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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1887)
yi T F1 "fj1 J IT1 CITY 01 - 1 CSTABLISIIED PUR THE DISSEJ1IMTI0S OP DEMOCRATIC PRISJIPLES. AND TO EARS H HONEST UTIM BY TDK SWEAT OP OCR BROW. VOL. 10. EUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY, FEllllUARY 12, 1887. NO. 25 jut (giiaene .5itg u,ird. I. L. CAMPBELL, f nbllshe-r roprlttor. VFFICE-0 E:t Willftmett red, between Seventh and Eighth Street. TERMS SUBSCRIPTION. (2 SO , 1.25 .75 tt annum... Month!... "Hire month!. ''- , " WJ ONL HA.TES, OI ADVKHTISINQ. Advrtiement imerteJ a follows n. m. ten line, or leu one lasertwn $3: . v, ubieBt insertion $1. Cak required. l0TimJkertUenl will be charged t the ft- K.';"th' )eiqarix n0"""- " " W One square one yoar l- Transient avitice in kical calumn, 28 emU Mr line torch insertion. AdvertiM billa will It rendered quarterly. All job work must be paid roit on iikmvjhiy. t ILTEU. ' C. M. COLLIER. BILYEU & COLLIER .-Attorneys nd Counsellors at Law,- EUGENE CITY, OREGON. . twtr r rai An ORACTICKIN Auu 1B6 uiuiuauD ' 17 this State. will (five ")eciiu aneuuim eellections and probate matter. Cfrics Over Hendrick & Eakia' bank. C0. B. D3RRIS, Attorney ami Counsellqr-at-Law, WILL PRACTICE IN THE CDUttTS of the Second Judicial District and in ' lie Suurtme Court of this State. Special attention given to collections and (natter in probate Wa9hburne & Woodcock , Attoriicy-atLaw, eaai&ta city-, - - - oreoos OFf'ICE-At the Court House. iy8m3 GEO. M. MILLER, sittaraaj ani Cransaltor-at-Lavjy and Real Estate Agent. ' tUBENK CITY, - OREGON. Ofliee formerly occupied by Thompson A Una. J.E. EENTON, Attorsiej-at-Law. lfl)EE CITY-" " OREGON. Slieml attention gWeit'o Real Ejtate 1'ra ice and Abstracts ot Title'. Omt'B Over Graujo Store. T.W.IIA1UUS,M.D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE Wilkin's Drug Store. K.idence on Fifth street, where Dr Shelton ormerly resided. Dr. T. W. Sheltoii, Physician and Surgeon. OmcK Front "room aver Matlock' SioriV EUGENE CITA OREGON. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL, CiN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or re dence when not professionally engaged. Office at the POST OFFICE DRUG STORE. Residence on Eighth ttreet, opposite Prenby rian Church.- ' ' .- J.J. WALTON, Jr., ATTORN" Y-AT-LAW, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. WIX PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts of the State. Spec!! attention given to real estate, col ' ct',i?. and probate matter. CollecRui all kind of claim against the United State Uoverrrment. Otiice In-Walton' b.-fek-room T and S. 8. Wr C O N D 0 N, Attorney-tit Law , SUGEXECITY, - - - OREGON. OrFICE Opposite Walton' Brbk. TO LOAN ON IMPROVED FARMS FOR A TERM Wyearai Applto SJierwood Hiirr, EUGENE CITY, - - OREGO: Office nP uir in Walton' Brick. iflSURAK r HAVE BEEN APPOINTED ' ai;enu for the Insurance Companie fnr jyrly held by Mr Cba Uner, and are pre rl to insure your EotO. Elm. XBVlf TTmI fi'C T- r,n k Ij fire, .nd cai 'me of th. I'.M Cuiif.1!. t.T aivl illin- u fay 1- atainst Lm x j k..:. T'm. nf tli V.m I'usirAMU 05 rHia CoadT. H!!!b:ces ft Eaihc. MONEY FOU10I FOUND If That ilie CHEAPEST place to Buy Dry Goods, Clothn Hats, Boots and shoes, Etc. -13 FRIENDLY , P. S. Save also just received from New York City' a large in voice of LADIES' CLOAKS, DOL MANS, WRAPS and DRESS GOODS. AT SPRIKQF MB, PEJVGRAi WHEELER & CD. Continue to Exchange Merchandise of all Kinds at the Lowest Cash Prices for Cash or