, a freight engineer, was killed in a collision at Echo, Utah. He and another engineer were running a double-header freight train east and side-tracked there to let the west-bound passenger train pass. Hearing tint the train was late they concluded to go on the main track to the coal sheds and coal up. While doing this the passenger train came along and dushed into them, making a bad wreck. . Henry Wymann, an old man, wai? fatally beaten by a mun who was con cealed in the building in which Wymann lived at Oroville, Cal. The latter's screams brought neighbors to the tescue, but the rascal escaped. This is the third mysterious assault committed by unknowu persons with in a year in the neighborhood of Oro ville. F. W. Miller was beaten to death last spring in a restaurant in the main block of the town. During the summer John S. Moore, an old miner living some miles above Oro ville, was fouud killed in the same manner. No clue. The Nevada Legislature passed an Act consenting to receive Idaho or any other icrriwry mat uongress might annex to her upon such terms . n .1 . V1 and conditions as Congress may pre scribe. The Act declares that it is not the fault of Nevada that her popula tion is small. Congress fixed her boundaries, but did not include in them enough good land to make a State, hence Nevada now asks for more. Congress has the power to irive it. and if it refuses it will lie the fault of the United States, not Ne vada, if she has unequal representa tion in the United States Senate. As Dummy No. 25, of the Geary street line was crossing Fillmore street, San Francisco, a terrific explosion took place in front of the dummy that completely shattered the seat on the right side and tore it in to splinters. It blew away tho front wheel that struck the explosive and it was broken to pieces. A piece of the iron rim weighing fifteen pounds was thrown forty yards. A passenger named Kecfe was bruised in the leg but not seriously hurt. Officer Brigarts wae the only other passenger. He was thrown off the car but not injured. The gripnian was badly shaken up. The little seven-year-old son of Peter McMahon of San Bernardino, Lai shadowed a couple of thieves who were prowling around in the brush near his father's ranch, one and a half miles west of the city, and after dis covering the spot where the robbers had a lot of valuable stolen property secreted, mounted a horse, rode to the city and notified his father, who, with un officer, was guided to the place by little Barney and the goods secured The stolen nronertv amounted to several hundred dollars' worth of sil vprware. oistola. etc.. and had been taken from the houses of San Ber nardino people. CONGRESSIONAL. LATF.NTTRLRU RAPIIIC KP.rOUT. A Syaopii of Ko.tnre introduced in tbs national logiiUtur. - Mrnat. Tho Committe on Commerce made the following increases over the House appropriation for Pacitio Coast im provements : Mouth of the Columbia, from $125, 000 to $:wo,ooo. Cascades, from $100,000 to $150.- 000. Yaquina, from $50,000 to $80,000. Lower Willamette and Columbia rivers, from $35,000 to $80,000. It will lie seen that the increase, in cluding $15,000 for a boat railwa", is $315,000 over the House bill. The total for Oregon riverg and liarliors, as passed by the House, was $365,000. Mr. Dolnh's efforts to secure large ap propriations were supplemented by those of two or three Senators who have visited Oregon. Senator Gorman was the most outspoken of non-resident Senators for liberal appropria tions. The exceptionally large in crease for the mouth of the Columbia was secured largely through his in fluence. He holds that by far the largest single appropriation should be applied at this point. Beck's bill to prohibit members of Congress being in tho employ of rail road companies passed the Senate. Following is the text of the bill: "That it shall be unlawful fornny niemlier of either House of Congress to accept employment ns attornevs-at- law, or payment for services of any kind, in oppositson to the United