The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 12, 1887, Image 7

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I Coloma DefOted to the Interests of Firman
Do not foetl the fattening hogs any
longer than is necessary. Slaughter
them as soon as the temperature of
(he atmosphere is at the freezing point,
which i better than when the weather
u rery cold, n w not to
feed hogs in very cold weather if they
be in proper condition for killing. .
Lily of the Valley in the open gar
den, or in slight (shade, is a hardy
nknt that blooms without enecitl at.
tention. The only requirement is the
health of the plants. It sometimes
occurs that young plants in quite rich
wil make a strong growth for a year
or two without blooming, but it in
nnlv because of their rank growth, and
afterward they will be found to bloom
The green apbis is usually destroyed
in planthousts by fumigating with to
bacco or tobacco stems. When only a
few house plants are to be rid of them,
it may be done with some soapy water
in which is a little tobacco water thut
it. water in which tobacco has bt-en
tonked or steeped. The tops of the
plants can be dipped in this water, or
it can be applied to the foliage by
meaus of a syringe.
Deserlpllon f . TTUk, ,ni
lit lit u ii. i .
Three Snblwih, More the interest
ceremony ,h,t are ,,ro,.ain,ed
r.o by a repM consisiin- of the!
chlefluxunesof ,,0 Mn,ul is provide!
for the whole of the Inlanders in tlj
mienueu In-1 ,..rmom'a I,,.,,.
ExhibiHc of ,h. ,.,,,. nni
British Koldierjr la Biirimh.
A nrge quantity of gold and othei
articles bronchi from fi. .
. . . o " v jnium SI
V ro now being exhibited to
the Indian and Coonia, ExbibiUon)
wl.ero they form very interesting di
: ".. ai the present limn tU.- .
include toii-wl.l..l. !u .1 1. 1 ilsl nor any kind of .Wri.v.i .1..
out of bow U- i.i . separata r pmq .kiu . .
mil. uiiE 11 nr i,.nr i " j ui..trnr. h,,.
"i-e iirapi.m 0't." u,u i.i.... . "
neviTdisraw, Hii.h feaal., wl. V u
entice. A cll.iollH ft,B(inj uf
jTHilii-rinsr Dim di MxtM nni km.t I,v
tllBlllM- v,.j ... .liir. .. . J.J
... ,,, .,,.,, ,.MI1S ot (l
. r..r the comfort of the men
il'l.'s mid dm rs am provided, and in
he event of Hie supply r..iV sor
I ho "f,;nst '1M course, a most f...i7..
when tin, Pop,.,) the .li-o.nifrl,d.
v.rn Hinging tiniiwlnstlinr? There
" "'.m' ", -'""''I', nn.lnnc-
1 no nine is piisscd in general re
niaiks 011 t!iu -coming event unJ the
hh 01 i ue 11 11 v. 1
Know wfisit the
When pullets are forced to lay early
by stimulants or highly concentrated
food, it is an injury, as it taxes the vi-
lulity. A pullet tluit is forced will lay
when she ceases, in order to nest, she
will not begin again as soon as a ma
tured hen. She becomes prematurely
'old, and does not prove on the averairn
ihj profitable as when she is given
ample time to mature before begin
ning to lay.
Mushroom Cultare.
That mushrooms are not more een-
jernHy grown and eaten can only be
kecounted for by the fact that a few
Kaneties are poisonous, hence people
lire afraid to eat them. While it im
Irue that some of them are poisonous
md it is somewhat diflieult fjr the
inpracticed to distinguish between
he edible and harmful, a little etl'urt
ind ebservalion would enable any one
io tell the good from the bad. Indeed
:ie danger from eating the
ne is extremely slight, for thesnun-n
f"iuiu.u vi niu u ciiicrs is oi out one
ind, the Agaricus compeslris, which is
enectiy Harmless and is the variety
kifi i-umiiiuiiiy inci Will),
inai musiirooms form a chenn. nni.
ii i i
awe ana nutritious food is buvond
uestion. Chemically they more
i.'ariy resemble meat than do any
iuiw vegeiaoies. Tlie hpontaneitv
tk i.:.,i. ii .
m itniLll lliey COIlie UD in irt n
li'ilities and seasons indientPM i..u
wiy tuey Can be grown. During the
Ulttu can he mmln muk, i.
Haivt b 1 1 V7
'm oi a tree, where they will yield
uppf for weeks, while a little ore-
jwwnin the
. - ' iwMiuuav
iiauieaiamily to have them all
really do mil
news of i Ix. ,i.,
in ft. Kildn iiiiIi'hu if i,- ii'...
lillllll WllH till ) ielv v,.,.....l :..