MerchanlUbl Produce of any kind at the Highest Cash Prices Give them a trade SPBfflQFIELD 0 PENGRAf WHEELER&Cd. Continue to furnish Lumber, Lath and Shingles to order at the lowest current rates, delivered at the Mills,- on board cars, on at Eugene City. Leave your orders with J. M. Hendricks, Agent at Eugene City, or send to the Mills direct. AT SPRMGFIELD, PEJJGRA, WHEELER & CO., Continue to pay tlie highest price in Cash fcr wheat at their Mill, and to furnish flour and. feed at the Lowest market rates for Cash. , Special attention - to Exchange and Custom' Grinding. TAKE THTilM A GHIST. Harness Shop. HAVING OPENED'X NEW SADDLE estof Crain Bros'., I am' now prepared Competent Are employed, and I will e rules vol" to me with a call. f. r. PATTERSON. W. R. PATTEKSOK. LF.MwICd Contractors, Plastering, Stone and Brick Work. ALIO PEALIR3 IN Tacoma and San Juan Lime, American and English Cement, r&w York and California Plaster, Plstering Hair, Fire Brick, lath, Marble Dust,' Etc., Etc. ADDoXSS: F. F Patterson & Co, EUGENE CITY. OREGON. Omci-Witb Beckwith t 8 n. Someihing lew! You Can Bare time anr money by calling on STERLING HILL ! and letting him-re'. ynr mfwDyi..! rn for lines. He .i.. i n.mnll itiirk of M.u.'uin s. in- rlndintf Ontnry. Hrp-'. Il'e etfl. All the n promptly. UtHvie. rywe, iei. ni'.i, atrona,,- extendel Sf.inme and nth-rfc In ft "" ".'' ally fi.nn t in a lit cam uews depf.t, PU llui.d ' inst, Eifne. AT- AND HARNIFS fHCP 0 8th STRE ' to furnish everything in that line at the Workmen give satisfaction to all . win ma 1 favcr As a. f UHim:. CRAIN BROS. DEALERS IX Watcbti ind Jewelry, Musical instruments, Toys, Notions, etc Watches, Clocks, ami Jewelry repaired and wtrran'e. ivorthwear. cornir o( tvulamette tnet. nd Eixht! FAIR DEALINCJS OUR MOTTO. F.vryone tvnilinif in need of bnildin? nj.te Lii will do wll to call and see nur Cnhnrir rt'trrk of lo'idwr, Vei4 at Midlry A Dysin'rr'. f x torr. W ran plev all kinds' of cnt..iiir n rpmlitr ami (jnantily. (i w u a mil Morn purchasing elMiwliere. N. X. MaThew, At. 8 H I Uj H 'rf ( 'O I '( j H nd C .nt n.ption Cnn ixMhyn una yQArante. Ic cure. Con 'imption. HI EF.I'I.ESS NIfJHTS. made nii.emble b U rriUe ch.ikIi. hbiluli Cut isliircui-y tli stilnfliln iiskll mfT.ii Ti ilild A. PHYSICIANS, ATINISTEUS, VOCALISTS, rUULIC 111. Shakers end the l'nfini..ns generally Vecommmd HANTA AlilK as the lt of all fiwriirinv- for, disease of the Throat, Chest end Lnnu. BEWARE OF IIYIMITATIONS. See that our trade mark, SANTA AHIE, is on every buttle, Satisfaction guaranteed or mtfney rofunded. . ' J Mam ' mmm tr,,m REWARD fB.Ooo For a better or more pleasant remedy for the cure of Consumption, Coughs, Asthma, Croup, Whooi'inif Couch, and ltnuiuhial trouble tl an Gli KEN'S l.UNO RESTOKKR, SAN TAAHIK, AIUETIXE and MOUM'AIN HALMCjlUGU CUKE. Not a secret com INi'tnd. A complete mixture without the ad dition of any powdfrr. PUARANTKED A-, TpSITIVE CURE OT for CatArrh, Cold , in tho Jlead, Hay Feer, Rose Cold, Cntarrlinl Deafness and Sore Eyes. Restore the sense of tata and smell; remnvea bad tiwt and. iinplenitaijt breath, re suiting from Cittarrh. Easy arid pleasant to use. Follow direction and a cure is warranted bv all driiiruists. Mend for circular to A1UK TINE MEDICAL CO., Oroville, CaL Ask for SANTA AT'IK AND CAT-R CURE, For sale by all driints. JUMBO. JUMBO. The original A hit tine Ointment l only put up in Urve two-ounce tin Imxes, and I an air solute cure (or old sores, hunts, wounds, chap ped hands, and all skiu eruptions. Will pi tively cure all kind of