States in any case to which the United States may be a party, or to which their interests may be concerned, or from any railroad company if such member shall have reasonable cruise to bilieve that a measure specially af fecting the interest of such company is pending before Congress, or about to be so pending during his term of office. Any iwrson who shall violate the provisions of this act shall be guilty of misdemeanor, and may be puni-died by imprisonment not ex ceeding ono year, or by a fine not ex ceeding $5,(100, or both, in tho dis cretion of the court." Duliili secured an amendment in the Indian appropriation bill, which mused the senate, authorizing the Secretary of tho Interior to purchase eighty five acres additional land for tho Indian training school near Salem. Mitchell submitted nn amendment ntended to be Promised to tho river and harbor bill, appropriating $500,- 000 for a final survey, estimates and commencement of the work of con structing a boat railway at tho dalles, and for blasting opon contracted waterways at Tn Mile and Three Mile rapids. 1 he Secretary of War transmitted to the Senate the report f Muj. Jones in answer to Dolph's resolution in quiring what works are necessary to prevent impairment of the channel of the Willamette river at Corvallis. In brief, Maj. Jones's plan is to revet, with a brush mattrass, the whole slope of the unvtaple bank. In order to slack the current across the lower peninsula at high water, a braced hurdle should be laid ten feet back of the revetted slope. The estimated cost of improvement is $1-1,000. Dolph, from the Committee on Commerce, reported a bill to create a port of entry at Port Angeles, in the district of Puget sound, Washington Territory. Jones, of Nevada, presented a peti tion from Horace F. Cutter, of San Francisco, praying Congress to make suitable acknowledgement of the hu mane services by Japanese fishermen to the crew of an . American vessel wrecked by a typhoon in the Eastern seas. Dolph, from the conference com mittee on the Senate amendments to the House bill to repeal all pre-emp tion, timber culture and desert land laws, reported disagreement, and asked for a new conference. He said, in answer to a question by Ingalls, that the differences in the conference committee were quite radical, but they might be overcome, The most important point was as to whether al .1 leged fraudulent cases should be finanly decided by tho inferior de partment or by the courts. I he Housh conferrees took the ground that the interior department should be sole and final judge in the matter, whereas the Senate conferrees insisted that a man whose title was attacked in the land office should have the right of appeal to the courts. House. The legislative, executive and jcdicial appropriation bill, as submitted to the J louse, provides for fi,8W ior the salary of the surveyor-general of Oregon ; l,f00 for clerks; $800 for incidental expenses. For the salary of the surveyor-general of Washing ton and Idaho, $2, MX) is allowed ; clerks, f 1,000; incidentals, f 1,500. Provision is mode for removing the office of surveyor-general in Idaho to Olympia, The salaries of the gov ernor, secretary ami judges of Wash ington are the same us last year. Twenty-two thousand dollars are named for legislative expenses. The salaries of the governor and judge of Alaska are reduced from 3,000 to $2,t00 and f 2,.r00 respectively. Ueed, of Maine, acting for Dingley, introduced a bi!l to protect the fisher- its of the United Htates. 