,....r,.l. .1... c... i . . ' !""' "I
.... ... , , oun.iny neioie for sleeping
or 'Hint (he ...ini.ter'H housekeeper hml
palclied up her latest nimrrel wi-j,
)retl.est !!,!, , , i,h,):, ( '
u.""lve,l .d il.o Q.,.). When the
weddiusr chiy comes every body gathers
mi.iu im i.1,.0, ,, nttendel hv the
l '.")" tirulesmaid. They nre
s.'-u ' 0 in mmr hummer linery, and
pm with a frnt sent to tl.o left
of the pulpit. Kveryhodv is agog with
excite n ent. for the occasion is a treat
linn 1 1 & . .
....... ..,. ,.,, , imikts mo Uev. Ir.
iiiacMiy, Mible in hand. Mountin the
III'...'.. I. I a k . ' ' . te
...... .-, ui, mo iii!iiisierL'ii"a.i'es in
a (.iiel.e prayer. Then follows aVimon
on the duties of husband and wife. The
ae.n.oi, over, iur. Mackiiv goes tliro,i"h
tho mai riiiire ceremony in the orthodox
fiislnon. I'liere is another prayer and
"hen the curtain falls. After the mar
ringe another iollv f. 'list in nrnviWtnl in
one of the houses of I ho, village, but to
ihis only natives are invited. The
strangers" who include the sehimf
musier. (he old mine, ami the minister
Inniself. hie themselves to (he,
where thev nlieiniit lo umIji. n.,,r,.,. ;..
a humblu kindof wav, and tim newly
niarn. d couple ars gracious enough to
IOOK III llllll Ml'.! rt fill I In.
tl, . " vl I'roouci on,
...i i , 1 ,l w """"es more or lesi
workmanship. The articles are mostl,
formed of two thin plates of pure gold
- . rr,, -B iemg tilled with ae. In
Ins way the gold is small in qua, titr
instead of hefng really thick as fd
aa it appear, to he; 'and the article!
when handled feel very light. Th!
oId objects are set with numerous ru
biesin rows and otherwise ornament ,l.,roc,",,8s''n'' either in tl.ei.
cu T i.r'" r b,ltveryin,lil)e,ently
cut. J ii re are many rings and brooches
. - Li . ll!lre- t,omo "'e gold
t cles are of very largo sie. and ther
n others formed into the shape ol
SC,W.. '--.-eg.lblot.
, v'" oers, an worked n
he same way out of sheet gold, and
h'ghly ornamented by chased work
Jade armlets and cups are also to be
The royal dress fa the most interest,
ing as well as the
portion of the collection. The robe ol
... voinposeu of elaborate spangle
work; sewn with great neatness nlid
v-lolllvlllol0 gK1 cf ornamentation
pon tome very stout basis, such a;
Ul cariiuoant. n is embroid
.'.'H,S?. Wlt.fl "Swings of metal
-im u.reau. its weight Is very
great, probably not le8 than sixty
or seventy pounds. The hat, which
weighs two or three pounds. Is conical,
w ilb high peak and broad brim, and is
also covered by spangle work. The
shoes, turned up at the points, are ol
wi ir,r J'"U,,hi,,'-T n.ented
w ah metal thrcadwork; the clo are
ruiuim Him very ,eavy. The full
dress, indeed, seems to be as much as
a man could well stand under,
and locomotion must have been very
? irtienli ir. ii... r.. . .... 'J
i.n.nei ii mon ii'i'ii -i'i...
1 1 v;
-The son of Charles IMckens, wron"'.
lv reported kitlod in the war in the
Norihwesf 18 dcsoribeJ as plucky and
dashing oilicer. .
.n7' j le-umseh Sherman
nd Dr. V inl.el l iott Hancock aro
two gentlemen well known in army
- vvi.ijv,,,i.k iU H greut Soij,or
Utcajo Jourim.
Tho market value of r. Knnl
seems to lluctuate very stran-ely. lu
I' K!,rl Von!n!by, " Collection
vuuccu.njr ine Manor of Marden," a
". reuu ng to Uerefords lire, wa
so d in London for jCwtt A fortnight
ago the same copy fetched only i'ltf.
-Thr e sous and two daughters of
eneral Ue survive him. H s sons ar
farmers in iriuia, and the daughters
are both preat travelers, the elder h-v-
ng explored AuMralia, Jap:!B. chiii i.
Ind a and Kgvpt. in addition to the
huropean circuit of si"hu. N. Y
Trunk I'liik'an.l'a h!nrni..
eorls that when the groia naturalist
l".v dying. 'Kio.! is so nood." he said.