piles. Ask forth Original Ahletine Ointment. For sale by all ilnn.'Kists. Snell, lleitslm V Woodard, Whnlesnle Ant, Portlsnd, (rci;oon. "SHIIJirs Vri'AMZKR is what yon need for Cnustip itii n, Lorn of Appnlite, Iix7.iness, and all lyiupuuns of Dyspifpsim Price 10 and 73 cents per iHitlle. REV I M DERBY, of Llnd.n, N. Y. ays: "The Giliuore Aromatic Wine piove, a ureat blessliu; to my wifo." At Onliuurn (I Co'. THE PRETTIEST LADY In 'dean was asked what made her complexion an cl'r ami lieautiful. Slie sil it wiw by lining Giliuore' Aromatic Wine, at Osliurn and Co'. ONE OF THE MOST NOTED European physicians said: Aeuriil(ia was the prayer of a diseased nerve for healthy hlnoil. Use Gil more' Aromutia Wine for the bliKnl. MRS. L. LOUMIS, ofElU, N .Y, writes us that he was sick for fix months, was in. duced to try (iilumre' Aromatic Wine and four bottles cured her. At Unburn and Co'. REV II B EWELL, f Pavillinn, N Y. .v of Gilmore's Aromutic Wine: ''IbelieteH to be a most desirable remedy to Ire placed in every family." THE WIFE. MOTHER and MID who softer from Female Weukness an(l Debility, will find (iiliDiiro Aroimitio Wino a punitive cufe. Sold by Oshurn and ('o., driis'K'ists. CHLnIuRE'S AROMATIC is a preat ue Jess, theref ire we challenge the world to pro duce its equal as a restorative for woman. REV. W. FISK REQUA, of Aurora. Ill, ays; "I have used (iilumre a Arom.itiu Wine and find it an excellent household remedy tliut none ought to dn without. , REVHAHKISPECK.of lVvillion, N Y says. I wa troubled with Miliaria, Borftl Difficulty and s'eeplrss nights which I found was wearing nie out. Afler takinir Aromatic Wine two days I realir.ed great ruln f, sleeping well and otherwise fueling lik a new man. I cheerfully remnimend it to suffering Lumani ty. For sale by Unburn Mid Co, Eugene. Tax Notice. Tax payer will taxe notice that I will be at the usual voting places of the respective pre cincts of Lane trinity from 10 o'clock a m un til S o'clock p m of each day for the purpose of collect iota of taxes for the year 188(1, a fol low, m.-wtt: Springfield, Monday, " Middle Fork, Wednesday, Feb. Fall Creek, Th ursday, Loit Valley. Friday, " Pleaaant Hill, Haturd.iy, " Mohawk, 'i'uely, " CampCeek, Wednesday," " Junction, FriiUy, " Hazel Dell, Saturday, " McKenzie, , Monduy, " Florence, Tuesilay, " Honth Ku;ene, Wdneiulay, ' ". North Eugene, Thnrnlay, ' WlldCat, Friday, Lake Creek, Saturday, " t, s. 4. 5, . , u- 12, 14, .15, ir. i. 1!), Tai liaytrs take notice of the fallowing law, page 7b2," section Rl, Iaw of Urrgon: . "If any person residing in such precinct shall fil to attend at such tuis and plin-e and pay hh or ber taxe, such dilin'ient may pay the same St the county seat to the Sheriff, nnd if he fails t pay within thirty days, as afuresiiil. and the Sheriff viits his rrsidenc, the Sheriff may Collect of mich person for bis own nw ten cnU per mile, going and returning.'' ( John M, Siiir,' Sheriff and Tax Collector f..r 1 a Co., Or. Datcl at Eugene City, Dec ll8:L T.vv P tL. ihnfare fretful, feerlali, XJVVJ y croa. or troubled witU Windy Colic, Teething Palna, . or I Stomach Disorders, can PJ rollerea J at one if tuing Acker's Baby Soother. It contains no Opium or Morphine, ' Lence 15 safe. ' Trice 23 ccuts. tkll by ' fa burn i o, EuB"iit. , California 1 Large Friiii Farm ia Lane County. EtrdKNE; Dei 20, 188G. Editor Willamette Farmer: To day 1 vim tod the frtill farot ot Dr. Sharpie, and to aav he Itaa a Ufj one in drawing It vory mild,, for he has already out and SK proc'& ot crowing 70 planted acres, as follow!!! 