'Hie bill provides for the seizure and forfeiture of any vessel found taking fish with in three marine miles of the coast of the United States, and further provides that if any person of such vessel is found taking fish within the limit named he shall be subject to a fine of foO for each offense and the vessel up on which he is employed shall be sub ject to sale. MISCELLANEOUS. Marriage may I defined as a tem porary boo al alliance, entered into for the purpose of acquiring a cheap noto riety through the medium of divoroo. iluliKlelyhia Times. The Indications are that tho great Lick Observatory In California will be completed In 1H87. a French lirm having successfully solved tlin problem of cast ing the disc, which la to bo throet feet in diameter. A late critlo gives It a his opinion that the word "rye" In Burns' song, 'Coming Thro' the Rye," mean river, and not a field; that the author in tended the word to mean crossing on the stepping stones lathe river Ke. t'nV(i(o Ikraltt. The wits of the people In England go wool-gathering just ai thev do here. It seems. Last year there were 2G.000 letters posted in England without anv address upon them, and In 1.6(H) (if them coins and money wero enclosed. A book has been published which advocates the eating of non-carnivorous Insects. As Abraham Lincoln once re marked: "For those who like this sort of thing it is quite probable that this sort of thing is just about the sort of thing they would like." The late Dr. Holland evidently thought there was a better way of spending one's time than in card play ing. Ho described it as "the resort of the starved, In soul and intellect, which has never in any way linked to Itsolf tender, elevating, or beautiful associa tions." Congretjationalist. There is nothing new m the Idea of pneumatic tubes. A pneumatic con veyor for letters, etc, was suggested by Dr. Papin. in lGHoj patented bv Madhurst in England, 1810. on the impressed air principle, nnd by Valen tine, in Wli, on tho exhaust principle. In the" nunroer of hands employed in maniiiaeturing estaiiiistimentN, amount of wages paid nnd total value of products, New York stands one, Philadelphia two and Chicago three. The remainder of the twenty great manufacturing cif.es. according to the lsso census, a no in the order named : Brooklyn, Boston. St. Louis. Cincin nati, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, San l'run csco. Newark, Jersey City, Cleveland, BulValo. Providence, Milwaukee, Louis ville, 1 'droit. New Orleans and Wash ington. X 1". Times. In nearly nil the Southern cities the authorities are pulling down the hill-hoards, and soon "paper on the wall." will be a thing of the past. The Charleston A'ews uml Vourirr gives ex pression on the question: "The aboli tion of this mode of advertising, in other places ns well as Savannah, would not only prevent the exhibition of the oll'ensive pictures so frequently to be seen in cities and towns, but would prevent the public from being deceived by unscrupulous exhibitors. ' Mm on ((Vd.) Telegraph Stove polish is made from plum bago, some of tho richest mines of which nro in Ciiiaymas, Mexico. Tho plumbago comes' from tho mines in sacks weighing one hundred and fifty pounds each. It is thou crushed and separated by the use of huge pans, tho coarse quality being sent through the crusher again, and only the very line going into tho bins to ho mixed with oils and made Into stove polish. A factory with a capacity of a ton of blacking per day has just been started n San Francisco, the first nnd only one on the Paeilio Coast. San Fran rimv L'lironirle. wm lines 1 1 man Printing Inks at Xanufattirtri' Prion. W arc telling the beat quality of news Inks, in ti, M and lot) pound packmen, that voranie to this maik t. Remember, at manufixciurtrt' pries. Address Palmhr & Rir. Portland, Or. 0. a C. a K. T1H HULK. Mll Train "orth. 9.41 a. M. Mall train south, tiA V. M. omcx hou&s, yoorai city rosTomix ' General Dellrerjr, from 7 A. M. to 7 P. U. Money Order, fram 7 A. M. U 6 p. M. IMir, from 7 a. m. to 4 l. M. Malls for north eluw at 11 A. M. Xlalla far anuth i-loae at llSOP. M. Mailt for franklin clot at 7 A. M. Monday and Tliureday. . Mall for Mabel close at 7 A. M. Monday and Thiirmlay. . Mailt for Cartwrlght olote 7 A. M. Monday. SOCIETUS. ', nUOESK MMK1K NO. II. A. F. AND A. M ' Media llmtand third Wed uutdaya In eacb iiioiilh. IS I'KSCKR BUTTK M)l)(lK NO. 9, 1. 0. 