"so very good to the little tis'ies. I do
not believe lie would let (heir iuspeotor
su ler slupwreeli at l.!st 1 am goin on
a long journey, where I think I shall
see a great many curious animals. This
journey I must go alouo."
The New York
.... , , , " " 'v.'-l-UIIII'S.
I l.ii 1.ML.-I......I I ...:t i . .
........ .iu .mi, iii ing provisions
with them, generally mutton, it be in-'
considered iinliiekv that thi'v should
come empty handed. Tea is nur.i.!;...l in
creat abiindiiueo. Abuniperis drank to
the health and prosperity of the newlv
wedded pair, and this formality over
the company breaks up. The couple are
seen to rest for the night, nndllieev, m
is at mi end. There is it dillieultv
usually about the In.Vcvmoon. It j
the correct tiling to spend it from home,
but there is onlv the ('luiil'll tif (mini.
a friend's house ten yards a wav or one
twice the distance. Cur. 'tllas.iow
Herald. J
1...I. - .. : ""
i 11 in in en ii 1 hrpnil.wi.rl ,. ...:,u
ligurings iii pearl. It is
executed and handsome article. In
one of the rates containing tho dress
there is a small Umbrella: but Ihis is
not the umbrella of state. This wm in
the capture broken up, and of it there
now nre parts onlv. and & ureal
tity of ornaments which have been re-
ccivcd in these cases, but these nre not
shown to the public. The umbrella it-
ten is auont thirty feet in diameter,
and was carried by a shaft six inches
th'ck and about, twenty feet long, the
iiiiiiii on mo top of the umbrella beino-,
when complete, some nine, feet ?n
height. The shaft was surrounded by
rings of gold, studded with rows ol
niuies, ana ornanion:cd by altfrna
turns of inverted V-shaped pendants.
I l.o rrr.1,1 iii.ll,.1n 1 ... 1. ,
...w h. u. ..LIT.-. nnu regaiia auove no-
iiceu are placed in the Indian section
near me U'ylou court. But there are
'J'rihun m-ivm l.n
H, . 1... . . .. " V
. p,uwr impi esiou tnat great men
im ore M.'iuom clever does not cm
to bo borne out by the facta. Senator nas a sou who, it is thought,
w 11 bo cleverer tnan his father. Oliver
1 iMOl'tOll's SOIl IllllM fur tn mu t. n L -
- ' v
niant as a lawyer. John S. Wise is tho
eiou-r son oi a clever father, nnd youn.'
tho memory of his gifted father.
-Miss Fanny Crosby, the popular
Mind iy-8Chool hviUil-limker ii
ifty-iive years of ago, and from girl
hood has 1 e n totally blind. She is bo
low tho avenge stature, and is rather
delicato in appearaneo. and lives in
plain style on Forsvthe slreet, New
lork. She hai writinn f.,iiw ni......
. ...... ll.fcUM
limidied hymns, many of wh eh have
proved very popular. Sim is
ed as alwsys bright and cheerful.
A. i. Herald.,
8ISGINQ ROWfi n tot
bM ved my Barnrs life, .
ma over from death doom.
An cured him for hl wife.
l you lilaine me Mr. Delaney
, '"InRin'oonKsof jof
Ir Hh Aly Flower, more s the power I
Cured my darlln' boy."
The bark Ci
n.i .7. '"'"oi cnan
..w m uvea wre lost.
REvra ovzi youb kotjt.i
1? ,,-t , - , ....
... ,,. m.iuriiiiiiK io eat iii u, is an
excellent moito for the khI,. and the suf-fen-r
from ratirrh. Hut while the Roasip
N practically incuratile, ilure Is noexcusi
.... nnyiiiiw Miuering iui.Ker from catarrh.
Ir. bafjo s l alanh Ueiuedy is an
Inir rui e tor that oirHiiuiv....u. 1. 1...... .
the di-ea ed iiieinliranu ...) . i...
...... .in iii preHaeu sunsa Ions which al
ways attend catarrh. A short trial of this
.aiuu.r , repiu-aiion win make the suf
terer ieel like a new behiK.
Mrs. Inulslana W
. . - " II. .11., .Ml.
c..iiurjr a iow nays since bk'cU IJ6 jcara.
Old Malrrinl la taken on I..
Palmer & ltey; reaiemtwr this fact.
two pagoda or shrines forming part
of this collection which have been
piaceu in the gardens near the foun
lattrtitlns J'li tin . or Them Thtv Kx-
Ikt In Cin.mU.
The diet of the French Canadians is
The best malorial in ,i..- extremely simple and consists nrinci.