1,750 trees winter applea; 500 chert j; 3,C0(J pear; 5,5 (0 prunes; total, 10,7S0. The Mtuation is jjood, Wing all !ol toiu land, piotectnd on all sides except the west by either big bluffs or heavy bolts of limW. , The land is a rich aluviii soil, and in very high water will back up from the river, depositing a heavy coat of tho verv richest of fertilizing n'iattor on it Thi sulflction. of varieties are of the very best, Rhowing that the Doctor haa given the matter much study and fore-' thought, and you have only to converso with him a few minutes to be convinc ed that hin whole Soul is enlisted in (he enterprise; and the next best feature is that he has got the means to carry out the project, and to push it to a final Hucceas. Like many others, lift made one mis. take in the commencement, by putting out a largo number of peach plums. While they are a Gno plum, atill they are not a commercial fruit, and hia men are now top-grafting them into silver prunes. He haa a good roan, two good teams, a large barn full cf feed, plenty of goott improved machinery, and is working the ground, and intends td wage a war of extermination with weeds' and grass the coming seoHon. Among other good things is fin apple purer, that pears, slices and cores 100 busltels of apples per day. Also a cherry-pitter that will' pit ten butilieU per hour, and a fruit-dryer that will dry t iiu per diy. And now wo . come to a piece of ground where he has had that wonder. ful stump-puller to' work that you have heard me apeak so much abou, and to tell what I saw the immense stumps with their great long roots sticking up in the air well, I am afraid I had better not say anything; but 1 will rink it just a little, and say that I saw Htumps two and a half to throe fee, through lying all over the ground, that had been pulled out bodily with appar ently no trouble at all. But of this stump-puller 1 will apeak again. W. II. Palmes. Big lcrbcrgi. Admiral Ingleside, a well known English explorer in the Arctic seasi ban been intef viewed by al' New York Mail'Snd lixprens reporter, 'who' put the fji'lowing question anfong them: "You uiUBt have seen tome big ice Urght" "1 have," wai the response, "but tho icii I speak of is not such as make ice bergs, though it appears to be a com mon idea that it is. It is floe ice, made by the sea freezing over, white ioelx rga are fofVued by freah water. In one season the sea' will fretze over to a depth of eight to ten" feet, and each ytur it will increase more or less in thickness. I have seen this ice thirty lo forty feet thick.' I hava often' eVen 109 icelrerijs floating away ai'the same time. The glaciers puHh tiiefiiHelvei say twe? miles out into tint sea get over weighted and bieak off, having no lon ger tlid support of the bottom1. I have seen them three miles long and 120 feet out of water, and that would lie only one-tenth of them. Otie of my narrow esjapfif was on my third ex pedition, when thn fa Inn kel of my vessel wr cut from stern' to stern. Luckily wo were puahed up on the land and so wer saved. Juit Utfore that I hnd relieved LVt lVlclier and his crews who ha I darted their four ship in the ice and were coming . home afl crowded into one" vesHoL That wna in 1854. . Liver ffitbout Baron.' Trofessor (who haa been giving fcim- pl lenaonH in . phyiiology Wiere is youl heart deafl MtlK-l-IIere. IVofeniior--And where ia yoor liver? Mtnl (indignantly) I Iraven'i any. Cow have lirertt. Profesior Oh,' yen, yoa have. MiVI(afier Some thought) Well, then, wliere is my bacon! Life. li'crru of Iniertst.