0. K. Moela every TueaUay evening. II'IMAYVHAI.A KNRAMPMKNT NO. 6. Merit nn the second and fourth Wednet- dayi hi each inomli. VM'flir.VR! IIIM1E NO. IS. A. O. U. V, I J MIh at Masonic Hull the seoond and fourth fridayt In eacb month. Al. v . T M.OKAIlYPOHTN0.4a.A.n. MKKTS ft, at Matonlo Hall the first and third frl daytof each month. II; order. Commanukk. -iinKitorrifoEN KiiiENus. MKKTS V) the Unit and third Haturday evening at linn U. C. Matonlo Hall. Uy order of I1UTTK M)I)GK NO. 3117, 1. O. O. T. MEKT8 1) every Haturday nislit in Odd Kellowt' Hall. W. C. T. T KADI NO 8TAHBANDOKHOPK. MKKTS I j t theC. P. Church erery Hunday after noon at 1:30. Vltltore made welcome. Eugene City Business Directory. J1KTTMAV, Q.-hrj Koodt, clolhlnir. irroceriee and Keteral memhamliie, toutbwett coruur. Willamette and Kitflith ttreeU C'P.AIS BUOS.-F)eJeni In Jewelry, watchea, clw-ktand inotiral liiatrutnunta. Willamette ttreet, between Seventh and Klf hth. FIMfCNDLY. H. II. -Uea'er In dry goodt, cloth ing and veaeral merchandise. Willamette ttreet, bat ween Klglilh and Ninth. OILI J. P. I'hytlelan and turgeon. Willam ette ttreet, between Seventh and Kllfhlh. HODKS.C. - Koeiie on hand fki. wine, llnuort, a pool and bill ard table. Wlllam- pI.m anil a nool elte ttreet. between Klghthand Ninth. HOHV. CHAS. M.-Ounmlth. nfletand thot- Ktiua, hreerh and inutile loadi-rt, for tale. I(pairlni( doue in the neateat style and war ranted. Bliop on Mntn ttreei. 1 l-ririrv J. R.-U'atnhiaaker and leweler. keep a fine tUx-k of lo!" in hit line, Willam ette ttreet, in r.iitworin t urn iiuro. McO.AHES. JAMKH-Cholf wlnet, linnort and clKart. Wlllametteitreet, between Kiifhth and Niuth. POHT OFTICE-A now tiork of tUndard achool bookt J nit received at the pott olllce. RHINEHART. J. R.-Hof w. tlgn and earriag-e paintnr. Work inarania flrat-elate Hievk told at lower rataa than by anyone in liuirena. W. V. HENDERSON, DI5NTIST. HAS RKHtTMKD PRACTICK. WITH oflliic In Hay brick. My operatiout will be flint -elmn and charge reawinalile. Old palroiu u well at new one are Iuvite4 to call. DR. L. F. JONES, Physician and Surgeon. 'ILI, ATT KM) TO FROKK8SIONA1, f tail allt day or night. Omric-Up Mailt In Hayt" brlok or can Wa found bourn al K. II. Mil-key lot drug tl II tali M.. Help. M..f U)jp. in-key ft Co t drug ttora. OdlM DR. J. C. GRAY, dentist. nlCK OVKR ORANQR 8TORE. All. work warruuted. Lanrhlnc s-aa administered for Dainleat ax- trai-Uon of teeth. GEO. W. KINSEY, Justice of the Peace. UKALESTATK KOH 8AI.K-TOWN LOTS and farint. Colloutioiia iiniinntli u. U-ndi'd lo. ItKHiiiKNcK-Cornnr Klevonth and Hlnh Sta.. KuKcue City, Ori'ifon. D. T. PRITCHARD, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Iti'imlrlnir of Watches and Clocks exio'iilcd with punctuality and at m rcaiiouubla conk Willamette Ntrert. Kiigxne City, Or. F. M. WILKINS. Practical Driest s Mt . DRUGS, MEDICINES, flrunhea, I'alHtn, .!!, All., LeMa, TOILET ARTICLES, Etc. Pbyslolana' Prescriptions Compounded. C. M. 110I11V, Practical Gunsmith GUNS, RIFLES, Klihlng Tackle and Material Mil MacHmes and Kesdles of All Iinds Far S& Repairing doue Ih th. neate.t atyle aa4 warranUd. Goni Loaned and Ammunition ForoiahMl Shop on Willamette Street, oppotlte PottoOea. Boot and Shoe Store. A. HUNT, Proprietor. Will bwrtfUt totf t tomplatt itotk tt Ladies', Misses' anl Children's Shoes! ttl'TTOX MOOTS. 8lippert, White and Black, Sandal FINE KID SHOES, MEN'S AND BOY'S BOOTS AND SHOES! And In fact everything In the Root anl Hhoe line, to wliirh i intend to devote) my etpeolal attention. MY COOOS ARE FIRST-CLASH And riiKrsnteed at repretented, and wlU be told for the lowest urine, that aood. article van oe anoraea. . r A. Hunt Central Market, FislicrAcAViitkiiis PROPRIETORS. Will keep eonttantly on hand full tupply at BEEF, MUTTON. PORK AND VEAL, Wblvh they will tell at th. lowatt market prioea ' A fair thare of the public patronage aollettail TO TUB VARHEDHi W. will pay the hlfrheet market prion for fal cattle, hogt and tbeep. , Shop on Willamette Street, f VC&KS CITY, ORECON. MtaU MlTwai fc any part of tha cltr fret, of chance. J unit