Jfhroom beds is horse m,iniir M'8'1 )f 0l,P ftmI vegetables, thotidi ""'s. nl which are by no means the.
taken frehh from the stable should "u'Bt n"d I'0"" ' very cheap in tho 'a , ,nter(sting objects. allJiough they
Ihrown into a h6ap and let stand u0,inll7 districts, costing somewhat heilTi -.H1Ki- gil,,,'l. ,,lUicu wori'
...n.u n,iu .his oi silvered eiass
and other tawdry. The roof upon
roof with which they are covered in,
and the flnme-like representation in
the ornamrnts.out of which tall sliifht
pointed (inials rise, are highly eharic-
K.i.-uooi ii. c crude Iturmcsu stvleol
" nvnuuf iu'(f rrf,
few days, until it becomes heated; 'V8 tlll,n half tho price paid by the!
nforkoyer and mix. Continue K.nK'h labuir for the same art idea of
Ihe late Secretary Frelinghuysen
bad a convict on that if he over went to
sea ho would be drowned. So I e never
wenttose.i. Ho was nomiiiHtud and
conimu.'d as AlinisU-r to Kin'land by
1 resident (irant. li; commission was
ma le out. lie went on to Washington
to receive his instructions from Secre
tary Fish. At the last his dread of tho
ocean overcame him. He refused to
Icavo the l!nit,l Ktt.. ...a i...
iianuou oaoic ins commission. A', i
During the Administration of 'Pres-
meiii, uiii'imiiari the daughter of. a Sent.
iui was miirrieu in a-,liington. Th
ii. siueni, lio net and many members
oi ongress were in ai tendance After
mo ceremony Mr, Buchanan stenmil
forward to present his congratulations
iu ine urine, a prominent feature ol
wmenwasa hearty kiss. A member
Miinuing m, close pro imity inquired
is it uuuerstood that 1 am to follow
suit?-' -No, sir," replied the l're.i
dent, it is underelood that I kiss for
uio manon. Aiixmy Journal.
it ,1. '. WJ furo froln rart of
V i el Mates lo Vurtlaml ami hotel exvieiiaea
n.i. o i.u.t) ii wo iu mil prtsluee liKlidiuiia-dlu
evidence from wcll kiiown banker, ductura.
. Vi. . n'" nu larnieni as to nur ro
lain Uy iii I ho euro ot rediieealilii rui.tura or
liernia. wtthuul knifo. needle or flliMrn liiMtrn.
IV .T . .ou Bn,,'-,"' aKiiinst aeiidcnl from
Uie lmlday until cured, and the cure Kiiaran
(sl iiermancut or money rul untied. You ran
work evei-v dav. im muiiMr wi,..i -.,...
U011, Million' uaniri-r or Incenveiil.-iH-e. Con-
. ...... I. unine 11. nra 1111111 io 10 1 entity.
UirrenijoiidHiita will enclose minp for reiily
and address lira. Konlen it J.ullier, roomi 8 and
r in.. rKlllilll OHIIK. l ol llllllll. UretfOll,
llcuilon this pa st.
When IHby was stck we cave tier Cas'orla.
When she was a Chlld,.8lio cried for l"a lorla.
lien aho became M ln, alio 1 limit to CaMoria.
When the had C'liildron.ahe gave UicuiC'aatoria.
Absolutely Pure.
Hi powder ntraf nui A m.
nar,H wi'l lK4,)miH. Hii .vinoiiili l tl.M
. e cniwttr? kli .h u d mnnut b oold h) oi':p.u.
wilh il.o aii.ltliiHia of 'uw .. (hft
'" . nrm on. T n
Jam et
ltd (
?i!Dtia ua Wl atrati. It
i few times, or until the mass is (li,'t- r i't'iieh-CHiiiwiihn farmer is a
my fermeiited and rotted, and thu f,,nt'1 conwrvuhir i f ancient habits and
Nwive heat and moisture is thrown l"sU""h' ,lml. IN strongly ojiposod to
r l..l. 1 I r . I'll. Ill Il.r I'Vm.-i. I. I'm, ... .,., 'I-.... 'I
. I r ' " - ...... )n r. I HIT PI'll
m some parts ef tim oi-.n i.i,. ,.f n....
bee has therefore been,
ti.. ..1 1... 1 1 -. . . v , . J
. 1 , ,r iimn nor n,.ir i,i.,i.
eo clown I10111 fmher to sou. Hiatal
illlke tlie bed four nr Huo f,.;..
I . . "
fna as long as necessary or eon,
linn! o.wl t.ll.. .1... . .
poo uio iiinniire up in a
Jnded ride three feet hih. Care
lnlv. I 1 Ve, UW n"l"-e existence is nil that has U, ,
tnly placed and the leabt decaved from 1 ...mi n....... .-,. .5 .