- There are 3,125 Smiths in London. Prairie fires devastated 3,500,000 acres' in Texas last yeari , New York Is said to be the third German city in the world, There are 6,b33 brand Army posts in tho Uniled States. Lead pencils are said to be con sumed at the rate of 250,000 a day! St Louis lias riio saloon for every 175 people and one church for eyery Khode Island is a small state, and yet it contains ll.OOO' more "women than men. It is figured1 that strikes' and lock outs coal the country $2,000,000 last yoar.' In Cohoes, N Y. about otiW-half the factory ch'ildron can neither read nor write." The compilers ol! the New Orleans directory claim a population of 2C0, 000 for that city. Thn Chicago Times says: Chicago la, beyond question, the dirtiest city on the continent. ' Gov Swineford alleges that the white population of Alaska has more than doubled in eighteen months! Exactly 150 lives have been lost ,so far in the construction of the now Cro ton aqueduct near New York city. Thn PiltHhurg manufactures will ad vanco tne price oi window glass 5 per cent, or more. Eastern paper. A1 citizen ot Montgomery, Ala., has been in the city jail fifteen years for drunxonness. He is thirty years old Tho longest singlo span of telegraph wire is across the Mekong , river in French Cochin-China. It is 2.CG0 feet long.' ; Tho plains of Dakota are said to be covered with snowballs rolled by tho wind from the size ot an apple to that of a pumpkin. A' circus performer iri Berlin jumpa from one horse to another as they go at full apeed in opposite directions around tho ring. Minneapolis ia growing fas(, 'accord ing to her own showing. Last year over 4,000 buildings were erected ac a cost of 1 1 1,000,000. The Mediterranean is cuite shallow, A drying up of 660 feet would leave three differ nt seas, and Italy would be jointly with Africa. Tho New York Cremation society's crematory win operation, and eighty.' four incinerations were performed Ither'ein in 18S0, earning $2,100. 6. , , . ne of the most successful commer cial travelers in York state is a negro. He, so far as known is thn only col ored drummer in the country. . In regard to legislation against the), liquor traffic Francis Murphy says: "If legislation could save people,' Moses' would have been' Christ." t There is a strip of land on Broadway New York, eight inches by 100 feet deep for which' the owner auks an inch front.' The tonnage of the New York canals fof 1880 amounted td 5,2D3,982 tons;1 for 1885, 4,731,78-t; the increase show ing prosperity instead of decay.' Ex-Governor Curtin of Pennsylvan-, ia says he pardoned' 25 men out of iail, all of whom enlisted under Farra gut, According to the repori of the New York bureau of labor statistics, there) were more than 1)500 strikes in the stata LuC yvar, as against 300 in 1 885. At Albion, Ind.,' John Tobin," ki.ockeb1 his wife senseless and laid her on the roilroad track. An approach, ii'g train roused her in" time to save her life. Comparatively new counterfeit silrer dollars,' dated 1882,' ar in circulation. They 'are so nearly perfect as almost to defy deleclicn'aiid any one not an expert would take them without question, ami even an expert would lm Received un less he made a critical examination. ' Tiey are very nearly up to the ilan-4 dard weight. Thn milling, on which ao many counterfeiters fail, is dmira-j bly done. The rinjj ia alnct genninw and the genera! execution good. They r however, lntkins the rich ailver cnl'T or af peran,e,l.)i !ork like tin iu lioht colored btickdust ater.