Brim-,, of 1. !.,. 1 . . ' .. , . me aiiiiie
H . "umaiiii, ami 11, snoulil liirm liiis eome inlo the possession of an
... uuj,, bu uk 10 promice an '1;"1 1'risinj; M'ote.'i or Knglish fiirmer
"ami linn, neat, rtia iu.i u w 1 11 iiimt.iI n,... r ,.,,,,. 1 .1
tbeallowedto rise bevond 80 (e-ha,,w'n,,'"t' '' It him been Mrik
,andif it seems likely to do so 1,1 '"'r-e .f H few years
Rnfferera Who Should NeTr ha lrt Wflh
oiiii.oo.l Medlralt'ouni.el,
Itsocms strange, on the lirst blush
1 t tl, n v.. 1 L. - . a
.no iimiiei, inai so very lew aeci-
tlenls berall sleep-walkers. The nro-
fr.,...i: . ...
i..iuii in in.sianccs in which
holes in the manure in various , ' 1!,,.VI"S huildings have disap- jury is sustained by the subjects of this
Uo thebed by thrusting charp fi,l:'"-ll""-(' M.bstan- rcmnrknhlo state of semi-sleen is verv
Sticks into it and then witlidnw. l" 1 U-eii erecte.l. ,! ,he Rnmll. Thw T. ?- J
fttheuij When the heat is about 75 ot,l!r.!,u.0l,, a,rrAnnt
Ihm the bed is r..dv fr .i,u of 1".'l' ' .. .h'" " "
fliiu ran be got of any seedsman at
:ra about 20 cents per pound.
--u inn, pieces aoout tlie size
...v.. ...rmi.n-. j ue oiu s.'igneuries on
the St. Liiwrenco have lo-;t but lit! I,, of
their ancient cliuVneter. In mmiv eases
mini 1 11 l" ",M u .t-iu-iiio 10 uinnor nouses still
muts and these put in six inches " I he river bunks, surrounded
n ana about two itii-licB below the b.v prim, old-fashioned gardens and an.
ine bed is then covered to p,l',i,('''''vysiraightRVenuesof poplar.
incnes with Jirn,. M;lt-r,l''ines were, in old, times.
down iirmlv and ,,M,iill.v granled by tho (iovcrniiil-nt to
pciMinsoi (iisiinciion or to couri. favor
ites, and cotisti'd of immense tracts of
lann (in soiuo instances thr
4Pth of two
11 ,H pressod
! 11 tlie temperature is right
-""IW118 Will num. 11 r 1, f
wwk, and will continue
ir two months if tho interior
'"kept up. To prevent th soil
in? ami irt ...
Hi ' t unserve UIO HB:lt, a
lre"g,0f 8tr,iW n,H-vl,e I'"oa
But little moisture is needed,
B.S"0tw,ernlw quite dry, and
III A ,86 luke wafm water (eold
11ml. '""fien uio suriace,
W'y through a fine rose. If the
, uh let that re
an;u.i """iit-i mat, re
DbM.9thewfteriPl'led. When
0 of the
u 1 . " "usieu, ine covering
'wi urn nr.1,1 -....1
:hi. 1. . u,1l f0"Q fl tlie
juT-wn eihausted, the
- iiicremn.i wi i. 1 .1
fnnlnl. .Ultril 1MB oco
L; " . e dne bearine take o3
re'nl , ,nches of fre' ma
fflcetl'e soil and fresh straw,
upbeat will rpviv thr.
auuuier crop,
indoor culture the bed
r in,, ?onshlls one above an-
Cal. ' 8,'aCe n,,Me tw
emen g.e.a",ou Wi.h proper
mwa, C ""session can be had
'""g, ana in fact all the yei
vmere is not mneh pt
;Wvw-)1Mman bed, and little
i enaMe one to keep the
Inr..r "ue w Keep me
ItBPPl.ed with this article of
:' lJv"ed that
frea in t
"'is ha
Iiere.i ; , m,,i"1'-ooms which
tS I? 1 10 fielJs soaked in
' "US tlailnr. il.. .n.
tlm . 6 eiKct 01 re-
- ' V Ilf tlitrHii-wa. , . . . .
be in 11 8 matter winch
t.l III ..... r. .
vuiwiarc t jiurai
ree lemrmti
in breadth l y the nunc in ileoiln. ..v.
tending for miles troin the river shore
baek into the primeval forest. The
Seigneur, or lord of the manor,' par
celed t.'iis hind out into snn.ll it
which were frKniiriitlv atrnin mihl
Jivided by I. m lies inlo' alnlosl. inliaii-
tesimal prop, i t oris. The lief holders
made a small annual payment to the
eigneiir. who ha 1 also certain feudal
claims, the principal of which was a
considerable proportion of the amount
payable on Ihe sale or transfer of land.
Alt tlte Yutr Hound.
China's Empress Dowager.
A short time ago it wm announced
that tho Emperor of China, having
reached his fourteenth year, was about
to take over the reins of power from
the Kmprei-s Dowager, and that nothing
now remained but for the nstrologers
to select a lucky day. It has. however.
new been arranged, af the Emperors
request, and the arrangement haa boi-n
apprcvt d at a meeting (,f tlie imperial
O- ...... ,.., . L - .' .. 1
11.1nt.-n, umi. me j.mpress jJowaer
naii govern in conjunction with the
Emperor until he reaches the ae of
twenty. Ji;u oliiciais have b'--n or-
.bred, therefore, in future tobcnd their
petitions, memorials, etc., in duplicate
one cony fur the hmpeior. the other
for the Empress. Tho latter hss been
m sticc.'ssfal 11s a ruler that tho plan is
a w..c one. Mm is not tho mother of
the Emperor, but one of the wives of
i.e la; l.mi cror Wit one. Jb' vr.-s-
i it Emreror i the s..n of IVince I..V111.
he I'riiue " mister. Manchester OuarJ-
small. The exnlanation of n.
. ... . (iiiiiiii
nily is doubtless to be found in the fact
that it m a state of semi-sleep in which
the sleep-walker makes his excursion.
He is sleeping only so far as part of his
cerebrum is concerned. Tho rest of
his br.iin is awake, and therefore it is
not a strange feat to walk carefully ami
escape injury, doing all the necessary
acts of avoidance while carrying out
somo dream purpose, just as a waking
purpose is fulliiled. This hypothesis
obviously requires a very full explana
tion of such an accident as that by
.....v.. n mt;i.-j;-BiKer recently camo by
her dentli namely, fulling 'out of an
open window. It is not likely to have
been part of the dream to get out of a I
winnow, mere must have been some
error in the carrying out of the process;
such, for example, hs turning to the
ngni instead or the left on leaving a
room, and thus walking through a low
winuow insieau of through a door-way
A .J a -..In ,1.a . . n ..
a I...C hid ai-nau are siiiiieicntl v on
tho alert to enable the sleep-walker to
uiko an precautions for safely, and
when he comes face to face with a Him.
cully involving more than automaticor
siiD-conscious self-control, he wakes.
We should like to know more of (he
esse which has ended fatally from some
competent medical observer who has
studied the development of this inter
esting disor.ler in this particular in
stance. .Surely a practitioner was on
snlted. No ewe of elecp-walkinr
should ever be left without medical
scrutiny and counsel. In sleep-walk-ing
there is the making of madness,
snd in ita inception Ihis disorderly
sleeplessness ought to be slaved. The
--uiina dealer "Never saw such
dull times in my lifo. Don't sell a new
set of dishes a "week." Culler That's
rilMier OUll. IVodIo can't eat wilhnnl
aisnes, and toey aro sure to get broken,
you know." "That was the case,
...,.. ,,,, ,, A e oiien nail lamiiies
ouy a new rt every month; but those
gooa imes have cone. D.shes n i'i
get broken any more." "Tuey don't?'
"No. You seo it's becom mr f.'inlii,in
able for ladies to do their own work."
One of the t'et.t known clergymen In
Mnieiigo, lillnols, waHHlllictud with a cur
ious complication ot alliuems. For twenty
jcais lie had nervous dyspepsia. For
ei(chtyear he had spasms afTeclinasiKht,
speech and henrimr. To thee ilisordera
were added catarrh, brotichitis andeim.
slipation. lbs appetite was small, IiIk
sireutith was almost (roue, and it waa but
rare y that he rnuld preach sermon. At-
lr trviiiK almost every melhcd of cure,
this clergyman wrote lo Drs. Markey &
I'alen to a"e if there was anv use In trviiur
Compound Oxvki 11. 'ihey hardly dared to
encuiirajre him. fclill he concluded to t y
It. Aow see I ho result. He writes: "Mv
Keneral health is g eatly impruveil, appe
tite Isquiekem d. dyspepsia la ahiiOHt none,
OiiHti nation rrlievedandralairh and limn
chilis greatly liclw-il. Have aaiucd U-n
pounds lu tluhh and am olivsicallv htronir
er. and in liol ter condition gi nerally."
It VOU r&- not uiiilersland cxai'Iiv what.
Coinoound OxyKcn Is or why and how ft.
hhould ell'ect cuch en es be assured of one
thing: It reutly dot tht work. Thia Is at
tested by ko man v who have la-en Lrjuirht
out of severe chronic illness that I here Is
no disputing It. The TreUise. which Is
sent free by mail, tella more alsmt It.
unto to IJits Stakkkv &.Yli.ks. 16u
Arch btrcet, i'hlladelpliia, Pa.
Orders for the Coip irounil Divcrpn Ilnine
1 realment will )e tilled by H. A. Mathews,
0t6 f'owell Mreet, han Francisco.
A young ladv called at ashootlnirffnllerv
In Chicago the other day, and after tiring
Itfu-en shots at a target it waa found that
sue nan t.mi ,i(.r initials on the target.
'1 hen she told the astonished proprietor
inai sue waa ine ctiampion lady shot Iroin
You ran secure the beat nrlcea anil
terms from Pal mer & ltey.
Persons w ho Kitty indoors all the time
and lean over a counter or desk, sooner or
latar discover that their lungs are giving
out. Editors are often thus alllii ted Kias
tus It. Sutherland, editor of the Eastern
Stat Journal, White Plains, New York,
1 have used Au.cock's Pohoiih Pi. as.
tick in my f dully aiucu I Ml-. In Dial, year
t had an attack ol nneiiniouin from Im-li
I was not expected to recover. Aly lungs
were left lu a very weak state. I coin-
meiicecl using Al.l.cock'a Poiuua I'
TKH8, wearing them coiislanl'y three
months, two on Ihe breast and two on the
ba' k. The result was surprising, at least
to me. The pains in mv lunga hid lelt me
anu j ick like a gtanlre'reHhed with uow
l or lli 'nr 11 I'oiikIi or
Noro 'IU roil I, "jinmn't liruiuhiut
J rot tea are a simple remedy.
Bet m H
uaoa ill
wrrn tub
.irPl fcgi nrrmtiMa ninnniTnn
!J?ciry s ILIHIUIIII IllbUilAlUn
-TIM KnsT-
Hnrreurnl MarhlnrMade
SOuld M.hUIi, 1 BIIywMuUL
ami 15 Vlni Prumluiaa
HJTnur 111 viune nr rrn
If H..n.i tin linn riimtrM Clnmlarand Makua
JMO inaysetan Ineulialur 'Ki:K.
c Ad,lrov rKTALUM A INCUBATOKCO.,rotaaa(
To feel free, tileasant and be kealihv. use
insn may r lower. ,0 centa at druggists.
W. K. Mea l waa murilerp.l at. VhllA
J'lalns, N. .. by two men who roiniiiitled
Min nie 10 avoid being captured
Don't take that "cocktail In tho mnrn.
ing. Jt you have tt "swelled lle.ul." nan,
seated stomach an I iinalruiig nerves re
uniting irom the "convivial parly last
ulght," the sure and snfe rav to clear the
cooweha Irom the brain, recover test for
food and tone up the nervous aysU-m Is to
u-e iir. 1 I'leasanl rurgallve Pel-
leia. Dow uy ail drugulsts.
Airs. Yaclaw. of (Mcve'aml. Cl H1I1
three ot her children, iiiorlally wouuded
iwo oiners ami ted Mil hie.
WwMnfrj f..r Hi li,0f ny ,le.lh. Im loin Km tn
(or ,iU' -, oil ..r u.,, nr mv, d HU'itm ii-ni,;j
I urtshl.. Ilnrw IVner M,i.' 1.. , a It,," n iliHI l ..l.TM,l .!, , ..,r u,,, , ,t
k .. d.'.'f "B ",lr ''""'I""'" snrt t ..I, hi l'mM
bi.ii... f.,r winter nr s.i,,,wr. w. thr nM "t ,mi
Um-t Mai,f,(',wn,i , l,,r. a-"rt 4VaJ Sl K. 4m.SKii;
"'rp W'll Kxravator fo., New Vork.
ft IiiinnrU'r mi.l Hrsl..r of Thotn.whl.r
fjVjJ i,"''11'; "M1'' ,'''"i :uiu ll.W,
J,"""'01'.". I'l'iri'H., Ti.nlntuw
VL',b4!1,','',K, '"". ruj. Iktuhiw
Km. F.iicl.wo aump f.,r titloj , J
e-lfiL '"" ua nlvof tiatniaui.
ifil AllllllaA
' Koo. 12 and 38 CENTER MAEEBT,
KANVIUvrmcn en
- --.-..'...iv'., vnu. v
Oarvellous Ikmiy
diu'tiii,,, for oluwe I'r.-.iH.ei.,., will. ,i,T,T!
I,.ii,.f Mr. l1i.HT.rn, f,,. Ati..i,,r, II..iih. W W
AiTiia. J111A11 K hicujinM. I.,. ........ wl... .."
0U11.rm.e111 nt ,n. k. hv ' ' "
3 mouths treatment, for Mnv PUn'a
iicinedy lur Caiarrh. Sold by druggisia.
Irish May Fower the king of ill-coverles
What Makes Vinegar Sharp.
ficorze Adams, in 1717, said that
some people have imagined that the
sharpness of vinegar is occasioned by
the eels striking their pointed tails
against the tongue nnd palate-, but it is
very certain that tho souivs? vine?ar
has none of those eels, and thit iis piin
pelicy is eiitin ly i wiiiT to the pointed
I'pire ( f its sills, which float therein. -bcuiutijie
fs aftonk'd those fast "inking into a condition
of liopcleo debility. The means are at hmid
In the form of a genlul medicinal cordial, llns-
telter'sStomacj Hitters enibcdlcs the combined
qualities of blooa1 fertiliser and depiirent.
tonic and an alterative. While it promotes
dilution and anaimllatim, and timnUtcs
appetite, has the further tirect of punfjinK tho
life current and tretiKthcning' the nervons ")-
tem. A Ihe blood growt il.'her and purer by
its use, they ho resort to thia tterllnir nieiil. I-
nal agent, acquire not only vigor, but bodily
iihstance. A healthful change in the aecrt t'onH
is i iit't'le'j ny ii, aim that aure and rapid ,iliv-i-4l
itet ay, which a chronic obstnir lion of the
functions of Urn )!c::l prodiue. Is arrelsl.
The imIiiio raiiHca of disease beinir removed.
heilih is speedily rcnovaled and vigor restored.
Three I'i l:ed ofJlctrs were mur
dered at L'uftu'a, Ind.
Tlie only r-Iiab!e euro for catarrh is Dr.
Sage's Catarrh itcmedy.
Twp'vc tVviaanl aahsiria In Ohio piy an
aggregate annual li. cn-cof J.',HI,1:U.
Co to ToMrne & ii'oore when In Portland
for biit Photographic aud Cravon work.
llis Ccnttine hai Trade alark sad croaacd Ked
Lioas oa wrapper.
W hnlMmlai Aarnta 1'ortland, Or.
Thi Lending and iiuliuhls
Of Portland, Oregon
M!. Klntand M .rtlk.D Hu
'OI'!VTUV OI(lii:itsi M('iTHi
iiciii 1 111.1:11 isi run. I:u..,-k i n ,
i tf II ParV"Hiranl ai.a.,.
'tg Str..i'ai Uan Um.
Jll """" ly'- T.t,Oardar,
di'tdririii's. hand In i..,. ....... ." "?
of Min t MitHiu and llouks. lisli 'ssiii.i.liu.lal
MiHiern i. 11 ee. M. tilUV.
The Van Monciscar
Yuil'ii. inl.l.lla u l al4
old i.wl. r niitrrkil a. .a
aid all , aln, ,
Ni.rr.Mia Is hilllj, Hjwtina
tiirlioa, lwwa,
.it. l.v... .....
i.'yV '""W. aho liana a..d
5 Vt 'tk f!" ' H Wrllla...
SL'-rih-- "' "". KJ.tim.s
W' 1 u . . . ." iriitnin,
su Hark. Imniti.a I'ri.u. i.,,.u,rTl. il ..J!
.n.ui rrIM a.,d cu fnrlil. .
"" t'nnault onflrlentlallr
tieeuiw-ia Ac 14 THIRD NT
, "A hrrmn A'lkmm !mm im fmu, t Htrf
j tmm.4uU4 tiU4 la im ot tMa. Iitsw m L
"WH MNri rrWtal . hMl ll Mk,ia fWll 1
J.4 ,mM ' trie ttm uvli
saftU9imw'lh'n.VJf'Vlf W tlir---r. .. . i
for Infants and Children.
,'?""rtPtetoai I Ca.torf.ewf Rolta, Conftlpatlnn,
irNmrnendltainperiortoanyproamption I fo-ir KDmaclj. I'lftrrlice, knu ltioR,
knoau to me." n. a. Aioikh, Jt D I w''"'"i, eie aleep, oJ truuotee dl-
W8o.(iloriiet.,IlroaJya,N.T. riiKarfoM mdletf
Tom CtrnvB Coawxr, IB fulton Bl-et, K. T.
Tut (Si.akA for ulaIZmU
ua 1 tl aaa...